the church of god of the abrahamic faith


the church of god of the abrahamic faith
40th Annual Abrahamic Faith Gathering
JULY 20 – JULY 26, 2015
JULY 20th, 2015
Registration begins at – 10:00am in Pratt Hall 204
Denison University, Granville, Ohio
Please complete ONE REGISTRATION FORM FOR EACH PERSON and mail as soon as possible.
NOTE: There are a limited number of rooms with air-conditioning (A/C) and 1st floor.
It will be need-based first and then first-come first-served.
Do you NEED a first floor room? YES ___ NO ___
Address: ______________________________________________
NO ____
____________________________ State:
Zip: __________________
Cell Phone: ___________________________________
Ecclesia/Church: _________________________ Gender: M ___ F ___ Age: ____ Grade completed: _____
Baptized: Yes ____ No ____ E-mail: ___________________________________________________________
If you are under age 19:
An adult guardian (over 24 years of age) MUST accompany you. Guardians must arrive at the same time
as or before the person sponsored.
A Reminder to Parents/Guardians: So the young people may be supervised, every effort will be made
to place you in the same room or in the same dorm as your children or person being sponsored.
If you are a single person or couple, who is/are your preferred suite mate/couple?
Bro/Sis conference? YES ___
NO ___
Golfing? YES ___
NO ___ (bring clubs)
Internet? YES ___
NO ___
Check here if SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS are required - YES ____ NO ____
***Please enclose a separate note stating any type of special needs. We will provide whatever is necessary, if
Check here if a SPECIAL DIET FOR HEALTH REASONS ONLY is required. YES ____ NO ____
***Please enclose a separate sheet briefly listing dietary requirements.
In the spaces provided in chart below, please indicate the day and time of arrival and 1st meal. Thank you.
(Ex: Mon; 8pm; Tues Breakfast)
1st meal
FULL WEEK (5-6 nights)
Age 13-18
Age 4-12
Age 3-0
FREE - But, please, register for bed/room placement
MID WEEK (3-4 nights)
WEEKEND (1-2 nights)
Please note: All parents wishing to use the nursery must complete a comprehensive information form. Forms
are available at the nursery.
This Gathering is designed for a family-type fellowship. We encourage anyone who would like to attend but
find cost to be prohibitive please bring this to the attention of Bro. Alan Guist at (216) 374-1037. Those in need
of a fixed income rate, please contact Bro. Guist. The committee will make necessary arrangements. All
communications will be held in the strictest of confidence.
Please read the Abrahamic Faith Gathering Financial Assistance Guidelines
We request ALL CHECKS AND CASH IN U.S. FUNDS ONLY. (due to high bank fees for currency conversion)
Make checks payable to Abrahamic Faith Gathering. Mail to Sis. Karen Guist, 11659 Caves Rd, Chesterland,
OH 44026-1705. If you so desire, pre-payments in any amount can be sent to Sis. Karen Guist prior to the
Gathering. If your attendance plans change, please call Sis Karen Guist at (440)227-0212 or e-mail at
[email protected].
Please read the “Rules and Regulations”, there have been changes made. Submitting this form indicates your
agreement and acceptance of the Rules and Regulations, as stated. Thank you.
(DO NOT return with registration form)
By submitting the registration form, I agree I have read the “Rules and Regulations” in this packet, which will
be in effect at the Abrahamic Faith Gathering. I understand them and, as a disciple in Christ, intend to uphold
them, and to demonstrate the type of responsibility needed to ensure that others in my company and/or under
my jurisdiction will act accordingly.
We welcome you to the Abrahamic Faith Gathering, and we ask your cooperation in following these necessary rules
(Romans 15:2). It is essential that everyone conduct himself or herself in a manner that will uphold the dignity of the
Truth (1 Thessalonians 1:6-10).
1. Students under 18 years of age must obtain parent or guardian’s permission, as well as a committee member’s
permission, to leave the campus.
