April 2015 - Child Evangelism Fellowship | of Citrus


April 2015 - Child Evangelism Fellowship | of Citrus
Chapter Notes
Child Evangelism Fellowship® of Citrus—Hernando
April 2015
CEF of CitrusHernando
4018 S. Oakhurst Dr.
Homosassa, FL 34446
E-mail Address
[email protected]
Cindi Marsh,
Local Director
Don Marsh,
Director of
Ministry Development
Volume 3 Issue 2
Not Too Late to Get Started
ust because it’s
April does not
mean it’s too late
to start a Good
News Club®. Earlier in
the year, the very
dedicated members of
First Baptist Church of
Crystal River found out
that First Baptist of
Homosassa had a club at
New Good News Club at Crystal River Primary
Homosassa Elementary,
went to see it, and set January.
TCE1 is
An unexpected and
their course to have one, evaluated training, a welcome addition to
30 hour, college-level the team was Tim
course, and is offered Wuester, the church’s
Since a Good News twice each year in this new music minister,
Club needs to have at area.
who had been a
least two trained Bible
volunteer in a Good
teachers, Terri Almquist
After passing the News Club in Alabama.
and Laura Robinson took course, they finished His experience and
it upon themselves to getting together a confidence was a great
take Teaching Children team of volunteers to asset to a brand new
Effectively 1™ when it fill
positions t e a m
was offered at Calvary necessary to have a
Church in Inverness in well-run Good News
Continued next page...
Opportunities are for everyone!
ollowers of Jesus in Citrus and
Hernando Counties will have
Fast Fact: 91 Children in Citmore opportunities to serve and
rus and Hernando counties
Not only are Good
have come to the saving
News Clubs expanding into the public
knowledge of Jesus Christ in
schools and beyond, but there is an exciting
the past 6 months through
summer missions project that is designed to
Good News Club®.
give teenagers the ability and the
confidence to share their faith in a fun,
Continued next page...
Not to late to get started, continued
unknown territory.
Rounding out the team
are Shearl Spurlock,
Tina Sauers, and Lisa
Ramirez-Borg, who are
members at First Baptist
Crystal River, and local
directors Don and Cindi
Marsh, who are filling in
for volunteers to be
named later!
TCE 1 is evaluated training
in a 30 hour course.
The first club day was
April 9th, and there were
19 children enrolled. The
team had been able to do a
dry run at the school on
the 7th with no children
present, and it gave the
them a good opportunity
to work out the bugs with
the Power Point and get
the chairs set up where
they wanted them on
Thursday, before getting
the room back to normal.
On Thursday afternoon
at 3:30 it was show time,
and with just a few hiccups
it went very well. The
review game got cut a bit
Tim Wuester leads a song at Crystal River Primary’s first Good News Club!
short, but the children
were ready for their 5
pm deadline, and best of
all, two kids accepted
Jesus as their Savior!
And that is what we are
all about!
As the next few weeks
go by, we do anticipate a
few more enrollees as
kids invite their friends
Opportunities for everyone, continued
kid-friendly setting.
It all begins
w i t h
y o u n g
from 1224 years of age going to
a week-long CEFproduced
(June 8-14 or 15-21st)
called Christian Youth
in Action® on the
campus of Clearwater
Good News Club Partners
First Baptist Beverly Hills
Heritage Baptist
Freedom for Life Family
Cornerstone Baptist
Inverness Church of God
First Baptist Crystal River
First Baptist Homosassa
First UMC Homosassa
St. Margaret’s Episcopal
First Baptist Inverness
Eden Baptist
First Baptist Floral City
Calvary Christian Center
Christian College . This is
a great time of instruction,
fellowship, and
team-building that will
equip them to make a
difference both now, and
for the rest of their lives.
If teens want to
grow in their ability to
live out their faith and
teach others, this will be
an intense and rewarding
week that prepares them
to be a part of a summer
missions team reaching
the lost in our own home
towns. They and their
local peers will be trained
to produce 5-Day Club®
s. A 5-Day Club is like a
Vacation Bible School,
except it uses the great
teaching tools, visuals,
and music that make a
Good News Club an
and parents learn about
the club. And that means
we will definitely need
some more volunteers.
So, if you are already an
approved volunteer for
Citrus County schools,
contact us by phone, 352
-871-5568, or through
o u r
w e b s i t e :
Check these out!
effective means of big opportunity for the
intentional evangelism. Body of Christ to obey
In other words, it’s 5 the Great Commission
Good News Clubs done 5 a n d
Can you see it?
Y o u r Local trained teens
local CEF staff taking the Gospel to
the local children. The teens
locations (day come back from CYIA
cares, parks, apartment training lacking only
complexes, rec centers, one thing: transportachurches) that can host a tion. The chapter has no
5-Day Club.
Adult wheels. We believe in
volunteers get you where asking God and telling
you need to go. Many his people so here goes:
children can be reached If you have a 7 or 8w i th
th e
G o sp e l , passenger
churches that can’t staff donate, or the means to
(or afford) a VBS can purchase one, this taxnow have one; churches deductible
are knitted together in would be ever so
and grateful. Please contact
families get invited to us at 352-871-5568.
church. It is a very