Chamblee First United Methodist Church
Chamblee First United Methodist Church
“We’re So Glad You’re Here!” General Announcements No Wednesday Night Supper April 8 Wednesday Night Suppers Resume April 15 Habitat for Humanity Build “7 Saturdays for Service” April 11 - May 30 We have been invited to participate in a joint build with Dunwoody United Methodist Church who is sponsoring two homes for two deserving families. Each Saturday will involve different construction activities - any skill level is welcomed! Tools, instruction and lunch will be provided. Signup sheets and details on each day’s activities are in the breezeway. Ages 16 and up are encouraged to participate. Please contact James Moten (404-502-9292) or Bill Fisher (404-626-4485) with any questions. Sign up today so we can provide an accurate head count. United Methodist Children’s Home Auxiliary Flea Market, April 10-11 (Friday & Saturday), 9am-4pm The following items will be available for purchase: furniture, clothing, home décor, china, books, toys, electronics, small appliances, children’s clothing, jewelry and more! Please bring your own bags. Reusable bags will available for purchase. The Methodist Children’s Home address is 500 S. Columbia Drive, Decatur, GA 30030. For more information: or 404-327-5820. Stop Hunger Now - Saturday, April 18, 10am-12 Noon in Gym Come out at 10 a.m. on April 18 and help us pack around 10,000 meals to be sent to people in need throughout the world. This event is open to children 5 and up, and families are encouraged to come. No need to sign up, just come out and pack. The event traditionally lasts between one to one and a half hours. If you would like to help in other ways please consider making a donation to help offset the cost of supplies for this event. If you have any questions please contact Rev. Roberts. 2015 Women’s Retreat Registration This year’s women’s retreat is September 25th - 27th at Cohutta Springs Conference Center in Eton, Ga. Registration forms are available in the atrium. The cost is $225. The first payment of $125 is due Sunday, May 10th. The second and final payment of $100 is due Sunday, August 9th. Please see Cheryl Atkins or Lee Turner if you have any questions. VBS Information and Training Days April 23 and April 25 Have you volunteered for VBS this year? Do you want to know more about how to volunteer? We invite you to come to one of two information and training days! Both days will begin at 9:30am and will be held in the Fellowship Hall with coffee, bagels, and fruit. Come and get ready to see God’s Love in Action! Contact Chris Tench [email protected] to RSVP. Family Camping - April 24-26 at Victoria Bryant State Park There will be a Family Camping Event April 24-26 at Victoria Bryant State Park. The approximate cost per family for the accommodations of two nights of camping is $70. If you are interested contact Thom Daniel ASAP at 404-576-9438 or [email protected]. Chamblee First UMC Shredding Event Saturday, April 25, 9am-1pm Blessing of the Animals - Sunday, April 26, 3pm in Amphitheater The other members of our family that do not get to come to worship service are invited to attend this service. We will honor pets that have passed and bless those that are attending the service. If you wish to list in remembrance your lost/passed pet there will be a form inserted in the next two Sunday bulletins (April 12th & 19th) for you to fill out. Please leash or crate your pet. In case of rain this service will be rescheduled. Family Life Committee Sponsoring Outing to the May 30 Gwinnett Braves Game The Family Committee is sponsoring a group outing to the May 30 Gwinnett Braves game. Game time is 7:05 against the Columbus Clippers. Our group rate for tickets in the Field Box seats is $9 apiece. If you are interested, please contact Scott Gillispie at 404-723-2072 or [email protected] for more information; please pay for tickets by April 26th. Welcome! We are so glad you have decided to worship at Chamblee First United Methodist Church on this Sunday morning. Please pardon our progress as we are in the very early stages of the renovation of our sanctuary. Members and visitors alike, would you sign the attendance register and then pass it to your neighbor. If you would like to join the membership of Chamblee First, please step forward during the last verse of the last hymn. We want you to become an official member of the family! If you have your cell phone and need to keep it on, please turn it to the silent or vibrate mode and leave quietly if you receive a call. Welcome! Mark Your Calendars Sunday April 5, 2015 Sunrise Service Amphitheater 7:30 pm 8:45 & 11:00 am Sunday School April 5, 2015 Easter Sunday 8:45 am Order of Worship Prelude Easter Dawn Mr. Bill Callaway, organist Jenkins Tuesday April 7, 2015 Breakfast after Sunrise Service Fellowship Hall Worship Services Chamblee First United Methodist Church 9:45 am Staff Meeting Hospitality Room 1:30 pm Georgia Brass Band Fellowship Hall 7:00 pm Missions Committee Room 204 7:00 pm Wednesday April 8, 2015 Pickle Ball Gym Monday April 6, 2015 Spring Break—No Kindergarten this week 5:30 pm First Five Practice Sanctuary 6:30 pm MG Support Group Fellowship Hall 6:30 pm Trustees Room 204 6:30 pm Dr. Stowe Christ Has Risen