Everyone using the school facilities, no matter the age, full or part-time participants, must register.
All students are expected to attend all class sessions. PLEASE BE ON TIME as indicated in the program.
Parents MUST maintain control of their children during unsupervised hours.
Keep your rooms clean and neat. Do not fasten anything to the walls. Do not move furniture from one room to
another without permission.
Radios, tape players, CDs, MP3 players, and iPODS are ALLOWED with head phones. They are ONLY to be
played during free time. This includes all computers equipped with the above items. These items are NOT
allowed in classes unless for teaching purposes only.
TV's, VCR's, DVD players, and video games (both handheld games and those played through a television or
computer monitor) are NOT to be played during the Gathering unless they are being used for teaching
purposes. This includes the TV's, VCR's and DVD players that may be in the lounges, as well as TV's/DVD's on
personal computers.
*Appropriate dress for everyone should be modest, clean, non-distracting and inoffensive. The following are
inappropriate for the Bible School: going ‘shirtless’, bare midriffs of any type, shirts with offensive sayings or
pictures, stretch type shorts/pants (see #9), and immodest tops/dresses (see through, cleavage bearing,
spaghetti strap, off the shoulder, backless.) Shorts that are shorter than the extended fingertip length (shoulders
relaxed, arms relaxed at side with fingertips extended). Undergarments that show. Please consider whether
your attire might offend others when deciding what to bring. When in doubt, don’t bring it!
*Tights, yoga pants, or stretch pants must be covered by shorts, skirts, or shirts/tops that are fingertip length.
Shorts, jeans, and slacks with inappropriate holes and/or tears are prohibited. Afternoon sports attire should
include modest sportswear, shirts, and/or swimwear (women – one-piece swimsuits). Please, no bikinis, twopiece or other type of abbreviated suit for men or women.
*For the morning classes and programs, all ladies/girls should wear appropriate dress, skirt/blouse, casual
slacks, nice jeans or shorts. All men/boys should wear appropriate casual slacks or nice jeans/shorts and shirts.
For the Sunday Meeting, all should dress appropriately for a Sunday service honoring Our Father and His Son.
*Brothers are expected to come to the Gathering prepared to serve, if called upon. Please bring a suit jacket or
sport coat, at least one dress shirt and tie, and a pair of dress shoes.
Smoking is forbidden indoors. Please dispose of butts appropriately.
*Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on campus, and should not be consumed off campus during Gathering
NO food or drink is allowed in the auditorium.
Announcements and/or schedule changes must be cleared through the Gathering committee.
Keep washrooms clean. Do not take showers before 6:00 a.m. or after 11:00 p.m.
Be in your room and QUIET by 11:30 p.m. Lights out at Midnight (12 a.m.)
It is essential that everyone conduct himself or herself in a manner that will uphold our high calling.
Non-compliance with any of these regulations, designed for the welfare of everyone attending the Gathering, by
anyone of any age is grounds for being asked to leave.
Abrahamic Faith Gathering Financial Assistance Guidelines
The Abrahamic Faith Gathering committee recognizes that there are brethren whom have both short and long-term
financial problems. We would like to do all that we can to make it financially possible for all brothers and sisters to
attend. We certainly want to “contribute to the poor among the saints” and to do everything possible to enable any
to attend with financial aid. However, as part of our own stewardship, we need to consider each applicant’s
individual situation and give Biblical advice for principles that may help find a solution. Below are sound scriptural
guidelines that we hope will be considered as part of requests for financial aid.
1. If in need, pray about your situation.
There are many verses that direct us to seek God’s help when we are in need. It may be advisable to seek
financial advice from local brethren or financial institutions to resolve current problems. See Matt 6:25-33,
Matt 7:7-11, Prov 21:20
2. Ask your own relative for financial help first.
Paul’s instruction to Timothy in 1 Tim 5:8-10,16 makes it a principle that believers should first seek help from
relatives. We realize that often this help is not possible either, but Paul’s advice is meant for our own
edification and use. Paul gave the principle that the church should not be burdened, except to help those
truly in need.
