Z:\MyDocs\Agendas etc - Phy Env\2015\May 5
Z:\MyDocs\Agendas etc - Phy Env\2015\May 5
Physical Environment Committee Agenda th of May 5 , 2015 to be held in the Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m. 1) DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY/CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF - now or anytime during the meeting 2) REGISTRATION OF PUBLIC WISHING TO SPEAK - with the secretary 3) PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES AND PAGERS 4) If there is an addendum, in accordance with Section 15.2.4 (of Striking Report) does the Committee wish to approve this addendum? TO BE DISCUSSED 126132 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Ministry of Transportation Clerk’s Office February 20th, 2015 Consultation on Ontario’s Default Speed Limit SUMMARY The Ontario Ministry of Transportation is seeking input on whether to consider changing the default speed limit for local roads within urban areas. Options, that MTO is considering, include: & & & & maintain current default speed limit of 50km/hr; reduce default from 50km/hr to 40km/hr; permit municipalities to set a default of 50km/hr or 40km/hr inside municipal boundaries, and require the positing of a sign at each entry point of the municipality; or permit municipalities to set a different default speed limit inside municipal boundaries or neighbourhoods and require the posting of a sign at each entry point of the municipality/neighbourhood. COMMENT Staff feel that it is important to be involved in this issue and accept the Ministry’s invitation to participate in the proposed workshop to review options under consideration. UPDATE - May 5th, 2015 Staff attended a Consultation Session, hosted by MTO. No indication was given as to the direction the Ministry will be taken. Results of the survey are pending from the Ministry. th Physical Environment Committee - May 5 , 2015 - Page 2 126132 Continued STAFF RECOMMENDATION Receive and record COMMITTEE DECISION 126177 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Councillor Doucett Policy Review Committee March 24th, 2015 Council Chambers SUMMARY Councillor Doucett suggests using mounting televisions on either side of the Council Chambers rather than the projector. UPDATE - March 21st, 2015 Councillor Doucett brought up another proposal rather than using the televisions. The proposal would see a new projector with an automated lift and an automated screen. UPDATE - May 5th, 2015 Councillor Doucett will present final costs for this project. STAFF RECOMMENDATION To be discussed. COMMITTEE DECISION 126185 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Dave Young, Director of Public Works Physical Environment Committee March 31st, 2015 2015 - Capital Program - Franktown Road & Coleman Street Intersection Improvements/Bridge Street Pedestrian Crossing SUMMARY Staff have met with Partham Engineering, the Town’s traffic signal contractor, to review both projects. th Physical Environment Committee - May 5 , 2015 - Page 3 126185 Continued The upgrades at the intersection of Franktown Road and Coleman Street will develop a left turn movement on Franktown Road from both directions. This will require upgrades to the traffic controller, installation of loop detectors, minor alterations of curb lines and line painting. Partham Engineering will be submitting a proposal to oversee this project. Partham has been investigating the installation of a solar panel system for the pedestrian crossing on Bridge Street and they feel that this type of installation will be feasible. Staff have directed Partham to plan on incorporating audible signals for this crossing. Staff will prepare a drawing for review for this project that incorporates the required parking restrictions in advance of the pedestrian crossing in accordance with traffic regulations. The design will be presented to Committee when available and should also be circulated to the BIA. UPDATE - May 5th, 2015 Staff will present drawing for review for this project that incorporates the required parking restrictions in advance of the pedestrian crossing in accordance with traffic regulations. STAFF RECOMMENDATION THAT staff present drawing. COMMITTEE DECISION 126186 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Dave Young, Director of Public Works Physical Environment Committee March 31st, 2015 LED Streetlight Conversion SUMMARY The Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) has created Local Authority Services (LAS) which obtains preferred pricing for goods and services of Ontario municipalities. Currently there is an initiative that is being pursued by numerous municipalities which is the LED Streetlight Upgrade Turn-Key Service. LAS, through a competitive process, has partnered with Real Term Energy (RTE) and Cree Canada to provide municipalities with a means to take advantage of LED technology with a relatively straight forward process in that evaluation, design, engineering, access to incentives, installation and financing through cost savings can be achieved by one provider. th Physical Environment Committee - May 5 , 2015 - Page 4 126186 Continued RTE has undertaken a preliminary review of the Carleton Place Streetlight System and have found that, based on cost savings available through reduction of current energy and maintenance expenses, it would be a viable project. Representatives of Real Term are suggesting that the Town move forward with the next step of the process which is the Investment Grade Audit that would see all components of the Town’s streetlight network field verified through GPS and