Studying and determination of organizational justice effect model on


Studying and determination of organizational justice effect model on
Journal of Renewable Natural Resources Bhutan
ISSN: 1608-4330
Studying and determination of organizational justice effect model
on the customer recognition improvement about service quality
(case study; the national bank of Iran)
Amin Ghauoor, 2Hassan Habibi Badrabadi, 3Bahman Ebrahimian, 4Behrouz Kameli
MSc, Strategic Defence Studies, Imam Hossein University
MSc, Public Administration, Allameh Tabataba'i University
MSc, Information Technology Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University
MSc, Information Systems Management, Shahid Beheshti University
In the global competition era and the international market solidarity, keeping customers has
changed to a great challenge for producing and servicing companies, especially banks. Hence
studying the customer view about the service quality and the influential factors to improve the
service quality in organization has become significant. The purpose of this study is to evaluate
the organizational justice effect on the customer recognition about the national bank service
quality. Also the organizational responsibility effect and the influence of organizational justice
on the social behavior are analyzed. The statistical society in this research is the whole staffs
and manager of national bank branches and the tool gather datas is answer sheet. For the test
of theories we have used the structural equation modeling and path analysis technique. The
result of research show that the organizational justice effects on the customer recognition
about the service quality, organizational liability and social behavior. The effect of
organizational liability on social behavior has been confirmed and t has been approved that
both have effect on customer recognition about the service quality.
Key terms: The organizational justice, customer recognition about the service quality, the
organizational liability, the organizational social behavior
The vital force in an organization with has the responsibility to present service is the staff of
that organization, BIENSTOCK, 2003, 357. Especially, the frontier staffs who have direct
relation with customers. CHEN. 2008. 6. In contrast to the products, the services are produced
and consumed in one time and the frontier servicing staffs, are the producers of service in
nature. This aspect of service has caused that much more concentration is given to the vital role
of servicing staff to distribute service with higher quality. CHURCHILL. 1994. 659. Actually
because the staffs are giving service in accordance to customers, they affect the customer
realization in their satisfaction about the service quality and liability and they improve the role
of marketing personals. Actually special combination of staff behaviors which has connection
with service giving to customers and it maintains the correspondence which could have
significant effect on the customers recognition about the service quality, especially voluntary
behaviors and optional reaction of staffs, both for the customers and the organization. These
behaviors are called organizational citizenship behaviors which are out of the individual role
requirements limit and directly are not distinguish with official reward system.
LEBLANCE.1992.13. one of the most significant issues in servicing organizations is how to
make motivation in staffs that performing such behaviors, will finally led to insurance. The
customers are receiving services with highest quality. The purpose of this study is to research
the simultaneous effect of organizational justice, organizational liability and organizational
citizenship behavior as the influential factor on the customer recognition about the service
quality in national banks branches. According to the importance on this issue about the
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customer recognition about service quality in national bank and based on three factors of
organizational justice, organizational liability and organizational citizenship behavior in this
bank and the need to realize these three factors in this study has been researched and the writers
of this article trying to find out the answer of this question that whether the organizational
justice could be effective on the improvement of customer recognition about the service quality
through the organizational responsibility and organizational social behaviors?
