E-News letter 2015 - Ayrshires
E-News letter 2015 - Ayrshires
Australian Ayrshires continues to flourish as a unified organisation with significant activity and interest across the country. The momentum gained from amalgamation continues to roll on from an amazing International Dairy Week where members were able to gather at a series of functions to mark our amalgamation. The Ayrshire show presented to judge Duncan Hunter from the UK again showed the quality of Ayrshire animals here in Australia. The results of our Annual competitions were announced at IDW. Cow of the Year was awarded to Rockvale Remark Emelita from Max & Jenny Hyland’s herd. Entries from the photographic competition were submitted to the World Photo Comp and Australia had its best results this year in both the awards and the popular vote. Our results were as follows: WORLD AYRSHIRE FEDERATION PHOTO COMPETITION – AUSTRALIAN RESULTS Hurlstone Majors Finale Under 6 months – Liddel R2 Skye - 3rd place and Honourable Mention – S & R Cole 6-12 months – Hurlstone Majors Finale- Winner – Hurlstone Agricultural High School 12-18 months- Boldview Dream Alter – Winner – Boldview Farms 18-24 months – Mayfield Farms Potter Showcase – 4th place – Paul & Vicki Timbs 2yrs in milk – Regal Park Solax – 4th place – David & Sharon Mayo 3yrs in milk – Liddel Poker Eva – 3rd place – Stewart & Rebecca Cole 4yrs in milk – Auchenroad Poker Sukey - =3rd place and Honourable Mention – S&B Wadley 5yrs In milk – Cher-Bar Lady Modem – 6th place – Cheryl Liebich 6-7yrs in milk – Boldview Far Knight Star – 4th place – Boldview Farms 8 yrs + in milk – Paschendaele Wee Vicki 2nd - =2nd place and Reserve – Eagles Partnership To see our animals hold their own on the world stage is encouraging for all our members who get out and promote our animals in the showring. Boldview Dream Alter INTERNATIONAL DAIRY WEEK – JUDGE MR DUNCAN HUNTER - UK Junior Champion – Hurlstone Mabel Twilight – Hurlstone Agricultural High School Reserve Junior – Katandra Farms Burdette Two Didj – G. Bawden & R. Burgmann Honourable Mention – Paschendaele Cinder Blossom – Eagles Partnership Intermediate Champion – Paschendaele PR Blossom – Eagles Partnership Reserve Intermediate – Roland Lodge Poker Corn – Canobie Partnership Honourable Mention – Woodburn Park Gypsy Bear – Tony & Deb Biffin Senior Champion – Encore Pardner Didjago – Glen Bawden & Rebecca Burgmann Reserve Senior – Boldview Far Knight Star – Boldview Farms Honourable Mention – Woodburn Park Ginny – Tony & Deb Biffin Australia, Canada, Colombia, Faba, Finland, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, Geat Britain,and Ireland, USA Again Ayrshire numbers were high at major shows especially at Adelaide and Sydney Royal shows. Sydney Royal Easter Show Senior Champion - Invergowrie Magic Bertha – Sam Gordon Reserve Champion– Woodburn Park Ginny – Patrick Buckley Adelaide Royal Senior Champion – Cher-Bar Rippa Lasselle – for a record 4th year running Reserve Champion– Enterprise Ristourn Aara – Enterprise Ayrshires, Hentschke Family Brisbane Royal Show Senior Champion – Sunny Days Ice Maid – Anthony Schneider Reserve – Tailor’s Grove Hokey Pokey – Leo & Margaret Schneider This year we held the inaugural Fanfare show and sale with 70 entries in the show and 38 animals listed in the sale catalogue. This was a success for both exhibitors and vendors and will become a regular event on the Ayrshire calendar in Australia. Champion cow was Midway Park Pollyanna for Munden Farms and Junior Champion was Glenbrae Burdette Joyce for Jim & Glenda Carson. This heifer was sold at the Glenbrae dispersal in October. Top price in the Fanfare Sale was $2900 for Boldview Pedro Spammy to Shaun & Kelly Beard. The International Dairy Week Elite sale saw strong demand for the catalogue with top price of $9000 for Paschendaele Cinder Blossom, the Riggins daughter of former Cow of the Year Paschendaele Bonnie Brae Blossom. Other top selling lots included Enterprise Double Whammy Gaiety ($6100) and Enterprise Double Whammy Rose 3rd ($5200). Embryos from Boldview Parndara Ex91 2E and by De La Plaine Prime were purchased by UK Breeder Duncan Hunter for $700 each. The sale front has seen the first stage dispersals of the Rockvale and Glenbrae herds. Both studs have had success at IDW and I am sure animals purchased from these sales will go on to create further opportunities for their new owners. It was pleasing to see many new breeders the opportunity to add these bloodlines into their herds. Earlier this year Karl Munden was selected as the Australian representative for the youth exchange to Finland. It was a wonderful opportunity for him to meet other young Ayrshire enthusiasts and see how the breed is managed in other parts of the world. Currently in Australia we are progeny testing two bulls. They are Boldview Oblique’s Far VG 88 (also available for world-wide export), a son of the winner of the popular vote 5-7 years in the World Photo Comp Boldview Far Knight Star EX 93 3E and Palmyra Acclaim Bradman a son of Palmyra Calimero R Bailey EX. The daughters of each bull have been among the prize- winners at shows across the country. Boldview Obliques Far Boldview Farms Palmyra Acclaim Bradman Geelunga Ayrshires A youth committee has been created to create opportunities for our young enthusiasts. This year saw Ayrshire youth place first and second in our National Judging Championships. Well done to Ashley Mayo and Caitlin Liebich. Hopefully this trend continues. For the past 2 years the South Australian State Final has seen Ayrshire connections in the top 5 placings so we want to ensure we continue to develop the skills of these breeders. The next edition of our annual Journal is in the final stages of production. We will endeavour to place this onto our website when it becomes available. Our new website has been developed at www.australianayrshire.com.au . A new feature of this site is the animal search is available and no longer requires a login so anyone can undertake a pedigree search on Australian animals. Australia is now a full member of the World Ayrshire Federation and is keen to increase our involvement in this group with a view to hosting a future World Conference in 2020. We look forward to showing our cattle and our country to visitors from overseas when this is held. Season’s Greeting to Ayrshire breeders from all in Australia. Australia, Canada, Colombia, Faba, Finland, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, Geat Britain,and Ireland, USA 2015 has been a fertile year of success and a jump forward for the Canadian Ayrshire Association. The arrival of Michel Boudreault as General Manager of the Association gives a new push. Mr. Boudreault (The Blueberry) came back to the Ayrshire team after 15 years in the genetic industry as Fieldman and District Manager for an AI Company. The 115th Annual General Meeting took place on February 27, 2015 in Orford, Québec. Mr. François Beaudry from Des Prairies Farm was appointed as President of the Association. He will lead the Board of Directors consisted of some new members. As usual, the AGM is the event where awards and recognitions are given