SSC Mains English Paper


SSC Mains English Paper
Directions (1-20) : In these questions, some of the
sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which
part of a sentence has an error and mark the appropriate
letter (a, b, c). If there is no error, mark (d) in the answer
1. Prayag and Parag used (a) / to work for almost twelve
(b) / hours in the factory (c) / they are working earlier
2. Although he is usually (a) / rude with everyone, (b) / he
behaved nice with (c) / all of us today (d).
3. Whenever they go out (a) / for shopping, they (b) / take
her (c) / pet dog with them (d).
4. The number of foreign tourists (a) / visiting India are
increasing (b) / day by day during (c) / this tourist season (d).
5. He being the eldest son, (a) / his father expect him (b) /
to take care of several things (c) / besides his regular
studies (d).
6. You should avoid (a) / to travel (b) / in the rush hour.
(c) / No error (d)
7. This is (a) / the only one of his novels (b) / which have
been prached. (c) / No error (d)
8. He denied (a) / to have (b) / been there. (c) / No error
9. Knowledge of (a) / at least two languages (b) / are
required to pass the examination. (c) / No error (d)
10. The members of the Opposition Party in the Parliament
(a) / shout upon the minister (b) / if he makes a wrong
statement. (c) / No error (d)
11. If the worst (a) / comes to worst, (b) / I will have to bid
good bye to my studies and join my family business. (c)
/ No error (d)
12. The interim report does not (a) / analyze thoroughly the
principal causes (b) / of the disaster. (c) / No error (d)
13. The item I liked most (a) / they offered was (b) / the
teak wood furnitures of Dutch design. (c) / No error (d)
14. A part of the training (a) / they offered was (b) / real
good. (c) / No error (d)
15. The soil was moist as (a) / there was little rain (b) / the
day before . (c) / No error (d)
16. The manager wanted to know who had arrived (a) / early
that day (b) / the cashier r the accountant. (c) / No error
17. They are a politically important family; (a) / one of his
sister is minister (b) / and another is married with a
minister. (c) / No error (d)
18. Supposing that the information (a) / proves to be totally
reliable, (b) / should we still have to recast the plans ?
(c) / No error (d)
19. Thought its gloss can (a) / fool few unwary customers,
(b) / it wouldn’t be difficult for the clever ones to judge
its real worth. (c) / No error (d)
20. She pretends as if she has (a) / never in her life, (b) /
told a lie, isn’t it? (c) / No error (d)
Directions (21-40) : In these questions, a part of the sentence
is bold. Below are given
alternatives to the bold part at (a), (b) and (c) which may
improve the sentence, choose the correct alternative. In case
no improvement is needed, your answer is (d).
21. The actress said that it sometimes took her two hours to
put her make-up.
(a) put over
(b) put up
(c) put on
(d) No improvement
22. The matter must be considered in every point of view.
(a) with
(b) from
(c) at
(d) No improvement
23. Place a ladder on the wall.
(a) along
(b) with
(c) against
(d) No improvement
24. He enjoys to tell stories to children.
(a) how to tell stories
(b) telling stories
(c) to narrate stories
(d) No improvement
25. Galileo said that the earth revolved around the sun.
(a) has revolved
(b) has been revolving
(c) revolves
(d) No improvement
26. No sooner did the Chief Guest climb up to the dias then
the bomb exploded:
(a) than
(b) before
(c) when
(d) No improvement
27. The Manager was unhappy at Gaurav because he did
not complete the work in time.
(a) is unhappy at
(b) is to be unhappy at
(c) was unhappy with
(d) No improvement
28. He has done nothing from yesterday.
(a) after
(b) since
(c) through
(d) No improvement
Head Office : 642, IInd Floor, Above Aggarwal Sweets, Near Batra Cinema, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi
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Contact No.: 09313358248, 08882299911, 09250696924, 011-47243756
29. In the modern world it is difficult to live through one’s
(a) to live up to (b) to live by
(c) to live for
(d) No improvement
30. It is long since I last saw you.
(a) long time
(b) long before
(c) Has been long (d) No improvement
31. It is unreasonable to_distort the statement of a man
simply because he does not agree with your opinions.
(a) discourage
(b) denounce
(c) bend
(d) No improvement
32. Kalidas is the greatest of all other dramatists.
(a) most other
(b) the other
(c) all the
(d) No improvement
33. The secret information was held away from me.
(a) off
(b) back
(c) out
(d) No improvement
34. She gave most of her time to music.
(a) devoted
(b) spent
(c) lent
(d) No improvement
35. James sat there in stunned silence, to try to absorb what
Reeta was saying.
(a) so as to try
(b) trying
(c) as if trying
(d) No improvement
36. When I was fourteen, I sat the entrance examination
for senior secondary school.
(a) sat for
(b) sat in
(c) sat at
(d) No improvement
37. When I lived in Allahabad, I was going to the cinema
once a week.
(a) went
(b) had been going
(c) had gone
(d) No improvement
38. He has been working off and on for several years to
compile a dictionary.
(a) on or off
(b) on and off
(c) regularly
(d) No improvement
39. A great deal of human invention since the last 300 years
has been directed to taming the power hidden in nature
and to channeling it into steady sources of energy that
can drive machines.
(a) since the past 300 years
(b) in the last 300 years
(c) during the past 300 years
(d) No improvement
40. Rajni unnecessarily picked up a quarrel with Kashish
and left the party hurriedly.
(a) picking up
(b) picked on
(c) picked
(d) No improvement
Directions (41-45) : In these questions, out of the four
alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning
of the given word and mark it in the answer sheet.
