Diplomatic Missions
Diplomatic Missions
Diplomatic Missions Afghanistan ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan National Day: 19 August Chancery: Kronprinsens gate 17, N-0244 Oslo Telephone: +47 22 83 84 10 Fax: +47 23 23 92 20 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.afghanistanembassy.no Office Hours: 09.00-12.00 and 13.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— Her Excellency Ms Manizha Bakhtari, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (15.2.2010) Oslo Mr. Abdul Ghafoor Poya Faryabi, Minister Counsellor Ms Maktooba Poya Faryabi Oslo Mr. Bashir Ahmad Shukran, First Secretary Ms Maliha Shukran Oslo Mr. Mohammad Mehdi Yari, Second Secretary Oslo Mr. Wahidullah Baidar, Third Secretary Ms Lailoma Baidar Oslo Albania ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Albania National Day: 28 November - Independence Day (1912) Chancery: Frederiksholms Kanal 4, st. tv., 1220 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 91 79 79 Fax: 33 91 79 69 E-mail: [email protected]. Office Hours: 09.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Arben Cici, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (12.10.2010) Ms Magi Cici Ms Aida Sakja, First Secretary (23.12.2008) Copenhagen Copenhagen Algeria ————————————————————————— Embassy of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria National Day: 1 November Chancery: Hellerupvej 66, 2900 Hellerup Telephones: 33 11 94 40, 33 11 96 40 Fax: 33 11 58 50 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.algerianembassy.dk Office Hours: 08.00-12.00 and 13.00-16.30 (Sun-Thur) Consular Section Telephones: 33 11 94 40, 33 11 96 40 Fax: 33 11 58 50 Office Hours: Reception: 09.30-12.30 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Abdelhamid Boubazine, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (9.9.2008) Ms Halima Boubazine Copenhagen Mr. Ali Laib, First Secretary (1.8.2009) Ms Nadja Laib Copenhagen Mr. Mohamed Adlaoui, Attaché (1.8.2010) Copenhagen Mr. Bachir Khaldi, Attaché (1.7.2006) Ms Nora Khaldi Copenhagen Mr. Mouloud Kadem, (1.8.2010) Attaché Ms Farida Kadem Copenhagen Andorra ————————————————————————— Embassy of Andorra National Day: 8 September - Virgin of Meritxell Chancery: C/ Prat de la Creu 62-64, AD 500 Andorra la Vella Telephone: +376 875 704 Fax: +376 869 559 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 08.00-18.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— ..............., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ms Eva Descarrega Garcia, Minister Counsellor, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. (16.6.2009) Andorra la Vella Angola ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Angola National Day: 11 November - Independence Day (1975) Chancery: Skeppsbron 8, P.O.Box 3199, SE-103 64 Stockholm Telephone: +46 (8) 24 28 90 Fax: +46 (8) 34 31 27 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.angolaemb.se Office Hours: 09.00-16.30 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section Telephone: +46 (8) 24 28 90 Fax: +46 (8) 34 31 27 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-13.00 and 14.00-16.30 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Domingos Culolo, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (30.1.2008) Ms Deolinda Paulino Pedro Culolo Stockholm Mr. Gaspar Custódio Domingos da Silva, Counsellor (Political Affairs) Ms Ana Isabel do Céu da Silva Stockholm Mr. José Leitão dos Santos, First Secretary Ms Isabel da E. Figueiredo dos Santos Stockholm Ms Teresa Maria de J. P. Bravo da Rosa, Second Secretary (Consular Affairs) Stockholm Ms Maria Helena Couto de Assis Boavida, Second Secretary Mr. Diógenes António de Assis Boavida Stockholm Ms Flávia Arsênio Pires Lisboa Santos, Financial Attaché Stockholm Mr. João Miguel da Silva Fernandes, Attaché Stockholm Ms Maria do Rosário de Fátima Dias, Administrative Attaché Stockholm Ms Albertina Isabel dos Santos, Attaché (Press Affairs) Stockholm Argentina ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Argentine Republic National Day: 25 May Chancery: Borgergade 16, 4th floor, 1300 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 15 80 82 Fax: 33 15 55 74 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.embargentina.dk Office Hours: 09.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section Telephone: 33 15 85 56 Office Hours: Open to the public 10.00-13.00 (Mon-Fri) Economic and Commercial Section Telephone: 33 15 80 82 Fax: 33 15 55 74 Office Hours: 09.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Raúl Alberto Ricardes, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (19.11.2010) Ms. Andrea Tettamanti Copenhagen Mr. Marcelo Joaquín Pujo, Minister (19.5.2010) Copenhagen Ms. Julietta Natalia Tabares, Third Secretary (21.1.2011) Mr. Federico Cosentino Ms. Josefina Marcela Gallo Morando, Attaché (29.1.2011) Copenhagen Copenhagen Armenia ————————————————————————— Republic of Armenia National Day: 21 September - Independence Day Chancery: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia, 2, Government House, Republic Square, 375010 Yerevan Telephone: +374 (10) 544 041 (ext. 289) Fax: +374 (10) 54 39 25 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Office Hours: 10.00-18.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Ara Aivazian, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (22.10.2007) Ms Gayane Mokatsian Yerevan Australia ————————————————————————— Australian Embassy National Day: 26 January - Australia Day Chancery: Dampfærgevej 26, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephone: 70 26 36 76 Fax: 70 26 36 86 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.denmark.embassy.gov.au Office Hours: 08.30-16.30 (Mon-Thur) 08.30-16.00 (Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. James Choi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (26.5.2010) Copenhagen Ms Susan Helen Flanagan, First Secretary and Consul (29.3.2010) Mr. Phillip James Walker Copenhagen Mr. John Matthew Banks, Third Secretary (6.12.2010) Ms. Helene Peta Towers Copenhagen Austria ————————————————————————— Austrian Embassy National Day: 26 October Chancery: Sølundsvej 1, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephone: 39 29 41 41 Fax: 39 29 20 86 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-16.30 (Mon-Fri) Consular and Visa Section: Svanemøllevej 7, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephone: 39 29 41 41 Office Hours: 09.30-12.00 (Mon-Fri) Commercial Counsellor's Office: Grønningen 5, 3rd fl., 1270 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 11 14 12 Fax: 33 91 14 13 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.advantageaustria.org/dk Office Hours: 08.00-16.00 (Mon-Thur) 08.00-14.00 (Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Dr. Daniel Krumholz, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (5.10.2009) Ms Ilse Uta Krumholz Copenhagen Ms Elisabeth Riederer, Minister (28.7.2010) Mr. Martin Riederer Copenhagen Mr. Robert Sinnhuber, Counsellor (Admin) (11.8.2010) Ms. Debra Sinnhuber Copenhagen Ms. Elisabeth Mayer, Assistent Attaché Copenhagen (01.09.2010) Ms Eva Maria Frei, Commercial Counsellor (1.8.2009) Copenhagen Mr. Michael Janisch, Defence Attaché (8.9.2008) Ms Gabriele Maria Janisch Stockholm Azerbaijan ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan National Day: 28 May – Republic Day Chancery: 4, Kensington Court, GB-London W8 5DL Telephones: +44 (20) 7938 3412, +44 (20) 7938 5482 Fax: +44 020 7937 1783 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.azembassy.org.uk Consular Section: Telephone: +44 (20) 79 38 54 82 Fax: +44 (20) 79 38 53 82 ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Fakhraddin Isa oglu Gurbanov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (17.4.2009) Ms Saida Samadova London Mr Orkhan Sultanov, First Secretary (Humanitarian Affairs) London Mr Zaur Gasimov, Third Secretary (Consular Affairs) London Mr Jeyhun Novruzov, Third Secretary (Political and Economic Affairs) London Mr Polad Mammadov, Attaché (Press and Education Affairs) London Mr Mukhtar Abduyev, Attaché (Protocol, Humanitarian and Cultural Affairs) London Bahrain ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Kingdom of Bahrain National Day: 16 December Chancery: 30, Belgrave Square, GB-London SW1X 8QB Telephone: +44 (207) 201 9170 Fax: +44 (207) 201 9183 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.bahrainembassy.co.uk Office Hours: 09.00-16.00 Cultural Office: 98 Gloucester Road, GB-London SW7 4AU Telephone: +44 (207) 341 0770 Fax: +44 (207)373 4210 ————————————————————————— ..............., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Yusuf Mohamed Abdulla Jameel, Counsellor, Chargé d'Affaires a.i. Ms Jameel London Shaikha Zeina bint Hamad Al Khalifa, First Secretary London Mr. Hussain A. Makhlooq, First Secretary London Mr. Yaser Isa Alheddi, First Secretary Ms. Sawsan hashem Elsayed London Mr. Yusuf Yaqoob AlQowz, Cultural Counsellor (2009) London Bangladesh ————————————————————————— Embassy of the People's Republic of Bangladesh National Day: 26 March - Independence Day Chancery: Anderstorpsvägen 12, 1tr, S-171 54 Solna Telephones: +46 (8) 730 58 50/51/52 Fax: +46 (8) 730 58 70 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Web Site: www.bangladoot.se Office Hours: 09.00-16.30 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. A.F.M. Gousal Azam Sarker, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (agréé) Mr. Khandker Masudul Alam, First Secretary (11.03.2009) Ms. Rabeya Sultana Stockholm Stockholm Barbados ————————————————————————— Embassy of Barbados National Day: 30 November - Independence Day Chancery: Av. Franklin Roosevelt 100, B-1050 Brussels Telephones: +32 (2) 732 17 37, +32 (2) 732 18 67 Fax: +32 (2) 732 32 66 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.foreign.gov.bb Office Hours: 09.30-17.30 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— ..............., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Belarus ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Belarus National Day: 3 July - Independence Day Chancery: Herserudsvägen 5, 4th floor, S-181 34 Lidingö, Stockholm Telephone: +46 (8) 731 57 45 Fax: +46 (8) 767 07 46 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Web Site: www.sweden.belembassy.org Office Hours: 09.00-18.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section Telephone: +46 (8) 731 57 44 (14.00-18.00) E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.30-12.30 (Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Andrei Grinkevich, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (7.4.2005) Ms Julia Grinkevich Stockholm Belgium ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium National Day: 21 July and 15 November – King’s Day Chancery: Øster Allé 7, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephone: 35 25 02 00 Fax: 35 25 02 11 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-12.30 and 13.30-16.30 (Mon-Thu) 09.00-12.30 and 13.30-15.30 (Fri) Consular Section Office Hours: 09.30-12.30 and 14.00-15.30 (Mon-Thu) 09.00-12.30 (Fri) Commercial Section (Wallonia Region): Gothersgade 103, 2nd fl., 1123 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 13 02 11 Fax: 33 13 63 20 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-17.00 (Mon-Thur) 09.00-16.00 (Fri) Commercial Section (Flanders Region and BrusselsCapital Region): Gothersgade 103, 2nd fl., 1123 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 13 04 88 Fax: 33 13 28 02 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-12.30 and 13.30-16.00 (Mon-Thu) 09.00-12.30 and 13.30-15.00 (Fri) Investments Section (Brussels-Capital Region) Embassay of Belgium Kungsbroplan 2, Box 1040, S-10138 Stockholm Telephone: +46 8 24 09 10 Fax: +46 8 24 09 11 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Jean-François Branders, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (5.10.2009) Ms Joséphine Branders Copenhagen Mr. Paul Reynders, Counsellor (13.8.2007) Ms Rodica Ionescu Copenhagen Mr. Oswald Gantois, Counsellor and Consul (11.10.2008) Copenhagen Mr. Daniel de Patoul, Economic and Commercial Counsellor (Wallonia Region) (24.9.2003) Ms Nicoletta Nobili Massuero Copenhagen Mr. Jozef De Clercq, Economic and Commercial Counsellor (Flemish Region) (27.7.2006) Copenhagen Mr. Gilles Brédas, Economic and Commercial Counsellor (Brussels-Capital Region) Ms Muriel Francoise Stockholm Benin ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Benin National Day: 1 August - Independence Day Chancery: Skelvej 2, 2900 Hellerup Telephone: 39 68 10 30 Fax: 39 68 10 32 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.ambabenin.dk Office Hours: 09.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section: Telephone: 39 68 10 30 Fax: 39 68 10 32 Office hours: Reception 09.00-15.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— Her Excellency Ms Arlette Claudine Rita Dagnon ép. Vignikin, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (9.9.2008) Mr. Raymond Connoly Vignikin Copenhagen Mr. Fagninou Vincent Iwikotan, Counsellor, Head of Chancery (31.3.2006) Copenhagen Mr. Roger Gomez, First Counsellor (9.9.2009) Ms Olga Hindéhoué Adjovi Gomez Copenhagen Ms Brigitte Denise d'Almeida Aïdego, Attaché (6.5.2008) Mr. Sévérin Aïdego Mr. Télesphore Gandjo, Attaché Copenhagen Copenhagen (6.10.2008) Ms Mireille Kassa Bhutan ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Kingdom of Bhutan National Day: 17 December Chancery: Avenue jules Cesar 70, B-1150 Brussels Telephone: +322 761 95 70 Fax: +322 761 95 77 Office Hours: 09.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Sonam Tobden Rabgye, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (4.2.2005) Ms Tshering Yangchen Rabgye Mr. Dawa Tschering, First Secretary Brussels Brussels Bolivia ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Plurinational State of Bolivia National Day: 6 August - Independence Day (1825) Chancery: Store Kongensgade 81, 2nd floor, 1264 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 12 49 00 Fax: 33 12 49 03 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section: Store Kongensgade 81, 2nd floor, 1264 Copenhagen K Office Hours: 10.30-14.30 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Eugenio Poma Añaguaya, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (20.9.2007) Ms Antonia Callisaya de Poma Mr. Francisco Pol Villegas Porcel, First Secretary (7.3.2008) Copenhagen Copenhagen Bosnia and Herzegovina ————————————————————————— Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina Chancery: H.C. Andersens Boulevard 48, 2.tv, 1553 Copenhagen V Telephones: 33 32 80 42 (Administration Section), Extention 2 33 33 80 40 (Consular Section), Extention 1 Fax: 33 33 80 17 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.embassybh.dk Office Hours: 09.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section: Office Hours: 10.00-14.00 ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Muhamed Hajdarević, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (20.10.2008) Ms Amra Hajdarević Copenhagen Mr Igor Dunderovic, First Secretary (20.1.2010) Ms Ivana Dunderovic Copenhagen Botswana ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Botswana National Day: 30 September Chancery: Tyrgatan 11, Box 26024, S-100 41 Stockholm Telephone: +46 (8) 545 25 880 Fax: +46 (8) 723 00 87 E-mail: [email protected] ————————————————————————— Her Excellency Ms Bernadette Sebage Rathedi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (18.12.2006) Stockholm Mr. Ishmael Tsholofelo Dabutha, Counsellor (1.11.2008) Stockholm Mr. Daniel Kgasa, First Secretary (19.4.2004) Ms Nickie Kgasa Stockholm Ms Pretty Machado-Phologolo, First Secretary (6.8.2007) Mr. Victor Phologolo Stockholm Brazil ————————————————————————— Brazilian Embassy National Day: 7 September - Independence Day (1822) Chancery: Chr. IX's Gade 2, 1.sal, 1111 Copenhagen K Telephone: 39 20 64 78 Fax: 39 27 36 07 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.brazil.dk Office Hours: 09.00-13.00 and 14.