CONFERENCE PROGRAM - Anthropology of Tourism


CONFERENCE PROGRAM - Anthropology of Tourism
9.00-9.30 – WELCOME SPEECH
Room: Aula Średnia A
Language: Polish, English, simultaneous translation
9.30-11.00 – PLENARY SESSION
Chair: Monika Banaś (PhD), prof. Ryszard Winiarski
Room: Aula Średnia A
Language: Polish, English, simultaneous translation
Graburn Nelson (prof.), University of California, Berkeley, Fifty Years of Tourists and Tourism: Some Problems of Approaches,
Disciplines and Methods
Wieczorkiewicz Anna (prof. dr hab.), Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Warsaw, Map and the landscape in tourist
experience *
11.00-11.30 – COFFEE BREAK
11.30-13.30 PANEL SESSIONS
Chairs: Prof. Maria Zowisło, Prof. Leszek Korporowicz
Room: Aula Średnia A
Language: Polish, English, simultaneous translation
Zowisło Maria (Prof.), Faculty of Tourism and Leisure, University of Physical Education in Cracow, On the crossroads of cognition: travels
of philosophy, philosophy of travel*
Mylik Mirosław (PhD), The Bogdan Jański Academy, Historiosophical aspects of the beginning and the development of the phenomenon of sport
and tourism
Korporowicz Leszek (Prof.), Faculty of International and Political Studies, Jagiellonian University, Journey in intercultural space
Lach Monika (MA), Faculty of Philology, University of Rzeszow, Maciuś I as homo viator; on the basis of the novel of Janusz Korczak ‘King Maciuś I’
and ‘King Maciuś on the desert island’*
Kosmecka Agnieszka (MA), Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Travelling means living. On Hans Christian
Andersen and his diaries*
Gajda Kinga Anna (PhD), Institute of European Studies, Jagiellonian University, Tourism as method of intercultural education
Damyanova Desislava (PhD), Faculty of Philosophy, Sofia University, Homo Viator between the East and the West
Chairs: Natalia Bloch (PhD), Li Yiping (PhD)
Room: Sala Seminaryjna
Language: English
Yiping Li (PhD), Connie Kwong (MA), Faculty of Geography, The University of Hong Kong, Perception of Local Residents and Mainland China Visitors
in Sharing Leisure Space of Hong Kong
Bloch Natalia (PhD), Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, The Barbarians in a Holy Town: Tourism,
Morality, and Religious Nationalism in Hampi UNESCO Site
Isański Jakub (PhD), Faculty of Social Science, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Migration, tourism and social remittances
Yang Jingjing (dr), Zhang Lingyun (prof.), Tourism Institute, Beijing Union University, School of Hospitality and Tourism
Management, University of Surrey, Guildford, Social and cultural conflict in tourism
Maćkowiak Anna Maria (MA), Institute for the Study of Religions, Jagiellonian University, Relationships between tourism and local religious traditions
on two Indonesian islands
Avellino Stewart Marie (MA), Institute of Tourism, Travel and Culture, University of Malta, Islands of Memory: Gazes and Gifts
Chairs: Prof. Armin Mikos von Rohrscheidt, dr Małgorzata Kryczka
Room: Sala Konferencyjna
Language: Polish
Siwek Matylda (PhD), Institute of History, the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, Do culture, motives, and forms of travel in the 19th
and at the beginnings of the 20th century belong to the past or possess ageless features?*
Plichta Paweł (PhD), Institute of Intercultural Studies, Jagiellonian University, Camino Francés – still a pilgrimage or tourism?*
Mikos von Rohrscheidt Armin (Prof.), Milenium Academy in Gniezno, Editor-in-chief „Turystyka Kulturowa”, Faith or curosity? What kind of needs
of the tourist interested in religion are satisfied by the offer of German touroperators?*
Kryczka Małgorzata (PhD), Faculty of Tourism and Leisure, University of Physical Education in Cracow, Traditional and modern forms of pilgrimage
as a result of promotional campaign of the World Centre of Veneration of the Image of the Divine Mercy*
Popiel Marcin (MA), Institute of Geography and Spatial Management, Jagiellonian University, The situation of disabled people in tourism*
Kociszewski Piotr (MA), Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, University of Warsaw, Seniors as important participants of modern tourism*