(a) Observations (b) Offers
(c) Agreements (d) Promises
(a) Accusations (b) Excuses
(c) Statements
(d) Promises
(a) Unquestionable(b) Disputable
(c) Unacceptable (d) Debatable
(a) Ashamed
(b) Inconvenient
(c) Embarrassed (d) Clumsy
(a) Effective
(b) Harmless
(c) Imported
(d) Newly discovered
Directions (46-50): In these questions, choose the word
opposite in meaning to the given word and mark it in the
answer sheet.
(a) Unbiased
(b) Candid
(c) Helpful
(d) Logical
(a) Wasteful
(b) Profitable
(c) Fantastic
(d) Practical
(a) Endure
(b) Resist
(c) Tolerate
(d) Yield
(a) Cooperative (b) Cautious
(c) Considerate (d) Courteous
(a) Temporarily (b) Rarely
(c) Irregularly
(d) Secretly
Directions (51-55) : In these questions, out of the four
alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the
given words/sentence and indicate it in the answer sheet.
51. One who scarifies his life for a cause
(a) Patriot
(b) Martyr
(c) Revolutionary (d) Soldier
52. A person who brings goods illegally into the country
(a) Importer
(b) Exporter
(c) Fraud
(d) Smuggler
53. To take secretly in small quantities
(a) Robbery
(b) Pilferage
(c) Theft
(d) Defalcation
54. To accustom oneself to a foreign climate
(a) Adapt
(b) Adopt
(c) Accustom
(d) Acclimatise
55. One who knows everything
(a) Literate
(b) Scholar
(c) Omnipotent (d) Omniscient
Head Office : 642, IInd Floor, Above Aggarwal Sweets, Near Batra Cinema, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi
Branch Office : wz-13A-13B, IInd Floor, Opp. Metro Pillar No. 655, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, Delhi
Contact No.: 09313358248, 08882299911, 09250696924, 011-47243756
Directions (56-85): In the following passages there are
blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers
are printed below the passages and against each, four words
are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find
out the appropriate word in each case. The latest stage of the
continuing ...(56)... between India and the United States on
the nuclear issue is now punctuated with pleasing diplomatic
observations. Our latest round of talks with the American
Deputy Secretary of State is “positive and encouraging”. The
US Deputy Secretary of State remarked that none or us are
pleased to have any clouds over the ...(57)... We in India know
that these clouds have ...(58)... towards the sub-continent from
the West. The US can easily disperse the clouds if it wants.
But the economic sanctions are still in place. The US is only
...(59)... trying to come to terms with the fact that the nuclear
weapons are not the ...(60)... of the Permanent Members of
the Security Council. If they do not recognise India as a nuclear
power, then what is it that they are ...(61)... to ? India will not
...(62)... by their derecognising the nuclear tests both sides
can happily close ...(63)... eyes and agree to ...(64)... what
has happened. The fact that India is a sovereign nation entitled
to take decision beneficial for its -own security, has not been
altered by the tests. The US has come round to ...(65)... that
India has some say in this matter.
56. (a) adversaries
(b) negotiations
(c) strifes
(d) strategies
57. (a) relationship (b) struggle
(c) matter
(d) talks
58. (a) formed
(b) eclipsed
(c) ruined
(d) floated
59. (a) spontaneously (b) generously
(c) grudgingly
(d) gracefully
60. (a) threats
(b) creations
(c) properties
(d) monopoly
61. (a) prepared
(b) objecting
(c) pointing
(d) clinging
62. (a) gain
(b) differ
(c) flourish
(d) suffer
63. (a) their
(b) our
(c) naked
(d) inward
64. (a) imitate
(b) undo
(c) cherish
(d) ignore
65. (a) expecting
(b) suspecting
(c) accepting
(d) advocating
Today the economies of African countries are growing
at 5 percent every year. Rich countries usually help poorer
ones ...(66)... African countries through donations and aid.
Their ...(67)... are not always successful as loans are ...(68)...
not used for the projects for which they are ...(69)... . China,
however, has found a different ..;(70)... to help Africa - by
trading more with the ...(71)... . In 2009 China’s trade with
African countries was $ 90 billion ...(72)... than the U.S.,
which was $ 86- billion. ...(73)... countries have now begun
to notice the ...(74)... available in Africa. China’s attitude
has ...(75)... the way the world deals with poor countries.
“Trade not aid” is the new mantra of African nations.
66. (a) belonging
(b) similarly
(c) compared
(d) like
67. (a) efforts
(b) practices
(c) challenges
(d) achievements
68. (a) given
(b) approved
(c) regular
(d) often
69. (a) grant
(b) sanctioned
(c) took
(d) hired
70. (a) goal
(b) fund
(c) way
(d) skill
71. (a) countries
(b) others
(c) abroad
(d) heighbours
72. (a) further
(b) extra
(c) more
(d) less
73. (a) recently
(b) any
(c) friendly
(d) many
74. (a) differences
(b) supply
(c) quantity
(d) opportunities
75. (a) substitute
(b) changed
(c) exchanged
(d) transform
Today experts all over the world are of the opinion that
agriculture will effect the future of the world. The world has
a serious food ...(76)... and the only way to solve ...(77)... is if
more people take up ...(78).... Moreover since the 1980s,
technology and finance jobs ...(79)... been the basis of
America’s economy. ...(80)..., in recent times, farmers’
incomes have risen ...(81).... It has also been a long time
...(82)... farming was a major source of employment, but data
...(83)... that unemployment in America is ...(84)... in states
where farming is the ...(85)... occupation. As the demand for
food is rising-what the world needs today is more farmers.
