DONATE A WELL CAMPAIGN Fundraising Dinner and Auction Fundraising Dinner and AuctionLadies Only Humanity First Pakistan endeavours to provide every person in Tharparkar, clean drinking water for this purpose, lajna humanity first are holding a fund raising event ‘Donate a Well Campaign’ where you can donate a well with your family’s name for just £2,000 and provide clean drinking water, for up to; ∙ 150 families st May 2015 1 ∙ 1500 persons ∙ 2000 livestock 6 pm Tahir Hall Baitul Futuh 181 London Road Morden, Surrey SM4 5AE UK. For tickets please call Mansoora Nasir: 07956367446 For card payment please call: 07956367446 Email: [email protected] No tickets will be sold on the door entry strictly by ticket. Tickets: £25 ,Table for 10: £200