Bushwalking in Lincoln National Park
Bushwalking in Lincoln National Park
have appropriate wet-weather clothing. •• Weather conditions can change quickly. Ensure you The elusive Western Whipbird inhabits dense mallee and heath vegetation. The species is nationally threatened with extinction. © Department for Environment, Water and Natural Resources March 2014 | FIS 92653 The haunting call of the Bush Stone-curlew may be heard at dusk. Regular fox baiting helps protect these threatened, ground-dwelling birds. your desired route with a ranger and fill in a Trip Intentions form. Cottage accommodation Southern Ocean Retreats T: 08 8598 4169 •• Prior to commencing a trek, we advise you to discuss and expected time of return. •• Inform a responsible person of your proposed route cliff edges, slippery rocks, freak waves and rips can occur. Matthew Flinders •• Take care when walking near any coastal area. Fragile markers. Matthew Flinders surveyed the Eyre Peninsula coastline in 1802 in the ship HMS Investigator. •• Keep to the defined walking trail and follow the Allow two litres of water per person per half day. Do not rely on tanks in the park for water. •• Carry sufficient food and drinking water. •• Wear sturdy shoes, hat and sunscreen. Thank you for leaving the bush in its natural state for the enjoyment of others. The trail continues to the north outside the park for another 31 kilometres via Tulka and Port Lincoln to North Shields. The section through Port Lincoln is called the Parnkalla Trail. •• Keep our wildlife wild. Do not feed or disturb Trails at Cape Donington and Stamford Hill provide pleasant loop walks returning you to your vehicle. •• Be considerate of other park users. Stamford Hill to Surfleet walking trails. Further information Police 000 or 131 444 Ambulance 000 CFS fire calls only 000 Natural Resources Centre Eyre Peninsula 86 Tasman Terrace Port Lincoln SA 5606 T: (08) 8688 3111 Share your parks at parks.sa.gov.au Join the community •• Keep to defined vehicle tracks and animals, or remove native plants. West Point Cape Carnot •• Respect geological and heritage sites. Sleaford Bay •• Camp only in designated areas. stoves. •• Conserve native habitat by using liquid fuel or gas April. Check CFS hotline 1300 362 361. Port Lincoln Avoid Bay •• Observe fire restrictions usually 1 November to 30 Coffin Bay Coffin Bay National Park •• Leave your pets at home. 1080 poison, lethal to pets, Thistle Is LINCOLN NATIONAL PARK Boston Bay Boston Is Cape Donington Louth Bay H ig hw ay •• Take your rubbish with you. is used in the park to control foxes. Coffin Bay ln Sir Joseph Banks Group Tumby Bay Cummins 0 km 25 Po • A rt L • P de inc t A laid oln ug e 6 to us 26 : ta 30 km 5 km HIKE - Moderate Moderate Hikes are suitable for bushwalkers with an average level of fitness. These trails can be any length and may include moderate inclines and irregular surfaces. Help protect your national parks by following these guidelines: The National Parks Code Lin co Granite headlands, scenic bays and sandy beaches fringe Boston Bay, the largest natural harbour in Australia. In contrast, the exposed southern coastline has massive windsculpted sand dunes, pounding surf and limestone cliffs. The Investigator Trail is a long-distance walking trail which takes its name from HMS Investigator - the ship commanded by Matthew Flinders while surveying the rugged coastline of Eyre Peninsula in 1802. 26.3 km one way 30.7 km one way 36 km one way 14.3 km one way Stamford Hill to Surfleet Surfleet to Spalding Cove WALK - Easy Walks are accessible to people of all ages and fitness levels. They are well-defined trails, generally less than three kilometres in length, with even surfaces. 9 hours one way 10 hours one way 12 hours one way 5 hours one way Massive sand dunes, wind-swept cliffs and unique Sleaford Mere.Follow checkpoints 2, 3, 21-24, 1. Secluded coastal and inland experience. Follow checkpoints 15-20, 3, 2. Sheltered bays and sandy beaches. Follow checkpoints 1-15. HIKE Massive sand dunes and an exposed ocean coastline Time* Distance Trail Notes 45 minutes return 1.6 km return One of 40 Great Australian Short Walks, hike up Stamford Hill for magnificent views of Boston Bay, Port Lincoln and Lincoln National Park. Return the way you came. 5.7 km loop Hike up Stamford Hill for magnificent views of Boston Bay, Port Lincoln and Lincoln National Park. Continue down Stamford Hill to return to the car park via the Investigator Trail. 2 hour loop Surfleet to Spalding Cove Park entrance to Pillie Lake Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Stamford Hill to Surfleet Surfleet Loop Hike Surfleet to Spalding Cove Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Park entrance to Pillie Lake Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Fisherman Point Loop Hike Surfleet Loop Hike Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Donington Loop Hike Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Cape Donington to September Beach Stamford Hill to Surfleet Fisherman Point Loop Hike September Beach toCove Carcase Rock Surfleet to Spalding Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Carcase RocktotoPillie MacLaren Park entrance Lake Point Donington Loop Hike MacLaren Point to Taylors Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Landing Stamford Hill to Surfleet Cape Donington to September Beach Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Surfleet Loop Hike Spalding Cove SeptemberSurfleet Beach totoCarcase Rock Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Cove Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Parktoentrance Pillie Lake Carcase Rock MacLarento Point StamfordCove Hill Hike Spalding to Fisherman Point Pillie to Stamford Hill toLanding SurfleetHill MacLaren Stamford Point Lake to Taylors Stamford Hill Loop Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Surfleet Loop Hike Cove Surfleet to Spalding Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes Mere Fisherman PointtotoSleaford Cape Donington Woodcutters Beach to Lake Spalding Cove Park to Pillie Sleaford Mere toentrance Park entrance Investigator Trail Donington Loop Hike Spalding to Fisherman Point Pillie LakeCove to Stamford Stamford Hill Hike Stamford Hill to SurfleetHill Investigator Trail Cape Donington to September Beach Fisherman Point Loop Hike Surfleet Loop Hike Stamford Hill Loop Hike Surfleet to Spalding Cove Investigator Trail September Beach to Carcase Rock Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Woodcutters Beach to Lake Spalding Cove Wanna Dunes toentrance Sleaford Mere Park to Pillie Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Donington LooptoHike Spalding Fisherman Investigator Pillie LakeCove toTrail Stamford Hill Point MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Cape Donington to September Beach Fisherman Point Loop Hike Investigator Trail Surfleet Loop Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake September Beach Carcase Rock Fisherman totoCape Donington InvestigatorPoint Trail Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Carcase Rock toHike MacLaren Point Donington Loop Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Stamford Hill Hike MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Cape Donington September Beach Fisherman Point to Loop Hike Stamford Hill Loop Hike Taylors Landing to to Pillie Lake Rock September Beach Carcase Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Sleaford Rock Mere to to MacLaren Park entrance Carcase Point Donington Loop Hike Investigator Trail Stamford Hill Hike MacLaren Point to Landing Cape Donington to Taylors September Beach Investigator Trail Stamford Hill Loop Hike Lake Taylors Landing to to Pillie September Beach Carcase Rock Investigator Trail Wanna Dunes to Park Sleaford Mere Sleaford Mere to entrance Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Investigator Trail Stamford Hill Hike MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Investigator Stamford Hill Loop Hike Trail Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Investigator Trail Wanna Dunes to Park Sleaford Mere Sleaford Mere to entrance Lincoln National Park is a rugged peninsula encompassing some of the most beautiful unspoilt coastline, offshore islands and wilderness experiences in the state. Park entrance Pillie Lake Stamford Hill totoSurfleet There are over 100 kilometres of walking trail in Lincoln National Park for you to explore. The Investigator Trail Stamford Hill Loop Hike Pillie Lake Stamford Hill Surfleet to to Spalding Cove Surfleet Loop Hike Park entrance to Pillie Lake Stamford Hill to Surfleet Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Surfleet to Spalding Cove SpaldingLoop CoveHike to Fisherman Point Surfleet Park entrance to Pillie Lake Stamford Hill to Surfleet Fisherman Point Loop Woodcutters Beach to Hike Spalding Cove Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Surfleet to Spalding Cove Fisherman PointtotoFisherman Cape Donington Spalding Cove Point Surfleet Loop Hike Park entrance to Pillie Lake Stamford Hill to Surfleet Donington Loop Fisherman Point Hike Loop Hike Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Pillie Lake Stamford Hill Surfleet to to Spalding Cove Cape Donington to Beach Fisherman Point to September Cape Donington SpaldingLoop Cove to Fisherman Point Surfleet Park entranceHike to Pillie Lake September Beach to Carcase Rock Stamford Hill to Surfleet Donington Loop Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Woodcutters to Spalding Cove Pillie Lake to Beach Stamford Hill Carcase Rock to to MacLaren Surfleet to Spalding Cove Point Cape Donington September Beach Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Surfleet Loop Hike MacLaren Point Taylors Park entrance toto Pillie LakeLanding September Beach to Carcase Rock DoningtonHill Loop Hike Stamford to Surfleet Fisherman Point Loop Hike Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Taylors Landing Pillie Lake Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Carcase Rock totoMacLaren Point Cape Donington September Beach Surfleet to Spalding CoveDonington Fisherman Pointtoto toFisherman Cape Spalding Cove Point SleafordLoop Mere totoPark entrance Surfleet Hike MacLaren Point Taylors Landing September Beach to Carcase Park entrance toHike Pillie Lake Rock Donington Loop Stamford Hill to Surfleet Fisherman Point Loop Hike Stamford Hill Hike Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Carcase Rock to to MacLaren Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Point Cape Donington September Beach Surfleet to Spalding Cove Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Stamford Hill Loop Hike Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Sleaford Mere to Park entrance MacLaren Point to to Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike September Beach Carcase Park entrance to Pillie Lake Rock Donington Loop Hike Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Stamford Hill to Surfleet Fisherman Point Loop HikeMere Stamford Hill Hike Taylors Landing Pillie Lake Woodcutters to Spalding Cove Carcase RockBeach toto MacLaren Point Pillie Lake Stamford Hill Cape Donington to September Beach Investigator Trail Surfleet to to Spalding Cove Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Stamford Hill Loop Hike Sleaford entrance Spalding Mere Cove to to Park Fisherman Point MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike September Beach to Carcase Rock Investigator Trail Park entrance Pillie Lake Donington Loop Hike Wanna Dunes toSurfleet Sleaford Mere Stamford Hill toto Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Taylors Landing Pillie Lake Cove Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Carcase Rock totoMacLaren Investigator TrailPoint Pillie to Stamford Hill CapeLake Donington to September Beach Investigator Trail Surfleet to Spalding Cove Stamford Hill Loop Hike Fisherman Point Cape Donington Sleaford Mere to to Park entrance Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike September Beach to Carcase Investigator Trail Rock Park entrance to Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Hike Stamford Hill totoSurfleet Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Woodcutters Beach to Hike Spalding Carcase Rock to MacLaren Investigator TrailPointCove Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Investigator Trail Cape Donington to Hike September Beach Surfleet toHill Spalding Cove Stamford Loop Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Spalding Cove toto Fisherman Point MacLaren Point Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike Trail Rock September Investigator Beach to Carcase Park entrance Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Hike toto Surfleet Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Investigator Trail Cape Donington to September Beach Surfleet toHill Spalding Cove Stamford Loop Fisherman Point to Hike Cape Donington Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike Investigator Trail September Beach to Carcase Rock Park entrance toHike Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes Sleaford Mere Donington Loop to Surfleet Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Cove Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to to MacLaren Point Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Investigator Trail Cape Donington September Beach Surfleet toHill Spalding Cove Stamford Loop Fisherman Point to Hike Cape Donington Sleaford to entrance Spalding Mere CoveHike totoPark Fisherman Point MacLaren Point Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Investigator Trail September Beach to Carcase Rock Park entrance toHike Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Stamford Hill to Surfleet Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Taylors Landing toLoop Pillie Lake Cove Woodcutters Beach to Hike Spalding Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacLaren Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Investigator TrailPoint Cape Donington to September Beach Surfleet toHill Spalding Cove Stamford Loop Fisherman Point to Hike Cape Donington Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike Investigator Trail September Beach to Carcase Rock Park entrance to Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes toHike Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Investigator Trail Carcase Rock MacLaren PointCove Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Stamford Hill totoSurfleet Investigator Trail Cape Donington to September Beach Stamford Hill Loop Hike Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Sleaford Mere entrance Spalding Cove to totoPark Fisherman Point MacLaren Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike to Point Spalding Investigator Trail Rock September Beach toCove Carcase Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Hike Stamford Hike FishermanHill Point Loop Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Woodcutters Beach to Lake Spalding Cove Park entrance to Pillie Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacLaren Investigator TrailPoint Cape Donington to September Beach Stamford Loop FishermanHill Point to Hike Cape Donington Sleaford entrance Spalding Mere Cove to to Park Fisherman Point Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing September Beach to Carcase Rock Investigator Trail Stamford Hill to Surfleet Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Hike Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Surfleet Loop Hike Taylors Landing to PillieHike Lake Carcase Rock to MacLaren Investigator Trail Surfleet to Spalding Cove Investigator TrailPoint Cape Donington to Hike September Beach Stamford Hill Loop Fisherman Point Cape Donington Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Sleaford Mere to to Park entrance MacLaren Point Taylors Landing Park entrance toto Pillie Lake Investigator Trail September Beach to Carcase Rock Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Spalding Cove toHike Fisherman Point Stamford Hill Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Investigator Trail Cape Donington to September Beach Fisherman Point Loop Hike Stamford Hill Loop Hike Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Surfleet Loop Hike MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Investigator Trail September Beach toCape Carcase Rock Fisherman Point Donington Wanna Dunes to to Sleaford Mere Stamford Hill Hike Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Cove Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Donington Loop Hike Investigator Stamford Cove Hill Loop Hike Trail Point Spalding to Fisherman TREK - Challenging Treks are usually physically demanding, therefore users should be experienced bushwalkers with a high level of fitness and good navigational skills. Treks usually require an overnight stay and may pass through remote areas. HIKE - Hard Hard Hikes require some hiking experience and a reasonable level of fitness, as some sections of the trail can be quite steep and uneven. Walks, Hikes and Treks HIKE Local emergency numbers /ParksSA Be prepared when bushwalking: Walk Safely Due to the rugged coastline and remoteness of the trails, a careful, responsible and well-planned approach to bushwalking is essential for your safety. Lincoln National Park protects coastal vegetation of the Eyre Peninsula and provides a safe refuge for rare fauna. Visitors may encounter stealthy Heath Goannas, elusive Western Whipbirds and, if camping, experience the haunting call of the Bush Stone-curlew. The Investigator Trail is made up of sections which can be individually walked or hiked - or trekked as a whole. The Investigator Trail and other trails within the park are clearly defined and marked with checkpoints at strategic locations to orientate yourself. Bushwalking in Lincoln National Park 50 Location map National Park Bushwalking in Lincoln * Time is generously estimated