The Effect of Various Wound Dressings on the Activity of Debriding
The Effect of Various Wound Dressings on the Activity of Debriding
ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION The Effect of Various Wound Dressings on the Activity of Debriding Enzymes Lei Shi, PhD; Ryan Ermis, BS; Brett Kiedaisch, MS; and Dennis Carson, PhD, DABT exudate and bioburden management, debridement, and tissue regeneration. Overall, the authors’ testing found that collagenase was observed to be more tolerant when used with the dressings tested than papain. These findings merit further exploration in clinical wounds to confirm clinical validity. ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To understand the compatibility between the debriding enzymes collagenase and papain, and various wound dressings. DESIGN: The extracts from a silver dressing (Acticoat; Smith & Nephew, St Petersburg, Florida), iodine dressings (Iodoflex and Iodosorb; Smith & Nephew), a pigment-complexed polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) dressing (Hydrofera Blue; Healthpoint, Ltd, Fort Worth, Texas), and collagen dressings (Hydrofera Blue and FibraCol Plus; Systagenix Wound Management, Quincy, Massachusetts) were examined in vitro with collagenase and papain (papain was used in papain-urea debriding agents, no longer available on today’s US market). SETTING: All testing was in vitro and performed at Healthpoint, Ltd. PATIENTS: Testing was not performed using human or animal subjects. All in vitro testing was conducted in the lab using artificial wound eschar substrate and other lab equipment. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The main outcome measure was percent collagenase and papain activity lost when combined with each type of dressing tested. MAIN RESULTS: The results demonstrated that the pigment-complexed polyvinyl alcohol dressing and the collagen dressing were compatible with collagenase, whereas the iodine dressings inhibit the activity of collagenase. The nanocrystal silver dressing (Acticoat) caused more than a 50% loss in activity when combined with collagenase. Papain displayed varying levels of inhibition with all dressings tested with the enzyme. The iodine dressings significantly inhibit papain activity, whereas the other dressings exhibited inhibitory activity ranging from 10% to 30%. CONCLUSION: Antimicrobial dressings are widely used for management of wound bioburden. Frequently, they are used in combination with other topical therapeutic drugs, such as enzymatic debriding agents for the removal of wound necrotic tissues. Such combined applications may have greater potential to achieve multiple healing activities simultaneously, including INTRODUCTION Wound healing can be delayed if necrotic tissues are left in the wound site.1 Therefore, wound debridement is necessary to remove this necrotic tissue, cellular waste, and harmful exudate. This has become an essential step in wound bed preparation.2 Among various debridement methods, enzymatic wound debridement uses proteolytic enzymes to hydrolyze the denatured proteins in wound eschar tissue. This highly selective debriding method has been widely used to remove necrotic/ devitalized tissues,3 – 7 particularly in patient populations not amenable to surgical debridement.8,9 Over the years, enzymatic debridement has been shown to be a clinically effective, safe, and inexpensive method of removing necrotic tissue. There is sufficient evidence in clinical practice and in the clinical literature that enzymatic debridement is a well-established practice with skin and wound care professionals.7,10,11 Successful topical treatment of chronic wounds requires not only adequate debridement, but also control of bioburden and moisture balance. Wound dressings are commonly used for controlling wound bioburden and managing wound exudate. Frequently, enzymatic debriding agents are applied in combination with other topical therapeutic drugs, such as antimicrobial and moisture control dressings. Bolton and Fattu10 discussed in their review of the literature that enzymatic debriding agents are typically used in conjunction with moist wound dressings and serve as adjuncts to the autolytic debridement process. Clearly, such combinations may allow several treatment objectives to be addressed simultaneously, including exudate and bioburden management, debridement, Lei Shi, PhD, is Scientific Advisor; Ryan Ermis, BS, is