2011 Annual Report


2011 Annual Report
Making it
2011 Annual Report
w w w . u s f i r s t. o r g
For over 20 years, FIRST® Founder Dean Kamen
and everyone associated with FIRST have been on a mission to spread
the word about the many educational, societal, economical, and
planetary benefits of getting youth and adults alike involved in the FIRST
experience. Despite not having access to the millions of marketing
dollars required to make FIRST a household “brand,” the program has
continued to grow each year at a blistering pace.
In 2011, however, thanks to the fervent interest of major figures
in government, the media, and mainstream entertainment, the
“volume” of voices promoting FIRST...
...GOT Turned up loud...very loud!
Making it louder
Willow Smith
Dean Kamen
Morgan Freeman
Soledad O’Brien
…and louder
Books, magazines, newspapers, cable TV, and the Web helped us create noise,
too, with ongoing national coverage by Bloomberg, CNN, Popular Mechanics,
Popular Science, Wired, ESPN Magazine, WallStreetJournal.com, and more.
Author Neal Bascomb brought the FIRST experience to life in his inspiring
book, The New Cool. Time Warner Cable incorporated
FIRST into its national “Connect A Million Minds™”
initiative, featuring our FRC program in its TV show
“It Ain’t Rocket Science.”
The clamor of FIRST recognition continues to grow
louder every day. The continuing mainstream exposure
is helping propel us toward our goal of making FIRST
known and recognized around the globe. Will your
company, your circle of influence, your personal
voice be the next to join the chorus?
In January, 2011, a timely phone call to Dean Kamen by music mogul, tech entrepreneur,
and The Black Eyed Peas frontman will.i.am kicked off an amazing season-long
collaboration of unusual bedfellows, culminating in a national television special on the
ABC Network in August dedicated to promoting science and FIRST (“i.am FIRST® –
Science is Rock and Roll”). will.i.am pledged his continuing support to the program in an
effort to “turn science and engineering up loud.” The entertainer delivered with a full-tilt
The Black Eyed Peas concert for attendees of the FIRST Championship in St. Louis, which
was filmed for the TV special and featured appearances by a long list of celebrities —
Jack Black, Steven Tyler, Bono, Justin Bieber, Britney Spears, and many more.
President Obama even had a cameo!
…and louder
President Barack Obama, along with White House Technology Officer Aneesh Chopra,
continued to feature FIRST teams as perfect examples of the president’s national White
House Science Fair initiative promoting STEM (science, technology, engineering, and
math) education and celebrating science and math achievement in American schools.
In May, CNN’s Soledad O’Brien produced and hosted a well-received documentary
on American education (“Don’t Fail Me: Education in America” ) which followed three
FIRST® Robotics Competition (FRC®) teams as they worked through the year’s challenge,
LOGO MOTION™. For millions of viewers, it was an eye-opening introduction to the
world of FIRST and its importance in our collective future.
Ryan Hart FIRST put me on the path to engineering and has
allowed me to gain first hand experience doing something that
is both fun and rewarding. There is nothing like the feeling of
watching the robot that you built go out on the field and win!
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Barack Obama
High-school students get to:
FRC teams compete with up-to150-pound robots of their own design
in this varsity Sport for the Mindtm
Grades 9-12 (ages 14-18)
combining the excitement of sport with
the rigors of science and technology.
■■ Work alongside professional engineers
■■ Learn and use sophisticated hardware and software
■■ D
evelop design, project management, programming,
teamwork, and strategic-thinking skills
■■ Qualify for millions of dollars in scholarships
FIRST Facts 2011
Youth participants........................................................ 248,000+ (ages 6-18)
Mentors, Coaches, Volunteers, and adult supporters..................... 90,000+
Number of hours donated by Volunteers.......................................6,933,746
U.S. states participating..............................................................................50
FIRST learning
never stops
FTC teams develop strategy, build
building upon
robots using a reusable, modular kit
itself, starting
High-school students get to:
Countries participating............................................................................. 60+
■■ D
esign, prototype, test, and compete using real-world
practices (e.g. Engineering Notebooks, CAD software, and
rapid prototyping)
Scholarships available.................................................... Close to $15 million
in scholarships from nearly 150 Scholarship Providers
of parts, and compete head to head.