from an average walking speed varying from 2 to 3 km per hour. Allow extra time for resting and sightseeing. * Time is generously estimated from an average walking speed varying from 2 to 3 km per hour. Allow extra time for resting and sightseeing. Investigator Trail -Pillie Lake to main park entrance via Sleaford Mere Investigator Trail -Cape Donington to Pillie Lake via Taylors Landing • long distance trail with some steep inclines • irregular surface with loose, uneven base • suitable for experienced walkers with navigational skills • high level of fitness Investigator Trail - Lincoln National Park entrance to Cape Donington Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere HARD • some steep inclines • irregular surface with loose, uneven base • average level of fitness • some hiking experience Investigator Trail Stamford Hill Hike Stamford Hill Hike Investigator Stamford Hill Loop Hike Trail Trail Investigator Trail Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Select your trail Time* Distance 1 hours one way 2.7 km one way 1 hour one way 2.4 km one way Park entrance to Pillie Lake 2.5 hours one way 7.8 km one way Secluded walk through diverse vegetation Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill 4 hours one way 11.6 km one way Diverse habitats and views of Proper Bay Surfleet Cove Loop Hike 1.5 hour loop 4.8 km loop Eucalypt and tea-tree woodland Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove 2 hours one way 6.2 km one way Inland trail through mallee with a variety of bird life Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point 2 hours one way 6.0 km one way Long beach walks and old-growth mallee Fisherman Point Loop Hike 3 hour loop 10.7 km loop Visit beautiful Yachties Beach and varied landscapes Fisherman Point to Cape Donington 1 hour 45 min one way 4.9 km one way Views to Boston Bay Donington Loop Hike 2 hour loop 6.2 km loop Explore Donington Peninsula Cape Donington to September Beach 30 minutes one way 1.0 km one way Good family hike along rocky coastline September Beach to Carcase Rock 1 hour 45 min one way 4.5 km one way Secluded beaches and scenic granite coastline Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point 1.5 hours one way 4.5 km one way Unspoilt beaches and coastal mallee MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing 3 hours one way 8.5 km one way Spectacular coastal views and long, secluded beaches Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake 4 hours one way 12.0 km one way Inland mallee woodland with diverse bird life Sleaford Mere to Park entrance 3 hours one way 8.9 km one way Explore the unique shores of Sleaford Mere Surfleet Cove to Spalding Cove WALK Stamford Hill to Surfleet Cove Trail A sheltered walk with views of beautiful Spalding Cove An ideal coastal walk for families Trail Notes Select your trail Investigator Trail Investigator Trail Investigator Trail have appropriate wet-weather clothing. •• Weather conditions can change quickly. Ensure you The elusive Western Whipbird inhabits dense mallee and heath vegetation. The species is nationally threatened with extinction. © Department for Environment, Water and Natural Resources March 2014 | FIS 92653 The haunting call of the Bush Stone-curlew may be heard at dusk. Regular fox baiting helps protect these threatened, ground-dwelling birds. your desired route with a ranger and fill in a Trip Intentions form. Cottage accommodation Southern Ocean Retreats T: 08 8598 4169 •• Prior to commencing a trek, we advise you to discuss and expected time of return. •• Inform a responsible person of your proposed route cliff edges, slippery rocks, freak waves and rips can occur. Matthew Flinders •• Take care when walking near any coastal area. Fragile markers. Matthew Flinders surveyed the Eyre Peninsula coastline in 1802 in the ship HMS Investigator. •• Keep to the defined walking trail and follow the Allow two litres of water per person per half day. Do not rely on tanks in the park for water. •• Carry sufficient food and drinking water. •• Wear sturdy shoes, hat and sunscreen. Thank you for leaving the bush in its natural state for the enjoyment of others. The trail continues to the north outside the park for another 31 kilometres via Tulka and Port Lincoln to North Shields. The section through Port Lincoln is called the Parnkalla Trail. •• Keep our wildlife wild. Do not feed or disturb Trails at Cape Donington and Stamford Hill provide pleasant loop walks returning you to your vehicle. •• Be considerate of other park users. Stamford Hill to Surfleet walking trails. Further information Police 000 or 131 444 Ambulance 000 CFS fire calls only 000 Natural Resources Centre Eyre Peninsula 86 Tasman Terrace Port Lincoln SA 5606 T: (08) 8688 3111 Share your parks at parks.sa.gov.au Join the community •• Keep to defined vehicle tracks and animals, or remove native plants. West Point Cape Carnot •• Respect geological and heritage sites. Sleaford Bay •• Camp only in designated areas. stoves. •• Conserve native habitat by using liquid fuel or gas April. Check CFS hotline 1300 362 361. Port Lincoln Avoid Bay •• Observe fire restrictions usually 1 November to 30 Coffin Bay Coffin Bay National Park •• Leave your pets at home. 1080 poison, lethal to pets, Thistle Is LINCOLN NATIONAL PARK Boston Bay Boston Is Cape Donington Louth Bay H ig hw ay •• Take your rubbish with you. is used in the park to control foxes. Coffin Bay ln Sir Joseph Banks Group Tumby Bay Cummins 0 km 25 Po • A rt L • P de inc t A laid oln ug e 6 to us 26 : ta 30 km 5 km HIKE - Moderate Moderate Hikes are suitable for bushwalkers with an average level of fitness. These trails can be any length and may include moderate inclines and irregular surfaces. Help protect your national parks by following these guidelines: The National Parks Code Lin co Granite headlands, scenic bays and sandy beaches fringe Boston Bay, the largest natural harbour in Australia. In contrast, the exposed southern coastline has massive windsculpted sand dunes, pounding surf and limestone cliffs. The Investigator Trail is a long-distance walking trail which takes its name from HMS Investigator - the ship commanded by Matthew Flinders while surveying the rugged coastline of Eyre Peninsula in 1802. 26.3 km one way 30.7 km one way 36 km one way 14.3 km one way Stamford Hill to Surfleet Surfleet to Spalding Cove WALK - Easy Walks are accessible to people of all ages and fitness levels. They are well-defined trails, generally less than three kilometres in length, with even surfaces. 9 hours one way 10 hours one way 12 hours one way 5 hours one way Massive sand dunes, wind-swept cliffs and unique Sleaford Mere.Follow checkpoints 2, 3, 21-24, 1. Secluded coastal and inland experience. Follow checkpoints 15-20, 3, 2. Sheltered bays and sandy beaches. Follow checkpoints 1-15. HIKE Massive sand dunes and an exposed ocean coastline Time* Distance Trail Notes 45 minutes return 1.6 km return One of 40 Great Australian Short Walks, hike up Stamford Hill for magnificent views of Boston Bay, Port Lincoln and Lincoln National Park. Return the way you came. 5.7 km loop Hike up Stamford Hill for magnificent views of Boston Bay, Port Lincoln and Lincoln National Park. Continue down Stamford Hill to return to the car park via the Investigator Trail. 2 hour loop Surfleet to Spalding Cove Park entrance to Pillie Lake Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Stamford Hill to Surfleet Surfleet Loop Hike Surfleet to Spalding Cove Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Park entrance to Pillie Lake Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Fisherman Point Loop Hike Surfleet Loop Hike Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Donington Loop Hike Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Cape Donington to September Beach Stamford Hill to Surfleet Fisherman Point Loop Hike September Beach toCove Carcase Rock Surfleet to Spalding Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Carcase RocktotoPillie MacLaren Park entrance Lake Point Donington Loop Hike MacLaren Point to Taylors Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Landing Stamford Hill to Surfleet Cape Donington to September Beach Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Surfleet Loop Hike Spalding Cove SeptemberSurfleet Beach totoCarcase Rock Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Cove Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Parktoentrance Pillie Lake Carcase Rock MacLarento Point StamfordCove Hill Hike Spalding to Fisherman Point Pillie to Stamford Hill toLanding SurfleetHill MacLaren Stamford Point Lake to Taylors Stamford Hill Loop Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Surfleet Loop Hike Cove Surfleet to Spalding Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes Mere Fisherman PointtotoSleaford Cape Donington Woodcutters Beach to Lake Spalding Cove Park to Pillie Sleaford Mere toentrance Park entrance Investigator Trail Donington Loop Hike Spalding to Fisherman Point Pillie LakeCove to Stamford Stamford Hill Hike Stamford Hill to SurfleetHill Investigator Trail Cape Donington to September Beach Fisherman Point Loop Hike Surfleet Loop Hike Stamford Hill Loop Hike Surfleet to Spalding Cove Investigator Trail September Beach to Carcase Rock Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Woodcutters Beach to Lake Spalding Cove Wanna Dunes toentrance Sleaford Mere Park to Pillie Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Donington LooptoHike Spalding Fisherman Investigator Pillie LakeCove toTrail Stamford Hill Point MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Cape Donington to September Beach Fisherman Point Loop Hike Investigator Trail Surfleet Loop Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake September Beach Carcase Rock Fisherman totoCape Donington InvestigatorPoint Trail Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Carcase Rock toHike MacLaren Point Donington Loop Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Stamford Hill Hike MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Cape Donington September Beach Fisherman Point to Loop Hike Stamford Hill Loop Hike Taylors Landing to to Pillie Lake Rock September Beach Carcase Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Sleaford Rock Mere to to MacLaren Park entrance Carcase Point Donington Loop Hike Investigator Trail Stamford Hill Hike MacLaren Point to Landing Cape Donington to Taylors September Beach Investigator Trail Stamford Hill Loop Hike Lake Taylors Landing to to Pillie September Beach Carcase Rock Investigator Trail Wanna Dunes to Park Sleaford Mere Sleaford Mere to entrance Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Investigator Trail Stamford Hill Hike MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Investigator Stamford Hill Loop Hike Trail Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Investigator Trail Wanna Dunes to Park Sleaford Mere Sleaford Mere to entrance Lincoln National Park is a rugged peninsula encompassing some of the most beautiful unspoilt coastline, offshore islands and wilderness experiences in the state. Park entrance Pillie Lake Stamford Hill totoSurfleet There are over 100 kilometres of walking trail in Lincoln National Park for you to explore. The Investigator Trail Stamford Hill Loop Hike Pillie Lake Stamford Hill Surfleet to to Spalding Cove Surfleet Loop Hike Park entrance to Pillie Lake Stamford Hill to Surfleet Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Surfleet to Spalding Cove SpaldingLoop CoveHike to Fisherman Point Surfleet Park entrance to Pillie Lake Stamford Hill to Surfleet Fisherman Point Loop Woodcutters Beach to Hike Spalding Cove Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Surfleet to Spalding Cove Fisherman PointtotoFisherman Cape Donington Spalding Cove Point Surfleet Loop Hike Park entrance to Pillie Lake Stamford Hill to Surfleet Donington Loop Fisherman Point Hike Loop Hike Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Pillie Lake Stamford Hill Surfleet to to Spalding Cove Cape Donington to Beach Fisherman Point to September Cape Donington SpaldingLoop Cove to Fisherman Point Surfleet Park entranceHike to Pillie Lake September Beach to Carcase Rock Stamford Hill to Surfleet Donington Loop Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Woodcutters to Spalding Cove Pillie Lake to Beach Stamford Hill Carcase Rock to to MacLaren Surfleet to Spalding Cove Point Cape Donington September Beach Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Surfleet Loop Hike MacLaren Point Taylors Park entrance toto Pillie LakeLanding September Beach to Carcase Rock DoningtonHill Loop Hike Stamford to Surfleet Fisherman Point Loop Hike Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Taylors Landing Pillie Lake Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Carcase Rock totoMacLaren Point Cape Donington September Beach Surfleet to Spalding CoveDonington Fisherman Pointtoto toFisherman Cape Spalding Cove Point SleafordLoop Mere totoPark entrance Surfleet Hike MacLaren Point Taylors Landing September Beach to Carcase Park entrance toHike Pillie Lake Rock Donington Loop Stamford Hill to Surfleet Fisherman Point Loop Hike Stamford Hill Hike Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Carcase Rock to to MacLaren Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Point Cape Donington September Beach Surfleet to Spalding Cove Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Stamford Hill Loop Hike Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Sleaford Mere to Park entrance MacLaren Point to to Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike September Beach Carcase Park entrance to Pillie Lake Rock Donington Loop Hike Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Stamford Hill to Surfleet Fisherman Point Loop HikeMere Stamford Hill Hike Taylors Landing Pillie Lake Woodcutters to Spalding Cove Carcase RockBeach toto MacLaren Point Pillie Lake Stamford Hill Cape Donington to September Beach Investigator Trail Surfleet to to Spalding Cove Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Stamford Hill Loop Hike Sleaford entrance Spalding Mere Cove to to Park Fisherman Point MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike September Beach to Carcase Rock Investigator Trail Park entrance Pillie Lake Donington Loop Hike Wanna Dunes toSurfleet Sleaford Mere Stamford Hill toto Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Taylors Landing Pillie Lake Cove Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Carcase Rock totoMacLaren Investigator TrailPoint Pillie to Stamford Hill CapeLake Donington to September Beach Investigator Trail Surfleet to Spalding Cove Stamford Hill Loop Hike Fisherman Point Cape Donington Sleaford Mere to to Park entrance Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike September Beach to Carcase Investigator Trail Rock Park entrance to Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Hike Stamford Hill totoSurfleet Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Woodcutters Beach to Hike Spalding Carcase Rock to MacLaren Investigator TrailPointCove Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Investigator Trail Cape Donington to Hike September Beach Surfleet toHill Spalding Cove Stamford Loop Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Spalding Cove toto Fisherman Point MacLaren Point Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike Trail Rock September Investigator Beach to Carcase Park entrance Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Hike toto Surfleet Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Investigator Trail Cape Donington to September Beach Surfleet toHill Spalding Cove Stamford Loop Fisherman Point to Hike Cape Donington Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike Investigator Trail September Beach to Carcase Rock Park entrance toHike Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes Sleaford Mere Donington Loop to Surfleet Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Cove Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to to MacLaren Point Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Investigator Trail Cape Donington September Beach Surfleet toHill Spalding Cove Stamford Loop Fisherman Point to Hike Cape Donington Sleaford to entrance Spalding Mere CoveHike totoPark Fisherman Point MacLaren Point Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Investigator Trail September Beach to Carcase Rock Park entrance toHike Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Stamford Hill to Surfleet Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Taylors Landing toLoop Pillie Lake Cove Woodcutters Beach to Hike Spalding Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacLaren Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Investigator TrailPoint Cape Donington to September Beach Surfleet toHill Spalding Cove Stamford Loop Fisherman Point to Hike Cape Donington Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike Investigator Trail September Beach to Carcase Rock Park entrance to Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes toHike Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Investigator Trail Carcase Rock MacLaren PointCove Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Stamford Hill totoSurfleet Investigator Trail Cape Donington to September Beach Stamford Hill Loop Hike Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Sleaford Mere entrance Spalding Cove to totoPark Fisherman Point MacLaren Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike to Point Spalding Investigator Trail Rock September Beach toCove Carcase Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Hike Stamford Hike FishermanHill Point Loop Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Woodcutters Beach to Lake Spalding Cove Park entrance to Pillie Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacLaren Investigator TrailPoint Cape