superintendent`s report - Board of Education
superintendent`s report - Board of Education
SMITHTOWN CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING March 24, 2015 Held in Joseph M. Barton Bldg. Meeting called to order at 7:00p.m. by Joanne McEnroy, vice president. On motion by Mrs. Waldron, seconded by Mrs. Knox, the Board voted unanimously to convene in Executive Session to discuss negotiations conducted pursuant to the Taylor Law involving the SSAA union, pending 3020a charges against a tenured employee and to seek legal advice from the Board’s Attorney. At 7:57p.m. Ms. Plourde motioned, Mrs. Waldron seconded, and the Board voted unanimously to exit Executive Session and return to the public meeting. Members present: Joanne McEnroy Gladys M. Waldron Theresa Knox Louis Liguori Grace Plourde Matthew Morton Members absent: Christopher Alcure Also present: James J. Grossane, Superintendent Karen Ricigliano, Asst. Supt. Jennifer Bradshaw, Asst. Supt. Andrew Tobin, Asst. Supt. William J. Bushman, Ph.D., Asst. Supt. Sharon Berlin, Board Counsel Visitors Maureen O’Connor, District Clerk I. OPENING CEREMONY - conducted by Ms. McEnroy. II. COMMUNICATIONS A. Correspondence – The following correspondence was presented for the Board’s review. March 24, 2015 Page 2 1. Letter To: From: Re: Mr. Christopher Alcure Mr. Michael Chlystun Senior Awards Night 2. Letter To: From: Re: Board of Education Ms. Christy Youllar Governor Cuomo 3. Letter To: From: Re: Mr. Christopher Alcure Mr. Tyler Riesenburger Eagle Scout Project 4. Letter To: From: Re: Board of Education Ms. Tara M. Siri Feeder Pattern Issue 5. Letter To: From: Re: Board of Education Ms. Anne O’Reilly Veteran’s Tax Exemption 6. Letter To: From: Re: Board of Education Mr. Salvatore Marinello, Trustee WS BOCES Support for Re-election 7. Letter To: From: Re: Mr. Christopher Alcure Mr. Sydney Finkelstein, Trustee WS BOCES Support of Re-election 8. Letter To: From: Re: Component Board Members Mr. Michael Flynn, Chief Operating Officer WS BOCES Notice of Annual Meeting MOTION by Mrs. Waldron seconded by Mr. Morton that the correspondence in Section A, as listed above, be received and that the recommendations of the administration (where indicated) be accepted. Vote on Motion- All aye. Motion carried (6-0). B. General Communications – There were no general communications presented for the Board's review. III. UNFINISHED BUSINESS- None. March 24, 2015 Page 3 IV. COMMITTEE REPORTS – Board Liaison to District Committees- Health and Safety Committee Ms. Plourde reported that she attended a meeting yesterday. Items discussed included pot hole repairs, roof leaks, security, active shooter drill, progress of Accompsett elementary playground and the administration of glucagon shots. V. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT A. Updates and Awards: The Superintendent presented recognized the following students for receiving the Award of Excellence from Suffolk Region PTA for their Reflections program. These students will have their work forwarded to the state competition: Leah Kelly Savannah Keenan Josie Muratore Mackenzie Cooper Skyler Gherardi Ilysa Sirota Abby Fain Monica Philbin Tiffany Holtje The next Budget Workshop is scheduled for March 31 at 7:00p.m. in the Auditorium of NYA Reminder about transportation- all transportation request for the 2015-2016 school year for private and parochial school students must be made by April1, 2015 regardless of whether the request is for a first time applicant or is a renewal. If you are a first time applicant, you need to register your child with Smithtown School District in order to be considered for transportation, receive textbook and/or other educational services. Registration must occur in person and will take place at 26 New York Avenue until the April 1st deadline. Parent University is tomorrow night, Wednesday, March 25 at 7:00p.m. B. Tentative Calendar for April 2015- The calendars were reviewed by the board. No additional meetings were scheduled. C. Litigation (Executive Session) D. Governor’s New York State Education Reforms March 24, 2015 Page 4 WHEREAS, Article XI Section 1 of the Constitution of the State of New York provides that the legislature shall provide for the maintenance and support of a system of free common schools, wherein all the children of the State may be educated; WHEREAS, Article XI, Section 1 of the Constitution of the State of New York provides the legal authority given to the Board of Regents and to the Legislature to provide for the maintenance and support of public schools; WHEREAS, the New York State Board of Regents and the State Education Department exercise the powers and functions delegated to them through the Education Law; WHEREAS, the Board of Regents and the State Education Department establish policy by adopting rules and regulations within the limitations of State law; WHEREAS, said regulations have the authority of law unless they are overruled by decisions of the State’s courts; WHEREAS, Article IV Section 3 of the Constitution of the State