■■ Get hands-on programming and rapid-prototyping experience
Students learn to think like engineers.
continuing through middle
■■ D
evelop strategic-thinking, problem-solving, organizational, and
team-building skills
and high-school levels up
■■ Qualify for millions of dollars in scholarships
at age 6 and
Grades 9-12 (ages 14-18)
Number of robots constructed........................................................ 20,440+
Growth of FIRST participation (over 2010)............................................. 17%
Children ages 9 to 16 (9 to 14 in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico) get to:
can participate at any
level. Participants master
FLL teams build LEGO®-based robots
skills and concepts to
and develop research projects based
Grades 4-8 (ages 9-16)
aid in learning science
ages 9-14 in the U.S./CAN/MEX
and technology through
■■ S
trategize, design, build, program, and test an autonomous
robot using LEGO® MINDSTORMS® technology
Volunteer in their communities
Secure internships
■■ Become involved in their local and global community
Mentor students
Become outstanding citizens
Jr.FLL teams design and construct
■■ Explore challenges facing today’s scientists
a model with moving parts using LEGO®
■■ Discover real-world math and science
elements and present their research
Grades K-3 (ages 6-9)
Major and pursue careers in science or engineering
Children ages 6 to 9 get to:
■■ D
evelop career and life skills including critical thinking,
time management, and teamwork
gaining valuable career
Gracious Professionalism
Sport for the Mind
Attend college
annually. Their activities are guided by
robotics competitions, while
on a real-world Challenge that changes
FLL Core Values.
and life skills.
FIRST participants are many times more likely to:
■■ Create innovative solutions to challenges facing today’s scientists
innovative projects and
FIRST® Robotics Competition donated parts...................................459,030
Participants who have a meaningful learning experience................... 100%
to age 18. Young people
Sponsors.............................................................................................. 3,500+
journey on a “Show-Me” poster.
■■ Engage in team activities guided by Jr.FLL Core Values
■■ Build self-confidence and life skills
In college, FIRST participants are
many times more likely to:
Secure internships
Pursue careers in engineering
Minority FIRST participants are more than twice as likely and female
participants are four times as likely to study science and engineering
President Obama Introducing ABC special about FIRST
“If our kids study hard in math and science, then their futures are going to be bright, and so is America’s.
Now, may the best robot win … ”
Every year, at the Championship and at FIRST events across the country and globally, we give
FIRST participants the same challenge... “homework,” if you will.
Go out and make FIRST loud!
Talk about it with everyone you know. Shout about it at every opportunity. Let everyone you can know
what a life-altering, game-changing, planet-awakening social and educational experience FIRST is.
But despite constantly earning A’s on this assignment, and experiencing consistent yearly growth,
FIRST has continued to operate under the radar of the general public.
This year, however, we hit the jackpot. We couldn’t be more excited about the national and international attention FIRST has received from
luminaries in government, the media, publishing, and the diverse world of popular entertainment. All of a sudden, it seems that FIRST has
become, to borrow from author Neal Bascomb’s recent book title, the “new cool.” The national call for science, technology, engineering, and
math (STEM) education in our schools is reaching a crescendo and FIRST is helping lead the chorus. Of course, those of us involved in our
organization have believed this for decades. It just took a little time for the rest of the country to catch up!
We are extremely grateful to an endless list of people from many fields who have embraced FIRST and lent their influence, time, and
resources to help us pump up the excitement. For their passion and leadership, we recognize President Barack Obama, White House
Dean Kamen
Chief Technology Officer Aneesh Chopra, entertainment mogul will.i.am and The Black Eyed Peas, CNN’s Soledad O’Brien,
Time Warner Cable’s NY1, Academy Award-winning actor Morgan Freeman, and countless others whose names you will see in
this document. To all those who have shared their brilliance and vision with us, we thank you. And to the tens of thousands of Volunteers,
Mentors, Coaches, teachers, parents, friends, and fans who make FIRST run and help it continue to grow, you have our sincere and humble
gratitude. None of this would happen without you. You continue to inspire us all!
The world’s educational, political, and business leaders have once again been reminded that the future belongs to the innovators: the young
men and women now involved in the FIRST progression of programs. The U.S., in turn, must push harder for STEM education in our
schools. This year, we recommit ourselves to work for the day when FIRST programs are available to everyone who dreams of developing the
next generation of technological wonders.