Donington to September Beach Stamford Loop FishermanHill Point to Hike Cape Donington Sleaford entrance Spalding Mere Cove to to Park Fisherman Point Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing September Beach to Carcase Rock Investigator Trail Stamford Hill to Surfleet Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Hike Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Surfleet Loop Hike Taylors Landing to PillieHike Lake Carcase Rock to MacLaren Investigator Trail Surfleet to Spalding Cove Investigator TrailPoint Cape Donington to Hike September Beach Stamford Hill Loop Fisherman Point Cape Donington Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Sleaford Mere to to Park entrance MacLaren Point Taylors Landing Park entrance toto Pillie Lake Investigator Trail September Beach to Carcase Rock Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Spalding Cove toHike Fisherman Point Stamford Hill Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Investigator Trail Cape Donington to September Beach Fisherman Point Loop Hike Stamford Hill Loop Hike Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Surfleet Loop Hike MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Investigator Trail September Beach toCape Carcase Rock Fisherman Point Donington Wanna Dunes to to Sleaford Mere Stamford Hill Hike Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Cove Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Donington Loop Hike Investigator Stamford Cove Hill Loop Hike Trail Point Spalding to Fisherman TREK - Challenging Treks are usually physically demanding, therefore users should be experienced bushwalkers with a high level of fitness and good navigational skills. Treks usually require an overnight stay and may pass through remote areas. HIKE - Hard Hard Hikes require some hiking experience and a reasonable level of fitness, as some sections of the trail can be quite steep and uneven. Walks, Hikes and Treks HIKE Local emergency numbers /ParksSA Be prepared when bushwalking: Walk Safely Due to the rugged coastline and remoteness of the trails, a careful, responsible and well-planned approach to bushwalking is essential for your safety. Lincoln National Park protects coastal vegetation of the Eyre Peninsula and provides a safe refuge for rare fauna. Visitors may encounter stealthy Heath Goannas, elusive Western Whipbirds and, if camping, experience the haunting call of the Bush Stone-curlew. The Investigator Trail is made up of sections which can be individually walked or hiked - or trekked as a whole. The Investigator Trail and other trails within the park are clearly defined and marked with checkpoints at strategic locations to orientate yourself. Bushwalking in Lincoln National Park 50 Location map National Park Bushwalking in Lincoln * Time is generously estimated from an average walking speed varying from 2 to 3 km per hour. Allow extra time for resting and sightseeing. * Time is generously estimated from an average walking speed varying from 2 to 3 km per hour. Allow extra time for resting and sightseeing. Investigator Trail -Pillie Lake to main park entrance via Sleaford Mere Investigator Trail -Cape Donington to Pillie Lake via Taylors Landing • long distance trail with some steep inclines • irregular surface with loose, uneven base • suitable for experienced walkers with navigational skills • high level of fitness Investigator Trail - Lincoln National Park entrance to Cape Donington Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere HARD • some steep inclines • irregular surface with loose, uneven base • average level of fitness • some hiking experience Investigator Trail Stamford Hill Hike Stamford Hill Hike Investigator Stamford Hill Loop Hike Trail Trail Investigator Trail Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Select your trail Time* Distance 1 hours one way 2.7 km one way 1 hour one way 2.4 km one way Park entrance to Pillie Lake 2.5 hours one way 7.8 km one way Secluded walk through diverse vegetation Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill 4 hours one way 11.6 km one way Diverse habitats and views of Proper Bay Surfleet Cove Loop Hike 1.5 hour loop 4.8 km loop Eucalypt and tea-tree woodland Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove 2 hours one way 6.2 km one way Inland trail through mallee with a variety of bird life Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point 2 hours one way 6.0 km one way Long beach walks and old-growth mallee Fisherman Point Loop Hike 3 hour loop 10.7 km loop Visit beautiful Yachties Beach and varied landscapes Fisherman Point to Cape Donington 1 hour 45 min one way 4.9 km one way Views to Boston Bay Donington Loop Hike 2 hour loop 6.2 km loop Explore Donington Peninsula Cape Donington to September Beach 30 minutes one way 1.0 km one way Good family hike along rocky coastline September Beach to Carcase Rock 1 hour 45 min one way 4.5 km one way Secluded beaches and scenic granite coastline Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point 1.5 hours one way 4.5 km one way Unspoilt beaches and coastal mallee MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing 3 hours one way 8.5 km one way Spectacular coastal views and long, secluded beaches Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake 4 hours one way 12.0 km one way Inland mallee woodland with diverse bird life Sleaford Mere to Park entrance 3 hours one way 8.9 km one way Explore the unique shores of Sleaford Mere Surfleet Cove to Spalding Cove WALK Stamford Hill to Surfleet Cove Trail A sheltered walk with views of beautiful Spalding Cove An ideal coastal walk for families Trail Notes Select your trail Investigator Trail Investigator Trail Investigator Trail have appropriate wet-weather clothing. •• Weather conditions can change quickly. Ensure you The elusive Western Whipbird inhabits dense mallee and heath vegetation. The species is nationally threatened with extinction. © Department for Environment, Water and Natural Resources March 2014 | FIS 92653 The haunting call of the Bush Stone-curlew may be heard at dusk. Regular fox baiting helps protect these threatened, ground-dwelling birds. your desired route with a ranger and fill in a Trip Intentions form. Cottage accommodation Southern Ocean Retreats T: 08 8598 4169 •• Prior to commencing a trek, we advise you to discuss and expected time of return. •• Inform a responsible person of your proposed route cliff edges, slippery rocks, freak waves and rips can occur. Matthew Flinders •• Take care when walking near any coastal area. Fragile markers. Matthew Flinders surveyed the Eyre Peninsula coastline in 1802 in the ship HMS Investigator. •• Keep to the defined walking trail and follow the Allow two litres of water per person per half day. Do not rely on tanks in the park for water. •• Carry sufficient food and drinking water. •• Wear sturdy shoes, hat and sunscreen. Thank you for leaving the bush in its natural state for the enjoyment of others. The trail continues to the north outside the park for another 31 kilometres via Tulka and Port Lincoln to North Shields. The section through Port Lincoln is called the Parnkalla Trail. •• Keep our wildlife wild. Do not feed or disturb Trails at Cape Donington and Stamford Hill provide pleasant loop walks returning you to your vehicle. •• Be considerate of other park users. Stamford Hill to Surfleet walking trails. Further information Police 000 or 131 444 Ambulance 000 CFS fire calls only 000 Natural Resources Centre Eyre Peninsula 86 Tasman Terrace Port Lincoln SA 5606 T: (08) 8688 3111 Share your parks at parks.sa.gov.au Join the community •• Keep to defined vehicle tracks and animals, or remove native plants. West Point Cape Carnot •• Respect geological and heritage sites. Sleaford Bay •• Camp only in designated areas. stoves. •• Conserve native habitat by using liquid fuel or gas April. Check CFS hotline 1300 362 361. Port Lincoln Avoid Bay •• Observe fire restrictions usually 1 November to 30 Coffin Bay Coffin Bay National Park •• Leave your pets at home. 1080 poison, lethal to pets, Thistle Is LINCOLN NATIONAL PARK Boston Bay Boston Is Cape Donington Louth Bay H ig hw ay •• Take your rubbish with you. is used in the park to control foxes. Coffin Bay ln Sir Joseph Banks Group Tumby Bay Cummins 0 km 25 Po • A rt L • P de inc t A laid oln ug e 6 to us 26 : ta 30 km 5 km HIKE - Moderate Moderate Hikes are suitable for bushwalkers with an average level of fitness. These trails can be any length and may include moderate inclines and irregular surfaces. Help protect your national parks by following these guidelines: The National Parks Code Lin co Granite headlands, scenic bays and sandy beaches fringe Boston Bay, the largest natural harbour in Australia. In contrast, the exposed southern coastline has massive windsculpted sand dunes, pounding surf and limestone cliffs. The Investigator Trail is a long-distance walking trail which takes its name from HMS Investigator - the ship commanded by Matthew Flinders while surveying the rugged coastline of Eyre Peninsula in 1802. 26.3 km one way 30.7 km one way 36 km one way 14.3 km one way Stamford Hill to Surfleet Surfleet to Spalding Cove WALK - Easy Walks are accessible to people of all ages and fitness levels. They are well-defined trails, generally less than three kilometres in length, with even surfaces. 9 hours one way 10 hours one way 12 hours one way 5 hours one way Massive sand dunes, wind-swept cliffs and unique Sleaford Mere.Follow checkpoints 2, 3, 21-24, 1. Secluded coastal and inland experience. Follow checkpoints 15-20, 3, 2. Sheltered bays and sandy beaches. Follow checkpoints 1-15. HIKE Massive sand dunes and an exposed ocean coastline Time* Distance Trail Notes 45 minutes return 1.6 km return One of 40 Great Australian Short Walks, hike up Stamford Hill for magnificent views of Boston Bay, Port Lincoln and Lincoln National Park. Return the way you came. 5.7 km loop Hike up Stamford Hill for magnificent views of Boston Bay, Port Lincoln and Lincoln National Park. Continue down Stamford Hill to return to the car park via the Investigator Trail. 2 hour loop Surfleet to Spalding Cove Park entrance to Pillie Lake Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Stamford Hill to Surfleet Surfleet Loop Hike Surfleet to Spalding Cove Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Park entrance to Pillie Lake Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Fisherman Point Loop Hike Surfleet Loop Hike Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Donington Loop Hike Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Cape Donington to September Beach Stamford Hill to Surfleet Fisherman Point Loop Hike September Beach toCove Carcase Rock Surfleet to Spalding Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Carcase RocktotoPillie MacLaren Park entrance Lake Point Donington Loop Hike MacLaren Point to Taylors Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Landing Stamford Hill to Surfleet Cape Donington to September Beach Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Surfleet Loop Hike Spalding Cove SeptemberSurfleet Beach totoCarcase Rock Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Cove Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Parktoentrance Pillie Lake Carcase Rock MacLarento Point StamfordCove Hill Hike Spalding to Fisherman Point Pillie to Stamford Hill toLanding SurfleetHill MacLaren Stamford Point Lake to Taylors Stamford Hill Loop Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Surfleet Loop Hike Cove Surfleet to Spalding Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes Mere Fisherman PointtotoSleaford Cape Donington Woodcutters Beach to Lake Spalding Cove Park to Pillie Sleaford Mere toentrance Park entrance Investigator Trail Donington Loop Hike Spalding to Fisherman Point Pillie LakeCove to Stamford Stamford Hill Hike Stamford Hill to SurfleetHill Investigator Trail Cape Donington to September Beach Fisherman Point Loop Hike Surfleet Loop Hike Stamford Hill Loop Hike Surfleet to Spalding Cove Investigator Trail September Beach to Carcase Rock Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Woodcutters Beach to Lake Spalding Cove Wanna Dunes toentrance Sleaford Mere Park to Pillie Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Donington LooptoHike Spalding Fisherman Investigator Pillie LakeCove toTrail Stamford Hill Point MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Cape Donington to September Beach Fisherman Point Loop Hike Investigator Trail Surfleet Loop Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake September Beach Carcase Rock Fisherman totoCape Donington InvestigatorPoint Trail Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Carcase Rock toHike MacLaren Point Donington Loop Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Stamford Hill Hike MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Cape Donington September Beach Fisherman Point to Loop Hike Stamford Hill Loop Hike Taylors Landing to to Pillie Lake Rock September Beach Carcase Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Sleaford Rock Mere to to MacLaren Park entrance Carcase Point Donington Loop Hike Investigator Trail Stamford Hill Hike MacLaren Point to Landing Cape Donington to Taylors September Beach Investigator Trail Stamford Hill Loop Hike Lake Taylors Landing to to Pillie September Beach Carcase Rock Investigator Trail Wanna Dunes to Park Sleaford Mere Sleaford Mere to entrance Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Investigator Trail Stamford Hill Hike MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Investigator Stamford Hill Loop Hike Trail Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Investigator Trail Wanna Dunes to Park Sleaford Mere Sleaford Mere to entrance Lincoln National Park is a rugged peninsula encompassing some of the most beautiful unspoilt coastline, offshore islands and wilderness experiences in the state. Park entrance Pillie Lake Stamford Hill totoSurfleet There are over 100 kilometres of walking trail in Lincoln National Park for you to explore. The Investigator Trail Stamford Hill Loop Hike Pillie Lake Stamford Hill Surfleet to to Spalding Cove Surfleet Loop Hike Park entrance to Pillie Lake Stamford Hill to Surfleet Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Surfleet to Spalding Cove SpaldingLoop CoveHike to Fisherman Point Surfleet Park entrance to Pillie Lake Stamford Hill to Surfleet Fisherman Point Loop Woodcutters Beach to Hike Spalding Cove Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Surfleet to Spalding Cove Fisherman PointtotoFisherman Cape Donington Spalding Cove Point Surfleet Loop Hike Park entrance to Pillie Lake Stamford Hill to Surfleet Donington Loop Fisherman Point Hike Loop Hike Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Pillie Lake Stamford Hill Surfleet to to Spalding Cove Cape Donington to Beach Fisherman Point to September Cape Donington SpaldingLoop Cove to Fisherman Point Surfleet Park entranceHike to Pillie Lake September Beach to Carcase Rock Stamford Hill to Surfleet Donington Loop Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Woodcutters to Spalding Cove Pillie Lake to Beach Stamford Hill Carcase Rock to to MacLaren Surfleet to Spalding Cove Point Cape Donington September Beach Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Surfleet Loop Hike MacLaren Point Taylors Park entrance toto Pillie LakeLanding September Beach to Carcase Rock DoningtonHill Loop Hike Stamford to Surfleet Fisherman Point Loop Hike Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Taylors Landing Pillie Lake Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Carcase Rock totoMacLaren Point Cape Donington September Beach Surfleet to Spalding CoveDonington Fisherman Pointtoto toFisherman Cape Spalding Cove Point SleafordLoop Mere totoPark entrance Surfleet Hike MacLaren Point Taylors Landing September Beach to Carcase Park entrance toHike Pillie Lake Rock Donington Loop Stamford Hill to Surfleet Fisherman Point Loop Hike Stamford Hill Hike Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Carcase Rock to to MacLaren Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Point Cape Donington September Beach Surfleet to Spalding Cove Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Stamford Hill Loop Hike Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Sleaford Mere to Park entrance MacLaren Point to to Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike September Beach Carcase Park entrance to Pillie Lake Rock Donington Loop Hike Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Stamford Hill to Surfleet Fisherman Point Loop HikeMere Stamford Hill Hike Taylors Landing Pillie Lake Woodcutters to Spalding Cove Carcase RockBeach toto MacLaren Point Pillie Lake Stamford Hill Cape Donington to September Beach Investigator Trail Surfleet to to Spalding Cove Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Stamford Hill Loop Hike Sleaford entrance Spalding Mere Cove to to Park Fisherman Point MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike September Beach to Carcase Rock Investigator Trail Park entrance Pillie Lake Donington Loop Hike Wanna Dunes toSurfleet Sleaford Mere Stamford Hill toto Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Taylors Landing Pillie Lake Cove Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Carcase Rock totoMacLaren Investigator TrailPoint Pillie to Stamford Hill CapeLake Donington to September Beach Investigator Trail Surfleet to Spalding Cove Stamford Hill Loop Hike Fisherman Point Cape Donington Sleaford Mere to to Park entrance Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike September Beach to Carcase Investigator Trail Rock Park entrance to Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Hike Stamford Hill totoSurfleet Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Woodcutters Beach to Hike Spalding Carcase Rock to MacLaren Investigator