Grade 5 Math Curriculum Map Weeks 1
Grade 5 Math Curriculum Map Weeks 1
Grade 5 Math Curriculum Map Weeks 1-8 (Quarter 1 = 44 Instructional days) Domain MAFS Operations and Alg. Thinking Number and Operations in Base 10 Focus Order of operations. 5.NBT.2.6 Divide four-digit numbers by two-digit. Uses different strategies when dividing numbers. 5.NBT.2.6 Divide four-digit numbers by two-digit using different strategies. 5.NF.2.3 Interpret a fraction as division of the numerator by the denominator (a/b = a ÷ b). Solve word problems. 5.NBT.1.1 Recognize that in a multidigit number, a digit in one place represents 10 times as much as it represents in the place to its right. Read, write and compare decimals to thousandths. Round decimals to any place. Add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals to hundredths. Add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals to hundredths using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value. 5.OA.1.2 5.NBT.1.1 5.NBT.1.2 5.NBT.2.5 Operations and Alg. Thinking Number and Operations – Fractions Number and Operations in Base 10 Number and Operations in Base 10in Base 10 Standard Description Use ( ), brackets, or braces in numerical expressions to evaluate expressions Write and evaluate simple expressions. Recognize the 10 to 1 relationship among placevalue positions.. Explain patterns in the numbers and decimals by powers of 10. Fluently multiply multi-digit whole numbers. 5. OA.1.1 5.NBT.1.3 5.NBT.1.4 5.NBT.2.7 5.NBT.2.7 Essential Questions Resources How do you describe a relationship between two place-value positions? How do you read, write, and represent whole numbers through hundred millions? How can you use properties of operations to solve problems? How can you use exponent to show powers of 10? How can you use a basic fact and a pattern to multiply by a 2-digit number? How do you multiply by 2-digit numbers? How is multiplication used to solve a division problem? In what order must operations be evaluated to find the solution to a problem? Go Math – Chapter 1 Place Value, Multiplication, and Expressions Lessons 1-12 Pacing 1 day – introduction 12 days –instruction 2 days- assessment 15 days total Assessments Diagnostic (not graded) – Show What You Know Formative: Mid-Chapter Checkpoint Summative: Chapter 1 Test Form B, AG (Assessment Guide) Divide by using: estimation, base-ten blocks, partial quotients, compatible numbers Solve division problems and decide when to write a remainder as a fraction. How can you tell where to place the first digit of a quotient without dividing? How can you use partial quotients to divide by 2-digit divisors? How can you use compatible numbers to estimate quotients? How can you divide by 2-digit divisors? When solving a division problem, when do you write the remainder as a fraction? Go Math- Chapter 2 Divide Whole Numbers; Lessons 1-9 Pacing 1 day intro + 9 days –instruction 2 days- assessment 12 days total Assessments Formative: Mid-Chapter Checkpoint Summative: Chapter 2 Test Form B, AG (Assessment Guide) Model, read, and write decimals to thousandths. How can you describe the relationship between two decimal place-value positions? How do you read, write, and represent decimals through thousandths? How can you use place value to compare and order decimals? How can you use place value to round decimals to a given place? How can you use base-ten blocks to model decimal addition/subtraction? Go Math – Chapter 3 Add and Subtract Decimals; Lessons 1-12 Pacing 1 day – introduction 12 days –instruction 2 days- assessment 15 days total Assessments Formative: Mid-Chapter Checkpoint Summative: Chapter 3 Test Form B, AG (Assessment Guide) Write numerical expressions. Recognize the 10 to 1 relationship among placevalue positions.. Write and evaluate repeated factors in exponent form. Multiply by 1 and 2-digit numbers. Compare and order decimals to thousandths. Round decimals to any place. Model decimal addition/subtraction using different strategies. Model multiplication of whole numbers and decimals. Solve problem using the strategy draw a diagram to multiply money. Quarter 1 Formative Assessment will include chapters 1-3 (Performance Matters) Flagler County Public Schools 2014-2015 Updated July, 2014 Grade 5 Math Curriculum Map Weeks 9-16 (Quarter 2 = 46 Instructional Days) Number and Operations – Fractions Fractions Number and Operations in Base 10 Number and Operations in Base 10 Domain MAFS Standard Description Focus 5.NBT.1.2 Explain patterns in the number of zeros of the product when mult./dividing a number and decimals by powers of 10. Add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals to hundredths using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value. Explain patterns in the number of zeros of the product when mult./dividing a number and decimals by powers of 10. Add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals to hundredths using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value. Find patterns in products when multiplying by powers of 10. 5.NF.1.1 Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators (including mixed numbers). Find a common denominator or LCD to write equivalent fractions. Use equivalent fractions to add and subtract fractions. 5.NF.1.2 Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions. Solve problems using the strategy work backward. 5.NF.2.4 Multiply a fraction or a whole number by a fraction. 