HRC Heartbeat April 2014 - Hamilton Reformed Church
HRC Heartbeat April 2014 - Hamilton Reformed Church
HRC Heartbeat April 2014 “Like” us on Facebook: 3554 M-40 Hamilton, MI 49419 269.751.5145 [email protected] Holy Week Calendar April 13, Palm Sunday 9:30am – Pastor Tom will lead us in our morning worship service. Children (3 years old – 5th grade) - We will be singing during the worship service. Please meet in the Red Carpet Room downstairs at 9:00am. 10:45am – Sunday School Classes 6:00pm – Rev. Leigh Van Kempen April 17, Maundy Thursday 7:00pm – This Maundy Thursday we will gather in the Fellowship Hall around table and experience the Jewish tradition of the Seder or Passover meal. This will be followed by the celebration of The Lord’s Supper. April 20, Easter Sunday 7:00am – Sunrise Service – Hamilton’s own Ray Vander Laan, author of the video series That The World May Know will lead us in Worship. Alan & Kari Vierkant will lead the praise and worship time. 9:30am – Pastor Tom will lead us in an Easter Celebration Service. All Praise Teams and Musical Instruments will lead us in music. Please arrive at 8:30am for rehearsal. No Children in Worship or Sunday School Classes No Evening Worship Service Easter Flowers As is our tradition, you are invited to bring flowering plants to decorate the sanctuary for Easter. Spring plants in bloom remind us of the new life that is ours through the resurrection of Jesus from the grave. Please bring your spring flower to the church kitchen on Thursday, April 17. Remember that those plants with short bloom periods may be past prime by Sunday if they are in full bloom when dropped off. Please select your plant accordingly. Plants may be given in memory of a loved one, in honor of someone, or simply to bring color and life to the sanctuary. A sheet will be located in the kitchen to fill out with your information, as well as, labels to write your name on and attach to the bottom of your pot. The names of those donating plants and those in whose honor or memory they are given will be published in the Easter worship folder. You may take your plant home after the 9:30am Easter worship service. Thank you for making our worship center a sanctuary of new life! A Full Roster Dates to Remember April 2 – Women’s Missionary Society April 6 – No Children in Worship or Sunday School (Spring Break) April 6 – Adult Sunday School WILL Meet April 7 – Seniors Breakfast at Trestle April 10 – Community Kitchen April 13 – Palm Sunday (children singing) April 15 – Quilting Group April 17 – Maundy Thursday Service April 18 – Kindergarten Screening April 20 – Easter Sunrise Service April 20 – No Children in Worship or Sunday School (Easter) April 23 – Parent’s Night Out at Hamilton High School – Walt Mueller April 24 – Red Cross Blood Drive April 26 – Tim Hawkins April 27 – Last Day of Sunday School Classes April 28 – Consistory Meeting April 28 – Ladies Night Out – “My Favorite Things” April 30 – Kids Hope Easter Celebration & End of the Year Party May 2 – Alaska Mission Trip Fundraiser Meal May 4 – Last Day of Children in Worship May 4 – Ice Cream Social May 4 – Love INC Community Service (PM) May 10 – Super Saturday Parking Lot Sale May 18 – Recognition of Graduates Attention Graduates Are you graduating from high school or college this Spring? Did you graduate from college this past winter? We would like to celebrate with you! Fill out a graduate form and submit it to the church office along with a photo of yourself (forms are available in the church office or at the Welcome Center). We will be honoring all of our graduates in the May Heartbeat as well as at the morning worship service on Sunday, May 18. Contact the church office or Pastor Tom if you have any questions. God is good!! Our list of students waiting for a mentor has finally been filled. 