CRGC Newsletter 1st Qtr 2015
CRGC Newsletter 1st Qtr 2015
M I C R S O F T O Camden Rod and Gun Club F I S R T Q U A R T E R 2 0 1 5 W W W . C A M D E N R G C . C O M President’s Pen President: Chet Cichon Vice President: Walt Morgan Treasurer: Dan Younkin Secretary: Russ Smith Membership: Brenda LaGatta Exec. Board: Bill Rogers Mike Smith INSIDE THIS ISSUE: President’s Pen Secretary’s Report 1 News Letter Dude 2 Two Bits From Tresurer 3 Dates, Classifieds 4 Application 5 Greetings, from the new president of the Camden rod & gun club, Chet Cichon. First- Thanks to Dave LaGatta for the years he served as president of the Camden Rod & Gun Club. With the weather improving the outdoor activities will pick up. Once all the snow is gone the trap and skeet fields should be operating. Remember - Safety first get properly checked out on the equipment, if you haven’t used it in a while a little refresher would not hurt. In June the club has it’s gun a day raffle. Support the club by buying a ticket and maybe selling a few. The raffle is a great fund raiser and has provided for the many improvements over the years. Tickets are available at the Monday night socials. All tickets have to be turned in by the end of May. The second Saturday of June is the kids fishing derby. Last year the weather was a little cool but a great time was had by all. I am looking forward to working with the members to keep the club a enjoyable place to spend some time . Remember, it is your club- respect it. After using any facilities clean up after yourself, put things in order. Secretary’s Report 2015 is starting out as a very busy year! There have been a number of Pistol Permit training classes. The defensive Pistol League took off and has been extended to the end of April. I have been so busy scheduling things I’ve barely had time to teach the February and March Bow Hunter classes. The sign ups on line for the April hunter education class filled up in 2 hours! Believe me, I not complaining, this is great for those who were worrying that there would be no young people to take over when the time comes I think we can safely say there will be. Keep in mind that the more you use your membership the stronger the club is to continue as a safe place to do what we love. Come to the meetings. You will learn about the latest changes in laws and the requirements that are needed to keep a club like this running. Volunteer to help with the Fishing Derby and see a little one with sparkling eyes show off their first fish or big fish. If you haven’t already, take a hunter education course and a bow hunt- ing, pistol training class. Join the Defensive Pistol league and practice on the outdoor pistol range in good weather or the indoor one in bad weather, your choice. You can come to shoot Trap or Skeet and use the rifle range to practice. Your membership is what you make of it. Follow the rules. Shoot safely and responsibly. Clean up after yourself and enjoy what we got here for years to come. See you at the Club! Russ Smith, Secretary PAGE 2 A Word from News Letter Dude Hello to all of you along with SPRING and GOODBYE WINTER. Yes I had enough of that crap this year. First of all, I would like to thank Dave LaGatta for his long run as President of the Camden Rod and Gun Club (CRGC)! Dave has helped in making many improvements to the club, some of which include, re-siding the club, new interior carpet, new security cameras, and moving the outdoor Pistol Range, just to mention a few. On behalf of the members, thank you Dave for all your hard work and dedication. Now I would like to give a warm welcome to Chet Cichon (shown here), who has won the prestigious position as President of CRGC. Chet has been a member of the club for approximately 13yrs and was originally involved with the Traveling Trap League. He has been shooting in area Cowboy Action leagues and also shoots in and helps run our Defensive Pistol League (DPL), along with other IDPA and Outlaw matches. We look forward to Chet’s leadership and ideas for the CRGC. Well, we did have a great winter of shooting indoors, recreationally and in the DPL. I had to take 2 months off from shooting the DPL, in my absence Chris Conway took over running it, with help from Mark Woods, Chet Cichon and many others (to many to mention). What a GREAT GROUP of PEOPLE that are involved, due to all of your hard work and dedication this has been a huge SUCCESS! We have been averaging 14 to 17 shooters each week, but this past week we had 21, that is AWESOME. Interesting fact, we have people driving upwards of an hour plus to shoot at our little Camden Rod and Gun Clubs DPL. I am just thrilled about it. Pistol Permit classes are being held at the club on a regular basis at least once a month. If yourself or anyone you may know is interested, please contact Bob Dorn at 315-525-6485 or email him at [email protected]. Classes are being held to 15 people and under. One more bit of business, I would like to talk about. When shooting, please use proper Hygiene! Let’s not forget that lead is an unavoidable hazard in our sport and we all know that lead in abundance is not healthy for us. Here are some more tips that benefit all; when shooting indoors always leave the exhaust fans on, try to shoot bullets that are completely jacketed, ALWAYS wash your hands and face after shooting, and NEVER eat or drink on the range. If you reload, wear rubber