We'll get the load off your back! SOME WORDS FROM THE GROUP PRESIDENT Our group of companies was founded in 1999, just as the Russian economy was finding stability. Since then, we have grown and developed in tandem with the country. Together with our business partners, we have established mutual trust and respect with both Russian and foreign companies. Our company policy has been built in order to take into account and move with the demands of the market and our clients, as well as the realities of doing business in Russia. Innovation, a strong sense of ethics when doing business, openness and social responsibility are the principals towards which we are constantly striving in our everyday work. DMITRY KRASILNIKOV 1 OUR MISSION: “To be an integral part of our clients' business, the strongest link in the transport chain.” OUR AIMS: The Baltiña Trans group of companies, (henceforth “The Company”), being one of the most economically stable THE FLOW OF GOODS IS OPTIMIZED TO PROVIDE AN IDEAL BALANCE BETWEEN IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. enterprises in Saint Petersburg, takes very seriously its economical and social responsibilities, towards its staff, partners, clients, and society at large. Our main targets are to maintain and further increase our sales volumes whilst at the same time reducing costs, to improve financial results year upon year, to maintain and develop our client base, and to improve the social benefits of our staff. The company is constantly focussed on improving the quality of our range of logistics services, using the very latest in modern technology, new innovations and know how, optimising the The company is an official member of Freight Forwarders Association of Russian Federation (FAR), which is a part of the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA). We are also a member of the Guild of professional participants for foreign trade, Saint-Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SPB CCI) and the Port of Hamburg Club. In addition to this, we are also members of the social organizations “Business Bridge” and “Business Russia”. efficiency of the workforce and maximising automation of our processes. OUR ACHIEVEMENTS: At present, the volume of cargo transported is something in the region of three thousand containers per month, of which 500,000 tonnes is refrigerated cargo! WE TRANSPORT UP TO 10,000 TONNES OF LIQUID CARGO EVERY MONTH! THE AVERAGE VOLUME OF GOODS TRANSPORTED EVERY MONTH IS AROUND 900,000 TONNES. 2 OUR RESPONSIBILITIES ARE INSURED BY THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION TT CLUB. THE QUALITY OF OUR SERVICES IS ENSURED BY ADHERENCE TO THE FUNDAMENTAL DEMANDS OF THE INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 9001:2008, AND BY THE RESULTS BASED SYSTEM OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT. We'll get the load off your back! ABOUT OUR GROUP OF COMPANIES The basic field of work of the Baltika Trans group of companies, founded in 1999, is in multimodal transport – goods delivery services between practically any two points in the world. This is the key growth area in our company. IN ADDITION TO THIS, BALTIKA TRANS IS ABLE TO PROVIDE A RANGE OF RELATED SERVICES, INCLUDING: Customs clearance of goods................................. p.4-7 Transport with Customs Transit................................. p.8 Transport of import / export cargoes...................... p.9 Multimodal transport and decantation of liquid cargoes..................................................... p.10-11 In-port Forwarding.................................................. p.12 Storage services...................................................... p.13 Road transport........................................................ p.14 Railway Transport.................................................... p.15 Transport of Oversized and Non-Standard Loads. p.16 Insurance of goods, security and escorts............ . p.17 Surveying Services.................................................. p.18 3 CUSTOMS CLEARANCE OF GOODS Any passage of goods through the border of the Russian Federation must follow the procedures connected with customs declarations and clearance. WITHOUT THE RELEVANT SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE OF RUSSIAN CUSTOMS LAWS, SUCH OPERATIONS CAN BE EXTREMELY COMPLICATED EFFICIENTLY CARRYING OUT THESE PROCEDURES IS DIRECTLY CONNECTED WITH THE SPEED AND QUALITY OF CUSTOMS CLEARANCE. Cargo Line is a customs broker which specialises in this area. They are included in the register of customs brokers of the Federal Customs Services of the Russian Federation (FTS RF) (Certificate No. 0505/00). AS PROFESSIONALS IN THE FIELD OF CUSTOMS WORK,THE COMPANY CARRIES OUT ALL CUSTOMS FORMALITIES IN ORDER TO MAXIMISE PROFIT AND MINIMISE LOSSES. 