to the breeders. The Master Breeder Title is the highest distinction in our Association. For 2014, four herds were awarded, KAMOURASKA, MONT COMI, LA SEIGNEURIE and BELLEVUE DU LAC. Mr. Bruno Soucy from Ferme Du Murier was the recipient of the Award of Merit for his remarkable work within the Ayrshire breed. Mr. Marcellin Therrien, former Ayrshire Canada President and breeder under the prefix Etoile D’Or received the Honorary Life Member for his commitment and passion for the Ayrshire. The top production herd in Canada for 2014 was Ferme GL Henderson. The top BCA production cow was Saguenayenne Modaly VG owned by Ferme Saguenayenne. The same cow also won the Top Protein Production Cow distinction. The Top Fat Production Cow was Des Coteaux Poker Xidane with a daily fat production of 2.4 kg which is amazing, Xidane is owned by Ferme Normand Brillant & Fils. In 2014, in Canada, five Ayrshire cows produced more than 14,000 kg of milk and sixteen produced more than 13,000 kg. All our awards are calculated on a 305-day-production. The Association also presented the All-Canadian Awards and we would like to congratulate all the winners. Once again, the Show season was very interesting in 2015. Besides the local shows, three major shows were held in 2015. The Québec Spring Show was held in April in Victoriaville with Mr. Darryl Smith as judge. Forever Schoon Elga VG-89, owned by Forever Schoon Farm, was the Grand Champion. After the show, Elga was sold to Steve MacDonald in USA. The Reserve Grand Champion went to De La Plaine Burdette Bling ET VG-88, owned by Ferme De La Plaine, JP Charest and Ferme Charest. The Junior Champion was West Meadow Dreamer Vyda ET, owned by Neil Kittle, the Reserve was Vieux Village C Jay owned by Florent, Vicky & Bianca Foley. In November, the Supreme Dairy was held in Saint-Hyacinthe. Mr. Callum McKinven was the judge. Forever Schoon Tallis VG-88 was the Grand Champion, she is owned by J.-P. Daunais & Ferme Du Petit Bois, following her as Reserve Champion was Lagacé BB Modestar ET EX-3E-93, owned by Ferme Lagacé & Fils. The Junior Champion was awarded to Sablière Madrid Domstar owned by Ferme Sablière Inc.; the Reserve was De La Plaine Bingo Stinger, owned by Ferme De La Plaine. Australia, Canada, Colombia, Faba, Finland, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, Geat Britain,and Ireland, USA Finally, also in November, the last show of the year - the Royal Winter Fair held in Toronto - crowned Vieux Village C Diamond EX-3E-95 as Grand Champion, the Reserve Grand Champion was Vieux Village C Calie EX-2E-95, both cows owned by Florent, Vicky & Bianca Foley. It is very important to mention that these two cows were Grand and Reserve Champions for the second year in a row! West Meadow Dreamer Vyda ET, owned by Neil Kittle, was Junior Champion, following as Reserve was Yellow Briar Perfect owned by Marilyn Stephens. Norman Boswall was the judge for the 2015 Royal Winter Fair. Impressive sales took place at the Spring Show and at the Supreme Dairy. The major point to remember is that the Ayrshire breed got a very high sale average in both places!!! An average of $4,600 at the Spring Show with the highest price for La Sapinière Chelyo VG-87 at $11,000 and an average of $4,721 at the Supreme Dairy, the top selling animal was Forever Schoon Poingle ET for $9,000. This is a superb exposure for the Ayrshire breed! Over the years, the Canadian Ayrshire breeders adopted a very well structured and avant-garde genetic selection program and philosophy. Our selection index tool, LPI (Lifetime Profit Index), help us selecting the animals with the highest genetic potential. The expression of the results of improvement is published by Canadian Dairy Network (CDN) every year. So, the Canadian Ayrshire breed obtained the best genetic gain from all dairy breeds for kg of fat and protein. No doubt our Ayrshire herds will be more efficient in the future. Genomic is also used more and more as an extremely important tool in the genetic selection as well. In Canada, the Ayrshire breed has the highest percentage of female genotyped. Currently, a total of 1,705 females and 706 sires are genotyped. All these sires and around 1,100 females contribute to our reference base. At the moment in Canada, the most popular proven sires are: Kamouraska Rockstar, Lessard Jumper, Chaluka Virgile, Kamouraska Volvo, Jelyca Oblique and Des Fleurs Perfect. GENOMAX young sires represent a more and more important share of AI unit sales. In addition, the regular activities, the young breeder committee of Ayrshire Québec Society held its “Genetic Ayrshire” activity under the theme: «The Ayrshire of the Future». In addition to lectures on genetics and marketing challenges, the organizers had set up an exchange of heifers for young breeders interested. So, 13 heifers selected only by age and genetic bases have exchanged “view blindly” between some of the participants. A great initiative that will promote exchanges between young farmers everywhere. It will be interesting to monitor their performance in their new herds. In 2015, a total of 6,229 cows were scored with an average of 82.97 points and a percentage of 77.5% Good Plus or better. Production statistics show a breed average of 7,781 kg of milk with 4.11% fat and 3.37% protein. In 2015, Ayrshire Canada membership was 680 and the total registrations number was 6,632 compared to 6434 in 2014, an increase of 3%. Australia, Canada, Colombia, Faba, Finland, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, Geat Britain,and Ireland, USA The year 2016 WILL BE A VERY IMPORTANT ONE for Ayrshire Canada with major projects on the go regarding registration and member services. With the enthusiasm of our new General Manager, a strong Board of Directors, a great collaboration with our industry partners and a new wave of popularity for the Ayrshire, many great challenges will have to be risen, but we are confident that we will succeed! The Association main goals for 2016 are: to serve our members with diligence and professionalism, to support our members by helping them in the improvement of the Ayrshire cow so that she can become a first class breed who will compete favourably compare to the other dairy breeds. Another goal is to pay visit to our new members, to reorganize the work at the office and to continue to promote the wonderful Ayrshire breed locally, nationally and internationally. We would like to wish you all a very Happy New Year for 2016! Ayrshirely yours! Australia, Canada, Colombia, Faba, Finland, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, Geat Britain,and Ireland, USA Since 2011 Finnish Ayrshire, Swedish and Danish Red have had genomic values for most important economical traits and also for the total merit index NTM. It’s time to get a look, how those bulls, which got genomic values in 2011, are working now with daughter proofs. It looks that genomic selection is working well. The relationship between GEBVs and EBVs is high. In November 2015 NAV started to publish reliabilities along with the GEBV for genomically tested bulls. The estimated reliabilities (%) for candidate bulls are presented per