mapping generated to undertake a design. COMMENT A significant issue in the Town of Carleton Place is the fact that the current streetlight system runs off of control wire system that is fed in series and has a number of relays and switches that control the operation. This system is fairly old and is not only difficult to maintain, but also component failure and /or high winds can lead to large areas of Town losing streetlighting service. Through input from service providers, staff feel that it is critical to address the streetlight system deficiencies in conjunction with any conversion program. System upgrades, which would eliminate or reduce the amount of control wire and more direct access to the power grid, would reduce large scale lighting outages. The program, which RTE is offering, does not include any system upgrades but they have indicated that they will try to accommodate the Town’s needs. Staff have found that there are other service providers of conversion programs that have the ability to undertake system upgrades. Regardless of the service provider, the Town will need to undertake a field survey of the existing streetlight network in order to move forward with system upgrades. UPDATE - May 5th, 2015 Staff will update Committee on this matter. STAFF RECOMMENDATION THAT Council hereby authorizes the Mayor and the Clerk to enter into an Agreement with Real Term Energy to undertake an Investment Audit. COMMITTEE DECISION th Physical Environment Committee - May 5 , 2015 - Page 5 126218 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Dave Young, Director of Public Works Physical Environment Committee April 29th, 2015 Grass Cutting Tender SUMMARY Bids were received up until 11:00 a.m. Friday, April 24th, 2015 for the provision of grass cutting services. Thirteen bids were received and the results for the total price per cut for the roadside cutting, both weekly and biweekly are: Company The Grounds Guys Weekly Bi-Weekly $819.50 $228.50 Pat Richards $1,148.20 $256.70 CDL Inc $1,225.00 $272.00 Kanata West Landscaping $1,353.60 $240.70 Scott Kelly $1,416.08 $319.59 John Gibson $1,530.00 $240.00 Enviro Sweep $1,475.00 $300.00 Kean’s Greens $1,595.00 $450.00 6876188 Canada Inc $1,665.00 $470.00 The Lawn Salon $1,745.00 $410.00 The Lawn and Garden Company $2,170.00 $390.00 Buzz Cuts $2,755.11 $273.80 Munro and Scullion Contracting $2,824.00 $684.00 COMMENT Staff have reviewed bids and check references for the low bidder and all is acceptable. STAFF RECOMMENDATION THAT Council hereby authorizes staff to enter into an Agreement with The Grounds Guys for the provision of Grass Cutting Services. COMMITTEE DECISION th Physical Environment Committee - May 5 , 2015 - Page 6 126219 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Dave Young, Director of Public Works Physical Environment Committee April 29th, 2015 DWQMS 2015 First Quarter Report SUMMARY The attached quarterly report identifies significant activities that have occurred over the period from January through March 2015. Noteworthy items include: ö Management Review conducted on January 15th, 2015; ö External Desktop Audit conducted on January 22nd, 2015; and ö Significant number of frozen water services starting in February and continuing through March. COMMENT For Council’s Information STAFF RECOMMENDATION Receive and record COMMITTEE DECISION 126220 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Dave Young, Director of Public Works Physical Environment Committee April 30th, 2015 Traffic Concerns John St/Hawthorne St SUMMARY Concerns have been raised by residents in the area of John Street and Hawthorne Street regarding the speed of vehicles, specifically those going to and from the High School. STAFF RECOMMENDATION THAT staff acquire data in accordance with the Town’s Speed Management and Traffic Calming Policy and report back to the Committee. Bring forward. COMMITTEE DECISION th Physical Environment Committee - May 5 , 2015 - Page 7 126221 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Dave Young, Director of Public Works Physical Environment Committee April 30th, 2015 Carleton Place Construction Open House SUMMARY Carleton Place Public Works Department hosted the Annual Construction Open House on April 22nd, 2015 from 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Residents adjacent to proposed projects were provided notification of the Open House along with promotion on the Town’s web site. The Open House was well attended with approximately 30 residents coming in to discuss the Town’s program. Most comments were positive, however there were a couple of comments relating to concerns about streetlighting, fencing along McNeely Ave and construction schedule. The notice included information pertaining to possible parking restriction and anyone in attendance from Park Avenue did not seem to have any issues with parking restrictions. COMMENT For Council’s Information STAFF RECOMMENDATION Receive and record COMMITTEE DECISION 126222 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Shaiin Charania Physical Environment Committee April 29th, 2015 Removal of Tree at 111 Bridge Street SUMMARY Owner is requesting that the Town remove, and if possible relocate, the existing tree that is within the boundary of the St. James Gate patio. His concerns are that the tree impacts the seating of the patio. COMMENT The tree that Mr. Charania is requesting removed, is on Town property and was identified in the Site Plan Agreement created by the previous owner and retained on title. One of the conditions was the retention of the tree. The Hackberry tree was planted