Catholic Community at Stanford


Catholic Community at Stanford
Catholic Community at Stanford
Catholic Community at Stanford
P.O. Box 20301, Stanford, CA 94309
Web site:
Main office: 650-725-0080
Emergencies: Fr. Xavier Lavagetto O.P.
cell 415-336-4203
The mission of the Catholic Community at Stanford (CC@S) is to develop and
form well educated, passionate, and faithful Catholic leaders in order to bring
positive change to their disciplines, communities, Church, and world.
Sunday Masses: May 3, 2015
10:30amMass in Tresidder Oak Room
4:30pm Mass in Memorial Church
10 pm Mass in Memorial Church
Daily Liturgy:
M T W & F 12:20pm in Memorial Church
Thurs 12:20pm in Sanctuary, Old Union
Sunday, from 9:15am to 10:15am
at Old Union 3rd Floor offices,
and 4:00pm at MemChu Vestibule,
and Tuesdays, 1:30-2:30pm and 9-10:30pm
Old Union, 3rd Floor, Rm 304 or 319
or by appointment: call 415-336-4203
To arrange a Catholic Wedding at Memorial
Church call the coordinator at: 650-723-9531.
Infant Baptisms
Baptism is celebrated once per quarter.
For more information, please contact Teresa Pleins
[email protected].
Baptisms for the 2014-2015 academic year:
• May 3, 2015
• August 30, 2015 (prep August 22,10-11:30)
in the Sanctuary of Old Union, Tuesdays 9-10:30pm
Catholic Community Staff
Fr. Xavier Lavagetto, O.P.
[email protected]
cell 415 336-4203
Fr. Daniel Rolland, O.P.
Parochial Vicar/Associate Director
[email protected]
Fr. Nathan Castle, O.P.
Adjunct Staff
[email protected]
Nancy Greenfield
Chaplain/Marriage Preparation
[email protected]
Teresa Pleins
Chaplain/Liturgy & Music
[email protected]
Catholic App
Sr. Ramona Bascom, O.P.
[email protected]
Deacon John Kerrigan
[email protected]
Lourdes Alonso
Campus Minister
[email protected]
M’Lis Berry
Development Director
[email protected]
Guillermo Colombetti
Bulletin Editor
[email protected]
Search app store for CC@S or scan codes below
From the Catholic Community at Stanford
About the App:
The CC@S App from the Catholic
Community at Stanford is packed with
prayer materials, media links, mass
times, events, directions, donations, and
additional resources for navigating a
Catholic life on campus.
A pp Name: CC@S
building community
a way of life
Sunday, May 3, 2015
In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus reminds us how
important each and every one of us is when He says, “I am
the vine; you are the branches.” One of the central ideas in
the spirituality of stewardship is how crucial each person
is to the success and effectiveness of the community. Of
course, together we can do so much more than each of
us can individually.
Are you using your gifts? Are you using your gifts to
build the community and to serve others? Jesus speaks of
His Father “pruning” the branches that do not bear fruit.
As is often the case in ancient Greek, a word can have
two meanings. The word for “prune” is also the word
for “cleanse.” That is the point the Lord is most likely
making. Until we are “cleansed,” until we have sought
conversion and change with the help of God, we are not
able to fully fulfill our covenants with God.
Stewardship, of course, is a call to each of us to
respond to our many gifts with thanksgiving and service.
Fruits bear seeds within them. Our response to God’s call
is to allow our seeds to produce more fruit. The author
Robert Louis Stevenson said, “Don’t judge each day by
the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.” As our
Easter season continues, we need to make sure we are
attached to the vine of the Lord, and that we are planting
Copyright © 2015
Questions about this or stewardship ministry in general?
Please contact M’Lis Berry at [email protected]
prayer requests
The Islamic group (ISIS) just took over Quaragosh, the biggest
Christian city in Iraq. There are hundreds of men, women and
children that are being beheaded.
The people are asking for prayers to be made on their behalf
concerning the ongoing atrocity in their country. Please take
one minute to pray for them.
They asked for this special prayer. Please, ensure you pass
across the prayer request to the body of Christ for fervent
prayers offered on behalf of the brothers, sisters and children
in Iraq. This is an urgent SOS.
May God bless you.
From Andrew White the Vicar of Baghdad.
new announcements
Dear Catholic Community at Stanford.
As you have heard me say before, the Catholic Community
at Stanford is a wonderful, faith filled community. It is a
great honor to be part of a community so diverse in its gifts
and so intentional in its discipleship. I share with you that
I am being reassigned to be the Director of the Newman
Center at University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
But before we separate and say goodbye it is important
to appreciate the time we have together. My new
assignment begins July 1 so I will be here to the end of
June in which my last Mass will be the 4:30 p.m. on June
28. Please pray for me during this time of transition,
for it is never easy to become part of peoples lives and
then to move. Please pray for my success there for I am
challenged to raise a million dollars to build a church with
stained glass and all. Of course it will not be as grand as
the Memorial Church. Yet I have hopes.
