army public school khadakwasla army public
army public school khadakwasla army public
ARMY PUBLIC SCHOOL KHADAKWASLA HOLIDAY HOMEWORK 2015-16 CLASS 1 S.NO. ASSIGNMENT SUBJECT 1 ENGLISH Worksheet(Vowel Train) Practice 10 page HANDWRITING in small thin notebook 2 HINDI 3 MATHS दो ,तीन ,चार वर्णो वाऱे पााँच पााँच शब्द लऱखो और उनके चचत्र बनाओ I ( in scrap book) Cut different shapes and arrange them in the shape of ROBOT(Scrapbook Activity)1 to 20 Number Names (Write on Ruled Paper and paste in scrap book) 4 EVS Label and colour the body parts(Scrap Book Activity) ARMY PUBLIC SCHOOL KHADAKWASLA HOLIDAY HOMEWORK 2015-16 CLASS II S.NO. SUBJECT ASSIGNMENT 1 ENGLISH Make one sentence by using following words beautiful, shouting, music, birthday, mother.( Write on ruled sheet and paste it in your scrap book.)Draw a tree and colour it. 2 HINDI १.) अपने राष्ट्रीय झंडे का चचत्र और उसके बारे में पााँच वाक्य लऱखो २.) अपने राष्ट्रीय फऱ,फूऱ, पेड़, पश,ु पऺी के चचत्र चचपकाओ और उनके बारे में पााँच वाक्य लऱखो ३.) अपने प्रिय लमत्र का नाम लऱखो और उसके बारे में पााँच 3 MATHS वाक्य लऱखो।(please write in Scrap book) Write numbers from 200 - 500 on a ruled white paper and paste it in your scrapbook.Draw the ladder in increasing and decreasing order from 140-150 on a white paper and paste it in your scrapbook. 4 EVS Draw your family tree along with the photograph in the scrapbook ARMY PUBLIC SCHOOL KHADAKWASLA HOLIDAY HOMEWORK 2015-16 CLASS III S.NO. 1 2 SUBJECT ASSIGNMENT ENGLISH 1.Write a paragraph of what you did during your summer vacation.Write in creative write note book . 2. Write 10 handwriting pages. You can copy any paragraph from L-1,2,3,4 from MCB or Wrookbook. Write in creative writing notebook. HINDI 1.सुबह का चित्र या सुबह से संबचधित कोई चित्र बनाकर लगाओ व सुबह की सैर पर अनुच्छे द चलखो । 2. अपने चिय चखलौने का चित्र बनाओ व 'मेरा चिय चखलौना 'पर पााँि वाक्य चलखो । 3. गमी की छुट्टियााँ आपने कैसे चबताई अपने शब्दों में चलखो व उस जगह का चित्र लगाओ । (do in scrap book ) 3 MATHS 4 EVS (to be done in scrap book )1. represent these no.on abacus with the help of beads/buttons etc 3015,4576 2.write these roman numbers using match stics (23,36) Click pictures of your family members doing different chores. Make a collage and decorate it using an old sari borders. COORDINATOR SIGN ARMY PUBLIC SCHOOL KHADAKWASLA HOLIDAY HOMEWORK 2015-16 CLASS IV S.NO. 1 2 SUBJECT ASSIGNMENT ENGLISH 1. Find out the different uses of pine trees. Also draw a diagram in your note book showing different parts of a pine tree . 2.Learn the Q- Ans and word meaning of 1. Bishal's Biscuits. 2. Friends of the trees. 3. The pine tree and the reed. 3. Creative writing . write a paragraph each: describing mother; grandmother; friend and father. 4. Revise : Nouns: common nouns and proper nouns, singular and plural, gender, Countable and uncountable and Articles. HINDI 1 िकृतत से जुड़ी पााँच चीज़ों के चचत्र बनाकर उसका वर्णणन अपने शब्दों में कर लऱखो - 3 MATHS 4 EVS 2 गलमणयों के मौसम पर सुंदर सी कप्रवता लऱखो 1. Represent on a Abacus using colorful beads/ buttons/ marble paper (a) Smallest 6-digit number (b) Largest 8-digit number (c) 5,24,152 (d) 4,05,215 2. Write the following in Roman numerals using matchsticks. (a) 75 (b) 88 (c) 25 (d) 10 3. Learn tables from 12-30 Trace the body outline on a A4 size paper. Consider location, size, and shape of the body parts in the drawings. Include labels naming each internal part and collect information about each organ. ARMY PUBLIC SCHOOL KHADAKWASLA HOLIDAY HOMEWORK 2015-16 CLASS V S.NO. SUBJECT ASSIGNMENT 1 ENGLISH a) . Stick pictures of laughing faces in the scrap book(MCB Activity) b. Make models of furniture using empty match boxes (MCB Activity) 2 HINDI डायरी ऱेखन - आप गमी के छुट्टी में ककन - ककन स्थानों पर घूमने गए उसके बारे में अपनी डायरी में लऱखो और वहााँ की िाकृततक सुंदरता के चचत्र भी चचपकाओ 3 MATHS 4 EVS 1. With the help of sketch pens, coloured marble paper represent the following numbers on the abacus. (a) the largest 8-digit number (b)the smallest 9- digit number (c) the greatest number formed with the digits 7,4,3,2,1,0,6,9 2. with the help of match sticks write the following numbers in roman numerals (a) 1526 (b) 979 (c)2350 3. learn the tables from 15 to 20. Why animals are in danger: Theme save the ______(Tiger, Rhino,Elephant) Any one. a) Collect information regarding its nature, habit and habitat. b) Data showing increase/decrease in population of animals c) Collect information about reason for killing it. d) What is wildlife act? e) List out the wildlife reserve/ national parks in India. f) collect information about species of extinct animals