May 2015 - Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church


May 2015 - Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church
May 2015
In God We Live, Move and Exist!
G-FORCE Vacation Bible School at Bethel
June 14-18, 5:30-8:30 pm
+++++ Register Here: ++++++
FREE! Kids aged 3 years and up! Invite your friends, neighbors, and families!
Nursery care for the wee little ones!
Every night at G-Force: Community Dinner, Recreation, Storytelling & Drama with
Checkers the Cheetah, Arts & Mission, Science and Singing!
At G-FORCE kids explore how to put their faith into action. In this mission-focused VBS, kids experience God’s unstoppable love and discover how to fuel up and move in and through life with God. We
will come alive with movement and images of all sorts of kid-friendly transportation, such as skateboards, running shoes, roller blades, and more! You can help launch G-Force: Donate food, purchase supplies for the set, pass out information and registration fliers.
God wants us to Move! God wants us to Act!
God wants us to Care! God wants us to Follow!
God wants us to Share!
Vacation Bible School 2015 will be a Force of God – a G-FORCE!
Pastor’s Page
Are you a Praying Church?
Once a woman asked me this question. I responded that indeed mine was a praying
church. She just said, “Good. Good.”
Still, to this day, I wonder what motivated her
question. Can you even be a “non-praying”
church? And what would that look like? How
would a church actually go about their work
with a strict “No Prayers” policy?
National Day of Prayer
Prayer Service @ Bethel Park
May 7, 2015, 6:00 p.m.
“Loving and Praying for our Neighbors” We
invite you to take some time during the week before to visit your neighbor’s and ask for prayer
concerns. Invite them to join us of course, but
mainly we are getting out and letting our friends/
neighbors know that we will be specifically praying for them, our nation and our world on this day.
I have often had people ask me if I believed in
the power of prayer. I always say yes, even
though I am not always sure what they mean
by the question. I believe God hears all prayers. Sometimes prayers of mine and others
are answered to my satisfaction. Many times
they are not. Still, I believe that prayer often
changes me, and enables me to handle and
navigate a situation even if I don’t receive the
resolution I am seeking. So, yes, the power of
prayer is real for me.
Check out the Facebook page (search “Bethel
National Day of Prayer Page”
On May 7, we will be celebrating the National
Day of Prayer. At Bethel, we will be offering a
prayer service at 6:00pm (to be held outside in
Bethel Park). We have also set up a Facebook page for prayer requests for that day and
service (search “Bethel National Day of Prayer
“500th Anniversary of the
Reformation” Tour to Germany
I would also like to invite you to visit your
neighbors and friends. Ask them if they have
any prayer requests that we can include in our
worship service. Send them to us or better
yet, bring the prayers and your neighbors with
you to our prayer service. We do have some
wonderful prayer cards that you can hand out
to your neighbors/friends as well.
Hopefully you can join us in our very public act
of praying for and with our neighbors.
Pastor Dave
August 21-September 3, 2017
Pastor Dave and Pastor Heidi will be leading a
tour to Germany in celebration of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation during 2017. The trip
is being coordinated through Terra Lu Travel in
The itinerary is set. Sites will include Munich,
Neuschwanstein, Oberammergau, Flossenberg,
Prague, Dresden, Erfurt, Wartburg, Eisenach,
Eisleben, Wittenberg, and Berlin. We will visit
sites dedicated to the Reformation and Martin
Luther, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Johann Sabastian Bach.
This will be the third trip that Pastor Dave has led
to Germany. Other, non-Bethel, folks are certainly invited. Feel free to discuss with others and
invite them to our initial interest meeting to be
held later this summer. Auf Wiedersehen!
Council Highlights from April Meeting
Year of Relationship
The April meeting of the Congregational Council
of Bethel Lutheran Church was held on April 8.