TrailPointCove Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Investigator Trail Cape Donington to Hike September Beach Surfleet toHill Spalding Cove Stamford Loop Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Spalding Cove toto Fisherman Point MacLaren Point Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike Trail Rock September Investigator Beach to Carcase Park entrance Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Hike toto Surfleet Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Investigator Trail Cape Donington to September Beach Surfleet toHill Spalding Cove Stamford Loop Fisherman Point to Hike Cape Donington Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike Investigator Trail September Beach to Carcase Rock Park entrance toHike Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes Sleaford Mere Donington Loop to Surfleet Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Cove Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to to MacLaren Point Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Investigator Trail Cape Donington September Beach Surfleet toHill Spalding Cove Stamford Loop Fisherman Point to Hike Cape Donington Sleaford to entrance Spalding Mere CoveHike totoPark Fisherman Point MacLaren Point Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Investigator Trail September Beach to Carcase Rock Park entrance toHike Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Stamford Hill to Surfleet Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Taylors Landing toLoop Pillie Lake Cove Woodcutters Beach to Hike Spalding Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacLaren Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Investigator TrailPoint Cape Donington to September Beach Surfleet toHill Spalding Cove Stamford Loop Fisherman Point to Hike Cape Donington Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike Investigator Trail September Beach to Carcase Rock Park entrance to Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes toHike Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Investigator Trail Carcase Rock MacLaren PointCove Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Stamford Hill totoSurfleet Investigator Trail Cape Donington to September Beach Stamford Hill Loop Hike Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Sleaford Mere entrance Spalding Cove to totoPark Fisherman Point MacLaren Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike to Point Spalding Investigator Trail Rock September Beach toCove Carcase Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Hike Stamford Hike FishermanHill Point Loop Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Woodcutters Beach to Lake Spalding Cove Park entrance to Pillie Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacLaren Investigator TrailPoint Cape Donington to September Beach Stamford Loop FishermanHill Point to Hike Cape Donington Sleaford entrance Spalding Mere Cove to to Park Fisherman Point Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing September Beach to Carcase Rock Investigator Trail Stamford Hill to Surfleet Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Hike Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Surfleet Loop Hike Taylors Landing to PillieHike Lake Carcase Rock to MacLaren Investigator Trail Surfleet to Spalding Cove Investigator TrailPoint Cape Donington to Hike September Beach Stamford Hill Loop Fisherman Point Cape Donington Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Sleaford Mere to to Park entrance MacLaren Point Taylors Landing Park entrance toto Pillie Lake Investigator Trail September Beach to Carcase Rock Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Spalding Cove toHike Fisherman Point Stamford Hill Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Investigator Trail Cape Donington to September Beach Fisherman Point Loop Hike Stamford Hill Loop Hike Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Surfleet Loop Hike MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Investigator Trail September Beach toCape Carcase Rock Fisherman Point Donington Wanna Dunes to to Sleaford Mere Stamford Hill Hike Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Cove Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Donington Loop Hike Investigator Stamford Cove Hill Loop Hike Trail Point Spalding to Fisherman TREK - Challenging Treks are usually physically demanding, therefore users should be experienced bushwalkers with a high level of fitness and good navigational skills. Treks usually require an overnight stay and may pass through remote areas. HIKE - Hard Hard Hikes require some hiking experience and a reasonable level of fitness, as some sections of the trail can be quite steep and uneven. Walks, Hikes and Treks HIKE Local emergency numbers /ParksSA Be prepared when bushwalking: Walk Safely Due to the rugged coastline and remoteness of the trails, a careful, responsible and well-planned approach to bushwalking is essential for your safety. Lincoln National Park protects coastal vegetation of the Eyre Peninsula and provides a safe refuge for rare fauna. Visitors may encounter stealthy Heath Goannas, elusive Western Whipbirds and, if camping, experience the haunting call of the Bush Stone-curlew. The Investigator Trail is made up of sections which can be individually walked or hiked - or trekked as a whole. The Investigator Trail and other trails within the park are clearly defined and marked with checkpoints at strategic locations to orientate yourself. Bushwalking in Lincoln National Park 50 Location map National Park Bushwalking in Lincoln * Time is generously estimated from an average walking speed varying from 2 to 3 km per hour. Allow extra time for resting and sightseeing. * Time is generously estimated from an average walking speed varying from 2 to 3 km per hour. Allow extra time for resting and sightseeing. Investigator Trail -Pillie Lake to main park entrance via Sleaford Mere Investigator Trail -Cape Donington to Pillie Lake via Taylors Landing • long distance trail with some steep inclines • irregular surface with loose, uneven base • suitable for experienced walkers with navigational skills • high level of fitness Investigator Trail - Lincoln National Park entrance to Cape Donington Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere HARD • some steep inclines • irregular surface with loose, uneven base • average level of fitness • some hiking experience Investigator Trail Stamford Hill Hike Stamford Hill Hike Investigator Stamford Hill Loop Hike Trail Trail Investigator Trail Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Select your trail Time* Distance 1 hours one way 2.7 km one way 1 hour one way 2.4 km one way Park entrance to Pillie Lake 2.5 hours one way 7.8 km one way Secluded walk through diverse vegetation Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill 4 hours one way 11.6 km one way Diverse habitats and views of Proper Bay Surfleet Cove Loop Hike 1.5 hour loop 4.8 km loop Eucalypt and tea-tree woodland Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove 2 hours one way 6.2 km one way Inland trail through mallee with a variety of bird life Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point 2 hours one way 6.0 km one way Long beach walks and old-growth mallee Fisherman Point Loop Hike 3 hour loop 10.7 km loop Visit beautiful Yachties Beach and varied landscapes Fisherman Point to Cape Donington 1 hour 45 min one way 4.9 km one way Views to Boston Bay Donington Loop Hike 2 hour loop 6.2 km loop Explore Donington Peninsula Cape Donington to September Beach 30 minutes one way 1.0 km one way Good family hike along rocky coastline September Beach to Carcase Rock 1 hour 45 min one way 4.5 km one way Secluded beaches and scenic granite coastline Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point 1.5 hours one way 4.5 km one way Unspoilt beaches and coastal mallee MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing 3 hours one way 8.5 km one way Spectacular coastal views and long, secluded beaches Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake 4 hours one way 12.0 km one way Inland mallee woodland with diverse bird life Sleaford Mere to Park entrance 3 hours one way 8.9 km one way Explore the unique shores of Sleaford Mere Surfleet Cove to Spalding Cove WALK Stamford Hill to Surfleet Cove Trail A sheltered walk with views of beautiful Spalding Cove An ideal coastal walk for families Trail Notes Select your trail Investigator Trail Investigator Trail Investigator Trail have appropriate wet-weather clothing. •• Weather conditions can change quickly. Ensure you The elusive Western Whipbird inhabits dense mallee and heath vegetation. The species is nationally threatened with extinction. © Department for Environment, Water and Natural Resources March 2014 | FIS 92653 The haunting call of the Bush Stone-curlew may be heard at dusk. Regular fox baiting helps protect these threatened, ground-dwelling birds. your desired route with a ranger and fill in a Trip Intentions form. Cottage accommodation Southern Ocean Retreats T: 08 8598 4169 •• Prior to commencing a trek, we advise you to discuss and expected time of return. •• Inform a responsible person of your proposed route cliff edges, slippery rocks, freak waves and rips can occur. Matthew Flinders •• Take care when walking near any coastal area. Fragile markers. Matthew Flinders surveyed the Eyre Peninsula coastline in 1802 in the ship HMS Investigator. •• Keep to the defined walking trail and follow the Allow two litres of water per person per half day. Do not rely on tanks in the park for water. •• Carry sufficient food and drinking water. •• Wear sturdy shoes, hat and sunscreen. Thank you for leaving the bush in its natural state for the enjoyment of others. The trail continues to the north outside the park for another 31 kilometres via Tulka and Port Lincoln to North Shields. The section through Port Lincoln is called the Parnkalla Trail. •• Keep our wildlife wild. Do not feed or disturb Trails at Cape Donington and Stamford Hill provide pleasant loop walks returning you to your vehicle. •• Be considerate of other park users. Stamford Hill to Surfleet walking trails. Further information Police 000 or 131 444 Ambulance 000 CFS fire calls only 000 Natural Resources Centre Eyre Peninsula 86 Tasman Terrace Port Lincoln SA 5606 T: (08) 8688 3111 Share your parks at parks.sa.gov.au Join the community •• Keep to defined vehicle tracks and animals, or remove native plants. West Point Cape Carnot •• Respect geological and heritage sites. Sleaford Bay •• Camp only in designated areas. stoves. •• Conserve native habitat by using liquid fuel or gas April. Check CFS hotline 1300 362 361. Port Lincoln Avoid Bay •• Observe fire restrictions usually 1 November to 30 Coffin Bay Coffin Bay National Park •• Leave your pets at home. 1080 poison, lethal to pets, Thistle Is LINCOLN NATIONAL PARK Boston Bay Boston Is Cape Donington Louth Bay H ig hw ay •• Take your rubbish with you. is used in the park to control foxes. Coffin Bay ln Sir Joseph Banks Group Tumby Bay Cummins 0 km 25 Po • A rt L • P de inc t A laid oln ug e 6 to us 26 : ta 30 km 5 km HIKE - Moderate Moderate Hikes are suitable for bushwalkers with an average level of fitness. These trails can be any length and may include moderate inclines and irregular surfaces. Help protect your national parks by following these guidelines: The National Parks Code Lin co Granite headlands, scenic bays and sandy beaches fringe Boston Bay, the largest natural harbour in Australia. In contrast, the exposed southern coastline has massive windsculpted sand dunes, pounding surf and limestone cliffs. The Investigator Trail is a long-distance walking trail which takes its name from HMS Investigator - the ship commanded by Matthew Flinders while surveying the rugged coastline of Eyre Peninsula in 1802. 26.3 km one way 30.7 km one way 36 km one way 14.3 km one way Stamford Hill to Surfleet Surfleet to Spalding Cove WALK - Easy Walks are accessible to people of all ages and fitness levels. They are well-defined trails, generally less than three kilometres in length, with even surfaces. 9 hours one way 10 hours one way 12 hours one way 5 hours one way Massive sand dunes, wind-swept cliffs and unique Sleaford Mere.Follow checkpoints 2, 3, 21-24, 1. Secluded coastal and inland experience. Follow checkpoints 15-20, 3, 2. Sheltered bays and sandy beaches. Follow checkpoints 1-15. HIKE Massive sand dunes and an exposed ocean coastline Time* Distance Trail Notes 45 minutes return 1.6 km return One of 40 Great Australian Short Walks, hike up Stamford Hill for magnificent views of Boston Bay, Port Lincoln and Lincoln National Park. Return the way you came. 5.7 km loop Hike up Stamford Hill for magnificent views of Boston Bay, Port Lincoln and Lincoln National Park. Continue down Stamford Hill to return to the car park via the Investigator Trail. 2 hour loop Surfleet to Spalding Cove Park entrance to Pillie Lake Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Stamford Hill to Surfleet Surfleet Loop Hike Surfleet to Spalding Cove Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Park entrance to Pillie Lake Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Fisherman Point Loop Hike Surfleet Loop Hike Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Donington Loop Hike Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Cape Donington to September Beach Stamford Hill to Surfleet Fisherman Point Loop Hike September Beach toCove Carcase Rock Surfleet to Spalding Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Carcase RocktotoPillie MacLaren Park entrance Lake Point Donington Loop Hike MacLaren Point to Taylors Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Landing Stamford Hill to Surfleet Cape Donington to September Beach Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Surfleet Loop Hike Spalding Cove SeptemberSurfleet Beach totoCarcase Rock Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Cove Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Parktoentrance Pillie Lake Carcase Rock MacLarento Point StamfordCove Hill Hike Spalding to Fisherman Point Pillie to Stamford Hill toLanding SurfleetHill MacLaren Stamford Point Lake to Taylors Stamford Hill Loop Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Surfleet Loop Hike Cove Surfleet to Spalding Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes Mere Fisherman PointtotoSleaford Cape Donington Woodcutters Beach to Lake Spalding Cove Park to Pillie Sleaford Mere toentrance Park entrance Investigator Trail Donington Loop Hike Spalding to Fisherman Point Pillie LakeCove to Stamford Stamford Hill Hike Stamford Hill to SurfleetHill Investigator Trail Cape Donington to September Beach Fisherman Point Loop Hike Surfleet Loop Hike Stamford Hill Loop Hike Surfleet to Spalding Cove Investigator Trail September Beach to Carcase Rock Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Woodcutters Beach to Lake Spalding Cove Wanna Dunes toentrance Sleaford Mere Park to Pillie Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Donington LooptoHike Spalding Fisherman Investigator Pillie LakeCove toTrail Stamford Hill Point MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Cape Donington to September Beach Fisherman Point Loop Hike Investigator Trail Surfleet Loop Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake September Beach Carcase Rock Fisherman totoCape Donington InvestigatorPoint Trail Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Carcase Rock toHike MacLaren Point Donington Loop Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Stamford Hill Hike MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Cape Donington September Beach Fisherman Point to Loop Hike Stamford Hill Loop Hike Taylors Landing to to Pillie Lake Rock September Beach Carcase Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Sleaford Rock Mere to to MacLaren Park entrance Carcase Point Donington Loop Hike Investigator Trail Stamford Hill Hike MacLaren Point to Landing Cape Donington to Taylors September Beach Investigator Trail Stamford Hill Loop Hike Lake Taylors Landing to to Pillie September Beach Carcase Rock Investigator Trail Wanna Dunes to Park Sleaford Mere Sleaford Mere to entrance Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Investigator Trail Stamford Hill Hike MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Investigator Stamford Hill Loop Hike Trail Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Investigator Trail Wanna Dunes to Park Sleaford Mere Sleaford Mere to entrance Lincoln National Park is a rugged peninsula encompassing some of the most beautiful unspoilt coastline, offshore islands and wilderness experiences in the state. Park entrance Pillie Lake Stamford Hill totoSurfleet There are over 100 kilometres of walking trail in Lincoln National Park for you to explore. The Investigator Trail Stamford Hill Loop Hike Pillie Lake Stamford Hill Surfleet to to Spalding Cove Surfleet Loop Hike Park entrance to Pillie Lake Stamford Hill to Surfleet Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Surfleet to Spalding Cove SpaldingLoop CoveHike to Fisherman Point Surfleet Park entrance to Pillie Lake Stamford Hill to Surfleet Fisherman Point Loop Woodcutters Beach to Hike Spalding Cove Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Surfleet to Spalding Cove Fisherman PointtotoFisherman Cape Donington Spalding Cove Point Surfleet Loop Hike Park entrance to Pillie Lake Stamford Hill to Surfleet Donington Loop Fisherman Point Hike Loop Hike Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Pillie Lake Stamford Hill Surfleet to to Spalding Cove Cape Donington to Beach Fisherman Point to September Cape Donington SpaldingLoop Cove to Fisherman Point Surfleet Park entranceHike to Pillie Lake September Beach to Carcase Rock Stamford Hill to Surfleet Donington Loop Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Woodcutters