May - Mother Lode Unit


May - Mother Lode Unit
Vol. 14, Issue 3
May - June 2012
P O BOX 2088
ELK GROVE CA 95759-2088
Backcountry Horsemen of California
by Mike Kohlbaker
I would like to thank everyone who has been so
responsive to the on-line petition signing and the letter
writing to their Senators and Congressmen we’ve been
asked to do. It’s been a busy few weeks with emails
flying fast and furious about Sequoia-Kings Canyon
National Parks lawsuit. I know I received messages
from a number of horse friends as well as from BCHC.
Hopefully together our voice will be heard! At the time
of this writing, the petition has over 2,500 signatures.
We’ve also been asked to weigh in on the Lake
Berryessa Snow Mountain Conservancy issue. BCHC has
been in contact with a number of groups to help define
their alignment strategies, and we are keeping an eye
on this situation. At first glance, the proposal would
seem to be a benefit to everyone; however, when you
take a closer look, the wording and phraseology makes
one wonder if we should proceed with caution.
forward to interacting with PCTA on projects in the
Speaking of Rendezvous, let’s give a big shout out for
the Table Decorating Committee that took on the
awesome job of assigning tables and judging the table
decorations! Our table looked great once again (thanks
to Terri Riley’s decorations) but we were not part of the
competition this year. Not all units take the time or go
to the trouble of decorating their tables, but the ones
that do, take it very seriously! (And strictly on the QT, I
would hope the TDC will share some of the bribes that
they might have received while undertaking the solemn
task of judging!)
Bob Gage, President of the Sutter Buttes Unit, invited
MLU members to attend meetings held with the
Feather River Ranger District (Plumas Forest Service) to
discuss development of a Horse Camp at Bullard’s Bar.
Several of our members were able to attend the
meetings to demonstrate that there is an interest in a
new horse camp and to offer ideas and views on the
One of Mother Lode Unit’s Table Decorations
In March, I attended a Pacific Crest Trail Association
(PCTA) Summit that introduced PCTA crew leaders to
BCHC Units that have PCT in their region. Everyone
present shared job descriptions and discussed volunteer
opportunities. During Rendezvous, PCTA, BCHC and the
USFS jointly gave a “partnership presentation” which reenforced the March Summit discussions. I am looking
After polling the Mother Lode members, I advised Peter
Kriger that we are in favor of the proposed BCHA dues
increase. Peter will be voting on behalf of California at
the National Meeting in May. If the proposal passes, it
will be the first increase since 2003.
(President’s Message, continued from page 1)
We are gearing up for our Gentle Use Camp display at
Horse Expo June 8th, 9th, and 10th. The display will be
set up with the following stations: Metal Mule Packing
Station, Photo Display and Handout Table, Highline and
Knots, Dutch Oven Cooking, and Kid’s Corner. If you
have an Easy-Up that you could loan the unit for Horse
Expo weekend, we could use a few. This year we will be
getting volunteer support from our neighboring units –
Sutter Buttes and North Bay.
If you haven’t already signed up to spend some
volunteer time at the display, you can email or call Mike
Kohlbaker to get your name on the list. We would like
to finalize our volunteer head count as soon as possible.
Remember, volunteering for a block of time gets you in
to the event all day!
The May General Membership meeting has been
cancelled due to Memorial Day. The June 25th meeting
will be a General Membership meeting with special
guests, Dennis Serpa, BCHC President, and Bob Magee,
BCHC Vice President of Public Lands. Please mark your
calendars and bring your questions!
Remember to “Keep Your Leather Side Up and Your
Steel Side Down”! God Bless America! Hope to see you
on the trail .
Pacific Crest Trail Association
PCTA is having a TRAIL SKILLS COLLEGE at the Prosser
Family Campground near Truckee on July 20-22, 2012.
To help make this another successful event, we are
seeking a few volunteers to assist with meal planning
and preparation prior to and at the event. We also need
a camp host. Would you be interested or do you know
of someone who would be?