Stach Elżbieta (MA), Institute Geography and Spatial Management, Jagiellonian University, School trips in urban space in the context of the regional
education and cultural heritage of the local homeland*
13.30-14.30 – LUNCH BREAK
14.30-16.30 – PANEL SESSIONS
Chairs: Prof. Elżbieta Puchnarewicz, dr hab. Zygmunt Kruczek
Room: Aula Średnia A
Language: Polish, English, simultaneous translation
Rok Agata (MA), independent researcher, Mountain which devours people alive*
Duda Anna (MA), Institute of Intercultural Studies, Jagiellonian University, Shock tourism – between sensation and empathy. An attempt
of definition*
Farmaki Anna (PhD), School of Business and Management, University of Central Lancashire Cyprus, Dark tourism across the divide
Owsianowska Sabina (PhD), Banaszkiewicz Magdalena (PhD), Faculty of Tourism and Leisure, University of Physical Education in Cracow, Institute
of Intercultural Studies, Jagiellonian University, Negotiating the meaning of the dissonant heritage in tourism promotion
Gutowska Aleksandra (MA), Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Science, Narratives constructed during the experience
of the tour in Kibera, the biggest slums of Kenia*
Puchnarewicz Elżbieta (Prof.), Academy of Tourism and Foreign Languages in Warsaw, Reaching the core of the culture. Extreme cognitive journeys*
Kruczek Zygmunt (PhD), Różycki Paweł (PhD), Faculty of Tourism and Leisure, University of Physical Education in Cracow, Space tourism. The history,
the future and its place in the typology of the cultural tourism*
Chairs: Prof. Anna Wieczorkiewicz, Polly Keeler (PhD)
Room: Sala Seminaryjna
Language: English
Kork Yuri (PhD), independent researcher, How film tourists experience destinations
Charapan Nadzeya (MA), History Department, European Humanities University, [re]Design of cultural tourist experience in contemporary museum
Sznajder Anna (PhD), Kosmala Katarzyna (Prof.), Faculty of Business and Creative Industries, University of the West of Scotland, Let’s make laces in the
garden: introducing creative tourism experience in rural Poland
Góral Anna (PhD), Institute of Culture, Jagiellonian University, Dining with the Templars. Experience design as a new approach in cultural tourism
Gutowska Anna Maria (MA), Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Jagiellonian University, Tourist in Art Museum
Keeler Polly (PhD), The Ironbridge International Institute of Cultural Heritage, The University of Birmingham, Communicating Outstanding Universal
Value: The Networks of Heritage Tourism
Thome Ortiz Humberto (PhD), Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Rurales, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Mexico, Gastronomic
Heritage and Identity. An anthropological approach to the relationship between tourism and local food
Weil Gonzalez Karin Veronica (MA), Bello Rojas Daniela (MA), Godoy Gallardo Marcelo Alejandro (MA), Direction of Museums, Universidad Austral de
Chile, Historia, Universidad de Santiago, Interpretative Units: seeking ways to integrate museums, heritage, territory and community
Chairs: Karolina Buczkowska (PhD), Anna Wilkońska (PhD)
Room: Sala Konferencyjna
Language: Polish
Buczkowska Karolina (PhD), Department of Humanistic Foundations of Tourism, University School of Physical Education in Poznan, Culinary needs and
the experiences of modern travellers*
Wilkońska Anna (PhD), Faculty of Tourism and Leisure, Faculty of Tourism and Leisure, University of Physical Education in Cracow, Slow tourism in the
big cities. The creation of slow districts*
Golemo Karolina (PhD), Institute of Intercultural Studies, Jagiellonian University, Sightseeing with the tunes. Music tours in Lisbon: between fado,
kizomba and forró*
Sukiennik Marta (MA), Faculty of Management and Social Communication, Jagiellonian University, Slow tourism – permanent trend or the new
Sołtys Justyna (MA), Institute of Cultural Studies, University of Maria Curie-Skłodowska in Lublin, Architecture of remnants and traces. The peculiar
sensory journeys
Bachórz Agata (PhD), Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Journalism, University of Gdansk, The favours of the East , the flavours of the North?
