Traffic Safety Product Catalog


Traffic Safety Product Catalog
To order, please call 800-305-SAFE (800-305-7233)
Traffic Safety Product Catalog
Driver-ZED® 3.0
STOCK #114 ♦ $29.95
(2005, 2 hour Interactive Risk-Management Training DVD, Teens)
An aggressive tailgater. A busy highway work zone. A child
chasing a ball into the street. These are just a few of the
many situations in which a bad decision—or indecision—
can lead to tragic consequences. Driver-ZED®, an engaging, innovative and interactive DVD, helps teens learn
how to identify and manage these types of risks.
The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety is a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) organization
dedicated to saving lives and reducing injuries on our roads. The Foundation
sponsors research that uncovers critical traffic safety problems and identifies
the most effective solutions. Drawing on in-house resources and leading traffic
safety experts throughout North America, Foundation research focuses on four
key areas – teen driver safety, senior safety and mobility, safety culture and
road safety.
If you are interested in donating to the Foundation, please visit
AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety
607 14th Street NW, Suite 201 Washington, DC 20005 (202) 638-5944
DVD & Brochure Catalog
Driver-ZED® puts teens to the test in 100 highway, city,
country and work zone scenarios. The program also features over 25 animated tips on important driving topics,
such as zero tolerance laws and night driving.
Windows only (32-bit XP; Vista/Win 7, 8, 32 & 64-bit)
Special Offer
Teaching Your Teens To Drive STOCK #351♦ $29.95
(Remastered 2004, 56:00, Teens)
Buy Driver-ZED® &
Helping teens become safe, knowledgeable drivers takes
Teaching Your Teens to time, patience and proven tools. Teaching Your Teens to
Drive comes with an illustrated in-car handbook and a
Drive and SAVE!
live-action 56-minute video that instructors may incorpoBUNDLE STOCK #119 ♦ $39.95 rate into any driver education course.
AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety
800-305-SAFE [7233]
Driver Education
Driver Education: Volume I
Drivers 65 Plus: Check Your Performance
STOCK #967 ♦ $24.95
(Updated 2013, 18 pages, Older Adults)
Designed to assist you in assessing your driving skills, this booklet
includes a self-rating form with facts and suggestions for safe driving. If
you notice that you are beginning to experience some of these natural
age-related changes, you can adjust your driving habits to keep driving
(Remastered 2005, 33:08, Teens and Adults)
Learn active scanning techniques, reduce the risks of sharing the
road, and get valuable tips on safe freeway driving. This compilation DVD contains four titles, all of which are specifically recommended by the American Driver & Traffic Safety Education Association model education curriculum.
1. Freeway Driving
2. Managing Space and Time for Safe Driving
3. Sharing the Road
4. Using your Eyes Effectively
Driver Education: Volume II
STOCK #216 ♦ $24.95
(Remastered 2006, 69:30, Teens and Adults)
This compilation DVD includes six popular videos.
1. Driving in Bad Weather
2. Breaking the Accident Chain of Events
3. Night Driving
4. Getting Safely Past the Orange Barrels
5. Unlocking the Mystery of Antilock Brakes
6. Dangerous Crossings: A Second Thought
Special Offer
STOCK #362 ♦ $9.95 per pkg of 25
Free Online Materials
Flexibility Fitness Training for Improving Older Driver Performance
(2007, Older Adults)
Download this pamphlet for simple exercises that can help improve
flexibility as it relates to driving.
Roadwise Review Online
(Windows only, Older Adults)
Roadwise Review Online is a screening tool developed to help seniors measure certain mental and physical abilities important for
safe driving. In as little as 30 minutes, you can identify and get further guidance on improving these important skills.
Buy Driver Education Volumes I & II, only $39.95!
BUNDLE STOCK #221 ♦ $39.95
Preventing Road Rage: Anger Management for Drivers
(Remastered on DVD 2006, 20:05, Adults)
Roadwise Rx
(Adults, Older Adults)
Violent aggressive driving, or “road rage,” is a major public concern.
Real drivers, who have reformed themselves by practicing anger
management techniques demonstrated in the program, share how
to avoid offending other drivers, manage anger, and disengage from
on-the-road encounters.