Jennifer Tripp will work with the Meals/Camp Host
volunteers and be able to provide assistance
throughout the planning process regarding meal
planning and quantities. Justin Kooyman, PCTA’s
Northern Sierra Regional Representative will provide
kitchen supplies. PCTA staff and volunteers will be
available to assist with meals and the camp kitchen at
the event. If you would like more information on the
Trail Skills College, click on If you have questions or if you
would like be a Trail Skills College Meals/Camp Host
please contact Merrit Hoeh at 916-285-1838 or
[email protected].
On April 16, 2012, the American Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) announced a
$100,000 grant to the Science and Conservation Center
in Billings, Mont., to construct the Henry Bergh Training
Annex, named after the ASPCA's founder, to train
professionals in administering fertility control to wild
horses. The non-profit Science and Conservation Center
advocates the humane control of various horse
populations by means of a contraceptive vaccine,
generically known as porcine zona pellucida (PZP).
The ASPCA's grant funding will permit the expansion of
the 3,200 square foot facility to accommodate larger
classes with greater frequency. Completion of the 1,000
square foot training annex is anticipated this summer.
In 2011, the center provided vaccines for the treatment
of over 1,600 wild, tribal, and sanctuary horses from
across the country. In February of this year, the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, which has regulatory
authority for all wildlife contraceptives, approved PZP
(under the registered name ZonaStat-H) for use in
Mike McGlenn, Chair, BCHA
On April 4, 2012, BCHA chose Rich McLean of North
Carolina to be their first Executive Director. Rick is a
member of The Back Country Horsemen and a retired
city manager with excellent Washington DC knowledge.
His background and abilities will make a good fit with
BCHA, existing staff and our partners in Wilderness and
access issues.
From various emails
The High Sierra Hikers Association has filed a lawsuit to
limit the number of horses and mules allowed in the
Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, as per their
Hiker Alert of April 5, 2012, and we may lose access to
the very trails that riders and packers have used for
Bob Magee, BCHC Vice President - Public Lands,
reported that BCHC is in the process of developing a
Friend of the Court brief to present to the judge on the
SEKI lawsuit that affects the commercial packers. This is
(SEKI, Continued from page 2)
a legal proceeding that puts the comments into the
court record and is the only method of getting
information in front of the judge that has not already
been presented by the High Sierra Hikers Assn. and the
Park Service. Just writing letters to the judge will not
help, because he will not consider them in his ruling.
Hopefully, this action by BCHC and the Motion for
Intervention filed by the commercial packers will help
the commercial packers in the final decision on what
the Park Service will be required to do.
March 26, 2012, Cameron Park
Call to Order: Mike Kohlbaker called the meeting to
order at 7:00 PM. Introduction of Guests: David
Schwerzberg and Jackie Vargas
Secretary Report: The minutes from the February 27,
2012 meeting were read. Motion to accept by Randy
Hackbarth. Seconded by Gail Kennedy. Motion Passed.
Treasurers Report: (Cheryl Kaiser) reported our bank
balance as of 03/12/12. Motion to accept by Marcia
Wisdom, seconded by Randy Hackbarth. Motion
passed. Carrie Johnen noted that when she posts the
Mother Lode Unit Matters newsletter on the BCHMLU
website, she redacts the money amounts from the
Treasurer’s Report in the meeting minutes.
A Major Packer at the Rendezvous
Damon Nelson, Deputy Chief of Staff & Legislative
Director for Congressman Devin Nunes notified BCHC
that a bi-partisan agreement in the House of
Representatives to direct the National Park Service to
issue SEKI stock use permits for the 2012 and 2013
season has been introduced and passed by the House of
Representatives unanimously on April 27. It is now in
the Senate. We have asked the Senate to immediately
pass it by Unanimous Consent.