76. (a) trouble
(b) problem
(c) doubt
(d) discussion
77. (a) how
(b) usually
(c) it
(d) these
78. (a) farming
(b) time
(c) matter
(d) offer
79. (a) also
(b) has
(c) not
(d) have
80. (a) However
(b) Instead
(c) Despite
(d) Again
81. (a) much
(b) up
(c) above
(d) sharply
82. (a) when
(b) since
(c) while
(d) as
83. (a) collected
(b) informs
(c) calculate
(d) show
84. (a) lowest
(b) smaller
(c) decreased
(d) important
85. (a) mostly
(b) best
(c) suitable
(d) main
Head Office : 642, IInd Floor, Above Aggarwal Sweets, Near Batra Cinema, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi
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Contact No.: 09313358248, 08882299911, 09250696924, 011-47243756
Directions (86-115) : You have six brief passages with
5 questions following each passage. Read the passage
carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of
the four alternatives and mark it in the answer sheet.
Culture is not merely learning. It is discrimination,
understanding of life. Liberal education aims at producing
moral gifts as well as intellectual, sweetness of temper as
much as sanity of outlook. Into the art of living, the cultured
man carries a certain grace, a certain refinement, a certain
distinction which redeems him from the sterile futility of
aimless struggle. Culture is not a pose of intellect or a code of
convention, but an attitude of life which finds nothing human,
alien, common or unclean. An education that brings up a
young man in entire indifference to the misery and poverty
surrounding him, to the general stringency of life, to the dumb
pangs of tortured bodies and the lives Submerged in the
shadows, is essentially a failure. If we do not realise the
solidarity of the human community, nor have human relations
with’ those whom the world passes by as the lowly and the
lost, we are not cultured.
86. Which of the following statements best expresses the
theme of the passage ?
(a) Culture lends grace and sanity to man.
(b) Culture and education are complementary to each
(c) Liberal education makes man cultured.
(d) Education brings man closer to life.
87. According to the writer, the function of liberal education
is to:
(a) change the outlook of a person
(b) increase intellectual powers
(c) improve a person morally
(d) develop sensitivity to human dignity
88. Consider the following :
1. Brotherhood of mail
2. Understanding of pain and suffering
3. Better human relations
4. Sweetness of temper
Which of the above expressions describes proper
education ?
(a) 1 and 3
(b) 2 and 4
(c) 2,3 and 4
(d) All four
89. Culture redeems a person from the sterile futility of
aimless struggle because
(a) it makes man learned,
(b) it makes man more intelligent.
(c) it brings about a better understanding of life.
(d) it prepares man for struggle.
90. Education is sometimes a failure. Which one of the
following is the most likely reason for this ?
(a) It improves the intellect only.
(b) It does not prepare man for struggle.
(c) It does not make man refined.
(d) It carries a man away from life around him.
The supervisor would have to change his attitude
towards people first. The staff under him must be perceived
as human beings with feelings and needs. They are not
automations within a complex work machinery. One of the
greatest needs of today’s worker is to have a feeling that he is
in control of his work place and not vice versa. The best way
is to satisfy this need as far as possible. He must feel firstly,
that his work is meaningful. To do this the supervisor must
delegate responsibility and limited authority for the man to
execute his job well. The subordinate must be properly trained
to assume responsibility and authority. Once he is ready to
assume these he can be made accountable for his job. Very
often supervisors assume all responsibility and accountability
for fear of losing control of the workplace. This makes workers
under him pawns in a vast chessboard.
Delegating accountability gives the worker a purpose
in life and the need to do a job well. Most important is to sit
with each worker and chalk out common objectives and agreed
norms to achieve them. This gives workers a security as to
what is expected of them. When he has met his. objectives he
certainly has a feeling of achievement. This feeling of
achievement is the greatest motivator.
91. A humane attitude on the part of the supervisor towards
his staff is necessary to :
(a) get them to work
(b) keep them happy
(c) have a congenial atmosphere at workplace
(d) get the best out of them
92. Responsibility and accountability make a worker:
(a) shirk his duties
(b) do his job properly
(c) tense and frightened
(d) vulnerable before his supervisors
93. Supervisors do not delegate responsibility and authority
to their subordinates because :
(a) subordinates are not capable enough.
(b) they can’t trust their subordinates.
(c) they are apprehensive of losing their hold on the
place of work.
(d) final responsibility is theirs.
94. Orientation of subordinates of common objectives and
how to achieve them is :
(a) not very important
(b) a must
(c) not at all necessary
(d) optional
95. The greatest motivator is :
(a) a good supervisor
(b) a good environment
(c) a sense of security
(d) fulfillment of purpose
Head Office : 642, IInd Floor, Above Aggarwal Sweets, Near Batra Cinema, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi
Branch Office : wz-13A-13B, IInd Floor, Opp. Metro Pillar No. 655, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, Delhi
Contact No.: 09313358248, 08882299911, 09250696924, 011-47243756
The greatest enemy of mankind, as people have
discovered is not science, but war. Science merely reflects the
social forces by which it is surrounded. It is found that when
there is peace, science is constructive, when there is war,
science is perverted to- destructive ends. The weapons which
science gives us do riot necessarily create war, these make
war increasingly more terrible. Until now, it has brought us
to the doorstep of doom. Our main problem, therefore, is not
to curb science, but to stop war- to substitute law for force,
and international government for anarchy in the relations of
one nation with another. That is a job in which everybody
must participate, including thescientists. But the bomb of
Hiroshima suddenly woke us up to the fact that we have very
little time. The hour is late and our work has scarcely begun.
Now we are face to face with this urgent question, “Can
education and tolerance, understanding and creative
intelligence run fast enough to keep us abreast with our own
mounting capacity to destroy?” That is the question which
we shall have to answer one way or the other in this generation.
Science must help us in the answer, but the main decision
lies within ourselves.