STOCK #209 ♦ $19.95
DVD & Brochure Catalog
Medications have both intended and unintended effects on your body, and these effects
can change depending on other medications you may be taking. Not only does that affect
how you feel, many of these effects can also impact your ability to drive safely.
Roadwise Rx is an online tool that allows you to input the names of any medications you
may be taking, and receive instant feedback about how those drugs (or combinations of
them) can affect driving performance.
AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety
800-305-SAFE [7233]
Signs, Signals and Markings
(Updated 2006, 16:00, Adults, includes English & Spanish)
Getting Around: Alternatives for Seniors Who No Longer Drive
(2006, 15:00, Older Adults)
Join host Jerry Mathers (“Leave It to Beaver”) in tackling the challenge of developing mobility options and helping older, at-risk
drivers plan for and transition to life-after-driving.
On this DVD, learn about the underlying rules and logic behind traffic
control signs, signals and lane markings, and the importance of obeying
these devices for the safety of all road users.
STOCK #213 ♦ $19.95
Just Another Saturday Night
(Remastered on DVD 2009, 13:26, Teens/Young Adults)
The Older and Wiser Driver
A night of revelry turns tragic when a popular college-bound student
takes the wheel after several drinks. Dramatizes the events and
decisions leading up to a drunk driving tragedy. Courtroom dialogue
encourages further discussion about the personal and legal consequences of drinking and driving.
(1996, 22:38, Older Adults)
Award-winning video shows how to compensate for changes that
come with age in order to continue driving safely. Learn about
vision, cognition, physical fitness, and the side-effects of common
medications as older drivers discuss strategies for safe driving.
This engaging video is suited for home or classroom use.
STOCK #200 ♦ $14.95
Road Safety for Children
STOCK #212 ♦ $14.95
Otto the Auto Series
(Remastered on DVD 2006, 70:40, K-6th
(2012, Computer Program for Adults and Older Adults)
With all the variables on the road - other vehicles, pedestrians, street signs, construction,
inclement weather - even the best drivers are at risk of a car crash. What matters most
when an unexpected danger comes your way? Noticing it early and reacting to it quickly.
The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety has
partnered with Posit Science to bring you
Drivesharp, a computer game that is clinically proven to help drivers see more, react
faster, and cut crash risk by up to 50%.
STOCK #211 ♦ $14.95
This popular series presents basic safety education lessons in short,
amusing learning sequences:
1. Bicycle Safety
2. Pedestrian Safety
3. Being Seen in Traffic
4. Wearing Safety Belts
5. School Bus Safety
Children in Traffic
(Remastered 2006, 13:10, Children and Adults)
Drivesharp takes a unique approach to driving safety. It is not a driving simulation or education program. Instead, it’s a brain fitness software program that sharpens the most important safety equipment of all: the mind of the driver.
For more information or to order, visit
How does children’s development affect their perception of traffic?
What behaviors should adults watch for when driving around children?
Updated and revised, this classic video shows how children see the road
differently than adults do, and provides critical insight on why children
can behave unexpectedly around traffic. This must-see DVD for all drivers
and parents presents real-life footage in an interesting and informative
STOCK #210 ♦ $14.95
DVD & Brochure Catalog
AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety
800-305-SAFE [7233]
The Safest Way Out: Emergency School Bus Evacuation
(Remastered 2006, 45:20, Children and Adults)
Learn how to use all types of exits currently outfitted on school buses,
as well as different evacuation patterns. A must-have DVD for any
school library.
STOCK #215 ♦ $24.95
Between the Lines: Adult School Crossing Guard Training
(Updated 2003, 16:00, Adults)
Covers basic adult school crossing guard procedures at several types
of intersections. Uses an expert crossing guard to model proper procedures. The information on this DVD is also generally suitable for crossing guard programs in other areas.
STOCK #214♦ $14.95
These 6 brochures are also available online in Spanish.
First-time customers can order up to 4 packs of brochures, or an assortment pack, for FREE.
This one-time offer is valid online only at and is not applicable to
phone, fax or mail orders.
Distractions in Everyday Driving
(2012, 12 pages, Teens and Adults)
Over the Edge and Back
This brochure explains the actions necessary to recover safely if your vehicle runs off the
road. This is a potentially deadly situation if the driver panics or takes the wrong immediate actions.
