Bromley Temple Corps


Bromley Temple Corps
Corps Family
Please remember Stella Underwood and family in your prayers
following the passing of Harry Steel.
Golden Wedding Thanks
Harold & Helen (Stone) would like to express sincere thanks to the
many soldiers and friends of Bromley Temple Corps who kindly sent
cards and greetings to them on the occasion of their Golden Wedding
Bromley Temple Corps
Corps Officers
Lt. Colonels Graham & Kirsten Owen
Associate Officer
Major Gill Johnson
Prayer Requests from The Light:
Please pray for Jadie who is in the Priory Hospital in Middlesex
Please pray for Esther who would like to meet a Christian man to
share her life with
Corps Website:
Thank You!
On behalf of the Retired Officers Fellowship I would like to thank our
friends of Bromley corps who supported us in any way at our coffee
morning last week. The Mbooni Sand Dam project captured the
imagination of all who participated in the event and the magnificent sum
of £1,402 was raised from the stalls and cafe. In addition we were most
grateful for a donation of £500 from the corps 'Bridge' network to
supplement the £1057 we had already raised. This more than reached
our goal and will enable us to send £3,000 to Kenya. I will be happy to
provide more details of this project on request. Freda Larsson.
Updated Corps Directory
The updated Corps Directory is now available. If you would like a hard
copy, please put your name on the list in the foyer. These will be free of
We say thank you to Ian & Margaret De Maid for the flowers on the Altar
Table today.
Our host today is Louise Finch
Next week’s host is Vanessa O’Leary
Technical Support
This Week – am Martin O’Leary pm David Lanceley
Next week – am Alex Pringle pm David Lanceley
31st May 2015
Last Sunday was Pentecost Sunday, and it was good for us to be able to
gather together in worship, praise and thanks to God for the outpouring
of the Holy Spirit. 'Why the fear?' was the morning's theme, and this
was followed in the evening with a beautiful meeting led by Lyndall
Bywater. Lyndall asked the question 'Why the Fire?', and really
challenged us with regard to our calling and commitment to the mission
of Jesus.
This morning Kirsten is inviting us to take a deep breath, before inviting
us to go out into our worlds continuing the ministry begun by Jesus,
taken up by the disciples, and bequeathed to each of us today. Scripture
texts are John 20: 19-23 and Acts 4: 31-35.
This evening we are pleased that the Songsters will be leading us in
praise and worship. We look forward to an uplifting and encouraging
evening of joyful song, as the Songsters prepare for their forthcoming
weekend ministry at Norwich Citadel.
There will be no Youth Fellowship (end of half term)
Our Mission is
by Evangelism, Ministry, Discipleship, Worship and Fellowship
This Week:
The Light open 10am – 2pm
The Light open 10am – 2pm
Home League – Majors Melvyn & Betty Ackroyd
The Light open 10am – 2pm
Parent and Toddler Group
Bible Study – Martin Nunn
CAP Money Course (see next page for details)
Bromley Bookworms will meet at 8 Embassy Gardens,
Blakeney Road, Beckenham.
The Light open 10am – 2pm
Parent & Toddler Group
Christian Community Choir
50+ Fellowship – ‘Action – not Words’
Major Deidre Gibson
Opening of the Reflections Dementia Café
Kid’s Alive!
Next Sunday: Songsters at Norwich Citadel
9:55am – Worship led by Lt. Colonel Kirsten Owen
Please note – there will be no evening meeting
and no Youth Fellowship
Offering –24th May 2015
Thank you for supporting the Lord’s work in this way.
Candidates Fund
Thank you for your donations to the Candidates Fund which totalled
The next Prayer
Fellowship at the
home of Chris Webb
will be at 8pm
on Monday 8th June
Monthly Prayer Slot
‘‘Have faith in God,’ Jesus
answered. ‘Truly I tell you, ....
whatever you ask for in prayer,
believe that you have received it,
and it will be yours.’’
Mark 11:22-24 (NIV)
The One to Fifty Box Exchange.
Today is a further opportunity to exchange One to Fifty boxes. The
current boxes are available in the foyer of the hall. Thank you to
everyone who supports The Bridge programme in this simple and
effective way.
‘Together we can make a difference’
CAP (Christians Against Poverty) Money Course
This course will take place again in The Light on Wednesday evenings
3rd, 17th and 24th June 2015 starting at 7:30pm and concluding at
9:00pm. It is a budgeting course open to everyone but spaces are
limited. Book a place by visiting or speak to Major Keith
Mandy Lanceley has written a booklet of poems called ‘Healing
Tears’. This is a collection of poems written during and after her mum’s
illness and death. If you would like a copy then please see
Mandy - they are £2 each.
Dates for your Diary:
Wed. 10th June
Home League & 50+ Outing to Eastbourne
Sunday 14th June am Divisional Leaders Lt. Cols Ray & Angela Irving
pm Led by our Corps Officers
Monday 15th June 8pm Pastoral Care Council
Sunday 21st June Fathers Day Meetings led by our Corps Officers
Sat. 27th June
Commissioning of the Heralds of Grace Session at WCH
Sunday 28th June Meetings led by our Corps Officers
Special Request from DHQ
We were sorry to learn that a number of delegates have not been
granted visas to attend the Congress. As a result, the Congress Office
needs to secure the following:
1) Uniformed Salvationists who will be prepared to carry flags.
2) People who will assist in the grand finale featuring the Blood of
the Lamb. This is the scene where converts march and then appear
in white.
In addition, there are still volunteer opportunities to assist with
things around the O2. If you would like to volunteer your services or
know of anyone who might be interested in doing so, please let Gill
know as soon as possible - so your details can be passed to DHQ.