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular and Visa Section: Chr. IX's Gade 2, 1.sal, 1111 Copenhagen K Telephones: 35 55 50 26/27 Fax: 39 27 36 07 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-15.00 ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Goncalo de Barros Carvalho e Mello Mourão, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (21.9.2010) Ms. Maria Lúcia Prisco Paraíso Ramos e Mello Mourão Copenhagen Mr. Renato de Ávila Viana, First Secretary, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. (14.5.2010) Copenhagen Mr. Paulo Fernando Pinheiro Machado, Second Secretary (8.9.2009) Ms Claudine Saldanha César Pinheiro Machado Copenhagen Mr. Carlos Sousa de Jesus Junior, Attaché (22.3.2010) Copenhagen Brunei Darussalam ————————————————————————— Embassy of Brunei Darussalam National Day: 23 February Chancery: c/o Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jalan Subok, Bandar Seri Begawan BD 2710, Negara Brunei Darussalam Telephone: +673 2 261 177 Fax: +673 2 262 476 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 7.45-16.30 (Mon-Sat) Closed Friday and Sunday ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Pengiran Dato Yunus Mahmud, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (agréé) Ms Pengiran Anak Fatimah Brunei Darussalam Ms Dk Rooslina Pg Kamaluddin, First Secretary Brunei Darussalam Ms Dk Seri Hasreena Pg Hj Hashim, Second Secretary Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria National Day: 3 March Chancery: Gamlehave Allé 7, 2920 Charlottenlund Telephones: 39 64 24 84, 39 63 38 72 Fax: 39 63 49 23 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Office Hours: 08.30-16.30 (Mon-Fri) Consular and Visa Section Telephone: 39 64 24 84, 39 63 38 72 E-mail: [email protected] Office and Visiting Hours: 10.00-12.00 (Mon-Thu) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Valentin Delchev Poriazov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (16.10.2009) Ms Juliana Todorova Pavlova-Poriazova Copenhagen Ms Elizabeth Konstantinova Varbanova, Deputy Head of Mission, First Secretary (25.9.2009) Mr. Mladen Dimitrov Varbanov Copenhagen Ms Petya Spaskova Zhoevska, Third Secretaty and Consul (17.7.2009) Copenhagen Burkina Faso ————————————————————————— Embassy of Burkina Faso National Day: 11 December - Proclamation of the Republic Chancery: Svanemøllevej 20, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephone: 39 18 40 22 Fax: 39 27 18 86 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.ambaburkina.dk Office Hours: 09.00-12.00 and 13.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— Her Excellency Ms Monique Ilboudo, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (7.7.2008) Copenhagen Mr. Michel Somma, Second Counsellor (10.2.2007) Copenhagen Mr. Flavien Imah William Nezien, Second Counsellor (29.10.2010) Copenhagen Mr. Issa Yonaba, Financial Atacché (20.9.2009) Ms Ramata Yonaba Pagdaoua Copenhagen Ms Wendehete Asseta Tiendrebeogo/Guimbou, Financial Attaché (6.11.2004) Copenhagen Ms Tatiana Yourievna Sedletskaya Ouedraogo, Attaché (17.6.2005) Mr. Pierre Ouedraogo Copenhagen Ms Fazi Valerie Ouili/Ouedraogo, Attaché (15.2.2008) Copenhagen Burma (Myanmar) ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Union of Myanmar National Day: 4 January - Independence Day Chancery: 19A Charles Street, Berkeley Square, GB-London W1J 5DX Telephones: +44 (20) 74 09 70 35 (Ambasador's Office), +44 (20) 74 93 73 97 (Trade, Economics and Cultural Section) Fax: +44 (20) 74 09 70 43 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.30-16.30 (Mon-Fri) Visa Office Telephone: +44 (20) 74 99 43 40 ————————————————————————— His Excellency ......Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (.....) Ms Daw Thida Aung, Minister Counsellor (10.7.2009) Mr Tin Maung Aye London London Burundi ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Burundi National Day: 1 July - Commemoration of Independence Chancery: Berliner Str. 36, D-10715 Berlin Telephone: +49 30 234 5670 Fax: +49 30 234 567 20 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.burundi-embassy-berlin.com Office Hours: 09.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— Her Excellency .... Berlin Mr. Barthélemy Mfayokurera, 1st Counsellor, chargé d’affaires a.i. Berlin Cambodia ————————————————————————— Embassy of Cambodia National Day: 9 November - Independence Day Chancery: 64 Brondesbury Park, Willesden Green, London NW6 7AT Telephone: +44 (0) 208 451 7850 Fax: +44 207 483 9061 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.cambodianembassy.org.uk ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Nambora Hor, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (21.3.2006) Ms Khemtana Hor London Mr. Sunna Som, Counsellor (Head of Chancery) London Mr. Sengky Paul, First Secretary (Political Affairs) London Mr. Sovanneth Khun, First Secretary (Administrative and Consular Affairs) London Ms Chan Nary Sou, Third Secretary (Visa and Consular Affairs) London Cameroon ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Cameroon National Day: 20 May Chancery: 84, Holland Park, GB-London W11 3SB Telephone: +44 (0207) 727 0771 Fax: +44 (0207) 792 93353 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Ekaney Nkwelle, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (agréé) London Mr. Denis Nyuydzewira, Minister Counsellor (20.10.2006) Ms Margaret Nyuydzewira London Mr. Joël Hervé Nguenkam Keumini, Second Secretary (6.11.2006) Ms Danielle Nguenkam London Canada ————————————————————————— Canadian Embassy National Day: 1 July - Canada Day (1867) Chancery: Kr. Bernikows Gade 1, 1105 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 48 32 00 Fax: 33 48 32 20 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 08.30-16.30 (Mon-Fri) Commercial Section Fax: 33 48 32 21 Consular Section Office Hours: 09.00-12.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Peter Lundy, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (9.9.2008) Ms Marlene Lundy Copenhagen Ms Kim Marla Girtel, Counsellor (10.9.2009) Copenhagen Mr. Claude Charland, Commercial Counsellor (16.8.2007) Ms Caroline Charland Copenhagen Mr. Alan John Daniels, Attaché and Vice Consul (..08.2010) Copenhagen Captain(N) Harold Theodore Harsch, Defrence Attaché (21.7.2009) London Central African Republic ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Central African Rep. National Day: 1 December and 29 March - Commemoration of President Boganda Chancery: Rue de la Fusée 64 1130 Brussels. Telephone: +32 (2) 705 5603 + 32 (2) 705 5602 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-12.00 and 14.00-16.00 ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Armand Guy Zounguere-Sokambi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (agréé) Ms Anne-Marie Njembe Brussels Chad ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Chad National Day: 11 August Chancery: Lepsiusstrasse 114, D-12165 Berlin Telephone: +49 30 31 99 16 20 Fax: +49 30 31 99 16 220 E-mail: [email protected] ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Tchonaï Elimi Hassan, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (23.11.2009) Berlin Ms Solalta Ngarmbatinan, First Counsellor Berlin Mr. Mahamat Taher Ali Nanaye, Minister Counsellor Berlin Mr. Mbaiassem Daniel, First Counsellor Berlin Mr. Alifa Djarma Nankere, First Secretary Berlin Chile ————————————————————————— Embassy of Chile National Day: 18 September - Independence Day (1810) Chancery: Kastelsvej 15, 3rd fl., 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephone: 35 38 58 34 (dial 1) Fax: 35 38 42 01 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.chiledk.dk Office Hours: 09.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section Telephone: 35 38 58 34 (dial 2) Office Hours: 09.00-14.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Ricardo Concha , Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (28.6.2006) Ms Jeanine Landerretche Copenhagen Mr. Alfredo Tapia, Second Secretary (Political Affairs) (15.3.2006) Ms Roswitha Fröhlich Copenhagen Mr. José Luis Briceño, Second Secretary and Consul (1.3.2010) Copenhagen China ————————————————————————— Embassy of the People's Republic of China National Day: 1 October - Proclamation of the People's Republic of China (1949) Chancery: Øregårds Allé 25, 2900 Hellerup Telephone: 39 46 08 89 Telex: 27019 Chinem Fax: 39 62 54 84 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.chinaembassy.dk Office Hours: 09.00-12.00 and 14.00-16.30 (Mon-Fri) Consular and Visa Section: Øregårdsvænget 5, 2900 Hellerup Telephone: 39 46 08 77 Fax: 39 46 08 78 Office Hours: 09.00-12.00 (Mon-Fri) Cultural Section: Ahlmanns Allé 22, 2900 Hellerup Telephone: 39 46 08 79 Fax: 39 46 08 80 Military Ahlmanns Allé 22, 2900 Hellerup Attaché's Office: Telephones: 39 46 08 85, 39 46 08 84 Fax: 39 46 08 56 Scientific and Technological Section: Ahlmanns Allé 22, 2900 Hellerup Telephone: 39 46 08 87 Fax: 39 46 08 88 Economic and Commercial Counsellor's Office: Øregårds Allé 12, 2900 Hellerup Telephones: 39 61 10 13, 39 61 00 81 Fax: 39 61 29 13 E-mail: [email protected] Educational Section: Henningsens Allé 24, 2900 Hellerup Telephone: 39 62 38 54 Fax: 39 62 38 54 ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Xie Hangsheng, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (5.5.2006) Ms Wang Hong Copenhagen Mr. Gu Hui, Counsellor (Political Affairs) (13.5.2008) Ms Zhang Zhen Copenhagen Mr. Sha Wu (Army, Naval and Air Attaché, Sr. Colonel) Ms. Zhao Haiyan Copenhagen Ms Qiu Guangling, Counsellor (Commercial Affairs) (27.9.2005) Copenhagen Mr. Li Xiaofu, Counsellor (Scientific Affairs) (16.2.2009) Ms An Ling Copenhagen Mr. Li Jinsheng, Counsellor (Cultural Affairs) (29.4.2010) Copenhagen Mr. Liu Chenggang, First Secretary (Educational Affairs) (15.10.2008) Ms Zhang Yuping Copenhagen Mr. Li Chunping, First Secretary (26.10.2008) Copenhagen Mr. Li Huikang, First Secretary (Consular Affairs) (28.12.2004) Ms Yang Aiping Copenhagen Ms Zhang Zhen, First Secretary (26.2.2009) Mr. Gu Hui Copenhagen Mr. Xianzhong Cheng (21.10.2010) Copenhagen Mr. Kai Guo, First Secretary/Consul (10.12.2010) Ms. Jin Li Mr. Liang Zhijun, Second Secretary (10.7.2009) Copenhagen Ms Yuhong Song, Second Secretary (10.12.2009) Copenhagen Mr. Xie Guoxiang, Second Secretary (12.3.2010) Ms Zhang Jing Copenhagen Copenhagen Ms Wang Jianhua, Second Secretary (04.09.2010) Copenhagen Mr. Ma Chengfang, Third Secretary (Commercial Affairs) (11.10.2005) Ms Bai Lijuan Copenhagen Mr. Zhou Huaizhong, Third Secretary (Commercial Affairs) (27.1.2008) Ms Wang Liping Copenhagen Ms Zhang Yimeng, Third Secretary (29.4.2010) Copenhagen Mr. Zhao Mengtao, Third Secretary Copenhagen (3.7.2010) Ms. Wei Zhang, Third Secretary (6.11.2010) Copenhagen Major Tian Wei, Assistant Military Attaché (8.4.2008) Ms Li Wenjie Copenhagen First Lieutenant Zhou Bo, Secretary to the Military Attaché (27.5.2008) Copenhagen Mr. Wei Jiegang, Attaché (6.6..2009) Ms Hu Jie Copenhagen Mr. Zhang Yuelei, Attaché (3.4.2008) Copenhagen Mr. Xiaogang Liu, Attaché (8.7.2010) Copenhagen Mr. Wu Jianjun, First Secretary (Administration) (16.06.2008) Copenhagen Ms. Mengmeng Fan, Attaché (2.11.2010) Copenhagen Mr. Liu Jinhua, Attaché (8.10.2010) Copenhagen Colombia ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Colombia National Day: 20 July - Independence Day (1810) Chancery: Östermalmsgatan 46, 3rd fl., P.O.Box 5627, S-114 86 Stockholm Telephone: +46 (8) 21 43 20 (Ext. 33) Fax: +46 (8) 21 84 90 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section Telephones: +46 (8) 21 84 89, +46 (8) 21 85 02 (Ext. 39) Fax: +46 (8) 21 62 05 Office Hours: Opening hours to the public from 09.00-13.00, Telephone hours from 14.00-17.00 ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Rafael Nieto Navia, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (15.2.2010) Mr. Roberto Mora Sarasti, First Secretary Stockholm Stockholm Comoro Islands ————————————————————————— Emb. of the Islamic Fed. Rep. of the Comores National Day: 6 July Chancery: Rue Marbeau 20, F-75116 Paris. Telephone: +33 (1) 40 67 90 54 ————————————————————————— ..............., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Democratic Republic of Congo ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo National Day: 30 June – Independence Day (1960) Chancery: Stockholmsvägen 33, 4th floor, Box 1171, S-181 23 Lidingö Telephone: +46 (8) 765 83 80 Fax: +46 (8) 765 85 91 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.30-16.00 ————————————————————————— ..............., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Henri Ndungo Mbayahe, First Counsellor, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. Ms Alexandrine Kaswera Mushenzi Stockholm Mr. Yves Mely Sandja, First Secretary Stockholm Republic of Congo ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Congo National Day: 15 August Chancery: c/o Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et de la, Francophonie, B.P. 2070, Brazzaville, Congo Telephone: +242 81 41 61 Fax: +242 81 41 61 Office Hours: 09.00-15.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— ..............., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Costa Rica ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Costa Rica National Day: 15 September – Proclamation of Independence (1821) Chancery: Skippergaten 33, 8th fl., N-0154 Oslo Telephone: +47 22 42 58 23 Fax: +47 22 33 04 08 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section: Skippergaten 33, 8th fl., N-0154 Oslo Telephone: +47 22 42 58 23 Fax: +47 22 33 04 08 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 10.00-15.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— ..............., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Côte d'Ivoire ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire National Day: 7 August - Anniversary of Independence (1960) Chancery: Gersonsvej 8, 2900 Hellerup Telephones: 39 62 88 21, 39 62 88 22 Fax: 39 62 01 62 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.ambacotedivoire.org Office Hours: 09.00-15.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Djérou Robert Ly, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (13.9.2004) Ms Thérèse Ly Copenhagen Ms Félicia Kouassi née Guei, First Counsellor (8.12.2006) Mr. Simon Kouassi Yao Copenhagen Mr. Yao Volkanaud Jean Heudes N'Guessan, Economic and Commercial Counsellor (2.2.2008) Ms Rockson Jolissainte N'Guessan Copenhagen Mr. Maurisaindou Diabagate, Financial Counsellor (28.3.2007) Ms Patricia Manzo Diabagate Copenhagen Mr. Hervé Gérard Kouame, Counsellor, Cultural and Social Affairs (5.1.2008) Ms Amena Louise Kouame nee N'Dri Copenhagen Mr. Casimir Gbangbo Logon, Counsellor, Counsular Affairs (22.1.2007) Copenhagen Ms Nina Yapi Logon Mr. Lath Sylvère Abion, Counsellor (3.11.2009) Copenhagen Ms Patricia Manzo Diabagate, Attaché (19.3.2007) Mr. Maurisaindou Diabagate Copenhagen Croatia ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Croatia National Day: 25 June Chancery: Frederiksgade 19, 1st fl., 1265 Copenhagen K Telephones: 33 91 90 95, 33 91 51 21 Fax: 33 91 71 31 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section Telephone: 33 91 33 26 Fax: 33 91 71 31 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 10.00-13.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Ladislav Pivčević, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (23.11.2009) Ms Marija Pivcevic Copenhagen Mr. Kresimir Kedmenec, MinisterCounsellor (1.1. 2011) Ms Andrea Kedmenec Copenhagen Mr. Branko Tubic, Defense Attaché (19.09.2010) Ms. Vlasta Tubic Copenhagen Cuba ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Cuba National Day: 1 January - Liberation Day Chancery: Kastelsvej 19, 3. tv., 2100 København Ø Telephone: 39 40 15 06 Fax: 39 40 15 06 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.cubaembassy.dk Office Hours: 09.00-14.00 (Mon-Fri) Telephone: 39 40 15 10 Fax: 39 40 15 10 E-mail: [email protected] Visiting Hours: 09.00-12.00 (Mon, Wed, Fri) Consulate: ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Guillermo Vázquez Moreno, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (20.9.2006) Ms Maria Elina Marquez Cordovi Copenhagen Cyprus ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus National Day: 1 October - Independence Day Chancery: Borgergade 28, 1st floor, 1300 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 91 58 88 Fax: 33 91 58 77 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 08.00-15.30 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section: Borgergade 28, 1st floor, 1300 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 91 58 88 Office Hours: 10.00-12.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. George C. Kasoulides, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (20.2.2009) Ms Lesley McBright Mr. Demetris Samuel, Counsellor (3.1.2011) Ms Aino Haapala-Samuel Copenhagen Copenhagen Czech Republic ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Czech Republic National Day: 28 October - Independence Day Chancery: Ryvangs Allé 14-16, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephones: 39 10 18 10, 39 10 18 11 Fax: 39 29 09 30 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.mzv.cz/copenhagen Office Hours: 08.00-12.00 and 13.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section: Ryvangs Allé 14-16, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephone: 39 10 18 18 (Visa Section: Berlin) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Zdeněk Lyčka, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (7.7.2008) Copenhagen Mr. Jirí Borcel, First Secretary, Deputy Head of Mission (10.8.2009) Ms Svetlana Borcelová Copenhagen Ms Barbora Stejskalová, Second Secretary (4.10.2009) Copenhagen Ms Marcela Opatrná, Attaché (18.8.2008) Mr. Rudolf Opatrný Copenhagen Djibouti ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Djibouti National Day: 27 June Chancery: Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 204, B-1180 Brussels Telephone: +32 (2) 347 69 67 Fax: +32 (2) 347 69 63 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-13.00 and 14:30-16:30 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Mohamed Moussa Chehem, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (10.12.2002) Ms Chehem Brussels Dominican Republic ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Dominican Republic National Day: 27 February - Independence Day (1844) Chancery: Kungsholmsgatan 10, 5. fl., S-112 27 Stockholm Telephone: +46 (8) 667 46 11 Fax: +46 (8) 667 51 05 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-15.