in 2009 and is very healthy. It is of an age and size that it is beyond the possibility of transplanting. th Physical Environment Committee - May 5 , 2015 - Page 8 126222 Continued STAFF RECOMMENDATION THAT Mr. Charania be informed that the tree he has requested to be removed shall remain as long as it is healthy and that relocation will only be considered when the tree requires replacement. COMMITTEE DECISION 126223 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Joanne Henderson, Manager Parks and Recreation Community Issues Committee April 30th, 2015 Community Enrichment Program SUMMARY The attached summarizes recent applications for funding from the Community Enrichment Program and includes recommendations. STAFF RECOMMENDATION THAT grants from the Community Enrichment Program to the various organizations, as detailed on the attached, be approved. COMMITTEE DECISION BROUGHT FORWARD 126180 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Dave Young, Director of Public Works Physical Environment Committee March 31st, 2015 Hydro Upgrades in Carleton Place 126183 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Dave Young, Director of Public Works Physical Environment Committee March 31st, 2015 Traffic Concerns Regarding Vehicle Speeding on Thomas Street. 126184 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Dave Young, Director of Public Works Physical Environment Committee March 31st, 2015 Traffic Concerns at Caldwell St. and Woodward Ave. th Physical Environment Committee - May 5 , 2015 - Page 9 126190 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Dave Young, Director of Public Works Physical Environment Committee April 7th, 2015 Concerns Regarding Speed on Flora Street 20151stQuarterDWQMSReporttoCouncil The purpose of this report is to summarize the activities of the Public Works – Water Distribution System for the period of January 2014 through March 2014 for Town Council. Management Review The Management Review was conducted on January 15, 2015 and was presented to Council as part of the February 3, 2015 Physical Environment Committee Report. Operational Plan Revisions The following revisions to the Operational Plan is quarter were: 7-Jan-15 20 Distribution Map Updated Quarterly Calibration Form Updated Hydrant / Inspection Form Updated Hydrant Repair Form replaces Hydrant Maintenance Report Flushing (Dead Ends) – Route 1 Updated 17-March-15 21 Council Commitment & re-endorsement – Mayoral Name Change QP10 Section 5.1 Updated to include designate External Audit As part of maintaining our Drinking Water Licence and DWQMS Accreditation an external audit is required each year. On January 22, 2015 a desktop audit was conducted by SAI Global. No non-conformances and only 1 opportunity for improvement was documented. Drinking Water Quality To date in 2015 there has been 9 calls by residents concerning water quality. They are summarized as follows: 2 – Taste / Odour 3 – Visual 3 - Noise 1 - Other Operational Activities With the unusually frigid winter we experienced an unusual increase in the number of frozen services within the distribution system and including one watermain on King Street. Each location has been documented for future reference. Public Works Staff have also been performing regular maintenance activities including flushing hydrants. Page 1 of 2 Consumption Statistics System Demand (m3/d) January 2015 Avg. 3,720.735 Cnt. 31 Max. 4,121.600 Min. 3,452.00 Sum. 115,342.80 February 2015 3,850.550 28 4,232.000 3,592.800 107,815.400 March 2015 4,102.132 31 4,490.600 3,615.500 127,166.100 Page 2 of 2 Community Enrichment Program Funding and Facility Approvals- April 2015 Name Creative Creations Event Project Date Carleton 13-Sep-15 Place Cares Amount Requested Notes Amount Approved $159.00 Requesting in kind support to cover the rental of Carambeck Community Centre Gymnasium Requesting in kind support to cover the rental of the Town Hall Auditorium, plus piano, to host the Music Festival Requesting financial and in kind support to cover special activities $159.00 in kind Carleton Place & Beckwith Music Society Music Festival May, 2015 $726.48 Carleton Place BIA Free Comic Book Day 02-May-15 $1,500.00 Carleton Place BIA Bridge Street Bazaar 01-Aug-15 $1,500.00 Carleton Place Lions Club Wheels on the Mississippi Car Show 28-Jun-15 $750.00 Mississippi Lakes Association Mississippi Bell Publication Ongoing 2015 $500.00 Requesting financial support to cover ongoing endeavours 12-Jun-15 $550.00 Requesting in kind support to cover the rental of the Town Hal Auditorium for this event, as well as staff clean up Notre Dame Music for Catholic High Miracles School Music Event in Department Support of the CP Hospital $726.48 $300.00 Requesting in kind and $1000.00 in financial support to kind support assist in covering of special events, as well as rental of equipment Requesting in kind $750.00 in support to cover rental kind support of porta potties, as well as staff delivery of municipal equipment $0.00- This is a tourism initiative, as per 2014 support. $550.00 in kind CP Hospital Cruise Nights May-Oct $500.00 Requesting support to $500.00 in cover costs for Cruise kind support Nights Carleton Place BIA Lambs Down Park Festival 20-Jun-15 $750.00 Requesting in kind support to cover staff delivery and pick up of municipal equipment for this event. Total Funding Requested Total Funding Available $6,935.48 $15,623.14 Total Funding Approved Less phone bill for People First as per Council Total Funding Remaining $750.00 in kind $4,735.48 $900.00 $9,987.66
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