to Spalding Cove Pillie Lake to Beach Stamford Hill Carcase Rock to to MacLaren Surfleet to Spalding Cove Point Cape Donington September Beach Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Surfleet Loop Hike MacLaren Point Taylors Park entrance toto Pillie LakeLanding September Beach to Carcase Rock DoningtonHill Loop Hike Stamford to Surfleet Fisherman Point Loop Hike Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Taylors Landing Pillie Lake Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Carcase Rock totoMacLaren Point Cape Donington September Beach Surfleet to Spalding CoveDonington Fisherman Pointtoto toFisherman Cape Spalding Cove Point SleafordLoop Mere totoPark entrance Surfleet Hike MacLaren Point Taylors Landing September Beach to Carcase Park entrance toHike Pillie Lake Rock Donington Loop Stamford Hill to Surfleet Fisherman Point Loop Hike Stamford Hill Hike Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Carcase Rock to to MacLaren Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Point Cape Donington September Beach Surfleet to Spalding Cove Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Stamford Hill Loop Hike Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Sleaford Mere to Park entrance MacLaren Point to to Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike September Beach Carcase Park entrance to Pillie Lake Rock Donington Loop Hike Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Stamford Hill to Surfleet Fisherman Point Loop HikeMere Stamford Hill Hike Taylors Landing Pillie Lake Woodcutters to Spalding Cove Carcase RockBeach toto MacLaren Point Pillie Lake Stamford Hill Cape Donington to September Beach Investigator Trail Surfleet to to Spalding Cove Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Stamford Hill Loop Hike Sleaford entrance Spalding Mere Cove to to Park Fisherman Point MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike September Beach to Carcase Rock Investigator Trail Park entrance Pillie Lake Donington Loop Hike Wanna Dunes toSurfleet Sleaford Mere Stamford Hill toto Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Taylors Landing Pillie Lake Cove Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Carcase Rock totoMacLaren Investigator TrailPoint Pillie to Stamford Hill CapeLake Donington to September Beach Investigator Trail Surfleet to Spalding Cove Stamford Hill Loop Hike Fisherman Point Cape Donington Sleaford Mere to to Park entrance Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike September Beach to Carcase Investigator Trail Rock Park entrance to Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Hike Stamford Hill totoSurfleet Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Woodcutters Beach to Hike Spalding Carcase Rock to MacLaren Investigator TrailPointCove Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Investigator Trail Cape Donington to Hike September Beach Surfleet toHill Spalding Cove Stamford Loop Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Spalding Cove toto Fisherman Point MacLaren Point Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike Trail Rock September Investigator Beach to Carcase Park entrance Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Hike toto Surfleet Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Investigator Trail Cape Donington to September Beach Surfleet toHill Spalding Cove Stamford Loop Fisherman Point to Hike Cape Donington Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike Investigator Trail September Beach to Carcase Rock Park entrance toHike Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes Sleaford Mere Donington Loop to Surfleet Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Cove Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to to MacLaren Point Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Investigator Trail Cape Donington September Beach Surfleet toHill Spalding Cove Stamford Loop Fisherman Point to Hike Cape Donington Sleaford to entrance Spalding Mere CoveHike totoPark Fisherman Point MacLaren Point Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Investigator Trail September Beach to Carcase Rock Park entrance toHike Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Stamford Hill to Surfleet Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Taylors Landing toLoop Pillie Lake Cove Woodcutters Beach to Hike Spalding Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacLaren Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Investigator TrailPoint Cape Donington to September Beach Surfleet toHill Spalding Cove Stamford Loop Fisherman Point to Hike Cape Donington Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike Investigator Trail September Beach to Carcase Rock Park entrance to Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes toHike Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Investigator Trail Carcase Rock MacLaren PointCove Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Stamford Hill totoSurfleet Investigator Trail Cape Donington to September Beach Stamford Hill Loop Hike Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Sleaford Mere entrance Spalding Cove to totoPark Fisherman Point MacLaren Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike to Point Spalding Investigator Trail Rock September Beach toCove Carcase Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Hike Stamford Hike FishermanHill Point Loop Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Woodcutters Beach to Lake Spalding Cove Park entrance to Pillie Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacLaren Investigator TrailPoint Cape Donington to September Beach Stamford Loop FishermanHill Point to Hike Cape Donington Sleaford entrance Spalding Mere Cove to to Park Fisherman Point Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing September Beach to Carcase Rock Investigator Trail Stamford Hill to Surfleet Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Hike Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Surfleet Loop Hike Taylors Landing to PillieHike Lake Carcase Rock to MacLaren Investigator Trail Surfleet to Spalding Cove Investigator TrailPoint Cape Donington to Hike September Beach Stamford Hill Loop Fisherman Point Cape Donington Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Sleaford Mere to to Park entrance MacLaren Point Taylors Landing Park entrance toto Pillie Lake Investigator Trail September Beach to Carcase Rock Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Spalding Cove toHike Fisherman Point Stamford Hill Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Investigator Trail Cape Donington to September Beach Fisherman Point Loop Hike Stamford Hill Loop Hike Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Surfleet Loop Hike MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Investigator Trail September Beach toCape Carcase Rock Fisherman Point Donington Wanna Dunes to to Sleaford Mere Stamford Hill Hike Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Cove Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Donington Loop Hike Investigator Stamford Cove Hill Loop Hike Trail Point Spalding to Fisherman TREK - Challenging Treks are usually physically demanding, therefore users should be experienced bushwalkers with a high level of fitness and good navigational skills. Treks usually require an overnight stay and may pass through remote areas. HIKE - Hard Hard Hikes require some hiking experience and a reasonable level of fitness, as some sections of the trail can be quite steep and uneven. Walks, Hikes and Treks HIKE Local emergency numbers /ParksSA Be prepared when bushwalking: Walk Safely Due to the rugged coastline and remoteness of the trails, a careful, responsible and well-planned approach to bushwalking is essential for your safety. Lincoln National Park protects coastal vegetation of the Eyre Peninsula and provides a safe refuge for rare fauna. Visitors may encounter stealthy Heath Goannas, elusive Western Whipbirds and, if camping, experience the haunting call of the Bush Stone-curlew. The Investigator Trail is made up of sections which can be individually walked or hiked - or trekked as a whole. The Investigator Trail and other trails within the park are clearly defined and marked with checkpoints at strategic locations to orientate yourself. Bushwalking in Lincoln National Park 50 Location map National Park Bushwalking in Lincoln * Time is generously estimated from an average walking speed varying from 2 to 3 km per hour. Allow extra time for resting and sightseeing. * Time is generously estimated from an average walking speed varying from 2 to 3 km per hour. Allow extra time for resting and sightseeing. Investigator Trail -Pillie Lake to main park entrance via Sleaford Mere Investigator Trail -Cape Donington to Pillie Lake via Taylors Landing • long distance trail with some steep inclines • irregular surface with loose, uneven base • suitable for experienced walkers with navigational skills • high level of fitness Investigator Trail - Lincoln National Park entrance to Cape Donington Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere HARD • some steep inclines • irregular surface with loose, uneven base • average level of fitness • some hiking experience Investigator Trail Stamford Hill Hike Stamford Hill Hike Investigator Stamford Hill Loop Hike Trail Trail Investigator Trail Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Select your trail Time* Distance 1 hours one way 2.7 km one way 1 hour one way 2.4 km one way Park entrance to Pillie Lake 2.5 hours one way 7.8 km one way Secluded walk through diverse vegetation Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill 4 hours one way 11.6 km one way Diverse habitats and views of Proper Bay Surfleet Cove Loop Hike 1.5 hour loop 4.8 km loop Eucalypt and tea-tree woodland Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove 2 hours one way 6.2 km one way Inland trail through mallee with a variety of bird life Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point 2 hours one way 6.0 km one way Long beach walks and old-growth mallee Fisherman Point Loop Hike 3 hour loop 10.7 km loop Visit beautiful Yachties Beach and varied landscapes Fisherman Point to Cape Donington 1 hour 45 min one way 4.9 km one way Views to Boston Bay Donington Loop Hike 2 hour loop 6.2 km loop Explore Donington Peninsula Cape Donington to September Beach 30 minutes one way 1.0 km one way Good family hike along rocky coastline September Beach to Carcase Rock 1 hour 45 min one way 4.5 km one way Secluded beaches and scenic granite coastline Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point 1.5 hours one way 4.5 km one way Unspoilt beaches and coastal mallee MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing 3 hours one way 8.5 km one way Spectacular coastal views and long, secluded beaches Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake 4 hours one way 12.0 km one way Inland mallee woodland with diverse bird life Sleaford Mere to Park entrance 3 hours one way 8.9 km one way Explore the unique shores of Sleaford Mere Surfleet Cove to Spalding Cove WALK Stamford Hill to Surfleet Cove Trail A sheltered walk with views of beautiful Spalding Cove An ideal coastal walk for families Trail Notes Select your trail Investigator Trail Investigator Trail Investigator Trail have appropriate wet-weather clothing. •• Weather conditions can change quickly. Ensure you The elusive Western Whipbird inhabits dense mallee and heath vegetation. The species is nationally threatened with extinction. © Department for Environment, Water and Natural Resources March 2014 | FIS 92653 The haunting call of the Bush Stone-curlew may be heard at dusk. Regular fox baiting helps protect these threatened, ground-dwelling birds. your desired route with a ranger and fill in a Trip Intentions form. Cottage accommodation Southern Ocean Retreats T: 08 8598 4169 •• Prior to commencing a trek, we advise you to discuss and expected time of return. •• Inform a responsible person of your proposed route cliff edges, slippery rocks, freak waves and rips can occur. Matthew Flinders •• Take care when walking near any coastal area. Fragile markers. Matthew Flinders surveyed the Eyre Peninsula coastline in 1802 in the ship HMS Investigator. •• Keep to the defined walking trail and follow the Allow two litres of water per person per half day. Do not rely on tanks in the park for water. •• Carry sufficient food and drinking water. •• Wear sturdy shoes, hat and sunscreen. Thank you for leaving the bush in its natural state for the enjoyment of others. The trail continues to the north outside the park for another 31 kilometres via Tulka and Port Lincoln to North Shields. The section through Port Lincoln is called the Parnkalla Trail. •• Keep our wildlife wild. Do not feed or disturb Trails at Cape Donington and Stamford Hill provide pleasant loop walks returning you to your vehicle. •• Be considerate of other park users. Stamford Hill to Surfleet walking trails. Further information Police 000 or 131 444 Ambulance 000 CFS fire calls only 000 Natural Resources Centre Eyre Peninsula 86 Tasman Terrace Port Lincoln SA 5606 T: (08) 8688 3111 Share your parks at parks.sa.gov.au Join the community •• Keep to defined vehicle tracks and animals, or remove native plants. West Point Cape Carnot •• Respect geological and heritage sites. Sleaford Bay •• Camp only in designated areas. stoves. •• Conserve native habitat by using liquid fuel or gas April. Check CFS hotline 1300 362 361. Port Lincoln Avoid Bay •• Observe fire restrictions usually 1 November to 30 Coffin Bay Coffin Bay National Park •• Leave your pets at home. 1080 poison, lethal to pets, Thistle Is LINCOLN NATIONAL PARK Boston Bay Boston Is Cape Donington Louth Bay H ig hw ay •• Take your rubbish with you. is used in the park to control foxes. Coffin Bay ln Sir Joseph Banks Group Tumby Bay Cummins 0 km 25 Po • A rt L • P de inc t A laid oln ug e 6 to us 26 : ta 30 km 5 km HIKE - Moderate Moderate Hikes are suitable for bushwalkers with an average level of fitness. These trails can be any length and may include moderate inclines and irregular surfaces. Help protect your national parks by following these guidelines: The National Parks Code Lin co Granite headlands, scenic bays and sandy beaches fringe Boston Bay, the largest natural harbour in Australia. In contrast, the exposed southern coastline has massive windsculpted sand dunes, pounding surf and limestone cliffs. The Investigator Trail is a long-distance walking trail which takes its name from HMS Investigator - the ship commanded by Matthew Flinders while surveying the rugged coastline of Eyre Peninsula in 1802. 26.3 km one way 30.7 km one way 36 km one way 14.3 km one way Stamford Hill to Surfleet Surfleet to Spalding Cove WALK - Easy Walks are accessible to people of all ages and fitness levels. They are well-defined trails, generally less than three kilometres in length, with even surfaces. 9 hours one way 10 hours one way 12 hours one way 5 hours one way Massive sand dunes, wind-swept cliffs and unique Sleaford Mere.Follow checkpoints 2, 3, 21-24, 1. Secluded coastal and inland experience. Follow checkpoints 15-20, 3, 2. Sheltered bays and sandy beaches. Follow checkpoints 1-15. HIKE Massive sand dunes and an exposed ocean coastline Time* Distance Trail Notes 45 minutes return 1.6 km return One of 40 Great Australian Short Walks, hike up Stamford Hill for magnificent views of Boston Bay, Port Lincoln and Lincoln National Park. Return the way you came. 5.7 km loop Hike up Stamford Hill for magnificent views of Boston Bay, Port Lincoln and Lincoln National Park. Continue down Stamford Hill to return to the car park via the Investigator Trail. 