The research theoretical basis
1-2- organizational justice
The justice is the highest human value and precious jewel in the human right fulfillment. The
human main ideal is to obtain justice. The Aristotle says that the justice is to assign everything
on its own position. Plato has divided the justice in to two general and especial groups. The
general justice contains all eruditions and the special justice means everybody receive his right
KATOZIAN2008. 330. The justice frequently finds meaning in organization
and it is known as the organizational justice. FARMER.2003.373. the social science experts
realized the importance of organizational justice as the main pillar of organizational processes
effectiveness from long time pass ago. KIVIMAKI.2003.287. the organizational justice is
important because it is related with organization vital processes like responsibility, the
organization social behavior, kindness and job performance and finally customer loyalty
(Kalkit, Jakson, 2002, Kanlen, Vesvon, Porter, Neg, 2001). Generally we can
see different definition given by scientists in below table1:
) FOX & et al , 2001:295(
The organizational justice points out to staffs
recognition about the justice and the job justly
) Greenberg, 2002:322.(
The organizational justice is related to the staff
recognition about the job justice in the organization
) Corpanzo,1997:350(
The organizational justice shows the equality and the
moral homology in the organization
) Byrne , 2001: 9 & Corpanzo , Studying the equality in working place
2001 : 133 . (
) Corpanzo 1993: 163 (
Justice points out to fair treatment and people
behavior in an organization
) Wong & et al , 2006:346 (
The justice in an organization or organizational justice
declares the staffs recognition about the justly
behavior of that organization
2-2- the service quality
About the service quality definition, there are different explanations which are pointed out
The degree and direction of contrariety for the customer recognition
about the service and his expectations
The degree of suitability in different levels with the customer
The stable compatibility with the customer expectations and
recognition of customer expectations about the special service
The customer thorough judging about the identity of better service to
similar services with prominent benefits
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The degree of product comparison is to make it similar with defined
standards, in other word, the quality means the customer satisfaction
The quality of servicing is one of the most important issues and it is the contracts made to
explain the desires and behaviors of customers, even it is told that the distribution of services
with quality is one of the most significant strategies to keep the company
alive.YU&CHU.2007.321. In conclusion about the definition of service quality, we can
understand that the service quality analysis is the judgment about the actual and mental aspects
of a product or service which performs based on the specific features and through the
comparison of recognized quality with the expected quality of customer. Most of researchers
use SER VAKEL model which has five dimensions to analyze the service quality and it is used
in this research too.
These five dimensions are as below:
1-the stability and endurance of confidence
2-the responsibility
3-the assurance
5-the tangible and physical aspects.NILES&KATHRY, 2003, 4
2-3-the organizational responsibility
The evaluation of historical path about the organizational responsibility shows that the attention
to this issue in recent decades has been expanded and the behavior studying experts have
presented different definitions with analysis and studies made in the organizational
responsibilities field. MOVDEY, PITREZ and STIRZ 1992 regarded the responsibility as the
determination of identity with in an organization containing a powerful belief and respection
of goals and values of an organization, desire to have more attempt for the organization and
high desire to be the organization member. KANESHIRO.2008.15. BEKER & KANTER
1973deifned the organizational responsibility as the dependence to organization due to
investment of individuals in organization and the side benefits he receives through the
continuity of working in that organization.WRIGHT.2002. BOKANEN 1974 regarded the
organizational responsibility as the emotional coherency to an especial organization which is
determined with three parameters about the people view to the organization
1-internalizing the goals and values
2-activities performed as the part of his role
3-the sense about his dependency to organization.ORLY.2009.271
2-4-4 the organizational citizenship behavior
The organizational citizenship behavior was presented by BATMEN and ORAGON at the
beginning of 1980 decade to the science world for the first time. The first studies made about
organizational citizenship behavior mainly was to discovery of responsibilities or behaviors
expressed by staffs, but mostly they are ignored, these behaviors although measured incomplete
in traditional job performance analysis, they were influential in the organizational effectiveness
improvement.BIENSTOCK.2003.362. The organizational citizenship behavior is respected in
every organization because it has connection with variables like job satisfaction, system
maintenance and organization development and the services quality improvement
2-5-the research conceptual model
According to the importance of customers recognition importance about the service quality in
organization and its improvement, in this article has been attempted to analyze the
organizational citizenship behavior in the conceptual model format on the basis of organization
justice effects on the customer recognition about the service quality by considering the roles of
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balancing variables as the organization responsibility and the organizational citizenship
behavior to present a model which could be applied in organizations like national bank to
improve the customer recognition about the service quality
Figure no.1; the research conceptual model (the article writer suggestive model)
The research hypothesis
According to this matter that the presented article is to determine the model of organizational