Pastor David Young, President Tom Beyer, Vice
President Karla King, Treasurer Traci Shoberg,
Secretary Bruce Lothrop, Adrian Pullen, Tom
Milburn, Julie Shanabrook, and Greg Brondos
were present at the meeting.
Team Update
Our Year of Relationship team has met
twice. Already we have had Judy McKiernan
and Rebecca Sigler offer their well-loved parenting class (to be shared again in the
fall). We also have offered a "clean up " day
at Bethel, where people came together in service to help the Bethel grounds look great for
Treasurer's Report
Giving was about $7,000 lower than expected.
Expenses were also lower than expected. Expenses exceeded income by about $4,700.
Council will consider ways to communicate the
need for increased giving to the Congregation.
Here are some exciting upcoming events:
Pastor’s Report
Pastor Dave noted that there would be two Sunday worship services at 8:30 and 11:00 am
throughout the summer, as well as a Wednesday
night service. Participation during Holy Week
services was strong and Lenten activities were
well received.
We will be gathering on Sunday, May 31 for
ONE WORSHIP SERVICE followed by a congregational potluck cookout. This will be a
great Sunday to invite friends to come and
meet our wonderful Bethel family.
Also, during the summer (June, July, and August) we will be offering weekly Wednesday
night worship services. On the 2ND
WEDNESDAY of each month after worship
(June 10, July 8, August 12) we will be having
a special evening of fun and fellowship for the
congregation. More details coming soon!
Youth & Family Ministry Report
A child protective policy and adult protective policy are under development. VBS planning is underway. Part of planning will insure that people
with first aid and CPR certification are on hand.
A “Faith Five” event will be offered during Sunday School time on Apple Blossom Weekend.
The "Bethel Night at the Royals" is scheduled
for Saturday, June 27. The game is at
7:00pm. We have free tickets in the church
office that you can take and share with
friends. Invite them to come and hang out
with us and cheer on the Royals.
Inquirer's Day
Inquirer’s class is scheduled for Saturday April
18. Depending on the expected attendance, the
date may be moved.
Coffee with Council
The next “Coffee with Council” will be hosted on
April 26, in the Christianson Room.
Game nights, a Congregational Day at North
River Retreat, as well some congregational
servant opportunities are all in the planning
Tom Milburn will organize a team to review financial procedures followed by the church on an
on-going basis.
We are excited about 2015, the Year of Relationship and look forward to sharing in these
wonderful events with our Bethel family of
Synod Assembly
The Virginia Synod Assembly will take place on
June 5, 6 and 7 at Roanoke College. Bethel is
entitled to three delegates. Bob DeMott will attend. Two additional representatives are needed.
Respectfully submitted,
Bruce Lothrop, Secretary
Women’s Ministries
Music and Arts Ministries
Girls’ Night Out
Kingdom Quest Singers is Bethel’s
May 13, 6:30 p.m., El Centro Mexican
Come join us for dinner at El Centro on the
downtown mall! RSVP to Susan Asmussen if
you plan to attend (703-615-7289 or [email protected])
Leader Needed
The Women’s Ministry is in need of a leader to
organize Bible Study once a month and other
fun activities throughout the year. If interested,
please contact Jennifer LaFollette, Congregational Life Board Chair. Her contact information
is listed in the Bethel Directory or you can contact the church office at 662-3245.
Retreat Recap
The WILD Women of Bethel had their yearly
retreat at the Priest Field Pastoral Center the
weekend of April 10-12, 2015. As always it was
a lively time. This year, however, was special
because we had one of our own, Michelle
Young, leading our retreat. That always makes
it more personal and Michelle did a fabulous
This year's retreat was centered around the
book "Soul Keeping - Caring for the Most Important Part of You" by John Ortberg. Taking
care of your soul in this internet connected hurry, hurry world is a daunting task. Work,
family, sports, facebook - you name it - we want
to be involved in all of it. So, are we taking the
time to have a relationship with God - when was
the last time you just sat and talked to God. He
would love to hear from you! The hurry makes
us hurt and the worry drags us down. What consumes most of our time in this busy world is not
what we need.
