Assignment (02) Introduction to Electric Charges and Electric Field


Assignment (02) Introduction to Electric Charges and Electric Field
Assignment (02)
Introduction to Electric Charges and Electric Field (2)
Text book, chapter 21, electric chargers and electric field
Problems, page 585/586
[4] What is the repulsive electrical force between two protons 4.0 X 10-15m apart
from each other in an atomic nucleus?
[7] Two charged spheres are 8.45 cm apart. They are moved, and the force on
each or them is found to have been tripled. How far apart arc they now?
[15] A charge of 4.15 mC is placed at each corner of a square 0.100 m on a side.
Determine tl1e magnitude and direction of the force on each charge[16] two negative and two positive point charges magnitude Q = 4.15 mC, arc
placed on opposite comers of a square as shown in . Determine the magnitude
and direction of the force on each charge.
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