justice effectiveness on the organizational liability, the citizenship behavior and finally the
customer recognition about the quality of services, hence we evaluate the effect of these
variables by the below hypothesis format
The main hypothesis; the organizational justice has positive and meaningful effect of the
customer through the organizational responsibility and organizational citizenship behavior
Hypothesis 1; the organizational justice has the positive and meaningful effect of customer
recognition about the service quality
Hypothesis 2; the organizational responsibility has the positive and meaningful effect on the
customer recognition about the service quality
Hypothesis 3; the organizational citizenship behavior has the positive and meaningful effect on
the customer recognition about the quality of services
Hypothesis 4; the organizational justice has the positive and meaningful effect on the
organization responsibility
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Hypothesis 5; the organizational responsibility has positive and meaningful effect on the
organization citizenship behavior
Hypothesis 6; organizational justice has the positive and meaningful effect on the
organizational citizenship behavior
3-the research methodology
The recent research is utilizing in is purpose and it is descriptive- surveying in its method. The
statistical society in this research contains all managers and staffs in all branches of central
organization and caste branches of national bank in YAZD province (n=550) and the present
customers on this bank. About 226 individuals selected as sample among the staffs and 310
people also chosen among customers as the statistical sample
The sampling method: the bank staffs chosen by systematic method of sampling and customers
chosen by random sampling method
The data gathering tool
This research applied two answer sheets; the first was combination of organizational justice,
organizational responsibility and organizational citizenship behavior variables contain 52
questions. The second contain 22 questions which evaluate the customers' recognition about
the service quality
The justifiability and stability of research
To get sure about the justifiability of content we used the idea of 15 professors and gifted
individuals and its stability also measured by DELPHI method by confirmed factor analysis
method (CFA). To determine the stability f questions the adaptability evaluation method used
and the KRONBAKH ALPHA coefficient was calculated for each set of questions, the
mentioned amount for organizational responsibility was about .089 and for the organizational
citizenship behavior it was about 0.96 and for questions related to customers' recognition about
service quality it was 0.83. Also the KRONBAKH ALPHA for the answer sheet for the first
answer sheet was generally equal to 0.87 which shows the answer sheet stability
4- The results of research
The statistical sample population features in first research (the authorities and bank staffs) are
shown in table number 2. According to information given in the table, most of the participants
were men. More than 50% of staffs had the diploma only. Near 78% of staffs had lower than
40 years old and 63% of whole sample had the job background between 5 to 15 years
Table no.2; the statistical sample population features
Sex; female; 1.7% male: 98.3%
Education diploma: 54% post diploma: 16% B.A; 28% M.A; 1.3%
Age; 20 to 30 years old; 19.7% 31 to 40; 57.9% 41 to 50 years old; 22.4
The job background fewer than 5 years; 7.9 5-10 years; 31% 11-15; 32% 16-20; 11.2%
more than 220 years; 17.8%
The population feature in second statistical sample are shown in table number 3 briefly in
accordance with information given in table3 in which 60% of respondents were men and 40 %
of them were female and 50 % had B.A
Sex; female; 40% male; 60%
Education; diploma; 14% post diploma; 16% B.A; 62% M.A; 8%
4-1- the research hypothesis test
In this research the main hypothesis and subsidiary hypothesis were tested by the use of
structural equations and analytic evaluation method and some of subsidiary hypothesis also
were tested by the multiple REGRISON method whose result are given in table 7 and 8
Table 7; the results of subsidiary hypothesis test
The test Meaningfu The The
lness level
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2 /19
effect of organization justice on customer
recognition about service quality
H2, second hypothesis; the positive effect of
organization responsibility on customer
recognition about service quality
H3, the third hypothesis; the organizational
citizenship behavior on customer recognition
about service quality
H4, forth hypothesis; the positive effect of
organizational justice on the organization
H5, the fifth hypothesis; the positive effect of
the organization responsibility on the
organizational citizenship behavior
H6; the sixth hypothesis; the positive effect of
organization justice on the organizational
citizenship behavior
‫ﺗﺎﺋﯿﺪ ﻓﺮﺿﯿﮫ اھﻢ ﭘﮋوھﺶ‬
Table8; the main hypothesis test result
Test Indirect
variable Path
Path direction
result effect
about service
on customer
about service
; the positive
about service
The research
the positive
through the
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The positive
The discussion and conclusion
As mentioned before the purpose of this article is to determine the amount of organization
justice effect on the service quality and improvement of customer recognition about the service
quality based on the variables like organization responsibility and citizenship behavior in
national bank branches, so after evaluations, first variables like justice, responsibility, service
quality and citizenship behavior were studied and then the relation between the variables were
analyzed. This research was following two main answers, first (whether the research
conceptual model has coordination with gathered datas) and second (whether development in
organization justice has effect on responsibility and citizen behavior and finally on the quality
of servicing to the national bank customer
To answer the first question it was clear that all aspects and criteria in all four variables are
under influence, for the second question based on the obtained information it is concluded that
the justice and responsibility affects the organization to give better services to customers.
