All Because of Children


All Because of Children
All Because of Children
March 2015
ABC House - A Child Abuse Intervention Center serving Benton and Linn Counties
ABC House Myth Busters!
By Esther Friedman, ABC House Interviewer
MYTH: It’s polite to make children give hugs, even if they don’t want to.
any child abusers gain access and evade
detection through manipulation of both the child and
the parents. Abusers “groom” children, developing
trust and confusing the child about what is
appropriate over time. Therefore, we all need to
take steps to make children less vulnerable to this
manipulation. We can do this in several ways, but
the main way is by letting children have ownership of
their bodies and their boundaries.
There are lots of ways to keep our children safe and
aware of what is “ok.” Allowing a child to say “no” to
touch that is not medically necessary, not forcing a
child to hug on demand, and asking if you can hug
or touch—these all help children learn that they have
ownership of their bodies. Teach children to judge
their safety by their comfort level, allowing them to
trust and act on their feelings of when, where, and
how they want to be touched. Most importantly,
allow them the right to refuse. We don’t expect
adults to allow acquaintances to hug or kiss or pat
them–give children the same control. This
empowers them to speak up and to listen to their
instincts about what is safe.
Take notice of who does not listen when the child
wants to stop wrestling, tickling, and other forms of
physical contact, and take immediate steps to set
limits with that person. If someone repeatedly forces
contact, do not allow them to be around the child.
You will be showing your child that she has rights
and support. If someone is intrusive, allow your child
a voice. Teach the child that politeness is not as
important as her own safety – let her develop the
“NO” that so many adults struggle to achieve.
Also, model this for your child. Statements like,
“Joey doesn’t want to
be hugged, but you can
ask for a handshake” or
“Please ask before you
tickle” can offer your
child protection and
ideas on how to refuse
unwanted contact.
Director’s Corner
elcome to Spring! Our March newsletter is a great opportunity to share with you—our
friends—ABC House’s accomplishments over the past calendar year and to thank you for your
ongoing support. In the following pages you will read excerpts from our 2014 annual report,
including financial information, service statistics and trends observed over the past three years.
Of note, all of our service programs experienced increases in the number of people served
compared to 2013. While it may feel frightening when our numbers rise, particularly in our
child abuse assessment program, we take comfort in the fact that we were able to provide support to all of
these children and their families. Every child referred to us is one more child on the path toward healing.
We consider ABC House supporters to be investors in our organization and so we want you to feel confident
that your donation is being used effectively and efficiently. If you would like more information on our services,
please feel free to get in touch to learn more. As always, thank you very much for your generosity and
commitment to keeping children in our community safe.
2014 At A Glance
n 2014, all ABC House programs served more people than in
the previous year. The number of Assessment Services
rebounded after an uncharacteristic decrease in clients in 2013.
Notably, both Karly’s Law consults and Drug Endangered
Children (DEC) consults increased, while on-site interviews and
medical exams decreased.
Assessment Services 2012 - 2014
Community Education services saw an overall increase,
particularly in student presentations and Girls Circle attendees.
The number of adults trained decreased slightly.
Counseling saw increases in the number of child clients, adult
clients and number of counseling hours.
Community Education 2012 - 2014
Counseling 2012 - 2014
n 2014, ABC House was required to fundraise 86% of our budget. Only 12% of our expenses are funded through service
fees, primarily due to major shortcomings in insurance reimbursement. As a result, we made greater investments in marketing
and fundraising this year to address the funding gap. 72% of our expenses were related to direct services.
ABC House Revenue by Source
Percentage of Expenses by Program
# Employees: 10.15 FTE
7 full-time
7 part-time
Saturday October 17, 2015
Registration opens April 1st!
Caring Community Highlights
Thank you to the W est Albany
Leadership class for collecting
toys from their sharing tree
and donating to ABC House!
They helped make the
holidays merrier for kids in
NW Natural
From all of us at ABC House, we
would like to share our deepest
appreciation. W e are so incredibly
honored to be chosen as the '2014
Nonprofit of the Year' at the
Celebrate Corvallis event. Thank
you to the
Chamber of
Corvallis for
this award.
Jubitz Family Foundation
Thank you for awarding
us with a grant for our
child abuse assessment
We are so
Thank you for awarding
ABC House with a grant
Program! That is amazing!
