O.E.A.C. Minutes of May 5, 2015


O.E.A.C. Minutes of May 5, 2015
Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting
Consent Agenda
Item 63
May 5, 2015
Minutes of the fifth meeting of the Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee for 2015,
held in the Committee Meeting Room, Council Building, Civic Administration Complex
on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 at 6:30 p.m.
Victoria Fast, Chair
Susan Hall, Vice Chair
Bill Craig, Member
Kristy Kilbourne, Member
Ray Kissel, Member
Catherine Lofsky, Member
Barbara North, Member
Shirley Smith, Member
Andrianna Wagner, Member (entered the meeting at 7:05 p.m.)
Councillor Amy England, Member
Laura Davis, Advisory Committee Coordinator
Suzanne Elston, Senior Environmental Coordinator
Brenda Jeffs, Customer Service Manager
Sebastien Boucher, Member
Annette Hurst, Member
Vinroy Thorpe, Member
Declarations of Pecuniary Interest
Deputations and Presentations
City of Oshawa Website: Environmental Section
The Customer Service Manager provided an overview of the
redevelopment of the City of Oshawa website, including the home
page and various search capabilities. The Customer Service Manager
also reviewed in detail the Environmental Section of the new site and
the feedback link that will appear on all pages.
Andrianna Wagner entered the meeting during the presentation.
The Committee questioned the Customer Service Manager.
Additional Agenda-Related Items
Consent Agenda
Item 63
Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee Minutes
May 5, 2015
Review of Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee 2015 Work
The Committee reviewed the 2015 Work Plan and noted the following status updates:
1. It was suggested to consider partnering with the Communities with Brooms event
for the Earth Day event in 2016.
2. Milkweed plants have been repotted; some to be sent to Woodstock for planting,
others to be distributed at events in May. The remainder to be planted in City
parks, a date, time and location to be determined.
3. Due to lack of volunteer availability, a June event will not be held.
4. The Tree Planting Working Group will have a report for the June meeting.
5. The Committee will consider “Revolution” as the film for the fall film event, and
the working group will further investigate sponsorship opportunities to report at
the June meeting.
6. A presentation on Park Waste was requested for the June meeting.
Referrals from City Council
The Compost Council of Canada – Requesting the Oshawa
Environmental Advisory Committee to Lead a Soupalicious Event in
The Committee discussed Correspondence OEAC-15-52 dated May 1,
2015 from Susan Antler, Executive Director, The Compost Council of
Canada requesting the Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee
consider leading a Soupalicious event in Oshawa.
The Committee questioned the Senior Environmental Coordinator.
Moved by Councillor England,
“That, pursuant to Correspondence OEAC-15-52 dated May 1, 2015
from Susan Antler, Executive Director, The Compost Council of
Canada requesting the Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee
consider leading a Soupalicious event in Oshawa, the Committee
purchase the Soupalicious trademark at a cost of $100 per year to
demonstrate support for local food.” Carried
Consent Agenda
Item 63
Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee Minutes
May 5, 2015
Oshawa Public Libraries – Requesting Facilitators for Environmental
Skill Workshops
The Committee discussed Correspondence OEAC-15-54 dated
April 21, 2015 from Jess MacGregor, Marketing and Communications,
Oshawa Public Libraries seeking facilitators to run 10-minute
workshops to teach environmental skills.
The Committee questioned the Senior Environmental Coordinator.
Moved by Kristy Kilbourne,
“That pursuant to Correspondence OEAC-15-54 dated April 21, 2015
from Jess MacGregor, Marketing and Communications, Oshawa Public
Libraries seeking facilitators to run 10-minute workshops to teach
environmental skills, Shirley Smith provide the “10 Ways to Reduce
your Carbon Footprint” presentation for the Oshawa Public Library.”
I.T.M.P. Review Working Group Report – May 2015
The Committee discussed Report OEAC-15-49 ‘I.T.M.P. Review
Working Group Report – May 2015’ dated April 30, 3015.
Moved by Shirley Smith,
“That the Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee recommend to
the Development Services Committee:
That the Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee endorse the
Draft Oshawa Integrated Transportation Master Plan; and,
That the comments contained in Report OEAC-15-49 be submitted
as the comments on the Integrated Transportation Master Plan
from the Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee; and,
That staff investigate additional design standards for bicycle lanes
which may be suitable for implementing, in particular those in the
City of Montreal, provided they meet Ontario standards.” Carried
Consent Agenda
Item 63
Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee Minutes
May 5, 2015
Eco-Challenge Working Group Report – May 2015
The Chair of the Eco-Challenge Working Group provided an overview
of the Working Group’s activities to date, stating that three tips have
been selected to win prizes from the Eco-Challenge and that the
Working Group will review feedback received from the event for a
formal report at the next meeting. It was noted that while the venue
itself was used at no cost, staffing costs from the venue were not
originally budgeted however will be included in the final report. It was
further noted that the Committee has historically donated the DVD to
the Oshawa Public Library after a film event.
Moved by Kristy Kilbourne,
“That pursuant to verbal Report OEAC-15-50 ‘Eco-Challenge Working
Group Report – May 2015’, the DVD of “No Impact Man” be donated to
the Oshawa Public Library.” Carried
May Gardening Event Working Group Report – May 2015
The Chair of the May Gardening Event Working Group provided an
overview of the Working Group’s activities to date, stating that a poster
for the event is being finalized by the City’s Corporate Communications
and Marketing department, the Durham Master Gardeners will be
providing workshops throughout the day and a few giveaway items
have been secured. The Chair noted that volunteers will be required to
set up and help during the day, in particular since students from the
school are not likely to be available due to the current strike action.
Moved by Barbara North,
“That verbal Report OEAC-15-51 ‘May Gardening Event Working
Group Report – May 2015’ be received for information.” Carried
Other Business
Park Waste and Recycling
Kristy Kilbourne advised that her family recently performed a clean-up
of a neighbourhood park, noting that a significant portion of the
garbage was dog feces in bags and recycling items that had likely
blown out of a residential blue box. The Committee discussed the
collection of data from Pitch-in week events with regards to the type
and amount of garbage collected. The Committee further discussed
recycling programs in the City and suggested that park users could be
encouraged to ensure waste from events is disposed of properly. The
Committee agreed to request a presentation from the City’s Waste
Management department for the June meeting.
-5Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee Minutes
Consent Agenda
Item 63
May 5, 2015
Envirothon Summary
Bill Craig advised that he attended the Envirothon event as a
representative from the Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee
and reported that the event included eight more teams than in 2014,
and that the event overall was a success.
Moved by Shirley Smith,
“That the meeting adjourn.” Carried
The meeting adjourned at 8:21 p.m.