Walter P. Havenstein
Dean Kamen, FIRST Founder
Walter P. Havenstein, FIRST Chairman
by FIRSTweets
Oprah Oprah @will.i.am u r a bonafide genius. I saw clips of the show. GENIUS idea.
My only regret is it’s not on Oprah Winfrey Network.
Making it Loud............................................................page 2
During my seven years at the United States Patent and Trademark Office, I was exposed to the tremendous impact
FIRST Programs........................................................page 4
FIRST has on lives, young and old, and how it directly affects our future. After my first full year working with so many
dedicated, inspiring people inside and outside of this dynamic organization, I continue to be amazed at how many of
Founder’s & Chairman’s Letter...........................page 7
our participants move on through our four programs to become the next generation of forward-thinking inventors,
President’s Letter.......................................................page 9
prepare the next generations of science and technology heroes is also inspiring.
community leaders, motivated employees, and model citizens. That so many of those same students return to help us
Working tirelessly together this year, thousands of people from all walks of life joined forces to make FIRST “louder.” As a result, we also helped make FIRST
“bigger,” with a quarter million young people aged 6-18 taking part in our four FIRST robotics programs, an overall 17 percent increase over 2010. Of course,
supporting and guiding all these motivated kids are more than 90,000 Volunteers — Mentors, Coaches, tournament organizers, fundraisers, Sponsors, emcees,
drivers, and a myriad of other jobs. Our heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you for seeing the potential of FIRST and diving in to help make it all happen.
Our hats are off to you once again.
Junior FIRST® LEGO® League............................page 10
FIRST® LEGO® League..........................................page 12
In our 20th Season of the FIRST® Robotics Competition (FRC®), we continued to grow at record rates, with 2,072 teams participating in 59 events. But we
will not be satisfied until we inspire young people in every school in the U.S. to become science and technology leaders. Our success is also measured by the much
larger percentage of FIRST participants going to college and majoring in technology, engineering, and the sciences.
FIRST Tech Challenge..........................................page 14
FIRST® Robotics Competition.............................page 16
2011 was a banner year for many parts of the FIRST organization. Not only did CNN and ABC air specials on FIRST, but it was the inaugural year for a
new contest in our FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL®) program, the Global Innovation Award. FLL also saw growth across the globe with more than 167,000 9-16
year-olds (9-14 in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico) researching the human body in the “Body Forward®” Challenge. Junior FIRST® LEGO® League (Jr.FLL®)
enjoyed growth to over 12,000 6-9 year-olds on 2,147 teams from five countries, participating in more than 80 events. Our FIRST® Tech Challenge (FTC®)
game, “Get Over It!™,” brought more than 16,000 high-school participants to 101 Qualifying and Championship Tournaments, and we piloted the program
in India and China. Our college scholarships reached nearly $15 million from nearly 150 colleges, universities, and companies in the U.S. and Canada. We
introduced our first “team sustainability program” — selling the FIRST Green e-watt saver LED bulb — with teams raising more than half a million dollars.
However, the most impactful findings come from our own students. They are our ambassadors, telling the story of FIRST as they build their robots, work at major
corporations and in government, attend college, and help the next generation of technology leaders and innovators as FIRST Mentors and Volunteers.
Sponsors.......................................................................page 18
2011 Woodie Flowers Award...............................page 19
2011 Scholarship Program...................................page 21
2011 Founder’s Award............................................page 23
Financials .....................................................................page 58
Jon Dudas
There are thousands of ways our community helps “make FIRST loud,” creating stories of inspiration, innovation, and contributions of time, talent, and
resources to develop the science and technology leaders we need in our future. If “louder” translates into “bigger,” then join me this coming year to continue to
turn the volume up. We need to engage more of our youth than ever before. Our collective futures depend on it — in our universities, our corporations, our
governments, and our communities. The momentum we’ve gained in 2011 is solid ground for strong growth in 2012 and beyond. Thank you for your passion and
all you have done to date. If you are ready, we have a much bigger and even more rewarding job to accomplish.
Leadership....................................................................page 59
Jon Dudas, FIRST President
New Jersey Team “Makes It Loud” for Younger FIRST Teams
Turning up
the teams!