4 Above all, The Company provides its clients with the most convenient way of working together as a united provider of the whole range of services of the implementation of international contracts including transport logistics, legal services connected We'll get the load off your back! with goods from outside the Russian Federation and services THE MAIN ADVANTAGES OF CUSTOMS CLEARANCE AND connected with customs procedures. DECLARATIONS CARRIED OUT THROUGH A BROKER ARE AS T H E A D VA N T A G E S O F W O R K I N G W I T H A C U S T O M S FOLLOWS: The customs broker is legally entitled to use his own funds REPRESENTATIVE/ BROKER. Customs clearance and declarations can legally be carried out to pay the customs charges if the client is unable to do this. This by the declarant (the owner of the load), or by a company who takes the form of credit given by the broker to the client. works in the field of customs clearance. Such companies are The broker is legally entitled to act as an agent between called customs brokers. On behalf of the client of any other the client and customs, and is entitled to make any decisions interested parties, the customs broker is legally able to carry out required during the customs clearance process. all customs formalities. The broker is responsible for any damage which may occur to the client's property, if the load is ensured for more than SPECIALISING IN THE AREA OF CUSTOMS LAW AND CUSTOMS CONSULTING, THE BROKER IS ABLE TO CARRY OUT ALL THE NECESSARY OPERATIONS RELATED TO CUSTOMS CLEARANCE WITH THE MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY, AND IN THE MINIMUM TIME. THIS OF COURSE MEANS THAT EXPENSES ARE ALSO KEPT TO A MINIMUM. 20 million Russian Rubles (approximately 500,000 euros). The broker as opposed to the client, is responsible for the correct disclosure of the information on any customs declaration for goods in excess of a value of 45 million Russian Rubles (approximately 1,100,000 euros). 5 CUSTOMS CLEARANCE OF GOODS CONSULTATION REGARDING GOODS AND CUSTOMS CLEARANCE. We have highly qualified specialists in the company, who are able to provide consultations on a whole range of questions on the subject of customs clearance and external (foreign) business activities. THE MOST FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ARE RELATED TO: Customs law Drawing up transport documents Preliminary payments International contracts Customs tarrifs Necessity of obtaining preliminary permissions Exemptions from duties and taxes CUSTOMS PAYMENTS CARGO LINE IS A MEMBER OF THE GREEN CORRIDOR CUSTOMS PAYMENT SYSTEM. BECAUSE OF THIS, CLIENTS HAVE THE POSSIBILITY TO MAKE THE CUSTOMS PAYMENTS USING FUNDS FROM THE COMPANY'S CUSTOMS CARD. ADVANTAGES OF USING THE CARD Reduced time of customs clearance. Possibility to pay customs clearance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 6 We'll get the load off your back! No need to transfer advanced payment to the customs account before the start of the customs clearance process Customs payments are limited to the maximum available funds in any bank account. There is the option to add to these funds during the day. Opportunity to simultaneously clear goods at different customs points using several cards issued to one or more bank account. Quick and efficient system of paying any differences in costs which may arise. Possibility to control all payments in real time. Option of mobile baking service. Possibility to make third party payments. THE MAIN SERVICES PROVIDED BY A CUSTOMS BROKER INCLUDE – Checking of goods according to their positions in the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System and providing the cost of the goods prior to the declaration being made. Declaration (including electronic declaration) and customs clearance of export / import cargoes of any kind, in the minimum possible time according to the declared costs, with all the broker's stamps. Calculation of customs charges, ensuring prompt payment. Refunding any overpayments, including those connected with any changes is customs costs. Consultations and assistance in obtaining all necessary documents which must accompany the load during transport, including certificate of compliance, veterinary and health and safety certificates, imported quarantine permission and so on. 7 TRANSPORT WITH CUSTOMS TRANSIT Your cargo