2 hour loop Surfleet to Spalding Cove Park entrance to Pillie Lake Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Stamford Hill to Surfleet Surfleet Loop Hike Surfleet to Spalding Cove Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Park entrance to Pillie Lake Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Fisherman Point Loop Hike Surfleet Loop Hike Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Donington Loop Hike Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Cape Donington to September Beach Stamford Hill to Surfleet Fisherman Point Loop Hike September Beach toCove Carcase Rock Surfleet to Spalding Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Carcase RocktotoPillie MacLaren Park entrance Lake Point Donington Loop Hike MacLaren Point to Taylors Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Landing Stamford Hill to Surfleet Cape Donington to September Beach Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Surfleet Loop Hike Spalding Cove SeptemberSurfleet Beach totoCarcase Rock Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Cove Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Parktoentrance Pillie Lake Carcase Rock MacLarento Point StamfordCove Hill Hike Spalding to Fisherman Point Pillie to Stamford Hill toLanding SurfleetHill MacLaren Stamford Point Lake to Taylors Stamford Hill Loop Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Surfleet Loop Hike Cove Surfleet to Spalding Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes Mere Fisherman PointtotoSleaford Cape Donington Woodcutters Beach to Lake Spalding Cove Park to Pillie Sleaford Mere toentrance Park entrance Investigator Trail Donington Loop Hike Spalding to Fisherman Point Pillie LakeCove to Stamford Stamford Hill Hike Stamford Hill to SurfleetHill Investigator Trail Cape Donington to September Beach Fisherman Point Loop Hike Surfleet Loop Hike Stamford Hill Loop Hike Surfleet to Spalding Cove Investigator Trail September Beach to Carcase Rock Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Woodcutters Beach to Lake Spalding Cove Wanna Dunes toentrance Sleaford Mere Park to Pillie Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Donington LooptoHike Spalding Fisherman Investigator Pillie LakeCove toTrail Stamford Hill Point MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Cape Donington to September Beach Fisherman Point Loop Hike Investigator Trail Surfleet Loop Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake September Beach Carcase Rock Fisherman totoCape Donington InvestigatorPoint Trail Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Carcase Rock toHike MacLaren Point Donington Loop Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Stamford Hill Hike MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Cape Donington September Beach Fisherman Point to Loop Hike Stamford Hill Loop Hike Taylors Landing to to Pillie Lake Rock September Beach Carcase Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Sleaford Rock Mere to to MacLaren Park entrance Carcase Point Donington Loop Hike Investigator Trail Stamford Hill Hike MacLaren Point to Landing Cape Donington to Taylors September Beach Investigator Trail Stamford Hill Loop Hike Lake Taylors Landing to to Pillie September Beach Carcase Rock Investigator Trail Wanna Dunes to Park Sleaford Mere Sleaford Mere to entrance Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Investigator Trail Stamford Hill Hike MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Investigator Stamford Hill Loop Hike Trail Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Investigator Trail Wanna Dunes to Park Sleaford Mere Sleaford Mere to entrance Lincoln National Park is a rugged peninsula encompassing some of the most beautiful unspoilt coastline, offshore islands and wilderness experiences in the state. Park entrance Pillie Lake Stamford Hill totoSurfleet There are over 100 kilometres of walking trail in Lincoln National Park for you to explore. The Investigator Trail Stamford Hill Loop Hike Pillie Lake Stamford Hill Surfleet to to Spalding Cove Surfleet Loop Hike Park entrance to Pillie Lake Stamford Hill to Surfleet Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Surfleet to Spalding Cove SpaldingLoop CoveHike to Fisherman Point Surfleet Park entrance to Pillie Lake Stamford Hill to Surfleet Fisherman Point Loop Woodcutters Beach to Hike Spalding Cove Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Surfleet to Spalding Cove Fisherman PointtotoFisherman Cape Donington Spalding Cove Point Surfleet Loop Hike Park entrance to Pillie Lake Stamford Hill to Surfleet Donington Loop Fisherman Point Hike Loop Hike Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Pillie Lake Stamford Hill Surfleet to to Spalding Cove Cape Donington to Beach Fisherman Point to September Cape Donington SpaldingLoop Cove to Fisherman Point Surfleet Park entranceHike to Pillie Lake September Beach to Carcase Rock Stamford Hill to Surfleet Donington Loop Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Woodcutters to Spalding Cove Pillie Lake to Beach Stamford Hill Carcase Rock to to MacLaren Surfleet to Spalding Cove Point Cape Donington September Beach Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Surfleet Loop Hike MacLaren Point Taylors Park entrance toto Pillie LakeLanding September Beach to Carcase Rock DoningtonHill Loop Hike Stamford to Surfleet Fisherman Point Loop Hike Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Taylors Landing Pillie Lake Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Carcase Rock totoMacLaren Point Cape Donington September Beach Surfleet to Spalding CoveDonington Fisherman Pointtoto toFisherman Cape Spalding Cove Point SleafordLoop Mere totoPark entrance Surfleet Hike MacLaren Point Taylors Landing September Beach to Carcase Park entrance toHike Pillie Lake Rock Donington Loop Stamford Hill to Surfleet Fisherman Point Loop Hike Stamford Hill Hike Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Carcase Rock to to MacLaren Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Point Cape Donington September Beach Surfleet to Spalding Cove Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Stamford Hill Loop Hike Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Sleaford Mere to Park entrance MacLaren Point to to Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike September Beach Carcase Park entrance to Pillie Lake Rock Donington Loop Hike Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Stamford Hill to Surfleet Fisherman Point Loop HikeMere Stamford Hill Hike Taylors Landing Pillie Lake Woodcutters to Spalding Cove Carcase RockBeach toto MacLaren Point Pillie Lake Stamford Hill Cape Donington to September Beach Investigator Trail Surfleet to to Spalding Cove Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Stamford Hill Loop Hike Sleaford entrance Spalding Mere Cove to to Park Fisherman Point MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike September Beach to Carcase Rock Investigator Trail Park entrance Pillie Lake Donington Loop Hike Wanna Dunes toSurfleet Sleaford Mere Stamford Hill toto Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Taylors Landing Pillie Lake Cove Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Carcase Rock totoMacLaren Investigator TrailPoint Pillie to Stamford Hill CapeLake Donington to September Beach Investigator Trail Surfleet to Spalding Cove Stamford Hill Loop Hike Fisherman Point Cape Donington Sleaford Mere to to Park entrance Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike September Beach to Carcase Investigator Trail Rock Park entrance to Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Hike Stamford Hill totoSurfleet Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Woodcutters Beach to Hike Spalding Carcase Rock to MacLaren Investigator TrailPointCove Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Investigator Trail Cape Donington to Hike September Beach Surfleet toHill Spalding Cove Stamford Loop Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Spalding Cove toto Fisherman Point MacLaren Point Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike Trail Rock September Investigator Beach to Carcase Park entrance Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Hike toto Surfleet Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Investigator Trail Cape Donington to September Beach Surfleet toHill Spalding Cove Stamford Loop Fisherman Point to Hike Cape Donington Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike Investigator Trail September Beach to Carcase Rock Park entrance toHike Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes Sleaford Mere Donington Loop to Surfleet Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Cove Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to to MacLaren Point Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Investigator Trail Cape Donington September Beach Surfleet toHill Spalding Cove Stamford Loop Fisherman Point to Hike Cape Donington Sleaford to entrance Spalding Mere CoveHike totoPark Fisherman Point MacLaren Point Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Investigator Trail September Beach to Carcase Rock Park entrance toHike Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Stamford Hill to Surfleet Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Taylors Landing toLoop Pillie Lake Cove Woodcutters Beach to Hike Spalding Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacLaren Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Investigator TrailPoint Cape Donington to September Beach Surfleet toHill Spalding Cove Stamford Loop Fisherman Point to Hike Cape Donington Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike Investigator Trail September Beach to Carcase Rock Park entrance to Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes toHike Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Investigator Trail Carcase Rock MacLaren PointCove Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Stamford Hill totoSurfleet Investigator Trail Cape Donington to September Beach Stamford Hill Loop Hike Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Sleaford Mere entrance Spalding Cove to totoPark Fisherman Point MacLaren Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike to Point Spalding Investigator Trail Rock September Beach toCove Carcase Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Hike Stamford Hike FishermanHill Point Loop Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Woodcutters Beach to Lake Spalding Cove Park entrance to Pillie Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacLaren Investigator TrailPoint Cape Donington to September Beach Stamford Loop FishermanHill Point to Hike Cape Donington Sleaford entrance Spalding Mere Cove to to Park Fisherman Point Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing September Beach to Carcase Rock Investigator Trail Stamford Hill to Surfleet Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Hike Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Surfleet Loop Hike Taylors Landing to PillieHike Lake Carcase Rock to MacLaren Investigator Trail Surfleet to Spalding Cove Investigator TrailPoint Cape Donington to Hike September Beach Stamford Hill Loop Fisherman Point Cape Donington Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Sleaford Mere to to Park entrance MacLaren Point Taylors Landing Park entrance toto Pillie Lake Investigator Trail September Beach to Carcase Rock Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Spalding Cove toHike Fisherman Point Stamford Hill Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Investigator Trail Cape Donington to September Beach Fisherman Point Loop Hike Stamford Hill Loop Hike Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Surfleet Loop Hike MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Investigator Trail September Beach toCape Carcase Rock Fisherman Point Donington Wanna Dunes to to Sleaford Mere Stamford Hill Hike Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Cove Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Donington Loop Hike Investigator Stamford Cove Hill Loop Hike Trail Point Spalding to Fisherman TREK - Challenging Treks are usually physically demanding, therefore users should be experienced bushwalkers with a high level of fitness and good navigational skills. Treks usually require an overnight stay and may pass through remote areas. HIKE - Hard Hard Hikes require some hiking experience and a reasonable level of fitness, as some sections of the trail can be quite steep and uneven. Walks, Hikes and Treks HIKE Local emergency numbers /ParksSA Be prepared when bushwalking: Walk Safely Due to the rugged coastline and remoteness of the trails, a careful, responsible and well-planned approach to bushwalking is essential for your safety. Lincoln National Park protects coastal vegetation of the Eyre Peninsula and provides a safe refuge for rare fauna. Visitors may encounter stealthy Heath Goannas, elusive Western Whipbirds and, if camping, experience the haunting call of the Bush Stone-curlew. The Investigator Trail is made up of sections which can be individually walked or hiked - or trekked as a whole. The Investigator Trail and other trails within the park are clearly defined and marked with checkpoints at strategic locations to orientate yourself. Bushwalking in Lincoln National Park 50 Location map National Park Bushwalking in Lincoln * Time is generously estimated from an average walking speed varying from 2 to 3 km per hour. Allow extra time for resting and sightseeing. * Time is generously estimated from an average walking speed varying from 2 to 3 km per hour. Allow extra time for resting and sightseeing. Investigator Trail -Pillie Lake to main park entrance via Sleaford Mere Investigator Trail -Cape Donington to Pillie Lake via Taylors Landing • long distance trail with some steep inclines • irregular surface with loose, uneven base • suitable for experienced walkers with navigational skills • high level of fitness Investigator Trail - Lincoln National Park entrance to Cape Donington Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere HARD • some steep inclines • irregular surface with loose, uneven base • average level of fitness • some hiking experience Investigator Trail Stamford Hill Hike Stamford Hill Hike Investigator Stamford Hill Loop Hike Trail Trail Investigator Trail Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Select your trail Time* Distance 1 hours one way 2.7 km one way 1 hour one way 2.4 km one way Park entrance to Pillie Lake 2.5 hours one way 7.8 km one way Secluded walk through diverse vegetation Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill 4 hours one way 11.6 km one way Diverse habitats and views of Proper Bay Surfleet Cove Loop Hike 1.5 hour loop 4.8 km loop Eucalypt and tea-tree woodland Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove 2 hours one way 6.2 km one way Inland trail through mallee with a variety of bird life Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point 2 hours one way 6.0 km one way Long beach walks and old-growth mallee Fisherman Point Loop Hike 3 hour loop 10.7 km loop Visit beautiful Yachties Beach and varied landscapes Fisherman Point to Cape Donington 1 hour 45 min one way 4.9 km one way Views to Boston Bay Donington Loop Hike 2 hour loop 6.2 km loop Explore Donington Peninsula Cape Donington to September Beach 30 minutes one way 1.0 km one way Good family hike along rocky coastline September Beach to Carcase Rock 1 hour 45 min one way 4.5 km one way Secluded beaches and scenic granite coastline Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point 1.5 hours one way 4.5 km one way Unspoilt beaches and coastal mallee MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing 3 hours one way 8.5 km one way Spectacular coastal views and long, secluded beaches Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake 4 hours one way 12.0 km one way Inland mallee woodland with diverse bird life Sleaford Mere to Park entrance 3 hours one way 8.9 km one way Explore the unique shores of Sleaford Mere Surfleet Cove to Spalding Cove WALK Stamford Hill to Surfleet Cove Trail A sheltered walk with views of beautiful Spalding Cove An ideal coastal walk for families Trail Notes Select your trail Investigator Trail Investigator Trail Investigator Trail have appropriate wet-weather clothing. •• Weather conditions can change quickly. Ensure you The elusive Western Whipbird inhabits dense mallee and heath vegetation. The species is nationally threatened with extinction. © Department for Environment, Water and Natural Resources March 2014 | FIS 92653 The haunting call of the Bush Stone-curlew may be heard at dusk. Regular fox baiting helps protect these threatened, ground-dwelling birds. your desired route with a ranger and fill in a Trip Intentions form. Cottage accommodation Southern Ocean Retreats T: 08 8598 4169 •• Prior to commencing a trek, we advise you to discuss and expected time of return. •• Inform a responsible person of your proposed route cliff edges, slippery rocks, freak waves and rips can occur. Matthew Flinders •• Take care when walking near any coastal area. Fragile markers. Matthew Flinders surveyed the Eyre Peninsula coastline in 1802 in the ship HMS Investigator. •• Keep to the defined walking trail and follow the Allow two litres of water per person per half day. Do not rely on tanks in the park for water. •• Carry sufficient food and drinking water. •• Wear sturdy shoes, hat and sunscreen. Thank you for leaving the bush in its natural state for the enjoyment of others. The trail continues to the north outside the park for another 31 kilometres via Tulka and Port Lincoln to North Shields. The section through Port Lincoln is called the Parnkalla Trail. •• Keep our wildlife wild. Do not feed or disturb Trails at Cape Donington and Stamford Hill provide pleasant loop walks returning you to your vehicle. •• Be considerate of other park users. Stamford Hill to Surfleet walking trails. Further information Police 000 or 131 444 Ambulance 000 CFS fire calls only 000 Natural Resources Centre Eyre Peninsula 86 Tasman Terrace Port Lincoln SA 5606 T: (08) 8688 3111 Share your parks at parks.sa.gov.au Join the community •• Keep to defined vehicle tracks and animals, or remove native plants. West Point Cape Carnot •• Respect geological and heritage sites. Sleaford Bay •• Camp only in designated areas. stoves. •• Conserve native habitat by using liquid fuel or gas April. Check CFS hotline 1300 362 361. Port Lincoln Avoid Bay •• Observe fire restrictions usually 1 November to 30 Coffin Bay Coffin Bay National Park •• Leave your pets at home. 1080 poison, lethal to pets, Thistle Is LINCOLN NATIONAL PARK Boston Bay Boston Is Cape Donington Louth Bay H ig hw ay •• Take your rubbish with you. is used in the park to control foxes. Coffin Bay ln Sir Joseph Banks Group Tumby Bay Cummins 0 km 25 Po • A rt L • P de inc t A laid oln ug e 6 to us 26 : ta 30 km 5 km HIKE - Moderate Moderate Hikes are suitable for bushwalkers with an average level of fitness. These trails can be any length and may include moderate inclines and irregular surfaces. Help protect your national parks by following these guidelines: The National Parks Code Lin co Granite headlands, scenic bays and sandy beaches fringe Boston Bay, the largest natural harbour in Australia. In contrast, the exposed southern coastline has massive windsculpted sand dunes, pounding surf and limestone cliffs. The Investigator Trail is a long-distance walking trail which takes its name from HMS Investigator - the ship commanded by Matthew Flinders while surveying the rugged coastline of Eyre Peninsula in 1802. 26.3 km one way 30.7 km one way 36 km one way 14.3 km one way Stamford Hill to Surfleet Surfleet to Spalding Cove WALK - Easy Walks are accessible to people of all ages and fitness levels. They are well-defined trails, generally less than three kilometres in length, with even surfaces. 