96. An appropriate title for the passage would be :
(a) Science and the new generation
(b) Science and social forces
(c) Science and the horrors of war
(d) Science and world peace
97. According to the author, the real enemy is not science
but war because :
(a) science during wars is so destructive.
(b) science, merely invents the weapons which war is
(c) the weapons that science invents necessarily lead
to war.
(d) the weapons, invented by science do not cause war,
though these make it more destructive.
98. War can be stopped, if :
(a) weapons invented by science are not used to launch
a war.
(b) science is restricted to be utilised only during war
(c) science is not allowed to lead us to destruction.
(d) we replace force and lawlessness by law- and
international government.
99. According to the writer, the main problem we are faced
with, is to :
(a) prevent scientists from participating activities
(b) abolish war
(c) stop scientific activities everywhere
(d) stop science from reflecting social forces
100. Our mounting capacity to destroy can be kept under
control by :
(a) encouraging social forces
(b) education and broadminded- ness
(c) insight and constructive thinking
(d) Both (b) and (c) together
It is a commonly held belief that quality and productivity
are a function of technology or a set of new equipment. No
doubt these are essential, but they alone are not sufficient for
bringing about improvements in productivity, or quality. It is
the: men and women behind the machines and the people
who manage the technology who are critical in bringing about
these improvements. It has been a strange paradox of India’s
economic development that even though people are our most
abundant resource, they have so far either- been neglected or
treated as liabilities rather than as assets. Part of the reason
for this has been outdated labour laws which have been a
deterrent for industrialists and employers, leading them to
establish capital-intensive rather than labourintensive
operations. The other reason has been a confrontationist
attitude, both on the part of labour as well as managements.
A change must come about in both these factors, outside
representation and leadership of unions etc need to change.
At the same time the attitude of confrontation must change to
one of cooperation and active collaboration.
101. Which of the following arguments has been emphasized
in the paragraph ?
(a) Only technology or a new set of equipment can
improve quality and productivity.
(b) Only management behind any type of machines
can improve quality and productivity.
(c) By managing the new technology, labour can bring
about improvements in quality and productivity.
(d) Indian labour and management, is neither quality
nor productivity
102. The word ‘critical’ in the passage means :
(a) crucial
(b) judicial
(c) analytical
(d) judicious
103. India’s strange contradiction of development is :
(a) people are resourceful but new equipment is not
given to them.
(b) people are resourceful but they are neglected.
(c) labour is not earnest and therefore it is no longer
a liability.
(d) labour is inefficient but still it is pampered.
104. Capital-intensive operations can lead to :
(a) strict labour laws
(b) new labour laws
(c) too many labour laws
(d) irrelevant labour laws
105. The opposite of ‘deterrent’ as used in the passage is :
(a) help
(b) non-interference
(c) influence
(d) patronage
It is generally acknowledged that children learn a lot
from their parents. It is not so commonly admitted that parents
learn a great deal from their children. As adults, it is easy to
assume that we are always right, but the laugh was on me one
beautiful day. My daughter Kashmira knew how much I loved
flowers. One day when she was of nine years, she picked some
Head Office : 642, IInd Floor, Above Aggarwal Sweets, Near Batra Cinema, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi
Branch Office : wz-13A-13B, IInd Floor, Opp. Metro Pillar No. 655, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, Delhi
Contact No.: 09313358248, 08882299911, 09250696924, 011-47243756
branches from our neighbour’s blossoming fruit tree. Realising
she intended to please me, I didn’t scold her, but chose a
different approach. “These are lovely, dear, but do you realise
that if you had left them on the tree, each of these blossoms
would have become a cherry?”
“No, they wouldn’t have”, she said firmly. “Oh, yes,
they would have. Each of these blossoms would have grown
into a cherry.” “Well okay, mother, if you insist”, she finally
conceded, “but they were plums last year”.
106. What is not commonly acknowledged is that:
(a) children learn a lot from their parents.
(b) parents teach their children a great deal.
(c) parents’ learn a great deal from their children.
(d) children learn a great deal inspite of their parents.
107. “The laugh was on me” means that:
(a) the mother was caught in the wrong.
(b) the daughter was wrong.
(c) people laughed at the mother.
(d) the mother laughed at herself.
108. What the daughter picked from the neighbour’s garden
were :
(a) some branches
(b) some flowers.
(c) some branches with blossoms
(d) some branches with fruit
109. The mother did not scold the daughter because :
(a) she loved flowers.
(b) she liked cherry blossoms.
(c) she did not understand why her daughter had done
(d) she decided to indirectly make her daughter realise
her mistake.
110. The mother was caught in the wrong because the
(a) proved that she had not picked the branch with
the blossom
(b) reminded her that she loved flowers.
(c) reminded her that the branch with blossoms was
from a plum tree.
(d) proved that, those blossoms would not yield any
S.N. Bose’s experimental skill was not confined to
physics alone. His energy had been channelised in several
directions. One direction in which his energy flowed more
consistently than in any other was the popularisation of
science. In a newly independent country like India, determined
to develop her” industries as quickly as possible, there was
every danger of leadership in scientific research falling into
the hands of those whom C.P. Snow has called, ‘slide-rule’
scientists. As a safeguard against this, even before
independence, Bose found a scientific journal in Bengali,
Bijnan Parichaya, to spread, scientific knowledge among the
common people.