36 students at Hamilton Elementary are matched with a mentor. What a blessing that is. Thank you to Hamilton Reformed Church and Haven Reformed Church for your dedication to helping kids in our community. If God is still tugging at your heart to become a Kids Hope mentor, don’t hesitate to step forward. A waiting list of mentors is better than a waiting list of kids. There will always be a need to have more mentors, a need to show our community who Jesus is. This month of April we will celebrate our Risen Lord!! On April 30, Kids Hope will have a celebration. We will celebrate Easter, the 5th graders graduation and our year end. We will have some fun, some learning and a meal with families and mentors. How can you help? Look for sign-up sheets on the bulletin board by the kitchen in the next weeks for donations or volunteer opportunities. Thank you for your continuing support of the Kids Hope program. Serving Him, Jill Deters Parking Lot Due to the age and poor condition of the parking lot, a severe winter, and now the spring thaw we’ve encountered some severe parking lot issues. With water seeping down into the cracks settling under the asphalt, the winter freeze, and now the spring thaw rotten/spongy spots have been created. The result was an area where the parking lot busted up and another area where it settled under traffic and parked vehicles. The deacons are presently seeking bids to determine the cost of partial or total replacement. More information will be shared as bids and decisions are made. Any questions should be directed to the deacons. Severe Weather Cancellation Guidelines If a Tornado Watch or Warning has been posted one hour prior to a church service or church activity, the service/activity will be cancelled. Please listen to one of the following for the status of church activities: WJQ (99.3 FM) WPNW (1260 AM) WHTC (1450 AM) WYVN (92.7 FM) WZZM (TV – Channel 13) WOOD (TV – Channel 8) You can also call the church prayer line (751-5422, option #5) or the church office for the status of events that may have been scheduled to occur that day. Spring Clean-up Service Project Tim Hawkins LIVE CIA is looking to help those who need it with yard work or light maintenance projects. Contact Michelle King or Phil Boerman for more information or if you have a project you would like us to help with. We will be attending the 4:00pm show on Saturday, April 26, at Sunshine Community Church in Grand Rapids. Please be at church by 2:15 to board the bus! Sign up on the bulletin board by the kitchen. The cost will be $23.00 per person and is due at sign up. Money can be given to Lisa Hulst (or placed in her mailbox). April 6 is the last day to sign up. Contact Lisa for more information or if you have any questions. 4th Annual Super Saturday Parking Lot Sale Vendors, crafters, rummage sellers, mark your calendar th for our 4 Super Saturday Parking Lot Sale. Saturday, May 10 8:00am – 2:00pm Rain date – May 17 Start sorting your stuff, making your crafts, or planning what to bake for this sale. $10 will reserve you 2 parking lot spaces and $15 will buy you 3. The church has a limited number of tables available for rent at $5 per table. To sign-up contact Sara in the church office at 751-5145 or Joy Essenburg in the evening at 751-5431. Deadline for sign-up is April 23. Reservation fees must be paid in full to hold your spot. Lot numbers will be given out when you arrive that morning. Individuals and church groups are encouraged to participate. All proceeds will support our Community Kitchen. VBS 2014 – Weird Animals July 21-24, 2014 6:00-8:30pm at Haven Reformed Church Work is getting underway and planning has already begun for our Community Vacation Bible School July 21-24 held at Haven Reformed Church. This wonderful event needs more volunteers to be part of the committee. If you would be interested in serving in this ministry, please contact Cassie Avink at (269) 214-1215. Personal Needs