9 hours one way 10 hours one way 12 hours one way 5 hours one way Massive sand dunes, wind-swept cliffs and unique Sleaford Mere.Follow checkpoints 2, 3, 21-24, 1. Secluded coastal and inland experience. Follow checkpoints 15-20, 3, 2. Sheltered bays and sandy beaches. Follow checkpoints 1-15. HIKE Massive sand dunes and an exposed ocean coastline Time* Distance Trail Notes 45 minutes return 1.6 km return One of 40 Great Australian Short Walks, hike up Stamford Hill for magnificent views of Boston Bay, Port Lincoln and Lincoln National Park. Return the way you came. 5.7 km loop Hike up Stamford Hill for magnificent views of Boston Bay, Port Lincoln and Lincoln National Park. Continue down Stamford Hill to return to the car park via the Investigator Trail. 2 hour loop Surfleet to Spalding Cove Park entrance to Pillie Lake Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Stamford Hill to Surfleet Surfleet Loop Hike Surfleet to Spalding Cove Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Park entrance to Pillie Lake Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Fisherman Point Loop Hike Surfleet Loop Hike Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Donington Loop Hike Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Cape Donington to September Beach Stamford Hill to Surfleet Fisherman Point Loop Hike September Beach toCove Carcase Rock Surfleet to Spalding Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Carcase RocktotoPillie MacLaren Park entrance Lake Point Donington Loop Hike MacLaren Point to Taylors Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Landing Stamford Hill to Surfleet Cape Donington to September Beach Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Surfleet Loop Hike Spalding Cove SeptemberSurfleet Beach totoCarcase Rock Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Cove Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Parktoentrance Pillie Lake Carcase Rock MacLarento Point StamfordCove Hill Hike Spalding to Fisherman Point Pillie to Stamford Hill toLanding SurfleetHill MacLaren Stamford Point Lake to Taylors Stamford Hill Loop Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Surfleet Loop Hike Cove Surfleet to Spalding Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes Mere Fisherman PointtotoSleaford Cape Donington Woodcutters Beach to Lake Spalding Cove Park to Pillie Sleaford Mere toentrance Park entrance Investigator Trail Donington Loop Hike Spalding to Fisherman Point Pillie LakeCove to Stamford Stamford Hill Hike Stamford Hill to SurfleetHill Investigator Trail Cape Donington to September Beach Fisherman Point Loop Hike Surfleet Loop Hike Stamford Hill Loop Hike Surfleet to Spalding Cove Investigator Trail September Beach to Carcase Rock Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Woodcutters Beach to Lake Spalding Cove Wanna Dunes toentrance Sleaford Mere Park to Pillie Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Donington LooptoHike Spalding Fisherman Investigator Pillie LakeCove toTrail Stamford Hill Point MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Cape Donington to September Beach Fisherman Point Loop Hike Investigator Trail Surfleet Loop Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake September Beach Carcase Rock Fisherman totoCape Donington InvestigatorPoint Trail Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Carcase Rock toHike MacLaren Point Donington Loop Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Stamford Hill Hike MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Cape Donington September Beach Fisherman Point to Loop Hike Stamford Hill Loop Hike Taylors Landing to to Pillie Lake Rock September Beach Carcase Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Sleaford Rock Mere to to MacLaren Park entrance Carcase Point Donington Loop Hike Investigator Trail Stamford Hill Hike MacLaren Point to Landing Cape Donington to Taylors September Beach Investigator Trail Stamford Hill Loop Hike Lake Taylors Landing to to Pillie September Beach Carcase Rock Investigator Trail Wanna Dunes to Park Sleaford Mere Sleaford Mere to entrance Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Investigator Trail Stamford Hill Hike MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Investigator Stamford Hill Loop Hike Trail Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Investigator Trail Wanna Dunes to Park Sleaford Mere Sleaford Mere to entrance Lincoln National Park is a rugged peninsula encompassing some of the most beautiful unspoilt coastline, offshore islands and wilderness experiences in the state. Park entrance Pillie Lake Stamford Hill totoSurfleet There are over 100 kilometres of walking trail in Lincoln National Park for you to explore. The Investigator Trail Stamford Hill Loop Hike Pillie Lake Stamford Hill Surfleet to to Spalding Cove Surfleet Loop Hike Park entrance to Pillie Lake Stamford Hill to Surfleet Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Surfleet to Spalding Cove SpaldingLoop CoveHike to Fisherman Point Surfleet Park entrance to Pillie Lake Stamford Hill to Surfleet Fisherman Point Loop Woodcutters Beach to Hike Spalding Cove Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Surfleet to Spalding Cove Fisherman PointtotoFisherman Cape Donington Spalding Cove Point Surfleet Loop Hike Park entrance to Pillie Lake Stamford Hill to Surfleet Donington Loop Fisherman Point Hike Loop Hike Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Pillie Lake Stamford Hill Surfleet to to Spalding Cove Cape Donington to Beach Fisherman Point to September Cape Donington SpaldingLoop Cove to Fisherman Point Surfleet Park entranceHike to Pillie Lake September Beach to Carcase Rock Stamford Hill to Surfleet Donington Loop Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Woodcutters to Spalding Cove Pillie Lake to Beach Stamford Hill Carcase Rock to to MacLaren Surfleet to Spalding Cove Point Cape Donington September Beach Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Surfleet Loop Hike MacLaren Point Taylors Park entrance toto Pillie LakeLanding September Beach to Carcase Rock DoningtonHill Loop Hike Stamford to Surfleet Fisherman Point Loop Hike Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Taylors Landing Pillie Lake Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Carcase Rock totoMacLaren Point Cape Donington September Beach Surfleet to Spalding CoveDonington Fisherman Pointtoto toFisherman Cape Spalding Cove Point SleafordLoop Mere totoPark entrance Surfleet Hike MacLaren Point Taylors Landing September Beach to Carcase Park entrance toHike Pillie Lake Rock Donington Loop Stamford Hill to Surfleet Fisherman Point Loop Hike Stamford Hill Hike Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Carcase Rock to to MacLaren Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Point Cape Donington September Beach Surfleet to Spalding Cove Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Stamford Hill Loop Hike Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Sleaford Mere to Park entrance MacLaren Point to to Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike September Beach Carcase Park entrance to Pillie Lake Rock Donington Loop Hike Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Stamford Hill to Surfleet Fisherman Point Loop HikeMere Stamford Hill Hike Taylors Landing Pillie Lake Woodcutters to Spalding Cove Carcase RockBeach toto MacLaren Point Pillie Lake Stamford Hill Cape Donington to September Beach Investigator Trail Surfleet to to Spalding Cove Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Stamford Hill Loop Hike Sleaford entrance Spalding Mere Cove to to Park Fisherman Point MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike September Beach to Carcase Rock Investigator Trail Park entrance Pillie Lake Donington Loop Hike Wanna Dunes toSurfleet Sleaford Mere Stamford Hill toto Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Taylors Landing Pillie Lake Cove Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Carcase Rock totoMacLaren Investigator TrailPoint Pillie to Stamford Hill CapeLake Donington to September Beach Investigator Trail Surfleet to Spalding Cove Stamford Hill Loop Hike Fisherman Point Cape Donington Sleaford Mere to to Park entrance Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike September Beach to Carcase Investigator Trail Rock Park entrance to Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Hike Stamford Hill totoSurfleet Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Woodcutters Beach to Hike Spalding Carcase Rock to MacLaren Investigator TrailPointCove Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Investigator Trail Cape Donington to Hike September Beach Surfleet toHill Spalding Cove Stamford Loop Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Spalding Cove toto Fisherman Point MacLaren Point Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike Trail Rock September Investigator Beach to Carcase Park entrance Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Hike toto Surfleet Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Investigator Trail Cape Donington to September Beach Surfleet toHill Spalding Cove Stamford Loop Fisherman Point to Hike Cape Donington Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike Investigator Trail September Beach to Carcase Rock Park entrance toHike Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes Sleaford Mere Donington Loop to Surfleet Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Cove Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to to MacLaren Point Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Investigator Trail Cape Donington September Beach Surfleet toHill Spalding Cove Stamford Loop Fisherman Point to Hike Cape Donington Sleaford to entrance Spalding Mere CoveHike totoPark Fisherman Point MacLaren Point Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Investigator Trail September Beach to Carcase Rock Park entrance toHike Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Stamford Hill to Surfleet Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Taylors Landing toLoop Pillie Lake Cove Woodcutters Beach to Hike Spalding Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacLaren Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Investigator TrailPoint Cape Donington to September Beach Surfleet toHill Spalding Cove Stamford Loop Fisherman Point to Hike Cape Donington Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike Investigator Trail September Beach to Carcase Rock Park entrance to Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes toHike Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Investigator Trail Carcase Rock MacLaren PointCove Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Stamford Hill totoSurfleet Investigator Trail Cape Donington to September Beach Stamford Hill Loop Hike Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Sleaford Mere entrance Spalding Cove to totoPark Fisherman Point MacLaren Taylors Landing Surfleet Loop Hike to Point Spalding Investigator Trail Rock September Beach toCove Carcase Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Hike Stamford Hike FishermanHill Point Loop Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Woodcutters Beach to Lake Spalding Cove Park entrance to Pillie Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacLaren Investigator TrailPoint Cape Donington to September Beach Stamford Loop FishermanHill Point to Hike Cape Donington Sleaford entrance Spalding Mere Cove to to Park Fisherman Point Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing September Beach to Carcase Rock Investigator Trail Stamford Hill to Surfleet Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Hike Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point Loop Surfleet Loop Hike Taylors Landing to PillieHike Lake Carcase Rock to MacLaren Investigator Trail Surfleet to Spalding Cove Investigator TrailPoint Cape Donington to Hike September Beach Stamford Hill Loop Fisherman Point Cape Donington Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Sleaford Mere to to Park entrance MacLaren Point Taylors Landing Park entrance toto Pillie Lake Investigator Trail September Beach to Carcase Rock Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Donington Loop Spalding Cove toHike Fisherman Point Stamford Hill Hike Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Investigator Trail Cape Donington to September Beach Fisherman Point Loop Hike Stamford Hill Loop Hike Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Surfleet Loop Hike MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Investigator Trail September Beach toCape Carcase Rock Fisherman Point Donington Wanna Dunes to to Sleaford Mere Stamford Hill Hike Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Cove Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Donington Loop Hike Investigator Stamford Cove Hill Loop Hike Trail Point Spalding to Fisherman TREK - Challenging Treks are usually physically demanding, therefore users should be experienced bushwalkers with a high level of fitness and good navigational skills. Treks usually require an overnight stay and may pass through remote areas. HIKE - Hard Hard Hikes require some hiking experience and a reasonable level of fitness, as some sections of the trail can be quite steep and uneven. Walks, Hikes and Treks HIKE Local emergency numbers /ParksSA Be prepared when bushwalking: Walk Safely Due to the rugged coastline and remoteness of the trails, a careful, responsible and well-planned approach to bushwalking is essential for your safety. Lincoln National Park protects coastal vegetation of the Eyre Peninsula and provides a safe refuge for rare fauna. Visitors may encounter stealthy Heath Goannas, elusive Western Whipbirds and, if camping, experience the haunting call of the Bush Stone-curlew. The Investigator Trail is made up of sections which can be individually walked or hiked - or trekked as a whole. The Investigator Trail and other trails within the park are clearly defined and marked with checkpoints at strategic locations to orientate yourself. Bushwalking in Lincoln National Park 50 Location map National Park Bushwalking in Lincoln * Time is generously estimated from an average walking speed varying from 2 to 3 km per hour. Allow extra time for resting and sightseeing. * Time is generously estimated from an average walking speed varying from 2 to 3 km per hour. Allow extra time for resting and sightseeing. Investigator Trail -Pillie Lake to main park entrance via Sleaford Mere Investigator Trail -Cape Donington to Pillie Lake via Taylors Landing • long distance trail with some steep inclines • irregular surface with loose, uneven base • suitable for experienced walkers with navigational skills • high level of fitness Investigator Trail - Lincoln National Park entrance to Cape Donington Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere HARD • some steep inclines • irregular surface with loose, uneven base • average level of fitness • some hiking experience Investigator Trail Stamford Hill Hike Stamford Hill Hike Investigator Stamford Hill Loop Hike Trail Trail Investigator Trail Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Select your trail Time* Distance 1 hours one way 2.7 km one way 1 hour one way 2.4 km one way Park entrance to Pillie Lake 2.5 hours one way 7.8 km one way Secluded walk through diverse vegetation Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill 4 hours one way 11.6 km one way Diverse habitats and views of Proper Bay Surfleet Cove Loop Hike 1.5 hour loop 4.8 km loop Eucalypt and tea-tree woodland Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove 2 hours one way 6.2 km one way Inland trail through mallee with a variety of bird life Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point 2 hours one way 6.0 km one way Long beach walks and old-growth mallee Fisherman Point Loop Hike 3 hour loop 10.7 km loop Visit beautiful Yachties Beach and varied landscapes Fisherman Point to Cape Donington 1 hour 45 min one way 4.9 km one way Views to Boston Bay Donington Loop Hike 2 hour loop 6.2 km loop Explore Donington Peninsula Cape Donington to September Beach 30 minutes one way 1.0 km one way Good family hike along rocky coastline September Beach to Carcase Rock 1 hour 45 min one way 4.5 km one way Secluded beaches and scenic granite coastline Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point 1.5 hours one way 4.5 km one way Unspoilt beaches and coastal mallee MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing 3 hours one way 8.5 km one way Spectacular coastal views and long, secluded beaches Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake 4 hours one way 12.0 km one way Inland mallee woodland with diverse bird life Sleaford Mere to Park entrance 3 hours one way 8.9 km one way Explore the unique shores of Sleaford Mere Surfleet Cove to Spalding Cove WALK Stamford Hill to Surfleet Cove Trail A sheltered walk with views of beautiful Spalding Cove An ideal coastal walk for families Trail Notes Select your trail Investigator Trail Investigator Trail Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacL Surfleet Loop Hike Fisherman PointHill Loop Hike Pillie Lake to Stamford Surfleet to Spalding Co Stamford Hill to Surfleet MacLaren Point to Tayl Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Surfleet to Spalding Cove Surfleet to Spalding Cove SurfleetFisherman Loop HikePoint to Cape Donington Park entrance to Pillie L Surfleet to Spalding Cove Taylors Landing to Pillie Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Park entrance to Pillie Lake Donington Loop Hike Park entrance to Pillie Lake Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Pillie Lake to Stamford Park entrance to Pillie Lake Sleaford Mere to Park e Fisherman Point Loop Hike Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Cape Donington to September Beach Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Surfleet Loop Hike Stamford Hill to Surfleet Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Hill to Surfleet Surfleet LoopStamford Hike September Beach to Carcase Rock Surfleet Loop Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike Woodcutters Beach to S Surfleet to Spalding Cove Surfleet Loop Hike Stamford Hill Loop Hike Donington Loop Hike SpaldingCove Cove Woodcutters Surfleet Beach totoSpalding Carcase to MacLaren Point Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Fisherman PointRock to Cape Donington Spalding Cove to Fishe Stamford Hill to Spalding Cove to Cape Donington to MacLaren Point to Wanna Dunes to Stamford Hill to Surfleet Park entrance to Pillie Lake Park entrance to Pillie Lake Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Wanna Dunes to Sleafo Cape Donington to September Beach Park entranceSeptember toPoint Pillie LakeBeach Spalding Cove to Fisherman Surfleet Fisherman Point Taylors Landing Sleaford Mere Stamford Hill to Surfleet MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Spalding Cove to Fisherman PointCove Donington Loop Hike Skirt the coast on this secluded trail with its varied Fisherman Point Loop H Surfleet to Spalding Cove Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Stamford Hill to Surfleet Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point An easy coastal walk along Stamford Beach, past scenic Walk along the magnificent sandy beach Fisherman at Spalding Point A short, easyHill hike through coastal heath. Enjoy the views from cliff tops Low mallee woodland leads to a vantage point providing vegetation and refreshing views of Proper Bay. Superb Investigator September Beach to Carcase RockThe trail offers spectacular coastal PillieLoop LakeHike to Stamford Surfleet to Spalding Cove Taylors Landing to Pillie Beach Lake Fisherman Point Loop Hike Cape Donington to September Point to Cap Stamford Hill to Surfleet Park entrance to Pillie Lake Surfleet Loop Hike granite headlands framed by the sea, with Boston Island in Cove, and inland through old-growth mallee and tea-tree refreshing sea views and rocky coastline. and follows a long, secluded beach near Taylors Landing. a panorama overlooking the park. An Fisherman excellent camp wildflowers can be seen in spring. Surfleet to Spalding Cove Fisherman Point Loop Hike Investigator Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Surfleet LoopDonington Hike Fisherman Point to Cape Park entrance to Pillie Lake woodland. Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Fisherman Point to Cape theDonington distance. A short detour from checkpoint 9 to Surfleet shelter for bushwalkers, the Brian Clarke Hut, is found September Beach to Carcase Rock Donington Loop Hike Stamford Hill to Surfleet Access: This hike begins from Cape Donington Surfleet to Spalding Cove Access: This hike begins from the park entrance (checkpoint Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Access: This hike begins from MacLaren Point (4WD Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Park entrance to Point Pillieoffers Lake Fisherman Point to Cape Donington rewarding views. An ideal family walk. at checkpoint 23. Massive wind-sculptured sand dunes Investigator (checkpoint lighthouse 15) or SeptemberMacLaren Beach Point to Taylors Landingaccess) or Taylors Landing campground (checkpoint Woodcutters Beach to (checkpoint Spalding Cove Donington Loop Hike 1) or the northern end of Pillie Lake (checkpoint 2). Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Access: This hike begins from Spalding Cove Stamford Hill Hike Point Donington Loop Hike Carcase Rock to20). MacLaren CapeThe Donington Surfleet to Spalding Cove are a feature of the Sleaford Bay coastline. exposed to Sep Park entrance totoPillie Lake Point SurfleetLoop LoopHike Hike Spalding Fisherman Pillie Lake to Cove Stamford Access: Hill This walk begins from the car park at the base of 11) or Fisherman Point campground (checkpoint 13). campground (checkpoint 16). Donington Stamford HillSpalding to Surfleet Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake cliffs provide an Cove to Fisherman Point Cape Donington to September Beach Surfleet Loop Hike Stamford HillTaylors Loop Hike Cape Donington to September Beach MacLaren Point to LandingSouthern Ocean beaches and limestone Stamford (checkpoint 7) or Surfleet Cove campground September Beach to Ca Park entrance to Pillie Lake Pillie Lake Hike toPoint Stamford Hill Taylors Landing to Woodcutters to Spalding Cove Fisherman LoopHill Hike Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Surfleet Loop invigorating experience. Cape DoningtonBeach to September Beach (checkpoint 10). Surfleet to Spalding Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Pillie Lake Fisherman Point Loop Beach toCove Carcase Rock HikeBeach to Fisherman Point Loop Hike September September Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Dunes to Sleaford Mere September Beach to Carcase Rock TaylorsWanna Landing to Pillie Lake Discover a variety of habitats as the trail passes through Surfleet Carcase Rock to MacLa Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Loop Hike SpaldingBeach Cove to Fisherman Point Fisherman Point to Spalding Cape Donington Access: This hike begins from the car park Woodcutters Beach to Cove September to Carcase Rock Carcase Rock Encounter a variety of habitats as you hike through inland mallee woodland and near low coastal limestone Hike inland through open shrubland and mallee woodland. Park entrance Pillie Lake Stamford Hill Hike Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Sleaford Mere to Park entrance (just south of checkpoint 22). Surfleet Cove Loop Hike MacLaren Point to Taylo Surfleet Loop Hike Woodcutters to Spalding Loop Hike Donington Hike old-growth mallee, coastal heath, and the recovering cliffs. Pleasant sea views from sections of the trail. Spalding The diverse flora provides excellent habitat for many native Scenic granite coastline with some ofCarcase theFisherman most Rock Point CoveLoop toBeach Fisherman Point Cove to MacLaren Point Pillie Lake to Stamford Hill Stamford Hill Loop Hike Donington Loop Hike MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Fisherman Point Loop Hike Investigator Trail MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing previously farmed environment. This trail visits beautiful A scenic walk along the shores of Proper Bay and Surfleet Hill Hike bird species, including the elusiveStamford Western Whipbird. beautiful, secluded beaches in Lincoln National Park. Taylors Landing to Pillie Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove CoveLoop to to Fisherman Point Access: This hike begins from the northern end of Pillie Spalding Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Cape Donington September Beach Sleaford Mere to Fisherman Point Hike MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Yachties Beach and follows the coast to Carcase Rock, Cove, returning through eucalypt and tea-tree woodland. Surfleet Loop Hike Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Cape Donington to September Beach Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Lake (checkpoint 2), Woodcutters Beach (checkpoint 4) or Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Trail Access: This hike begins from Taylors LandingHill LoopInvestigator Access: This hike begins from September Beach Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Stamford Hike Park entrance Sleaford Mere to Park e Spalding Cove toreturning Fisherman Fisherman Point Loop Hike inlandPoint through mallee. Donington Loop Hike Lake September Beach toThis Carcase Rock Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Landing to Pillie Access: hike begins from Surfleet Cove campground Stamford Hill (checkpoint 7). (checkpoint 20) or Pillie Lake car park (checkpoint 2). (checkpoint 16) or from Carcase RockTaylors (between Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Investigator Trail September Beach to Carcase Rock Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Donington Loop Hike The salty waters Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Follow the shore of unique Sleaford Mere. This hike begins from Fisherman Point (checkpoint 10). Stamford Hill Hike checkpoints 18 and 19). Fisherman Point Access: Loop Hike Fisherman Point Cape Donington Cape Mere Donington to September Carcase Rock totoMacLaren Point Donington Loop Hike Sleaford to Park entrance Beach provide an environment that allows microscopic organisms Spalding Cove to Fisherman Investigator Trail Rock toPoint MacLaren Point Stamford HillCarcase Hike Cape Donington to Septembercampground Beach (near checkpoint 13). Stamford Hill Hike Stamford Hill Hike Investigator Trail Stamford Hill Loop Hike to form stromatolites, which can be seen at the water's Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Donington Loop Hike September Beach to Carcase Rock MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Stamford Hill to Surfleet Stamford Hill to Surfleet Cape Donington to September Beach Stamford Hill Hike Surfleet Cove to Carcase Rock to This hike offers spectacular panoramic views Stamford of Lincoln Hill Loop Hike Fisherman Point Loop Hike edge. A trail leads back to Tulka through shrubland. Investigator Trail MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Stamford Hill Loop Hike September Beach to Carcase Rock Investigator Trail Fisherman Point to Wanna Dunes to Sleafo Donington Loop Hike Spalding Cove Cape Donington September Donington Island Carcase MacLaren Point Taylors Landing Pillie Lake Point Surfleet to Spalding Cove National Park, Boston Bay and numerous offshore September Surfleet to Spalding MacLaren Cove Beach totoCarcase RockBeach Stamford HillRock LooptoHike Access: This hike begins from Sleaford Mere (checkpoint Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Cape Donington Carcase Rock toto MacLaren Stamford Hill Surfleet Point Investigator Trail islands from the historic Flinders Monument Wanna at the topDunes to Sleaford An Mere easy, sheltered walk adjacent to the coast with Sheltered behind the foredunes, the trailMacLaren weaves Cape Donington Cape Donington to September Beach September Beach to Carcase Rock Point to Taylors Landing Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Park entrance to Pillie Lake 24) or from the main park entrance (checkpoint 1). Investigator Donington entrance to Pillie Lakecoastal mallee to an unspoiltWanna MacLaren Point Spalding Cove. An ideal family walk. Dunes to Sleaford Mere Lighthouse of Stamford Hill. Interpretive signs on the trail provideCarcase Rock to glimpses of beautiful Enjoy the rich granite hues and sandy beaches of Park the Loop through beach. Donington Hike Sleaford Mere Investigator Trailto Park entrance MacLaren to Taylors Landing Investigator Trail SurfleetPoint to Spalding Cove Beach 15 Investigator Beach to Carcase Rock National Park. The trail offers Carcase Rock toTaylors MacLaren Point Taylors Landing to Pillie information about the area’s natural history. A reasonable Stamford HilltoHike northern tip of Lincoln Pillie Lake toSeptember Stamford Hill Pillie Lake to Stamford HillThis hike begins from Carcase Rock MacLaren Point Investigator TrailLake Access: ThisLanding walk begins from Surfleet Cove campground Access: (between Cape to September Stamford Hill Hike Beach Investigator Trail challenge, this trail has some moderate inclines but has a Investigator Trail Taylors ParkLanding entrancetotoPillie PillieLake Lake panoramic views to Port Lincoln, Boston Bay and Donington offshore September Colbert Investigator (checkpoint 10) or Spalding Cove, 4WDSurfleet access Loop Carcase MacLaren Point MacLaren Point to Taylors checkpoints 18 and 19) or MacLaren Point. 4WD Mere to ParkCape Sleaford entrance Stamford Hill Hike Hike Rock toislands. 16 Taylors Landing toLoop Pillie Lake Landing Investigator Trail good trail surface. Donington Cottage, overlooking SpaldingSurfleet Cove, Loop Hike Beach September Investigator Beach to Carcase Rock 11). Stamford Hill Loop Hike Trail access to both start points. Sleaford Mereto toStamford Park entrance Investigator (checkpoint Trail Pillie Lake Hill wasTaylors built 1899 by farmer and lighthouse keeper, to Landing Taylors Landing Pillie Lake StamfordInvestigator Hill Hike Trail Dunes totoSleaford Mere WoodcuttersMacLaren Beach to Point Spalding Covearound 17 Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Access: This hike begins from the car park at the baseSleaford of Wanna Mere to Park entrance Campground Donington Cottage Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point William Argent. Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Stamford Hill Hike Surfleet Loop Hike Stamford Hill (near checkpoint 7). Taylors Landing toPoint Pillie Lake Sleaford to Park entrance Woodcutters Stamford Hill Loop Hike Investigator Trail Beach Spalding Cove to Fisherman Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point Stamford HillMere Hike Access:Cove This hike begins from Fisherman Point Bush camping MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Trail 14 Investigator Stamford Hill Loop Hiketo Spalding Woodcutters Beach to Spalding Cove Sleaford Mere Park entrance Stamford Hike Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Investigator Trail Fisherman Point Loop Hiketocampground (checkpoint 13) or Cape Donington Fisherman Point Loop Hike Stamford HillHill Loop Hike Stamford Hill Loop Hike Richardson's Shack An inland experience through diverse Wanna mallee woodland. Taylors Landing to Pillie Investigator Lake Trail Dunes to Sleaford Mere Spalding Cove to Fisherman Point (checkpoint 15). Hikers camp shelter lighthouse Stamford Hill Hike Stamford Hill Loop Hike Investigator Trail Investigator Trail Excellent views, tranquil surrounds and interesting Wanna Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Here you might encounter Southern Scrub-robins and Fisherman Point to Cape Donington Dunes to Sleaford Mere Yachties Bicker Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Investigator Trail Investigator Trail history are features of this hike. Take in the magnificent Fisherman Point Loop Hike Superb Fairy-wrens. An ideal place to see native orchids in 18 Beach Isles Trail Stamford Hill Loop Hike Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Investigator Toilets Donington Loop Hike Donington Loop Hike Donington Loop Hike Investigator Trail panorama of Lincoln National Park, Boston Bay and spring. This trail can be used to create an extended loop Fisherman Stamford Hill Hike Investigator Trail Donington Fisherman Point to Cape offshore islands from the historic Flinders Monument at Wanna Dunes toAdmire Sleaford Mere offshore islands, granite outcrops and sandy Investigator Trail Investigator Trail Point hike via the Stamford Hill area. Cape Donington to September Beach Cape Donington to September Beach Investigator Trail Self-registration station/Information Stamford Hill Loop Hike the top of Stamford Hill. Discover historic ruins left by the Populations Investigator Donington Loop HikeTrail beaches as you explore Donington Peninsula. Access: This Trail hike begins from Woodcutters Beach Beach to Carcase 9 Investigator Trail Investigator September 8 Beach to Carcase Rock woodcutters (near checkpoint 6). Investigator Trail of Rock Australian Sea-lions and New Zealand Fur-sealsSeptember inhabit 13 Water (seasonal supply) (checkpoint 4) or Spalding Cove campground (checkpoint Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Cape Donington to September Beach Donington Island near the lighthouse. 10 Investigator Trail Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point Access: This hike begins from the car park at Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point 11). 4WD is recommended to access both start points. 7 Surfleet Carcase Investigator Trail September Beach to Carcase Rock Lighthouse the base of Stamford Hill (near checkpoint 7). Access: This hike begins from Cape Donington Investigator Trail Cove MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Rock MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing lighthouse (checkpoint 15) or September Beach Investigator Trail Carcase Rock to MacLaren Point 24 Checkpoint Taylors Landing to Pillie Lakecampground (checkpoint 16). Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake 6 Investigator Trail MacLaren Point to Taylors Landing Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Sleaford Mere to Park entrance 19 Sealed road Spalding 12 Taylors Landing to Pillie Lake Stamford 5 Stamford Hill Hike Cove Stamford Hill Hike Woodcutters Hill 11 Sleaford Mere to Park entrance Unsealed road Beach 4 Stamford Hill Loop Hike Stamford Hill Loop Hike Stamford Hill Hike 4WD track Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere km .5 Stamford Hill Loop Hike 9 n l Investigator Trail MacLaren co Investigator Trail Park boundary Lin t Wanna Dunes to Sleaford Mere Point r 0 km 1 2 3 Po Investigator Trail o Investigator Trail T Walking trail Investigator Trail Majestic White-bellied Sea-Eagles are skilled hunters, catching mainly fish Investigator Trail and small birds. Investigator Trail Investigator Trail Stamford Hill to Surfleet Stamford Hill to Surfleet 15 km DONING TON PENINS ULA Discover the diversity of Lincoln National Park er yB ay 1 Horse Rock PROPER Investigator Trail To F ish BAY SLEAFORD 2 Pillie Lake MERE LN LINCO CONSERVATION PARK 24 3 L Hikers camp camp shelter shelter Hikers Toilets Toilets 21 22 Self-registration station/Information station/Information Self-registration Pillie Hut Water (seasonal (seasonal supply) supply) Water Lighthouse Lighthouse 24 24 23 20 WA NN A BAY Bush camping camping Bush NA NATIO Brian Clarke Hut SLEAFORD Campground Campground PARK Taylors Landing Sealed road road Sealed Unsealed road road Unsealed MEMORY COVE WD track track 44WD WILDERNESS or em M NE S To DU y PROTECTION AREA Checkpoint Checkpoint ve Co km 00 km 11 22 33 Park boundary boundary Park Walking trail trail Walking 26 km