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— ..............., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. César Hatuey Olmos Corletto, Minister Counsellor (Consular Affairs) Ms Patricia Polanco Olmos Stockholm Ms Talia Pina Villa, Minister Counsellor Mr. Alex Alexandersson Stockholm Mr. Juan Rodolfo Fernández Ramirez, First Secretary Stockholm Ecuador ————————————————————————— Embassy of Ecuador National Day: 10 August - Proclamation of Independence (1809) Chancery: Engelbrektsgatan 13, SE-114 32 Stockholm Telephones: +46 (8) 679 60 43/70 Fax: +46 (8) 611 55 93 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.embecu.se Office Hours: 09.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section Telephones: +46 (8) 679 60 43/70 (ext. 103) E-mail: consuldor.suecia@embecu-se ————————————————————————— His Excellency ......Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (...) Mr. Edil Sánchez Trujillo, Third Secretary and Chargé d’affaires a.i. (...) Stockholm Stockholm Egypt ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt National Day: 23 July Chancery: Kristianiagade 19, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephone: 35 43 70 70 Fax: 35 25 32 62 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-15.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section Telephone: 35 43 70 70 Office Hours: 10.00-13.00 (Mon-Fri) Commercial Office: Kristianiagade 19, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephone: 35 42 64 41 Fax: 35 42 64 43 E-mail: [email protected] ————————————————————————— His Excellency Nabil Riad Habashi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (3.8.2009) Ms Lydia Henry George Gadalla Copenhagen Mr. Ismail Mostafa Mohamed Khozayem, Minister Plenipotentiary Commercial (6.10.2010) Copen hagen Mr. Haitham Mahmoud Galal Ahmed, Counsellor (1.7.2007) Copenhagen Mr. Abdallah Mohammed Mohammed Mowafy, Second Secretary (31.7.2009) Copenhagen Ms. Eman Hussein Mahmoud Ismail, Second Secretary (Commercial) Copenhagen (12.12.2010) Mr. Mohamed Abdel Fatah Mahmoud Elkholy, Administration Attaché (1.7.2008) Ms Samira Ahmed Abdel Atty Copenhagen Mr. Zakaria Mahoud Mohamed, Attaché (21.1.2011) Ms. Asmaa Sayed Mohyamed Moharam Copenhagen El Salvador ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of El Salvador National Day: 15 September – Independence Day (1821) Chancery: Herserudsvägen 5A, 5th Floor, S-181 34 Lidingö Telephone: +46 (8) 765 86 21 Fax: +46 (8) 731 72 42 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Martin Rivera Gómez, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (13.1.2006) Ms Patricia Guirola de Rivera Stockholm Mr. Rodrigo Ernesto Gómez , Minister Counsellor Stockholm Ms Vilma Eleonora Fröhlich Ayala, First Secretary (Consular Affairs) Stockholm Eritrea ————————————————————————— Embassy of the State of Eritrea National Day: 24 May - Independence Day Chancery: Stjärn Vägen 2B, 4 tr., Box 1164, S-181 23 Lidingö Telephone: +46 (8) 441 71 70 Fax: +46 (8) 446 73 40 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.eritrean-embassy.se Ambassador's Office Telephone: +46 (8) 441 71 79 Visa Section Telephone: +46 (8) 441 71 76 ————————————————————————— ..............., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Yonas Manna Bairu, Counsellor Ms Negisti Negasi Stockholm Estonia ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Estonia National Day: 24 February - Independence Day Chancery: Aurehøjvej 19, 2900 Hellerup Telephone: 39 46 30 70 Fax: 39 46 30 76 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.estemb.dk Office Hours: 08.30-17.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section Telephone: 39 46 30 70 Office and Visiting Hours: 10.00-12.00 (Mon, Wed, Fri) ————————————————————————— Her Excellency Ms. Meelike Palli, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (20.9.2006) Copenhagen Ms. Kristel Löuk, Third Secretary (16.08.2008) Mr. Tarmo Lillsoo Copenhagen Mr. Jaanus Elvre, Third Secretary (Consular and Political Affairs) (1.9.2008) Ms Pille Elvre Copenhagen Mr. Toomas Peda, Lieutenant Colonel/Defense Attaché (1.8.2010) Copenhagen Ethiopia ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia * *) In the process of becoming a Consulate General National Day: 28 May Chancery: Löjtnantgatan 17, S-100 55 Stockholm Telephone: +46 (8) 665 60 30 Fax: +46 (8) 660 81 77 E-mail: [email protected] /[email protected] Web Site: www.ethemb.se Office Hours: 09.00-17.30 Consular Affairs Telephone: +46 (8) 66 56 030 (ext. 1 and 2) Office Fax: +46 (8) 660 95 61 Office Hours: 09.00-12.00 (Mon-Fri) Telephone Hours: 13.00-15.30 E-mail: [email protected] ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Dina Mufti Sid, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (20.4.2007) Ms Lina Kassa Feleke Stockholm Fiji ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of the Fiji Islands National Day: 10 October Chancery: 34, Hyde Park Gate, GB-London SW7 5DN Telephone: +44 (20) 7584 3661 Fax: +44 (20) 7584 2838 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.fijihighcomMsion.org.uk Office Hours: 09.30-17.30 (Mon-Thu) 09.30-16.00 (Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Pio Bosco Tikoisuva, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (17.4.2009) Ms Seiniana Lewaqele Tikoisuva Ms Maca Tulakepa, First Secretary (27.10.2006) London London Finland ————————————————————————— Embassy of Finland National Day: 6 December - Independence Day (1917) Chancery: Skt. Annæ Plads 24, 1250 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 13 42 14 Fax: 33 32 47 10 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.finlandsambassade.dk Office Hours: 08.30-16.15 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section Fax: 33 13 42 15 Office Hours: 09.00-12.00 (Mon-Fri) and 13.00-15.30 (Thu) Commercial Section: Toldbodgade 18, 3rd. fl., 1253 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 13 41 14 Fax: 33 13 20 72 Office Hours: 08.30-16.15 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— Her Excellency Ms Ritva Maarit Kristiina Jalava, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (5.10.2009) Copenhagen Ms Lotta Maija Elisabet NymannLindegren, First Secretary (18.8.2008) Mr. Jakob Nymann-Jensen Copenhagen Mr Juhani Palomäki, Second Secretary and Consul (01.09.2009) Copenhagen Ms. Sissi Silvan, Head of Trade Center (01.08.2010) Mr. Torsten Cavoniks Copenhagen Mr. Heikki Olavi Jantunen, Defence Attaché (1.8.2009) Ms Anne Jantunen Oslo France ————————————————————————— Embassy of France National Day: 14 July - Bastille Day (1789) Chancery: Kongens Nytorv 4, 1050 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 67 01 00 Fax: 33 93 97 52 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.ambafrance-dk.org Office Hours: 09.00-13.00 and 13.30-17.30 (Mon-Thu) 09.0013.00 and 13.30-15.30 (Fri) Consular and Visa Section: Ny Østergade 3, 2nd fl., 1101 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 67 01 64 Fax: 33 33 75 70 E-mail: [email protected] Office hours: 08.30-12.30 Visa Section: 08.30-12.30 Telephone hours: 08.30-15.30 (Fri: 14.30) Press and Information Section: Kongens Nytorv 4, 1050 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 67 01 00 Fax: 33 15 02 96 Economic Msion: Hammerensgade 6, 1267 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 93 48 22 Fax: 33 93 48 66 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) Cultural, Scientific and Cooperation Counsellor's Office: Ny Østergade 3, 1101 Copenhagen K Fax: 33 67 01 92 E-mail: [email protected] Tourist Section: Atout France, Toldbodgade 18, st.th., 1253 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 11 46 41 Fax: 33 14 20 48 E-mail: [email protected] ————————————————————————— Her Excellency Ms Véronique Bujon-Barré, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (12.10.2010) Copenhagen Mr. Grégor Jeremie Mattieu Trumel, Counsellor (16.8.2010) Ms Ingrid Trumel Copenhagen Lieutenant Colonel Patrick Marie Henri Pierre Giraud-Charreyron, Defence Attaché (27.7.2008) Ms. Alix Marie Éléonore GiraudCharreyron Copenhagen Mr. Vincent Toussaint, Conseiller Economique Ms. Eloïse Marie Borfiga Toussaint (01.09.2010) Copenhagen Ms Anne Schmidt, Cultural, Scientific and Cooperation Counsellor (03.08.2009) Copenhagen Mr. Georges Alain Régnier, Comercial Counsellor, Head of the Economic Mission (2.9.2009) Ms Genoveva Régnier Copenhagen Mr. Olivier Philippe Michel Martin, First Secretary (Political) (18.8.2008) Copenhagen Ms Dina Ionesco Mr Denis Matton, Vice-Consul (01.09.2009) Copenhagen Mr. Nicolas Eric Ambroise, Third Secretary (13.8.2007) Ms Céline Bassani Copenhagen Mr. Loïc Jézéquel, Attaché (3.12.2007) Ms Mélanie Sarah Jézéquel Copenhagen Mr. Marc Dagorn, Attaché (Customs Affairs) (2008) Berlin Gabon ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Gabonese Republic National Day: 17 August - Independence Day (1960) Chancery: 27 Elvaston Place, London SW7 5NL Telephone: +44 207 82 39 986 Fax: +44 207 58 40 047 ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Omer Piankali, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (23.11.2009) London Mr. Medard Nze Ekome, First Counsellor (28.5.2003) Ms Henriette Nze Ekome London Mr. Jean Ngye, Counsellor (3.7.2006) Ms Adeline Ngye London Ms Ms Adeline Ngye, Second Counsellor (9.10.2006) Mr. Jean Ngye London Mr. Pierre Francis Moubikou, Economic Counsellor (6.5.2006) Ms Léa Moubikou London Ms Antoinette Pitty, Counsellor (25.4.2003) London The Gambia ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of the Gambia National Day: 18 February - Independence Day Chancery: 57, Kensington Court, GB-London W8 5DG Telephones: +44 (207) 937 6316/7/8 Fax: +44 (207) 937 9095 E-mail: [email protected] ————————————————————————— Her Excellency Ms Elizabeth Ya Eli Harding, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (17.11.2008) Ms Sainabou L. Drammeh-Ndure, Attaché (Tourism) London London Georgia ————————————————————————— Embassy of Georgia National Day: 26 May - Independence Day Chancery: Nybrogade 10, 1st floor, 1203 Copenhagen K Telephone: 39 11 00 00 Fax: 39 11 00 01 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.denmark.mfa.gov.ge Office Hours: 09.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. David T. Kereselidze, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (08.12.2006) Ms Lia Lomsadze Copenhagen Ms Barbara Makharadze, Counsellor (22.3.2007) Mr. Zviad Mchedlishvili Copenhagen Ms. Nino Kochorashvili, First Secretary (31.1.2011) Copenhagen Germany ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany National Day: 3 October - Day of German Unity Chancery: Stockholmsgade 57, Box 2712, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephone: 35 45 99 00 Fax: 35 26 71 05 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 08.00-16.30 (Mon-Thu); 08.00-15.00 (Fri) Consular and Visa Section Telephone: 35 45 99 11 Office and Visiting Hours: 09.00-12.00 (Mon, Tue, Thu and Fri) 13.00-16.00 (Wed). ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Christoph Jessen, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (7.7.2008) Ms Sonja Jessen Copenhagen Dr. Siegfried Johannes Trommer, Minister (20.8.2009) Ms Ilse Aupperlen-Trommer Copenhagen Commander s.g. Thomas Hans Papenroth, Defence Attaché (1.10.2008) Ms Claudia Papenroth Copenhagen Mr. Bernhard Zobel, Counsellor (22.7.2010) Copenhagen Mr. Johannes Peter Karl Egid Hüfner, Consul and First Secretary (Administrativ Affairs) (9.7.2007) Ms Evelyne Hüfner Copenhagen Mr. Christian Baukhage, First Secretary, (21.7.2008) Ms Wibke Baukhage Copenhagen Mr. Frank Viktor Rüdiger Freiherr Von der Goltz, Second Secretary (31.5.2010) Stockholm Ms Katharina Schütte, Third Secretary (Administrative nd Commercial Affairs) (10.8.2009) Copenhagen Ms Eva Windfeld, Third Secretary (19.8.2010) Mr. Christian Windfeld Hansen Copenhagen Mr. Geert Harbers, Attaché (2.6.2009) Ms Irene Harbers Copenhagen Mr. Holger Kahnert, Attaché (17.9.2009) Ms. Marianne von Brockdorff Copenhagen Mr. Markus Olaf Hellebrandt, Assistent Attaché (10.8.2010) Ms. Nancy Patricia Hellebrandt Nieto Copenhagen Ms Anna-Elisabeth Vollert, Assistant Attaché (31.7.2009) Mr. Fritz Knurr Copenhagen Ghana ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Ghana National Day: 6 March - Independence Day Chancery: Egebjerg Allé 13, 2900 Hellerup Telephone: 39 62 82 22 Telex: 19471 gh dk Fax: 39 62 16 52 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-15.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— Her Excellency Ms Hajia Fati Habib-Jawulaa, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (23.11.2009) Copenhagen Mr. Morgan Brown Adokwei, Minister Deputy Head of Mission (27.08.2010) Copenhagen Ms Emma Mensah, Minister Counsellor (1.10.2008) Mr. Alexander Kow Mensah Copenhagen Mr. Peter Nyarko Opata, Counsellor (22.9.2009) Copenhagen Ms Zenabu Sakara, First Secretary (24.10.2008) Copenhagen Mr. Nathaniel Tetteh, Second Secretary (24.10.2008) Ms Georgette Aniwaa Osei-Tetteh Copenhagen Greece ————————————————————————— Embassy of Greece National Day: 25 March - Independence Day (1821) Chancery: Hammerensgade 4, 1267 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 11 45 33 Fax: 33 93 16 46 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section: Entrance from Bornholmsgade 3, 1266 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 34 60 48 Fax: 33 93 16 46 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) Visiting Hours: 10.00-12.00 (Mon-Fri) Press Section Telephone: 33 11 48 50 Fax: 33 32 02 35 E-mail: [email protected] ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Alexandros Couyou, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (13.1.2009) Ms Chryssanthi Vassiliki Gorgouli Copenhagen Ms. Eleftheria Galathianaki, Minister Counsellor (22.8.2010) Copenhagen Mr. Stamatis Messinis, Secretary of Embassy (12.11.2010) Copenhagen Ms Nikoleta Psychari, Press Counsellor Copenhagen (28.8.2007) Mr. Nikolaus Nenedakis, Secretary for Press (31.7.2009) Copenhagen Ms Eugenia Adonopoulou, Attaché (Consular Affairs) (4.8.2007) Dr. Ulrich Berger Copenhagen Grenada ————————————————————————— Embassy of Grenada National Day: 7 February Chancery: Avenue de la Toision d'Or 24, 5th floor, B-1050 Brussels Telephone: +32 (0)2 223 73 03 Fax: +32 (0) 2 223 73 07 Office Hours: 09.00-17.00 ————————————————————————— ..............., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Samuel Orgias, Counsellor Brussels Guatemala ————————————————————————— Embassy of Guatemala National Day: 15 September - Independence Day (1821) Chancery: Drammensveien 126 B, N-0277 Oslo Telephone: +47 22 55 60 04 Fax: +47 22 55 60 47 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-13.00 and 14.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Juan Leon Alvarado, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (17.4.2009) Ms Eluvia Hernandez Sanic Mr. Carlos Emmanuel Herrera Jacquelin, First Secretary, Consul Ms Cassandra Duchenaud Oslo Oslo Guinea ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Guinea National Day: 2 October - Independence Day Chancery: Jägerstrasse 67-69, D - 10 117 Berlin Telephone: +49 (30) 200 74 330 Fax: +49 (30) 200 74 33 33 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-15.