Commercial permits necessary for the operation of the
region’s pack stations have been suspended due to a
lawsuit by the High Sierra Hikers Association, which
opposes horse and mule access to the parks. HR 4849,
The Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks
Backcountry Access Act, will require the Park Service to
issue commercial permits for the next two years while
changes are made to the permitting process to comply
with a federal court ruling.
Book your vacation at and
help raise funds for BCHC.
For special, hot travel deals check the website. Sixty
percent of the commission goes to BCHC.
Education Report: (Cathy Andrews)
-Pack Clinic at Dru Barner: The Clinic will be held on
April 28th.
-Foundation Grant Money: A grant was submitted for
the Fitz-Rantz project to purchase tools.
-Volunteer Hours: Members were reminded to keep
track of all volunteer hours including phone calls, riding
on public trails, and travel to and from meetings. These
hours are important to BCHA as they establish the value
of our group in the eyes of the government.
Public Lands Report: Melba submitted her report in
advance of the meeting:
-Trail Classification Project: This is an ongoing effort
-El Dorado County Draft Parks and Trails Master Plan:
The El Dorado Board of Supervisors voted to approve
the Master Plan with some minor changes and wordsmithing. The final vote will be made on March 27th.
-Senate Protects Recreational Trails Program (Klobuchar
Amendment #1661) – Mike Kohlbaker reported that the
Klobuchar Amendment to leave trail funding was
-Berryessa Snow Mountain – Mike Kohlbaker reported
that there is a group trying to take BLM, Forest, and
private land to establish a conservancy. BCHC will keep
us posted on the progress.
-Forest Planning Rule: Mike Kohlbaker reported that
the rule has been signed by the Under Secretary of
Agriculture for Natural Resources and Environment.
The Forest Service can begin using the final planning
rule to develop, revise, and amend plans.
(General Meeting Minutes, continued from page 3)
-BCHC Support Letter - Fitz-Rantz Rec Proj – Mike
Kohlbaker reported that Cathy Bounds, El Dorado
National Forest Placer Ranger District, sent a letter in
support of this project (Caples Creek area).
Membership: (Daryl Shankles)
Working on a revised phone and email list.
Trail Projects: (Al Kaiser) The wind has knocked down a
lot of trees so we’ll have our work cut out for us when
we get into the Tells Creek area for our trail cleanup.
-Forest Service Trail Signs: Mike Kohlbaker reported that
Jerry Ledbetter purchased a Pathograph and has asked
Jon Erickson for the wood and patterns to make the trail
signs. Anyone interested in helping with this project
should let Mike Kohlbaker know.
-Volunteer Service Agreement (VSA) with Forest
Service: Jon Erickson sent a copy to Mike Kohlbaker.
-Wrights Lake Trail Project Proposal – Debbie Gaynor
would be the contact for this. Anyone interested in
making contact should let Mike Kohlbaker know.
2012 Horse Expo: (Mike Kohlbaker) – In the process of
gathering equipment and supplies from Dan Marus.
Randy Hackbarth needs the names of speakers. MLU is
inviting other units to work with us this year.
Trail Rides: The April Trail Ride will be the Pack Clinic (or
a day ride) at Dru Barner on the weekend of April 28th
and 29th. Some members will arrive on Friday and
we’ll plan potluck meals with people attending.
50/50 Raffle at meetings.
suggestions are welcome.
Old Business:
2012 Rendezvous: (Carrie Johnen) March 30, 31 & April
1 at the Fairgrounds in Red Bluff. The Schedule of
Events is on the BCHC website. MLU has been doing
well in selling raffle tickets.
-Rendezvous Table Decorations: Terry Riley is planning
our table decorations and transport has been arranged.
Daryl Shankles, Carolyn Gilmore, and Jerry Heitzler will
be our judges for the table decorations.
-Gentle Use Camp: Carrie Johnen offered to work with
Cathy Andrews.
-The Board has determined that the Mother Lode
donation will be an item purchased by Norma Kohlbaker
from a Rendezvous vendor. The cost will be at least $71
to match our membership number.