We learned so many wonderful ways to reconnect at this retreat. Both with ourselves and
with God. We shared, we learned, we laughed
a lot!
Children’s Choir ministry. Children in grades K-5
are invited to participate in this group, which
meets weekly at 10:00 AM during Sunday School.
(How convenient, parents!)
Reminder: the Kingdom Quest Singers will sing
on Sunday, May 17 (11:00 only) and will participate in a special VBS kickoff moment on Sunday,
June 14 (8:30 & 11:00 worship).
Plans are also underway for this group to present
a Christmas Musical on Sunday, December 20!
God is on the move in our children’s ministry, and
we invite your child to join us for Sunday School
and singing!
Summer Music Opportunities
in Worship
As many of us begin planning a season of rest
and relaxation over the summer, our music ministries continue strong, offering song leadership and
music to enhance our worship together. Perhaps
you are not committed to one of our music ministry
teams, but have a gift you would like to share?
Here’s your chance! No long-term commitment
necessary! Here’s are ways you can participate
this summer:
Summer open Choir: Begins Sunday, June 7!
Join us in the Music Room at 10:00 AM on Sundays as we rehearse music for the coming week.
Special Choral anthems will be learned to share in
worship. Come for just a few Sundays or the entire summer! Participation is open in EITHER the
8:30 OR 11:00 AM Worship Gatherings.
Instrumental Opportunities: Do you play an instrument? How about offering a special solo or group
selection for worship one Sunday?
Vocal Opportunities: Can you carry a tune in a
bucket? Have a special song you’re just itching to
share? You do not need to be a part of our choir
or band to share special music with our congregation.
We hope to see YOU involved in our music ministry this summer. See George Donovan if you are
Youth Ministries
Blooming Faith
Sunday, May 3 @ 9:45 - Discipleship Hall
Come celebrate, make an artistic MESS, play,
sing, interactive pray, laugh, and have a Blooming Faith time together. Great for "kids" aged 1
to 101! (another step in our plan to place 5 little
life steps of vibrant faith in the hands and hearts
of everyone)
ELCA Youth Gathering
“Rise Up”
Detroit, July 12-19, 2015
Thanks to all who continue to
collect Change to fill up our BIG
Current Tally as of 4/25 = $774.23!
Please pray for us! Cameron,
Chris, Daniel, Christopher, Tanner, Conner, Daniel, Isaiah, Justin, Will, Clara, Clare, Darby, Emma, Taylor, Hannah, Kaylie, Maddie, Maggy, Meredith, Morgan, Savannah, Taylor, Tyler, Bryan,
Brian, Pastor Dave, Donna, Stephanie, Suzanne,
and Julie.
Saturday May 9 - 9am-4pm, Bring $15 and meet
at Bethel for Road trip to Camp Caroline Furnace
to spend time with Muhlenberg youth.
Road Trip
May 9, 9-4pm @ Caroline Furnace
For all youth – Gather at Bethel @ 9am – all day
trip to Caroline Furnace for worship, play, community training and rebuilding of the camp’s worship spaces. Bring $15, garden hoes, rakes and
gloves. RSVP to Bryan Jaster by Sunday, May
Holy Hoops
May 12—“Nets for nets night”
To support our ELCA Malaria campaign. National Malaria day is April 26. Invitation to congregation to sponsor free throw shooters.
May 17- 4pm - Gathering participants learn about
the history of Detroit, what we bring to Detroit and
what we might bring back to our communities.
Roanoke College, June 21-26
It’s a week of faith formation for youth who will be
in 9th-12th grades in the coming fall. It is a
chance for youth who are already committed to a
life of faith to be part of a unique Christian community for an entire week, to have a fresh experience of the grace and presence of God in that
community, and to develop habits for discipleship
that can be taken home as they live out their call
to be “Ambassadors for Christ.”