Crop Production Services
Soroptimist International of
Thank you for the
grant to help fund
much for donating
supplies to ABC
House each month!
We are so
fortunate to have your support!
East Albany Lions Club
Thank you so much for the grant for
our Community Education program!
would like to show our
appreciation for a gift to
Thank you!
Thank you to Sam Goff, owner
of Pig Out BBQ Catering, for
surprising us with a donation!
Wow! This gift helped us reach
our end of year goal.
Autzen Foundation
Wow! Thank you for the grant to
support our programs at ABC House.
Thank you to the Albany
Association and
the Corvallis Fire
donating funds to
ABC House from their
Christmas parties!
Dear Dr. Carissa: How Can Substance Abuse Affect Parenting?
here are 8.3 million children in
the United States living in a home
where at least one parent has a
substance use disorder. That
equates to about 3 children in
every regular-sized classroom.
A substance use disorder does not
mean that a parent loves the drug
more than their child. Substance
use can be thought of as a chronic,
relapsing brain disease. The
chemicals in the brain become
disturbed and, without treatment, a
parent may lack the ability to make
good judgments and decisions,
have difficulties with their behavior
control and have problems with
learning and memory. The
alterations in the brain due to this
chemical imbalance allow a person
to continue making poor decisions
despite the negative
Between 60-80% of all child abuse
and neglect cases involve at least
one custodial parent or guardian
with a substance use disorder.
Substance use disorders are the
second highest cause of a parent
losing their parental rights (neglect
is the leading cause ).
Substance use affects children in
many ways. Many drugs and
alcohol affect the developing fetus,
possibly causing birth defects,
prematurity and developmental and
cognitive delays. Children in
homes where there is substance
use are at risk for neglect,
accidental and non-accidental
injuries, emotional problems, and
developing their own substance
use conditions.
judgmental discussion about their
problems with drugs or alcohol. In
our community we are grateful to
the service agencies that provide
assistance to families struggling
with substance use disorders.
For more information on how to get
help, contact your local health
department for a list of programs in
the area.
*Statistics from SAMHSA
Dr. Carissa is a staff
pediatrician at ABC House
What can be done to help these
parents and children?
There are many programs available
to parents, but first the substance
use problem needs to be identified.
Identification can be done through
standardized, routine screening
(prenatally, during social service
assessments and by the parent
and child’s medical providers) and
engaging the parent in a non-
Building Self-Reliance in Children
hildren can begin in early childhood to develop the
confidence they need to help them handle whatever life
throws at them. Self-reliance adds a sense of
calm to life — a sense of being that soothes
worries about attempting new things. Children
and teens then become the self-responsible,
self-confident, self-motivated, self-accepting
and, ultimately, self-reliant “experts” on their
own lives.
What is self-reliance?
Self-reliance is an inner knowing that tells us
we can handle life no matter what challenges
arise. It is thinking for ourselves and doing
things for ourselves. It doesn’t mean that we
want to run our lives alone, only that we know
we can if we must. When you and your
children are self-reliant, you are decisive and you know
you can depend on your own internal resources, even
when life gets tough.
By Greg Warburton, ABC House Counselor
Fostering self-reliance
As long as you yell, tell, remind, nag, give advice, and/or
make speeches, your children do not need to think, talk,
listen, remember, or decide for themselves. I’m
not blaming parents for their children’s
misbehavior, but it’s important to acknowledge
that this kind of parenting puts children on the
pathway to self-doubt and dependence. If they
do not learn to think and make decisions as they
are learning and growing, they pay a huge price
later in life by becoming dependent young adults
who are unable to stand on their own two feet
and run their lives successfully. They learn to
look to others to handle life for them, and blame
the world and other people in their lives when
things don’t work out. When self-reliance is not
taught, children can experience a fear so great
that they won’t even start anything new. In order
to foster self-reliance in your child, practice letting them
think, talk, listen, and remember before you begin telling,
reminding, and directing them yourself.
Thank You for Your Support
This list represents generous donations from November 18, 2014 through February 23, 2015. Monthly supporters are not
listed in this issue. If we have inadvertently missed someone or misspelled a name, please let us know so we can
acknowledge your generosity in our next newsletter.