FIRST® Tech Challenge (FTC®) Team 4220, the “Landroids,” is one the most enthusiastic, unofficial supporters of
all things FIRST, especially when it comes to inspiring young kids to join the FIRST progression of programs. The
all-boy team connected with industry experts to help expand the reach of Junior FIRST LEGO League (Jr.FLL) teams
across their state. In 2010, they hosted their annual Jr.FLL Expo, the largest outdoor, carnival-style Jr.FLL Expo in
the nation, with 16 New Jersey Jr.FLL teams, plus dozens of Volunteers. As part of the event,
the Landroids invited robotics surgeons from Livingston’s St. Barnabas Medical Center to be
the Reviewers, which dovetailed off of the Jr.FLL 2010 Body Forward Challenge.
Jr.FLL has found its place as the starting point
for making a life-long impact on the future
of science and technology. Spreading into
countries around the world, Jr.FLL celebrated
its first ever World Festival Expo held at the
FIRST Championship in St. Louis.
Reviewers witnessed the creative
team Models and Show-Me
Posters with the event culminating
in a motivational closing ceremony
complete with awards and a
message by an inspired
youth Mentor.
From their own beginnings in 2007 as a
FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL®) team, the
Landroids have been documenting processes
and sharing organizational tips with local
parents interested in FIRST. Their focus
broadened from being an FLL team to organizing an FTC team, and inspired the formation
of several new teams. Eventually, they formed their own organization, the Livingston
Robotics Club, hosting elaborate summer workshops and lengthy in-person presentations.
The team’s community efforts have since expanded into a state-wide outreach.
“Beyond building robots, we should leverage the innovation, inspiration, and
interconnection that FIRST has brought to us,” said Landroids’ Coach Pearl Hwang.
When asked about the team’s success and extraordinary level of commitment, FIRST
New Jersey Regional Director Don Bowers said, “The Landroids have incorporated
continued renewal into their game — first they renew themselves by progressing
through FIRST challenges, second by giving back to the community, and finally
by competing in national robotics competitions that build upon the skills they’ve
learned from FIRST.”
Junior FIRST® LEGO® League (Jr.FLL®)
continued to see double digit growth with more than 2,100 teams
participating in the 2010/2011 Body Forward® Challenge. Jr.FLL captures
young children’s inherent curiosity and directs it toward discovering the
wonders of science and technology. Jr.FLL features a real-world Challenge,
which teams solve through research, critical thinking, and imagination.
Guided by adult Coaches and the Jr.FLL Core Values, students work with
LEGO elements and moving parts to build ideas and concepts and present
them for review. During the Body Forward season, children aged
6 to 9 researched the human body and what might go wrong with it.
Teams discovered how Biomedical Engineering helps people get
and stay healthy.
Valerie Mortensen
2004 2005 2006 20072008 2009 2010
Tanya Cisneros-Conreaux We are in process of forming
a group for Jr.FLL and so excited to get my son involved in
this amazing program at such a young age!
Like Comment Share • August 9 at 11:25 am
19 hours ago
I’ve been a Jr.FLL coach for 3 years now and the program is in such high
demand!! It’s a very unique after school offering and it is exciting helping the
kids learn how to work together in teams so by the end of our season… they
are proud of their accomplishments using LEGO!
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“The Flying Monkeys” Lend a Hand to “Make it Loud”
Turning up
the teams!
For a Georgia 3-year old, the chance to hold a pencil and draw for the first time is now a reality, thanks to the
creative efforts of FIRST LEGO League (FLL) team, “The Flying Monkeys,” and the FLL Global Innovation
Award — an inaugural competition sponsored by the X PRIZE Foundation in collaboration with the United
States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
THE Flying Monkeys
FLL is no stranger to global recognition and
exposure! This year’s launch of the postseason Global Innovation Award, presented
by the X PRIZE Foundation and in cooperation
with the United States Patent and Trademark
Office (USPTO), brought more awareness to
the amazing innovations FLL teams
develop through the Project and
Core Values aspects of the Challenge.
More than 200 million online
impressions were related to
the program and the
participating teams.
FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL®),
in its 12th season, had a total of 16,720 teams of
9 to 16-year-old children (9 to 14 in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico)
from more than 60 countries, tasked with solving a real-world problem in
the field of biomedical engineering. A set of Core Values, which serves as
the over-arching way FLL teams go about learning, sharing, and working
as a team, guided teams as they participated in programming a custommade, autonomous robot to perform theme-related missions using LEGO
MINDSTORMS® technology. Through the Body Forward® Challenge,
teams discovered what could go wrong with the human body and presented
their innovative solutions to panels of judges.
The 2010/2011 season included more than 540 qualifying events and
100 Championship Tournaments. This year, two Open Championships
were held, and 84 teams gathered at the World Festival in St. Louis to
celebrate the season. The Global Innovation Award, in its inaugural year,
provided an extension to the FLL season through an online competition
designed to help teams learn about intellectual property.
First Prize went to The Flying Monkeys, a Girl Scout FLL team from Ames, Iowa that more
than met the challenge with BOB-1, their multifunctional prosthetic hand device, which will help
people with limb abnormalities hold, grip, and
secure items. Their invention — made of moldable plastic, a pencil grip, and Velcro — was inspired by
Danielle Fairchild, the Duluth, Georgia toddler who was born without fingers on her dominant hand. As
part of their research, the team members met with a prosthetics manufacturer, an occupational therapist,
and people with limb differences, and then designed the easy-to-use and cost-effective prototype.
In addition to the tremendous satisfaction of helping the Georgia toddler — as well as the potential
to help many others like her in the future — The Flying Monkeys also received $20,000 from the
X PRIZE Foundation, which will be applied to cover costs associated with the patenting process.
The awards ceremony, held in Alexandria, Virginia this past June, also acknowledged a number
of patent-pending inventions developed by other FLL teams, recognizing their creativity,
compassion, and innovation. Winners were selected from more than 170 submissions from
15 countries. The entries were voted on by the public and then judged by an expert panel to
determine the most patentable ideas.
As part of the FLL Global Innovation Award competition, this year’s FLL teams were asked
to offer a solution to a critical, real-world problem in the field of biomedical engineering. The
competition tasked teams in more than 56 countries to submit ideas developed for the 2011
FLL Challenge, Body Forward.
19992000 200120022003 2004200520062007 200820092010
by FIRSTweets
mariestroughter: Marie My son’s been involved w/
@FirstLegoLeague since he was 6 (now 13). Has been best
educational investment #gifted #homeschool 3 April
Sue Mueller Hoyt
Yesterday at 4:34pm
Being part of the FIRST experience is life changing. My son was a FIRST
LEGO League participant and then coach. he received a 12,000 dollar
scholarship to college because of it.
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FTC makes it loud and “Dirty”
Turning up
the teams!
When The Black Eyed Peas’ frontman will.i.am needed to build a robot for his groundbreaking appearance at the
2011 FIRST Championship, he turned to FIRST Tech Challenge and Team 3509, “Phoenxtrix,” of Folsom, California.
FIRST® Tech Challenge (FTC®) experienced an
unprecedented 45 percent growth in teams in the 2010/2011
season. There were more than 16,000 high-school students on
1,606 teams, in five countries, competing in 101 Qualifying
and Championship Tournaments and one World Championship
Tournament. One hundred twenty-eight teams earned the right to compete
in the FTC World Championship in St. Louis. will.i.am, frontman for
The Black Eyed Peas, chose to feature FTC Team 3509, “Phoenxtrix,”
in the “i.am FIRST – Science is Rock and Roll” television special on the
ABC Network. In the FTC “GET OVER IT!™” game, teams of up to 10
students used a combination of sensors, including infrared tracking (IR), line
following, magnet seeking, and ultrasonic touch, to program their robots to
operate in both autonomous and driver-controlled modes. Robots executed
both offensive and defensive strategies to score batons into stationary and
rolling goals. Guided by adult Mentors, FTC teams designed, built, and
competed in an Alliance format and used a modular robotics platform,
applying real-world math and science concepts.
FIRST Tech Challenge “made it loud” for students
around the world when will.i.am showed them how
accessible FTC can be to participants from diverse
ethnic, cultural, and socio-economic backgrounds.
Students in the program develop team-building
and problem solving skills while applying
real-world math and science principles.
They gain confidence in themselves, learn
to work together as a team, and develop
a greater understanding of innovation
and engineering — and feel the thrill of
success. They are becoming the
next generation of science
and technology leaders
who are not only
making FTC “loud,”
but also fun.