Scientist; Brett Kiedaisch, MS, is Senior Scientist; and Dennis Carson, PhD, DABT, is Senior Director, all in the Department of Research and Development, Healthpoint, Ltd, Fort Worth, Texas. Acknowledgments: The authors thank Renée Carstens for medical writing contributions. Healthpoint, Ltd, financially supported this research. WWW.WOUNDCAREJOURNAL.COM 1 ADVANCES IN SKIN & WOUND CARE & OCTOBER 2011 ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION the substrate to collagenase, a collagen dressing (FibraCol Plus; Systagenix Wound Management, Quincy, Massachusetts) was tested only with CSO for investigating the potential interaction between them. The second experiment was designed to examine collagenase used in CSO and papain used in Accuzyme (ACC; Healthpoint, Ltd) for their ability to degrade artificial eschar materials containing the major wound proteins, collagen, fibrin, and elastin, when used in conjunction with HB. The results from these studies may provide clinicians with a better understanding of how the currently approved enzymatic debriding agent can be used most effectively in combination with various wound dressings. and tissue regeneration. To allow maximum debriding efficacy, a good delivery system, a sustained period of enzyme activity, and an optimal wound environment are required. In conjunction with other wound dressings, such as antimicrobial or moisturizing, the compatibility between the debriding enzyme and dressings may account for the potential loss of efficacy of the debriding enzyme. Enzymes are proteins, and any factors that could cause a conformational change to a protein could potentially affect enzyme activity. In addition, molecules that can bind to the active site of an enzyme may block substrate binding to the enzyme and inhibit enzyme activity. The objective of this study supported by Healthpoint, Ltd (Fort Worth, Texas), was to evaluate the compatibility between 2 debriding enzymes, Clostridium collagenase and papain, with various wound dressings. Both collagenase and papain have been extensively used for wound debridement7,12 – 16 and have a long history of good efficacy and safety. Recently, the US Food and Drug Administration required the manufacturing of papaincontaining topical products to cease, effective November 2008 in the United States.17 Although these papain products are no longer on the market in the United States today, the work with papain is included in this article as a comparator to demonstrate the diversity of enzymatic debriding agents. This information may prove helpful to those transitioning from a papain debrider to a collagenase debrider. In addition, it will also benefit the users outside the United States. In this article, 2 activity-based experiments were designed. The first was to test the activity of the 2 enzymes, with and without incubation, in the extracted solution from each dressing. Both enzymatic debriding agents were treated with the extracts from 4 commonly used wound dressings including a silver dressing (Acticoat; Smith & Nephew, St Petersburg, Florida), iodine dressings (Iodosorb and Iodoflex; Smith & Nephew), and a polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) foam dressing (Hydrofera Blue [HB]; Healthpoint, Ltd). The 2 types of antimicrobial dressing, silver and iodine, were chosen because they have been frequently used for wound disinfection. Although the product insert for the collagenase ointment product, Collagenase Santyl Ointment (CSO; Healthpoint, Ltd), contains a precaution advising users to avoid use with heavy metals, such as mercury or silver, which may inactivate the enzyme, the authors believed their study should include this type of dressing for comparison purposes, despite the known inhibitory effect on collagenase. The article also includes the other protease, papain. The test results of silver with both enzymes will provide some insights between the 2 enzymes. Considering the application of moist dressings concurrently used with debridement agents, a PVA foam dressing, HB, was selected because it could provide a highly moisturizing wound environment and is friendly for use with the enzyme ointments. Because collagen is ADVANCES IN SKIN & WOUND CARE & VOL. 23 NO. 10 MATERIALS AND METHODS Unless otherwise indicated, all chemicals and substrates were purchased from Sigma Aldrich Chemical Company (St Louis, Missouri). Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)–labeled collagen and rhodaminelabeled elastin were obtained from Elastin Products Company (Owensville, Missouri). A Tris-buffered saline (TBS) solution was used consisting of 50 mM Tris, 100 mM NaCl, and 10 mM CaCl2 (pH 7.4). Enzyme and Dressing Materials & Clostridium collagenase is the active enzyme used in CSO. & USP papain is the active enzyme used in the papain-urea ointment, ACC. Note: This product is no longer commercially available. & Hydrofera Blue is a bacteriostatic foam dressing made of a PVA sponge containing the antimicrobial dyes methylene blue (0.025%) and gentian violet (0.025%). Prior to use, it must be moistened with sterile saline or water, and then squeezed out before being secured to the wound bed with an appropriate secondary dressing. & Acticoat is a silver dressing, in which nanocrystalline silver is uniformly deposited across polyethylene layers. & Iodoflex consists of individual applications of a cadexomer iodine paste consisting of a macrogol ointment base incorporating sterile, yellow-brown microspheres or beads 0.1 to 0.3 mm in diameter. & Iodosorb-medicated dressing: Each unit dose contains cadexomer iodine (60% wt/wt) equivalent to 0.9% wt/wt available iodine; with macrogol as the vehicle base. & FibraCol Plus is a wound dressing consisting of 90% collagen and 10% alginate. Extraction All dressing materials were cut into 2 2-in squares and incubated in 8 mL TBS containing 50 mM Tris, 100 mM NaCl, 2 WWW.WOUNDCAREJOURNAL.COM ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION Bovine collagen (type I), bovine fibrinogen, and elastin were used to make an artificial wound eschar (AWE) substrate. Collagen-FITC, elastin-rhodamine, and fibrin-coumarin were the raw materials used for producing the AWE substrate.21 To prepare 1 g of AWE substrate, 650 mg collagen-FITC and 100 mg each of elastin-rhodamine and fibrin-coumarin were weighed into a 50 mL-tube and homogenized in 10 mL of TBS. In a separate tube, 10 mL of fibrinogen solution was prepared at 15 mg/mL with TBS. The 2 solutions were combined and thoroughly mixed. A thrombin solution (0.25 mL at 50 U/mL) was added and quickly mixed, and the solution was poured into a Petri dish containing a 90-mm nonreactive membrane filter. As a result of the thrombin-induced fibrinogen polymerization, the material began to form a soft sheet on top of the membrane filter by clotting the dyed proteins into a solid matrix. The clotted AWE substrate was allowed to solidify for 30 minutes and then rinsed with water for 15 minutes to remove the thrombin. The AWE substrate was further dehydrated to 75% moisture content in preparation for use. With the AWE substrate still attached to the membrane, a 35-mm diameter piece was punched out using a hole punch. The AWE substrate punch was placed on the top flat face of a Franz Diffusion Cell System (Hanson Research, Chatsworth, California), and a nonstick sample holder is placed on top. Enzyme products were loaded in the center of the sample holder, and any excess sample was removed by scraping. HB and moist gauze were cut into small pieces, wetted according to the manufacturer’s directions, and applied on top of the enzyme product layer. With the dressing in place, the whole assembly was fastened with a screw clamp to the receptor cell filled with TBS containing 1% penicillinstreptomycin, without any air bubbles, and surrounded by a 35- C water bath. The solution was sampled from the receptor cell in 1-mL increments at time 0 and 24 hours. Once finished, the samples were analyzed by fluorescence measurement. CSO was tested for collagenolytic activity based on the degradation of collagen in AWE. Because papain has broader specificity, fibrinolytic activity of ACC based on the degradation of fibrin in AWE was also examined, in addition to collagen digestion. However, ACC was not tested with the collagen dressing. and 10 mM CaCl2 (pH 7.4) for 2 hours on a rotary shaker at 37- C. After incubation, the dressing materials were removed, and the dressing extraction solutions were allowed to rest at room temperature before further testing. Collagenase Activity Assay Collagenase activity was determined using N-[3(2-Furyl) Acryloyl]-Leu-Gly-Pro-Ala (FALGPA).18,19 A 500-Ag/mL enzyme solution was prepared in the same TBS as above. The enzyme solution was mixed with each dressing extraction solution in a 1:1 ratio. The control was prepared with the same enzyme solution mixed with