111. Bose could allow his energy to flow successfully in
several directions. Bose was, thus :
(a) a vivacious man
(b) an energetic man
(c) a versatile man
(d) a virulent man
112. S.N. Bose made a major contribution to the spread of
scientific knowledge among common people :
(a) by channelising his energies in several directions
(b) by consistently working for the popularisation of
(c) by becoming a ‘slide-rule’ scientist
(d) by founding a scientific journal in Bengali
113. It is learnt from the passage that India, immediately
after becoming independent, sought to progress :
(a) by means of industrialisation
(b) by means of popularisation of science
(c) by encouraging scientists like S.N. Bose
(d) by offering the leadership of scientific research to
slide-rule scientists
114. A ‘slide-rule’ scientist is likely to be interested in :
(a) spreading scientific knowledge among common
(b) diverting his energy in several channels
(c) depriving common people of scientific knowledge
(d) carrying on scientific research on stereotyped ideas
115. S.N. Bose’s scientific journal Bijnan Parichaya must
have come out:
(a) before 1947
(b) after 1947
(c) between 1947 and 1957
(d) after 1957
Directions (116-120) : In these questions, groups of four words
are given. In each group, one word is correctly spelt. Find
the correctly spelt word and mark your answer in the answer
116. (a) Nefew
(b) Nepheu
(c) Nefu
(d) Nephew
117. (a) Gography
(b) History
(c) Chamistry
(d) Commarce
118. (a) Aliennate
(b) Allienate
(c) Alienate
(d) Alienatte
119. (a) Forefet
(b) Forefeit
(c) Forfeit
(d) Forfiet
120. (a) Comemorate
(b) Commeminorate
(c) Comemmorate
(d) Commemorate
Directions (121-145) : In these questions, A sentence
has been given in Direct/Indirect Speech. Out of the four
alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses
the same sentence in Indirect/Direct Speech.
Head Office : 642, IInd Floor, Above Aggarwal Sweets, Near Batra Cinema, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi
Branch Office : wz-13A-13B, IInd Floor, Opp. Metro Pillar No. 655, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, Delhi
Contact No.: 09313358248, 08882299911, 09250696924, 011-47243756
121. He said, “May you succeed.”
(a) He told that you may be succeeded.
(b) He prayed that you might succeed.
(c) He wished /prayed that I might succeed.
(d) He wished for my success.
122. Harsh said, “Sir, may I go home?”
(a) Harsh respectfully asked whether he could go
(b) Harsh asked the teacher to go home.
(c) Harsh told the teacher that he is going home.
(d) Harsh asked whether he could go home.
123. I said to him, “Do have a cup of tea please.”
(a) I asked him to have a cup of tea.
(b) I requested him to have a cup of tea.
(c) I told him to take a cup of tea.
(d) I requested him that would he take a cup of tea.
124. He said, “I must go at once.”
(a) He said that he had to go at once.
(b) He told to go at once.
(c) He told that he is going at once.
(d) He said that he was going at once.
125. I said to him, “Let us go out for a walk.”
(a) I asked him to go out for a walk with me.
(b) I told him to go out for a walk.
(c) I said him that we should go for a walk.
(d) I proposed to him that we should go out for a walk.
126. They said to the teacher, “Let us go home.”
(a) They asked the teacher to go home.
(b) They requested the teacher to allow them to go
(c) They requested the teacher to send them to home.
(d) They asked the teacher to allow them to go home.
127. “Hello”, he said to his sister. “How are you?”
(a) He greeted his sister and asked her how she was.
(b) He met his sister and asked if she was ok.
(c) He said his sister hello and how she was.
(d) He asked his sister how she is and said hello to
128. “Oh dear! I have torn my shirt.”
(a) He sighed and said that he had torn his shirt.
(b) He told that he has torn his shirt.
(c) He cried for his shirt which was torn.
(d) He said that he has torn his shirt.
129. “So help me Heaven!” he cried, “I will never steal
(a) He asked Heaven that he will never steal again.
(b) He called upon Heaven to witness his resolve never
to steal again.
(c) He said Heaven that he would never to steal again.
(d) He promised not to steal again and called upon
130. He said that he did not understand the meaning of that
(a) He told, “I do not understand the meaning of this
(b) He said, “He does not understand the meaning of
this sentence.-”
(c) He said that, “He did not understand the meaning
of this sentence.”
(d) He said, “I do not understand the meaning of this
131. He asked me, “Have you finished reading the magazine
?” %
(a) He asked me whether I had finished reading the
(b) He asked me if had I finished reading the
(c) He asked me if I have finished reading the
(d) He asked me whether I finished reading the
132. He said, “We have done our work.”
(a) He said that he had done his work.
(b) He said that they have done their work.
(c) He said that they had done their work.
(d) He said that they should do their work.
133. He said that he had been waiting there for a long time.
(a) He said, “I have been waiting here for a long time.”
(b) He said, “He has been waiting here for a long
(c) He said, “He has been waiting there for a long
(d) He said, “I am waiting here for a long time.”
134. “Please, take me to the officer,” said the visitor.
(a) The visitor requested them to take him to the
(b) The visitor told them to take him to the officer.
(c) The visitor requested for the officer to be taken.
(d) The visitor wanted the officer to take him there.
135. Nitin said, “What a pleasant atmosphere this place has!”
(a) Nitin exclaimed with joy that place was a pleasant
(b) Nitin exclaimed with joy that was a pleasant
atmosphere in that place.
(c) Nitin exclaimed with joy that place had a pleasant
(d) Nitin exclaimed with joy that what a pleasant
atmosphere that place had.
136. Aarati said, “I am in a hurry today.”
(a) Aarati said that she was in a hurry that day.
(b) Aarati said that I am in a hurry today.
(c) Aarati said that she is in a hurry today.
(d) Aarati said that she is in a hurry that day.
Head Office : 642, IInd Floor, Above Aggarwal Sweets, Near Batra Cinema, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi
Branch Office : wz-13A-13B, IInd Floor, Opp. Metro Pillar No. 655, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, Delhi
Contact No.: 09313358248, 08882299911, 09250696924, 011-47243756
137. They said, “We are practising for the next match.”
(a) They said that they are practicing for the next
(b) They said that they practiced for the next match.