Send corrections to Megan at [email protected] or call 541-926-2203
Cash Donations
AHM Branding, Inc.
Andrea & Rod Holmquist
Anne Roberts
Aqua Pro Pump Service
Barbara Brunkow
Barbara Mulkey
Barry Cousins
Beckie & Barry Cousins
Bill & Barb Stellmacher
Billy & Ashley Scott
Brenda Johnston
Brendan Kane
Bryce & Kelly Thorpe
Carla Allen
Carol Glassman
Carole Perkins
Carolyn & John Gardner
Caron Horn
Catholic Daughters of America
Cathy & Will Summers
Central Willamette Credit Union
Charles & Janis Volz
Chris Scariano
Christina & David Miller
Clara Lagler
Clayton & Donna Dluehosh
CMH Manufacturing
Colleen Egan
Concetta Gilmore
Corvallis Country Club
Dave & Cathy Benneth
David & Dana Peterson
David & Darlene Chambers
Dean & Vonda Rietz
Deena & Jason Marruffo
Del & Kat Anderson
Dixie & Alton Sullivan
Doctors in Training
Donna Moline
Dorothy Cook
Douglas & Jean Spencer
East Albany Lions Club
Elizabeth Brown
Faith Lutheran Church
Gerding Companies, Inc.
Glenn & Jeenie Balkins
Greenberg Glusker
Helen Smith
Jacob Lamp
Jacquelyn Poppleton
Jamie Kitzrow & Lisa Schwartz
Janeth Oden
Jason Yutzie
Jeff & Lynda Christman
Jennifer & Ryan Beathe
Jennifer Duvall
Jerry & Kerry Drum
John & Margie Marchel
John Harland & Janet Hoffman
John Pirie & Nancy Powell
Karin Stauder & Mary Gentle
Kathleen Burbey
Kathleen Smith
Kenneth & Laurie Orwick
Kenneth & Margot Sutherlin
Ladies of Chi Sigma
Larry & Barbara Mullins
Laura Dawn Hyde
Laureate Nu of Beta Sigma Phi
Leadership Corvallis
Leigh Flowers
Linda & Thomas Bell
Lisa Kutsch
Lloyd & Sharon Jochimsen
Lori Werderitch
Margaret Langwell
Marianna Marshall
Mark & Jody Gordon
Mark Raum
Matthew Woods
Maureen Rhea
Melinda Murphy
Michael & Tari Morse
Mike & Lisa Huycke
NaeDean Mahr
Nettie Karr
Noma Ann Reitmann
Norm & Sandy Jager
Oregon Freeze Dry
Peggy & Kenneth Burling
Performance Health Technology
Pig Out BBQ Catering
Ralph & Linda Scariano
Randall & Pamela Silbernagel
Randolph & Michele Crenshaw
Rebecca Brownstone
Richard & Jami Kenyon
Robert & Georgine Henkle
Robert & Joyce Weatherly
Sally Dvorak
Selco Community Credit Union
Sharlan Colson
Sharon Stevenson
Sheet Metal Solutions
Sibling Revelry
Starker Forests, Inc.
Stellmacher Farm Inc.
Steve & Donna Pensinger
Susan Long
Thomas & Victoria Ozanich
Tiffany Backer
Timothy Johnson
Tracy Foltz
Tunnel Radio of America
Violet Carruth
Virginia Larsen
Walter & Mary Gustav
William Hoffman
William MacHugh
Xi Gamma Pi Beta
Tangible Donations
4 Seasons Produce Delivery
Albany Safeway
Angela Muse
Annie & Halle Perlenfein
Bailie Goff
Barbara Hogg
Becca Johnson
Bob Clark
CASA of Linn County
Corvallis Safeway
Crop Production Services
Danette Utley
Diana Bailey
Grocery Outlet
Healing Garden--Lori Joy Cook
Irene Martinez-Alvarado
Jackie Harris
Janice Jackola
Jeff Davis
Jennifer Beathe
Joyce Bryan
Joyce Hopkins
Judith Ellingston
Katie Forsman
King Office
Laura Kadelbach
Loving Stitching
Melinda Sorte
Melissa Monje-Wells Fargo
Oregon Freeze Dry
Stahlbush Island Farms
Tisa Broadhead
VFW Ladies Auxiliary
WAHS Leadership
Wendy Hiatt
Wes & Tammy Knight
In Honor Of
Benjamin Mumper
From Catherine Mumper
Jennifer Gilmore-Robinson
From Elizabeth Brown
Jennifer Gilmore-Robinson
From Kim Bliss
Leslie Burns Spencer
From Jacob Robinson
The Spencer Family
From Izaac Spencer
In Memory Of
Karly Sheehan
From David Sheehan
Melvin Freerksen
From Barb & Bill Stellmacher
Verona Bargsten
From Dale & Beth Bargsten
2014 Vision of Hope Society
Names listed below represent individuals and organizations who have donated $120 or more in 2014 to provide safety and child abuse
services to local children. These gifts may be spread out over the year or made in one lump sum. Those who your gift has helped say
“Thank you” for your faithful support.