You deal with distractions every time you are behind the wheel. Do you let them get the
best of you, or do you have the discipline to ignore them? This brochure covers both the
obvious and not-so-obvious distractions that can get a driver into trouble or even a crash.
Tips and best practices are covered to help all drivers manage the multitude of distractions
our society and technology have made commonplace.
STOCK #850 ♦ $6.95 per pkg of 50
STOCK #962 ♦ $6.95 per pkg of 50
Road Rage: How to Avoid Aggressive Driving
The Older and Wiser Driver
(2012, 8 pages, Teens and Adults)
(2012, 12 pages, Older Adults)
How can you avoid engaging with an aggressive driver? What behaviors make other
drivers angry? This pamphlet outlines what you can do to steer clear of aggressive driving
incidents and stay calm on today’s highways.
Based on The Older and Wiser Driver video, this pamphlet offers tips on vision, cognition,
fitness, and the effects of medications. Designed to help older drivers continue driving
safely and compensate for the effects of aging.
STOCK #961 ♦ $6.95 per pkg of 50
STOCK #822 ♦ $6.95 per pkg of 50
How to Avoid Drowsy Driving
How to Avoid Headlight Glare
(2013, 8 pages, Teens, Adults and Older Drivers)
(2012, 12 pages, Teens and Adults)
(2012, 12 pages, Teens, Adults and Older Drivers)
Addresses the importance of staying alert while driving, and getting off the road when
sleepiness kicks in. Dispels common myths about drowsy driving and contains checklists
of warning signs and symptoms of sleep disorders. (Replaces the Wake Up! Brochure)
STOCK #368 ♦ $6.95 per pkg of 50
Need some bright ideas? This brochure outlines specific steps you can take to combat the
problem of headlight glare during night driving. Topics include useful pointers to minimize
glare caused by other vehicles, and tips for courteous driving to avoid causing problems for
other drivers.
STOCK #970 ♦ $6.95 per pkg of 50
DVD & Brochure Catalog
AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety
800-305-SAFE [7233]
The Safest Way Out: Emergency School Bus Evacuation
(Remastered 2006, 45:20, Children and Adults)
Learn how to use all types of exits currently outfitted on school buses,
as well as different evacuation patterns. A must-have DVD for any
school library.
STOCK #215 ♦ $24.95
Between the Lines: Adult School Crossing Guard Training
(Updated 2003, 16:00, Adults)
Covers basic adult school crossing guard procedures at several types
of intersections. Uses an expert crossing guard to model proper procedures. The information on this DVD is also generally suitable for crossing guard programs in other areas.
STOCK #214♦ $14.95
These 6 brochures are also available online in Spanish.
First-time customers can order up to 4 packs of brochures, or an assortment pack, for FREE.
This one-time offer is valid online only at and is not applicable to
phone, fax or mail orders.
Distractions in Everyday Driving
(2012, 12 pages, Teens and Adults)
Over the Edge and Back
This brochure explains the actions necessary to recover safely if your vehicle runs off the
road. This is a potentially deadly situation if the driver panics or takes the wrong immediate actions.
You deal with distractions every time you are behind the wheel. Do you let them get the
best of you, or do you have the discipline to ignore them? This brochure covers both the
obvious and not-so-obvious distractions that can get a driver into trouble or even a crash.
Tips and best practices are covered to help all drivers manage the multitude of distractions
our society and technology have made commonplace.
STOCK #850 ♦ $6.95 per pkg of 50
STOCK #962 ♦ $6.95 per pkg of 50
Road Rage: How to Avoid Aggressive Driving
The Older and Wiser Driver
(2012, 8 pages, Teens and Adults)
(2012, 12 pages, Older Adults)
How can you avoid engaging with an aggressive driver? What behaviors make other
drivers angry? This pamphlet outlines what you can do to steer clear of aggressive driving
incidents and stay calm on today’s highways.
Based on The Older and Wiser Driver video, this pamphlet offers tips on vision, cognition,
fitness, and the effects of medications. Designed to help older drivers continue driving
safely and compensate for the effects of aging.