bred for the main traits in table 1. The differences in the level of the reliabilities can to a large extend be explained by the differences in size of the reference populations for the three breeds. For individual bull you can check the indeces and reliabilities on NAV bull search https:// nordic.mloy.fi/navbull# Average GEBV reliabilities (%) for bull calves born in 2014 Traits Holstein RDC Jersey Yield 74 67 67 Growth 60 49 28 Fertility 65 47 42 Birth 70 57 44 Calving 64 43 65 Udder health 68 57 56 Other disease 45 38 26 Claw health 43 33 - Longevity 61 38 37 Frame 73 58 63 Feet & Legs 68 54 53 Udder 73 55 60 Milking speed 69 66 60 Temperament 62 53 27 Australia, Canada, Colombia, Faba, Finland, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, Geat Britain,and Ireland, USA New Genomic Breeding scheme for VikingRed (Finnish Ayrshire, SRB and Danish Red): Since May 2015 VikingRed has gone to a fully genomic breeding scheme o 2500 genomic tested males/year o 150 bull calves born o 100 genomic sires selected to use All can act as Sires of sons Semen production is started at 10 months of age 60 % are used on Daily Plan, 40 % only as reference bulls 25 sires/year group are kept alive for export purposes o 2500 females are genomic tested on VG cost o The goal is to make 400 flushes annually Part of the heifers are purchased and owned by VG, part of them stray at home and VG sponsors the flush About half of the bull calves bought are now result of ET. At the moment genetic progress in NTM (the main selection tool) in females is 4 NTM points/year. Before genomic testing it was 1,5 NTM units/year. The figures are competitive with respective results for Holstein. VikingGenetics continues a project with national bodies (VikingDenmark, Faba and Växa/Sweden) to subsidize herds who genomic test all the females born. These herds need to have good quality data because their results are used for updating the reference group which traditionally has been done only with progeny tested bulls. At the moment it looks like during 2015 about 15 000 red females will be genomic tested across Viking countries. ET activities In Finland ET activities is high. ASMO nucleus herd is established in 1997, and since that flushings and embryo transfers have been in big role in the breeding scheme, specially regarding Finnish Ayrshire. After Embryo Center merged to VikingGenetics, Viking has put more and more weight on female selection and enlarged ET activities also to Holstein breed in 2012. Best Viking heifers are selected to Hollola bull station for producing embryos to customers. Now we have 50 Ayrshire and 20 holstein heifers. Heifers are selected based on genomic evolution and best heifers from each sire groups are bought to nucleus. Embryos are produced by flushings and Ovum Pick Up (OPU) –methods. The average result is 7 transferable embryos per flush in Finland. By OPU the result is 1,8 embryos / session / heifer. Finland is large country but customers all over the country want best genomic to their herds. That’s why Viking has arranged over night transport system for fresh embryo implants. In fresh embryo network we have 70 costumers and more is coming. They also get economical benefits when they genomic test Viking ET male calves. The most used ASMO Ayrshire bulls have been ASMO Sale, Safir, Tosikko and Ullimulli, recently ASMO Taara, Futis and Fiiberi. VR Bentley and his breeder Esa Karjalainen on the visit in VikingGenetics’ bull station at Hollola. Australia, Canada, Colombia, Faba, Finland, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, Geat Britain,and Ireland, USA Ayrshire Winter Show 2015 and Ayrshire Youth Tour This year Ayrshire Winter Show was held on Friday 30rd of January and judge was Mr Neil Kittle from Canada. Results from Junior Breeders Herd: 1. Joukola (Laura and Jouko Laiholahti) 2. Korkiakoski (Anu and Jari Ahlholm) and 3. Kurhila (Merja Kallio). Junior Champion was Korkiakosken Classy Model (De La Plaine Prime x Margot Calimero), Reserve Junior Champion Shady Walnut Gold-Moria ET (Mapleburn Remington ET x Forever Schoon MM Cornelius ET) and Honorable Joukolan Lila (Jelyca Oblique x Palmyra Jerry Bendig ET). Grand Champion in the Ayrshire Winter Show 2015 was Rannan Iffiina (Palmyra Ti-Star Burdette x Visserdale Security), bred and owned by Mirja and Aaro Koljonen. Reserve Grand Champion was Rannan Jippo (Palmyra Tri-Star Reality x Duo Star Normandin), also bred and owned by Mirja ja Aaro Koljonen. Joukolan Idena-Lol (Du Petit Lac Emerson ET x Lagace Modem ET), bred and owned by Laura and Jouko Laiholahti was the Honorable Mention in the AWS 2015. Rannan Ayrshire won the Cows Breeders Class, Savinnan Ayrshire (owned by Sanna Savikko) was second and Joukolan Ayrshire third. Ayrshire Youth Tour was held in Finland in the week prior to the Show and on Friday their overall competition results was counted and the Grand Champion Rannan Iffiina with owners winner judged the Junior Handler Show on Saturday. Rachel Aaro, Lauri and Mirja Koljonen and MacFarlane from Canada won and did tremendous job judging the Junjudge Neil Kittle. ior Handler and Showmanship competitions. Other Youth Tour participants were John McLean (Great Britain), David Hanson (US), Karl Munden (Australia), Jonathan Glentworth (New Zealand), Scott Honeyfield (New Zealand), Rahab Muchemi (Kenya), Josefin Samuelson (Sweden), Sanna Savikko (Finland) and Suvi Mertanen (Finland). We want to thank very much all these young Ayrshire breeders and we hope we will meet them all again in Finland very soon! Saturdays Junior Handler Champion was Lilli Laiholahti, Reserve Champion Helmiina Kavander and Honorable Mention Pinja Kuntsi. Showmanship class winner was Sanna Savikko. Joukola herd, owned by Laura and Jouko Laiholahti was awarded for the price of the Best Ayrshire Herd 2014. You can still watch videos from AWS 2015 here: http://www.ayrshire-finland.com/AWS/AWS_2015_tulokset/ Videoklipit/Videoklipit_2015.html. And Ayrshire Winter Show 2016 will be also available for everyone live on internet – follow our Facebook and website for more information! You can also read older Ayrshire-magazines online here: http://www.ayrshire-finland.com/lehti/lehti_etusivu.html. Meetings and Viljotar Show 2015 In April Finnish Ayrshire Breeders travelled by ship to their Spring Meeting to the Åland Islands. There was about 50 breeders present. Östergårds Mjölk and Tomtens Mjölk herds were visited. Summer show Viljotar was held in Kiuruvesi and judge was Marc Charpentier from Canada. Ayrshire Champion was Lessard Joy-Lorelli ET (Jelyca Oblique x Margot Calimero) from Joukola herd. Reserve was Savinnan Inkalilja AFVG87 (Faucher Poker Erwin ET x Margot Calimero) owned by Sanna Savikko and Honorable Mention Petäismäen Kääpiö (Palmyra Tri-Star Burdette x Des Chamois Poker ET) owned by Alli and Kari Keinänen. Junior Champion was Joukolan Lelly-Edith (Des Fleurs Perfect ET x Margot Calimero) owned by Laura ja Jouko Laiholahti. Reserve Junior Champion was Ikkeläjärven MarieMarie (Forver Schoon Eiffel ET x Lagace Ristourn) owned by Katariina ja Veli Ikkeläjärvi and Junior Honorable Mention Hirvitarhan Lumo (Faucher Poker