Workshop Catalogue
Workshop Catalogue
The University of Waterloo Tuesday, April 14, 2015 Workshop Catalogue Code A01 Title Human Anatomy School of Anatomy, Kinesiology Description AM PM 30 35 Jeremy Roth Kin Undergrad Students Anatomy Lab OPT 124 In this workshop you will learn how to view and image the human eye to identify corneal, retinal and other diseases. Instruments will be used to view and image the anterior segment of the eye up to the iris and to image the optic nerve and retina. 10 11 Dr. Tammy Labreche OPT 239 Learn how athletic therapists use taping techniques to help athletes remain healthy and injury‐free. This lab will review 2‐3 of the most common athletic taping techniques used in a rehabilitation setting. Following a demonstration by the athletic therapist, you will apply athletic tape to class mates to gain an appreciation for the art and science of athletic taping. 20 22 Rob Burns This interactive workshop will provide you with the opportunity to study muscles, bones, nerves, joints, vessels and organs using actual human specimens. Hands‐on exploration using pre‐dissected cadavers will provide you with an understanding of the structure of the human body and how it functions. Coordinator/Presenters A02 Viewing and Imaging the Human Eye School of Optometry B01 Athletic Taping – Helping Athletes Maintain Peak Performance Athletics/Kinesiology CIF, clinic 1206 C01 Aging: Exploring Beyond the Grey Hair Health Studies and Gerontology This interactive and intergenerational workshop will introduce you to gerontology, the multi‐disciplinary study of aging. You will explore your ideas of aging and ageism, discover how you can learn about and work with the ever‐growing numbers of olderadults, and experience what it’s like to be an older person. This will be a fun and inspiring session with oder adults from the community and graduate students studying gerontology! 20 0 Chistine Sheppard Kate Ducak Heather McNeil Caitlin McArthur C02 Fueling muscle contraction during exercise Kinesiology During exercise oxygen must be conveyed from the atmosphere to the working muscle, providing the muscle with oxygen, nutrients and energy for exercise. In this workshop volunteers from your group will perform exercise of increasing intensity on a cycle ergometer while other students assess their ventilatory and cardiovascular response to exercise using breath‐by‐ breath oxygen uptake analysis equipment, an electrocardiogram to measure heart rate, stethoscope and sphygmomanometer to measure blood pressure. **Indoor shoes are recommended for participation in this workshop as you will have the opportunity to act as test subject** C03 The Changing Brain: Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias In this workshop you will be introduced to Alzheimer’s disease and other related dementias and experience some of the challenges associated with these diseases through a series of hands‐on activities. Persons living with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia can continue to live a purposeful and meaningful life. We will 16 17 Laurie Jones 20 22 Lisa Loiselle Others tbc Code Title Murry Alzheimer Research and Education Program – MAREP C04 Health Informatics – Transforming Health and Care Health Studies and Gerontology Description AM PM Coordinator/Presenters 10 11 Dr. Helen Chen 0 22 Ms. Samantha Shiplo, BMSc Mr. Cesar Leos‐Toro, BSc 24 26 Dr. Laura Ingram Julie Goll Dr. Rick Marta 30 30 Sue Stathopulos Other presenter tbc 20 22 explore how you can do your part to help enhance the lives of persons with dementia and their families through volunteer and career opportunities. In this workshop you will have an overview of the emerging field of health informatics an career opportunities. You will see some innovative ideas of using latest technology such as mobile technology and imaging technology in health promotion and healthcare delivery. C05 D01 Substance Abuse and In this workshop you will participate in a round‐table Harm Reduction discussion about substance abuse among your peers and different ways communities manage some of these concerns. Students will be introduced to the concepts behind the use of harm reduction strategies and untangling different aspects of illicit and non‐illicit substance use to understand how different policies have been designed to promote health behaviours. Synthesis of Acetaminophen is a widely used over‐the‐counter Acetaminophen medicine because it is a powerful analgesic (relieves pain) and antipyretic (reduces fever). In this workshop you will synthesize Acetaminophen in the Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Laboratory. You will perform an actual lab that our Science Undergraduate Chemistry students perform at the University of Waterloo. D02 Vitamin C Analysis Chemistry E01 Mock Surgery Engineering Outreach E02 Seeing below the surface, or how light and optical technology can help diagnose and treat various diseases Physics & Astronomy Using familiar chemistry techniques (like titration) in one of the U Waterloo Science Labs, a comparison of the vitamin C content of various beverages will be undertaken while also identifying the health benefits of this popular vitamin. Get a chance to be a real‐life Dr. House in this workshop through fun, hands‐on activity! You will be working in teams to perform surgery on a mock human chest cavity to extract tumours and perform diagnostic chemical tests to save your patients! This workshop will introduce an optical imaging technique with which one can image parts of the human body such as the eye, the skin etc. non‐invasively as a way providing early diagnostics of various diseases. You will see imaging of the human cornea and / or retina and will have the opportunity to image sweat glands and blood vessels located below the surface of your fingertip. You will also learn of many exciting ways optical technology is used currently in clinics for diagnostics and treatment of various diseases. 20 0 Dr. Kostadinka Bizheva Possible #s 265/245 220 218
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