Podium Session (PO)


Podium Session (PO)
Abstract Definitions and Formats
Case Study/Professional Practice and Scientific Research
Choose an Abstract by Content Type
Abstracts can be submitted as either Case Study/Professional Practice OR Scientific Research.
Definition of Case Study/Professional Practice Abstract
Case Study/Professional Practice: Focuses on a problem-solving approach in a specific situation. These presentations
should describe applications of knowledge to real-world problems or an actual situation that was investigated or tested.
Instructional type abstracts, e.g., describing a new methodology or equipment, should be submitted under case
study/professional practice role. Abstracts and presentations based on professional practice must clearly present the
situation or problem at issue, the resolution for fixing the problem as well as the results and lessons learned.
Definition of Scientific Research Abstract
Scientific Research Abstract: Focuses on the generation of new knowledge and understanding of basic mechanisms of a
physical, chemical, or biological agent. Abstracts and presentations based on this type of research must have a research
objective, detailed methods, results, and data-driven conclusions. Scientific research may be conducted in the
laboratory, on a sample of study subjects, or in a sample of facilities or situations. Scientific research may also include
data review and analysis.
Submission Formats
You must select one of the following three format choices for your abstract submission:
• Podium only – 20 minute oral presentation including Q&A.
• Poster only – poster presentation with 2 hour author attend time to discuss work.
• Either Podium or Poster – reviewers determine which format during the review process.
* Do not submit an identical abstract under the EHS Crossover Program or Roundtable format.
Peer Review Process
All AIHce submissions are peer reviewed by the Program Committee (PCC) as well as representatives of AIHA technical
committees. Specific selection and rating criteria are listed under submission requirements for each presentation type,
Speaker Registration / Funding
No financial assistance is available for Podium or Poster presenters. All technical session speakers are required to register
for the conference and pay the full conference fees. Speakers attending the conference for the day of presentation must
register at the prevailing one-day rate.
In January, an e-mail notification will be sent to each submitter regarding the disposition of the abstract. Confirm that you
have listed your correct and complete email address to ensure receiving this notification in a timely manner.
Certification Points
AIHce technical session presenters (podium, EHS crossover program, roundtable or poster) are eligible to receive ABIH
CM points in Category 5. Check the ABIH website (www.abih.org) for current values.
Changes, Cancellations, Withdrawals
The Program Committee regards a submitted presentation as a commitment to present. If extenuating circumstances
prevent the author from making the presentation, it is that author's obligation to find an alternate presenter and notify
the AIHce office and the session arranger. Withdrawals must be made in writing to the AIHce office as soon as
possible. Cancellations, particularly after the presentation has been accepted and publicized, are viewed by the
Program Committee as highly unprofessional. Under no circumstances can a presentation that has been submitted
be changed once the deadline for receipt has passed.
Submission Requirements for Podium/Poster Abstracts
General Format Requirements
Your abstract is limited to 2500 characters – spaces included.
Abstracts suggesting commercialism in any form will be rejected.
Do not include tables, figures, bibliographic lists, structural formulas, or subscripts in your abstract.
The substance of the abstract should not have been presented or published before.
The abstract should stand on its own and not refer to another work.
Typographical errors are unacceptable. Abstracts are published as submitted.
Program Committee Rating Criteria for Case Study/Professional Practice
The following (4) terms with brief descriptions must be present in your abstract:
• Situation/problem: Clear description of the technical issue and surrounding environment.
• Resolution: Detailed methods of addressing the issue, control, or attempted control of the problem.
• Results: Substantiated findings of issue resolution, effectiveness of control or attempted resolution of the
• Lessons learned: What were the lessons learned?
Program Committee Rating Criteria for Scientific Research Abstracts:
The following (4) terms with brief descriptions must be present in your abstract:
Objective: A clear purpose and reasons for work are stated. Do not include data or discussion of the work being
reported in this section.
Methods: Detailed experimental procedures and/or investigation and testing methods are described.
Statistical methods may also be stated in this section.
Results: Research findings are presented and appropriately quantified and substantiated.
Numerical results must be presented when available. Statements such as: “The findings from this testing will be
presented” are not acceptable. Figures and tables should not be included in this section.
Conclusions: Clear, concise summary of importance or relevance of work as supported by data.
This section may include one or more of the following:
o Application to the practice of industrial hygiene and occupational/environmental health or safety.
o Evaluation of the hypotheses tested in this investigation, and consideration of how the results contribute
to the field and support/refute other studies.
o Where appropriate, any limitations on the study and their impact on the conclusions.
o Any recommendations to show how the information can be used directly by occupational
and environmental hygienists to solve problems
Additional Review Criteria for all Abstracts
Audience appeal: Interest to AIHce attendees, providing new/original, useful information.
No commercialism: Company names, trademarks, etc. should not be included in abstracts and new programs
or technology should not be advertised.
Content Type: Submitted under appropriate content type.
Instructions followed: Per posted guidelines.
Spell Check: Grammar and spelling are accurate.
Web Submission Content Requirements
Abstract title: Make the title brief and clearly indicate the nature of the abstract (scientific research or case
study/professional practice).
Author information: Enter contact information for presenting author and other authors including telephone
number, email and affiliation. The contact author must be the presenting author.
Topic preference: Identify three subject areas from the list provided below, to which the paper is best suited.
Abstracts are reviewed by the topic area’s technical committee reviewer and slotted in sessions according to
the topic preference selected by the author.
Keywords: Enter up to two keywords to describe your topic.
Presentation format: Select Podium Only, Podium/Poster, or Poster Only. Select carefully. No changes can be
made once submission acceptances are made. (Reminder: approved abstracts in the “Either Podium/Poster”
option may be assigned by the Program Committee to either category according to space or other
Click on appropriate responses to various administrative questions.
Topics for AIHce 2016
1. Aerosols
2. Biological Monitoring
3. Biosafety and Environmental Microbiology
4. Clandestine Labs
5. Communication and Training
6. Computer Applications
7. Confined Spaces
8. Construction
9. Control Banding
10. Engineering
11. Environmental Issues
12. Ergonomics
13. Exposure Assessment Strategies
14. Green Building/LEED
15. Hazardous Chemicals
16. Healthcare
17. Incident Preparedness/Response
18. Indoor Environmental Quality
19. Industrial Hygiene General Practice
20. International
21. Ionizing Radiation
22. Lab Health and Safety
23. Legal, Regulatory, Guidelines, and Standards
24. Management
25. Mold
26. Nanotechnology
27. Noise
28. Nonionizing Radiation
29. Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology
30. Occupational Medicine
31. Oil and Gas
32. Protective Clothing and Equipment
33. Real-Time Detection
34. Respiratory Protection
35. Risk Assessment & Management
36. Safety
37. Sampling and Lab Analysis
38. Social Concerns
39. Stewardship and Sustainability
40. Toxicology
Submitting Your Presentation Electronically
Before using the AIHce submission system, we recommend preparing the body of your presentation
electronically in advance, in a word processing file.
Do not include the abstract title or author names in the file. The title and author information will be requested
separately through the submission system.
Do not indent paragraphs or include blank lines in between paragraphs.
Proofread carefully for factual, spelling, and grammar errors. NO changes or edits will be permitted once the
deadline has passed.
Maximum character limit for the body of abstracts is 2500 characters.
Ready to submit?
Log in
Select your role (submission type)
Click on the SUBMISSION tab at the top of the page
Follow the detailed instructions on the website!
All abstracts must be received electronically by September 21, 2015- 5PM Eastern time!
If you have any questions, please contact Kathryn Wege, Coordinator, Technical Programs,
[email protected], 703-846-0753.