(c) They said that they were practising for the next
(d) They said they were going to practise for the next
138. He said, “Long may you live.”
(a) He suggested that my life might be long.
(b) He prayed that my life might be long.
(c) He prayed that my life may be longer.
(d) He declared that my life is longer.
139. “When did you meet my brother?” She asked me.
(a) She wanted to know when did I meet her brother.
(b) She asked when did I meet my brother.
(c) She asked me when I had met her brother.
(d) She wants to know when I had met my brother.
140. Ruby requested me to lend her ? 1000/- the next day.
(a) Ruby said to me, “Please lend me 1 1000/- the
next day.”
(b) Ruby said to me, “Please lend her? 1000/- the next
(c) Ruby said to me, “Please lend her ? 1000/tomorrow.”
(d) Ruby said to me, “Please lend me X 1000/tomorrow.”
141. The Principal told us, “Wait here till I return.”
(a) The Principal told us wait here till he return.
(b) The Principal told us to wait there till he returned.
(c) The Principal told us to wait there till I return.
(d) The Principal told us please wait here till he
142. My mother said to me, “Who is your best friend ?”
(a) My mother questioned me as to who my best friend
(b) My mother asked me who is my best friend.
(c) My mother asked me who my best friend was.
(d) My mother asked me who my best friend is
143. The teacher said to the boys, “If you do your best you
will surely pass.”
(a) The teacher asked the boys to work hard so that
they can pass.
(b) The teacher told the boys that unless they work
hard they will not pass.
(c) The teacher requested the boys that if they work
better, they will surely pass.
(d) The teacher told the boys that if they did their best
they would surely pass.
144. The boy pleaded that he had not stolen the book.
(a) The boy said, “I don’t steal the book.”
(b) The boy said, “I didn’t steal the book.”
(c) The boy said, “I hadn’t stolen the book.”
(d) The boy said, “1 haven’t stolen the book.”
145. Kavitha said, “I saw the photograph.”
(a) Kavitha told that she saw the photograph.
(b) Kavitha said that she had seen the photograph.
(c) Kavitha said that the photograph was seen by her.
(d) Kavitha said that she has seen the photograph.
Directions (146-165): In each of the following
questions, a sentence has been given in Active /Passive voice.
Out of the four alternatives suggested select the one which
best expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active voice.
146. Will milk be drunk by us?
(a) Shall we drank milk?
(b) Shall milk be drunk?
(c) Shall we drink milk?
(d) Shall milk be drink?
147. He has drawn many pictures.
(a) Many pictures had been drawn by him.
(b) Many pictures have been drawn by him.
(c) Many pictures have drawn by him.
(d) Many pictures are drawn by him.
148. Do not cut the apple.
(a) Let not cut the apple.
(b) Let the apple not been cut.
(c) Let the apple not, cut.
(d) Let the apple not be cut.
149. He has posted the letter.
(a) The letter has been posted by him.
(b) The letter is posted by him.
(c) The letter was posted by him.
(d) The letter had been posted by him.
150. She will lend me this book.
(a) This book would be lent to me by her.
(b) This book will be lent to me by her.
(c) This book will have been lent tome her.
(d) This book shall lend to me by her.
151. I do not see him.
(a) He is not seen by me.
(b) He had not been seen by me.
(c) He has not been seen by me.
(d) He was not seen by me.
152. Has she won the first prize?
(a) Has the first prize been won by her?
(b) Had the first prize been won by her?
(c) Has the first prize won by her?
(d) Has the first prize been win by her?
153. I saw him at the station.
(a) He was seen by me at the station.
(b) He has seen by me at the station.
(c) He had seen by me at the station.
(d) He is seen by me at the station.
154. I did not learn my lesson.
(a) My lesson had not been learnt by me.
(b) My lesson has not been learnt by me.
(c) My lesson is not learnt by me.
(d) My lesson was not learnt by me.
Head Office : 642, IInd Floor, Above Aggarwal Sweets, Near Batra Cinema, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi
Branch Office : wz-13A-13B, IInd Floor, Opp. Metro Pillar No. 655, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, Delhi
Contact No.: 09313358248, 08882299911, 09250696924, 011-47243756
155. He had eaten the fruit.
(a) The fruit had been eaten by him.
(b) The fruit was eaten by him.
(c) The fruit has been eaten by him.
(d) The fruit will have been eaten by him.
156. The plants have been watered by the gardener.
(a) The gardener is watering the plants.
(b) The gardener has been watering the plants.
(c) The gardener has watered the plants.
(d) The gardener had watered the plants.
157. The children could use the place always.
(a) The place can be used by children.
(b) The place is used by children always.
(c) The place could always be used by children.
(d) The place has been used by children always.
158. They said that the earth is round.
(a) It has been said that the earth is round.
(b) That the earth is round is said by them.
(c) It is said that the earth is round.
(d) It was is that the earth was round.
159. This machine must not be used after 5.30 p.m.
(a) You can’t use the machine after 5.30 p.m.
(b) You mayn’t use the machine after 5.30 p.m.
(c) You need not use the machine after 5.30 p.m.
(d) You must not use the machine after 5.30 p.m.
160. Tiny houses dot the landscape.
(a) The landscape was dotted by tiny houses.
(b) The landscape is being dotted by tiny houses.
(c) The landscape is dotted by tiny houses.
(d) The landscape has been dotted by tiny houses.
161. Dogs always chase cats.
(a) Cats are always chasing dogs.
(b) Cats have been always chased by dogs.
(c) Cats are always chased by dogs.
(d) Cats are being always chased by dogs.