Erwin ET x Ayr-Phoe Ideostar ET) owned by Anne and Juha Mertanen. Australia, Canada, Colombia, Faba, Finland, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, Geat Britain,and Ireland, USA Autumn meeting was held in Tampere in November. Veittoon Ayrshire owned by Katri and Mika Karvinen and Moision Ayrshire owned by Juha Rinkinen and Jani Huotari were visited. Mirja Koljonen was elected as Chairwoman of Finnish Ayrshire Breeders for the year 2016. Vilma Pohjola, Heli Teiskonlahti, Saija Räikkönen, Juha Rinkinen, Sanna Rintala and Hannakaisa Heikkinen will continue in the board of Finnish Ayrshire Breeders. Anu Ahlholm and Seija Viitanen were replased by Kristiina Iivarinen and Minna Kotila. Thank you so much to Anu and Seija working for the Ayrshire breed so many years in the board! AF-Classification Yves Charpentier from Ayrshire Canada classified 918 Ayrshire cows in Finland in 2015. There was one EX90-5E (Joukolan Vohveli sired by Rounion Danesco) and 34 VG-results this year. So far, during the 12 years, there has been 9 452 Ayrshire cows which have classified at least once by Ayrshire Finland Classification. All the AF-classification results are online: http://www.luokittaja.com/ayrshire/index.jsp. 10th Ayrshire 100 ton yielder to Kurhila herd We had a priviledge to celebrate 10th Ayrshire milking over 100 000 kilos lifetime record in Merja Kallio's Kurhila herd! Kurhilan Sherry (sire: Kildare Jerry) is her newest 100 ton yielder. The nine previous were: Isaska (sire: Alhaisten Epa), Piltti (Koivumäen Meilari), Susa (Metsä-Mäkelän Kalmukki), Kurhilan Ärrä (Haraldsholm Nitro), Kurhilan Jasmiina (Raution Etykki), Kurhilan Hasseli (Ylätalon Ritari), Loiske (Martin Iskelmä), Kurhilan Maituri (Pirkkulan Eepa) and Kurhilan Oliivia (Backgård). Also many other members had this year a cow that produced over 100 000 lifetime record. This is a great proof of the longevity of Finnish Ayrshire cows! By Minna Kotila Kurhilan Sherry is Merja Kallio’s 10th Ayrshire cow which milked over 100 000 kilos lifetime record. Photo: Minna Kotila Australia, Canada, Colombia, Faba, Finland, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, Geat Britain,and Ireland, USA June 2015 saw the Ayrshire New Zealand Annual Conference take place in Invercargill, with a new President elected and a number of Special Awards being made to members. Donald Green of Glenmore Ayrshires, Leeston, was elected President following the retirement of Brian Hutchings after serving four years as President. Donald and his wife Anne milk almost 1100 cows in partnership with their sons Chris and Tim. Donald has served on the Board of Ayrshire New Zealand for eight years, is a TOP inspector and Senior Judge, and is also Convenor of the very successful Youth Committee. The Kiteroa Trophy for the person or persons who contributed the most effort in promoting the progress within the Ayrshire breed in the last 12 months both club wise and breed wise was presented to Selwyn Donald. As a prominent showman and judge in both the Ayrshire and Holstein-Friesian show rings and as a stock agent involved in numerous prominent sales throughout New Zealand, Selwyn has a style all of his own. Selwyn milks just under 400 cows on his farm at Featherston and is the fourth generation to farm the Arran Ayrshire Stud. He has served on the Ayrshire New Zealand Board for two terms (6 years) up until 1996, being one of the youngest Board members in the history of the breed. Selwyn was also on the organising committee for the World Ayrshire Conference when hosted here and took on the responsibility of organising the North Island Championships and conference sale that was held in Hamilton at the time. Selwyn was a major player in the creation and setting up of the New Zealand Dairy Event, an event that has grown from strength to strength each year and is a credit to Selwyn and his committee. In his earlier years Selwyn won both the Ayrshire and Friesian Young Judges competitions and had judged his first Royal Show in Invercargill at the age of 25. Since then, Selwyn has judged throughout New Zealand and many times internationally in Australia, England and South Africa. Over the past twelve months Selwyn has been an ardent ambassador for Ayrshires internationally. His judging appointment to the Dairy Expo in Birmingham, UK last year during the World Ayrshire Federation Executive meeting brought New Zealand judging to the world’s attention. This year Selwyn has been selected to judge in Ireland and South Africa and named as the Associate Judge at the World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin in October. This appointment is very prestigious, with Selwyn being the first New Zealander of any breed to be named and only the second person from the Southern Hemisphere. The Bell Booth Achiever Awards for persons who have made some notable achievement in the Ayrshire breed was presented to Bruce Eade and Kelly Allison. Bruce farms in the family company with his parents on their 700 acre farm in West Otago where he is a 25% stakeholder and director of the company. He is committed to the Ayrshire breed by contributing to the breed’s public image and future, as well as to the youth of the Southland/Otago region. One of his passions within the breed is the showing of the pedigree cattle. He does all the pre-showing selection, nutrition, conditioning and clipping of the animals. He takes sole responsibility for this as well as the presentation and parading of the cattle at the shows he attends. This year he exhibited the South Island Champion cow at the Otago/Taieri 155th Jubilee show. Several senior judges have commented to him and his parents on the high standard of presentation which he achieves at the shows. He has won other championships in the region as well. Australia, Canada, Colombia, Faba, Finland, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, Geat Britain,and Ireland, USA Bruce organises the club’s Youth camp where he demonstrates the selection, feeding, clipping and preparation of the animals for the young people who attend the camp. He passes on his knowledge of parading and exhibiting of the animals as well. Bruce has held several senior positions in the club and is on the organizing committee for the 2015 Ayrshire conference in June this year. He is responsible for organizing the clubs" Southern Lights Sale" at this conference. He is a senior judge of Ayrshire NZ. He is also a committee member on the Gore A & P show. Off farm Bruce enjoys going on classic car rallies and likes nothing better than taking his wife Tanya and girls Sophie and Natalie for a spin in his classic Holden Statesman V8. Kelly won the Won the Ayrshire NZ Young Judge Competition in 1998, and placed second in the All Breeds competition that same year. He was made a Senior Judge in 2003 and became a Jersey Judge in 2010. In the late 1990’s he went on to the Otago-Taieri A & P Show Committee, where he was the cattle marshall from 2002 to 2007 and the President from 2007 to 2009. He was a representative on the Southern District Royal Agricultural Society and is now on the Executive of the Royal Agricultural Society, being the