STOCK #961 ♦ $6.95 per pkg of 50
STOCK #822 ♦ $6.95 per pkg of 50
How to Avoid Drowsy Driving
How to Avoid Headlight Glare
(2013, 8 pages, Teens, Adults and Older Drivers)
(2012, 12 pages, Teens and Adults)
(2012, 12 pages, Teens, Adults and Older Drivers)
Addresses the importance of staying alert while driving, and getting off the road when
sleepiness kicks in. Dispels common myths about drowsy driving and contains checklists
of warning signs and symptoms of sleep disorders. (Replaces the Wake Up! Brochure)
STOCK #368 ♦ $6.95 per pkg of 50
Need some bright ideas? This brochure outlines specific steps you can take to combat the
problem of headlight glare during night driving. Topics include useful pointers to minimize
glare caused by other vehicles, and tips for courteous driving to avoid causing problems for
other drivers.
STOCK #970 ♦ $6.95 per pkg of 50
DVD & Brochure Catalog
AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety
800-305-SAFE [7233]
Signs, Signals and Markings
(Updated 2006, 16:00, Adults, includes English & Spanish)
Getting Around: Alternatives for Seniors Who No Longer Drive
(2006, 15:00, Older Adults)
Join host Jerry Mathers (“Leave It to Beaver”) in tackling the challenge of developing mobility options and helping older, at-risk
drivers plan for and transition to life-after-driving.
On this DVD, learn about the underlying rules and logic behind traffic
control signs, signals and lane markings, and the importance of obeying
these devices for the safety of all road users.
STOCK #213 ♦ $19.95
Just Another Saturday Night
(Remastered on DVD 2009, 13:26, Teens/Young Adults)
The Older and Wiser Driver
A night of revelry turns tragic when a popular college-bound student
takes the wheel after several drinks. Dramatizes the events and
decisions leading up to a drunk driving tragedy. Courtroom dialogue
encourages further discussion about the personal and legal consequences of drinking and driving.
(1996, 22:38, Older Adults)
Award-winning video shows how to compensate for changes that
come with age in order to continue driving safely. Learn about
vision, cognition, physical fitness, and the side-effects of common
medications as older drivers discuss strategies for safe driving.
This engaging video is suited for home or classroom use.
STOCK #200 ♦ $14.95
Road Safety for Children
STOCK #212 ♦ $14.95
Otto the Auto Series
(Remastered on DVD 2006, 70:40, K-6th
(2012, Computer Program for Adults and Older Adults)
With all the variables on the road - other vehicles, pedestrians, street signs, construction,
inclement weather - even the best drivers are at risk of a car crash. What matters most
when an unexpected danger comes your way? Noticing it early and reacting to it quickly.
The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety has
partnered with Posit Science to bring you
Drivesharp, a computer game that is clinically proven to help drivers see more, react
faster, and cut crash risk by up to 50%.
STOCK #211 ♦ $14.95
This popular series presents basic safety education lessons in short,
amusing learning sequences:
1. Bicycle Safety
2. Pedestrian Safety
3. Being Seen in Traffic
4. Wearing Safety Belts
5. School Bus Safety
Children in Traffic
(Remastered 2006, 13:10, Children and Adults)
Drivesharp takes a unique approach to driving safety. It is not a driving simulation or education program. Instead, it’s a brain fitness software program that sharpens the most important safety equipment of all: the mind of the driver.
For more information or to order, visit
How does children’s development affect their perception of traffic?
What behaviors should adults watch for when driving around children?
Updated and revised, this classic video shows how children see the road
differently than adults do, and provides critical insight on why children
can behave unexpectedly around traffic. This must-see DVD for all drivers
and parents presents real-life footage in an interesting and informative
STOCK #210 ♦ $14.95
DVD & Brochure Catalog
AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety
800-305-SAFE [7233]
Driver Education
Driver Education: Volume I
Drivers 65 Plus: Check Your Performance
STOCK #967 ♦ $24.95
(Updated 2013, 18 pages, Older Adults)
Designed to assist you in assessing your driving skills, this booklet
includes a self-rating form with facts and suggestions for safe driving. If
you notice that you are beginning to experience some of these natural
age-related changes, you can adjust your driving habits to keep driving
(Remastered 2005, 33:08, Teens and Adults)
Learn active scanning techniques, reduce the risks of sharing the
road, and get valuable tips on safe freeway driving. This compilation DVD contains four titles, all of which are specifically recommended by the American Driver & Traffic Safety Education Association model education curriculum.