has arrived in one of the ports of Saint Petersburg, but you wish to make the customs clearance at the final destination of the goods? WE CAN DELIVER THE GOODS TO THE CUSTOMS TERMINAL IN YOUR CITY, ACCORDING THE PROCEDURES OF INTERNAL CUSTOMS TRANSIT. Also, we can deliver the cargo to a place of temporary storage, and then, once customs formalities have been completed, on to the final destination. WE ALSO PROVIDE: The full set of corresponding documents, made out according to the conditions of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation. Representation on behalf of the final recipient during customs checks. On-time delivery of the cargo to the customs or final destination using specialised transport under the supervision of customs according to the contract. Tracking of cargoes. We take responsibility for solving any problems which may arise, including those arising due to a force-major, either ourselves or jointly with our client. Different types of customs assurances. For the transport of transit cargoes, we use road transport with special trailers for oversized containers (20'DC, 40'DC, 40'HC), produced only by international suppliers. 8 We'll get the load off your back! TRANSPORT OF IMPORT / EXPORT GOODS Being widely experienced in logistics, we can guarantee the delivery of your cargo from anywhere in the world to any place in Russia or vice versa, in the timescale you specify if at all possible. Organising customs clearance. Organising loading and unloading and warehouse services in port. Our specialists will take into account all factors before producing a step-by-step transport schedule for you. They are always on hand to advise you, and can help in obtaining all necessary documents. They can also offer you the best possible conditions, type of transport for you, and rates. WE OFFER REAL-TIME MONITORING, TO KEEP YOU INFORMED AT ALL TIMES OF THE LOCATION AND PROGRESS OF YOUR GOODS. BY TRUSTING US IN FORWARDING YOUR CARGO, YOU CAN FORGET ABOUT ALL THE DIFFICULTIES AND COMPLICATIONS WHICH MAY ARISE IN TRANSPORTING YOUR GOODS. SOLVING THESE PROBLEMS IS ONE OF THE FUNDAMENTAL FUNCTIONS OF OUR COMPANY. WE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING SERVICES IN TRANSPORTING EXPORT / IMPORT CARGOES: Organising the transport of goods by container and shipping lines. Transportation by tramp vessels. Part shipment. Transport of oversized goods. Transport of dangerous loads. Offering you the best possible location for customs clearance, taking into account the individual characteristics of each load, size of the load and onward routes. Gaining permission and timescales from the relevant government bodies for allowing the load into the port, including agreeing access for non-standard sized, heavy or dangerous loads. 9 MULTIMODAL TRANSPORT AND RELOADING OF LIQUID CARGOES Baltica-Trans Group of Companies provides full range of services on the organization of multimodal transportations of liquid harmless and dangerous chemical and food grade cargoes in tank-containers and flexi-tanks across Russia, the Europe, near and far abroad, their use allow to optimize logistical operations, excepting the necessity of the cargo reloading on bulk terminals, and also due to providing opportunity to carry out door-to-door delivery. MAIN DIRECTIONS The greatest development of bulk cargoes transportations for today obtained the route from the European countries to Russia and back through the St.-Petersburg port and other Baltic ports. Except this direction, we carry out deliveries of bulk cargoes t h ro u g h t h e p o r t s o f Vy b o rg , N ovo ro s s i y s k , Vo s t o c h n y ( N a k h o d k a ) , V l a d i vo s t o k , a s we l l a s i n t e r n a l R u s s i a n transportations and direct deliveries from the Europe to Russia and back. We do organize rail shipments of Swap Body tankcontainers via Russian and CIS rails roads which is one of our competitive advantage. AVAILABILITY OF THE OWN TANK-CONTAINERS PARK OF ISO STANDARDS AND SWAP BODY OF ALLOWS US TO OPTIMIZE COSTS OF TRANSPORTATION AND TO BE COMPETITIVE IN THE GIVEN SEGMENT OF THE MARKET IN COMPARISON WITH THE EUROPEAN TANK-CONTAINER OPERATORS. OUR TANK-CONTAINERS ARE OF VARIOUS VOLUMES, ALL OF THEM MEET THE INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL REQUIREMENTS. 