Angels of Hope
($1000 and above)
AAsum-Dufuor Funeral Home
AK Carpet & More
Al & Dixie Sullivan
Albany Optimist Club
Albany Police
Benevolent Assn
Albany Rifle and Pistol Club
Altrusa International Of Albany
Andrea & Rod Holmquist
ATI Pacific Cast Technologies
Barbara Emily Knudson
Charitable Foundation
Benton County Foundation
Bill & Barbara Stellmacher
Buzz & Sheila Wheeler
Carissa Cousins
Carol Chervenak & Bill Barish
Caroline Fisher & Patrick
Carolyn & John Gardner
Central Willamette Community
Credit Union
Chris & Nancy Giggy
Citizens Bank
City Of Millersburg
City Of Philomath
Clay & Donna Dluehosh
CMH Manufacturing
Coastal Farm & Ranch
CoEnergy Propane
Columbia Seeds LLC
Comcast Business
Corvallis Clinic
Corvallis Country Club
Dale & Elizabeth Bargsten
David & Christi Miller
David & Darlene Chambers
Dutch Bros Coffee
Ford Family Foundation
Gerding Builders, LLC
Gordon Vogt Jr. &
Associates Insurance
H & R Block
Helen Smith
Herbert A. Templeton
Jake Robinson &
Jenny Gilmore-Robinson
Jim & Becky Merryman
Jubitz Family Foundation
Many Hands Trading , LLC
Melinda Murphy
Mike & Lisa Huycke
National Children's Alliance
Oregon Freeze Dry
PacificSource Health Plans
Pape Family Foundation
Performance Health
Technology, LTD
Peter & Patti Kenyon
Phil & Penny Unverzagt
Philip Krolick &
Jeanee Reichert
Polly Strickland
Ralph & Linda Scariano
Ralph Hull Foundation
Rick & Jami Kenyon
Ronald & Patti LeBlanc
Rotary Club of Albany
Rotary Club Of Corvallis
Sam Goff
Samaritan Albany General
Samaritan Health Services
Samaritan Lebanon
Community Hospital
SELCO Community Credit
Sheet Metal Solutions, Inc.
Soroptimist Intl. Of Corvallis
Spirit Mountain Community
Stacy Mitchell
Steven L Duerksen LLC
Target Distribution Center
Teeny Foods
The Autzen Foundation
The Collins Foundation
The Sheriff's Foundation
Toledo Community
Foundation, Inc.
Tom & Laurie Foster
Tom & Wendy Phelps
Trust Management Services
Tunnel Radio Of America
Udell Engineering & Land
Surveying, LLC
United Healthcare
UPS Foundation, Inc.
WalMart #1775
Western U COMP-Northwest
Will Bowerman
William & Marsha Langer
Cherubs of Hope
Abbe & Richard Montgomery
Ann Rietmann
Best Heating & Cooling
Coldwell Banker Valley
Curt & Ronda Dannen
David & Carol Triebes
Debbie Barker
Fred Meyer
Jamie & Michel Bryant
Joe & Julia Paz
Joy Henkle & Bob Meister
Keller Williams
Lassen RV
Mark & Jody Gordon
Michael Sessa
Mick & Susan Keister-Schy
Peak Internet
Pioneer Telephone
Russ & Dawn McUne
Scheler Corp
Siletz Tribal Charitable
Contribution Fund
State Farm
Stephanie O'Connor
United Way Of The ColumbiaWillamette
Quilters Corner
Anna Grace Cauffman
Darlene McGie
Helen Crossley
Mary Lou Neher
ABC House
You are cordially invited to visit ABC House and
learn more about how we help children.