So who is coming? and What is he like? These may be
some of the questions arising as you read this. His name
is Fr. Emanuel Taylor. He is currently an associate at St.
Dominic’s in San Francisco. I mention this as I know
many will begin to Google him and Facebook him and
do the Cyber Searches to know who he is. I will say that
I know him as a sincere and caring priest and I am glad
for you to receive him well. Pray for him in this time of
transition as well and know that you are in my prayers. I
end this message with a heart felt Thank You. You have
been very good for me, God Bless you always.
Fr. Daniel Rolland, O.P.
Help Save a Life by Giving Blood: TODAY!!!
The Catholic Community at Stanford and Atheists,
Humanists, and Agnostics (AHA!) at Stanford are
hosting a blood drive through the Stanford Blood Center
on Sunday, May 3, 2015 from 11:00am-4:00pm. The
Stanford Bloodmobile will be parked on Santa Teresa
behind Tresidder Union. The entire process of blood
donation takes approximately one hour. Your donation
can provide hope and help save the life of a patient in
a local hospital. Participate in giving the gift of life! To
schedule an appointment or for more information, please
stop by the blood drive table after Mass, visit bloodcenter., or contact Megan McAndrews at megan3@
Catholic Community at Stanford University
Today we welcome the newly
baptised into our Catholic Family.
Jack William Armstrong
Kamden Lea Davis
Nicholas Chi Hei Fong
Melody Kim Haines
Sayan Vada Jafar-Ali
Jocelyn Cecelia Lomangino
Luciana Rose Lomangino
Lea Chelsea Aquino Zambrano
Rodrigo Zavala Serra
Fifth Sunday of Easter
May 3, 2015
Send Us Your Spirit
Gloria Mass From Age To Age
David Haas
Reading Group:
The next meeting of the reading group
will be Monday May 11th at 7:30 at
Albert and Barbara Gelpi’s house on
campus: 870 Tolman Drive. We’ll
be discussing Mary Gordon’s “The
Liar’s Wife: Four Novellas,” which
is available as an e-book as well as in
libraries. All are welcome to join the
Want to Help A Student Athlete?
We have received a request from a
Catholic Student Athlete from Univ.
of Dubuque (Class of 2016). He has
accepted an internship with Stanford
Sports Performance staff. He is looking
for housing from June-December. Have
space to share? Contact Fr. Xavier
([email protected]) for more info
(resume and references). Nothing like
giving a helping hand!
Chris DeSilva
Did you know that the Sunday homilies
as well as Newman Nights, the recent
Faith that does Justice Symposium
and other CC@S events are all
podcast at
CatholicCardinalReflections? For more
information, see http://catholic.stanford.
edu/media/podcast or the CC@S app.
Next Spanish Mass
Sunday - May 17 - 3pm
1. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you,
we give you thanks for your great glory,
Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father.
Dominican Life in the 21st
Solemn High Mass According to the
Dominican Rite and Reflections on
Dominican Life Today.
In honor of the Year for Consecrated
Life, the Dominican nuns of Corpus
Christi Monastery, the friars of
the Western Dominican Province,
and the Corpus Christi chapter of
Dominican Laity joyfully invite
you to Dominican Life in the 21st
Century, at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday,
May 16, 2015, at Corpus Christi
Monastery, 215 Oak Grove Avenue,
Menlo Park, California.
The morning will begin with a
Solemn High Mass according to
the Dominican Rite; the celebrant
will be Fr. Ambrose Sigman, O.P.
Following Mass, the Dominican
friars, nuns, and laity will present
three short talks on Dominican life.
A light reception will follow.
Founded by St. Dominic 800 years
ago, the Order of Friars Preachers
was commissioned to contemplate
God and share with others the fruit
of that contemplation, preaching the
Gospel for the salvation of souls.
Today, the sons and daughters of St.
Dominic continue to embrace and
live out that charism as religious
friars and nuns, sisters and laity.
3. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord,
you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ,
with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.
First Reading Acts of the Apostles 9:26-31
Saul went back to Jerusalem, but the disciples were afraid of him. Barnabas told
them how the Lord had conversed with Saul and how he had suffered in the name of
Jesus. Then they welcomed and protected Saul.
Psalm 98 Cantai ao Senhor
For more information, please
contact Sr. Joseph Marie, O.P. at
[email protected]
or (650) 322-1801
Spaghetti Dinners:
Thursdays at 5:15pm. Join us
Thursday for our weekly Spaghetti
Dinners. Come feast on pasta and
meet new friends every Thursday at
5:15pm. We meet in the Common
Room of Old Union located on the
3rd floor.
