March 23, 2015 Click to view.


March 23, 2015 Click to view.
March 23‐27, 2015 Safe Arrival Number: 416‐393‐0967
Mon Mar 23
Day 4
Tues Mar 24
Day 5
Wed Mar 25
Day 1
Thurs Mar 26
Day 2
Fri Mar 27
Day 3
8:00 Grade 7/8 Co-Ed Volleyball
Morning Recess – Grade 5/6 Girls Badminton
11:35 Book Club – Grade 6 – in the Library
Afternoon Recess – Grade 5/6 Co-Ed Volleyball
3:30 Grade 5/6 Girls Badminton
7:45 Grade 6 Boys Badminton
Morning Recess – Grade 5 Boys Badminton
11:35 Student Council Meeting – Room 29
11:55 Grade 3 Bedford Performance Group – Room 24
Afternoon Recess – Grade 5/6 Co-Ed Volleyball
3:30 Grade 7 Boys & Girls Badminton
7:45 Grade 5 Boys Badminton
Morning Recess – Grade 6 Boys Badminton
11:35 Chess Club – Grade 1-2 – Rooms 2, 12, 14, & 15
11:55 LEGO Club – Grade 1 – Meet Mr. Straughan in the gym
12:00 Debate Club – Grade 3 – Room 11
12:00 Glee Club
Afternoon Recess – Grade 5/6 Co-Ed Volleyball
Wear Purple and Support Epilepsy!
7:45 Grade 5 Boys & Girls Badminton
11:55 Grade 3 Bedford Performance Group – Room 24
12:00 Sketching Club – Grades 5 & 6 – Portable 3
Afternoon Recess – Grad 5/6 Co-Ed Volleyball
3:30 Grade 8 Boys & Girls Badminton
7:45 Grade 6 Boys & Girls Badminton
Afternoon Recess – Grade 5/6 Co-Ed Volleyball
3:30 NEW Grade 5 Boys Floor Ball
Mark your Calendar:
Wed April 1st – April Fool’s Day
Wed April 1 – EQAO Information Session – 6:30-7:30pm in the Library
Fri April 3rd – Good Friday – NO SCHOOL
Mon April 5 – Easter Monday – NO SCHOOL
Bedford Community Night is the biggest fundraiser for the school. All kids look
forward to this indoor fun fair where each room of the school holds a classsponsored activity. Funds raised are put towards subsidizing school trips, music,
‘Scientist in the School’ workshops, sporting equipment, enrichment activities,
technology, and many other resources!
Bedford Community Night Forms and Information
Chess Club’s spring session starts this week for the Grade 1s & 2s – Wednesday at lunch – Grade 3s start on Monday
March 30th and Grade 4s on Thursday April 2nd! Chess club runs 8 weeks excluding all holidays. Check out the calendar
for schedules.
March 23‐27, 2015 Safe Arrival Number: 416‐393‐0967
Thank you to all who completed our survey last week. Based on the results from the survey we will be holding an EQAO
Information Evening session for all interested parents on Wednesday, April 1st, 2015. The session will be held in the
library from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Childcare will be available. See you then!
BEDFORD COMMUNITY NIGHT – Friday April 24th, 2015
Thank you to those who have stepped up to help out with Community Night. Things are coming together!
Volunteers are still needed for many areas so please let us know if you are available and we let you know how you
can help out!
A couple things to note:
If you have anything to contribute to the Silent Auction or Prize Extravaganza, please send to the front office. Be
sure to include your name and retail value.
Activities are open for sponsorship. First-come-first-served. Email [email protected] for details.
Start saving bottles (large jars with lids) for Bottle Bonanza or even have this be an activity for your kids over
March break! Remember, kids can contribute more than one bottle!
Class Parent Representatives will be in touch this month to inform you about your class activity assignment. They
will also be asking all parents to volunteer their time to work a short shift during the event. This helps to keep the
activity stress-free, and gives everyone a chance to roam around with their children.
Be sure to use the link called Bedford Community Night Forms and Information in the Blues. All forms, maps and
information will be housed here for your convenience.
Our next volunteer meeting will be on
Monday March 23rd from 7-9pm in the Library
If you have any questions, please feel free to email [email protected]
Enjoy your March Break,
The Bedford Community Night Fun Committee
Glee Club will continue after March Break on Wednesdays at lunch. We will plan to continue meeting until late April/early
May in preparation to perform in the concert. Some Glee members have approached us about quitting now that the spring
weather is arriving. Could you please review your child's interest and commitment to the club? We want enthusiastic
singers and dancers each week who want to be there as this is an extra-curricular activity. We ask that if your child plans
to continue after the break, that he/she make the commitment to be there EVERY week in fairness to the students who are
in attendance. We also ask that if your child does decide to quit, that she inform us in a respectful, courteous manner.
Thank you, Mrs. Kennedy and Mr. Ashton
Parents, please check the Lost and Found at your earliest convenience as it is filling up and we are going to be donating
unclaimed items soon. Your last day to check before we clear it out is Wednesday, April 1st. After that, all items will be
donated to people in need. Please note: if we notice any recently-lost items, we'll do our best to keep them on the table. As
always, labeled items will be returned to students. (So remember to label your kids' clothes, lunch bags, swimsuits, hats,
Bedford Park is planning on building and designing a LEGO and robotic program and a lunch hour club, using materials,
such as LEGO. We already have a Grade 1 LEGO club running. We plan on giving many more students access to these
activities. In order to be most impactful, we are asking anyone who may have any of the following materials to donate:
LEGO, Technics, Mindstorms and any related materials. There is no amount that is too small or too big. Partial sets and
damaged sets often have specific parts that can be incorporated into our program. Any donations can be brought to the
office. We appreciate your support. If you have any questions, please see Mr Henneberry.
March 23‐27, 2015 Safe Arrival Number: 416‐393‐0967
If you are dropping off your child at Ranleigh Rascals please remember that the East Doors (portable side) and Front
Doors are open in the morning. The West Doors (parking lot) are not open and should not be used for morning drop offs.
Please do not use the staff parking lot to do drop offs in the morning. As you may be aware, our staff has increased
steadily over the past several years, and the large lot already overflows with staff cars; therefore please do not use the
large parking lot in the morning, during the school day, or immediately afterschool.
If you are picking up your child after 4:00pm and the parking lot has available spots you are welcome to use it then. At the
end of the day (after 3:30pm) the Front Doors are open as well as the East Doors (portable) and West Doors (parking lot).
For children who do not attend Ranleigh Rascals daycare please make sure you drop off your child before the entry bell at
their line up spot. Please do not bring your child to their classroom or wait by the classroom door with your child prior to
school. We can not operate a system where children with their parents can bypass the basic routines of the school while
children whose parents are not present are required to follow them.
Blues Submissions? Just email Beth Lauer: [email protected] by 7:30pm Wednesdays please… Thank You!