Culinary themes and construction of symbolic geography in the Polish relations from a trips to Russia and Iceland*
Czarnota Jagoda (BA), Centre for Comparative Studies of Civilizations, Jagiellonian University, Tibet as the tourist experience*
16.30-16.45 – BREAK
16.45-18.00 – POST-TOURIST WORKSHOPS, Cywiński Paweł (MA), Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, University of Warsaw,
Neocolonialism of tourism
Room: Aula Średnia A
Language: Polish, English, simultaneous translation
20.00 – BANQUET (additional information will be provided soon) /AFTERPARTY (for all the participants, address:
Klub Żaczek, al. 3 Maja 5)
9.30-11.00 – PLENARY SESSION
Chair: Prof. Nelson Graburn
Room: Aula Średnia A
Language: English, simultaneous translation
Selwyn Tom (Prof.), SOAS University of London, Learning from Bethlehem, Palestine, about anthropology of tourism
Aitchison Cara (Prof.), University of St Mark & St John, Plymouth, The Place of Tourism Research: A Nomadic Subject Field in a Discipline-Based
11.00-11.30 – COFFEE BREAK
11.30-13.00 – PANEL SESSIONS
Chairs: Agata Bachórz (PhD), Federica Visani (MA)
Room: Aula Średnia A
Language: Polish, English, simultaneous translation
Tichy Briana (MA), Department of International Studies, Charles University in Prague Faculty of Social Sciences, Heritage Tourism in the CzechAmerican Community; A Search for Authenticity
Tomczewska-Popowycz Natalia (MA), Department of Earth Sciences, University of Silesia, On the definition of the sentimental tourism*
Kuleszewicz Anna (BA), Institute of Eastern Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poles’ travels to Belorus; travelling through the national
Visani Federica (MA), European Humanities University, Lithuania, Building the national identity: the case of Belorusian tourism industry
Chairs: Karolina Korbiel (PhD), Sylwia Jaskuła (PhD)
Room: Sala Seminaryjna
Language: Polish
Wandzel Marta (lic.), Institute of Intercultural Studies, Jagiellonian University, Teleport is enough – on virtual tourism on the example
of cyberspace walks*
Korbiel Karolina (PhD), Faculty of Tourism and Leisure, University of Physical Education in Cracow, Manifestations of social imitative behaviour among
participants of travel discussion forum*
Jaskuła Sylwia (PhD), Collegium Civitas in Warsaw, Tourism in the process of virtualisation*
Sternak Wojciech (PhD), Institute of Journalism, University in Warsaw, Reaching the sun, melting in the ocean. Travel experience in the context
of the postmodern visual art*
Chairs: Dominik Ziarkowski (PhD), Joanna Roszak (PhD)
Room: Sala Konferencyjna
Language: Polish
Ziarkowska Joanna (PhD), Ziarkowski Dominik (PhD), Faculty of Tourism and Leisure, University of Physical Education in Cracow, Cracow University
of Economics, ‘The head of all cities’. The image of Rome in the guidebook ‘Italian Pilgrim’ (1614)*
Szewerniak Magdalena (BA), Institute of Cultural Studies, University of Wroclaw, New media and the tourist experience. The guidebook
of renaissance Italy or the travel into the past?*
Dziewitt Jakub (MA), Institute of Cultural Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, Cultural and technical determinants of tourist photography*
Roszak Joanna (PhD), The Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Renaming of Central and Eastern European cities, hermeneutic
lecture of tourist space*
13.00-14.00 – LUNCH BREAK
14.00-15.30 – MASTERCLASSES
Room: Aula Średnia A
Language: Polish, English, simultaneous translation
15.30-15.45 – BREAK
15.45-17.45 – PANEL SESSIONS
Chairs: Prof. Małgorzata Radkiewicz , Małgorzata Nieszczerzewska (PhD)
Room: Aula Średnia A
Language: Polish, English, simultaneous translation