-BCHC is requesting members bring their one- or twoman saws for evaluation so they can see what needs to
be done to get it back into shape.
The Reese brothers of Tennessee are bringing mules to
-BCHC is asking all Unit Officers to print out the new
training manual and bring a copy to the Rendezvous.
There will be a meeting on Saturday morning at 7:00
AM – everyone is welcome to learn about how BCH
business is conducted.
-Camping in the field is free – if hook-ups are needed
there is a fee.
-Flyers were distributed for placing in local feed stores.
A Mini Packer at the Rendezvous
Scout-A-Rama: (Jerry Heitzler): Jerry Heitzler, Daryl
Shankles, and Mike Kohlbaker will have a static display
at the Boy Scouts Scout-A-Rama on May 12, 2012 in
Roseville. There will be 12 troops with approximately 60
scouts per troop. Becky offered her small metal mule
for pack demonstrations. There was discussion about
the insurance.
PCTA Truckee Summit: Mike Kohlbaker attended the
first yearly summit. PCTA is looking to develop
partnerships. They are working on establishing a way to
share tools with volunteers. PCTA would like people to
scout out downed trees and trail conditions, and report
the GPS coordinates.
New Business:
Meeting Location: Marcia is working on finding a more
central location for our meetings.
Chain Saw Class: Tentatively scheduled for the second
week of May. Al Kaiser, Cordell VanRees, Cathy
Andrews and her son, Daryl Shankles, Andy Assereto,
(General Meeting Minutes, continued from page 4)
Jerry Ledbetter, and Mike Kohlbaker are planning to
attend. Sutter Buttes Unit has a class scheduled for
April 2nd and 3rd in Quincy.
Boy Scout Request from Ken Konesky: MLU was asked
to pack supplies in to Cronin Ranch for a Boy Scout
troop. The request came too late and we were not able
to support their event.
Insurance Policy from BCHC: We have received a copy
of our renewal.
BCHA 2015 Meeting: MLU was contacted by BCHC
regarding possible locations in the Sacramento area for
the 2015 BCHA meeting.
We passed several
suggestions on to Dennis Serpa, BCHC President.
Sutter Buttes BCH: Mike Kohlbaker attended the Sutter
Buttes Unit meeting in early March. They hold their
meetings quarterly.
Good of the Order:
-Becky Wolk expressed concern about MLU “owning”
tools/equipment. Mike Kohlbaker agreed that policies
would need to be established.
-Cathy Andrews spoke about the San Francisco
Mounted Police ride she is organizing on April 7th in
Golden Gate Park.
-Jackie Vargas shared flyers for an Equine Vaccination
Clinic on April 14th at the Stovall Ranch in Wilton. Also
there will be a Dental Clinic on May 5th.
-Carolyn suggested the Unit look into an ACTHA Trail
Trial fundraiser. She will do some research.
-Carrie Johnen spoke about a Trail Building School for
Volunteers on April 14th on the Georgetown Ranger
District Eldorado National Forest.
-Mike Kohlbaker shared that the Gold Country Trail
Council works closely with both bicycle and motorcycle
groups in building trails.
Next Meeting: Board Meeting, April 23rd in Cameron
Meeting adjourned: Randy Hackbarth made a motion
to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Ron Akers.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.
Norma Kohlbaker, Secretary
Broken pencils are pointless.
I tried to catch some fog, but I mist.
Velcro - what a rip off!
Custom Horse Boarding
Cherrington Stables in Elk Grove
Available: 2 Stalls, 2 Paddocks, 3 Pastures.
Off Sheldon Rd Btwn Grant Line & Bradshaw Rd.