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— ..............., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Mohamed Lamine Kaba, Counsellor (Political Affairs) Ms Kaba Berlin Ms Marie-Agnès Touré, Counsellor (Economical Affairs) Berlin Mr. Mohamed Seth Camara, First Secretary (Cultural Affairs) Ms Sarata Camara Berlin Guinea-Bissau ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau National Day: 24 September Chancery: Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 70, B-1050 Brussels Telephone: +32 (2) 347 62 76 Fax: +32 (2) 345 59 83 Office Hours: 09.00-17.00 ————————————————————————— ..............., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Guyana ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana National Day: 23 February Chancery: Avenue du Brésil 12, B-1000 Brussels Telephone: +32 (2) 675 6216 Fax: +32 (2) 672 5598 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.30-17.30 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Dr. Patrick Ignatius Gomes, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (23.1.2006) Ms Charmaine Gomes Brussels Ms Bevon Macdonald, Second Secretary (11.11.2006) Brussels Mr. H. Gregory Downes, Attaché (Trade Policy and Negotiations) (17.04.2007) Brussels Ms Beverly Peters-Kissoon, Attaché (Administrative Affairs) (29.04.1997) Mr Terrence Kissoon Brussels Haiti ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Haiti National Day: 1 January Chancery, Consular, Cooperation, Culture, Commercial: Uhlandstrasse 14, D-10623 Berlin Telephone: +49 (030) 88 55 41 34 Fax: +49 (030) 88 55 41 35/+49 (030) 88624279 E-mail: [email protected]/[email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— ..............., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Holy See ————————————————————————— Apostolic Nunciature National Day: 19 April Apostolic Nunciature: Svalnäsvägen 10, S-182 63 Djursholm Telephone: +46 (8) 446 51 10 Fax: +46 (8) 622 51 10 E-mail: [email protected] ————————————————————————— H.E. The Most Reverend Monsignor Emil Paul Tscherrig, Titular Archbishop of Voli, Apostolic Nuncio (13.05.2008) Stockholm Reverend Monsignor Dr. Rolandas Makrickas, Second Secretary (31.8.2009) Stockholm Honduras ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Honduras National Day: 15 September - Independence Day (1821) Chancery: Stjärnvägen 2A, 7TR, S-181 34 Lidingö, Stockholm Telephone: +46 (8) 731 5084 Fax: +46 (8) 636 9983 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.hondurasembassy.se Office Hours: 10.30-15.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— ..............., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ms Claudina Maria Martinez Argueta, First Secretary, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. (27.10.2007) Stockholm Ms Gilliam Noemi Gómez Guifarro, First Secretary (03.10.2008) Stockholm Mr. Horacio Alejandro Prudott Bardales, Minister Counsellor Ms Rita Pinto Prudott Stockholm Hungary ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Hungary National Day: 20 August - Feast of St. Stephen, the Founder of the State Chancery: Strandvejen 170, 2920 Charlottenlund Telephones: 39 63 16 88 Fax: 39 63 00 52 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.mfa.gov.hu/emb/copenhagen Office Hours: 08.00-16.30 (Mon-Thur) and 08.00-14.00 (Fri) Consular Section Telephones: 39 63 16 88 Office Hours: 10.00-12.00 (Tues and Thurs) ————————————————————————— His Excellency, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Dr. Ferenc Szebényi Ms. Éva Szebényi (21.1.2011) Copenhagen Ms. Kinga Simon, First Counsellor (15.1.2011) Copenhagen Ms Krisztina Rácz, First Secretary (15.7.2009) Mr. Gyula Hidegkuty Copenhagen Mr. Tamás Ibolya, Second Secretary (18.1.2010) Ms Zsuzsanna László Copenhagen Mr. László Valér Dán, Attaché (2.2.2010) Copenhagen Iceland ————————————————————————— Embassy of Iceland National Day: 17 June – Republic Day (1944) Chancery: Strandgade 89, 1401 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 18 10 50 Fax: 33 18 10 59 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 10.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Sturla Sigurjónsson, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (15.2.2010) Ms Elin Jónsdóttir Copenhagen Mr. Magnús Kjartan Hannesson, Minister Counsellor (3.6.2009) Ms Feng Jiang Hannesdóttir Copenhagen Ms Sigrídur Gunnarsdóttir, Attaché (1.9.2008) Copenhagen India ————————————————————————— Embassy of India National Day: 26 January - Republic Day (1950) and 15 August - Independence Day (1947) Chancery: Vangehusvej 15, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephones: 39 18 28 88, 39 29 92 01 Fax: 39 27 02 18 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.indian-embassy.dk Office Hours: 09.00-13.00 and 13.30-17.30 (Mon-Fri) Consular and Visa Section Telephone: 39 10 86 16 Fax: 39 18 28 31 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.30-12.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Ashok Kumar Attri, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (12.10.2010) Ms. Usha Kiran Copenhagen Mr. Kuldeep Singh, First Secretary (10.9.2010) Ms. Aruna Singh Copenhagen Mr. Rakesh Kumar Arora, Second Secretary (19.2.2008) Ms Jeewan Asha Arora Copenhagen Mr. Raveendran Govindan, Attaché (29.10.2009) Ms Meerabai Raveendran Mr. Inder Jeet Singh, Attaché (27.9.2010) Mr. Praveen Kaur Copenhagen Mr. Chandar Shekhar, Attaché Copenhagen Mr. Arabinda Ray, Attaché (19.2.2010) Ms. Kanaklata Ray Copenhagen Colonel Rajiv Edwards, Attaché Ms Madhumita Hazarika Bhagat Stockholm Indonesia ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia National Day: 17 August - Independence Day (1945) Chancery: Ørehøj Allé 1, 2900 Hellerup Telephone: 39 62 44 22 Fax: 39 62 44 83 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.kbricph.dk Office Hours: 08.00-12.00 and 13.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular and Visa Section Telephone: 39 62 44 22 ext. 211 Office Hours: 09.00-12.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Abdul Rahman Saleh, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (25.6.2008) Copenahagen Ms Sugijanti Sugiono, Counsellor (Economic Affairs) (23.8.2007) Copenhagen Ms Hadriani Hendarmin, Counsellor (Protocol and Consular Affairs) (22.6.2008) Copenhagen Mr. Yohannes Jatmiko Heru Prasetyo, Second Secretary (29.5.2009) Ms Katharina Yani Adiyanti Copenhagen Mr. Novrizal Gani, Second Secretary (Political Affairs) (22.10.2008) Copenhagen Ms Ganef Judawati, Trade Attaché (14.1.2007) Copenhagen Ms Siti Nurmayda, Attache (1.8.2009) Copenhagen Iran ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran National Day: 11 February Chancery: Svanemøllevej 48, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephone: 39 16 00 03 Fax: 39 16 00 01 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.iran-embassy.dk Office Hours: 08.30-16.30 (Mon-Fri) Consular and Commercial Section: Engskiftevej 6, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephones: 39 16 00 86, 39 16 00 73 Office Hours: 09.00-12.00 (Mon-Fri) Fax: 39 16 00 75 ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Morteza Damanpak Jami, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (16.10.2009) Ms Sedigheh Damanpak Jami Copenhagen Mr. Hossein Taleshi Salehani, First Counsellor, Deputy Head of Mission (7.2.2010) Ms. Mahboubeh Taleshi Copenhagen Mr. Mohammad Kordzadeh Kermani, First Counsellor (17.5.2009) Ms Saeideh Kordzadeh Kermani Copenhagen Mr. Ebrahim Ganji, First Counsellor (21.9.2010) Ms. Soheila Ganji Copenhagen Mr. Nosratollah Ghodrati, Second Secretary (15.8.2010) Ms. Elham Ghodrati Copenhagen Mr. Ahmad Shenavaei, Third Secretary (14.9.2008) Ms Marzieh Shenavaei Copenhagen Mr. Seyed Abbas Kazemi, Third Secretary (20.1.2009) Ms Mansoureh Sadat Kazemi Copenhagen Mr. Mohammad Samavati Amin, Third Secretary (21.9.2010) Ms. Marzieh Samavita Amin Copenhagen Iraq ————————————————————————— Embassy of Republic of Iraq Chancery: Granhøjen 18, 2900 Hellerup Telephone: 39 45 02 70 Fax: 39 40 69 97 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-15.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section: Telephone: 39 45 02 75 E-mail: [email protected] ————————————————————————— His Excellency Dr. Albert Issa Nothor, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (26.5.2010) Copenhagen Dr. Mustafa Ahmed Mustafa Mustafa, Second Secretary (19.9.2009) Ms Thuria Saad Znad Mihyawi Copenhagen Ms Rezan Yousif Mohammed Salih, Third Secretary (13.10.2008) Copenhagen Mr. Alaa Jaafeer Mohammed Al-Saadi, Third Secretary (20.7.2007) Ms Shaima Al-Saadi Copenhagen Mr. Ahmed Mohammed Abdullgani AlSaaty, Attaché (15.11.2009) Copenhagen Ms Sahar Qasim Hussein Hussein, Attaché (4.9.2009) Copenhagen Ireland ————————————————————————— Embassy of Ireland National Day: 17 March - St. Patrick's Day Chancery: Østbanegade 21, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephone: 35 47 32 00 Fax: 35 43 18 58 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.embassyofireland.dk Office Hours: 10.00-12.30 and 14.30-16.30 (Mon-Fri) Visa enquiries: 10.00-12.30 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Brendan Scannell, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (21.9.2010) Ms. Margaret Scannell Ms Jane Anne McCulloch, Second Secretary and Consul (11.8.2008) Copenhagen Copenhagen Israel ————————————————————————— Embassy of Israel National Day: 8 May - (date var.) Independence Day Chancery: Lundevangsvej 4, 2900 Hellerup Telephone: 88 18 55 00 Fax: 88 18 55 55 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.israelsambassade.dk Office Hours: 08.30-17.00 (Mon-Thu) 08.30-15.00 (Fri) Ambassador's Office Telephone: 88 18 55 00 E-mail: [email protected] Information Department Telephone: 88 18 55 00 E-mail: [email protected] Consular Section Telephone: 88 18 55 00 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 10.00-13.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Arthur Avnon, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (9.9.2008) Ms Dinah Avnon Copenhagen Mr. Dan Shaul Oryan, Counsellor (1.8.2007) Ms Sharon Mann Oryan Copenhagen Mr. Zvi Carmeli, Minister Counsellor and Consul (1.8.2009) Ms Rina Carmeli Copenhagen Mr. Elimelech Grossmann, Counsellor (5.1.2009) Ms Naomi Frida Grossmann Copenhagen Mr. Amir Keizman, Second Secretary (23.7.2008) Ms Limor Keizman Copenhagen Mr. Shlomo Meshulam, Attaché (1.8.2010) Berlin Colonel Rami Amedi, Defence and Armed Forces Attaché and Ministry of Defence Representative Berne Italy ————————————————————————— Embassy of Italy National Day: 2 June Chancery: Gammel Vartov Vej 7, 2900 Hellerup Telephone: 39 62 68 77 Fax: 39 62 25 99 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.ambcopenaghen.esteri.it Office Hours: 09.00-17.00 (Mon) 09.00-16.00 (Tue-Fri) Consular and Visa Section: Engskiftevej 4, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephone: 39 18 34 44 Fax: 39 27 01 06 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 10.00-12.00 (Mon-Fri) 14.00-16.00 (Mon) Cultural Gjørlingsvej 11, 2900 Hellerup Attaché's Office: Telephone 1: 39 62 06 96 Telephone 2: 39 62 32 16 Fax: 39 62 88 73 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.iiccopenaghen.esteri.it Office Hours: 09.00-17.00 (Mon+Tue) 09.00-16.00 (Wed+Thu) 09.00-15.00 (Fri) Trade Østergade 24B, 1. 1100 Copenhagen K Promotion Telephone: 33 12 92 00 Attaché’s Office Fax: 33 93 33 04 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.ice.gov.it/estero2/copenaghen Office Hours: 09.00-16.30 (Mon+Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Carlo Tripepi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (21.09.2010) Ms Marilena Lelj Garolla De Bard Copenhagen Mr. Stefano Pisotti, Counsellor (Economic and Commercial Affairs) (29.4.2010) Ms Antonella Spano Brigadier General Fernando Giancotti, Defence and Air Attaché (30.8.2010) Berlin Ms Clara Bencivenga , Cultural Attaché (5.3.2007) Mr. Walter Trillmich Copenhagen Mr. Rosario Raciti, Attaché (Administrative, Consular and Social Affairs) (2.11.2007) Copenhagen Ms Alessia Cantagallo, Attaché (Administrative Affairs) (12.4.2010) Copenhagen Ms Maria Pia Bianconi, Attaché (Commercial Affairs) (27.8.2007) Mr. Piero Pinnelli Copenhagen Mr. Emilio Canu, Attaché (Cultural Affairs) (15.2.2006) Ms Maria Maddalena Menigatti Copenhagen Mr. Francesco Montanini, Attaché for Trade Protomotion (1.7.2008) Copenhagen Captain (N) Pier Luigi Quattrone, Naval Attaché (1.9.2008) Ms Renata Bussini Quattrone Berlin Colonel Marco Ferraris, Army Attaché (20.7.2009) Ms Luisa Moraca Ferraris Berlin Lieutenant-Colonel Salvatore Iervolino, Assistant Air Attaché (7.7.2008) Berlin Jamaica ————————————————————————— Embassy of Jamaica National Day: 6 August - Independence Day Chancery: 1-2, Prince Consort Road, GB-London SW7 2BZ Telephone: +44 20 78 23 99 11 Fax: +44 20 75 89 51 54 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.jhcuk.com Office Hours: 9.00-17.00 (Mon-Thur); 9.00-16.00 (Fri) Consular Section Office Hours: 9.30-13.30 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Anthony Smith Rowe Johnson, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (agréé) London Ms Joan E. Thomas Edwards, Minister London Mr. Lincoln G. Downer, Minister Counsellor (Diaspora Development) London Mr. John Clarke, Counsellor (Political and Economic Affairs) London Japan ————————————————————————— Embassy of Japan National Day: 23 December - The Emperor's Birthday Chancery: Pilestræde 61, 1112 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 11 33 44 Fax: 33 11 33 77 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-12.30 and 13.30-17.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section: Office Hours: 09.00-12.00 and 13.30-16.00 (Mon-Fri) Information and Office Hours: 10.00-12:30 and 14.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) Cultural Centre: ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Toshio Sano, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (19.11.2010) Ms Miyoko Sano Copenhagen Mr. Junzo Fujita, Minister Counsellor (28.4.2008) Ms Vivecca Fujita Copenhagen Mr. Satoshi Takaya, First Secretary (General and Political Affairs) (9.10.2006) Ms Noriko Takaya Copenhagen Mr. Takeshi Koyama, First Secretary (19.7.2009) Ms Rie Koyama Copenhagen Mr. Masaya Yamaki, First Secretary (Administration) (11.9.2007) Copenhagen Mr. Tatsumi Okura, First Secretary (8.4.2009) Ms Hisako Okura Copenhagen Mr. Atsushi Takeda, First Secretary (21.4.2009) Ms Akiko Takeda Ms. Tomoko Sumida, Second Secretary (14.1.2011) Ms. Mariko Suzuki, Second Secretary (23.7.2010) Copenhagen Copenhagen Mr. Daisuke Hirokawa, Second Secretary (Security and Cunsular Affairs) (27.4.2009) Ms Minako Hirokawa Copenhagen Ms Noriko Oshiro, Third Secretary (Information and Cultural Affairs) (15.6.2007) Copenhagen Copenhagen Copenhagen Jordan ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan National Day: 25 May – Independence Day (1946) Chancery: Heerstrasse 201, D-13 595 Berlin Telephone: +49 (30) 36 99 600 Fax: +49 (30) 36 99 60 11 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.jordanembassy.de Office Hours: 09.00-15.00 (Mon-Thu) 09.00-14.00 (Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Issa Nasser Ayyoub, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (20.2.2009) Ms Ghada Ayyoub Berlin Mr. Hamzeh Al-Omari, First Secretary Berlin Mr. Fuad Al-Majali, First Secretary Berlin Kazakhstan ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan National Day: 16 December (Independence Day) 1991 Chancery: Nordendstr. 14-17, D-13156 Berlin Telephones: +49 (0) 30 47 007 111 Fax: +49 (0) 30 47 00 71 25 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.botschaft-kaz.de/de ————————————————————————— His Excellency Dr. Nurlan Onzhanov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (17.4.2009) Ms Rita Onzhanova Berlin Mr. Almat Mirzakulov, First Secretary (15.3.2008) Berlin Mr. Yermukhambet Konuspayev, First Secretary (7.4.2009) Berlin Mr. Zhaslan Iskakov, Third Secretary (8.7.2008) Berlin Mr. Marlen Kalambayev, Attaché (Consular Affairs) (1.11.2007) Berlin Kenya ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Kenya National Day: 12 December Chancery: Birger Jarlsgatan 37, Box 7694, S-103 95 Stockholm Telephones: +46 (8) 21 83 00/04/09 Fax: +46 (8) 20 92 61 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-13.00 and 14.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— Her Excellency Ms Purity Wakiuru Muhindi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (22.10.2007) Mr. Muhindi Mr. Arthur A. Andambi, First Counsellor Stockholm Mr. Daniel Kottut, Second Counsellor Stockholm Democratic People's Republic of Korea ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea National Day: 9 September - Foundation of the Republic (1948) Chancery: Norra Kungsvägen 39, 181 31 Lidingö, Stockholm Telephone: +46 (8) 76 73 836 Fax: +46 (8) 76 73 835 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 9.00-12.00 and 14.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) Commercial Office: Visättravägen 73, S-141 50 Huddinge Telephone: +46 (8) 35 68 94 Fax: +46 (8) 35 68 94 E-mail: [email protected] Telex: 17193 ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Hui Chol Ri, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (16.10.2009) Stockholm Republic of Korea ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Korea National Day: 3 October Chancery: Svanemøllevej 104, 2900 Hellerup Telephone: 39 46 04 00 Fax: 39 46 04 22 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 9.00-16.30 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section: Svanemøllevej 104, 2900 Hellerup Telephone: 39 46 04 00 Office Hours: 10.00-12.00 and 14.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) Commercial Section: Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency Holbergsgade 14, 2nd fl., 1057 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 12 66 58 Fax: 33 32 66 54 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 9.00-12.00 and 13.