In addition to building and qualifying their own robot for the FTC World Championship,
Phoenxtrix also acted as the design and build team for will.i.am’s robot. With guidance from
Ken Johnson, FTC Director, the project was kept under wraps until its debut at the World
Championship in April.
A highlight of the World Championship
event was the FTC Celebrity Match featuring
FIRST Founder Dean Kamen with Team
2859, “Team Tiki,” from McLean,
Virginia; FIRST President Jon Dudas with
FTC Team 311, “the Fem Bots,” from
Williamston, South Carolina; and will.i.am’s “Dirty Bot.” Under intense media scrutiny and
tough competition, “Dirty Bot” emerged as the winning FTC Celebrity Alliance.
The spotlight on FTC and Phoenxtrix didn’t end there. “Dirty Bot” was the focus of
numerous national interviews and stories promoting FTC. The robot logged thousands of
travel miles promoting FIRST, including making an appearance on “Piers Morgan Tonight,”
and will.i.am’s FTC experience became the key storyline in “i.am FIRST – Science is Rock
and Roll.” The ABC Network special celebrated the 20th annual FIRST Championship
and also featured live performances by The Black Eyed Peas and Willow Smith.
“Dirty Bot” is now de-commissioned and still proudly belongs to will.i.am.
2005 2005 2006200720082009 2010
Michael McKellar
Sravan Suryadevara FTC is pretty awesome, mentoring
a team right now and the small group dynamic is terrific.
Allows you to work with the whole team, but at the same
time part of a team.
Like Comment Share • 20 hours ago
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19 hours ago
In four short years of FIRST I’ve watched my twin son & daughter become
competent programmers, engineers, researchers, team members,
presenters, and mentors. They blow me away with how much they know at
their young age. Wow, what an advantage.
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“Loud” and Local:
Mentor Says Never Underestimate the Power of a FIRST Challenge
Turning up
the teams!
When asked how he ended up with “the best job in the world,” FIRST Robotics Competition Coach, Mentor, and
Associate Director of the Robotics Resource Center at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) Brad Miller says he
spent so much time working on robotics-related activities that WPI had no choice but to make it official.
Brad Miller
When technology and rock and roll converge, the
combination is nothing less than amazing. That was
evidenced by a 2011 groundbreaking, star-studded ABC
TV special that showcased the efforts of FIRST in
inspiring young people as it took an inside look at the
20th annual FRC season and FIRST Championship.
The program, “i.am FIRST — Science is Rock
and Roll,” drew 2.8 million viewers; received
extensive media coverage by CNN, CBS,
BET, Forbes, The Washington Post,
Bloomberg, NPR, Reuters, Yahoo
News, The Boston Herald,
The Huffington Post, and
more; and generated more
In 2011, the FIRST® Robotics Competition (FRC®)
celebrated its 20th season, commemorating two decades of
innovation in science, technology, engineering, and math. More
than 51,000 high-school students (2,072 teams, including 410
rookie teams) from 11 countries took on the LOGO MOTION™
engineering challenge. Three-team Alliances competed on a
27' x 54' field, earning points by hanging inflated triangle, circle, and
square logo pieces during a match lasting two minutes and 15 seconds.
Bonus points were earned for arranging pieces to form the FIRST logo
and for deploying mini-bots to climb vertical poles. Teams participated
in 48 Regional Competitions, nine District Competitions and one
State Championship in Michigan, and the FRC Championship at
the Edward Jones Dome, St. Louis, Missouri. This past year, team
members were eligible to apply for nearly $15 million in college
scholarships from nearly 150 providers.
than 68,000,000 hits
on numerous social
networks including
Twitter, Facebook,
LinkedIn, and
In 2000, the Massachusetts college’s Associate Provost suggested Miller check out a
FIRST event. Miller was so impressed by the enthusiasm of the FIRST students that he
asked the Mentor of Team 190 — from Massachusetts Academy of Math and Science
High School — if he could help. He has been
mentoring the team ever since.
Miller helps with training at Kickoff
Workshops for Mentors and gives pregame sessions that get FRC teams up to
speed for the coming season. In addition, he created WPILib, a software library that simplifies
the process of programming the robots. This software is available to all FRC teams.