Men’s Ministries
2015 Seniors & Families!
Due to the Apple Blossom Festival the first
weekend in May, the Men’s Breakfast will
not be held. See you in June!
Graduation Sunday June 14 – During worship
we wrap our seniors in the love of Christ as we
prepare to launch them to grow as disciples in
Adult Forum
Worship Times
Adult Forum May
They ARE NOT a changing!
But there are a couple of really cool twists!
May 3 – “Blossoming Faith”
This will be an interactive, multi-generational
event for ages 1-101. During Apple Blossom
Weekend, we will gather together as community, to share, read, talk, pray, and bless
(Faith5). Meet in Discipleship Hall.
After much prayer and consideration over several
years, I have made the decision that our worship
times will NOT change this summer.
We will continue to have worship at 8:30 and
11:00 a.m. year round. I understand that this is
“change” in that it is “not change.” Still, I feel that
this will best allow for a consistency of worship
times that is important, I believe, in reaching out
to others who are not here.
May 10 – NO ADULT FORUM (Couple’s
Retreat weekend)
May 17 – “Animate: Practices”
This will be the final week of Adult Forum,
until the fall, and we conclude our “Animate:
Practices” series.
Still, we will be offering some new twists this summer.
First, we will be offering a mid-week worship service on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. This
service will be for those who are traveling over the
weekend, or who simply want a “recharge” during
the week. This service may even be outside
some weeks, weather permitting. It will include
Holy Communion each week that Pastor Dave is
One Worship Service
Sunday, May 31, 10:00am
As part of our Year of Relationship, we will be
having ONE worship service on the remaining
5th Sundays of 2015 (May, August, November).
Second, as part of our Year of Relationships, we
are going to gather every Fifth Sunday in ONE
WORSHIP SERVICE at 10:00 a.m. for a Fellowship Sunday. Our first one will take place on Sunday, May 31. We will worship at 10:00 a.m. and
then invite the congregation to hang around for a
cookout or potluck and fellowship time. This will
be a great opportunity to invite friends.
Our first one is May 31. Join us at 10:00am,
invite friends, and if you are able, hang
around afterwards for a potluck cookout. Bethel will supply burgers and hot dogs
and drinks. Bring a side dish or dessert to
So, things are NOT “a changing” but things are
“evolving” with a mid-week worship service and
the Fifth Sunday One Service fellowship. I am
really looking forward to this summer!
Summer Worship Schedule
Sunday mornings – 8:30 and 11:00 (Sanctuary)
Wednesday evenings – 7:00pm (Discipleship
Hall / Outdoors)
Doug Newell NFT Campaign
May’s National Foundation for Transplants
(NFT) event for Doug Newell will be Lido Pizza
Sprit Night on Monday, May 11. Twenty-five
percent of sales will go to Doug’s NFT account.
We hope you will come out that evening and
join other members of the congregation in having a good time and supporting the Campaign
for Doug. And thanks to Tim Riggleman for
organizing the event!
Campaign Treasurer Sandy Sliger reports that
$37,959 has been raised to date for Doug
Newell’s future kidney transplant. Our goal is
April’s Campaign event was highlighted by the
sale of special T-shirts in exchange for a $25
donation. The T-shirts were not only meant to
help fund the Campaign, but also to remind
congregants of our common belief and principles in the face of increasing threats to Christians throughout the world.
The front of the T-shirt states, “Je Suis Christian”, or “I am Christian”. This is derived from
the slogan “Je Suis Charlie”, or “I am Charlie”.
After terrorists massacred 12 workers at the
offices of the French weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris in January of this year, this
slogan was repeated by thousands of marchers in Paris demonstrating their support for
freedom of speech and press.
Similarly, “Je Suis Christian” announces our
presence as followers of Christ and indicates
that we also will not be intimidated by the evils
of terrorism.