only dairy representative. Kelly has organized and run the Otago-Taieri on farm Dairy Heifer Competition for 15 years, and entered heifers every year with some success. Kelly and his wife Amanda and have three children and Kelly helps his boys Fynn & Reuben to show calves at the local A & P shows, and also shows Bonacord animals. Kelly graduated from Lincoln University in 1990 with a Bachelor of Commerce (Agriculture). He has been featured in articles in the Otago Daily Times and the Dairy Exporter about Ayrshire cows on the Taieri & showing. He always pushes Ayrshires on the Taieri which is a strong Holstein Friesian area. As a 1/3rd share holder with wife Amanda of Bonacord Farms, and the sharemilker on the farm, along with the help of his staff he has had top herd in Ward 9 in 2008-09 and the top herd of N Z for 300 or more cows on 3 occasions. The production of the Ayrshire cows in the herd against the other breeds the red and whites are out there doing it. The inaugural Graeme Knight Memorial Trophy for the member who provides the best written article promoting the breed for either the Ayrshire Bulletin or any other farming publication was presented to Neil McDonald. As Secretary/Manager for the New Zealand Ayrshire Association for over 25 years, Graeme wrote many articles both for internal publication and for the wider dairy community. He was greatly respected as both a writer and photographer, and his knowledge of the breed and it’s history was bar none. Even from retirement to his passing in 2013, Graeme wrote regular ‘Herds of Yesteryear’ article for the Ayrshire Bulletin which were much enjoyed by many members, old and young alike. He also collated and wrote the Ayrshire Centenary Book which was published in 2009. Graeme was an Honorary Life Member of Ayrshire New Zealand. The Graeme Knight Memorial Trophy has been presented by Graeme’s daughters Carolyn and Alison in their father’s memory. Since Graeme’s passing, Neil McDonald has taken up the mantle and prepared interesting anecdotal based articles for more recent Bulletins. His has picked up both writing and research talents from Graeme, and used these to great effect to prepare articles that members have greatly enjoyed. Youth Activities Ayrshire NZ has had a very successful year for youth activities, with a number of opportunities being made available to our youth members. The Ayrshire Seminar was held in April. Designed for youth aged 18-30 the seminar is a mixture of pedigree and commercial-based workshops along with social and team-building exercises. We run an annual Youth Achiever Competition for youth in three age classes for members aged 5 – 25. This is a points based competition for show, club, Association and farming activities and is always keenly contested. The Ayrshire Young Judge Competition takes place at NZ Dairy Event annually, and junior and senior handler classes are held at the North and South Island Championships. All of these competitions field good entries from our youth members. Australia, Canada, Colombia, Faba, Finland, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, Geat Britain,and Ireland, USA This year Ayrshire NZ partially subsidised Amy White to attend the Youth Week in Sweden, and have selected Imogen Steiner and Courtney Davies to represent our youth at the World Ayrshire Conference in USA, 2016. Young Handlers Competitions The Fredrickson Trophy for competitors aged 13-25 and the Greenlane Trophy for competitors aged 5-12 are competed for annually at the North and South Island Championships. This seasons North Island Championships have not yet been held. The South Island Championships were held at the Ellesmere Show on 17 October 2015. The winner of the Fredrickson Trophy was Luke Instone of Retro Ayrshires, Gore, with Sarah Greig of Sarbec Ayrshires, Leeston in second place and Samuel King of Sandbrook Ayrshires, Christchurch in third. The Greenlane Trophy was won by Emily Instone of Stoneleigh Ayrshires, Balclutha, for the third year running. North Island Championships The North Island Ayrshire Championships will be held at Tokoroa in early December. South Island Championships The South Island Championships for the 2015/16 season were held at the Ellesmere A & P Show and judged by Vince Steiner of Brookview Ayrshires, Tokoroa. Broadlea CN Topaz, V8-9, a four year old cow owned by Cheryl Ford of Broadlea Ayrshires, Leeston, was named as South Island Champion Ayrshire Cow. Sired by the British bull Ardmore Crown Napier, Topaz produced 8022 litres milk, 381 kg fat, 285 kg protein at three years. Reserve Senior Champion went to two year old Glenmore B Lara, owned by the Green Family, Glenmore Ayrshires, Leeston and sired by Palmyra Tri Star Burdette ET. Junior Champion went to the yearling heifer Glenmore Milly S2A owned by the Green Family, Glenmore Ayrshires, Leeston. Reserve Junior Champion went to Stoneleigh Saffron owned by the Instone Family, Gore. Australia, Canada, Colombia, Faba, Finland, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, Geat Britain,and Ireland, USA The Ayrshire National Championships presented at Agri Mega Week 16-18 September 2015 History was made at Bredasdorp during Agri Mega Week this year when the South African Ayrshire Cattle breeders’ Society for the first time presented their National Championships with all animals being housed indoors. The public could view the 120 animals and could also attend daily milking sessions. Woolworths’ exhibition at the show created huge interest by inviting the public to taste various Ayrshire products such as yogurt, milk and cheese. The first judging took place on the Thursday evening with the heifer exhibition. New Zealand judge Selwyn Donald crowned the heifer, Melkhout Free Beer 11, owned by the Blom Broers (Bredasdorp), as the Champion Heifer of the evening. The Reserve Champion Heifer was Grace Valley Burdette’s Lady Bee, owned by Kevin Lang from Howick in KwaZulu-Natal. The judging of the senior cows took place the next day. Grace Valley Hellbent, owned by Kevin Lang, was named Young Cow Champion, and Grace Valley Burdette Petal, exhibited by Edmund Els and Robert Blom, was the Reserve Young Cow Champion. The Senior Champion Cow, Grace Valley Burdette’s Wilma 5th, was exhibited by Edmund Els and Robert and the Reserve Senior Champion Cow, Raigmore Doreen 29, was exhibited by Edmund Els. The highlight of the day was the bagpipe player’s accompaniment to the crowning of the Golden Cup winner of the 2015 National Ayrshire championships. The holder of this year’s cup is Grace Valley Hellbent, owned by Kevin Lang, with the reserve cow prize going to Grace Valley Petal, owned by Edmund Els and Robert Blom. Melkhout Free Beer 11 is the first Ayrshire heifer to have won five shows. Among others, she was crowned National Heifer, National On-Farm Challenge Champion and the Interbreed Heifer at the Sandringham Show. She also won several awards at the Swellendam Show, Agri Mega Week 2014, Sandringham Show 2014 and the Mega National Championships. This heifer also earned the new South African record price at the Ayrshire Elite Auction, when she was sold for R60 000 to Rhino