the TBS. The mixture solutions were allowed to incubate on the bench for 30 minutes. The 5-mM FALGPA solution was prepared in the TBS and vortexed prior to use to ensure no particles were left in the solution. Using a 96-well microplate, 100 AL of the enzyme solution was mixed with 150 AL of the FALGPA solution. The kinetic reaction was monitored for 30 minutes, and kinetic rates (for enzymatic activity) were determined by recording the absorbance change at 345 nm. Rates were reported as milli-OD per minute. Papain Activity Assay Papain activity was determined using N-benzoyl-L-arginine-pnitroanilide (BAPNA).20 The inhibitory activity of papain was tested under 2 different conditions, with activation and without activation. Papain is a cysteine (Cys) protease, and in its native state, inactivation of enzyme commonly occurs due to oxidation. To reactivate, thiol reagents such as Cys are used to recover the activity. In these experiments, 2 solutions were used to prepare enzyme solutions. Solution A was a 10 mM dibasic sodium phosphate buffer (pH 6.0) containing 38 mM Na2 EDTA and 50 mM L-Cys as activating agents, and solution B contained 10 mM phosphate buffer (pH 6.0) minus EDTA or Cys. Enzyme solutions were prepared at 100 Ag/mL and mixed with the dressing extraction solutions at a 1:1 ratio. After mixing, the solutions were allowed to rest for 30 minutes at room temperature. Substrate BAPNA solution was prepared in solution B, and the solution was checked visually prior to use to ensure complete dissolution. In a 96-well microplate, 100 AL of the enzyme mixture solution was mixed with 100 AL of the BAPNA solution. The kinetic reaction was monitored at 37- C for 20 minutes, and kinetic rates (for enzymatic activity) were determined by recording the absorbance change at 410 nm. The rates were reported as milli-OD per minute. Statistical Analysis In Vitro Testing of PVA Foam Dressing With Enzymatic Debriding Agents Enzyme inhibition data were averaged from a group of 4 samples (n = 4). SD was calculated and displayed in the graphs. Data between the enzyme itself and the dressing treated were statistically compared using a t test (a = .05). To determine statistical An in vitro study was conducted to evaluate the compatibility of HB with CSO and papain-urea ointment (ACC). WWW.WOUNDCAREJOURNAL.COM 3 ADVANCES IN SKIN & WOUND CARE & OCTOBER 2011 ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION solution containing extractions and those without extractions. Figure 1 presents the inhibition percentages for each of the dressings: FibraCol, HB, Acticoat, Iodoflex, and Iodosorb. No inhibition was found for HB. FibraCol showed less than 5% inhibition, which can be considered insignificant inhibition. Acticoat, Iodoflex, and Iodosorb inhibited collagenase activity by 52%, 94%, and 87%, respectively. Figure 1. PERCENTAGE OF COLLAGENASE INHIBITION BY VARIOUS DRESSINGS CALCULATED USING 100% SUBTRACTED BY THE PERCENTAGE OF THE REMAINING ACTIVITY OVER THE ORIGINAL ACTIVITY (*P < .05) Inhibitory Effect on Papain The inhibitory effect of the dressings on papain was tested under 2 conditions: 1 with activator and 1 without (refer to Figure 2). With activators, no inhibition was found for HB. Low inhibition was found for Acticoat and Iodosorb (approximately 12% and 26%, respectively). Iodoflex was found to significantly inhibit papain with greater than 70% inhibition. Without the activators, papain became more sensitive to the dressings. HB and Acticoat all showed some inhibition, 10% to 30%, whereas Iodoflex and Iodosorb displayed greater than 90% inhibition. Under this condition, which was similar to the condition used for collagenase, greater inhibitory effects were found for papain with HB, Iodoflex, and Iodosorb, with only Acticoat exhibiting less inhibitory effect on papain, when compared with collagenase. Thus, collagenase was found to be more stable, therefore less sensitive to these dressings, with the exception of Acticoat. significance, P G .05 was the decision level. In the in vitro debridement experiment, a 1-way analysis-of-variance F test was performed. Statistical decisions were made at P = .05. RESULTS Inhibitory Effect on Collagenase The activity of collagenase in the presence of the various dressing extraction solutions was compared with the enzyme solution without dressing extractions. The inhibition percentages were calculated using the percentage of the activity for