On the back of the shirt are the words, “Faith
plus Love = Hope.” Shirts are still available
for sale. Please see a team member for more
“Pastor Emeritus”
Conrad Christianson:
What do we do with the title now?
Since Pastor Christianson passed away, several folks asked me about his “emeritus” status. I was honest in saying that I did not have
any idea. So, I called the Synod office. They
shared with me that the title of “Emeritus” is an
honorific for the living. It is given as a sign of
respect for a retired pastor, in recognition of
their significant and meaningful service within
a congregation.
So, technically speaking, with Pastor Christianson’s passing, we no longer have a
“Pastor Emeritus” at Bethel. Still, the title will
continue to be used in official history and documents.
Holy Hoops
Every Tuesday @ 7pm at the
Winchester Church of God.
Basketball for 6th graders on
up. Community, prayer, and
basketball. Come play!
Cash for Causes
Do you shop at Martin's? If so, buy a “Cash for
Causes” card to support the ministry of our
youth! We receive 5% back for every purchase. Please see Suzanne Gregory in the
Hymnal Fund
Summer Lunch Program
Purchase a Hymnal in
Memory or Honor of a loved
one. Often times, there are
liturgies or hymns that we
would like to use but our copyright licenses do not include
duplication of all of these materials. The hymnals will supplement our current worship
bulletin. Music will still be included in the bulletin as we are able to, but from
time to time you will be invited to turn to a hymn
or liturgy in the hymnal. Our goal is to purchase
a total of 150 additional hymnals, and thanks to
the generosity of many, this is becoming a reality.
You may still purchase a hymnal in memory or
honor of a loved one or given simply to the glory
of God. If you would like to purchase one or
more hymnals, please see George Donovan or
Terri Hollingsworth in the office. Hymnals can
be purchased for $25 each. A bookplate will be
placed on the inside cover, inscribed with the
name of the person in memory of or honor of, as
well as the donor, if so requested. Hymnals will
be purchased in June and will be dedicated in
worship later this fall.
As a community of faith involved in many outreach ministries, we have the opportunity this
summer to help serve lunches to those in need.
This program will run during the summer when
children are most in need of meals since reduced/free school lunches are not available.
Bethel would like to provide helpers each Friday
from 11:00-1:00. We are looking for 8 volunteers each week.
If you are interested in giving a few hours on a
Friday this summer, please contact Terri in the
church office. You can sign up for every Friday
or just one. Any help you can give would be
greatly appreciated. You must be at least 15
years old to volunteer. Thank you!
Bethel Night at the
Winchester Royals
June 27, 7:00 p.m.
This is always a fun night of fellowship for all as
we watch Winchester Royals baseball at
Bridgeforth Field in Jim Barnett Park. Enjoy the
excitement all night long from the singing of the
National Anthem to the first pitch to Bethel’s
rendition of “the wave”!
Hospitality Team 2015
Bethel is looking at putting together a Hospitality Team. This team would serve as people
committed to seeking out guests and welcoming them to Bethel. Pastor Dave would like to
have at least 20 people on this team so that we
can spread ourselves out over many weeks,
“many hands make light work.”
You don’t need to “know everybody” or anything
like that. We simply need committed Christians
willing to be about the Sunday morning effort of
making guests feel engaged, valued, and comfortable.
Please respond to Pastor Dave
([email protected]) if you are willing to be
part of this brand new and vital ministry team.
June 1-July 24
Free tickets are available in the office.
Mark your calendars,
grab some tickets,
wear your “Bethel Lutheran” T-shirt and
come join us!
Tear Down Bethel’s
Wall of Debt
Bethel “Couples Retreat”
Graves Mountain Lodge
May 8-10, 2015
Registration due May 1
“For which of you, desiring to build a tower,
does not first sit down and count the cost,
whether he has enough to complete it?” Luke
Want a special getaway? Just the two of you?
