FRUITS & VEGETABLES - Autograph Foliages
FRUITS & VEGETABLES - Autograph Foliages
FRUITS & VEGETABLES A-110730 A-120060 A-120080 Pomegranate 3” Diameter Red Apple 3.25” Diameter Green A-110720 Pear 3.5” Diameter Green/Yellow Country Apple 3.25” Diameter Red A-72200 Apple 2.75” Diameter Red A-8011 Pomegranate 2.5” Diameter Red A-80170 Assorted Raspberries Purple/Red Mix PF-70380 12” Foam Banana 14 Bananas Yellow A-110710 Orange 3.25” Diameter Orange 330 2016/2017 l Autograph Foliages l FRUITS & VEGETABLES A-815 Plastic Cherries Burgundy A-866 A-8013 Plastic Grape Cluster 7” Length Light Wine Plastic Strawberries Red A-8302 A-8301 Plastic Grape Cluster 90 Grapes 11” Length Wine/Muscat Plastic Grape Cluster 90 Grapes 11” Length Multi Purple A-8300 Plastic Grape Cluster 90 Grapes 11” Length Muscat A-8303 Plastic Grape Cluster 90 Grapes 11” Length Light Wine A-8310 Plastic Grape Cluster 200 Grapes 20” Length Wine/Muscat 2016/2017 A-807 Plum 2” Diameter Red l Autograph Foliages l 331 FRUITS & VEGETABLES A-8008 Mini Carrot with Leaves 10” Overall Length 3” Carrot Orange A-131780 2” Foam Lime Green PF-140400 3” Foam Lemon Yellow A-100870 24” Plastic Coconut Cluster 8 Coconuts Green/Brown PF-120160 Carrot with Leaves 14” Overall Length Orange A-1233 17” Plastic Coconut Cluster 3 Coconuts Green/Brown A-123 5.5” Plastic Coconut 5” Diameter 10” Stem Green/Brown A-82190 18” Plastic Coconut Pick 3 Green Coconuts A-82201 9” x 8” Plastic Coconut Natural 332 2016/2017 l Autograph Foliages l FRUITS & VEGETABLES A-8001 Green Onion 13” Overall Length Green P-115040 5.5” Artichoke Head Purple/Green P-115030 A-80180 Plastic Mushrooms Natural A-80210 5” x 4” Foam Round Cabbage Purple 10” Artichoke Head With Stem Green A-80200 4” x 3.5” Plastic Round Cabbage Green PF-70400 18” Rhubarb Leaf Green P-983 Large Onion 3.5” Diameter Lavender PF-70401 18” Rhubarb Leaf Burgundy A-81770 4” Plastic Eggplant Purple 2016/2017 l Autograph Foliages l PF-120190 Pepper 3.25” Diameter Red 333 FRUITS & VEGETABLES PF-1130 14” Flowering Kale 16” Width Green/White P-1131 P-73000 14” Flowering Kale 16” Width Green/Purple 7.5’ Corn Stalk with Leaves Yellow Corn A-812 4.75” x 2.75” Gourd Yellow/Green A-813 4.75” x 2.75” Gourd Red/Green PF-60026 8” x 3.5” Gourd Green/Yellow PF-60011 4.75” x 3.75” Gourd Weighted Yellow/Brown PF-3033 7.5” x 6” Pumpkin Light Orange PF-150120 PF-150110 8.5” x 10” Foam Pumpkin Orange PF-0222 6.5” Gourd - 4” Width Orange/Green 10” x 8” Foam Pumpkin Orange PF-60020 334 2016/2017 l Autograph Foliages l 3” x 5” Gourd Weighted Yellow/Green