Twardoch Ewelina (MA), Institute of Audiovisual Arts, Jagiellonian University, Following the own tracks. Woman’s self-peregrinations
in contemporary movies*
Budzisz-Cysewska Stanisława (MA), University of Gdansk, Lonely woman in travel in post-soviet republics*
Radkiewicz Małgorzata (PhD), Institute of Audiovisual Arts, Jagiellonian University, Kodak girls in travel. The photographs of travelling women
on the turn of the 19th and 20th century in Galicia*
Nieszczerzewska Małgorzata (PhD), Institute of Cultural Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Feminine or feministic? Travel guidebooks
for women: a Polish case study
Wójciak Monika (PhD), Institute of Slavic Philology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Polish travellers and their literary attempts of describing
the otherness*
Jawoszek Agata (PhD), Institute of Slavic Philology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Giving hand through the closed door. Relations of Polish
doctors from their stay in Bosnia and Hercegovina (1878-1914)*
Chairs: Prof. Stefano Montes, Karolina Golemo (PhD)
Room: Sala Seminaryjna
Language: English
Wieszaczewska Agnieszka (MA), Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Wroclaw, The touristic image of Subcarpathian
province – the role of guidebooks in creating idea of the region
Musiatewicz Joanna (MA), Institute of Neophilology and Applied Linguistics, Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, The Enthusiastic Image.
Exotization and Familiarization of Europe and Europeans in the Travelogue of Salim Bustrus (19 c.)
Montes Stefano (Prof.), Department of Cultures and Society, University of Palermo, Italy, Travelling as auto-ethnography. Knowledge between
experiences and texts
Sabato Gaetano (PhD), Department of Cultures and Society, University of Palermo, Italy, Cruise tourism: an anthropological perspective
onboard ships
Komusińska Jagoda (MA), Faculty of Economics and International Relations, Cracow University of Economics, The impact of EURO 2012 football
championship on the image of Poland in collective imagination of incoming tourists: evidence from Cracow visitors in 2014
Hoffmann Marta (MA), Faculty of International and Political Studies, Jagiellonian University, Paradise Regained: Virtual visiting cards of Nice in a
constructivist perspective
Chairs: Prof. Tadeusz Paleczny, Magdalena Banaszkiewicz (PhD)
Room: Sala Konferencyjna
Language: Polish
Pisarek Adam (MA), Faculty of Philology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Dyad of host-guest. Anthropological models*
Cichoń Paulina (MA), Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Jagiellonian University, Afternoon tea at Berber’s: sightseers and the locals
in the view of the ethnic tourism. An attempt of characteristics of the phenomenon on the example of touroperators’ offer*
Kania Karolina (BA), Ethnologie et anthropologie sociale, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Custom (la coutume) and tourism: mutual
relationships on Île des Pins in New Caledonia*
Gruszczyński Mikołaj (MA), Institute of Intercultural Studies, Jagiellonian University, Syncretism of the Easter time in Peru and tourism*
Krzyżanowski Marcin (MA), Ariana Trade Group sp. z o.o., Where the hotel is not needed – relations and dependence between hosts and guests in
tradition and contemporariness of Afghanistan*
Tołłoczko Barbara (MA), Graduate School for Social Research, Rail through the world. Travelling by train as an exceptional scenery for the tourist
Room: Aula Średnia A
Language: Polish, English, simultaneous translation

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