daniel r. cavagnaro - Mihaylo College of Business and Economics
daniel r. cavagnaro - Mihaylo College of Business and Economics
DANIEL R. CAVAGNARO Department of Information Systems and Decision Sciences Mihaylo College of Business and Economics California State University, Fullerton Email: [email protected] Web: business.fullerton.edu/idsd/dcavagnaro EDUCATION University of California Irvine (UCI), Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences Ph.D. in Mathematical Behavioral Sciences (2007) University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), Department of Mathematics M.A. in Mathematics (2004) Santa Clara University B.S. with Honors in Mathematics, Philosophy minor (2002) ACADEMIC POSITIONS Lecturer, Department of Information Systems and Decision Sciences, Mihaylo College of Business & Economics, California State University Fullerton, 2011 – Present Lecturer, Department of Psychology, The Ohio State University, 2010 – 2011 Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Psychology, The Ohio State University, 2008 – 2010 NRSA Fellow in Quantitative Methods for Behavioral Research, National Institute of Mental Health Training Program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2007 – 2008 JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS Cavagnaro, D.R. & Davis-Stober, C.P. (in press). Transitive in our preferences but transitive in different ways: an analysis of choice variability. Decision. Cavagnaro, D.R., Pitt, M.A., Gonzalez, R., & Myung, J.I. (2013). Discriminating Among Probability Weighting Functions Using Adaptive Design Optimization. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 47(3), 255-289. Cavagnaro, D.R., Gonzalez, R., Myung, J.I. & Pitt, M.A. (2013). Optimal Decision Stimuli for Risky Choice Experiments: An Adaptive Approach. Management Science, 52(2), 358-375. Myung, J.I., Cavagnaro, D.R., & Pitt, M.A. (2013). A Tutorial on Adaptive Design Optimization. Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 57(3-4), 53-67. Cavagnaro, D.R., Pitt, M.A., & Myung, J.I. (2011). Model Discrimination through Adaptive Experimentation. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 18(1), 204-210. Cavagnaro, D.R., Myung, J.I, Pitt, M.A. & Kujala, J.V. (2010). Adaptive Design Optimization: A Mutual Information Based Approach to Model Discrimination in Cognitive Science. Neural Computation, 22(4), 887-905. Regenwetter, M., Grofman, B., Popova, A., Messner,W., Davis-Stober, C.P. & Cavagnaro, D.R. (2008). Behavioural social choice: a status report. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 364(1518), 833-843. Cavagnaro, D.R. (2007). Projection of a medium. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 52(1), 55-63. TEACHING EXPERIENCE * Indicates graduate level course At California State University Fullerton – Quantitative Business Analysis: Statistics & Management Science o Quantitative methods and their application to business and economic problems including forecasting, ANOVA, quality control, decision analysis, linear programming, optimization, PERT/CPM, and inventory. – Quantitative Business Analysis: Probability & Statistics o Probability concepts; expectations; descriptive statistics; discrete and continuous random variables; sampling; estimation; hypothesis testing; simple and multiple regression; nonparametric statistics. At The Ohio State University – Experimental Design and Analysis of Variance* o Completely randomized multifactor designs, treatments by blocks, repeated measures, mixed designs, fixed vs. random effects, effect sizes, power, posthoc procedures. – Quantitative and Statistical Methods o Conceptual and computational aspects of statistics, especially with regard to the t-test, ANOVA, and regression. – Introduction to Data Analysis o Introduction to statistical analysis of psychological data including random samples, graphical and numerical techniques of descriptive statistics, correlation, regression, probability, sampling distribution, and hypothesis testing. At University of California Irvine – Computer Based Research in the Social Sciences (computer lab) o Data manipulation, data visualization, and information searching techniques; Hands on experience with Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, SPSS, and Adobe Dreamweaver. – General Probability and Statistics (SocSci 10a, 10b, 10c; discussion sections) o Sequence of three courses covering statistical applications in many fields including the humanities, business, physical and social science, forensic and health sciences. – Probability and Statistics in the Social Sciences (SocSci 9a, 9b, 9c; discussion sections) o Sequence of three courses; Introduction to the variety of statistical applications in the social sciences. BOOK CHAPTERS Cavagnaro, D.R. (in press). Computational Approaches to Model Evaluation. In J.D. Wright (Ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Elsevier. Cavagnaro, D.R., Myung, J.I. & Pitt, M.A. (2013). Mathematical Modeling. In T. Little (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Quantitative Methods Vol. 1, Oxford University Press. OTHER PEER REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS Cavagnaro, D.R., Pitt, M.A. & Myung, J.I. (2010). Adaptive Design Optimization in Experiments with People. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 22, 234-242. MIT Press. Myung, J.I., Pitt, M.A., Tang, Y. & Cavagnaro, D.R. (2009). Bayesian Adaptive Design of Psychology Experiments. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop in Sequential Methodologies. (CD ROM format). Cavagnaro, D.R., Tang, Y., Myung, J.I. & Pitt, M.A. (2009). Better data with fewer participants and trials: Improving experiment efficiency with adaptive design optimization. In N. A. Taatgen & H. Van Rijn (eds.), Proceedings of the 31th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. (pp. 93-98). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society. MANUSCRPITS UNDER REVISION/REVIEW Davis-Stober, C.P., Nicholas Brown, & Cavagnaro, D.R. (submitted). Evaluating Decision Makers’ Preferences via Lexicographic Semiorders. RECENT CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS * Indicates joint work presented by coauthor 2014: 52nd Edwards Bayesian Research Conference (Fullerton, C). 2013: International Choice Modeling Conference* (Sydney, Australia), Society for Mathematical Psychology* (Berlin, Germany), 51st Edwards Bayesian Research Conference (Fullerton, CA). 2012: Society for Mathematical Psychology (Columbus, OH), Edwards Bayesian Research Conference (Fullerton, CA), Eleventh Annual Summer Interdisciplinary Conference* (Cala Gonone, Sardinia). 2011: Society for Mathematical Psychology (Boston, MA), European Mathematical Psychology Group* (Paris, France), 50th Edwards Bayesian Research Conference* (Fullerton, CA), Society for Judgment and Decision Making (Seattle, WA). 2010: World Meeting of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis* (Alicante, Spain), Society for Judgment and Decision Making (Saint Louis, MO), Society for Mathematical Psychology (Portland, OR), Psychonomic Society* (Saint Louis, MO), European Mathematical Psychology Group* (Jyvaskyla, Finland), Ninth Annual Summer Interdisciplinary Conference* (Bend, OR). 2009: Society for Mathematical Psychology (Amsterdam, Netherlands), Neural Information Processing Systems (Vancouver, Canada), Cognitive Science Society (Amsterdam, Netherlands). INVITED EXTERNAL PRESENTATIONS 2013: University of California Riverside (Management) University of California San Diego (Psychology) University of California Irvine (Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences) 2012: Max Planck Institute for Human Development (Workshop on Testing Theories of Choice) University of California Irvine (Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences) 2010: University of Missouri (Psychological Sciences) 2009: University of Michigan (Design Sciences) University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (Psychology) GRANTS, AWARDS AND FELLOWSHIPS 2014 Centers and Institutes Planning and Expansion Program Award, Office of Research Development, California State University Fullerton, $9,704.00. Co-PI on National Science Foundation (NSF), Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) award SES120010 for “Testing Multiple Specifications of Theories of Decision Making,” (PI: Michel Regenwtter), 2012 – present. National Science Foundation travel award for Workshop on Web-based research in Decision and Risk Management. California State University, Fullerton, 2011. Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences (CBMS) and National Science Foundation (NSF) travel award for Regional Conference on Bayesian Nonparametrics. University of California Santa Cruz, 2010. Ohio Supercomputing Center, 5000 resource units for “Bayesian Experimental Design Optimization” (PI’s: Cavagnaro, Myung, Pitt), 2008. University of California Regents Pre-Dissertation Fellowship, Spring 2007. RESEARCH CONSULTING National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant R01-MH093838. PI’s Jay I. Myung and Mark A. Pitt, The Ohio State University, 2012 – present. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES AND SERVICE Co-Director of the Decision Research Center (with Michael H. Birnbaum), 2012 – present. Organizer of 51st and 52nd Annual Edwards Bayesian Research Conference, 2013 – present. Chairman of Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences Graduate Student Council, 2006-2007. Ad Hoc Reviewing Acta Psychologica, Behavior Research Methods, Cognition, Cognitive Science, Decision, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Management Science, Psychometrika, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, National Science Foundation Affiliations The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) Society for Judgment and Decision Making (SJDM) Society for Mathematical Psychology (MathPsych) SPOKEN LANGUAGES English (Native) Spanish (Proficient) Mandarin Chinese (Conversational)