10 We'll get the load off your back! Besides organization of transportations in tank-containers and flexi-tanks we provide reloading of bulk cargoes from railway tanks into tank-vessels and vice versa with own equipment of the company, which includes: Pumps, specially designated for high-viscous liquids, Steam heating stations for heating of cargo before reloading, Various fitting equipment for connecting cargo sleeves with any tanks, containers, etc. Our experts have huge experience in the field of organization of transportation and transfer of liquid cargoes. The team of our professionals install flexi-tanks into containers for many years, which minimize risks of leakage because usually there is lack of specially trained personal at loading places who can do it on professional level. We install flexi-tanks in St. Petersburg depot and position containers for loading with already prepared for it flexi-tank. Such way of process organization provides to our clients easy and workable scheme of liquid cargo transportation in flexi-tanks. BESIDES THAT BALTICA-TRANS GROUP OF COMPANIES ORGINIZES RE-LOADING OF LIQUID CARGOES FROM DAMAGED FLEXI-TANKS INTO THE GOOD ONE IF THE LEAKAGE HAPPENED DURING THE LAND TRANSPORTATION WITHIN ANY POINT OF RUSSIA. 11 IN-PORT FORWARDING WE CARRY OUT IN-PORT FORWARDING OF YOUR CARGO. WE HAVE LONG-TERM PARTNERSHIPS WITH LARGE CARGO TERMINALS OF THE FOLLOWING PORTS: SAINT PETERSBURG, UST-LUGA, NOVOROSSIYSK, VLADIVOSTOK, VOSTOCHNIY and we can also provide reloading of different types of cargo through the port terminals of Vyborg and Vysotsk, and we have our own representation on the territory of those ports. This allows us to organise rapid reloading of any type of cargo and at the same time carry out effective quality controls across the whole operation. OUR IN-PORT FORWARDING SERVICES INCLUDE: All types of loading and unloading work. Reloading of cargoes. Tallyman and surveying services. All types of storage. Documentary clearance of cargoes at the point of reloading, despatching with all necessary permissions. State body inspections connected with permission. 12 We'll get the load off your back! STORAGE SERVICES Providing storage services, we fully understand the responsibility and importance of this part of the transport chain. We provide storage services for all kinds of cargo including customs cargoes, and temporary storage for loads requiring licensing. Out of all the existing storage complexes with a developed infrastructure and convenient access roads, we will always choose the most suitable one for your individual needs. All the demands and conditions of storage will be taken into account no matter what they are, including temperature, humidity, lighting etc. Our company has long term business relationships with many warehouses and storage facilities, owned by Baltic and Saint Petersburg Customs. All of these facilities have all the necessary licences, and are able to fully comply with any possible storage requirements. Your load will be placed under 24/7 surveillance in a warehouse equipped with the latest security technology. Our list of storage partners includes not only traditional warehouses, but also specially equipped warehouses for temporary storage. ALL WAREHOUSE OPERATIONS CONNECTED WITH YOUR CARGO ARE PERFORMED ONLY WITH A WITNESS FROM OUR COMPANY OF THE SURVEYING COMPANY. 13 ROAD TRANSPORT We look at road transport as a dynamically developing area in the field of transport services. This is exactly why we created a separate entity which deals solely with this side of our business. Now we have 58 road convoys: our trucks are Volvo and Renault of 2010-2012 years, and our trailers were produced by the leading European suppliers. The trucks fleet will be developed to 100 units by the end of the year. We offer road transport both in Russia and around the whole of Europe. Our specialists are highly experienced in the field of road transport logistics and cargo transportation. They will make sure that at every step of the way, the right choice is made so as to keep your costs to a minimum. Corporate clients can expect special commercial terms. We can provide you with vehicles of any type (tent trailers, refrigerated wagons or containers) even at very short notice, at prices which we are sure you will be delighted with. Of course, we also take the protection of your cargo very seriously, and take all necessary additional measures to make sure that it arrives at its destination undamaged. In addition to the company's own road fleet, we also have contractual agreements with road transport companies in Russia and the former Soviet Bloc, as well as in Europe. Working with these companies, we are able to find transport solutions regardless of location. We provide you with freight forwarding to the port, and for your imported cargoes, from the port to the final recipient. We can also transport your transit cargo through the port in Saint Petersburg under the supervision of customs. 