Andre Lopes


Andre Lopes
Andre Lopes
Summary of Qualifications
 HTML5, CSS3, SASS/LESS Javascript, jQuery, JSON, AJAX, Grunt, Zurb Foundation, Wordpress, PHP, MVC,
Jade, Third Party API’s (Facebook, Youtube, Vimeo, Instagram), Responsive Web Development, SEO,
Tableless, GIT, SVN, Basecamp.
 Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Sublime Text.
 Databases – MySQL, SQL Server Oracle, MongoDB.
 OS – Mac OS X, Windows.
 Currently studying Media Techniques & Marketing Communications (BCIT).
 Graduated from University (UNOPAR – Brazil) in 2013 – Degree in System Analysis and Development.
 Fluent English speaker, native Portuguese speaker.
 Reliable and self-motivated.
 Quick learner.
 Freelance and personal projects at:
Professional Experience
No Limits – Web Developer (Contract - Vancouver)
01/15 – 02/15
Maintenance of e-commerce websites using Magento and creation of responsive email marketing
Wallop – Web Developer (Vancouver)
09/14 – 12/14
Development and maintenance of websites (both front and back end) using HTML5, CSS3
(SASS/LESS), Javascript (jQuery), AJAX, JSON, XML, Grunt, Ruby Gems, RVM, Wordpress, PHP,
MySQL, Foundation, Bootstrap. Used Git and SVN for version control.
Wundr – Web UI Engineer (Vancouver)
04/14 – 09/14
Development and maintenance of websites and internal software, which includes creating new
features for their responsive eReader software. The technologies used were HTML5, CSS3,
Javascript (jQuery), PHP, Wordpress, MySQL. Used Git for version control.
NBR Technology – Front-End Developer (Brazil)
06/13 – 12/13
Development and maintenance of e-commerce websites using HTML5, CSS (SASS/LESS),
Javascript (jQuery/Zepto.js), Node.js, Grunt, Jade, XCode, and getting the data needed through .NET
C#. Used Git and SVN for version control.
ICOMP – Front-End Developer (Brazil)
04/12 – 06/13
Development and maintenance of websites for bands and singers using HTML, CSS, Javascript
(jQuery), AJAX, JSON to get all the data needed through .NET C# web services. Used Git and SVN
for version control.
Cantoni – .NET Developer Intern (Brazil)
11/11 – 04/12
Development and maintenance of websites and intranet softwares using ASP.NET C#. Used SVN for
version control.
FTI – .NET Developer Intern (Brazil)
06/11 – 11/11
Development and maintenance of web and desktop applications using ASP.NET C#. Used SVN for
version control.

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