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Geun-hyeong Yim, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (25.6.2008) Ms Sun-mee Shin Copenhagen Mr. Eun Yong Lee, Counsellor (11.2.2009) Ms Kyung Nam Oh Copenhagen Mr. Hongkyoo Kim, First Secretary (22.2.2010) Copenhagen Mr. Song Bum Shin, First Secretary and Consul (21.2.2008) Copenhagen Ms Joo Hyeon Kim Mr. Do Kwon Park, Second Secretary (20.8.2010) Ms Youngae Kim Copenhagen Kuwait ————————————————————————— Embassy of the State of Kuwait National Day: 25 February Chancery: Banérgatan 37, Box 10030, S-100 55 Stockholm Telephone: +46 (8) 450 99 80 Fax: +46 (8) 450 99 55/45 Office Hours: 09.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) Ambassador’s office: Telephone: +46 8 662 23 70 Fax: +46 8 660 74 75 E-mail: [email protected] ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Ali Ibraheem Alnikhailan, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (15.2.2010) Ms Hana'a Buqammaz Stockholm Mr. Emad Al Kharraz, First Secretary Ms Mona Al Qattan Stockholm Mr. Salem Hamad Aljeeran, Third Secretary Ms Sarah Bader Al Ateeqi Stockholm Mr. Faisal S. Al-Shuaib, Attaché Ms Taibah Al Qassab Stockholm Mr. Jamal Al-Shitan, Attaché Ms Semra Al Shitan Stockholm Kyrgyzstan ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic National Day: 31 August Chancery: Otto-Suhr-Allee 146, D-10585 Berlin Telephone: +49 (030) 34 78 13 38 Fax: +49 (030) 34 78 13 62 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.botschaft-kirgisien.de Office Hours: 09.00-13.00 and 14.30-17.30 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section Telephone: +49 (030) 36 41 18 60 Fax: +49 (030) 34 78 13 37 Office Hours: 09.00-13.00 and 14.30-17.30 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— ..............., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Erines Otorbaev, Chargé d’ Affaires a.i. Berlin Laos ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Lao People's Democratic Republic National Day: 2 December Chancery: Badstrandsvägen 11, P.O. Box 34050, S-112 65 Stockholm. Telephones: +46 (8) 618 20 10, +46 (8) 695 01 60 Fax: +46 (8) 618 20 01 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.laoembassy.se Office Hours: 09.00-12.00 and 13.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— ..............., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ms Manorom Phonseya, Minister Counselor, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. Stockholm Ms Vidavone Keobounkhong, Third Secretary Stockholm Mr. Souphanna Sirichandeng, Third Secretary Stockholm Latvia ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Latvia National Day: 18 November Chancery: Rosbæksvej 17, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephone: 39 27 60 00 Fax: 39 27 61 73 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 08.30-17.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section Telephone: 39 27 60 00 Office Hours: 10.00-12.00 (Mon-Thu) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Gints Jegermanis, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (5.10.2009) Ms Sanita Upleja-Jegermane Copenhagen Mr. Gints Janums, Counsellor of Economic and Commercial Affairs (5.1.2005) Ms Gunta Januma Copenhagen Ms Ieva Grube, Consul (Administration and Consular Affairs) Copenhagen Lebanon ————————————————————————— Lebanese Embassy National Day: 22 November Chancery: Kommendörsgatan 35, Box 5360, S-10249 Stockholm Telephone: +46 (8) 665 19 65 Fax: +46 (8) 662 68 24 ————————————————————————— ..............., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ms Christiane Gezrawi, Counsellor, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. Stockholm Lesotho ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Kingdom of Lesotho National Day: 4 October - Independence Day Chancery: 2, Clanwilliam Square, Grand Canal Quay, Dublin 2 Telephone: +353 1 676 22 33 Fax: 353 1 676 22 58 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— Her Excellency, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Dublin Mr. Phakiso Ralepoma, Counsellor (......) Dublin Liberia ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Liberia National Day: 26 July - Independence Day Chancery: Kurfürstenstr. 84, D-10787 Berlin Telephone: +49 (0) 30 26391194 Fax: +49 (0) 30 26394893 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.liberiaembassygermany.de Office Hours: 09.00-13.00 and 14.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— ..............., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Andrew W. Kronyanh, Minister Counsellor, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. Berlin Libya ————————————————————————— The People's Bureau of the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya National Day: 1 September People's Bureau Valhallavägen 74, Box 10 133, S-100 55 Stockholm (Diplomatic Telephones: +46 8 14 34 35 Mission): Fax: +46 8 10 43 80 E-mail: [email protected] ————————————————————————— ..............., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Lithuania ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania National Day: 16 February - Independence Day Chancery: Bernstorffsvej 214, 2920 Charlottenlund Telephone: 39 63 62 07 Fax: 39 63 65 32 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section Office Hours: 10.00-12.30 (Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri) ————————————————————————— Her Excellency Ms Rasa Kairiené, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (18.12.2006) Mr. Romas Kairys Copenhagen Mr. Saulius Kalvelis, Counsellor (16.8.2010) Ms Dziuginta Kalveliene Copenhagen Ms Irena Vedrickaite, Counsellor (10.8.2009) Mr. Giedrius Svitra Copenhagen Ms Liana Ruokyté-Jonsson, Cultural Attaché (1.1.2008) Mr. Sven Roger Jonsson Copenhagen Colonel Klaidas Tolys , Defence Attaché (24.8.2010) Ms Reda Toliene Copenhagen Luxembourg ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg National Day: 23 June Chancery: Fridtjof Nansens Plads 5, 1st fl., 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephone: 35 26 82 00 Fax: 35 26 82 08 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.luxembourgembassy.dk Office Hours: 09.00-12.00 and 13.30-17.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Pierre-Louis Lorenz, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (22.10.2007) Ms Judith Lorenz Copenhagen Mr. Claude Trierweiler, Consul and First Secretary, Political Affairs (20.8.2007) Ms Senay Trierweiler Copenhagen Ms Véronique Clement, Attaché, Economic and Cultural Affairs (15.9.2008) Copenhagen Mr. Armand Jean Muno, Attaché (Administrative and Consular Affairs) (17.8.2009) Ms Nicole Marguerite Marie Durbach Copenhagen Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia National Day: 8 September Chancery: Skindergade 28A, 1.th., 1159 Copenhagen K Telephones: 39 76 69 28, 39 76 69 20 Fax: 39 76 69 23 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 08.30-16.30 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section Telephone: 39 76 69 20 Office Hours: 09.00-12.00 (Mon, Tue, Thu and Fri) Wednesday closed ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Asaf Ademi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (8.12.2009) Ms Merita Kasami Copenhagen Mr. Salim Kjerimi, Minister Counsellor (21.6.2007) Ms Fahruka Kerimi Copenhagen Ms Lejljan Abdula, Thrid Secretary (1.4.2008) Mr. Isni Abdula Copenhagen Madagascar ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Madagascar National Day: 26 June - Independence Day Chancery: Seepromenade 92, Postfach 10 01 68, D-14601 Falkensee Telephones: +49 3322/2314-0 Fax: +49 3322/231429 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.botschaft-madagaskar.de Office Hours: 09.00-12.30 and 13.30-16.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— ..............., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ms Léa Raholinirina, Minister Counsellor, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. (27.3.2009) Berlin Malawi ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Malawi National Day: 6 July Chancery: John Street 36, Holborn, London WC 1N2AT Telephones: +44 (020) 7421 6010 Fax: +44 (020) 7831 9273 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.malawihighcommission.co.uk Office Hours: 09.30-13.00 and 14.00-17.00 ————————————————————————— His Excellency Prof. Francis Moto, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (27.3.2007) Ms Elizabeth Moto London Malaysia ————————————————————————— Embassy of Malaysia National Day: 31 August Chancery: Karlavägen 37, P.O. Box 26053, S-100 41 Stockholm Telephone: +46 (8) 440 84 00 Fax: +46 (8) 791 87 60 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 08.30-16.30 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Dato’ Kamarudin bin Mustafa, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (13.05.2008) Ms Datin Nik Rauha binti Nik Ab Rahman Stockholm Mr. Zainal Izran Bin Zahari, Counsellor (3.1.2009) Ms Erwina Binti Nordin Stockholm Ms Fauziah binti Md. Khalid, Third Secretary (8.10.2006) Mr. Kamarudin bin Mohmad Stockholm Maldives ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Maldives National Day: Chancery: 22, Nottingham Place London W1U 5JN United Kingdom Telephone: + 44 (0) 20 7224 2135 Fax: +44 (0) 7224 2157 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Office Hours: ————————————————————————— Her Excellency Dr. Farahanaz Faizal, Ambassador EXtraordinary and Plenipotentiary (agrée) .... London Mali ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Mali National Day: 22 September Chancery: Kurfürstendamm 72, D-10709 Berlin Telephone: +49 (30) 31 99 883 Fax: +49 (30) 31 99 88 48 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.ambassade-repmali-berlin.de Office Hours: 09.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— Her Excellency Ms Fatoumata Siré Diakite, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (9.12.2005) Berlin Mr. Yassoungo Kone, First Counsellor Ms Assiram Coulibaly Kone Berlin Ms Bagayoko Fatimata Ba, Second Counsellor Mr. Adama Bagoyoko Berlin Mr. Brahima Coulibaly, First Secretary Ms Zaliatou Diarra Berlin Malta ————————————————————————— Embassy of Malta National Day: 21 September - Independence Day (1964) Chancery: Lille Strandstræde 14B, mezzanine, 1254 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 15 30 90 Fax: 33 15 30 91 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section: 09.00-12.30 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— ..............., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ms Deborah Attard Montalto, Counsellor, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. (11.1.2010) Copenhagen Mauritania ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania National Day: 28 November Chancery: Kommandantenstr. 80, D-10117 Berlin Telephone: +49 (030) 206 5883 Fax: +49 (030) 206 74750 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-15.00 (Mon-Thur), 09.00-13.00 (Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Moussa Diagana, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (21.1.2011) ) Ms. Dieynaba Diagana Berlin Mr. Hamed Ould Sidi Mohamed, First Counsellor (16.8.2010) Berlin Mr. Mamadou Bathily, First Counsellor (26.8.2010) Berlin Mr. Mohamed Ahmed Ould Saleck, First Counsellor, Finance Ms. Aminetou Ould Saleck Berlin Mr. Cheikh Yaha Ould Chrif Ahmed Ould Khattry (21.12.2009) Berlin Mauritius ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Mauritius National Day: 12 March Chancery: 32/33 Elvaston Place, GB-London SW7 5NW Telephones: +44 (20) 7581 0294/5 Fax: +44 (20) 7823 8437 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.30-13.00 and 14.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) Tourism Section: 32/33 Elvaston Place, G.B-London SW7 5NW Telephone: +44 (20) 7584 3666 Fax: +44 (20) 7225 1135 E-mail: [email protected] ————————————————————————— ..............., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Haymandoyal Dillum, Minister Counsellor London Mexico ————————————————————————— Embassy of Mexico National Day: 16 September - Independence Day (1810) Chancery: Bredgade 65, 1. sal, 1260 Copenhagen K Telephone: 39 61 05 00 Fax: 39 61 05 12 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.sre.gob.mx/dinamarca/ Office Hours: 09.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular and Bredgade 65, 1. sal, 1260 Copenhagen K Cultural Section: Telephone: 39 29 57 44 Fax: 39 61 05 12 Office Hours: 09.30-13.30 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— Her Excellency Ms Martha Elena Federica Bárcena Coqui, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (15.12.2004) Mr. Agustin Gutiérrez Canet Copenhagen Mr. Jose Luis Alvarado Gonzalez, Minister (5.9.2008) Ms Irma Valenzuela Algandar Copenhagen Ms. Mariana Olivera West, Second Secretary ( 18.1.2011) Copenhagen Ms Carmen Valeria Solís Rivera, Third Secretary (26.08.2009) Copenhagen Ms Laura Jessica Córdova Muñoz, Third Secretary (22.10.2007) Copenhagen Ms Nicole Inge Felix Huesca, Counsellor (9.2.2009) Mr. Ronnie Aronowitz Frid Stockholm Moldova ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Moldova National Day: 27 August - Independence Day (1991) Chancery: Gotlandstrasse 16, D-10439 Berlin Telephone: +49 (030) 44 65 29 70 Fax: +49 (030) 44 65 29 72 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 08.00-12.00 and 13.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section Telephone: +49 (030) 2 83 52 37 Office Hours: 08.00-12.00 and 13.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Aureliu Ciocoi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (agrée) Berlin Mongolia ————————————————————————— Embassy of Mongolia National Day: 11 July Naadam and 26 November Constitutional Day Chancery: Svärdvägen 25 B, S-182 33 Danderyd Telephone: +46 08 753 1135, +46 08 753 1136 Fax: +46 08 753 1138 E-mail: [email protected] ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Baldan Enkhmandakh, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (15.2.2010) Ms Davaasuren Oyunbileg Stockholm Mr. Ravjaa Mounkhou, Counsellor (1.1.2010) Ms Urjinbadam Chuluuntsetseg Stockholm Ms Dorjsuren Uyanga, Second Secretary (1.1.2010) Mr. Shatar Azbayar Stockholm Montenegro ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Montenegro National Day: Chancery: c/o Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Montenegro, Stanka Dragojevića 2, Podgorica, Montenegro Telephone: +382 69 60 75 22 E-mail: [email protected] ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Nikola Ciko, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (17.11.2008) Podgorica Morocco ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco National Day: 30 July - Accession to the Throne of H.M. King Mohammed VI Chancery: Øregårds Allé 19, 2900 Hellerup Telephone: 39 62 45 11 Fax: 39 62 24 49 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-15.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— Her Excellency Ms Raja Ghannam, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (17.12.2008) Copenhagen Mr. Moulay Lhassen Mchichi, Minister Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission (1.9.2008) Ms Touria Moussaif Copenhagen Mr. Fouad Maaroufi, Counsellor (6.12.2010) Ms. Hanan Bousejjada Copenhagen Ms Boutaïna Bouabid, Minister Plenipotentiary (1.9.2007) Copenhagen Mr. Said Jazouani, Counsellor (1.9.2009) Copenhagen Mr Hicham Oussihamou, Counsellor (31.12.08) Copenhagen Mr. Mohammed Jbara, Financial Attaché (1.09.2010) Ms. Bouchra El Hakkaoui Copenhagen Mozambique ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique National Day: 25 June - Independence Day Chancery: Sturegatan 46, S-114 36 Stockholm, (Box 5801, S-102 48 Stockholm) Telephone: +46 (8) 666 03 50 Fax: +46 (8) 663 67 29 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.embassymozambique.se Office Hours: 09.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section Office Hours: 10.00-13.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Pedro Comissário Afonso, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (8.12.2006) Ms Mariana Laura Dava Stockholm Mr. Tarcisio Baltazar Buanahagi, Counsellor (3.3.2008) Ms Aessa Buanahagi Stockholm Mr. Tomé Joaquim Lourenco Picasso, Second Secretary (24.9.2008) Ms Ana Bela da Rosa Abreu Jeremias Stockholm Mr. Emílio Zefanias Mucavele, Attaché for Administration and Finacial Affairs (13.10.2008) Ms Júlia Ernesto Jamaio Stockholm Namibia ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Namibia National Day: 21 March - Independence Day Chancery: Visiting add. Luntmakargatan 86-88, S-115 31 Stockholm Postal add. Box 19151, S-104 32 Stockholm Telephone: +46 (8) 442 98 00 Fax: +46 (8) 612 66 55 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.embassyofnamibia.se Office Hours: 08.30-13.00, 14.00-16.30 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— Her Excellency Mr. Daniel Rudolph Smith, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (agrée) Ms. Stockholm Mr. Paul Shihengo, First Secretary Ms Emma Shihengo Stockholm Ms Nada Kruger, First Secretary Mr. Jacobus Hennig Stockholm Ms Selma Nampa Munyama, Third Secretary Stockholm Nepal ————————————————————————— Embassy of Nepal National Day: Chancery: Svanemøllevej 92, 2900 Hellerup Telephone: 44 44 40 26, 44 44 40 43 Fax: 44 44 40 27 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Web Site: www.nepalembassydenmark.org Office Hours: 09.00-13.00 and 14.