Pantry Updates During the month of February, 85 items were donated to stock the shelves of the Personal Needs Pantry. They included: 15 toilet paper 3 deodorant 14 detergent 3 shaving cream 14 paper towels 2 boxes of bandages 13 dish soap 2 dryer sheets 6 feminine products 1 conditioner 6 boxes of tissues 1 shampoo 5 tooth paste Thank you for your continued support of this ministry! April Collection The collection for the month of April will be for the Community Kitchen which serves the community a meal on the second Thursday of each month. They are in need of: plastic food storage baggies (all sizes) heavy paper plates napkins plastic silverware lemonade mix There will be a tote by the Welcome Center. Your donations will be a blessing to this ministry. Love INC News John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son…” for you. Love is a VERB – artists have painted it and sung about it. Our call is to act, to give, just as God gave. LIFE Skills in Hamilton needs you to put your love, your call, into action. Here are current opportunities: Mentors – both male and female, willing to give one hour per week to walk along someone in need of support. Training is provided. Front desk volunteers –willing to greet and direct participants, two hours per week. Children’s ministry class leaders and helpers: Next session, (April through June), there is a need for volunteers willing to give two hours either once a month, or, up to weekly during those 10 weeks. Meal preparation: A simple, child friendly meal for 8 to 15 children – prepare, serve and clean up – enlist your family, small group, youth group, or friends in serving the children of participants, one hour each week. You/your group may choose how often you wish to provide. For more information, contact Mary at 751-2533, ext. 112, or [email protected]. Annual Love INC Worship Service Sunday, May 4, 6:00pm Overisel Reformed Church 4706 142nd Ave., Holland 49423 Join us for praise and worship led by the ORC Praise Team. A night of testimonies to the glory of God through the working of YOU – the Love INC Network. There will be a time of fellowship and refreshments after the service. We hope to see you there! Love INC’s Firewood Ministry We need restocking. If you have firewood to donate, please consider blessing Love INC families. Contact Sue, at 751-2533, ext. 109 or [email protected]. Delivery of precut/split wood is what we are especially seeking. Ladies Night Out “My Favorite Things” You are invited to attend a fun filled evening with ladies sharing their favorite things. The night will include mouthwatering desserts, a time of fellowship, and our favorite “must haves”. You are asked to bring 3 of your favorite things: all 3 items can be identical they can be 3 different things each item must be valued at approx. $10 (totaling approx. $30 for the 3) During the evening, you will be choosing 3 different items to take home–3 other ladies favorites. Some ideas would include: food/beverage items beauty/hair products home décor, seasonal items plants/flowers Be creative – the possibilities are endless! Something that is a must have -favorite of yours. Your items must be visible; no packaging or gift bags etc. Feel free to make them look fun! Details of the event: Monday, April 28 – 7:00pm in the Fellowship Room A sign-up sheet is located on the bulletin board by the kitchen; deadline to sign is April 20. Invite your friends and family! Questions? See any of the committee members: Libby Casemier, Cassie Avink, Misti Lindholm, Lisa Hulst, Karen TerHaar or Shelly McCormick We hope to see you there!! This is a great opportunity for any church member, student or pastor who would like to learn more about using spiritual gifts within a Reformed point of view. Participants may commute or stay at Camp Geneva. A Dunamis Conference on "The Gifts of the Holy Spirit" will be held at the Camp