each enzyme Inhibitory Effect on Formulated Enzyme Debriding Agents An in vitro study using AWE was conducted to evaluate the application of HB with enzymatic debriding products, CSO Figure 2. PERCENTAGE OF PAPAIN INHIBITION BY VARIOUS DRESSINGS WITH AND WITHOUT CYSTEINE (CYS) AND EDTA, CALCULATED USING 100% SUBTRACTED BY THE PERCENTAGE OF THE REMAINING ACTIVITY OVER THE ORIGINAL ACTIVITY (*P < .05) ADVANCES IN SKIN & WOUND CARE & VOL. 23 NO. 10 4 WWW.WOUNDCAREJOURNAL.COM ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION Figure 3. COLLAGENOLYTIC ACTIVITY OF CSO ALONE OR WITH HB OR MOIST GAUZE TESTED ON AWE FOR 24 HOURS. ONE-WAY ANALYSIS-OF-VARIANCE TEST (SIGNIFICANT DECISION LEVEL AT .05) SHOWED NO SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TEST ARTICLES and without HB. HB, when used as the dressing on top of ACC, did not change the papain enzymatic activities significantly, indicating that HB was compatible with ACC. Data also showed collagenolytic activity of ACC to be much lower than its fibrinolytic activity. and ACC. In the experiment with CSO, moist gauze was included as a control. Figure 3 illustrates the collagenolytic activity of 24-hour treatment. CSO in combination with HB or moist gauze displayed slightly higher collagenase digestive power on collagen than CSO alone. However, statistical analysis indicated no significant difference between them, suggesting that HB was very compatible with collagenase, confirming the results obtained from the enzyme/dressing extraction study discussed. ACC was also tested with HB to determine compatibility between the dressing and the papain enzyme. Figure 4 demonstrates results of both the collagenolysis and fibrinolysis with DISCUSSION The successful topical treatment of chronic wounds requires adequate debridement, management of bioburden, and moisture balance. Enzymatic debridement has been widely used to remove necrotic tissue, including hard eschar in burn wounds and soft slough in chronic wounds. This method of wound Figure 4. COLLAGENOLYTIC AND FIBRINOLYTIC ACTIVITIES OF ACC WITH AND WITHOUT HB TESTED ON AWE FOR 24 HOURS. NO SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE WAS FOUND BETWEEN TESTS WITH AND WITHOUT HB USING A t TEST (*P < .05) WWW.WOUNDCAREJOURNAL.COM 5 ADVANCES IN SKIN & WOUND CARE & OCTOBER 2011 ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION where the native zinc resides. This could lead to the possible replacement of zinc ions or interference with the orientation of the zinc ions, both effects capable of changing the enzyme activity. Similar effects could happen to papain. Because papain is a Cys protease, silver ions could directly interact with the sulfhydryl group at the active site to block the enzyme’s activity. However, the results from this study did not show significant inhibition of papain, with or without EDTA. Papain appeared more tolerant of nanocrystal silver. Compared with silver, iodine displays more potent inhibition of both enzymes. It has already been found that iodine could effectively inhibit various proteases in wounds including metalloprotease and serine proteases.22 Iodine is strongly oxidative and easily reacts with the amino, phenol, and thiol groups of amino acids. For enzymes, this results in denaturation and inactivation. The observations in the authors’ experiments support this possible mechanism. The authors’ data suggest that in a clinical setting, combining an iodine-containing product with a protein- or enzyme-based healing agent may result in decreased activity from the protein or enzyme. The experiments designed for this compatibility study focused on the extracts from the dressings. Another possibility for interaction between an enzyme and dressing is simply that the enzyme could bind to the dressing, thus changing its availability and activity. Further research is necessary to fully understand this potential interaction. debridement is highly selective and uses naturally occurring proteolytic enzymes specifically for eliminating devitalized tissue. Basically, this is a hydrolytic process of degrading proteinaceous material depending on the catalytic action of proteases (debriding enzymes). Thus, a moist environment under physiological conditions is required for the enzymes to perform their hydrolytic activity. The data from this study support the combined application of an enzymatic debriding agent with a moist dressing. CSO used