As part of our Year of Relationships, we are
going to have a gathering of couples over the
weekend of May 8-10 at the wonderful Graves
Mountain Lodge in Syria, VA (an hour away).
A few years back, Bethel was bursting at the
seams and therefore built a large addition to the
church, including the kitchen, discipleship hall,
youth Sunday School rooms and the Underground. The church took on a large mortgage
to pay for this. Then the Great Recession hit.
The debt for this addition is an anchor on our
ongoing activities and missions. Indeed, the
financial picture of this congregation would be
positive, but for the mortgage amounts due
each month. Our goal is to eliminate this debt
and owe nothing.
The cost for the weekend is exceptional: $200
per couple (which includes all 6 meals for
the couple, and two nights lodging).
Look for the registration brochures in the narthex pamphlet display board or in the church
office. Feel free to pass along to friends. We
have 3 couples going so far and need at
least 3 more. If you have questions, please
contact Pastor Dave.
“Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled
the law.” Romans 13:8.
Watch for WATTS
Bethel has undertaken a “Jubilee Campaign” to
pay off this debt by the end of 2016. Thanks to
many of you for your contributions and assistance. As Pastor Conrad Christianson said
when we began this campaign last year, “Bethel
has a history of quickly paying off debt. When
we built the new sanctuary we were debt free by
the time of its final completion. We do not like to
owe money to anyone.”
Friday, May 8, 7:00 p.m.
Opequon Presbyterian Church
Pitcock Memorial Shelter
Enjoy an outdoor movie night presented by the
JWHS Gifted Independent Study Students to
benefit WATTS in memory of Tom Gruenther.
The event is an outreach project that is completely student-directed. Seating will be on the
lawn beside the picnic shelter. "Doors" will
open at 7 and the GIS students will orchestrate parking for anyone attending. Attendees
should bring lawn chairs or blankets for seating on the lawn. Concessions will be available
for purchase with all proceeds benefitting
WATTS and donations are encouraged. Come
enjoy grilled hot dogs and hamburgers, chips,
cookies and soda and enjoy the fellowship of
WATTS supporters from our community as we
watch a family favorite film, "Finding Nemo."
The event will be held rain or shine.
The Jubilee team will be presenting many challenges and opportunities in the coming year for
everyone in the congregation to play a part in
continuing the history and traditions of Bethel to
exterminate this debt from our books. We envision some fun and spectacular events not only
for our church but the entire community. Those
who are interested in assisting further on these
events are invited to contact anyone on the Jubilee Team: Rex Ritchie, Traci Shoberg, David
Griffin, Terri Tripp or just let someone in the
church office know of your interest.
Thanks for your continuing assistance to bring
our wall of debt tumbling down.
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Kitchen Korner:
Bethel has two salt crocks that were moved
from the old church. They are about 3 gallons and 4 gallons. The crocks make excellent magazine racks, needle-work supply
holders, plant holders, etc. If any one would
like one or both of them, they may make a
donation to the Jubilee Fund or to the Youth
Trip Fund. (If no one wants them, they will be
donated to a Thrift Store.)
Community Bulletin Board
Located in the “Crossroads” (just outside the
church office) is a Community Board where you
can post items that might be of interest to the
congregation. Stop by and look over these
items too. There might be something happening in the wider community that you would like
to be a part of or attend.
In late May or early June we will be getting
the kitchen ready for the summer and the fall.
If you left any dishes, please pick them up.
Now that we have seen how the kitchen functions, we may be fine tuning the arrangement
of items and changing some of the labels.
