M I N U T ES Of The Regular Board of Directors` Meeting No. D14


M I N U T ES Of The Regular Board of Directors` Meeting No. D14
Of The
Regular Board of Directors’ Meeting No. D14-08
Held on February 23, 2015
At the Aurora Seniors Centre
90 John West Way, Aurora, ON
Presiding: Charles Sequeira, President
Directors Present:
Charles Sequeira, (President)
Carol Hedenberg (Vice President)
Louise Miller (Treasurer)
Ruth Church, (Secretary)
Jim Abram
Ron Coe, Jan Freedman
Frank Leone, Don Stevenson
Staff Member:
Karie Papillon, Seniors Coordinator
Members Present:
Marie Leone
Minnutes Recorded by: Ruth Church, Secretary
Call to order: - A quorum being present, the President declared the
meeting open to transact business at 13:00 pm.
On motions duly moved, seconded and carried it was resolved that:
D14-08-01 Moved by C.Hedenberg/F. Leone
That the Agenda be approved as distributed.
Carol Hedenberg requested the addition of one item
Under New Business:
b) Pickle Ball petition
The agenda was approved as amended.
D14-08-02 Moved by: C.Hedenberg/L.Miller
That The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held
January 19, 2015 be approved as distributed.
D14-08-03 Presentations/Delegations: Nil
D14-08-04 Business from Previous Meeting
a) Proposed amendments to By-Law #1
1.03.02 Term of Office: there was discussion about the possibility
of a Director remaining on the Board for two consecutive terms
and/or until his/her successor has been duly qualified and elected.
At present there is no mechanism in place to determine who would
stay on the Board if no replacement was found – i.e. if only 2 new
Directors are elected but 3 Directors have reached the maximum of
6 years. This will need to be addressed in the future.
Moved by L.Miller/F.Leone
That By-Law 1.03.02 be amended to read: Each Director shall
be elected for a THREE (3) year term, to expire at the third
subsequent Annual General Meeting following election and/or
until his/her successor shall have been duly qualified and
No Director shall serve more than TWO (2) consecutive terms,
but such Director shall be eligible for re-election after an
absence on ONE (1) year.
1.05.04 Caucus Meeting and 1.10.03 Appointment of Principal
Officers: it was pointed out that By-Law 1.05.04 and 1.05.01 are
redundant as the same information is in By-Law 1.10.03
Moved by L.Miller/J.Freedman
That By-Law 1.05.04 be eliminated and that 1.10.03 be
amended to read: The principal Officers shall be elected by the
newly constituted Board of Directors from amongst the
Directors at the Caucus Meeting to be held prior to or during
the Annual General Meeting.
b) 2015 Nominations Committee Report
Jim Abram, Chair, reported that Louise Miller and Eric Stangl
have agreed to be on the Nominating Committee.
Moved by J.Abram/C.Hedenberg
That the 2015 Nomination Committee consist of Jim Abram,
Chair, Louise Miller and Eric Stangl
Nomination Procedures; procedures will follow those previously
approved. The advance poll will be held April 30, 2015 with
regular voting to take place from Friday May 1 to Friday May 8
with the closing time on Friday May 8 to be changed to 11p.m.
Motion to accept these procedures: J.Abram/J.Freedman
Notice for Newsletter: Jim will provide Karie/Andrew with the
text to be included in the March Newsletter providing the dates
and amended times for voting.
Motion to accept the notice for the Newsletter as discussed:
c) Update re. Membership Sign-in System
Louise provided the following update:
Cost to date is $9,668.24 – budget is $10,000
The sign in screen will be installed at the front desk on Friday
March 20 and launch day will be on Monday March 30, 2015.
Reception Volunteers will use the sign-in system for the week
prior to launch – Mar 23-27. This will allow us to have a trial
period and also to enable the Reception Volunteers to become
familiar with the system so that they can assist other members
once it is implemented.
There will be an article in the March Newsletter Notice Board
stating picture taking sessions will be on Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Friday from 10 am to 2 pm
E-flash reminder to come to have your picture taken will be sent on
March 9th and March 28th.
Week of March 23-27 all posters around the Centre will inform the
members of the upcoming launch on March 30
MOVED by F.Leone/L.Miller
That the verbal update regarding the Membership Sign-in
System be received.
d) Agenda for meeting with Al Downey (March 9 1:00 pm)
The following items were identified:
Ventilation system in the Woodshop
Agreement with Town for 2016-2021
Use of outdoor Pickle Courts and at AFLC
Pickle Ball petition
June 26 staff meeting – possible use of West MacKenzie
Hall by Parks & Recreation staff
Charles has drafted the agenda for the meeting and it has since
been e-mailed to all Directors.
D14-08-05 Seniors’Coordinator’s Report (Attached)
Information items:
 Newsletter deadline was February 20 at 9:00 am
 The upcoming nomination process will be used for the Board
page for the March Newsletter.
 Seniors Community Grant Program – Karie will be submitting a
proposal for a grant (approx.. $6800) under this program for
training for ASA volunteers – 10 for York Region Food Safety
Training (PROTON) and 32 for Standard First Aid/CPR
(including AED) certification.