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) Conular and Visa Section Telephone: 44 44 40 26 Office Hours: 10.00-13.00 (Mon-Fri) (if urgent normal hours will apply) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Vijaykant Lal Karna, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (28.3.2008) Ms Bibha Karna Copenhagen Mr. Prakash Kumar Suvedi, Minister Counsellor, Deputy Chief of Mission (5.9.2009) Ms Susan Suvedi Copenhagen Mr. Hem Lal Sharma Bhattarai, First Secretary (18.9.2009) Ms Kamala Bhattarai Copenhagen Mr. Uttam Prasad Neupane, Attaché (25.10.2010) Copenhagen The Netherlands ————————————————————————— Royal Netherlands Embassy National Day: 30 April - Official Celebration of the Birthday of H.M. Queen Beatrix Chancery: Toldbodgade 33, 1253 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 70 72 00 Fax: 33 14 03 50 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.nlembassy.dk Office Hours: 09.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular and Visa Section Telephone: 33 70 72 02 E-mail: [email protected] Open to the Public: 09.00-12.00 (Mon-Fri) Press and Telephone: 33 70 72 12 Cultural Section E-mail: [email protected] Economic and Commercial Section Telephone: 33 70 72 36 E-mail: [email protected] Agricultural Section Telephone: 33 70 72 37 E-mail: [email protected] ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Niek Peter Van Zutphen, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (20.2.2009) Ms Miriam van Zutphen-Wijsenbeek Copenhagen Mr. Hans Pieter Sprokkreeff, Counsellor (18.8.2009) Ms Elizabeth Margaretha SprokkreeffHens Copenhagen Mr Reinder Hoite Schaap, Counsellor (1.7.2008) The Hague Commander Peter Teeuw, Defence, Navy, Army and Air Attaché (1.8.2009) Oslo Mr. Jan Willem van Capelleveen, Attaché (25.7.2007) Ms Astrid Marjolein Elisabeth Huiskens Copenhagen New Zealand ————————————————————————— New Zealand Embassy National Day: 6 February - Waitangi Day Chancery: Eisenhowerlaan 77N, 2517 KK, The Hague Telephone: +31 70 346 93 24 Fax: +31 70 363 29 83 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: nzembassy.com/netherlands ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. George Robert Furness Troup, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (19.11.2010) Ms. Hilary Troup The Hague Ms Bronwyn Shanks, First Secretary, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. The Hague Mr. James Thomas Edward Walker, Second Secretary The Hague Nicaragua ————————————————————————— Embassy of Nicaragua National Day: 15 September - Independence Day (1821) Chancery: Kastelsvej 7, ground floor, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephone: 35 55 48 70 Fax: 35 55 48 75 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Dr. Ricardo José Alvarado Noguera, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (10.12.2002) Ms Paula Katariina Blomster Copenhagen Niger ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Niger National Day: 18 December - Proclamation of the Republic Chancery: Machnowerstr. 24, D-14165 Berlin Telephone: +49 30 805 89 660 (Secretariat) +49 30 805 89 661 (Ambassadors office) Fax: +49 30 805 89 662 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— Her Excellency Ms Amina Djibo Bazindre , Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (5.11.2007) Mr. Almoumine Berlin Mr. Illiassou Ali, First Counsellor (25.10.2002) Ms Aissa Ali Berlin Mr. Mamane Harouna Hassane, First Secretary (Financial Affairs) (16.05.2003) Ms Fati Mamane Berlin Nigeria ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria National Day: 1 October Chancery: Tyrgatan 8, Box 628, S-101 32 Stockholm Telephone: +46 (8) 24 63 90 Telex: 17649 Nigemb Fax: +46 (8) 24 63 98 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr...... Stockholm Ms. Naomi Chukwumaeze, Minister Plenipotentiary, Chargé d’affaires a.i. Mr. … Stockholm Mr. G. O. Ezuma, Minister Counsellor Ms Ezuma Stockholm Mr. Mathias A. Yohanna, Finance Attaché (11.8.2008) Ms Yohanna Stockholm Mr. Ali Ikeh, Admin. Attaché Ms. Ali Stockholm Norway ————————————————————————— Royal Norwegian Embassy National Day: 17 May - Constitution Day (1814) Chancery: Amaliegade 39, 1256 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 14 01 24 Fax: 33 14 06 24 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.norsk.dk Office Hours: 10.00-12.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular and Visa Section Telephone: 33 14 01 24 Fax: 33 14 06 24 Office Hours: 10.00-12..00 (Mon+Fri) 10.00-12.00 + 13.00-14.30 (Tue+Thur) Closed on Wednesdays INNOVATION Telephone: 33 14 01 24 NORWAY Fax: 33 14 08 24 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 08.30-16.00 (Mon-Thur); 08.30-15.30 (Fri) His Excellency Mr. Jørg Willy Bronebakk, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (5.11.2007) Ms Kristin Bølgen Bronebakk Copenhagen Ms Merete Lundemo, Minister (16.8.2010) Copenhagen Ms. Katrine Biering, Counsellor Copenhagen (10.8.2009) Mr. Per Andreassen, First Secretary (9.8.2010) Copenhagen Mr. Tore Andersson, Defence Attaché (1.8.2007) The Hague Mr Christian Halaas Lyster, Second Secretary (10.08.2009) Ms Cathrine Lykke Riseng Lyster Copenhagen Ms. Gro Dahle, First Secretary (11.10.2010) Mr. Sveinung Sandberg Copenhagen Oman ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman National Day: 18 November Chancery: Clayallee 82, D-14195 Berlin Telephone: +49 (30) 81 00 51 12 Fax: +49 (30) 81 00 51 99 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.oman-embassy.de Office Hours: 09.00-15.30 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Zainab Ali Said Al-Qasmiah, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (agréé) Mr. Mohammed bin Salim Al-Kathiri (1.10.2009) Berlin Berlin Pakistan ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan National Day: 23 March - Pakistan Day Chancery: Valeursvej 17, 2900 Hellerup Telephone: 39 62 11 88 Fax: 39 40 10 70 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section: Valeursvej 17, 2900 Hellerup Telephone: 39 62 11 88 Office Hours: 10.00-12.00 (Mon-Fri); 15.00-17.00 (Wed) ————————————————————————— Her Excellency Ms Fauzia Mufti Abbas, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (18.12.2006) Mr. Shahbaz Copenhagen Mr. Murad Baseer, Second Secretary, Head of Chancery (5.7.2008) Ms Nadia Mushtaq Abbasi Copenhagen Colonel Omer Ahmed Bokhari, Defense Attaché ( 27.12.2010) Ms Nadia Omer London Panama ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Panama National Day: 3 November - Independence Day (1903) Chancery: Östermalmsgatan 59, gr.fl., S-114 50 Stockholm, P.O.Box 55547, S-102 04 Stockholm Telephone: +46 (8) 662 65 35 Fax: +46 (8) 662 89 91 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] ————————————————————————— His Excellency, Mr. Ricardo Quintero, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (agree) Stockholm Papua New Guinea ————————————————————————— Embassy of Papua New Guinea National Day: 16 September - Independence Day Chancery: Av. de Tervuren, 430, B-1150 Brussels Telephone: +32 2 779 06 09 Fax: +32 2 772 70 88 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 9.00-12.30 and 14.00-17.00 ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Peter Pulkiye Maginde, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (23.11.2009) Mr. Alois P. Tabereng, Minister Brussels Brussels Paraguay ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Paraguay National Day: 15 May Chancery: Hardenbergstrasse 12, D-10623 Berlin Telephone: +49 (30) 31 99 86 - 0 Fax: +49 (30) 31 99 86 - 17 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-17.00 (Mon-Thur) 09.00-15.00 (Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Rául Alberto Florentín Antola, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (agréé) Ms Ana Isabel Rodríguez Baez, Counsellor Berlin Berlin Peru ————————————————————————— Embassy of Peru National Day: 28 July - Independence Day (1821) Chancery: Mohrenstrasse 42, 10117 Berlin Telephone: +49 30 206410-45 Fax: +49 30 206410-77 E-mail: Web Site: Office hours: Consular Section: ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. ...., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary ( ...... ) Ms Mr. Gonzalo Alonso Zapater VargasQuintanilla, Minister Mr. Félix Germán Vasquez Solis , Minister Counsellor Ms. Gabriella Franca Vassallo Consoli, Minister Counsellor Mr. Luis Miguel Rodriguez Chacon, Counsellor Mr. Alix Benigno Contreras Jugo, First Secretary Mr. Carlos Jaime Montoya Montero, Second Secretary Berlin Berlin Berlin Berlin Berlin Berlin Berlin Philippines ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Philippines National Day: 12 June - Independence Day (1898) Chancery: Nedre Vollgate 4, Fourth Floor, NO-0158 Oslo Mailing Address: P.O.Box 322 Sentrum 0103 Oslo Telephones: +47 22 24 09 00, +47 22 41 74 00, +47 95 00 10 72 Fax: +47 22 41 74 01 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.philembassy.no Office hours: 9.00-17.00 Consular Section: Telephones: +47 22 40 09 10, +47 22 40 09 09 E-mail: [email protected] Office hours: 9.00-12.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— Her Excellency Ms Elizabeth Pineda Buensuceso, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (16.10.2009) Oslo Ms Evelyn D. Austria-Garcia, Minister and Consul General Oslo Ms Lenna Eilleen C. De Dios, Third Secretary and Vice Consul Oslo Ms Consuelo Ebdalin Cauton, Attaché Oslo Ms Anna Marie C. Caraig, Attaché Mr. Josefino P. Caraig Oslo Ms Maria Rita C. Tan, Attaché Oslo Ms Theresa R. Bantolo-Heikkilä, Attaché Oslo Mr. Erik Aleksi Heikkilä Mr. Bernard F. Bartolome, Attaché Ms Jennifer D. Bartolome Oslo Poland ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Poland National Day: 3 May - Constitution Day (1791) and 11 November - Independence Day Chancery: Richelieus Allé 12, 2900 Hellerup Telephone: 39 46 77 24 Fax: 39 46 77 66 E-mail: [email protected] Defence Attaché Telephone: 39 46 77 27 Office Fax: 39 46 77 55 E-mail: [email protected] Consular Affairs Richelieus Allé 10, 2900 Hellerup Office: Telephone: 39 46 77 20 Fax: 39 46 77 88 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-14.00 (Mon, Tues, Thu and Fri) 13.0018.00 (Wed) Economic and Commercial Section: Ryvangs Allé 46, 2900 Hellerup Telephones: 39 62 26 33, 39 48 12 00 Fax: 39 62 25 54 E-mail: [email protected] ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Rafal Wisniewski, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (21.09.2010) Ms. Aneta Wisniewska Mr. Andrzej Skrzydlo, Minister Counsellor, Deputy Head of Mission, Chargé d’ Affaires a.i. (18.6.2007) Copenhagen Copenhagen Ms Justyna Skrzydlo Urszula Wanda Filipkowska, Counsellor (26.7.2010) Mr. Ryszard Filipkowski Copenhagen Mr. Robert Michal Filipczak, Minister Counsellor (27.3.2006) Ms Magdalena Jolanta Filipczak Captain (N) Jaroslaw Milowski, Defence Attaché (1.3.2009) Ms Beata Milowska Copenhagen Mr. Jacek Wojcikowski, Counsellor (Commercial Affairs) (1.8.2009) Ms Ilona Wojcikowska Copenhagen Mr. Radoslaw Krajewicz, First Secretary (3.1.2007) Ms Dorota Krajewicz Copenhagen Ms Joanna Barbara Tamborska, First Secretary (26.1.2009) Copenhagen Mr. Slawomir Piotr Konewka, First Secretary (10.8.2009) Ms Anna Teresa Zietara-Konewka Copenhagen Ms Dobroslawa Siemianowska, Second Secretary (18.8.2008) Copenhagen Mr. Pawel Czerpak, First Secretary (25.8.2008) Ms Elzbieta Czerpak Copenhagen Mr. Marcin Sebastian Karaskiewicz, Second Secretary (1.7.2008) Ms Anna Karaskiewicz Copenhagen Mr. Leszek Adamczyk, Third Secretary (23.7.2007) Ms Wieslawa Maria Adamczyk Copenhagen Mr. Tomasz Edward Polkowski, Attaché (10.8.2009) Ms Sylwia Polkowska Copenhagen Portugal ————————————————————————— Embassy of Portugal National Day: 10 June - Day of Portugal, of the poet Luís de Camões, and of the Portuguese Communities Chancery: Toldbodgade 31, 1.th., 1253 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 13 13 01 Fax: 33 14 92 14 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 10.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section: Toldbodgade 31, 2.th., 1253 Copenhagen K Telephones: 33 12 71 17, 33 36 00 71 Fax: 33 13 10 62 Office Hours: 13.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) Commercial Counsellor's Office and Office of Tourism: Toldbodgade 31, 1.tv., 1253 Copenhagen K Telephones: 33 12 76 32 (Commercial Section), 33 13 12 00 (Tourism) Fax: 33 93 88 85 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. João Pedro da Silveira Carvalho, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (20.10.2008) Ms Maria Inês Trocado Briz da Silveira Carvalho Copenhagen Ms Mónica Maria de Magalhães Moutinho, Counsellor (17.10.2008) Copenhagen Lieutenent-Colonel José Fernando Alves Gaspar, Defence Attaché (6.5.2008) Ms Marina Neto Berlin Qatar ————————————————————————— Embassy of the State of Qatar National Day: 3 September Chancery Section: Borweg 7, 2597 LR, The Hague Telephone: +31 (0) 70 41 66 666 Fax: +31 (0) 70 41 66 660 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.embassyofqatar.nl Office Hours: 09.00-15.00 (Mon-Fri) Consulate Section: Borweg 7, 2597 LR, The Hague Telephone: +31 (0) 70 41 66 666 Fax: +31 (0) 70 41 66 660 Translation/ International Organizations Section: Borweg 7, 2597 LR, The Hague Telephone: +31 (0) 70 41 66 666 Fax: +31 (0) 70 41 66 660 Media Section: Borweg 7, 2597 LR, The Hague Telephone: +31 (0) 70 41 66 666 Fax: +31 (0) 70 41 66 660 Public Relation Section: Borweg 7, 2597 LR, The Hague Telephone: +31 (0) 70 41 66 666 Fax: +31 (0) 70 41 66 660 ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Hamad Ali Jaber Al-Hinzab, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (21.1.2011) The Hague Romania ————————————————————————— Embassy of Romania National Day: 1 December Chancery: Strandagervej 27, 2900 Hellerup Telephone: 39 40 71 77 Fax: 39 62 78 99 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: http://copehaga.mae.ro Office Hours: 09.00-15.00 (Mon-Fri) Political Section Telephone: 39 46 47 17 Fax: 39 62 78 99 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-15.00 (Mon-Fri) Defence Attaché Telephone: +49 (0)30 212 39 104 Fax: +49 (0)30 212 39 198 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-15.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section Telephone: 39 46 47 19 Fax: 39 62 78 99 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-13.00 and 15.00-16.30 (Mon-Fri) Economic and Commercial Section Telephone: 39 40 70 03 Fax: 39 40 70 02 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-15.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Alexandru Victor Micula, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (3.8.2009) Ms Cristina Micula Copenhagen Mr. Cristian Negrila, Counsellor (5.11.2008) Ms Valentina Negrila Copenhagen Mr. Emil Lupescu, Commercial and Economic (29.9.2010) Ms. Claudia Georgeta Lupescu Copenhagen Mr. Alexandru Atanasiu, Consul (1.7.2009) Ms Anamaria-Cristina Atanasiu Copenhagen Ms. Teodora Irina Hrib, Cultural Attaché (02.09.2010 Ms. Bogdan Octavian Hrib Copenhagen Mr. Dumitru Oprean, Attaché (..) Ms. Raluca Oprean Colonel Horia Emanuel Mocioc, Defence Attaché (13.11.2008) Ms Daniela Mocioc Copenhagen Mr. Ioan Vlaicu, Home Affairs Attaché (15.11. 