gloves while handling dirty brass and bullets, when tumbling your brass do it in a well ventilated area (garage, screened in room, etc), wear a mask or ventilator with a P100 rating (anything less, P95 or N95 will NOT HELP) while separating brass from media. I am not trying to scare anyone, but I have not practiced any of the above on a regular basis and yes you guessed it, my lead level is quite high. I will need to get tested every two weeks and we’re confident that my levels should start going down now that we will be shooting outdoors most of the time. Again, HELLLOOO SPRING and SUMMER! I want everyone to enjoy shooting, be safe, and (of course) always shoot safe. Bob D. News Letter Dude CAMDEN ROD AND GUN C LUB PAGE 3 Keep your fire arm in good clean working condition Two Bit’s from the Treasurer Hello, again. Spring is right around the corner, and it can’t come soon enough. This year the membership has elected a new President, Chet Cichon. He will do a fine job steering the club in a productive direction as well as our previous President, Dave LaGatta, did. Thanks to Dave for all the work and effort he put into the club as President. The club will be pondering making improvements and upgrades to the meeting room and perhaps the indoor pistol range. These are just some of the ideas that have been brought up during our business meetings. If anyone has any input or ideas, please attend the business meetings. New and different ideas are always welcomed during these sessions. Totally off topic…I’m sure many members have had their fill of ban this ammo, ban this gun, ban this feature on this gun and so on, and so on…This has become a complete assault on the second amendment. Finally someone has proposed an amendment to the safe act. It’s not much, but it’s a start. Thanks to Seward and Brindisi, we have some movement on correcting this ridiculous law. And a big thanks to Mike Waterman and members of the Oneida County Board of Legislators for filing a memorializing petition in support of Steward/ Brindisi amendment. I realize I’m preaching to the choir, but as supporters of the Second Amendment, we need to hold state and federal politicians accountable every chance we get. Hold accountable the officials that voted for the Safe Act and for those politicians, including Republicans, who do nothing to try and amend or repeal this ridiculous law. Last year’s election showed that Upstate is not content with this Law; and yet the law stands. Our Upstate voices are not being heard or they are being ignored, and that must change. Stay informed, join the NRA, get out and vote, and convince those who don’t to go to the polls. Bring your (compliant) black rifle out of the shadows and shoot it… if not for fun, in defiance of this ridiculous law. Anyways I’m starting to rant….Have a great spring and summer. See ya on the range, Dan A Few Quickies From Your VP BREAKFAST Keep your finger off the rigger until you are ready to shoot. Another breakfast season has come and gone. Once again we fed a lot of very hungry people, sold a bunch of raffle tickets, and gained a lot of new members. We also had members renew. Thanks Dave and Brenda for staffing the table. Thanks to Ron, Russ, Gerry, Bob, and all the kitchen and dining room help. Without all of you there Would not be a breakfast. Thanks again. BANQUET Due to declining attendance at past banquets, a decision was made to stop the banquet buffet format and meet for a dinner. This year we will meet on Saturday May 2, 2015 at 7:00 PM at the Stampede Steakhouse (formally Joel's) in Vernon. We will be ordering our choices from the menu with prices in the $18 to $28 range. If you are planning to attend, contact Walt Morgan at the club, online [email protected] or phone 245-0801 by April 24. BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS The buildings and grounds committee is in the process of planning capital expense projects for this year. We are asking for input from the members of what improvements you would like to see. Any and all suggestions are welcome. Contact Walt at the above locations. Walt Morgan, VP FISRT QUARTER 2015 IMPORTANT NOTES 1) Thursday night TRAP has been canceled lack of participation. SAD BUT TRUE PAGE due to 2) If you have not purchased and or sold any Gun a Day Raffle tickets, and you want to, please come to the club on Monday evenings to pick up tickets. Remember This is YOUR clubs main fund raiser. Support it First, the Camden Rod and Gun Club Business Meetings are held every second Wed. of each month at 7PM (with the exception of a couple months during the summer). Second, with all that said, Camden Rod and Gun Club meetings are cancelled for weather under the one or both of the following conditions 1. When Camden schools are closed for weather 2. When Camden after school activities are cancelled. Dates to Remember Atlantic Salmon Club, Meetings every 4th Thursday of the month 7pm Youth Marksman, Every Tuesday and Friday Evenings. Call Ed Jones for more information 245-3092 Defensive Pistol, Thursday nights starting January 8th try to be there between 5 and 5:30pm finishing on last Thursday in April. Classifieds—— WANTED: Blacksmithing tools, Forge and any equipment, call 338-1174 To Place a Classified add in the Camden Rod and Gun News Letter, please Email your info to: [email protected] and put CRandGun Classified in the Subject Line or call Bob at 525 -6485 4