with moist gauze or HB dressing can increase the in vitro collagenolytic activity. Hydration would first help solubilize the enzyme and accelerate the enzyme release, which then provides conditions for the enzyme to perform the hydrolytic action. Therefore, it is highly recommended to ensure sufficient moisture in a wound when using enzymatic debriding agents and keep the eschar moisturized during debridement. To maintain wounds in a favorable healing environment, various antimicrobial wound dressings are used to control infection and promote healing. When these dressings are used in conjunction with enzymatic debriding agents, compatibility between the enzyme and antimicrobial activity becomes a major concern. In addition, extensive growth of bacteria can also produce significant level of proteases, which may cause the degradation of various proteins and enzymes, including the exogenous proteins used for therapeutic purposes. In such wounds, the half-life of the debriding enzymes used could be significantly reduced. To generate an optimal environment for clean wound beds, the combined application of debriding enzymes with an antimicrobial agent could not only remove the devitalized tissues, but also control infection to minimize continuous tissue necrosis. The optimal combination should be such that the dressing materials do not display any inhibitory activity on the debriding enzymes, while the debriding enzymes do not alter the therapeutic activity of the antimicrobial agent. In this study, 3 types of antimicrobial dressings were investigated for compatibility with the 2 debriding enzymes. A silver dressing and iodine dressings displayed varying degrees of inhibition to both collagenase and papain. The dye-based antimicrobial dressing, HB, showed excellent compatibility with collagenase. When tested with the enzyme in solution and CSO, HB showed no inhibition of collagenase activity. The silver dressing displayed significant inhibitory effects to both debriding enzymes. Acticoat uses nanocrystalline silver as the active agent. The nanocrystalline silver exists as both metallic silver and ionic silver during solubilization, meaning it has a higher potential to interact with enzymes in 2 possible ways: one by binding to the surface of protein molecules through the side chains of certain amino acids and the other by direct interaction with the residues in the active site. For collagenase, because it is a metalloprotease, silver has the potential to get into the active site ADVANCES IN SKIN & WOUND CARE & VOL. 23 NO. 10 CONCLUSIONS Two enzymatic debriding enzymes, collagenase and papain, have been tested with various types of wound dressings, including antimicrobial dye, silver, iodine, and collagen. The dyebased and collagen-based wound dressings showed the greatest compatibility with collagenase and papain. Extracts from Acticoat reduced enzyme activity by 50%. The silver dressing also affected papain enzymatic activity at low levels. Both of the iodine dressings, Iodoflex and Iodosorb, significantly inhibited both collagenase and papain. An in vitro test with the CSO demonstrated a greater activity with the HB dressing than the enzyme alone. The in vitro debridement efficacy was enhanced when moisturized dressings, such as HB and moist gauze, were used. These findings merit further exploration in clinical wounds to confirm clinical validity. & REFERENCES 1. Constantine BE, Bolton LL. A wound model for ischemic ulcers in the guinea pig. Arch Dermatol Res 1986;278:429-31. 2. Calianno C, Jakubek P. Wound bed preparation: laying the foundation for treating chronic wounds, part I. Nursing 2006;36(2):70-1. 3. Skrabut EM, Hebda PA, Samuels JA, et al. Removal of necrotic tissue with an ananain-based enzyme-debriding preparation. Wound Repair Regen 1996;4:433-43. 6 WWW.WOUNDCAREJOURNAL.COM ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION 4. Orgill DP, Liu PY, Ritterbush LS, Skrabut EM, Samuels JA, Shames SL. 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A novel property of povidone-iodine: inhibition of excessive protease levels in chronic non-healing wounds. J Invest Dermatol 2006;126:2731-3. Now available from Hollisterwoundcare and the blue wave logo are trademarks of Hollister Incorporated. Hydrofera Blue is a registered trademark of Hydrofera, LLC. ©2011 Hollister Wound Care LLC. USA 1.888.740.8999 921636-211
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