Tours are offered by appointment on Thursday
mornings or Monday-Thursday at 5 pm.
Mary's River Quilt Guild
Piece Maker Quilts
Quilts from Caring Hands
Riverside Baptist Church
Contact Megan Konzelman at 541-926-2203 or
[email protected]
Make a secure online donation today
w w w. a b c h o u s e . o r g
Monthly giving now available online!
Hope Builder
Aaron & Christy Rivers
Advanced Chiropractic
Ameri Title
Amvets Auxilliary Post 15
Amy & Brian Vandetta
Arthur Meeker
Barbara Hogg & Bill Honey
Barker Uerlings Insurance Inc
Bob & Angela Yeats
Boldt Carlisle & Smith
Brett Johnson &
Helen Tennican
Buck & Amy Pearce
Cam & Jennifer Ellis
Charlie & Mary Eads
Cindy Etzel
Corvallis Fire Department
Crop Production Services
Crossfire Enterprises
David & Lisa Hughes
Doctors In Training
Donna Pensinger
East Albany Lions Club
Ed & Tawni Boyd
Gary Cole
Gifts For A Better World
Glenn & Amy Fairall
Glenn & Jeenie Balkins
H30, Inc.
Hodgie Construction
Hubbard Family Trust
Jamocha Jo's Java and Ice
Jason & Staci Yutzie
Jeff & Lynda Christman
Jerry & Estelle Goodpastor
John & Margie Marchel
John Kollaer
Jon Pirie & Nancy Powell
Jonathan Crow & Jane Snyder
Keith Lynch
Keller Williams
Keller Williams
Kiwanis Club Of Corvallis
Kutsch & Renyer Family &
Cosmetic Dentistry
Larky Hansen
Larry & Barbara Mullins
Lebanon Chamber Of
Linn Co Federal Credit Union
Lloyd & Sharon Jochimsen
Lynn Youngs
Nancy Hart
National Frozen Foods
No Dinx
Norm & Sandy Jager
Northwest Health Foundation
OSU Federal Credit Union
OSU Folk Club Thrift Shop
Pacific Power
Pam & Michael Hays
Pat & Elizabeth Boren
Patty & Chuck Sheffield
Patty Carper
Paventy & Brown Orthodontics
Pennington Seed
Re/Max Realty
Red Canoe Credit Union
Rhodes-Warden Insurance
Rhonda Loewen
Rick & Bernice Franklin
Rickard Engineering & Design
Robert & Joyce Weatherly
Samaritan Lebanon
Community Hospital
Shawn & Staci Rubesh
Six Point Plumbing LLC
Soto Law Firm
South Pacific Auto Sales
Starker Forests, Inc.
Steve & Lori Reid
Tim & Kelli Fitzpatrick
Timothy Johnson
Timothy Roels
Top Form Contracting
Umpqua Bank - Home
US Bank
V.S. Restoration
Veronica Burke
Virginia Larsen
Wendie Wunderwald
West Coast Industrial
Systems, Inc
Western Regional Children's
Advocacy Center
Whitney Hill
William & Cathy Summers
Friend ($120—$299)
Adam Kirkpatrick, DDS
Aimee Kennel
Amy Maceira
Angela Kemp
Art & Judy Waggle
Betty Schmidt
National estimates indicate
that 1,520 children died of
abuse and neglect in 2013.
Nearly three-quarters
(73.9%) of these children
were younger than three
years old.
Bob & Karen Grant
Bret & Diana Godfrey
Brian & Mary Oare
Bruce Riley
Bryce & Kelly Thorpe
Carl & Gloria Johnson
Carla Allen Company
Carol Glassman
Cary & Lori Stephens
Catherine Law
Cindy & Bill Draper
Cindy Ertle
Clara Lagler
Clarence & Evonne Walls
Colleen Egan
Consumers Power Inc.