5.NF.2.5 Interpret multiplication as scaling (resizing). Solve real world problems involving multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers. Apply and extend previous understanding of division to divide unit fractions by whole numbers and whole numbers by unit fractions. Multiply fractions and whole numbers by using models. Multiply two mixed numbers and find area. Multiply fractions using area models. Multiply mixed numbers. Solve problems using different strategies. Divide a whole number by a fraction and divide a fraction by a whole number. 5.NBT.2.7 5.NBT.1.2 5.NBT.2.7 5.NF.2.6 5.NF.2.7 Model multiplication of whole numbers and decimals. Solve problem using the strategy draw a diagram to multiply money. Find patterns in quotients when dividing by powers of 10. Divide decimals by whole numbers. Model division of decimals by whole numbers. Estimate decimal quotients. Write a zero in the dividend to find a quotient. Essential Questions Resources How can patterns help you place the decimal point in a product? How can you use a model to multiply a whole number and a decimal? How can you use drawings and place value to multiply a decimal and a whole number? How can you use expanded form and place value to multiply a decimal and a whole number? Go Math – Chapter 4 Multiply Decimals; Lessons 1-8 Pacing 12 days –instruction 2 days- assessment 14 days total Assessments Formative: Mid-Chapter Checkpoint Summative: Chapter 4 Test Form B, AG (Assessment Guide) How can patterns help you place the decimal point in a quotient? How can you use a model to divide a decimal by a whole number? How can you estimate decimal quotients? How can you divide decimals by whole numbers? How can you place the decimal point in the quotient? How do you use strategy work backward to solve multistep decimal problems? How can you use models to add fractions that have different denominators? How can you use models to subtract fractions that have different denominators? How can you make reasonable estimates of fraction sums and differences? How can you rewrite a pair of fractions so that they have a common denominator? How can you use LCD to add/subtract fractions with unlike denominators? How can you use a model to show the product of a fraction and a whole number? How can you use an area model to show the product of two fractions? How does the size of the product compare to the size of one factor when multiplying fractions? How do you multiply fractions? How can you use a unit tile to find the area of a rectangle with fractional size lengths? Go Math – Chapter 5; Divide Decimals; Lessons 1-8 Pacing 8 days –instruction 2 days- assessment 10 days total Assessments Formative: Mid-Chapter Checkpoint Summative: Chapter 5 Test Form B, Go Math – Chapter 6 Add/Subtract Fractions with Unlike Denominators Lessons 1-10 Pacing 10 days –instruction 2 days- assessment 12 days total Assessments Formative: Mid-Chapter Checkpoint Summative: Chapter 6 Test Form B, Go Math – Chapter 7; Multiply Fractions; Lessons 1-10 Pacing 10 days –instruction 2 days- assessment 13 days total Assessments Formative: Mid-Chapter Checkpoint Summative: Chapter 7 Test Form B, Quarter 2 Cumulative Assessment will include chapters 1-7 (Performance Matters) Flagler County Public Schools 2014-2015 Updated July, 2014 Grade 5 Math Curriculum Map 17-24 (Quarter 3 = 43 Instructional Days) Number and Operations – Fractions Domain Standard Description Focus 5.NF.2.3 MAFS Interpret a fraction as division of the numerator by the denominator. Solve word problems involving division. 5.NF.2.7 Apply and extend previous understanding of division to divide unit fractions by whole numbers and whole numbers by unit fractions. Graph the ordered pairs on a coordinate plane. Use two rules to generate a numerical pattern. Make a line plot to display a data set. Define a coordinate system. Graph and name points on a coordinate grid. Interpret a fraction as division and solve wholenumber division problems that result in fraction or mixed number. Divide a whole number by a fraction and divide a fraction by a whole number. How do you divide a whole number by a fraction and divide a fraction by a whole number? How does a fraction represent division? How can you divide fractions by solving a related multiplication sentence? How can you use diagram, equations, and story problems to represent division? Use two rules to generate a numerical pattern. Graph the ordered pairs on a coordinate plane. Make and use line plots with fractions to solve problems. Graph and name points on a coordinate grid using ordered pairs. How can a line plot help you find an average with data given in fractions? How can you identify and plot points on a coordinate grid? How can you use a coordinate grid to display data collected in an experiment? How can you use a line graph to display and analyze real-world data? How can you identify a relationship between two numerical patterns? Operations and Alg. Thinking Measurement and Data Geometry 5.OA.2.3 5.MD.2.2 5.G.1.1 Represent real world problems by graphing Convert among differentsized standard measurement units within a given measurement system, and use these conversions in solving multi-step, real world problems. Collect and graph data on a coordinate grid. Compare, contrast, and convert customary units of capacity, length, weight, metric units. Convert units of time to solve elapsed time problems. 5.MD.3.3 Recognize volume as an attribute of solid figures. 