2010) Stockholm Berlin The Russian Federation ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Russian Federation National Day: 12 June - Adoption of Declaration on State Sovereignty Chancery: Kristianiagade 5, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephones: 35 42 55 85, 35 42 55 86, 35 42 55 82, 35 42 55 23 (Ambassador's Office) Fax: 35 42 37 41 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.denmark.mid.ru Office Hours: 08.30-12.30 and 14.00-18.15 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section: Kristianiagade 3, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephones: 35 38 23 70 (Visa section), 35 38 23 78 (Section on matters pertaining to Russian citizens) Fax: 35 42 02 87 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-11.30 (Mon-Fri) Trade Representation: Vigerslev Allé 161, 2500 Valby Telephone: 36 46 28 11 Fax: 36 46 29 82 E-mail: [email protected] Russian Cultural Vester Voldgade 11, 1552 Copenhagen V Centre: Telephone: 33 15 83 33 Fax: 33 15 83 33 E-mail: [email protected] ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Teymuraz Ramishvili, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (5.11.2007) Ms Marina Pavlovich Copenhagen Mr. Alexey Rogov, Minister Counsellor (10.3.2008) Ms Elena Rogova Copenhagen Mr. Alexander Zelenov, Senior Counsellor (21.7.2006) Ms Anna Zelenova Copenhagen Mr. Nadzhaf Abdullaev, Counsellor (Head of Consular Section) (10.7.2009) Copenhagen Mr. Boris Zabotkin, Counsellor (11.11.2008) Ms Irina Zabotkina Copenhagen Mr. Leonid Samoylov, First Secretary (12.4.2008) Ms Raisa Samoylova Copenhagen Ms Evgenia Chernukha, First Secretary (5.9.2005) Mr. Vladimir Gerashchenko Copenhagen Mr. Sergey Burunkov, First Secretary (23.08.2009) Ms Anna Burunkova Copenhagen Ms Arina Kabanova, First Secretary (24.11.2009) Copenhagen Mr. Andrey Biryukov, First Secretary (11.1.2011) Ms. Valentina Biryukova Mr. Ivan Shilov, Third Secretary (27.5.2008) Ms Veronika Shilova Copenhagen Copenhagen Mr. Anatoly Manilov, Third Secretary (4.7.2008) Ms Tatiana Manilova Copenhagen Mr. Victor Belyshev, Third Secretary (15.4.2010) Ms Tatiana Belysheva Copenhagen Mr. Vladimir Kuntsev, Third Secretary (24.6.2010) Ms. Elena Kuntseva Copenhagen Mr. Alexey Kolesnikov, Attaché (15.8.2007) Ms Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Kolesnikova Copenhagen Mr. Dmitry O. Rozhdestvenskiy, Attaché (28.12.2009) Ms Zhanna B. Rozhdestvenskaya Copenhagen Mr. Sergey Nikiforov, Attaché (4.6.2009) Ms Natalia A. Nikiforova Copenhagen Mr. Alexey Sazhinov, Attaché (29.10.2010) Copenhagen Mr. Mikhail Milashuk, Attaché Ms. Galina Milashuk Copenhagen Mr. Stanislav Andreevich Moskvoretskiy, Attaché (18.7.2009) Ms Natalia Vasilievna Moskvoretskaya Copenhagen Mr. Evgeny Mitrofanov, Attaché (11.8.2008) Ms Tatiana Mitrofanova Copenhagen Mr. Alexey Myshlyavkin, Attaché (4.9.2008) Ms Svetlana Myshlyavkina Copenhagen Mr. Evgeny Altunin, Attaché (24.11.2008) Ms Olga Altunina Copenhagen Mr. Nikolay Isakov, Attaché (9.5.2008) Copenhagen Mr. Oleg Strygin, Attaché (5.6.2009) Ms Svetlana Strygina Copenhagen Mr. Vladimir Markin, Attaché (22.6.2009) Ms Valentina Markina Copenhagen Mr. Viacheslav Grushetskiy, Commercial Representative (14.12.2005) Ms Antonina Grushetskaya Copenhagen Mr. Yury Stegniy, Deputy Trade Representative (12.11.2007) Ms Tatiana Stegniy Copenhagen Mr. Valery Groshikov, Deputy Trade Representative (22.7.2008) Ms Irina Groshikova Copenhagen Major General Sergey Doroshenko, Defence Attaché (9.10.2007) Ms Irina Doroshenko Copenhagen Captain Alexey Nemudrov, Assistant Military Attaché (24.11.2007) Ms Eleonora Nemudrova Copenhagen Colonel Anton Akimenko, Assistant Copenhagen Military Attaché (19.9.2008) Ms Olga Akimenko Colonel Andrian Kuzmin, Assistant Military Attaché (30.08.2009) Ms Svetlana Kuzmina Copenhagen Copenhagen Rwanda ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Rwanda National Day: 1 July Chancery: Dalvägen 2, 3rd floor, S-169 56 Solna Telephone: +46 85 000 1970, +46 85 756 1971, +46 85 000 212 Fax: +46 85 000 1973 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.sweden.embassy.gov.rw ————————————————————————— Her Excellency Ms Jacqueline Mukangira, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (30.1.2008) Mr. Charles Nahayo Mr. Augustus Musenga, First Counsellor Ms Doreca Musenga Stockholm Solna San Marino ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of San Marino National Day: 3 September Chancery: c/o Department of Foreign Affairs - Palazzo Begni, Contrada Omerelli, 47031 Repubblica di San Marino Telephone: +378 0549 882226 Fax: +378 0549 992018 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 08.15-14.15 and 15.00-18.00 (Mon, Thur) 08.15-14.15 (Tues, Wedn and Fri) ————————————————————————— Her Excellency Ms Maria Lea Pedini, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (7.11.1995) Mr. Marino Angelini San Marino São Tomé and Principe ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Principe National Day: 12 July Chancery: Square Montgomery, Avenue de Tervuren 175, B-1150 Brussels Telephone: +32 (2) 734 89 66 Fax: +32 (2) 734 88 15 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-13.00 and 14.00-16.30 ————————————————————————— ..............., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Saudi Arabia ————————————————————————— Saudi Arabian Embassy National Day: 23 September Chancery: Strandvej 162, 2920 Charlottenlund Telephone: 39 62 12 00 Fax: 39 62 60 09 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-15.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular and Visa Section Telephone: 39 62 12 00 Office Hours: 09.00-12.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. AbdulRahman Saad A.Al Hadlg, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (25.6.2008) Copenhagen Mr. Khalid Abdullah A. AlSalman, Second Secretary (12.5.2009) Copenhagen Mr. Ghazy B.S. Al Johany, Second Secretary (27.8.2007) Copenhagen Mr. Ali Abdullah Ali Al Shehry, Third Secretary (4.2.2009) Copenhagen Dr. Abdullah Ahmed S. AlGhamdi, Third Secretary (7.8.2009) Copenhagen Mr. Ibrahim A. I. Almanie, Attaché (18.08.2008) Copenhagen Mr. Fahad Hilal I. Al-Johani, Attaché (3.8.2009) Copenhagen Mr. Sultan Jari K. Bin Sarhan, Attaché (21.7.2009) Copenhagen Mr. Abdullah Said A. Alzahrarani, Attaché (11.08.2010) Copenhagen Serbia ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Serbia National Day: 15 February – National Day Chancery: Svanevænget 36, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephone: 39 29 77 84 Fax: 39 29 79 19 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 9.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section: Svanevænget 36, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephone: 39 29 71 61 Fax: 39 29 79 19 Office Hours: 10.00-12.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— Her Excellency Ms Vida Ognjenović, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (17.12.2008) Copenhagen Ms Marija Barlovic, Counsellor (12.11.2007) Copenhagen Mr. Nenad Maricic, First Secretary for Consular Affairs (23.7.2009) Copenhagen Mr. Zoran Milosevic, Attaché (19.4.2006) Ms Vesna Milosevic Copenhagen Sierra Leone ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Sierra Leone National Day: 27 April Chancery: 41 Eagle Street, Holborn, GB-London WC1R 4TL Telephone: +44 (207) 404 0140 Fax: +44 (207) 430 9862 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.30-17.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Edward Mohamed Turay, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (19.11.2010) Ms Florence N. Bagalie, Minister Counsellor, Head of Chancery London London Singapore ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Singapore National Day: 9 August Chancery: c/o Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tanglin, Singapore 248163 E-mail: [email protected] Telephones: +65 63 79 80 00, +65 62 27 61 78 Fax: +65 63 79 85 55, +65 64 74 78 85 ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Kemal Siddique, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (18.1.1994) Dr. Sharon J. Siddique Singapore Slovakia ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Slovak Republic National Day: 1 September - Constitution Day (1992) Chancery: Vesterled 26-28, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephones: 39 20 99 11, 39 20 99 12 Fax: 39 20 99 13 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular and Visa Section: Vesterled 26-28, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephones: 39 29 41 20, 39 20 99 12 Fax: 39 20 99 13 Office Hours: 10.00-11.00 (Mon, Wed, and Fri) Commercial Department: Vesterled 26-28, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephone: 39 29 00 58 Fax: 39 29 00 83 Office Hours: 09.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency ..... PhD. Magda Pospísilová, Minister Counsellor (1.2.2009) Mr. Lubomír Krizan Mr, Michal Vrábel, Counsellor (1.12.2010) Ms. Mariana Vrábelová Copenhagen Copenhagen Copenhagen Slovenia ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia National Day: 25 June Chancery: Amaliegade 6, 2 floor, 1256 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 73 01 20 Fax: 33 15 06 07 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: Consular Section: 10.00-12.00 (Mon-Fri), Telephone: 33 73 01 22 ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Bogdan Benko, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (13.1.2009) Ms Slavica Benko Copenhagen Ms. Stanka Tadin, Minister Counsellor (16.7.2010) Mr. Samo Tadin Copenhagen Lieutenant Colonel Srecko Karba, Defence Attaché (6.12.2007) Berlin South Africa ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of South Africa National Day: 27 April Chancery: Gammel Vartov Vej 8, Box 128, 2900 Hellerup Telephone: 39 18 01 55 Fax: 39 18 40 06 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 08.30-16.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section E-mail: [email protected] Appointments to be made for authentifications Office Hours: 09.00-12.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— Her Excellency Ms Samkelisiwe Isabel Mhlanga, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (21.9.2010) Copenhagen Mr. Douw Gerhardus Joubert Vermaak, Counsellor (20.6.2008) Ms Liana Vermaak Copenhagen Ms Maria Catharina Van der Veer, First Secretary (Political) (18.1.2010) Copenhagen Ms Tina Bukiwe Nongauza, First Secretary (Administration) (5.2.2009) Copenhagen Ms Gita Sharda, Attaché (11.1.2010) Copenhagen Spain ————————————————————————— Embassy of Spain National Day: 12 October Chancery: Kristianiagade 21, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephone: 35 42 47 00 Fax: 35 26 30 99 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 08.30-16.00 (Mon-Thu) 08.30-14.30 (Fri) Consular Section: Kristianiagade 21, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephone: 35 42 47 00 Fax: 35 42 47 26 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-13.00 (Mon-Fri) Cultural Office: Kristianiagade 21, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephone: 35 25 50 48 Fax: 35 42 47 26 Commercial and Vesterbrogade 10, 3rd fl., 1620 Copenhagen V Economic Telephones: 33 31 22 10, 33 21 33 88 Office: Fax: 33 21 33 90 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.mcx.es/copenhague Office Hours: 09.00-16.30 (Mon-Thu) 09.00-14.00 (Fri) Social and Labour Affairs Office: Købmagergade 43, 1st fl., 1150 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 93 12 90 Fax: 33 93 21 55 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-12.30 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Diego Muñiz Lovelace, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (21.1.2011) Copenhagen Ms. Maria Jesús Alonso Jiménez, Minister Counsellor (3.8.2010) Copenhagen Mr. Nuño Bordallo Sainz, Cultural Counsellor and Consul (01.08.2009) Copenhagen Mr. Darío José Saéz Méndez, Economic and Commercial Counsellor (1.9.2007) Copenhagen Mr. Francisco Javier Suquia Areta, Counsellor (12.22009) Ms Ana M. Fernandez de Lamora Copenhagen Mr. Juan Francisco Cervero Polo, Turism Counsellor (1.3.2010) Copenhagen Mr. Pablo Jesus Maria Gil Ruiz, Defence Attaché (aug.2008) The Hague Sri Lanka ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka National Day: 4 February - Independence Day Chancery: Strandvägen 39,1 tr, Box 24055, S-104 50 Stockholm. Telephones: +46 (8) 663 65 23, +46 (8) 663 65 25 Fax: +46 (8) 660 00 89 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-16.45 (Mon-Fri) Information Division: Strandvägen 39, B.V., S-104 50 Stockholm Telephone: +46 (8) 783 00 28 Fax: +46 (8) 660 00 89 E-mail: [email protected] Commercial Section: Strandvägen 39, B.V., S-104 50 Stockholm Telephone: +46 (8) 667 61 54 Fax: +46 (8) 660 00 89 E-mail: [email protected] ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Ranjith Pemsiri Jayasooriya, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (17.11.2008) Ms Cynthia Jayasooriya Stockholm Ms Petronella Shanthi Sudusinghe, Minister Counsellor (15.9.2006) Mr. Ralph Bede Anton Fernando Stockholm Mr. W.S. Premaratna, First Secretary (Information and Political Affairs) Ms K.E-M. Premaratna Stockholm Sudan ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Sudan National Day: 1 January - Independence Day (1956) and 30 June - Revolution for National Salvation Day (1989) Chancery: Holtegt. 28, N-0355 Oslo Telephones: +47 22 60 33 55, +47 22 69 92 60 Fax: +47 22 69 83 44 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-16.00 ————————————————————————— ..............., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Ahmed Swar Abdelrahman Swar ElDahab, Minister Counsellor, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. (1.7.2007) Oslo Mr. Gwynne Philip Chan Monyjok, Counsellor (25.1.2008) Oslo Swaziland ————————————————————————— Kingdom of the Swaziland High Commision National Day: 6 September and 19 April Chancery: 20 Buckingham gate, GB-London SW1E 6LB Telephone: +44 (020) 7630 6611 Fax: +44 (20) 7630 6564 Office Hours: 09.00-16.30 (Mon-Thu) and 09.00-16.00 (Fri) ————————————————————————— ..............., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Henry V. Zeeman, Counsellor, Chargé d’ Affaires a.i. London Sweden ————————————————————————— Embassy of Sweden National Day: 6 June Chancery: Skt. Annæ Plads 15B, 1250 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 36 03 70 Fax: 33 36 03 95 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-16.00 (Mon-Thu) and 09.00-15.00 (Fri) Consular and Visa Section Telephone: 33 36 03 75 Office Hours: 08.00-09.00 and 13.00-14.00 (Mon-Fri) Visiting Hours: 10.00-12.00 (Mon-Fri) and 14.00-16.00 (Wed) Information Section Telephone: 33 36 03 80 Web Site: www.sverigesambassade.dk Defence Telephone: 33 32 05 16 Attaché's Office Fax: 33 14 26 03 Commercial Section: Toldbodgade 18, 5. sal, 1253 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 15 55 22 Fax: 33 32 94 99 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.swedishtrade.se Office Hours: 09.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— Her Excellency Ms Inga Eriksson Fogh, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (12.10.2010) Mr. Peter Fogh Mr. Göran Lithell, Minister-Counsellor (1.9.2010) Ms Karin Lithell Copenhagen Copenhagen Mr. Roland Ripmark, First Secretary (11.9.2006) Ms Karin Ripmark Copenhagen Ms Jenny Jönemo Valind, First Secretary (1.9.2008) Mr. Johan Jönemo Copenhagen Ms. Annika Friberg, Third Secretary (1.9.2008) Copenhagen Mr. Karl-Mårten Jegenstam, Trade Counsellor (18.9.2009) Copenhagen Switzerland ————————————————————————— Embassy of Switzerland National Day: 1 August Chancery: Amaliegade 14, 1256 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 14 17 96 Fax: 33 33 75 51 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.30-12.30 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Paul Viktor Christen, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotenti (20.10.2008) Ms Heidi Christen Copenhagen Mr. Werner Bardill, Counsellor (24.7.2007) Ms Zhijing Zhong Copenhagen Mr. Claude Isidor Voutat, Second Secretary (28.8.2009) Ms Cornelia Voutat Copenhagen Mr. René Schneeberger, Attaché Copenhagen Syria ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic National Day: 17 April Chancery: Vendevägen 90, 5th fl., SE-182 32 Danderyd, Postal address: P.O. Box 4, 182 11 Danderyd Telephone: +46 (8) 622 18 79 Fax: +46 (8) 622 18 71 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.syrianembassy.se Office Hours: 09.00-15.30 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section Telephone: +46 8 622 18 70 Office Hours: 9.30-13.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— ..............., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ms Hanadi Kabour, First Secretary, Chargé d’ affaires a.i. Mr. Eyad Fattal Stockholm Ms Wafaa Al Fattal, Administrative Attaché (2008) Stockholm Mr. Mohamed Rashid Yehya, Attaché (16.7.2010) Stockholm Tanzania ————————————————————————— Embassy of the United Republic of Tanzania National Day: 26 April - Union Day Chancery: Näsby Allé 6, S-183 55 Täby, Stockholm Telephone: +46 (8) 732 2430 and +46 (8) 732 2431 Fax: +46 (8) 732 2432 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.tanemb.se Office Hours: 09.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency, Mr. Mwinyi Haji Mzale, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (agree) Ms Victoria Richard Mwakasege, Chargé d’ Affaires a.i. Stockholm Stockholm Thailand ————————————————————————— Royal Thai Embassy National Day: 5 December - H.M. The King's Birthday Anniversary (1927) Chancery: Norgesmindevej 18, 2900 Hellerup Telephone: 39 62 50 10 Fax: 39 62 50 59 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-12.00 and 13.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section Telephone: 39 62 50 10 Fax: 39 96 06 80 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-11.45 and 13.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) Telephone inquiry hours: 13.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) Office of Commercial Affairs: Hellerupvej 76, 2900 Hellerup Telephone: 39 62 69 99 Fax: 39 62 60 99 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-12.00 and 13.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) Office of the Defence Attaché: 29-30 Queen's Gate, GB-London SW7 5JB Telephone: +44 (20) 7589 0492 Fax: +44 (20) 7225 3782 E-mail: [email protected] ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Piyawat Niyomrerks, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (21.1.2011) Ms. Piyapin Niyomrerks Captain Teerayuth Nobnom RTN, Defence and Naval Attaché (1.10.2009) Copenhagen London Ms Sujitra Tanomsup, Minister Counsellor (Comercial) (8.3.2010) Mr. Poonsak Tanomsup Copenhagen Lt. Chatchawan Sakornsin, Minister Counsellor (23.7.2010) Ms Kyoto Tawara Copenhagen Ms Pornpan Mah, First Secretary (19.12.2009) Copenhagen Mr. Chatchai Choochom, First Secretary (17.6.2009) Copenhagen Ms Panisa Lertlimpraneet, Second Secretary (17.12.2008) Copenhagen Togo ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Togolese Republic National Day: 27 April Chancery: Grabbeallee 43, D-13156 Berlin Telephone: +49 (30) 49 90 89 68, +49 (30) 48 47 64 71 Fax: +49 (30) 49 90 89 67, +49 (30) 49 90 89 22 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.botschaft-togo.de Office Hours: 09.00-13.00 and 14.