Newsletter - April 10th, 2015
Newsletter - April 10th, 2015
BUCKINGHAM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCHOOL 6066 Buckingham Drive, Burnaby, B.C. V5E 2A4 Telephone: 604-664-8616 Fax: 604-664-8793 Website: Principal: Mr. K. Gurney Head Teacher: Mrs. L. Cramb Secretary: Mrs. C. Geipel The Buckingham Community is working together to create a safe and nurturing environment that recognizes the unique learning styles of each student. We are encouraging social responsibility and life long learning. Keep up to date by checking our website frequently. Information includes: Newsletters, Calendars, PAC news, School Growth Plan, Annual Report. Newsletter #13 April 10, 2015 Book Fair – A HUGE Success! Last week, from Tuesday to Thursday, Buckingham held our annual Scholastic Book Fair. Our library was transformed into a medieval wonder of words; it was WONDERFUL! A BIG THANKS goes out to our “book-fair parent extraordinaire”, Kellee Mulhern, and her crew of amazing helpers (Ashifa Virani, Melissa Samson, Shunney Sidhu, Linda Jung, Reggie Moncur, XiXi Sang, and Adrianna Granados Colmenero) for all their organizing, decorating, and running the whole event. Kellee was even so talented as to convince someone on staff to dress as Sir Read-a-Lot to visit classes as a kick-off for the event! We’d also like to thank our wonderful grade 6/7 student volunteers. The whole event was a great way to promote the love of reading and to raise funds to purchase more books for classrooms. Thanks again to everyone for making it such a success. Parent-Children Attachment On Saturday, May 2nd, Gordon Neufeld will be speaking at the 7th Annual Vancouver Neufeld Conference. A lot of our philosophy at Buckingham regarding education is founded in Neufeld’s Attachment Theory and the need to build adult-child relationships as a foundation from which learning happens best. At this conference, topics will include “Helping Children with Anxiety”, “Home Learning”, “Setting Kids Up for Learning Success: The Role of Home”, and many others. More information can be found at if you are interested in registering. Math is a SPORT!? In the addition question shown to the right, P and Q represent single digits, and the sum is 1PP7. What is P + Q? A) 9 B) 12 C) 14 D) 15 E) 13 7 6 + Q 1 P 7 Q Q P P P P 7 If this is the kind of thing that piques your interest and makes you curious, maybe this Math opportunity is for you. ELMACON ( gives students from grades 5 to 7 a chance to experience mathematics as an exciting sport. The competition will take place on May 2nd at UBC. If you’d like to register, please visit the link above before April 19 th. Kurt Gurney – Principal Professional Day – Monday, April 27th – Students Do Not Attend Students, for a variety of reasons, come to school with a wide range of academic ability, but they each have the ability to work hard and demonstrate effort in everything they do. Each term, we’d like to recognize intermediate students who demonstrate consistent determination and hard work. These are students that receive all “G’s” on their report card with a maximum of one “S” and no “N’s”. Grade 7 Alex Aleena Arika Asia Blake Cameron Y. Cameron P. Corinne Curtis D.J. David Eric Hannah Janeya Jeremy Julian Maneesha Olivia Sammy Sarah Sierra Simrit Sophia Sylvia Theodore Tishma Valeria Grade 6 Alysha Benjamin Carla Gena Gia Gina Jacie Jun Kiran Naail Nicholas Priya Rachael Renz Edward Rey Ryan Samuel Sean Sienna Spencer Susan “Continuous EFFORT, not strength or intelligence, is the key to unlocking our potential” Grade 5 Alex Alyssa Andrew Ava C. Ava H. Bradley Cole Declan Deeya Diya Dominique Evan Jessica Justin Kellie Kendra Max Milton Ralph Simon Susan Grade 4 Annika Carlos Isobel Jemma Lavel Lindsay Mark Marko Max Nathan Nicholas Sajan Samantha Shawn Tiffany Winston Churchill Full Earthquake Drill Our Full Run Earthquake Drill is being held on Wednesday, May 6th at 2:00. As part of the full run drill, students are picked up from school by a parent or a designated adult. There will be a form sent home on Tuesday, April 21st which will need to be returned, indicating which adult will be picking up your child. Please mark your calendars and ensure arrangements are in place for your child’s pick up. Planning For Next Year Preliminary planning for the 2015/2016 school year is underway. Registration for Kindergarten students and families new to our catchment is currently taking place. Please ensure your Kindergarten child is registered. If you know of families moving into our area, please ask them to register at the school as soon as possible. If your children are transferring to a new school or moving and not returning to Buckingham next September, please fill out this form and return to the office. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The following student(s) will not be returning to Buckingham School in September: Student name (please print): ______________________ Div. ___ Grade ___ _________________________ Div. ___ Grade ___ _________________________ Div. ___ Grade ___ New School Name: ______________________ Location: ____________________ Phone No.: ______________ Community Announcements B.C. Children’s Hospital Childrun The Buckingham PAC We will be holding a clothing drive this coming May. Many parents asked about holding one in the spring so they can clean out their closets and get rid of their winter clothes, so that is what we are doing. The Exact date of the drive will be posted in the coming weeks so keep your eyes open and in the meantime start cleaning your closets. ChildRun is turning 30! Please join us in supporting BC’s only children’s hospital by participating in ChildRun on May 31st, 2015. . For more information about ChildRun, please contact [email protected] Screen Smart Children May 5, 2015 – 6:30-8:30, Burnaby Neighbourhood House – 4460 Beresford St. Dr. Eric Meyers will discuss screen time’s impact on children – from babies to 12 years old. To register, email [email protected] Dates To Note: Monday, April 13 TuesdayApril 14 Tuesday, April 