2015 Bethel Board Chairs
Worship Board – Pastor Dave
Prayer and Care Board – Irene Cockerham
Learning Board – Amy Jaster
Servant Board – Dean Cole
Congregational Life – Jennifer LaFollette
Ministry Support – Shawn Garner
Winchester House
Shenandoah Fellowship Foundation
Winchester House is located at 27 Cameron
Street in Winchester. It is a home for lowincome elderly. Bethel was instrumental as
one of the first churches in establishing this
needed service to our elderly. Leaders of
Bible Study on Tuesdays from 10:00–11:00
are needed. Please contact Patricia Bettis,
Resident Manager at Winchester House, if
you are interested in volunteering. Phone:
(540) 667-4667
Council Members for 2015
Tom Beyer - President
Karla King - Vice President
Bruce Lothrop - Secretary
Traci Shoberg - Treasurer
Cory Carlson
Tom Milburn
Greg Brondos
Adrian Pullen
Julie Shanabrook
Sara Smith is our congregational representative. Thank You Sara!
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Caroline Furnace Lutheran Camp
Summer 2015
Love the Lord your God with all your Heart, Soul & Mind ~ Deuteronomy 6:5
We’re kicking up the faith-filled fun to a whole new level for Summer 2015 as we “Grow in Faith!” Grab a parent and head online to
check out our brand new website with all the details. Pick your
week(s), then register online today!
Visit our new website for info & online registration:
Here’s a cool fact. Your congregation was one
of 2,000 Lutheran congregations across the
U.S. to wave a combined total of a half-million
Eco-Palms on Palm Sunday. Thank you!
And thank you for celebrating 10 years of Eco-Palms. You are helping palm harvesters and their communities move out of lives of poverty and into futures of promise.
Thank you again and God bless all your ministries!
Vicky Whetstone
Eco-Palms Coordinator
Lutheran World Relief
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Midweek Worship - Every Wednesday, 7:00 p.m., Beginning June 3
Discipleship Hall
VBS - June 14-18, 5:30 p.m.
Hoe Down - June 19, 5:30 p.m.
Bethel Night at the Royals - June 27, 7:00 p.m.
Yard Sale - July 18, 8:00 a.m.
Harvest Sunday - August 16
One Worship Service—August 30, 10:00 a.m.
Blooming Faith!
Apple Blossom Sunday May 3rd 9:30am
Discipleship Hall for ALL Ages
++ Mural Making ++
++ Legos & Play Doh ++
++ Finger Painting ++
++ Song and Sign ++
Share, Read, Talk, Pray & Bless!
“For God So Loved the World…”
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was created many years ago in honor of Bethel’s former organist, Larry Jones. Larry believed
in creativity in worship and music and this fund allows us to add special music to our worship
and special events. If you’re a regular contributor to this fund, THANK YOU! If you are not, we
invite you to consider making a donation. This fund allows us to bring in special musical guests
for worship, additional musicians for seasonal musical events (such as brass, strings, etc.) and
has even allowed us to hire an accompanist for our choirs. Your donation goes a long way to
continuing a long-standing tradition of great music offerings at Bethel.
Dear Friends at Bethel Lutheran Church,
Thank you from all of us at Operation Bootstrap Africa
for your generous gifts for the Plaster House, MaaSae
Girls Lutheran Secondary School and the Eunice Simonson Nursing Scholarship Fund. These gifts provide so
much support for the many needs of children, secondary
school girls and nursing school students.
Thank You to the Property Upkeep Team on their fine work
on Saturday, April 3, for cleaning up the church for Easter
Thank you for supporting these ongoing ministries and
Shawn Garner
Warmest regards,
Diane Jacoby
Director Operation Bootstrap Africa
Dear Bethel,
On behalf of Habitat for Humanity of Winchester-Frederick County, thank
you so much for your donation. With this gift you are supporting Habitat’s
neighborhood revitalization programs that increase opportunities for affordable home ownership and provide financial counseling and education to
hard working families in the greater Winchester-Frederick County area.