Geneva Retreat Center, April 9 - 13. Dr. Brad Long and Rev. Cindy Strickler will be the speakers. For more information call 616-281-2013 or Compassionate Heart Ministry is a safe, Christ centered, drop in center for teens and young adults, ages 14-35 with mild to moderate disabilities. Whether it is playing video games, watching movies, shooting pool, doing puzzles, or just talking with friends, our peer mentors will come alongside and be a friend. Individuals can find a sense of belonging in a world where they are so often shunned and misunderstood. At Compassionate Heart, individuals will be greeted with a warm smile and an accepting heart. They can feel confident, encouraged and loved when entering our doors. For more information, visit their website at: You’re Invited to… Compassionate Heart Ministry’s 7th Annual Friends of the Heart Benefit Dinner and Auction When: Friday, May 2, 2014 Time: 6:00pm Punch 6:30pm Dinner Where: The Pinnacle 3330 Highland Dr. Hudsonville, Michigan Join us as we honor our shining stars! Sponsorship Options Gold heart: $2,000 Name on big screen, program, 5k/10k shirt, and table (8 tickets) Silver Heart: $1,000 Name on big screen, program, 5k/10k shirt, and 4 tickets Bronze Heart: $500 Name on program and 5k/10k shirt, and 2 tickets Reservations Options Individual Dinner Ticket: $30 Date: Thursday, April 24, 2014 Time: 6:30pm Location: Compassionate Heart Ministry 100 South Pine, Zeeland (entrance on Taft St.) Cost: $25 if registered before 4/14/14 $30 after 4/14/14 to day of race Family rate: $18/person (for 3 or more) Register by April 14 and you’re guaranteed a shirt! Register at: www. (or pick up a form at the Welcome Center) Table of 8: $240 RSVP by April 24 Email: [email protected] (616) 748-6011 Compassionate Heart is raising funds to build their own facility. Visit their website ( and click on the READY.SET.GROW. link. With your help, they can do this. YOU can be a part of something special as they Build on the Faithfulness of God! Ministry Helpers for April We thank our Ministry Helpers for giving of their time! If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly. Romans 12:8 Ministry April 6 April 13 Maundy Thursday Easter Sunrise April 20 April 27 Greeters Lynn & Luanne Elenbaas Rick & Bev Ende --- --- Scott & Joy Essenburg Tanya Folkert and family Nursery Karen TerHaar Hope Doolaard Carol VanderPoppen Lisa Hulst No Nursery No Nursery Kathy Weerstra Nicki Boerman Holly Fales Cassie Avink Children’s Message Communion Calvin Kragt --- Tech Booth Camera Missy Eustice Jerry VanLente Ryan Lindholm Ryan Lindholm Randy Poll Tech Booth PowerPoint Mark Kleinhkesel Jessi Groenheide Craig Poll Joshua Driscoll Joshua Driscoll Craig Poll Tech Booth Sound Brian Kleinheksel Jeff Mulder Tim Bleeker Paul Koopman Paul Koopman Paul Bosch AM Pianist/ Organist Sherry Kleinheksel Nancy Kleinheksel --- Nancy Kleinheksel Nancy Kleinheksel Ruth Brink Nancy Kleinheksel Praise Team Musical Instruments Brian, Tim & Company --- --- All Praise Teams Brian, Tim & Company PM Pianist/ Organist Deb Meiste June VanFarowe Deb Meiste --- --- Sherry Kleinheksel Randy Poll DVD Delivery Ron VanDyke Valet Parking Ryan Lindholm HRC Volunteer Opportunities There are MANY opportunities to help out at HRC. Stop by the bulletin board by the kitchen to sign up. Children’s Message – The spring sign-up sheet is posted and there is an immediate need for presenters. Ideas can be found in the purple notebooks in the Conference Room or online at DVD Delivery Cookies for Sunday morning fellowship time Community Kitchen – Helpers are needed once a month. Watch for a sign-up sheet the Sunday before each meal (Community Kitchen is the 2nd Thursday of each month). April Birthdays & Anniversaries Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 *Please see the church directory for address. 