For More Information & Details
Call Ken 916-996-4687 6am – 10pm
Cathy Andrews
Would anyone be interested in helping to develop a
youth program for our MLU? The TRTA youth program
may have a niche that we can pull from in reaching out
to youth interested in the out-doors and BCH Gentle
Use/ LNT:
I envision youth camp programs to teach Leave No
Trace (LNT ) and Gentle Use ( GU) techniques, basic
safety with stock on the trails and in camp, etc., in our
Mother Lode area. It would be great to train a few
youth camp leaders each year in our group, possibly
even on a BCHC level eventually. One of the classes I
attended at Rendezvous was on camping with kids, so
this would be a logical link. Let me know what you think
at (916) 358-6179 or [email protected]
Backcountry Horsemen of California will receive the
Best Friend of the Packers award this year. This is an
annual honor presented by the Eastern Sierra Packers
Association to their “Best Friend.”
All Backcountry Horsemen are invited to ride or walk in
the Bishop Mule Days Parade on Saturday, May 26, at
10 a.m. BCHC will also be recognized at a luncheon and
at the Grand Entry, just before the Saturday afternoon
show in the main arena. All entries must be on foot or
use mules or horses. This is the world’s largest nonmechanized parade.
AT www.bchcalifornia. org.
V. President
State Director
Alt. Director
Committee Chairs
Horse Expo
Ron Akers
Public Lands
Trail Projects
Board Members
Bob Gilmore
Jerry Heitzler
Carrie Johnen
Mike Kohlbaker
Marcia Wisdom
Norma Kohlbaker
Cheryl Kaiser
Mike Kohlbaker
Daryl Shankles
Corky Layne
Carrie Johnen
(916) 424-8105
(916) 6874928
(916) 424-8105
(916) 687-7094
(916) 424-8105
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
(530) 558-0060
(530) 589-6914
(209) 245-5617
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Cathy Andrews
Mike Kohlbaker
(916) 965-4023
Bob Gilmore
Melba Leal
Cordell Van Rees
Carrie Johnen
Al Kaiser
(916) 358-6179
(916) 424-8105
[email protected]
[email protected]
(530) 620-4994
(530) 622-5205
(916) 956-4657
(209) 245-5617
(916) 687-7094
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
(530) 620-4994
(530) 391-6822
(209) 245-5617
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
(You must be a current member of BCHC to participate in any unit’s activity involving animals.)
Mule Days – Bishop
ML Ride Sly Park (one day or overnight)
CANCELLED ML General Membership Meeting (Happy Memorial Day!)
Horse Expo - ML Gentle Use Camp symposium
ML Tells Creek Work Project
ML General Membership Meeting, Denny’s, 3446 Coach Lane, Cameron Park. Eat at 6:30 and meet at 7.
Sayles Canyon or Tells Creek Work Project Overnight or Day Ride
ML Board Meeting, Denny’s, 3446 Coach Lane, Cameron Park. Eat at 6:30 and meet at 7.
ML Schneider’s Cow Camp Overnight or Day Ride
ML General Membership Meeting, Denny’s, 3446 Coach Lane, Cameron Park. Eat at 6:30 and meet at 7.
ML Thunder Mountain Day Ride
ML Board Meeting, Denny’s, 3446 Coach Lane, Cameron Park. Eat at 6:30 and meet at 7.
ML General Meeting, Denny’s, 3446 Coach Lane, Cameron Park. Eat at 6:30 and meet at 7.
ML Cool Day Ride
ML General Meeting/Potluck/Election
Mother Lode Unit meets on the 4th Monday at Denny’s, 3446 Coach Lane, Cameron Park. Eat at 6:30 and meet at 7.
To perpetuate the common sense use and enjoyment of horses in America’s backcountry and
To work to insure that public lands remain open to recreational stock use.
To assist the various government and private agencies in their maintenance and management of
said resource.
To educate, encourage and solicit active participation in the wise use of the backcountry
resource by horsemen
And the general public commensurate with our heritage.
P O BOX 2088
ELK GROVE CA 95759-2088
This is the official publication of the Mother Lode Unit of Backcountry Horsemen of California. Opinions
expressed are not necessarily those of the board. Your articles, comments, and suggestions are solicited.