14 Tuesday, April 14 Wednesday, April 15 Thursday, April 16 Friday, April 17 Tuesday, April 21 Tuesday, April 21 Tuesday, April 21 Wednesday, April 22 Wednesday, April 22 Wednesday, April 22 Thursday, April 23 Thursday, April 23 Thursday, April 23 Friday, April 24 Friday, April 24 Friday, April 24 Monday, April 27 Tuesday, April 28 Wednesday, April 29 Wednesday, April 29 Wednesday, April 29 Wednesday, April 29 Thursday, April 30 Thursday, April 30 Thursday, April 30 Thursday, April 30 - Creation of Hope Coin Drive Week - Div. 1 to Art Studio 9:00 - Gr. 6/7 Track Meet 3:30 - PAC Meeting 6:30 pm - Babysitters Basics 3:00 - Pizza Day - Sports & Games 3:00 - Hot Dog Day - May Pizza Orders Go Home - Gr. 6/7 Track Meet 3:30 - Snackateria - Babysitters Basics 3:00 - Snack Attack 3:00 - Creation of Hope Movie at lunch - Pizza Day - Gr. 4/5 Track Meet 3:30 - Lice Check - Creation of Hope Movie at Lunch - Sports & Games 3:00 - Professional Day – Students Do not attend - May Pizza orders due 9:00 - Creation Of Hope Bake Sale - Celebration of Learning Assembly 2:00 - Babysitters Basics 3:00 - Snack Attack 3:00 - Class Photos - Panorama Photo - Creation of Hope Bake Sale - Pizza Day The Buckingham PAC “Family Fun Night” Mark your calendars for the evening of Friday, May 8th, 2015. 4:00-8:30 Some new and exciting additions!! New Raffle. You will have an opportunity to win some great prizes this year. Some of the wonderful prizes that have been generously donated so far are: $100 Keg Gift Card donated by Scotiabank Brentwood Two Tickets to BC Lions Football Game Four Tickets to Vancouver Canadians Baseball Game Leather Travel Wallet and Duffel bag donated from Travel Best Bets Family pass to Science World Tickets to Shadbolt Centre Season Performance Many more! New Games and attractions. Come try out the Velcro wall Take a fun family or group picture at our Photo Booth Wait and see who will be the victims to sit in our Dunk Tank this year! And of course, stop by and win some prizes playing some new games; such as “Conk the Crow” and “Penguin Fish Fling” And many more! We need your help! This event will take many hands to ensure its success. So we will require some people to help in advance of the event, the days leading up to the event, and during the event itself. Please keep an eye out for notices coming home this month and stay tuned on how you can get involve with the biggest fundraiser for Buckingham this year. We have already sent home a notice last week for donations of empty jars, candy and for donations of new, unused toys, games and sports equipment. So please send those donations into the classrooms now! Proceeds from this exciting event will be used to enhance your child’s school experience. Funds raised from past events have allowed us to purchase: iPads, playground equipment, tennis lessons, as well as workshops for both parents and students. We thank you for your support!!! For more information, please contact Mae Quan at [email protected] Dear Parents, April 10, 2015 For the month of April, Buckingham School will be participating in the Creation of Hope fundraising project as a way of engaging students in an action of solidarity with developing countries. Did you know that roughly one in five Africans still frequently go without food, clean water or medical care? In fact, one in two people experience at least occasional shortages. The purpose for participating in this project is to: Introduce the students to global issues Instill confidence in their ability to improve the world Enable students to gain a greater appreciation of cultural diversity Foster values of solidarity, cooperation, empathy, and responsibility Meet some of the learning outcomes in Social Studies and Health & Career Education The Creation of Hope fundraising project is being undertaken in collaboration with Eric Walters, a Canadian author, who recently visited Buckingham to promote writing and reading. He showcased several of his books and spoke about his fundraising projects. With this organization, 100 percent of the money raised by schools is sent directly for service to the Creation of Hope program in Kenya. Each individual school and student body decides how the generated funds will be donated, and the majority of students at Buckingham voted to purchase farm animals for families in need. Throughout this process, students are able to access the Creation of Hope website ( to view how their project is evolving. On the website they can read monthly updates, see the faces of the children being served, read stories, and learn about the children of Kenya and their life situations, struggles, and triumphs. The steps of the project: Week 1 Classroom activities to increase students’ awareness and learning (Apr. 6–10) conditions in Kenya, Africa Week 2 (Apr. 13–17) Coin drive – students will be visiting classrooms every morning to collect coins to raise money Week 3 (Apr. 20-24) Lunch hour movie on Thursday, April 23 rd and Friday, April 24th. Admission is free and popcorn will be sold to raise money Week 4 (Apr. 27-30) Bake sale on Wednesday, April 29th and Thursday, April 30th. Bring some money for Kenya and walk away with some yummy treats. Creating Hope! The ultimate aim of this project is for students to feel that their actions can have an impact across the planet. Student participation in this project is completely voluntary, as it is important that they feel a sense of ownership. We encourage children not to ask for money outright from their parents, but to earn their donation by taking on extra chores or other activities, or donating some of their own money perhaps. Through the involvement of this project, we hope to encourage our students to become responsible, global citizens who are confident in their ability to make positive contributions in the world around them. We hope you will be interested in encouraging your child throughout this project. Should you have any further questions about this project, please contact Mrs. Canderle or Mr. Gurney With Sincere Gratitude, The Buckingham Staff