TFWS 2115 9:30 am *Affirmation of Faith No Wednesday Night Supper UMH 881 Time of Prayer Peachtree Symphonic Winds Fellowship Hall 6:30 pm AA Meeting Gym 8:00 pm Offertory Friday April 10, 2015 No Scheduled Activities/Meetings Saturday April 11, 2015 AA Meeting Gym Rev. Dr. Royeese Stowe Call to Worship *Hymn Thursday April 9, 2015 Finance Sub-Committee Hospitality Room Greetings and Announcements Rev. Joshua Roberts Easter Hymn Mstr. Casey Barbee, trumpeter Mr. Callaway, organist *Doxology Davidica W&S 3016 8:00 pm Time of Fellowship If you Need Us! Rev. Dr. Royeese Stowe, Senior Pastor - [email protected] cell 404-317-3233 Rev. Joshua Roberts, Associate Pastor - [email protected] Chris Tench, Director of PMO & Children’s Ministries - [email protected] Allen Barbee, Minister of Music - [email protected] Rev. Lavonia Winford, Pastor of Students & Families - [email protected] Susan Nichols, Director of Discipleship - [email protected] Josh McDaniel, Activities Coordinator - [email protected] Kathy Brannon, Financial Secretary - [email protected] Dolly Stratton, Administrative Assistant - [email protected] 4147 Chamblee Dunwoody Road - Chamblee, GA 30341 770-457-2525 - Children’s Sermon Dr. Stowe *Gospel Lesson Mark 16:1-8 Rev. Roberts Sermon “Words” Dr. Stowe *Hymn Crown Him with Many Crowns UMH 327 *Benediction Postlude *Please Stand as Able Hearing Devices are Available Please see an Usher if you need any Assistance Dr. Stowe Mr. Callaway 11:00 am Order of Worship In Our Thoughts and Prayers Chiming of the Hour *Hymn Greetings and Announcements Rev. Dr. Royeese Stowe Call to Worship Prelude Dr. Stowe Christ the Lord Is Risen Today UMH 302 *Affirmation of Faith Gloria Patri UMH 881 Glory Be to the Father UMH 70 Prayer Concerns & Celebrations Dr. Stowe Prayer of Hope Rev. Joshua Roberts The Lord’s Prayer Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever. Amen Offertory Easter Hymn of Praise McDonald Chancel Choir, Brass to Go, Mrs. Susanna Philips, pianist and Mr. Callaway, organist *Doxology Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow *Prayer of Dedication UMH 94 Rev. Roberts Passing of the Peace Children’s Sermon *Hymn Anthem Dr. Stowe He Lives UMH 310 Christ is Risen! Alleluia! Hayes Chancel Choir, Brass to Go and Mr. Callaway, pianist *Gospel Lesson Sermon *Benediction *Choral Response Marche Triomphale Karg-Elert and Brass to Go and Mr. Bill Callaway, organist Olson *Hymn Mark 16:1-8 “Words” Invitation to Christian Discipleship Rev. Roberts Dr. Stowe Crown Him with Many Crowns Postlude UMH 327 Dr. Stowe Hallelujah Chorus Handel and Hopson Chancel Choir, Brass to Go and Mr. Callaway, organist Toccata from Fifth Symphony Mr. Callaway, organist Widor *Please stand as Able Large Print Hymnals and Hearing Devices are Available (Please see an usher if you need any assistance.) Special THANK YOU to Mrs. Susanna Philips, pianist and Brass to Go: Alan Koch and Sally Stratton, trumpeters, Karen Castleberry, hornist, Steve Flood, trombonist, and Raymond Castleberry, tubist. Gospel Lesson 1 When the sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices, so that they might go and anoint him. 2 And very early on the first day of the week, when the sun had risen, they went to the tomb. 3They had been saying to one another, ‘Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance to the tomb?’ 4When they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had already been rolled back. 5 As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man, dressed in a white robe, sitting on the right side; and they were alarmed. 6But he said to them, ‘Do not be alarmed; you are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has been raised; he is not here. Look, there is the place they laid him. 7But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see him, just as he told you.’ 8So they went out and fled from the tomb, for terror and amazement had seized them; and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid. Mark 16:1-8 (NRSV) Homa Archer, Don Baker, Larry Bryant, Alma Chaudoin, Ron Clyne, Crystal Dunahoo, Paul Fancher, Harriett Fant, Eugenia Foster, Milla and Elle Gieselmann, Kelli Gonyea, Maria De La Paz Gomez (Lisa Clarke’s mother), Ron Gonyea, Claudia Hammond, Claude (Buster) Hodges, Jo Hoffer, Ed Hogsed, Mark Lemerman (Barbara Roberts’ nephew), Linda Manus (Joann Gibson’s friend), Jean Mims, Ed Mitchell, Moi Monroe, Luz Nicaragua (JoAnn Lynen’s sister-in-law), Noland Family, Helen Schneeberger, Carolyn Sherrill, Kenneth Sims (Melissa Holt’s father), Don Skender, Donnie Skender, Greg Thomas, Ron Van Note, Eva Veale, Leslie Ward, and Carolann and Bill Zebrowski (Godparents of Esteban Rodriguez). Also, please remember those serving in the military, our shut-ins, and all those battling cancer. Memorial & Honorarium Gifts In Memory of Teri McCann’s mother: Gene & JoAnne Lawson, Scott & Shirley Pirnie, Ray & Crystal Dunahoo, The Faith Class Financial Report General Fund 13th Week: 3/29/15 Total Tithes & Income: $228,249.70 Total Expenses: $252,248.42 Variance: $(23,998.72) Financial reports are available. If you would like a complete financial report, please contact Kathy Brannon at [email protected]. Scan this image to be directed to our mobile online giving site.