Ridge. Australia, Canada, Colombia, Faba, Finland, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, Geat Britain,and Ireland, USA On 20 September 2016 the Ayrshire World Congress will take place, hosted by the American Breed Society, and planned to be a part of the famous World Diary Expo. Any queries can be directed to the Ayrshire office. The South African Ayrshire Cattle breeders’ Society will be celebrating our centenary in 2017 with a National Show and auction. The National De Heus Ayrshire Herd Competition took place all over the country this year. Judge Walter Finlayson undertook the huge task and visited all the participants’ farms within two weeks. He viewed six different classes of cows in their working clothes and participants welcomed him onto their farms with open arms. We would like to thank all the breeders for their hospitality during the judging, as well as our main sponsor, De Heus. The society would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate Kevin Lang for the amazing year he has had and all the highlights which make him stand out as the premier breeder of the year : He was bred and showed for three of the six champions and reserves during the National Championships in Bredasdorp. At the 2015 National De Heus Ayrshire Herd Competition, Kevin was appointed as the overall winner. During the World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin in USA, Kevin Lang received the International Person of the Year award. He is the first person who has won the Golden Cup five times. Congratulations Kevin, with your huge successes and an outstanding 2015! Australia, Canada, Colombia, Faba, Finland, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, Geat Britain,and Ireland, USA Breed statistics Swedish Red 2015 Cows 101 851 Milk 9015 kg Fat % 4,4 Protein % 3,6 Production per life day 12,3 kg Fat+protein kg 715 First calving 27,7 months Calving interval 12,9 months National show In october we had our national show ELMIA, with 40 cows shown. They where judged by John Cochrane from Scotland. Grand champion 1135 Blomma Sire Ristourn Grandsire Jerry, Blomma is a fourth calver from Leif Larsson, Lunden, Brålanda. Reserve champion 44 Millan (second calver) Sire 1106 Rekord Grandsire 1081 Orkko from Robert Albertsson, Skara International Red showmanship We also arranged International Red Showmanship at the ELMIA show, with eleven competitors from Canada, Scotland, New Zealand, Finland, Denmark and Sweden. The showmanship was judged by Chris Studer and John Cochrane. The winner was Lilli Laiholahti from Finland, second place Nicolas Lacerte from Canada and third place Lina Persson from Sweden. Australia, Canada, Colombia, Faba, Finland, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, Geat Britain,and Ireland, USA World Ayrshire Federation youth tour. Swedish red youth group had invited to youth tour in Sweden in october, which started with a visit at VikingGenetics’ bull station in Skara, then three days at the national show Elmia with the international showmanship. After that four days with farmvisits in the south of Sweden. Participants on the youth tour was Lilli Laiholahti and Jarkko Hyttinen from Finland, David Lawrie from Scotland, Nicolas Lacerte from Canada and Amy White from New Zealand. It was very nice to have young people here and we hope that they enjoyed the tour. Australia, Canada, Colombia, Faba, Finland, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, Geat Britain,and Ireland, USA 2015 has been a difficult year here in the UK, with the dairy Industry again causing hardship for many dairy farmers in all four of our home nations. From what I hear much of the rest of the world is in exactly the same position so let’s all hope that the world markets improve very soon, however, as one of the most economic breeds for production in the world hopefully the Ayrshire cow will enable everyone to “ride this storm” to see a brighter future in the New Year. Again, we here in the United Kingdom have had a very busy twelve months. The year started particularly well for me with a trip to Australia to officiate at the Australian IDW. A show that was as well run as ever I did see. The quality of animals was superb and only second to the Ayrshire breeders of Australia, who, I have to say, are a great bunch. Thank you for having me! Yet another very successful Young Breeders gathering was held, this year in the beautiful county of Devon, and I must thank the Devon club for their hospitality and hard work during the event, and also congratulations to this year’s winner of the Hugh Stevenson award, David Lawrie from Kinross in Scotland, and also to the junior award winner of the John Cochrane trophy, Laura Partington from Lancashire, England. The AGM and conference was again a huge success with a superbly well run event from start to finish. The Cumberland club should be commended for their huge efforts and achievement in making this yet again a spectacular event. Here we appointed the new officers for the year. Incoming president was Robert Adams, who many people from all over the world know as Robert has been a regular attendee at the World Conferences. Back in June of this year I represented our breed at the European Red Breeds meeting in Latvia. Red breeds are dominant throughout much of Europe and this meeting is a chance to get together, to promote ourselves and discuss how we can learn from each other. Countries represented were Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Sweden and the United Kingdom. We each did a presentation on our breed and I can honestly say that there was much interest in my PowerPoint presentation, with many questions and discussions on Ayrshires throughout the two day conference. Shows throughout the UK have been really well supported by our breeders. One of the highlights had to be our National Show held in July in Birmingham, England. A great entry of almost sixty milking animals were paraded in front of this year’s judge, Iwan Thomas from Wales. Grand Champion Ayrshire was Cuthill Towers Radar Ray 13 EX93 from Arthur and Susan Lawrie. This was a very popular winner and is sired by the great Hunnington Mandella. The Lawrie family also won the Breeders Group award. Stood in Reserve position was yet another Hunnington Mandella daughter, from Chris and Lisa Window, Hunnington Fragy 12 VG89. Lisa took Hunnington Fragy 12 to the Royal Welsh show in Wales a few weeks later and took the championship. Much of the success of our National show is down to our Young Breeders who come along to prepare, look after and show animals for breeders who can’t be there themselves. Australia, Canada, Colombia, Faba, Finland, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, Geat Britain,and Ireland, USA A couple of weeks earlier was the Royal Highland show in Edinburgh, Scotland. Here Gilmour and Jim Lawrie took the breed championship with Brieryside Executive Sparky 7 EX93, by Waxham Executive. In reserve was Halmyre Urr Louise 254 VG87, by Palmyra Tri Star Reality, from Keith Davidson and family. One of the newest shows in the UK is UK Dairy Day. The Lindsay family won here with Barr Sandy Rose 56 EX94. An