162. The farmer prepared the field.
(a) The field was prepared by the farmer.
(b) The field was being prepared by the farmer.
(c) The field were prepared by the farmer.
(d) The field were being prepared by the farmer.
163. Teachers should be respected.
(a) Teachers deserve respect.
(b) Teachers are to be respected.
(c) We shall respect teachers.
(d) We should respect teachers.
164. He will do the work tomorrow.
(a) The work will be done by him tomorrow.
(b) The work would be done by him tomorrow.
(c) The work could be done by him tomorrow.
(d) The work will have been done by him tomorrow.
165. She gave me a book.
(a) I was given a book by her.
(b) She was given a book.
(c) A book is given by her to me.
(d) I was given her a book.
Directions (166-175) : In these questions, sentences are
given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s).
Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose
the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it in the
answer sheet.
166. Macbeth is a tragedy of a man who was ....... with great
(a) possessed
(b) empowered
(c) privileged
(d) endowed
167. Mounting unemployment is the most serious and.......
problem faced by India today.
(a) dubious
(b) profound
(c) unpopular
(d) intractable
168. Democracy ....... some values which are fundamental to
the realisation of the dignity of man.
(a) cherishes
(b) nourishes
(c) espouses
(d) nurtures
169. Successful people are genuinely very efficient in ..........
their tasks.
(a) making
(b) attaining
(c) achieving
(d) accomplishing
170. Automobile manufacturers are reviving up to launch a
campaign designed to increase consumer ....... about
the new emission control.
(a) production
(b) education
(c) capacity
(d) awareness
171. To break the stalemate over the controversial issue, the
Prime Minister held discussions today with four other
leaders to ........ a consensus.
(a) evolve
(b) win
(c) capture
(d) emerge
172. Forests on the whole are less ........ than farms to flood
(a) exposed
(b) affected
(c) destroyed
(d) vulnerable
173. His logic ........ everyone, including the experts.
(a) teased
(b) defied
(c) surprised
(d) confounded
174. The factory went into a state of suspended ........ today
with all its workers on strike.
(a) symbiosis
(b) animation
(c) ways
(d) condition
175. It is not fair to cast ........ on honest and innocent
(a) aspiration
(b) aspersions
(c) inspiration
(d) adulation
Directions (176-195) : The 1st and the last sentences
of the passage are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the passage
is split into four parts and named P, Q, R and S. These four
parts are not given in their proper order. Read the sentence
and find out which of the four combinations is correct. Then
find the correct answer and indicate it in the answer sheet.
Head Office : 642, IInd Floor, Above Aggarwal Sweets, Near Batra Cinema, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi
Branch Office : wz-13A-13B, IInd Floor, Opp. Metro Pillar No. 655, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, Delhi
Contact No.: 09313358248, 08882299911, 09250696924, 011-47243756
176. 1:
Darwin planned to write a book describing his
Q: Furthermore, they eat many insects and grubs, so
destroying many garden pests.
P : He also had reached the same conclusions as did
R : In spring, they sometimes tear and partly eat
flowers, especially ones with yellow petals.
Q: He had spent nearly twenty years collecting matter
S : Yet sparrows, who will eat almost anything
for this book.
organic, clear up much waste that otherwise would
R: Another naturalist named Wallace also had been
thinking over the same problems.
6 : In conclusion, sparrows probably do as much good
S : It was to deal with every known fact concerning
as harm.
the problem of the species.
(a) QPSR
(b) QRPS
6 : He sent Darwin an essay which almost word for
(c) RQSP
(d) RPSQ
word repeated Darwin’s own ideas.
181. 1 : Migratory birds are infinitely more interesting than
(a) RSQP
(b) RPQS
the tame ones and those around us throughout the
(c) QSRP
(d) QRPS
177. 1 : One day a regular commuter found his pocket
P : I can visualise no purpose behind their fun and
neatly picked.
P : “You know how the police is? I had to pay ? 400/
Q : How conscious of their destination they would be
- from my pocket to file the FIR”. Q : Shocked
and angry, he filed an FIR with the police.
R : Watch the cranes afloat in this lake.
R : Some days later, a stranger asked him, “Why did
S : But wait for a month and gaze at them when they
you lie to the police about the money?”
would be flyin high across the sky.
S : Although his loss was ? 200/-, he put it ? 600/6 : Every year these cranes come to this sanctuary from
hoping that if caught, the thief will have a good
far off Siberia and go back when the cold of winter
lesson not to steal again.
is over.
6 : The stranger said “I hope the thief gets caught”.
(a) RSQP
(b) RPSQ
(a) QRSP
(b) SRQP
(c) SQRP
(d) SQPR
(c) QSRP
(d) SRPQ
182. 1 : I had to postpone my first visit to Columbia last
178. 1 : Ninety-four years old Tess Tweitmeyer waited
almost three quarters of a century to earn her high
P : Driving back to Bogota is dangerous because
school diploma. P: Its input being thus in- adequate
passengers carry newly purchased stones.
it would not print her name in the list of graduates.
Q : Two weeks before I was to arrive, my host, one of
Q : The computer did not believe she was born in 1893.
the 3 principals at Muzo, was gunned down at his
R : She had to wait a few weeks longer because of a
ranch, along with 17 bodyguards.
R : Later, when I resumed my Columbian plans, I was
S : That was because it had been programmed to
advised that all ground transportation is risky.
recognise only birthdays in this century.
S : Driving to the mine in a car is dangerous because
6 : Only when a human took over from the computer
local bandits knew passengers carry cash to buy
did she get her certificate.
(a) QSRP
(b) RQPS
6 : Either way, a traveller is a prime target.