Corvallis Papa's
Crop Production Services
Crystal Kimball
Curtis & Pat McCann
Damon & Lois Struble
Dan & Crystal Ripplinger
Daniel Steele
David & Dana Peterson
David Dodson
David Sheehan
Dean & Vonda Rietz
Del & Kat Anderson
DLF Pickseed USA
Dwayne & Faylene Gardner
Edward Jones
Encore Physical Therapy
First American Title
Frank & Erika Stevenson
Grady & Teena Corr
Greg & Rita Hamann
Helen Crossley
Heritage NW Real Estate, Inc.
Ho Logging
Holderman Paving
Jacob & Sue Lamp
Jan Oden
Jane Freres
Janice Danaher
Jason & Krissy Bennett
Java II Oregon State
Jay & Deborah Gile
Jennifer Beathe
Jennifer Stanaway
Jerry & Kerry Drum
Jessica Basinger
Jim & Elke Asleson
Jim & Michelle Egan
Jim & Jenny Johnson
Jim Stom
John & Cynthia Greene
In 2013, there were 126
confirmed victims and 156
separate incidents of abuse/
neglect in Benton County.
There were 487 confirmed
victims and 609 separate
incidents of abuse/neglect in
Linn County.
Kenneth & Peggy Burling
Kim Shelby & Taylor Halstead
Kip & Sue Much
Kori Jones
Kreg Lindberg
Kristin Latimer
Larry & Jan Thornton
Lisa Kutsch
Lisa Metz Dittmer
Lisa Wolfe
Lorena Reynolds &
Justin Wirth
Lynn & Betty Koehn
Main Auto Body & Paint
Mario Lattanzio
Mark & Nadine Floyd
Marsha Swanson
Maryann Davenport
Michael & Frances Wong
Mike & Amanda Peaslee
Mike & Tari Morse
Mike Ransom
Nate Gerding
New Dawn
Nicole Beachboard
Optimist Club Of Lebanon
Pat and Elaine Eastman
Patrick V. Hagerty, DMD, PC
Pete & Carolyn Early
R Squared Rhythmes
Randy Williams
Rebecca & Barry Cousins
Rich & Julie Ames
Rick Peterson
Roberson Albany Ford
Sara Gelser
Sharlan Colson
Sibling Revelry, Inc
State Farm Insurance
Steven & Lynne Schauble
Suzanne Meyer
Take Shape For Life
Tammy Jack
Terri Shank
The Reynolds Law Firm
Tim & Pam Rediger
Travis Giboney
Umpqua Bank
US Bank
Violet Carruth
Virginia Corcoran
Walter & Mary Gustav
Will & Lynne Tucker
Willamette Sams RV Club
William & Tara Robinson
1 in 8 children will
experience a confirmed case
of child abuse or neglect
before their 18th birthday.
Board of Directors
Jennifer Stanaway, President
Citizens Bank
Gordon Vogt, Vice President
Gordon Vogt & Associates
Jason Yutzie, Secretary
Performance Health Technologies
Jerry Drum, Treasurer
Albany Police Department
Chris Giggy
Gerding Builders, LLC
ABC House’s Community Partnership Celebration 2015
Seating is Limited - RSVP Required
Andrea Hampl
AK Carpet & More, Inc
Becca Johnson
Six Point Plumbing & ATI
David Peterson
Benton County Sheriff’s Office
Debbi Richards
Albany Parks and Recreation
Barbara Stellmacher
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
5:30pm - 8:00pm
Linn County Expo Center
Visit to RSVP
Join other community members for dinner and learn how you can make a
difference in the life of an abused child.
Stellmacher Farm
Amy Vandetta
RSVP by March 25th
Udell Engineering & Land Surveying,
Sheila Wheeler
Coastal Farm & Ranch
Executive Director
Jennifer Gilmore-Robinson
Medical Director
Saturday, June 20, 2015 @ 9am • Albany Rifle & Pistol Club
Carol L. Chervenak, MD
Development Director
Lynn Youngs
*6 exciting stages of fire
*Excellent door prizes
*All levels of shooter welcome!
*Catered, delicious lunch
*ALL this for ONLY $60!
Register online at
Registration opens April 15!
Can’t attend but would still like to help? Send tax-deductible donations to:
ABC House · PO Box 68 · Albany, OR 97321
Or make a secure online donation at
Find us on
All proceeds benefit ABC House
If you would like to opt out of receiving this newsletter please email: [email protected]