3. Strive to be debt-free.
Live simply, free from the love of money. Scripture clearly directs Christians to aim for zero to low debt. (Rom
13:8; Prov 22:7, 26-27) Financial bondage to the world (with all of its lusts) can be avoided by being diligent
to not spend more than each person earns. This is a huge problem in our Western society and, sadly,
seriously afflicts our own community. See also Matt 6:19-21; Ecc 5:10-12
4. Plan ahead, save for Bible School by budgeting.
Just as each of us must plan for unknown expenses, good financial stewardship plans for future Bible Schools.
Prov 13:11 says “He who gathers money little by little makes it grow.” See also 1 Chron 29; Matt 26:6-13. Pay
what you owe is another Biblical principle from Deut 23:21; Phil 18; Matt 5:26; Ecc 5:4-5
5. If all else fails, the Church IS a financial resource for the poor.
The congregation of believers in both the Old and New Testaments are directed and recorded as assisting
those in need. “Sharing” is a Biblical principle related to both fellowship and helping others who have greater
needs than ourselves. Jesus gave us the command to “give to him who asks of you”, so we realize that, God
willing, we should share when asked. See Acts 2:45; Rom 15:26; Ex 23:10-11; Deut 15:7-11; Gal 2:10; Prov
6. Consider giving back in other ways.
Anyone that receives financial aid is requested to try to give back in time by volunteering for any number of
jobs at Bible School. So, please consider helping. There are many other ways to help that can benefit other
brethren who may be unable to help in ways that you can.
The above is not meant to discourage any from attending the Abrahamic Faith Gathering or from requesting financial
aid, but simply the committee’s attempt to have a set of written guidelines. Please contact our Treasurer Bro. Alan
Guist for any questions or thoughts you may have.
1. Gathering Registration Hours (Approximately) – Please honor these hours so registrars may attend classes and
meals. If possible, please arrive during these hours.
Monday – 10:00am – 4pm; 6:00pm – 9:00pm [Brothers/Sisters Conference begins at 2:00pm]
Tuesday – Saturday : 1:00pm – 4:00pm; 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Registration will be in PRATT HALL 204 (OLD SUNSET A)
If you cannot arrive during these times please indicate this on your registration sheet or let Sis. Karen Guist
know at 440-227-0212 (cell) or by e-mail at [email protected].
Be sure to bring a writing surface if you plan to take notes.
Please bring your own equipment for sports activities including golf outing.
For those using the Nursery for children ages 0-5 (unless otherwise indicated in program), please bring the
following labeled items, as appropriate for your children: diapers, wipes, extra clothing, bottles, a favorite toy
or stuffed animal, stroller, and any special written instructions. Please bring child sleeping needs.
Families with larger than 4 that plan to use the floors, please let registrars know and bring appropriate
Emergency numbers at the school are: 740-587-0810. Cell Phone numbers of committee members: Bro. Brad
Rek (Sec’y) 330-233-2692 OR Sis. Karen Guist (Reg.) 440-227-0212
Class Speakers
Brother/Sisters Conference – July 20th
Brothers Session:
Speakers: TBA
Sisters Session:
Speakers: TBA
Gathering Adult Class – July 21 – July 27, 2015
Session 1 – (8:45a - 9:30a) – Bro. John Mannell:
“A Life of Isaac: From Fear to Faith”
Session 2 – (9:45a - 10:30a) – Bro. John Linsenmeier:
“Behold the Lamb of God, Who Takes Away the Sin of the World”
Session 3 – (10:45a - 11:30a) – Bro. Steve Davis:
“Moving on to Maturity: A Study in the Letter to the Hebrews”
Special evening classes: Bro. John Downer:
“Forty Years of Preparation”