Second Reading
1 John 3:18-24
John wrote, “Let us love in deed and in truth, not just in word.”
Gospel Acclamation
Gospel Easter Alleluia John 15:1-8
Jesus said, “I am the vine and you are the branches. Those who live in me and I
in them will bear fruit abundantly.”
Apostle’s Creed
I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven
and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin
Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died
and was buried; he descended into hell; on the third day
he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and
is seated at the right hand of God, the Father almighty;
from there he will come to judge
the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church,
the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the
resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.
Offertory Sanctus
Ho - sa - nna
- claim your Death, O
Lamb of God
Lle-nos es-tán
your Re - su - rrec - tion
Lamb of God
vie - ne
Memorial Acclamation:
Eleazar Cortés
Ho - sa - nna
Ben-di - to el que
Ho-ly Lord God of hosts
cie-lo y la tie-rra de tu glo-ria
nom - bre del
Se -
high - est.
Eleazar Cortés
Eleazar Cortés
ha - ve
mi - se - re da
Eleazar Cortés
you take a-way the sins of the world
Catholicism 101:
Mondays at 7pm. Grad students are
invited to Catholicism 101, a forum
for graduate students and young
adults that fosters community and
open discussion. Join us on Monday
nights this quarter from 7-8:30pm
for dinner and discussions. More
information will be available in the
weekly email. Let us know if you
would like to be added to the grad
email list by contacting Lourdes at
[email protected].
Upcoming Sessions include:
Joanna Nurmis,
Being Catholic in Diverse
Faith Environments: Poland,
France, and the US
Karen Dowling,
Marian apparitions
Deacon John Kerrigan,
“Investing in your faith
journey-personal story and
personal investing”
Memorial Day BBQ
Looking back: My faith
and Stanford, panel of
students graduating in June
Grad Bible Study:
Sundays. Dinner at 6:30pm, Study
7-8pm. For more information
contact [email protected]
pro -
un-til you come a - gain.
Young Adults
Dinner at Bierhaus:
Tues. May 19th at 7:30pm, 383
Castro St., Mountain View. The
Young Adult group meets for its
monthly social gathering. Please
confirm your attendance on our
Facebook Page “Young Adult
Circle” or contact us at yacircle@
This and other upcoming events can
be viewed at www.youngadultcircle.
Engage Your Heart Through Service
To Others:
Companions in Ignatian Service and
Spirituality (www.ignatiancompanions.
org) is a unique program that engages
women and men, retired and semi-retired,
who have a desire to serve those most
marginalized in our communities while
deepening their spiritual foundations.
Ignatian Companions integrate their
personal journey of faith with their own
conviction to act for justice within local
Come To the Water
J. Foley
Reprint license #40882, New Dawn Music, Portland, OR;
Volunteer Opportunities
St. Anthony Padua’s Dining Room:
The CCAS is committed to serving the
needy at St. Anthony’s Padua Dining
Room in Menlo Park. If you would
like to volunteer on Saturday, May 23
from 8:30 - 1pm or a subset thereof,
please contact gary.glover@stanford.
edu (650 302 6902) to discuss and/or
have a volunteer position reserved for
you. We serve every first and fourth
Saturday of the month, so plan ahead and
let Gary know at least by the preceding
Wednesday. After His resurrection,
Jesus opened the minds of his disciples.
Your love given to others at St. A’s also
manifests God in the world.
Music reprinted under:
Friday, May 15, 10:30am
Reprint license #A706411,OneLicense Corp., Chicago, IL.
We are currently accepting applications
for the 2015-2016 program year and
will be welcoming new participants
until our program is filled to its capacity. Applications are available on our website.
If you have an interest, we invite you to
attend Come and See Session or contact
us at [email protected] or
415-375-0622. Most Holy Trinity Parish
2040 Nassau Drive | San Jose, CA 95122
Communion If Ye Love Me
Recessional We Are Marching (Siyahamba)
S. African
Financial Update
July 1 - April 28, 2015
Budget $373,007
Actual $383,926
Gifts As of April 28, 2015
YTD Budget Overage $10,919
Last Week’s Actual $7,587
Last Week’s Budget $6,972
Rice Bowl
If you suspect financial mismanagement or misconduct in your
parish or in the Diocese of San José, please contact: EthicsPoint: or hotline telephone number 1-888-325-7863.
Teresa Conville, 408-983-0241 or email:[email protected].
please remember to bring your Rice Bowl
to one of the Masses next week,
or drop it off at Lourdes’ office in Old Union.
so far, 41 participants contributed $1388.50
(plus 2 pens, a button, a button battery, a New Shekel, assorted Euro and Canadian coins, lint and glue)