Bob`s Blog - Cornerstone Baptist Church
Bob`s Blog - Cornerstone Baptist Church
Cornerstone Baptist Church Newsletter July 1, 2015 Issue No. 282 Cornerstone Family News Church Offices will be closed on Friday, July 3rd. There will be NO Sunday Evening Class this Sunday, July 5th. Men's Breakfast Saturday, July 11th, at 8:00 AM Please fill out a Communication Card this Sunday, July 5th, if you are planning to attend. Vacation Bible School July 13th17th, 9 AM Noon If you are interested in serving or donating items for that week, please email Brien Brough at [email protected]. Click here to register children entering K6th grade in the fall. Online registration will close this Sunday, July 5th, at 2:00 PM. CBC Soccer Camp July 27th30th, 9:30 AM Noon The cost is $40.00 and will be offsite at Total Soccer (34300 Utica Rd., Fraser). Click here to register children (1st6th Grade). Kay Arthur Conference Real Joy: The Fruit of the Gospel Saturday, September 19th Click here for ticket information. Bob's Blog July 1, 2015 This past Sunday morning I opened the service by addressing the recent decision of the Supreme Court This Week at Cornerstone Wednesday July 1 6:45 PM - Regular Classes and Activities Thursday July 2 7:00 PM Recovery@Cornerstone Friday July 3 Church Offices are closed. Independence Day Saturday July 4 Sunday July 5 9:30 AM - ABFs and Children's Sunday School 10:45 AM - Morning Worship 6:00 PM - NO Evening Class Wednesday July 8 10:00 AM - Adult Bible Study 6:45 PM - Regular Classes and Activities regarding marriage in these United States. Here is a copy of that statement with a little bit more explanation in parts. But first, let me give you a little background. When the ruling was announced this past Friday, both mainstream media and social media exploded. It was almost impossible not to know about the ruling. With it being so close to Sunday, I wondered if I should scrap the sermon I had prepared and instead address this issue. That evening, I was on a conference call with a number of pastors from around the country, and we discussed the matter. One of the pastors (Greg Gilbert) had sketched out an outline that we all thought was very helpful. He sent it to us and his outline helped frame what I expanded on, read to you, and am now sending to you. I also incorporated some thoughts from Russ Moore that were helpful. After the phone call, I asked the Elders if I should address this as a sermon or plow on ahead with Matthew. While I do not want to be tone deaf to cultural matters, the government does not set the agenda for our church. God's Word does that. The counsel of the Elders was "to make a statement but do not make the entire service about this issue. We should do what we are called to do." I am so grateful for these brothers. They serve us well. Many of you did not hear this, or only heard part of this because you do not make it a habit (priority) of being in the Worship Center when our service begins. You miss a lot that is needful for your soul when you come in late. I want you to fellowship. I want you to develop good relationships, but not at the expense of our gathering together for the whole meal that has been prepared for us. Make a point to be in the Worship Center before the service begins that you might have the time needed to be prepared to hear from God and respond. Finally, I am grateful for a church family that stands in agreement on this. I was not concerned about your reaction to my statement. I know that some of you will pay a price for your/our conviction on this. It is likely that we will all pay a price for this ruling in the days to come. However, conviction that is forged in the fires of sacrifice is even more precious and compelling. We stand together because we stand on Christ. Here are the nine points: 1. Marriage was not created, defined, and instituted by the Supreme Court; therefore, it cannot be changed by the Supreme Court. The reality of marriage (one man and one woman) instituted by God, does not change. Marriage (one man and one woman) is needful for a balanced family as children cannot be made without both sexes, and need to be raised and formed by both sexes. Men and women are made in the image of God and bring different aspects to parenting that are designed by God to influence children in a good way. The true church will not surrender on this issue. While I doubt that many of us were shocked by the Supreme Court ruling, we are most definitely grieved. However, our confidence is in a sovereign and eternal God whose decrees and law will stand long after the Supreme Court of the United States is nothing more than a page in a history book of a bygone era. 2. The Bible warns in the most serious terms possible about the fate of those who add to the Scriptures or who take away from the Scriptures. The consequences of rejecting God's Word are more than political, cultural, and legal they are personal. We will not stand with the Supreme Court, or any court or ruling body, that foolishly stands in opposition to the Supreme Judge. Those who rebel against God in the name of freedom are in bondage. Our conscience is held captive by the Word of God and, thus, our souls are free. 3. The Bible warns against nations that celebrate what God abhors. In yet another way, America is further standing in arrogant defiance against the Creator. This is a dangerous place to be. Our country is not the city on the hill nor a light for the world. We are part of the darkness. We are part of the night. Pray for God's mercy for the United States of America. We are a mission field. 