Warm Regards,
Rebecca Lipscomb
Resource Development Director
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May Birthdays
02 - Jeannie Rathman
Dean Havron
Emily Whitacre
03 - Tracey Grassi
Chris Stephens
05 - Karen Shipp
Nick Shoberg
06 - Sean Ramsey
Zac Swaim
07 - Meg Everly
08 - Walker Grooms
Nick Lauderdale
Barbara Simmons
Ryan Hoyle
09 - Elias Carlson
Walter Karlson
10 - Meghan Bullion
11 - Michaela Britton
12 - Loretta Hohner
Shirley Strosnider
David Griffin
Lisa McKee
13 - KC Montgomery
Brandon Tilelli
Tom Pullen
14 - Justin Hoyle
Sue Rose
Linda Hoenig
15 - Ethan Grooms
Stacy Defilippi
Trey Andrews
17 - Kaitlyn Harp
Paul Justice
18 - Dave Nixon
Isabel Hall
21 - Pat Haymaker
Betsy Pullen
Julia LeMarr
22 - Catie Collins
Robin Forrest
23 - Jim Grooms
Jonathan Tilelli
Alan Borror
25 - Bill Pierce
Martha Jenkins
Cameron Grooms
May Anniversaries
26 - David Garber
Mike Stanfield
27 - Bill Bailey
28 - Tim Riggleman
Sebastian Carhart
Christyn Everly
Laurelle Sayers
29 - Dario Savarese
30 - David Cesnik
Brandy Hudson
Evan Lindemuth
31 - Rhonda Dodson
Juliana Grassi
Melissa Salvatore
Diann Dailey
Kasey Huntsberry
08 - Gary and Dale Nichols
09 - John and Arlene Gavitt
Bob and Terri Hollingsworth
13 - James and Jo-Anne Barnard
14 - John and Shirlee Tilelli
16 - Mark and Terri Tripp
John and Brandy Hudson
17 - Bruce Lothrop and Stephanie Mahan
18 - Strother and Susan Adams
Joe and Tricia Dietz
J. Warden and Bernetta Jenkins
25 - Bobby and Melissa Lutz
28 - Kevin and Julie Shanabrook
Tom and Carol O’Brien
29 - Pastor Dave Young & Pastor Heidi
Tom and Melissa Salvatore
30 - Brandon and Beth Driver
Around the Congregation/Directory Changes
Welcome new members!
Bill, Crystal, Katie, Kylie and Cara Bere
Cindy Lauster
- 14 -
Facts & Figures
Designated Ministries Offering Thru March 31
Thank You, Thank You,
Thank You!
For the World
World Hunger Appeal
...for your generosity, support, and
partnership in ministries here at
Bethel, to our community, and to
God’s world.
Global Missions
For the Community
“You will be enriched in every way for
your great generosity, which will produce thanksgiving to God through us.”
(2 Corinthians 9:11)
Jones Music Fund
Good Samaritan
Average Worship
For the Bethel Community
Student Missions
Jubilee/Mortgage Principal
Principal Balance on Mortgage
as of December 31, 2014
Principal Balance on Mortgage as of
March 22, 2015
Decrease in Mortgage Principal
Ministry Spending Plan Update
% of MSP
Needed to meet MSP
March 2015
YTD as of March 2015
Total 2015 MSP
For more detailed financial information, please visit and click on Publications.
Bethel Lutheran Church
2077 North Frederick Pike, Winchester, VA 22603, 540-662-3245
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (Closed on Friday)
E-mail: [email protected]
The Rev. Dr. David N. Young ([email protected]) Ext. 105
Bryan Jaster, ([email protected]) Ext. 104
George W. Donovan, Jr. ([email protected]) Ext. 102
Darline DeMott ([email protected])
Terri Hollingsworth ([email protected]) Ext. 100
Kim Williams ([email protected]) Ext. 103
Cliff Crowder ([email protected]) Ext. 106
Pat Shields ([email protected])
Patty White ([email protected])
Gretchen Meade
The Deadline for the June
Bethel Banner is 3:00 p.m. on
Monday, May 25.