One of the most rewarding aspects of Miller’s time with FIRST has been the opportunity
to watch teams take software that he developed and use it to do things they “never thought
possible; to solve problems they thought were out of their reach.”
Miller is grateful for the opportunity WPI has provided him. “I feel fortunate
to be working at a school that thinks so highly of the FIRST program,” says Miller,
who adds that WPI sponsors two FRC teams, is an Operational Partner for
FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL®) in Massachusetts, and hosts an FRC Regional
Competition, as well as the Massachusetts State FLL Championship.
John Knox
February 22 at 10:33pm
Imagine… if that high school kid in 1978 with the really cool Camaro had
been given the chance FIRST provides? What would he be doing now?
FIRST takes that kid and makes him a super star. That’s why I love FIRST!
19921996 1997 19981999 20002001200220032004200520062007 200820092010 2011
by FIRSTweets
stepstate Steph A high school kid in Soledad’s #dontfailme special:
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" I feel I don’t have the right to not use the abilities I have." Wow.
21 May
29 people like this
Woodie Flowers Award Recipient John Larock Says Prestigious Award Is an Honor
FIRST Robotics Canada
David Golman
Ling Hung
Mary Ann Fischer
Francisco J. Gomez
Jessica Hurley
Neil Flaherty & Susan Murray
Google Matching Gifts Program v
IBM Employee Services Center v
Neil & Susan Flaherty
Peter Green
Sally Ilagan
Marie Flositz
Veryl Greene
ImportantGifts, Inc.
Craig Foyer
Greenspan Foundation
Tracy Fragassi
John Gregor
Institute for International Research in honor
of Dean Kamen
William Frazier
Gregory Gross
Intel Foundation
Jeremy Freitas
Steve & Cathy Guarascio
Deborah Friedman
Michael Guidry
International Flavors & Fragrances,
Inc. (IFF) v
Scott Frock
Jon Guild
International Society of Automation (ISA)
in honor of Dean Kamen
Donald & Linda Fuhrman
Sylvia Gutierrez
Anthony & Susan Jaccino
Linda Fuhrman
David Guy
Jacquelyn Jacobs
Erin Fuller
Mark & Cheryl Hammel
Jim Jamieson
Brian Gallagher
Robert & Linda Hammond
Gene & Lori Jasper
Mark Gallivan
Heidi Hansch
Cynthia Jaworsky
Garuda, U.S. Inc.
Brandon R. Hansen
Edna Joe
Adam R. Gaslowtiz
GE Energy (Atlanta)
Harris Corporation, RF Communications
John Hancock Financial Services, Inc.,
Matching Gift Program v
GE Foundation v
Christian Hasselberg
Karen Johnson
General Dynamics Electric Boat
Walter P. Havenstein n
Scott & Charlene Johnson
Jon Dudas n
General Motors Corporation
Henry & Lynne Heilbrunn
Valerie Johnson
Robert Dunlop
Meryl Gersh
Robert & Karen Heon
David Johnston
Brett Dunst
Joel L. Gilbert
Kathleen Herald-Austin
Eleanor Jorgensen
Terry & Patti Durkin
Emma Gilleland
Adam Hess
The JPMorgan Chase Foundation v
Terry & Patti Durkin in memory of Scott Frock
Brian & Mary Gillespie
Karen Hill
Just Give v
Annie Eis
Global Bankcard Systems, LLC
Henry D. Hines
Nancy Kaindl
Dean Kamen n
In addition to the formal Sponsors, Suppliers, and Contributors acknowledged on these pages, FIRST extends its sincere
appreciation to the tens of thousands of Volunteers who generously devote their time and expertise, and the thousands of
Sponsors of FIRST Robotics Competition, FIRST Tech Challenge, FIRST LEGO League, and Junior FIRST LEGO League teams
and events. FIRST could not achieve the powerful impact it does without this tremendous support.
FIRST thanks all of its supporters and makes every effort to ensure complete and accurate listings. If we’ve made an error,
please accept our sincere apology, and please help us correct it by letting us know at 1-800-871-8326.
Brian & Lynn Aldrich
Wilfred Bourdon
Amanda Charles
Wayne Davis
Paul Allaire l
Donald Bowers in honor of Roseann Stevens
Uma Chetty
Judith De Zanger
Dona Alpert
Donald Bowers in memory of Jack Kamen
Deborah A. Chilton
Mark DesMarais
Joseph Alsop
Anthony Boxall
Cheryl Chraston
Diane Deutsch
Nancy Amburgey
Brenda M. Bozeman
Joe & Cindy Chrisman
Dale DeYoung
Baxter International Inc.
