Committee Hearing Procedures ECOSOC/GA


Committee Hearing Procedures ECOSOC/GA
Committee Hearing Procedures
Introduction of Topic by
Committee Chair
Every committee will work off the assigned topics and Topic Preparation
Guides. Each delegate will have one position paper per topic addressing
TPG questions and Operative & Preambulatory clauses for a Resolution on
the topic.
Opening Statements by all
Member countries
(1 minute each)
Using their position papers delegates will be able to share their country’s
stance on each topic. This is an opportunity for a delegate to provide
information, research, and their country’s cultural views.
Formal Debate via the
Speakers List
(2 minutes each)
The Committee Chair will take down a list of volunteering delegates to
speak on a topic. Each delegate will have 2 minutes. If a delegate makes
any accusations toward another country the delegate from the accused
country gets a right of reply for 1 minute.
Delegates may motion for the Speakers List to be expanded and/or
reopened. The Committee Chair ultimately decides on whether to
entertain the motion for a vote.
Motion for start of
Debate/Caucusing for a
determined length of time
The Committee Chair will set a time limit for informal debate and may
extend informal debate if there is no objection. Once time has expired, a
motion to resume Formal Debate on a proposed Resolution must be made.
Informal debate is not moderated by the Committee Chair; delegates may
speak freely and caucus with other members of the committee to start
drafting a Resolution on a topic using points from formal debate speeches,
the prepared Operative & Preambulatory clauses, and evidence/research.
Motion for Formal Debate
on a proposed Resolution
via the Speakers List
(2 minutes each)
The Committee Chair will call for a new Speakers List. Delegates will have 2
minutes to speak on their country’s stance of the proposed Resolution,
makes points of clarification and/or suggest amendments.
Motion to vote on or
amend the Resolution
Once all delegates on the Speakers List have been given time to speak the
Committee Chair will ask for a motion on the Resolution.
There are two types of motions:
1. VOTE ON – The committee votes on whether to pass the resolution
or not.
2. AMEND – A delegate motions to change part of the Resolution.
If the motion is to Amend the Resolution, the amendment is introduced
and the process returns to step 3, informal debate and continues until a
motion to Vote On the Resolution is reached.
A resolution either
passes or fails
After a motion to VOTE ON the Resolution, the Committee Chair will ask for
a vote by a show of hands from the Committee. If a Resolution passes, it
moves on to the Plenary Session. The Secretariat will provide a final draft of
the Resolution to the Office of the Secretary General for processing.