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Essohanam Comla Paka, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (23.1.2006) Ms Tchopéta Tchassi Berlin Tonga ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Kingdom of Tonga National Day: 4 November - Constitution Day Chancery: 36, Molyneux Street, GB-London W1H 5BQ Telephone: +44 (207) 724 58 28 Fax: +44 (207) 723 90 74 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-13.00 and 14.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Dr. Sione Ngongo Kioa, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (17.11.2008) Ms Victorina L. Kioa Mr. Sione Sonata Tupou, First Secretary (7.3.2009) London London Trinidad and Tobago ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago National Day: 31 August Chancery: 42, Belgrave Square, GB-London SW1X 8NT Telephone: +44 (207) 245 93 51 Fax: +44 (207) 823 10 65 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Garvin Edward Timothy Nicholas, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (agréé) London Ms Gail P. Guy, Minister Counsellor, Chargé d'Affaires a.i. London Ms Roanna Gopaul, Counsellor London Tunisia ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Tunisia National Day: 20 March Chancery: Gentsestraat 98, 2587 HX The Hague, NL Telephone: +31 (70) 351 22 51 Fax: +31 (70) 351 43 23 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. ... Mr. Adel Elarbi, Counsellor (15.10.2010) The Hague The Hague Turkey ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Turkey National Day: 29 October - Proclamation of the Republic Chancery: Rosbæksvej 15, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephones: 39 20 27 88, 39 20 23 96, 39 20 25 34 Fax: 39 20 51 66 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.turkishembassy.dk Office Hours: 09.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular and Visa Section: Vestagervej 16-18, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephone: 39 20 55 00 Fax: 39 20 10 17 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-13.00 and 14.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) Office of Vestagervej 16-18, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Counsellor for Telephone: 39 29 65 29 Financial Affairs: Office Hours: 09.00-13.00 and 14.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) Office of Educational Counsellor: Vestagervej 16-18, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephone: 39 20 98 62 Fax: 39 20 98 62 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-13.00 and 14.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) Office of Counsellor for Labour and Social Security: Vestagervej 16-18, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephone: 39 18 01 25 Fax: 39 18 33 88 Office Hours: 09.00-13.00 and 14.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) Office of Vesterbrogade 11 A, 1620 Copenhagen V Counsellor for Telephone: 33 22 31 00 Cultural Affairs: Fax: 33 22 90 68 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) Office of Counsellor for Social Affairs: Vestagervej 16-18, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephone: 39 18 64 00 Fax: 39 18 33 88 Office Hours: 09.00-13.00 and 14.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) Office of Commercial Counsellor: Borgergade 42, 1300 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 12 29 20 Fax: 33 14 63 46 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-13.00 and 14.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Berki Dibek, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (8.12.2009) Ms Ceyda Dibek Copenhagen Ms Oya Tunga, Counsellor (18.3.2010) Copenhagen Ms. Banu Malaman, Counsellor (12.9.2010) Copenhagen rd Copenhagen Mr. Ögeday Güner, 3 Secretary (10.8.2010) Mr. Haci Mehmet Bayram, Chief Commercial Counsellor (15.2.2009) Ms Emine Bayram Copenhagen Mr. Feyzullah Arslan, Counsellor for Security (1.9.2009) Ms Emine Arslan Copenhagen Dr. Ahmet Onay, (1.12.2010) Counsellor for Religious Affairs Ms. Fatma Onay Mr Hasan Hüseyin Kiniklioglu, Culture and Tourism Counsellor (9.9.2008) Ms Ilknur Kiniklioglu Copenhagen Mr. Ali Riza Önay, Counsellor for Labour and Social Security (15.6.2010) Copenhagen Mr. Yüksel Göcer, Financial Counsellor (12.9.2008) Ms Elif Göcer Copenahgen Mr. Ismail Başaran, Counsellor for Social Affairs (1.12.2006) Ms Hatice Başaran Copenhagen Mr. Sinan Cem Bas, Legal Counsellor (3.12.2007) Copenhagen Mr. Hasan Haluk Baser, Attaché (9.9.2007) Ms Dilek Baser Copenhagen Mr. Özgür Karsli, Attaché (28.9.2010) Mr. Cenk Tanay, Attaché (24.9.2009) Ms Seniye Güneş Tanay Copenhagen Mr. Volkan Sazak, Attaché (15.1.2009) Ms Nese Sazak Copenhagen Mr. Orhan Aydin, Attaché (1.12.2010) Copenhagen Mr. Bahtiyar Demir, Attaché (15.11.2008) Ms Naziye Demir Copenhagen Uganda ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Uganda National Day: 9 October Chancery: Sofievej 15, 2900 Hellerup Telephones: 39 62 09 66, 39 62 09 53 Fax: 39 61 01 48 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Web Site: www.ugandaembassy.dk Office Hours: 09.00-12.30 and 14.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Joseph Tomusange, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (21.3.2006) Ms Veneranda Tomusange Copenhagen Mr. Danny Mayanja Ssozi, Ambassador, Deputy Head of Msion (11.1.2008) Copenhagen Mr. Joshua Mutabazi, First Secretary (4.8.2006) Copenhagen Ms Susan Okodi, Second Secretary (10.6.2009) Copenhagen Ms Jane Frances Onega-Owachgiu, Administrative Attaché (14.7.2008) Copenhagen Ukraine ————————————————————————— Embassy of Ukraine National Day: 24 August - Proclamation of Independence Chancery: Toldbodgade 37 A, 1st fl., 1253 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 16 16 35 Fax: 33 16 00 74 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-13.00 and 14.00-18.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section Office Hours: 10.00-13.00 (Mon-Wed-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Mykhajlo Vasiljovych Skuratovskyi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (12.10.2010) Ms Tetiana Skuratovska Copenhagen Mr. Andrii Mostyskyi, Counsellor (27.10.2010) Ms. Galyna Mostyska Copenhagen Mr. Petro Petrenko, Second Secretary (11.8.2008) Ms Kateryna Petrenko Copenhagen Mr. Valerii Borysov, Third Secretary (29.6.2008) Copenhagen Liteunant Colonel Oleh Chapovskyi, Defence Attaché, Military, Air Force and Naval Attaché (15.1.2010) Ms Liudmyla Chapovska Stockholm United Arab Emirates ————————————————————————— Embassy of the United Arab Emirates National Day: 2 December Chancery: Torsgatan 2, 5tr., P.O. Box 164, S-101 23 Stockholm Telephone: +46 8 411 1244 Fax: +46 411 12 45 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.uaeembassy.se Office Hours: 09.00-15.00 Consular Section: Office Hours: 10.00-12.00 (Mon-Thu), Friday closed ————————————————————————— Ms Sheikha Najla Mohamed Salem Mohamed Al Qassimi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (19.11.2010) Stockholm United Kingdom ————————————————————————— British Embassy Chancery, and Press and Information Section: Kastelsvej 40, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephone: 35 44 52 00 Fax: 35 44 52 93 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section: Kastelsvej 36, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephone: 35 44 52 00 Fax: 35 44 52 53 Web Site: www.ukindenmark.fco.gov.uk Office Hours: Consular Sec: 9.00-12.30 and 13.30-15.00 (Mon-Fri) Visa Section: 09.00-11.00 (Mon-Fri) Management Section: Kastelsvej 36, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephone: 35 44 52 00 Fax: 35 44 52 59 Office Hours: 09.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) Commercial Section: Kastelsvej 38, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephone: 35 44 52 00 (Commercial enquiries: 35 26 63 75) Fax: 35 44 52 46 Office Hours: 08.30-16.30 (Mon-Fri) British Council: Gammel Mønt 12, 3rd fl., 1117 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 36 94 00 Fax: 33 36 94 06 ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Nicholas Stewart Archer, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (20.10.2008) Ms Erika Archer Copenhagen Mr. Simon Andrew Wood, Deputy Head of Mission (23.8.2010) Ms Philippa Wood Copenhagen Mr. Jeremy John Legge, Counsellor (Political) (15.4.2009) Ms Melanie Legge Copenhagen Ms Laura Suzanne Johansen, Second Secretary (25.11.2008) Copenhagen Mr. Timothy John Goode, Second Secretary (18.6.2007) Copenhagen Mr. Andrew John Curtis, Second Secretary, Immigration (16.10.09) Copenhagen Mr. Martin Russell Kingsley Smith, Defence Attaché (11.1.2010) Ms Katharine Mary Smith Copenhagen Mr. Michael Roland Carroll Smith, Fiscal Crime Liaison Officer (1.10.2010) Berlin United States of America ————————————————————————— Embassy of the United States of America National Day: 4 July - Independence Day Chancery: Dag Hammarskjölds Allé 24, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephone: 33 41 71 00 Fax: 35 43 02 23 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 08.30-17.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular and Visa Section Fax: 35 38 96 16 Office Hours: By appointment only ————————————————————————— Her Excellency Ms Laurie Susan Fulton, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (3.8.2009) Copenhagen Mr. Stephen Alan Christina, Deputy Chief of Mission, Counsellor (01.09.2010) Ms. Lea M. Christina Copenhagen Mr. Christopher John McDonald, Defense and Naval Attaché ( 14.7.2009) Ms Pamela Mitchel McDonald Copenhagen Lieutenant Colonel John E. Culton III, Air Attaché (9.7.2010) Ms. Susan M. Culton Copenhagen Major Michael Patrick Cullinane, Army Attaché (7.1.2010) Copenhagen Mr. Clifford Terry Puckett, United States Air Force, Chief, Office of Defense Cooperation (7.5.2009) Copenhagen Ms Sarah Elisabeth Clark Puckett Mr. Gregory D. Cox, Legal Attaché (15.08.2009) Ms Bridgett C. Cox Copenhagen Mr. John ―Mike‖ Netherland, Attaché (12.8.2010) Ms. Lauire B. Netherland Mr. Timothy Dean Moran, Attaché (23.1.2006) Ms Ra Chel Moran Copenhagen Mr. Mr. Shawn Waddoups, First Secretary (16.08.2009) Ms Carol F. Waddoups Copenhagen Mr. Richard K. Bell, Counsellor of Embassy for Political and Economic Affairs (11.08.2009) Copenhagen Ms Melissa Garth Ford, First Secretary (19.9.2008) Copenhagen Mr. Mark David Ericson, First Secretary (18.8.2008) Ms Georgene S. Ericson Copenhagen Mr. Jonathan R. Bayat, First Secretary Ms. Yulia Kutsepalova Bayat Copenhagen Mr. Edward P. Messmer, First Secretary (15.9.2009) Ms Barbara Messmer Copenhagen Mr. Edward Thomas Canuel, Second Copenhagen Secretary (Science and Technology) (12.08.2010) Mr. Robert R. Jachim, First Secretary and Consul (16.08.2009) Ms Cynthia F. Jachim Copenhagen Mr. Douglas Alan Kriesel, First Secretary (13.10.2009) Copenhagen Ms Antje Weygandt, Second Secretary (21.7.2008) Mr. Arkell Daniel Weygandt Copenhagen Mr. Dimas Agustus Jaen III, Attaché (14.8.2010) Copenhagen Mr. Lorenzo Antonio Martini, Second Secretary (16.6.2008) Ms Anne Margaret Millen-Martini Copenhagen Mr. Sean Michael Kelley, Attaché (29.8.2008) Ms Karen Lee Kelley Copenhagen Mr. Robert Allen Sommerville, Attaché (29.8.2008) Ms Tetiana V. Samsonenko Copenhagen Mr. Christopher Jared Coffin, Second Secretary (25.8.2008) Ms Patricia Janet Coffin Copenhagen Wesley Allen Philbeck, Second Secretary (27.8.2010) Ms. Megan Philbeck Copenhagen Mr. Spencer Michael Fields, Second Secretary, Vice Consul (5.11.2009) Ms Edita Fields Copenhagen Ms Jennifer Alexandra Parker, Second Secretary (26.1.2011) Copenhagen Mr. Patrick Kimball Armstrong, Second Secretary (2.4.2009) Ms Stacia Nicole Armstrong Copenhagen Mr. William Ryan Plunkett, Assistent Legal Attaché (29.7.2010) Ms. Kimberly Timmis Plunkett Copenhagen Mr. Jeffrey Clark Bridge, Assistant Attaché (18.6.2009) Ms Karen Fishler Bridge Copenhagen Mr. Geoffrey David Wessel, Third Secretary and Vice-Consul (1.10.2009) Ms Bong Soo Jang Copenhagen Mr. Nicholas Charles Fietzer, Third Secretary and Vice-Consul (17.9.2009) Ms Amber Lyn Carlsgaard Copenhagen Uruguay ————————————————————————— Embassy of Uruguay National Day: 25 August - Independence Day (1825) Chancery: Kommandörsgatan 35, nb, S-114 58 Stockholm Telephone: +46 (8) 660 31 96 Fax: +46 (8) 665 31 66 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section Telephone: +46 (8) 660 31 97 Office Hours: 09.00-15.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Manuel Gonzalo Vieira Merola, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (16.10.2009) Stockholm Mr. Alejandro Garófali, Counsellor (2007/7.10.2010) Stockholm Ms Mercedes Cristina Corominas Galloso, First Secretary (16.4.2007/7.10.2010) Stockholm Venezuela ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela National Day: 5 July - Independence Day (1811) Chancery: Toldbodgade 31, 3., 1253 Copenhagen K Telephone: 33 93 63 11 Fax: 33 37 76 59 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section Office Hours: 09.00-13.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— ..............., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Dr. Roger Corbacho, Minister Counsellor, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. (11.5.2008) Ms. Rosa La Regina Copenhagen Ms Iliana Mercedes González Mandry, Counsellor (4.10.2008) Copenhagen Vietnam ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam National Day: 2 September - Proclamation of Independence Day (1945) Chancery: Bernstorffsvej 30c, 2900 Hellerup Telephone: 39 18 39 32 Fax: 39 18 41 71 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.vietnamemb.dk Office Hours: 09.00-13.00 and 14.00-17.00 (Mon-Fri) Political and Telephone: 39 18 26 29 Protocol Section Economic and Trade Section Telephone: 39 18 41 73 Press and Telephone: 39 18 41 78 Cultural Section Consular and Visa Section Telephone: 39 18 39 32 Office Hours: 10.00-13.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Mr. Vu Van Luu, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (20.2.2009) Ms Tran Minh Huong Copenhagen Mr. Nguyen Hai Bang, Counsellor (26.12.2007) Ms Nguyen Thu Hau Copenhagen Ms Nguyen Thi Huyen Dieu, First Secretary (18.2.2008) Copenhagen Ms Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy, First Secretary (9.3.2010) Mr. Bùi Manh Húng Copenhagen Mr. Bùi Hoàng Phú, Third Secretary (15.1.2007) Ms Nguyên Khánh Ngoc Copenhagen Yemen ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Yemen National Day: 22 May Chancery: Budapester Str. 37, D-10787 Berlin Telephone: +49 (30) 897 3050 Fax: +49 (30) 8973 0562 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-15.00 (Mon-Fri) Consular Section Office Hours: 09.00-14.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— His Excellency Dr. Mohammed Lutf Mohammed Al-Eryani, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (13.1.2009) Ms Eshrak Ahmed Hassan Al-Eryani Berlin Mr. Gamal Omar Hassan Alakbari, Counsellor Minister (1.7.2010) Ms Laila Sadeq Khalil Al-Qaderi Mr. Ahmed Ali Mohamed Issa, Counsellor (1.7.2010) Ms. Nabilah Al-Hodid Mr. Adel Al Houssin Ali AL-Maghrepy, First Secretary (1.7.2010) Ms. Samah AL-maghrepy Berlin Berlin Berlin Zambia ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Zambia National Day: 24 October - Independence Day Chancery: Gårdsvägen 18, Box 3056, S-169 03 Solna, Stockholm Telephone: +46 (8) 679 90 40 Fax: +46 (8) 679 68 50 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-13.00 and 14.00-16.00 (Mon-Fri) ————————————————————————— Her Excellency Ms Anne Luzongo Mtamboh, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (agréé) Stockholm Mr. Eliphas John Chinyonga, Counsellor (1.8.2006) Ms Rabecca Miti Chinyonga Stockholm Mr. Musokotwane Sichizuwe, First Secretary (Economic and Trade) Ms Chokela Phiri Sichizuwe Stockholm Mr. Kenneth Lupindula, Second Secretary Ms Betty Lupindula Stockholm Ms Kathleen Kamwendo, Second Secretary Mr. David Kamwendo Stockholm Zimbabwe ————————————————————————— Embassy of the Republic of Zimbabwe National Day: 18 April - Independence Day Chancery: Herserudsvägen 5A, 7tr., S-181 34 Lidingö Telephone: +46 (8) 765 53 80 Fax: +46 (8) 21 91 32 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.zimembassy.se Postal address: Box 3253, S-103 65 Stockholm ————————————————————————— Her Excellency ..... Stockholm Mr. Tongai Chiremba, Minister Counsellor Ms Tambudzai Nellie Rosa Chiremba Stockholm Mr. Bebra Gerald Munodawafa, Counsellor Ms Emilia Munodawafa Stockholm Ms Dorcas Mwedzi, Second Secretary (5.2.2007) Mr. Ralph Mwedzi Stockholm Ms Lilian Chimukupete, Third Secretary (5.2.2007) Stockholm
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