2015 APAA Scholarship and Awards Gala Sponsorship Form
2015 APAA Scholarship and Awards Gala Sponsorship Form
2015 APAA Scholarship and Awards Gala Sponsorship Form Name: Title: Company/Organization: Address: City/State/Zip: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Sponsorships Tickets Presenting Sponsor* $40,000 Individual Ticket $ 250 Gold Sponsor $10,000 Pair of Tickets (2) $ 450 Cardinal Sponsor $5,000 Young Alumni/Student^ $ 200 Trojan Sponsor $3,000 Student Table Sponsor $2,500 Cash Donation $____ ^ Current USC student or graduates 35 year old or under. * Presenting sponsor limited to 1 Program Tribute Ads Full-page inside back cover, black & white (5” w x 8”h) $1,500 (limited to 1 ad only) Full-page, black & white (5” w x 8” h) $1,000 Half-page, black & white (5” w x 3 7/8” h) $700 Files should be high-resolution (min. 300 dpi) camera-ready files in EPS or high resolution PDF format. Please e-mail to: [email protected] All sponsorships and ad artwork must be received by Wednesday, March 11, 2015 to be included in the program book Payment Information Total Amount Contributed: Check Payable to USC APAA, Check #: Credit Card: VISA MC AMEX Card #: Name on Card: Exp. Date: Cardholder Signature: Please mail completed form to: 2015 USC APAA Gala Dinner, 3607 Trousdale Parkway, TCC 305, Los Angeles, CA 90089 You may also fax a copy to 213.740.0729 USC Tax ID# 95-1642394 Names of Guests 1. ____________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________________________ 5. ____________________________________________________________ 6. ____________________________________________________________ 7. ____________________________________________________________ 8._____________________________________________________________ 9._____________________________________________________________ 10.____________________________________________________________ I purchased an individual ticket. Please seat me with the guests listed above. I am a table sponsor and would like to host _____ APAA student(s) at my table as my guest(s). Please submit any “TBD” guest names by Monday, April 6, 2015