Novel Study Success Criteria Name


Novel Study Success Criteria Name
Novel Study Success Criteria
Character Traits:
I am able to provide
character traits,
supported by proof,
to show that I have
a deeper
understanding of
what is happening in
a text.
I am able to identify
conflict in a story,
support my thinking
with proof from the
text and describe
the influence it has
on the reader.
I am looking for…
Word Study
I am able to identify
and use words that
will improve my
Name: ____________________________
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Words that describe a
character’s personality –
not their appearance.
Traits that come from an
inference (look past the
Specific proof from the
text to justify your
thinking in the form of a
quote with a page
Word choice.
Go beyond the text.
At least 1 type of conflict
from the text you are
Proof from the selection
in the form of a quote.
The influence conflict has
on the reader.
Details, don’t be vague
or brief.
Identifies something
obvious (may
include physical
Provides no proof or
extension. Does not
explain why.
Identifies a trait that
is somewhat
obvious (cannot
include physical
Provides some
vague proof with an
explanation. Lacks
an extension.
Identifies a trait that
isn’t obvious
(cannot include
Provides proof with
an explanation.
Lacks an extension.
Identifies an
insightful trait.
Provides proof with
a detailed
explanation. Goes
beyond the text.
Identifies 1 type of
Identifies 1 type of
conflict and
provides proof that
does not contain a
quote from the text.
Identifies 1 type of
conflict and
provides proof that
contains a quote.
Identifies 1 type of
conflict and
provides proof that
contains a quote.
describes the
influence on the
Organizers that are
At least 20 words.
The appropriate use of
the word.
Many organizers are
Some organizers are
Provides some
details. Briefly
describes the
influence on the
A few organizers are
All organizers are
The word is often
used incorrectly in a
The word is
sometimes used
incorrectly in a
The word is
infrequently used
incorrectly in a
The word is almost
always used
correctly in a
Novel Study Success Citeria
I am looking for…
Figurative vs Literal
I am able to identify
and describe an
example of
figurative language
from a book that I
am reading.
I am able to create
and describe
something I have
vividly imagined
while reading.
A passage from a book
that illustrates figurative
The page number.
Two detailed coloured
pictures that represent
the figurative and literal
interpretations of a
passage from a book.
An explanation that
speaks to why the
example is important to
the story.
A picture includes colour
Descriptive details
Sensory language
Similes & metaphors
An explanation for the
influence the image had
on the reader
The tone that it sets for
the story
Name: ____________________________
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
2 black & white
pictures that have
little to no detail.
2 quickly drawn
pictures that show
some details and
colours. The images
somewhat depict
what the language is
2 skillfully drawn
pictures that show
details and
appropriate colours.
The images clearly
depict what the
language is describing.
2 skillfully drawn
pictures that show
details and
appropriate colours.
The images clearly
depict what the
language is describing.
An explanation that
somewhat speaks to
how the literal and
figurative examples
are important to the
An explanation that
does speak to how the
literal and figurative
examples are
important to the
The example has to be
important to the story
or give us insight into
a characters thoughts,
feelings or actions.
An explanation that
does not speak to how
the literal and
figurative examples
are important to the
A black & white
picture that has little
to no detail.
A quickly coloured
picture that has some
A description that
lacks sensory
language and details.
A description that has
some sensory
language and details.
It includes at least 1
simile or metaphor.
A neatly coloured
picture that has a
sufficient amount of
detail and
appropriately uses the
space provided.
A description that is at
least a paragraph in
length which uses
sensory language &
metaphors / similes to
describe most
relevant details.
An explanation that
does speak to how the
literal and figurative
examples are
important to the
A skillfully drawn
picture that shows
details and
appropriate colours
for the image.
A vivid description
that clearly paints a
picture in the
teacher’s mind. The
description also
thoroughly explains
how the image
influences the tone of
the story as well as
the reader.
Novel Study Success Citeria
I am able to ask
insightful questions
about a text that will
inspire conversation.
I am looking for…
Pre Discussion
I am able to
thoroughly answer
my own questions
using proof from the
selection and my own
Post Discussion
I am able to evolve
my thoughts based
on my own
reflections and the
ideas presented to
me from other group
Name: ____________________________
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Evidence of deep
thought which
extends beyond
the text.
Synthesis &
Application style
A logical answer.
Specific support
from the text
Your own ideas
which extends
beyond the text.
Questions fall into the
Factual section of the
Q-chart. (requires no
critical thinking)
Questions fall into the
Prediction section of
the Q-chart. (requires
little critical thinking)
Questions fall into the
Prediction or
Analytical section of
the Q-chart. (requires
some critical thinking)
Questions fall into the
Synthesis &
Application section of
the Q-chart. (requires
deep thinking)
Answers the question
but provides little to
no support.
Answers the question
and provides support
that is either vague or
not directly related to
the answer.
Answers the question
and provides specific
support from the text
that directly relates to
the answer. Briefly
understanding using
personal ideas.
Answers the question
and provides specific
support from the text
that directly relates to
the answer.
Thoroughly extends
understanding using
personal ideas.
Evidence of
discussion which
includes the
names and ideas
of the other
group members.
Evidence of new
Little evidence of
discussion. A simple
recount of the answer
to your question.
Some evidence of
discussion. A recount
of the answer to your
question. I am also
somewhat able to see
what other group
members had to say.
Evidence of
discussion. Includes
specific group
member’s names and
how they responded
to your question /
Evidence of discussion
and new learning.
Includes specific
group member’s
names and how they
responded to your
question / answer.
I am able to see an
evolution in your
thinking based on
what your group
members had to say.