14 We'll get the load off your back! RAILWAY TRANSPORT We operate railway transport of import, export and internal Our company provides a whole range of services in the delivery goods within Russia and the former Soviet Bloc in containers, of containers from door to door. As our client, you are able to pay wagons and on platforms. If the need has arisen to transport a for this complete service in one convenient transaction. liquid cargo, we have railway cisterns on a long-term lease which The speed of delivery of the High-speed Container Train is mean we can always find solutions to your liquid transportation comparable to that of a passenger train. This train runs according needs. to a strict timetable, meaning that it is many times faster than WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING SERVICES: sending your goods using a single container. Providing wagons, whether it is many or just one, and organising them at the station of departure. Transport of oversized loads. Transport of goods by 20 and 40 foot container in covered stations for work with containers. Creating a loading plan, and obtaining agreement from the Oktyabrskaya Railway. Loading and unloading in agreement with the technical conditions specified. Monitoring and searching for wagons within and outside IN TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THIS SERVICE, YOU WILL NOT ONLY SAVE TIME, BUT WILL ALSO OPEN NEW WINDOWS OF OPPORTUNITY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF YOUR BUSINESS. the Russian Railways network. Looking after loads in port. Transfer of loads onto road or rail transport. If in any way you wish to speed up the transport of your goods, we suggest that you take advantage of such ultra-modern transport technology as the High-speed Container Train, which uses a specially developed route. THIS ENSURES THE SECURITY OF YOUR GOODS, AS WELL AS REDUCING THE DELIVERY TIME. 15 TRANSPORT OF OVERSIZED AND NON-STANDARD LOADS WHAT CAN YOU DO IF YOUR CARGO IS IMPOSSIBLE TO TRANSPORT BY CONTAINER? We can eliminate all your difficulties and transport your oversized load in the most efficient way possible, both in terms of time and cost. It is worth mentioning that the transport of non-standard loads of a huge size are easily the most complicated projects that companies like ourselves are involved in. Therefore, our highly qualified staff are very important, as is the availability of special mobile wagons and also observing all rules connected with the transport o over-sized loads. We try to offer the client everything we can in this area. Our specialists will carefully work through everything for you, from the conditions of transporting the oversized load to the route. Once again, the project was carried out taking into account all the special characteristics of the load, and of course the wishes of our client. We consider that the transport of any oversized or non-standard load provides us with a unique and valuable experience. That is why we are actively seeking to develop this side of our business. WE FOCUS ON THE NEEDS OF OUR CLIENTS, OFFERING THEM THE BEST RATES POSSIBLE. YOU CAN RELY ON US FOR A SOLUTION TO EVEN THE MOST COMPLICATED OF TRANSPORT PROJECTS. Transporting oversized loads within the territory of the Russian Federation and CIS countries is carried out in strict accordance with the laws relating to such transport in each of these countries. In any multi-modal transport project, we obtain the agreement of all the necessary bodies of all the countries through which the cargo will be transported. An excellent example of one of our successes in this field is the transport of several MI-8 and MI-17 helicopters for export and import. This project included sea freight, and then reloading from freight containers to road trailers. More than ten similar helicopters were sent through the Rusmarin Forwarding, MST-Petersburg and PKT terminals. In addition to the helicopters, we have also worked boiler installations, paper making machines and other elements of industrial paper and cellulose equipment. 