Decision Items
a) Letter of Support for submission for Seniors Community Grant
Agreed by general consensus that ASA will provide a letter of support to
accompany the submission for the Seniors Community Grant by the
Seniors Coordinator as noted above. Ruth to work on this with Karie.
b) Booking by Al Downey of West McKenzie on Friday June 26 from 12
to 2 pm
Motion: J.Freedman/D.Stevenson
To defer decision re Al Downey’s direction to book the West
McKenzie to be used as a rain location for a staff BBQ Carried
c) Request re Volunteer Appreciation Evening
Motion: C.Hedenberg/R.Coe
That ASA agree to the following for the Volunteer Appreciation
 Use of popcorn machine
 Provision coffee service – staff will take care offset up and
clean up
 Donation of 2 12-visit activity cards, 2 Budget Bistro cards,
and 2 Movie passes to be used as prizes
d) Confirmation of E-flash procedures
The procedures as outlined in the Staff Report were confirmed by general
Moved by: C.Hedenberg/R.Church
That the Seniors Coordinator’s Report be received.
D14-08-06 Treasurers Financial Report to Jan. 31, 2015 (attached)
Louise Miller distributed and reviewed the Report
Consisting of Balance Sheet, Statement of Operations to January 31,
2015. Louise also distributed a draft of the Balance Sheet to
December 31, 2014 with comparative figures for 2013
Moved by C.Hedenberg/J.Freedman
That the Financial Report to Jan. 31, 2015 be approved
as distributed.
Committee Reports
By-Law Review Committee – nil report
Executive Committee – nil report
D14-08-07 Finance Committee – nil report
It was noted that Derek Murray has resigned from the Finance
Committee. Finding a replacement for Derek was referred to the
Finance Committee.
D14-08-08 Membership & Volunteers Report C. Hedenberg presented a verbal report on the status of the list of
volunteers to be invited to the Volunteer Appreciation Night. 152
names are on the list that was made up from the lists submitted by
each of the program convenors etc.
a) Moved by: C.Hedenberg/J.Freedman
That the verbal report from the Membership & Volunteer
committee be received.
D14-08-09 Operations & Activities – Attached
Carol reviewed the Report of the meeting held
February 10, 2015 that resulted in the following action:
a) Moved by D.Stevenson/R.Church
That approximately $250. be approved for the purchase of 9
additional pen kits and 30 cases for the pens being produced
for the Maple Leaf Forever program.
The following was provided as information since the expenditures had
already been made
b) Costs associated with the Pickle Ball Tournament of $30 and
c) Purchase of replacement two Rummikub games costing $60.
d) The request for funds to recover the 2 small tables in the Pool
Room was deferred. Frank Leone will discuss the project with
Paul Pandolfi
Moved by D.Stevenson/R.Coe
That the O & A report be received with the exception of Item #2
(recovering of pool tables).
D14-08-10 Social Committee Report – Nil report
D14-08-11 Special Events Report - Attached
Jan Freedman presented and reviewed the report of the
Meeting held February 5, 2015 which resulted in the following
a) Motion by: R.Church/F.Leone
That the budget for the Black Tie Gala be appoved as
submitted and that the initial payment to the caterer be issued
as soon as possible.
b) Motion by: C.Hedenberg/L.Miller
That the bar for Men Can Cook be set up in the kitchen at the
serving window
c) Motion by: J.Freedman/D.Stevenson
That the replacement small forks, dessert spoons, and milk and
cream jugs be approved. Estimated cost is $300
d) Motion by: D.Stevenson/J.Abram
That $500 be approved for the cost of the mobile sign
advertising the Spring Sale and the Holiday Bazaar Carried
D14-08-12 Sponsorship Committee – Attached
Jim Abram presented and reviewed the report of the meeting
Held February 6, 2015.
Moved by: J.Abram/F.Leone
That the report of the Sponsorship Committee be received.
D14-08-13 Vice-President Report: Attached
Carol noted that the Volunteer hours for January /15 are 1980.5
This represents an increase of 350+ hours (22%) over January of last
Also attached is the Monthly Attendance Summary for
January, which shows Total attendance for January 2015 of 4,208
Moved by: J.Abram/R.Coe
That the Vice-President’s report be received
D14-08-14 President’s Report: Attached
Charles reviewed the report which resulted in the following:
a) No one has as yet come forward to head up the proposed booth for
the Annual Street Festival. Olga Kisch is unable to coordinate the
ASA booth. ASA participation may not be feasible.
b) Seniors Provincial Community grant – no one has come forward
with a grant proposal. As noted above, Karie is putting in a
proposal to provide training for ASA volunteers.
c) Congratulations to Jim Abram on grant application submission,
ASA recipient of $ 750 to be used re: volunteer appreciation.
d) Update on Sport in Aurora –AGM. No ASA volunteer member in
attendance. Jim Abram will be involved, on behalf of ASA, re
project CS4L at the request of Ron Weese, President, Sport in
Moved by: C.Hedenberg/D. Stevenson
That the President’s Report be received.
a) Board Page for February 2015 Newsletter
The Nominating Committee will provide the information on the
nominations procedures for the Board Page
D14-08-16 Adjournment: 15:55 hours
Next Board Meeting: Monday, March 23, 2015 at 1:00pm