1. Freeway Driving
2. Managing Space and Time for Safe Driving
3. Sharing the Road
4. Using your Eyes Effectively
Driver Education: Volume II
STOCK #216 ♦ $24.95
(Remastered 2006, 69:30, Teens and Adults)
This compilation DVD includes six popular videos.
1. Driving in Bad Weather
2. Breaking the Accident Chain of Events
3. Night Driving
4. Getting Safely Past the Orange Barrels
5. Unlocking the Mystery of Antilock Brakes
6. Dangerous Crossings: A Second Thought
Special Offer
STOCK #362 ♦ $9.95 per pkg of 25
Free Online Materials
Flexibility Fitness Training for Improving Older Driver Performance
(2007, Older Adults)
Download this pamphlet for simple exercises that can help improve
flexibility as it relates to driving.
Roadwise Review Online
(Windows only, Older Adults)
Roadwise Review Online is a screening tool developed to help seniors measure certain mental and physical abilities important for
safe driving. In as little as 30 minutes, you can identify and get further guidance on improving these important skills.
Buy Driver Education Volumes I & II, only $39.95!
BUNDLE STOCK #221 ♦ $39.95
Preventing Road Rage: Anger Management for Drivers
(Remastered on DVD 2006, 20:05, Adults)
Roadwise Rx
(Adults, Older Adults)
Violent aggressive driving, or “road rage,” is a major public concern.
Real drivers, who have reformed themselves by practicing anger
management techniques demonstrated in the program, share how
to avoid offending other drivers, manage anger, and disengage from
on-the-road encounters.
STOCK #209 ♦ $19.95
DVD & Brochure Catalog
Medications have both intended and unintended effects on your body, and these effects
can change depending on other medications you may be taking. Not only does that affect
how you feel, many of these effects can also impact your ability to drive safely.
Roadwise Rx is an online tool that allows you to input the names of any medications you
may be taking, and receive instant feedback about how those drugs (or combinations of
them) can affect driving performance.
AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety
800-305-SAFE [7233]
To order, please call 800-305-SAFE (800-305-7233)
Traffic Safety Product Catalog
Driver-ZED® 3.0
STOCK #114 ♦ $29.95
(2005, 2 hour Interactive Risk-Management Training DVD, Teens)
An aggressive tailgater. A busy highway work zone. A child
chasing a ball into the street. These are just a few of the
many situations in which a bad decision—or indecision—
can lead to tragic consequences. Driver-ZED®, an engaging, innovative and interactive DVD, helps teens learn
how to identify and manage these types of risks.
The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety is a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) organization
dedicated to saving lives and reducing injuries on our roads. The Foundation
sponsors research that uncovers critical traffic safety problems and identifies
the most effective solutions. Drawing on in-house resources and leading traffic
safety experts throughout North America, Foundation research focuses on four
key areas – teen driver safety, senior safety and mobility, safety culture and
road safety.
If you are interested in donating to the Foundation, please visit
AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety
607 14th Street NW, Suite 201 Washington, DC 20005 (202) 638-5944
DVD & Brochure Catalog
Driver-ZED® puts teens to the test in 100 highway, city,
country and work zone scenarios. The program also features over 25 animated tips on important driving topics,
such as zero tolerance laws and night driving.
Windows only (32-bit XP; Vista/Win 7, 8, 32 & 64-bit)
Special Offer
Teaching Your Teens To Drive STOCK #351♦ $29.95
(Remastered 2004, 56:00, Teens)
Buy Driver-ZED® &
Helping teens become safe, knowledgeable drivers takes
Teaching Your Teens to time, patience and proven tools. Teaching Your Teens to
Drive comes with an illustrated in-car handbook and a
Drive and SAVE!
live-action 56-minute video that instructors may incorpoBUNDLE STOCK #119 ♦ $39.95 rate into any driver education course.
AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety
800-305-SAFE [7233]