5.MD.3.4 Measure volumes by counting unit cubes. Solve real world and mathematical problems involving volume. Identify and classify polygons. Classify two-dimensional figures in a hierarchy based on properties. Identify, describe, and classify 3-D figures. Use unit cubes to find volume. Use unit cubes to estimate the volume. Find the volume using formula. Make table to compare volumes. Identify and classify polygons. Classify and compare quadrilaterals using their properties. Measurement and Data Geometry Measurement and Data 5.G.1.2 5.MD.1.1 **Amended 5.MD.3.5 **Amended 5.G.2.3 5.G.2.4 **Amended Essential Questions How can you compare and convert customary units of length? How can you compare and convert customary units of capacity? How can you compare and convert customary units of weight? How can you solve multistep problems that include measurement conversions? How can you identify and classify polygons? How can you classify triangles? How can you classify and compare quadrilaterals? How can you identify, describe, and classify 3-D figures? What is a unit cube and how can you use it to build a solid figure? How can you use unit cubes to find the volume of a rectangular prism? Resources Go Math – Chapter 8 Divide Fractions; Lessons 1-5 Pacing 1 day – introduction 5 days –instruction 2 days- assessment 8 days total Assessments Formative: Mid-Chapter Checkpoint Summative: Chapter 8 Test Form B, Go Math – Chapter 9 Patterns and Graphing; Lessons 1-7 Pacing 1 day – introduction 7 days –instruction 2 days- assessment 10 days total Assessments Formative: Mid-Chapter Checkpoint Summative: Chapter 9 Test Form B, Go Math – Chapter 10 Convert Units of Measure; Lessons 1-7 Pacing 1 day intro + 7 days –instruction 2 days- assessment 10 days total Assessments Formative: Mid-Chapter Checkpoint Summative: Chapter 10 Test Form B Go Math – Chapter 11 Geometry and Volume Lessons 1-12 Pacing 1 day – introduction 12 days –instruction 2 days- assessment 15 days total Assessments Formative: Mid-Chapter Checkpoint Summative: Chapter 11 Test Form B Quarter 3 Cumulative Assessment will include chapters 1-11 (Performance Matters) Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) testing window April 13th – May 8th Flagler County Public Schools 2014-2015 Updated July, 2014 Grade 5 Math Curriculum Map Weeks 25-32 (Quarter 4 = 46 Instructional Days) March 23rd – 27th, 2015 March 31st – April 10th April 13th – May 8th Spring Break Review Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) Getting Ready for 6th Grade (Student edition -Standard Practice Book-page 245.; Teacher edition – Planning Guide page 80) Lessons Concept Assessments (Standard Practice Book) Compare Fractions and Decimals Quizzes: (located in student practice book) 1 Checkpoint #1 (pg. 257) Order Fractions and Decimals 2 Checkpoint #2 (pg. 269) Factor Trees 3 Checkpoint #3 (pg. 277) Model Percents 4 Checkpoint #4 (pg. 291) Relate Decimals and Percents 5 Fractions, Decimals and Percents 6 Tests: (located in Assessment guide) Divide Fractions by a Whole Number 7 Test #1 Lessons 1-11 Form A (AG221) Ratios 8 Test #2 Lessons 12-20 Form A (AG235) Equivalent Ratios 9 Rates 10 Distance, Rate and Time 11 Understanding Integers 12 Write and Evaluate Expressions 13 Understanding Inequalities 14 Polygons on a Coordinate Grid 15 Area of a Parallelogram 16 Median and Mode 17 Finding the Average 18 Histograms 19 Analyze Historgrams 20 *Go Math program does not provide a lot of resources for the Getting Ready lessons. Please feel free to use other resources that you see fit with the concepts above. Here are some suggested resources: (basic skill review) Other ________________________________________________ Quarter 4 Assessment will include Lessons 1-20 (Performance Matters) Flagler County Public Schools 2014-2015 Updated July, 2014 Grade 5 Math Grading Guidelines Category Weight Multiplier Quarterly Assessments Chapter Test Form B Mid-Chapter (Quiz)/Teacher created quizzes Classwork Homework Teacher assigned projects 6.0 4.0 1.0 0.50 0.10 Not to exceed 4.00 depending on rigor and length of the project. Mathematics Florida Standards (MAFS) Clarifications **In Grade 5, standards MD.1.1, MD.3.5 and G.2.4 have been amended (slightly changed). These changes will be reflected in the online version of the Go Math program only. The print resources will be updated in 2015-16 school year. Amended Standards MAFS.5.MD.1.1 - Convert among different-sized standard measurement units (i.e., km, m, cm; kg, g; lb, oz.; l, ml; hr, min, sec) within a given measurement system (e.g., convert 5 cm to 0.05 m), and use these conversions in solving multi-step, real world problems. MAFS.5.MD.3.5- Relate volume to the operations of multiplication and addition and solve real world and mathematical problems involving volume. a. Find the volume of a right rectangular prism with whole-number side lengths by packing it with unit cubes, and show that the volume is the same as would be found by multiplying the edge lengths, equivalently by multiplying the height by the area of the base. Represent threefold whole-number products as volumes, e.g., to represent the associative property of multiplication. b. Apply the formulas V = l × w × h and V = B × h for rectangular prisms to find volumes of right rectangular prisms with whole-number edge lengths in the context of solving real world and mathematical problems. c. Recognize volume as additive. Find volumes of solid figures composed of two non-overlapping right rectangular prisms by adding the volumes of the nonoverlapping parts, applying this technique to solve real world problems . MAFS.5.G.2.4 - Classify and organize two-dimensional figures into Venn diagrams based on the attributes of the figures. Flagler County Public Schools 2014-2015 Updated July, 2014