(c) SPRQ
(d) RQSP
(a) RSPQ
(b) QRSP
179. 1: Friendship in not restricted to human nature alone.
(c) QSPR
(d) RSQP
P: Many orchids store nectar outside their nectaries 183.1 :
The science of television is highly sophisticated
which attracts ants.
and based on a delicate system of filming and
Q: It involves the natural world as well.
R: The ants scare away the bees that rob the flower of
P : Its working does not consist in storing o.r
its nectar.
recording an image, it rather catches and reflects
S : In a world where jungle law rules there are many
an image like a mirror.
strange friendships.
Q : Along with the reflection of the image, there is
6 : A relationship where two things help each other
also recording of sound.
is called symbiosis.
R : The image dies as soon as it is seen.
(a) QPRS
(b) PRQS
S : The image is recorded on films and the second
(c) QSPR
(d) SPRQ
heard is recorded on the disc or tape.
180. 1 : Through the centuries, sparrows have often been
6 : The picture-records of television known as
regarded as pests as they cause much harm and
telefilms can be retransmitted or repeated to an
P : They also pull up newly sown peas, uproot
(a) SPQR
(b) PRSQ
seedlings, and nip off fruit buds.
(c) SPRQ
(d) PRQS
Head Office : 642, IInd Floor, Above Aggarwal Sweets, Near Batra Cinema, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi
Branch Office : wz-13A-13B, IInd Floor, Opp. Metro Pillar No. 655, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, Delhi
Contact No.: 09313358248, 08882299911, 09250696924, 011-47243756
184. 1 :
The ship anchored in a small bay.
He went deep down into the sea.
188. 1:
When I reached my office
to get home early
Q : Then they put a basket into his hand and let him
down by a rope over the side of the ship.
I phoned my mother
that I wouldn’t be able
At the order of the master the sailors seized one of
the youngest slaves, took off his chain and tied a
heavy stone to his feet.
to tell her
as I had promised.
After sometime they pulled him up and he came
out of the water with his basket full of oysters.
(b) QSRP
(d) SQPR
The seaman emptied the oysters out of the basket
and began opening them in the hope of finding
189. 1 :
(b) RPQS
(d) RQPS
185. 1:
The department has initiated steps
from the corporate sector
Q : to evolve appropriate schemes
and financial institutions for
for mobilising investment
the development of wastelands.
It was accomplished after a 54 hour space flight
in which it circled the earth 36 times.
(b) QPSR
(d) RPSQ
‘Welcome home’, mission control said as the
Columbia executed history’s first controlled
landing of a space craft.
190. 1 :
The U.S. Space shuttle, Columbia, landed safely
at the Edwards Air Force base in the Mojave desert.
It moved smoothly to a stop as special crew and
equipment rushed to greet it.
According to reports
were still trapped inside
Q : bogies
the wrecked
With astronaut John Young piloting the Columbia,
the shuttle came to a halt on a dry lake bed.
some of the passengers
of the express
It opened a new era in man’s attempt to conquer
space by proving that a re-usable craft could now
be used.
(b) QPSR
(d) RPSQ
(b) PSRQ
(d) QRSP
186. 1 :
191. 1 :
the financial conditions
Long, long, time ago
Q : for mobilisation of resources
who lived with his virtuous wife
in order to improve
are being taken by the State Governments
of the Municipal Corporations.
(b) QRSP
(d) SQRP
Q : in a country called Chinchinchoo
there ruled a noble king,
and seven daughters.
pretty, graceful and well- versed in fine arts.
(b) QRPS
192. 1 :
(d) SQRP
187. 1 :
A number of measures
A four-year study
that babies feel more comfortable
Q : conducted by the Infant Testing Centre
Those who
around other babies
clearly suggests
than with strange adults.
others well
(b) QPRS
to treat them well.
(d) SPRQ
(b) QSRP
(d) SRPQ
expect others
cannot treat
should not
Head Office : 642, IInd Floor, Above Aggarwal Sweets, Near Batra Cinema, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi
Branch Office : wz-13A-13B, IInd Floor, Opp. Metro Pillar No. 655, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, Delhi
Contact No.: 09313358248, 08882299911, 09250696924, 011-47243756
193. 1 :
Q : help in decomposing the
Directions (196-200): In each of the following
questions, some alternatives are suggested for the idiom/
phrase italic in the sentence. Choose the one which best
expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase in italics.
dead bodies of plants and animals
196. 1:
and put back various useful elements
into soil, air and water.
you will get a very good job
(b) QPRS
you will feel proud of it
(d) SQRP
your parents will be very happy
Though Indian sportsmen
you will get a scholarship for higher studies
194. 1 :
The decomposers
and hence help to clean the environment
who accompanied them
Q : the large number of
did not set many records in Seoul Asiad,
officials and politicians
did set a record of sorts.
(b) QSRP
(d) SPRQ
195. 1 :
At the end of the assignment,
the field worker
Q : submitted his papers
for the work done by him
and also bills
to the office superintendent.
(b) QPRS
(d) RSQP
If you pass, this difficult examination, it will be a
feather in your cap.
197. It is clear that the ideas of both reformers ran in the
same groove.
promoted each other
clashed with each other
advanced in harmony
moved in different directions
198. He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
(b) rogue
(d) crook
199. He is in the habit of chewing the cuds.
accusing others
crying over spilt milk
forgetting things
to muse on
200. He felt ill at ease after receiving the letter from his son.
(b) relieved
(d) sick
Head Office : 642, IInd Floor, Above Aggarwal Sweets, Near Batra Cinema, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi
Branch Office : wz-13A-13B, IInd Floor, Opp. Metro Pillar No. 655, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, Delhi
Contact No.: 09313358248, 08882299911, 09250696924, 011-47243756