According to these results we can understand that development of justice in three aspects of
distributive, justifiability, and corresponsive in an organization will improve the staff
responsibility to behave more social behaviors which led to giving better services to customers
and it caused to improvement of customer recognition about service quality and it will make
customer more loyal to the organization
About the main hypothesis for positive effect and meaningfulness level and direct or indirect
relation of organization justice effect on customer recognition about service quality,
researchers found no any similar study similar to recent research which approve the results but;
the MARK SIDERS and his coworkers studied the relation of responsibility and the service
quality in a society of 876 staffs in an organization in which the results were similar to the
present study, like people who have higher responsibility in comparison to those with lower
responsibility, their amenability is higher to the customers considerably
The GAUTAM, 2004 and his coworkers' research results also confirm the meaningful relation
between the responsibility and the sympathy toward customer, it means that people with higher
responsibility try to make relation and confidence between the organization and customer and
believe that organization should move to obtain its goals which is the respection of customer
and as more this importance kept, the more stability and durability provided and giving services
will improved as well
The result of third hypothesis, the citizenship behavior has meaningful effect on the customer
recognition about the service quality had adaptation with KELLY & HOFFMAN,1997 and also
the results of NILE & JATHRYN, 2003 and NILSON&SUNDTROM,2002 studies. The result
of forth hypothesis is coordinative with COHEN, YOCHI, SPECTOR, 2001 about the
meaningful relation between the organization justice and its dimensions and the responsibility
variable, also the justice is considered as the most significant antecedents in the organization
The result of hypothesis no.6 is identical with CROPANZANO, 2002 and RUPP studies in
which the meaningful relation is found between the justice and citizenship and the effect of
justice on citizenship. According to obtained results all three variables affect each other, so the
improvement of each can improve the servicing quality to customer and organization should
invest on it.
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For example if the organization invest on the justice, the staff responsibility will arise and they
will behave on a social manner which improve servicing to customers and it will increase
customer recognition about service quality of that organization. Also investment on each of
responsibility and social behavior also enhance the quality of servicing, hence to improve the
quality of services and increase of customer recognition about the service quality the
organization should concentrate on three variables of justice, responsibility, citizen ship
behavior and our suggestions is to fulfillment and strengthening of these three under studying
variables which will be explained in future
According to the results of this research we can present solutions and suggestions to increase
the organizational responsibility and finally giving better services in that organization;
1-enhancement of emotional relation in staffs and more struggle of staffs with the organization
goals through providing the base to form informal groups in organization
2- Improvement of social network in working place through the deserve staff selecting system
3-staff cooperation in decision making through attention to their ideas and formation of
communication department between the staffs and mangers to reflex the ideas mutually
4-evaluation of staffs performance through considering their responsibility degree toward the
organization and also assess the quality of services given to customers to make a positive and
constructive reaction
5-provinding proper encourages and punishment systems, in order to eliminate discriminations
and inappropriate relations in the working space, to increase the organizational citizenship
behaviors and avoidance of ant-citizenship behaviors.
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