elite sale for all breeds was held here with one Ayrshire entry, from Sam Wadsworth in Northern Ireland, Glenwood Dreamer Irene (by Nexus Dreamer) born in January 2015, selling for £6800, which was the fourth highest price for all breeds. October saw our All Breeds National calf show with a superb display of Ayrshire calves and Showmanship competitors. Showmanship champion was Beth Mellish and in reserve was Jake Sayer. Jake went one better the following day when he won the breed championship with his October 2014 born East Church Prime Time Blissful, sired by De La Plaine Prime. Jake, from Somerset in England, bought the heifer earlier in the season from Mark Evans. In reserve was Hunnington Toni 3, sired by Hunnington Admiral, from one of our newest members, Nicky Lockyer from Devon, who had recently purchased the calf from the Hunnington herd. In November our Northern National Sale in Carlisle, Cumbria saw a decent trade considering the current climate. The sale included a dispersal sale from Archie Millar of Campbeltown, Kintyre, and it was a super young cow that topped the sale, selling for £4000. Only yesterday we had the Agriscot show in Scotland. The Ayrshire breed put on a superb show and it was Arthur and Susan Lawrie who took the Breed Championship, this time with Cuthill Towers Miss Blondie 2 EX94 sired by the home bred sire Cuthill Towers White Knight. Stood in reserve was Halmyre Urr Mayflower 240 EX91 from the Davidson family. Earlier in the day the Ayrshire heifer champion Bruchag Talent Evelyn went on to win the grand title “Super Heifer 2015” (All breeds junior champion). Gilmour and Jim Lawrie of Brieryside Ayrshires had purchased a half share of this beautiful heifer from breeder James McAlister from the Isle of Bute. Our Society was very fortunate to have been gifted a legacy from one of our past members. We are extremely grateful to the late Mr Frank Renshaw, who felt that the Society could benefit from his kindness through the legacy. Some of the funds have been used to develop a new website, which will hopefully go live early in 2016, and also a new trade stand to promote both the Society and Cattle Services (Ayr) Ltd. Some of this funding is also being used in our breed heritage programme, where we are working alongside our breeders to breed families with great genetics to ensure the UK Ayrshire develops stronger and faster in the years to come. At the end of 2015 the sales and marketing manager for Cattle Services (Ayr) Ltd, Edward Evans, is to retire. Edward has spent many years in this position and before that had worked as a classifier for the Ayrshire Cattle Society. We all wish Edward, and his wife Margaret, a very happy retirement and a long earned rest. His replacement - Sam Wake - has been appointed. Sam will bring much expertise of the Industry to the company and wish him well with his new position. I very much hope that the Ayrshire is doing as well worldwide as it is here in the UK and I would hope to meet many of you in 2016 at the World Federation conference in the USA. Duncan Hunter Breed Manager, Ayrshire Cattle Society of Great Britain and Ireland Australia, Canada, Colombia, Faba, Finland, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, Geat Britain,and Ireland, USA The members of the U.S. Ayrshire Breeders’ Association cordially invite you to attend the 2016 Ayrshire World Conference. An itinerary has been planned that will give the participants the opportunity to experience U. S. Ayrshire events, World Dairy Expo, the changing of seasons, and a variety of activities as you travel across the country. Attendees will have the opportunity to see “U.S. Ayrshires…Designed to Work for You!” and visit many of the outstanding Ayrshire herds including: Sunny Acres; S&M-Ayr Farm, which is an Amish farm; Maulfair Acres; Conebella Farm; Palmyra Farm; Spring-Run Farm; Family-Af-Ayr Farm; Ullmstar Dairy; Grand-View Ayrshires, and 7 Oaks Dairy. There will also be opportunities to visit other agriculture venues at Sagamore Thoroughbred Farm; Fair Oaks Farms, which is one of the largest US dairies and features an educational experience for visitors; and the National Dairy Shrine Museum. Participants will attend two of the national Ayrshire shows held each year in the United States. The Eastern States Exposition in Springfield, MA hosts the Eastern States National Show featuring animals from the New England states. The facility also features the Avenue of States which promotes products from Massachusetts, Maine, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont. The last part of the Conference Tour will be at largest U.S. national show held at World Dairy Expo. Guests will attend the 50th World Dairy Expo and experience the dairy shows, sales, commercial trade show, and seminars for four event-filled days. The World Ayrshire Federation meetings will be held at the Kalahari Resort in the Wisconsin Dells prior to World Dairy Expo. In addition to Ayrshire and agriculture events, guests will have the chance to experience American history and culture at the Baseball Hall of Fame and in the different states and communities that you visit. The entire conference will be filled with fun, food and fellowship. The early registration deadline is February 1, 2016. For more information contact Becky Payne [email protected], fax: 614-335-0020 or mail at 1224 Alton Darby Creek Road, Columbus, OH USA 43228. at Australia, Canada, Colombia, Faba, Finland, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, Geat Britain,and Ireland, USA Autumn is the season for national Ayrshire shows in the United States with four national shows being held in different parts of the country. The series was kicked off with the Mid-Atlantic National Ayrshire Show that was held at the AllAmerican Dairy Show in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on September 15 and 16. Chris Lahmers of Marysville, OH evaluated the 115 animals shown. Four-Hills Tdent Snoopy 2634, the first place Aged Cow and Senior Champion was selected as the Grand Champion. This EX-93 2E Trident daughter, owned by Bradley and Britney Hill of Bristol, VT, is no stranger to the tanbark trail and has previously earned ten All-American and Junior All-American recognitions and the 2012 All-World 3-Year-Award. Snoopy’s best lactation at 5-00 is 40,030 pounds of milk in 365 days. The Intermediate Champion, Cedarcut Burdette Clove Colata, was named as the Reserve Grand Champion. Colata is an EX-90 Burdette daughter and was the first place Senior 3-Year-Old. She is owned by Erin Curtis Szalach of Caznovia, NY. These two cows switched places from the championship circle of the Mid-Atlantic National Ayrhsire show where Colata was Grand Champion and the Age Cow was Reserve Grand. The Eastern States National Ayrshire Show was held Thursday, September 24 at the Eastern States Exposition in Springfield, Massachusetts. Judge Garnet Schellen from Prince Edward Island, Canada, placed the 85 entries. Schellen named the first and second place Senior 2-Year-Olds as his Intermediate and Grand champions. Oake Knoll Burdette’s Hideaway, owned by Ashley Owen of Huntington, MA, was the recipient of the Grand Champion banners. She was followed by Morning-Mist Ramius Mercedes, a Galney-EPC Galant Ramius daughter, owned by Cian Quinn, Whiting, VT. Mercedes was Reserve Junior Champion of the 2014 Eastern States National Junior show and had earned a Junior All-American nomination in that year. The largest national Ayrshire show, the International Ayrshire Show, was then held at World Dairy Expo on September 29th in Madison, Wisconsin. 