16 We'll get the load off your back! INSURANCE OF GOODS, SECURITY AND ESCORTS IF THE LOAD IS INSURED, YOU ARE P R O T E C T I N G YO U R C O M PA N Y FROM THE RISK OF LOSSES. The responsibility of the transporter and forwarder is insured by the International Associated TT Club – known worldwide as a provider or insurance and risk management services. OUR AGREEMENT WITH TT CLUB PROVIDES US WITH INSURANCE FOR EVERY CASE WITH A LIMIT OF US $750,000. The TT Club insurance certificate covers not only the responsibility of the forwarder for losses and damage to the load and container equipment, but also allows us to insure the client's load for an excellent premium, and with a minimal excess. We BASED ON OUR MANY YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN THE MARKET OF TRANSPORT AND FORWARDING SERVICES, OUR COMPANY OFFERS THE BEST POSSIBLE CONDITIONS OF INSURANCE, WHICH ALLOW YOU TO REDUCE YOUR EXPENSES. WE CAN PROVIDE VARIOUS TYPES OF INSURANCE, BOTH FOR LOADS AND CONTAINERS. The advantages of insuring your cargo through our company are: You pay for your insurance after the start date of your insurance policy. Our staff can provide you with help in organising inspections of any damaged goods, and any subsequent claim. recommend that you insure your cargo in order to protect your We take responsibility for negotiations with the insurance own business, as in the modern world any unexpected event can company, who in the event of any incident will reimburse you for arise, causing unwanted consequences. your losses quickly and efficiently. 17 SURVEYING SERVICES We are able to offer a wide range of surveying services. These services are used in a situation where a claim has already arisen, or beforehand. The cost of such a survey is always small when compared with the value of the load, however a survey allows you to protect your business from the possibility of an unwanted claim from a counteragent. In any situation where a disagreement has arisen, an independent survey serves as an unbiased witness in the eyes of the law. A survey report is the most important document on which you can rely to protect your interest in an arbitration court. Without this report, it may be considered that you do not have enough proof to substantiate any claim that you might be making. Supporting your own claim or defending those made against you is only possible with the involvement of an independent expert. A survey will collate all the essential information – measurements, photographs, security camera footage, collect all necessary At present, we offer the following range of in-demand surveying documents, and the client will then be advised exactly which services: Road, rail and other transport surveying. course of action of best to take. Assessing damaged loads and quantifying damage. IN ADDITION TO THIS, A SURVEY MEANS THAT YOU WILL BE IN POSSESSION OF THE FULL INFORMATION ABOUT THE SIZE AND QUALITY OF THE LOAD AT EVERY STAGE OF ITS TRANSPORTATION. Minimising losses. Investigation of insurance incidents. Inspection of cargo at loading and unloading. Control of the movement of loads. Checking that the size, quality and specification of a load correspond with its documents. Warehouse inspection, to ensure that the storage conditions meet the demands of the specific cargo. This also gives you the opportunity to consult with a specialist if needed, in order to minimise your potential losses. 18 We'll get the load off your back! WE ARE OPEN TO CONSTRUCTIVE DIALOGUE WITH EVERY ONE OF OUR CURRENT AND POTENTIAL CLIENTS. WE CONTINUE TO WIDEN OUR RANGE OF SERVICES, AND TO RAISE AND PERFECT THE LEVEL OF OUR SERVICE WE PROVIDE TO OUR CLIENTS. WE ARE ALWAYS DELIGHTED TO TRY AND MEET YOUR NEEDS, AND TO HEAR YOUR COMMENTS, SUGGESTIONS AND WISHES. AS WELL AS THIS, WE ARE OF COURSE ALWAYS HAPPY TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS THAT YOU MAY HAVE ABOUT OUR SERVICES. BALTICA TRANS – WE'LL GET THE LOAD OFF YOUR BACK! 19 WHERE TO FIND US: Baltica Trans Group HEAD OFFICE Office 518, Corpus A, Bumazhnaya Ulitsa Saint Petersburg, 190020, Russia Tel +7812 4480160 Fax +7812 4480159 e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] NOVOROSSIYSK OFFICE Office 19, 24 A Ulitsa Sovetov, Novorossiysk, 353900 Tel +78617 30-16-60 Fax + 78617 30-16-77 e-mail [email protected] YEKATERINBURG OFFICE Office 413, 9 Ulitsa Shevchenko, Yekaterinburg,620027 Tel / fax +7 343 351 08 37, e-mail [email protected] 20 We'll get the load off your back! BALTICA TRANS GROUP HEAD OFFICE Office 518, Corpus A, Bumazhnaya Ulitsa, Saint Petersburg, 190020, Russia Tel +7812 4480160, Fax +7812 4480159 e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] NOVOROSSIYSK OFFICE Office 19, 24 A Ulitsa Sovetov. Novorossiysk, 353900 Tel +78617 30-16-60, Fax + 78617 30-16-77 e-mail [email protected] YEKATERINBURG OFFICE Office 413, 9 Ulitsa Shevchenko, Yekaterinburg,620027 Tel / fax +7 343 351 08 37, e-mail [email protected] WWW.BALTICA-TRANS.RU