6 7 Bill & Gladys Serie (58) 13 2 Arlyn Wolters 8 Reba Mokma Wednesday 3 Jeff Mulder Warren VanderKolk Dylan Weerstra 9 Ron VanDyke 15 Jackie Devereaux Friday 4 Florence Koops* Jim VanGelderen Saturday 5 Brian Kleinhkesel Ruth Lubbers Terry & Joan Dougan (44) 10 11 12 18 19 Brayden Jipping Bill Sheffield Jim & Eunice Veldhoff (36) 14 Thursday 16 17 Rob Dubbink* Chris Schippa Larry & Bonnie Schrotenboer (43) 20 21 22 Brian Kempkers Vern Klein 23 24 Carol VanderPoppen 25 Marian Lohman 26 Pastor Tom Madison Fales Matthew Fales Gloria Haverdink Jon & Eileen Scrotenboer (57) 27 28 29 Leona Langejans* Craig Scholma Kevin & Michelle King (18) Nick & Karen King (42) Reed & Debbie Lampen (36) 30 Nicki Boerman Mason Haverdink Rick & Missy Eustice (20) Birthday Blessings Florence Koops will celebrate her 93rd birthday on April 3. Remember her with a card. Final Alaska Mission Trip Fundraiser The Alaska Mission Trip members are so grateful for the support demonstrated for their first two fundraisers. They have one more planned, and it involves (what else?) more food. This time we will be gathering together on Friday, May 2, from 6:00-8:00pm for an "Alaskan" meal. The menu includes, among other things: "bear" barbeque, "caribou" soup and "moose tracks" ice cream. Please sign up on the bulletin board by the kitchen if you will be attending so we can have enough food to feed everyone. So, reserve the date, and come prepared for a night of food, fun, and fellowship. Please continue to support this group with your prayers and financial support as they prepare for their early June work service trip to Camp Li-Wa to assist with building a much needed dining hall for campers, retreats and staff. Those going to Alaska are: Dick Bonzelaar, Jack & Ann Eding, Rick & Bev Ende, Stan & Ardella Gates, Phil, Jodi, Chris & Makayla Granfors, Gary & Donna Jurries, Matt & Reba Mokma and Jim & Tracy Van Den Beldt. If you have any questions call Tracy Van Den Beldt at (269) 751-8654. April 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 Wednesday Thursday 2 3 9:00am Preschool 8:45am Staff Mtg. Friday 4 Saturday 5 8:45am Moms In 10:00am Pantry Prayer (HMS/HHS) 9:00am & 12:30pm 6:00pm Wedding Preschool 9:00am Preschool Rehearsal 10:00am Pantry 5:00pm Pantry Kempkers/Poll Wedding 1:30pm W.M.S. 6:40pm Women’s Bible Study 6 7 8 9:30am Pastor Tom 8:30am Seniors Communion Breakfast at Trestle 9 10 8:45am Staff Mtg. 5:30pm Community 10:00am Pantry Kitchen 6:00am Men’s Bible Study 16 17 19 8:45am Staff Mtg. 8:45am Moms In 9:00am & 12:30pm Prayer (HMS/HHS) Preschool 10:00am Pantry 10:45am Only Adult 10:00am Pantry Sunday School Class will Meet 11 12 6:00pm Pastor Tom 13 14 15 9:30am Pastor Tom 8:30am Prayer 9:00am Preschool Palm Sunday Group 1:00pm Quilting 10:45am Sunday 9:00am & 12:30pm Group School Classes Preschool 6:00pm Rev. Leigh VanKempen 10:00am Pantry 20 21 7:00am Easter Sunrise Service Ray VanderLaan 9:00am & 12:30pm 9:00am Preschool Preschool 9:30am Pastor Tom 9:00am & 12:30pm Preschool 9:00am Preschool 10:00am Pantry 10:00am Pantry 5:00pm Pantry Kindergarten Screening 7:00pm Maundy Thursday Service 22 10:00am Pantry 23 24 25 8:45am Staff Mtg. 8:45am Moms In 9:00am & 12:30pm 6:00am Men’s Prayer (HMS/HHS) Preschool Bible Study 9:00am & 12:30pm 9:00am Preschool Preschool 10:00am Pantry 10:00am Pantry No Children in Worship No Sunday School 6:30pm Parents Night Out at Hamilton High with Walt Mueller No Evening Worship 27 18 28 29 9:30am Pastor Tom 8:30am Prayer 9:00am Preschool Group 10:45am Last Day of Sunday School 9:00am & 12:30pm Classes Preschool 6:00pm Ron Lugten 10:00am Pantry 7:00pm Consistory Meeting 7:00pm Ladies Night Out 30 8:45am Staff Mtg. 9:00am & 12:30pm Preschool 10:00am Pantry Kids Hope End-of-the-Year Party at Haven Calendar items are subject to change. Check your Worship Folder for updated weekly events. 26 2:15pm Tim Hawkins
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