251 head paraded across the colored shavings for Judge Mary Creek of Hagerstown, MD and Associate Judge Selwyn Donald of Featherston, New Zealand. Outstanding young cows again sorted themselves to the top with the first place Senior 3Year-Old, Cedarcut Burdette Clove Colata, earning the Intermediate Champion and Grand Champion banners in both the open and junior shows for New York owner Erin Curtis Szalach. Colata is scored EX-90 and has production credits of 21,946M 4.3% 651F 3.4% 750P in 299 days at 2-07 months. She added these awards to her Reserve Grand Champion and Grand Champion of the Junior Show from the MidAtlantic National shows. The second place Senior 3-Year-Old, Ski-Pal L G Kalina, was the Reserve Intermediate and Reserve Grand Champion. Kalina repeats as the winner of these championship banners for owner Glamour View Farm, Walkersville, MD. She is the granddaughter of Ski-Pal Lot Kally, EX-93, who was Intermediate Champion of the 2006 show at World Dairy Expo. The final 2015 National Ayrshire Show was held at the North American International Livestock Show in Louisville, KY on November 10 th. Joe Sparrow, Owenton, KY lined up the 110 animals that entered the ring. Palmyra Tri-Star Burdette-ET daughters captured the championship ribbons as Judge Sparrow chose the first place 4-Year-Old, Hi -Ayr-View Burdette Andie-ET, as his Senior and Grand Champion. She is the EX-92 daughter of Daltondale Audra, EX-92 4E, who has lifetime production credits of 120,020 pounds of milk, 4,297 pounds of butterfat and 3, 582 pounds of protein. In her second lactation at 2-10, Andie produced 17,940M 4.2% 749F 3.3% 599P in 260 days. The second place 4-Year-Old, Felton’s Burdette Magic Moose, VG-88, was selected as the Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion of the show. This Burdette daughter is owned by Shelly Garrett, Breann Moore, Nakayla Johnson, Cody Jodrey and Corey Jodrey, Losantville, IN. Australia, Canada, Colombia, Faba, Finland, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, Geat Britain,and Ireland, USA Top 10 High CPI Cows – August 2015 The High CPI (Cow Performance Index) list for August 2015 features four animals owned by the same farm and four animals that were bred by the farm. Four of the top 10 animals on the High CPI list come from 7 Oaks Farm in Janesville, WI. They own the #1 cow, Van-De Phoenix Corky Arizona; the #4 cow, Van-De Orkko Caitlin Corky, who is dam of the #1 cow; and # 7 cow, Hazcroft Burdette Camille-ET, who is also a daughter of the #4 cow and maternal sister of the #1 cow. They also own the #2 cow Van-De Orkko Cricket Croquet. Van De Ayrshires, owned by John and Amy Vanderstappen of Transfer, PA, bred four of the Top 10 cows as they are the breeders of the #1, #2,# 4, and #9 cow, Van-De Orkko Firefly Foxfire. Van-De Phoenix Corky Arizona ranks as the #1 cow with a CPI of +576. She is a Van-De Piuha Phoenix daughter of the #4 cow, Van-De Orkko Caitlin Corky and is owned by Margaret Hazeltine. Arizona is scored EX-90 with a best lactation record of 3-01 360D 24,980M (11,330 kg) 4.2% 1043F 3.6% 895P. She is the dam of 7 Oaks Burdette Alaska *TF who is a young sire being sampled through Taurus-ST. The #2 cow, Van-De Orkko Cricket Croquet, VG-85, is a daughter of the Finnish bull, Purolan Orkko and Van-De Jerry K-T-Did Cricket, EX-92 3E, a Kildare Jerry-ET daughter with lifetime credits of over 134,500 pounds of milk (61,009 kg), 5,372 pounds of butterfat, and 4,582 pounds of protein. Croquet’s best record is 5-05 305D 23,920M (10,850 kg) 3.9% 925F 3.4% 820P. Croquet is owned by Rob and Tiffany Hazeltine and Family, Janesville, WI. Conebella Percy’s Tiva ranks as the #3 cow. This Kildare Percy-ET daughter is scored VG-88 and produced 18,290M (8,296 kg) 4.1% 751F 3.5% 637P at 2-02. Her Orkko dam’s best record is 4-02 296D 21,570M (9,784 kg) 3.6% 774F 3.6% 768P. Tiva is owned by Donald Gable, Elverson, PA. The #4 cow is Van-De Orkko Caitlin Corky, EX-92 2E, the dam of the cows that rank as #1 and #7. A Purolan Orkko daughter out of a EX-90 Trident with lifetime credits of 126,490M 4,910F and 3,649P, Corky’s best lactation is 5-10 355D 34,150M (15,490 kg) 4.2% 1,432F 3.3% 1,117P. She received an All-American Jr 2-Year-Old Nomination in 2010. Corky is owned by Rob and Tiffany Hazeltine and family. Ranking as #5 is Hawksfield Modem Bronara Rose, EX-91, owned by Charles Sayles, Perry, MI. Bronara Rose is a Lagace Modem-ET daughter out of Hawksfield B.C. Bronara, EX-92, who has lifetime credits of 154,190M (69,940 kg) 5,655F 5,077P in 2752 days. The maternal granddam is Hawksfield Bronara-ET, EX-94 4E, who has lifetime credits of 352,302M (159,803 kg) 15,073F 1182P and has received the Living Lifetime Production Award. Conebella Passion’s Starry, VG-84, owned by Donald Gable, Elverson, PA, ranks as the #6 cow. Starry’s best lactation is 2-06 365D 30,940M (14,034 kg) 3.6% 1127F 3.1% 949P. She is an Anmar Passeli Passion daughter out of a 85-point Visserdale Dilligent daughter. The maternal granddam, Conebella Reward’s Starlight, VG-89, was the recipient of the 2014 Living Lifetime Production Award with 307,200M (139,345 kg) 4.0% 12,219F 3.3% 10,229P. A Burdette maternal sister of the #1 cow ranks as the #7 cow. Hazcorft Burdette Camille-ET, VG-88, produced 17,440M (7,910 kg) 4.3% 756F 3.6% 625P in 305 days in her first lactation that began at 1-11. Her dam is the #4 cow Van-De Orkko Caitlin Corky. Camille is also owned by Rob and Tiffany Hazeltine and family, Janesville, WI. Another Burdette daughter follows at #8 on the High CPI list. S&M-Ayr Burdette’s Dixie, EX-90, owned by the Mike Zook, Honey Brook, PA has a best lactation of 4-11 305D 23,160M (10,505 kg) 4.3% 998F 3.3% 759P. Her VG-88 Dilligent dam produced 23,300 pounds of milk (10,569 kg), 1,022 pounds of butterfat and 759 pounds of protein at 5-03 in 347 days. The #9 cow is Van-De Orkko Firefly Foxfire, EX-90, who is another Orkko out of an EX-91 2E dam. Foxfire produced 18,550M (8,414 kg) 3.8% 712F 3.5% 645P in 305 days at 4-01. Her Burdette son, Ecuafarm Burdette Firefox, is being sampled by Genex/CRI. Foxfire is currently owned by Fabian Almeida, Cleburn, TX. Rounding out the Top 10 High CPI cows is Good-Vue Burdettes Chatter, VG-87, owned by Todd Habermann, Manitowoc, WI. Chatter’s first lactation credits are 2-05 305D 20,780M (9,426 kg) 4.0% 839F 3.5% 718P. Her EX-91 3E dam has produced 104,810M (47,542 kg) 4,177F 3,710P in 1962 days. Chatter’s Volvo maternal brother, Good-Vue KV Chalmers-ET, will soon be available at Select Sires. Australia, Canada, Colombia, Faba, Finland, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, Geat Britain,and Ireland, USA
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