4. Our nation has now defined us, at best, as being outside the mainstream of American opinion. That is OK. The truth is, we believe even stranger things. We believe that God came to earth and was born of a virgin, that He lived a perfectly sinless life, did miracles, died a substitutionary, wrathabsorbing death on the cross, and was raised again. We believe that He returned to Heaven and that He is coming back on a horse. Yeah, we really believe that! We also believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ can rescue and change people from sinners under condemnation, to citizens of God's kingdom who will rule and reign with Jesus. We are being told that we are on the wrong side of history. We may be on the wrong side of this fad; but, we are not on the wrong side of history, for history is nothing more than His Story. But, being on the wrong side of fads is nothing new. Jesus was outlawed, too. But Rome could not find a way to keep Him in the grave. Christianity has always been counter to culture. While this is a new experience for us, we're simply joining the experience of our brothers and sisters throughout history and around the world. Indeed, as they have learned, the Lord has His purposes even in that. Light is never more conspicuous and compelling than when it shines in the deepest darkness. 5. This is not a defeat for God. His purpose has been to glorify Jesus Christ, by building a Kingdom of brothers and sisters from all over the world who follow Christ no matter what; and, even this new reality, He will ultimately use to that end. Therefore, while we are grieved, we will not respond with malice, hate, or panic. This world fell into sin in Genesis 3. Our desire is to see people rescued from sin and set free in Christ. 6. Therefore, our mission as a church is the same as it ever was to declare the Gospel of the Savior, Jesus Christ, and make disciples of Him. The greatest need of humans is salvation through Christ and worship of God. In building a community upon that, we are a countercultural testimony to God's truth in the midst of a society that has turned decisively against Him. We are to be the aroma of life amidst the stench of death. One of our tasks is to preserve and seek opportunities to demonstrate Godglorifying marriage. It is not enough to stand against samesex marriage. We must work at our marriages. We must be marked by a generation of men who love their wives so much that they will serve them, lead them, protect them, and provide for them as Christ does the Church. We need men who will teach their children the truths about God and model those truths. We must also be marked by a generation of women who love and joyfully submit to their husbands and make their homes their priority; so that, it is a place of rest, order, and peace. 7. We do not know the implications of this for religious liberty. I am not optimistic. Calls are already being made to revoke the tax exempt status of any church or nonprofit organization that disagrees with the Supreme Court. And yet, we ought to pray for continued religious liberty in America, and remember that the Gospel does not need religious liberty in order to spread and flourish. In fact, the Gospel has not often had liberty throughout history. Jesus promised, "This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all nations," and "Upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it." That is still true. 8. To your friends who will celebrate this ruling, speak with truth and love. You do not have to celebrate, but neither will it be fruitful to be marked by anger. Respond to questions with calm conviction and the truth and hope of the gospel. People who disagree with us on this issue are not the enemy. They are blinded by the enemy. We were blinded once, too. Sin makes promises that it cannot keep. People who think that affirming and championing homosexuality will give them validity are mistaken. We need to be available to help them pick up the pieces of their lives when what they thought would be their answer fails them. They need Jesus and they need you to be full of grace and truth. Some in the media will most likely look for angry and vicious "Christians" to support their preconceived narrative. We cannot control that. While we are resolute in our conviction, we must be compassionate in our tone. 9. The winds of culture are in our face, but the breath of God is at our back. The die is cast. Our citizenship is in heaven. We love our country, but we pledge our ultimate allegiance to the kingdom of Christ. We have cast our anchor upon another shore. This ship has sailed. We will not turn back and neither will we go under. The ride may be rough in the short run; but, in the long run we will be fine. Click here for Ministry Opportunities. Please pray for these Cornerstone members: Tina Gagnon Nancy Gale Haley Gasparotto Ryan Gasparotto Byron & Marcia Gave Robert & Therese Geer Hank & Delores Gehrke Joseph & Jessica Gehrke Laura Gehrke John Gentz Dennis & Carrie Ginnard Barbara Ginnel Steve & Jeanne Gittler Cornerstone Baptist Church's website is Cornerstone Baptist Church of Roseville, Michigan @CBC_Roseville Forward email This email was sent to [email protected] by [email protected] | Update Profile/Email Address | Rapid removal with SafeUnsubscribe™ | Privacy Policy. Cornerstone Baptist Church | 17017 E. 12 Mile Rd. | Roseville | MI | 48066