of New York outlines the powers and duties of the Governor; WHEREAS, Article IV Section 3 of the Constitution of the State of New York does not grant the Governor of the State of New York control over the funding, nor the establishment of Educational Policy; WHEREAS, the Governor of the State of New York, in his “State of the State” speech this year, outlined a variety of reforms to New York State Educational policy which, if the legislature succumbs to the reforms, the Governor will elect to fund a 4.8% increase in the educational budget, up from a 1.7% increase if the legislature does not elect the reforms; WHEREAS, the Board of Education of the Smithtown Central School District believes that the Governor is overstepping his constitutionally derived powers and duties by demanding a change in educational policy for which the Board of Regents and the State Ed Department hold Constitutional authority; WHEREAS, in denying the funding that is needed to maintain the integrity of education for the children of New York State, the Board of Education of the Smithtown Central School District believes that the Governor is depriving the children of New York State with their Constitutional right of a system of free common schools; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education of the Smithtown Central School District demands that the Governor relinquish to the Board of Regents and the State Education Department their constitutional right to establish educational policy. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education of the Smithtown Central School District demands that the Governor adequately fund New York State public schools. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education of the Smithtown Central District demands that the Governor of the State of New York decouple the adequate funding of public schools for New York State children from the request for educational policy reform for which he has no constitutionally derived power. MOTION by Mrs. Waldron seconded by Mrs. Knox, approving Superintendent Item D Governor’s New York State Education Reform. March 24, 2015 Page 5 Discussion- Dr. Grossane stated that he feels this resolution adequately states the belief of the Board of Education the administration that the governor is overstepping his boundaries and it is unfair the District has to present a budget to its community without knowing what the funding is. VOTE ON MOTION- All aye. Motion carries. (6-0). VI. INSTRUCTIONAL REPORT A. Selection Classification Recommendation Upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, be it Resolved, that permission is granted at the request of the Athletic Director to the following Middle School athletes to play on High School teams. They have been deemed “exceptional” and have passed the Selection/Classification process. Kristin Horoszewski Gabrianna Lorifice Victoria Alcure 8th Grade 8th Grade 7th Grade VG Softball VG Softball JV G Golf Smithtown HS West Smithtown HS West Combined B. Overnight Field Trip Request – Smithtown HS East & West DECA Club Upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, be it Resolved, that permission is granted for an Overnight Field Trip Request for 26 students from Smithtown HS East and West DECA Club to compete at the next level of the International DECA Career Conference in Orlando, Florida on April 25-29, 2015. They will be accompanied by 4 adult chaperones. MOTION by Mrs. Waldron seconded by Mrs. Knox approving Instructional Report Items A -B. March 24, 2015 Page 6 Vote on Motion- All aye. Motion carried (6-0). C. Presentation: CACIH Housing Report to the Board of Education- Members of the Citizens Advisory Committee on Instruction and Housing presented their report to the Board. VII. PUPIL PERSONNEL SERVICES A. Committee on Special Education 1. Committee on Special Education “RESOLVED, that the recommendations of the Committee on Special Education for Initial Placement Program/Services, for cases listed approved.” Committee on Special Education/Preschool Special Education: As per attached CSE meetings held between 02/23/2015 and 03/19/2015. 2. Sub-Committee on Special Education As per attached SCSE meetings held between 02/23/2015 and 03/19/2015. “RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Sub-Committee on Special Education for cases listed be approved.” The recommendations of the Committee on Special Education and Sub-Committee on Special Education were reviewed and approved. B. Committee on Preschool Special Education 1. Initial placement for Preschool Special Education Program/Services be March 24, 2015 Page 7 “RESOLVED, that the recommendations of the Committee on Preschool Special Education for Initial Placement Program/Services, for cases listed approved.” See Attached –CPSE meetings from 3/2/15 – 3/16/15 be 2. Special Education Preschool Annual IEP Review/Amended IEP ““RESOLVED, that the recommendations of the Committee on Preschool Special Education for Annual IEP Review/ Amended IEP for cases listed be approved.” See Attached –CPSE meetings from 3/2/15 – 3/16/15 The recommendations of the Committee on Preschool Special Education were reviewed and approved. MOTION by Mrs. Waldron, seconded by Mrs. Knox approving Pupil Personnel Services Items A-B Committee on Special Education and Committee on Preschool Special Education. VOTE ON MOTION- All aye. Motion carried (6-0). IX. AUDIENCE – Ms. McEnroy welcomed the following members of the audience to the podium to speak. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Lisa Townsend expressed her concerns regarding the Common Core curriculum. Scott Bugalla spoke regarding “opting out” procedures and going further in advocating opting out. Mary J Herrle expressed her concerned regarding the use of the Engage NY modules. Joseph Neto expressed concern with the middle school feeder patterns. Denise Davis spoke regarding the Dogwood buffer zone attendance area. Karen Wontrobski-Riccardi spoke on behalf of Mills Pond regarding the charge to the CACIH committee and the elementary and middle school feeder patterns. Michele Beutel expressed her concerns regarding high stakes testing and teacher evaluations. Christy Youllar expressed her concerns regarding the state assessments and the governors education reform proposals and their effect on the education of our students. Tiffany Reeder expressed concerns regarding standardized testing and the common core curriculum. Claire Mahoney spoke regarding the amount of resources dedicated to preparing and administrating standardized tests. March 24, 2015 Page 8 X. BUSINESS AFFAIRS A. Finance 1 – Bid Recommendations "Upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, be it RESOLVED, that the following bid recommendations be approved as submitted herein: 11-16 11-43R 12/13-30 12/13-35 13/14-25 13/14-26 Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Shelving District Vehicle Repair Poison Ivy Removal HVAC Parts Integrated Management Asphalt Concrete” 2 – Budgetary Transfers "Upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, be it RESOLVED, that the following budgetary transfers of funds be approved for the 2014-15 school year: FROM: 2110-433-81-6600 Rent N-Instr Equip TO: 2021-501-81-0501 2021-501-81-0000 Gen Instr Supplies Gen Instr Supplies 3 – Annual Election and Legal Notice "Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, be it $5,429.00 $3,369.00 $2,060.00” March 24, 2015 Page 9 th RESOLVED, that the Annual Election of the District be held on the 19 day of May 2015, that due notice thereof be duly published, and be it further RESOLVED, by the Board of Education of Smithtown Central School District, Suffolk County, New York, as follows: Section 1. That the annual election of the qualified voters of the said School District shall be held on the 19th day of May 2015, and that the polls will be kept open between the hours of 6:00 o'clock a.m. and 9:00 o'clock p.m., time then in effect, for vote by voting machines. Section 2. That the notice of said annual election, including the proposition(s) to be voted upon, shall be substantially in the form annexed hereto.” 4 – Joint Municipal Cooperative Bidding Program – BOCES, 2015-16 School Year WHEREAS, various educational and municipal corporations located within the State of New York desire to bid jointly for generally needed services and standardized supply and equipment items; and WHEREAS, the Smithtown Central School District, an educational/municipal corporation (hereinafter the “Participant”) is desirous of selectively participating with other educational and/or municipal corporations in the State of New York in joint bidding in the areas mentioned above pursuant to General Municipal Law § 119-o and Education Law Section 1950; and WHEREAS, the Participant is a municipality within the meaning of General Municipal Law § 119-n and is eligible to participate in the Board of Cooperative Educational Services, First Supervisory District of Suffolk County (hereinafter Eastern Suffolk BOCES) Joint Municipal Cooperative Bidding Program (hereinafter the “Program”) in the areas mentioned above; and WHEREAS, the Participant acknowledges receipt of the Program description inclusive of Eastern Suffolk BOCES’ standard bid packet and the general conditions relating to said Program; and WHEREAS, with respect to all activities conducted by the Program, the Participant wishes to delegate to Eastern Suffolk BOCES the responsibility for drafting of bid specifications, advertising for bids, accepting and opening bids, tabulating bids, awarding the bids, and reporting the results to the Participant. BE IT RESOLVED that the Participant hereby appoints Eastern Suffolk BOCES to represent it and to act as the lead agent in all matters related to the Program as described above; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Participant hereby authorizes Eastern Suffolk BOCES to place all legal advertisements for any required cooperative bidding in Newsday, which is designated as the official newspaper for the Program; and March 24, 2015 Page 10 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a Participant Meeting shall be held annually consisting of a representative from each Program Participant. Notice of the meeting shall be given to each representative at least five (5) days prior to such meeting; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an Advisory Committee will be formed consisting of five to ten representatives of Program Participants for a term of three (3) years as authorized by General Municipal Law §119-o.2.j. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Agreement with the Participant shall be for a term of one (1) year as authorized by General Municipal Law §119-o.2.j. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Participant agrees to pay Eastern Suffolk BOCES an annual fee as determined annually by Eastern Suffolk BOCES to act as the lead agent for the Program. Dated: March 24, 2015 ________________________________________ SMITHTOWN CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT CHRISTOPHER ALCURE President, Board of Education Contact Person: Title: E-Mail Address: MOTION BETH WOODS School Purchasing Agent [email protected] by Mrs. Waldron, seconded by Mrs. Knox approving Finance Items 1-4. VOTE ON MOTION- All aye. Motion carried (6-0). B. Operations 1 – Declaration of Obsolete Items "Upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, be it March 24, 2015 Page 11 RESOLVED, that the following items, due to poor condition and/or obsolescence, are no longer useful to the District, and are hereby declared to be obsolete, and are to be disposed of in a manner that is in the best interest of the Smithtown Central School District: Kyocera Mifa Copier, serial # ZH47023747, model KM-1810 at High School East Health Office Audiometer, SCSD tag# 000862, serial #8147, Maico, model MA-12B at Accompsett Elementary Health Office EDL Combo – 8 (Film Strip Reader), SCSD tag #12835, serial #115658 at Acompsett Elementary Health Office” 2 - Acceptance of Gifts "Upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, be it RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the acceptance of the following gifts: Donated By Pearl Drum Set and Zoldjian Cymbals for the Mills Pond Elementary School Music Department Lori DiBlasi 29 Smithtown Crescent Smithtown, NY 11787 $2,000.00 donation to the St. Catherine’s Scholarship Fund St. Catherine’s of Siena Medical Center 50 Route 25A Smithtown, NY 11787” 3 – Additions to Lists of Organizations Approved to Use School Facilities, 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 School Years "Upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, be it March 24, 2015 Page 12 RESOLVED, that the following organizations, having made formal application, are hereby approved to use school facilities at the Smithtown Central School District during the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 school years, subject to all School District policies, rules and regulations, Standard Uniform Practices, and contract provisions: 2014-2015 SCHOOL YEAR Living Word Church 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR Living Word Church Suffolk Officials of Girls Soccer” MOTION by Mrs. Knox, seconded by Mrs. Waldron approving Operations Item 1-3. Vote on Motion- All aye. Motion carried. (6-0). XI. PERSONNEL A. Certified – The following Certified Personnel Items were presented for the Board’s approval: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Appointment of Adult Continuing Education Teacher Appointment of Coordinator of the Middle School Summer Program 2015-2016 Appointment of Assistant Coordinator of the Middle School Summer Program 2015-2016 Appointment of District AP Proctor Appointment of Co-Curricular Activities Sponsor Coaching Assignments Notice of Retirement Request for FMLA and/or Leave of Absence Approval of Volunteer Appointment of Probationary Teacher Appointment of Substitute Teacher 2014-2015 Restoration of Former Tenure Status MOTION by Mrs. Knox , seconded by Mrs. Waldron approving the Certified Personnel Items 1- 12 March 24, 2015 Page 13 VOTE ON MOTION- All aye. Motion carried (6-0). B. Classified- The following Classified Personnel Items were presented for the Board’s approval: Appointments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Change of Status Leave of Absence Retirements Resignation Correction from prior Board Meeting – Leave of Absence Election Workers Temp/Peak Appointments MOTION by Mrs. Waldron , seconded by Mrs. Knox approving the Certified Personnel Items 1-8 ,as detailed in the attached resolutions. VOTE ON MOTION- C. All aye. Motion carried (6-0). Nurses 1. Change of Status MOTION by Mrs. Knox , seconded by Mrs. Waldron approving the Nurses Item 1. , as detailed in the attached resolutions. VOTE ON MOTION- All aye. Motion carried (6-0). XII. NEW BUSINESS –None at this time. XIII. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Mrs. Knox, seconded by Mrs. Waldron that the meeting be adjourned at 9:37p.m. VOTE ON MOTION- All aye. Motion carried (6-0 ). Respectfully submitted, March 24, 2015 Page 14 Maureen O’Connor District Clerk