American Express Company
Joan Brandsgaard
Gary Christelis
DirecTV Matching Gift Center v
Boston Scientific Corporation
Howard Anderson
Andrea Brandt
James Chuber
Discover Financial Services v
The Chrysler Foundation
Anonymous Donors
Daniel Singer Bricklin
Cisco Systems, Inc.v
L. Kaye Dodd
DEKA Research & Development Corporation
Amy Arcail
Douglas Britz
Angela Cleggett
John Doerr l
Delphi Corporation
Argosy Foundation
The Bronfin Family
James Douglas
General Motors Corporation
Don Arnold
David & Lori Brooks
The Coca-Cola Company in
honor of Dean Kamen
Johnson & Johnson
Laura Austin
Beverly Brouhard
Vincent & Lorraine Colarusso
Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers
Aviation Communication
and Surveillance Systems, LLC (ACSS)
John T. Buchman
Colorado FIRST in memory of Mark
Drury Design Dynamics in honor
of Dean Kamen
n Member of the FIRST Board of Directors
s Member of the FIRST Executive Advisory Board
l FIRST Honorary Director
v Matching Gift
Motorola, Inc.
Xerox Corporation
BAE Systems
The Boeing Company
DEKA Research & Development Corporation
FedEx Corporation
General Motors Corporation
Johnson & Johnson
Motorola Mobility Foundation
Motorola Solutions Foundation
National Instruments Corporation
Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Rockwell Collins, Inc.
Time Warner Cable
John Abele n
Nora Abrahamer
Michael Adams
Mario Albuja
Aviation Week
Arlen A. Axdahl
Bancroft-Clair Foundation
Martin Barker
Thai Bui
Ursula Burns n
Kevin Burtt
The Butner Family Foundation
in honor of FRC Team 2416
Keith & Brenda Conklin
George Conrades
Chris & Laura Conroy
Constellation Energy Group, Inc. v
The Dow Chemical Company
Elizabeth Byrd
Harold Cooper
Gail Battaglia
Deborah Cahill
Timothy & Jennifer Cope
Marc & Sallie Elman
Alexander Goldinger
Jerome Holland
Clair Baum
Robert & Irene Caldwell
Richard & Ann Corbin
Elsevier Foundationv
Arlene Goldman
Deborah Hollenbach
Lance & Amy Kasari
Steven A. Campbell
Angelo Corradino
Marc Goldman
The Kennedy Family Trust
John & Maureen Canada
Eric Corrigan
Employees Community Fund of
The Boeing Company v
Honeywell International Inc.
Goldman Sachs Matching Gift Program v
Howard Honig
Frank Beachly
Louis Capobianco
Christopher & Amy Cotterill
Jeffrey & Doris Goldstein
Houston Endowment, Inc.
Key Speakers Bureau, Inc.
in honor of Dean Kamen
Carol Bell
William Carboneau
Cecilia & Tim Craig
Scott & Barbara Erlich
Christopher Bentzel
Deborah Carl
Jeffrey Crosby
Brenda Eskelson
Wendy Carlson
Dominick Cuccurullo
Eric Espenhahn
Geoffrey B Brown
Rajeev Bhatt
Timothy & Carol Carman
Debra P. Cummings
Jeffrey Evelhoch
February 22 at 10:33pm
Suzanne Bird
Edward Casey
Fabiana & Ariel Czemerinski
Josh Ewing
Castaing Family Foundation
Sheryl Damato
Shelley Fannin
The Bollard Group in honor of John Abele
Raghothama Cauligi
Dawn Dammann
Elizabeth Farah
Wendelyn Bolles
Mary Anne Ceci
Dancing Tides Foundation
Charlotte Farrior
Linda Boran
Margret Celidonia
Birgit Danziger
Guy Fedorkow
Chris Bosco
Karen Cell
Kathleen S. Dartnell
Daniel & Lori Feig-Sandoval
Carla Bossone in memory
of James H. Mollitor
Champlain College in honor of John Abele
Diana L. D’Avello
Mary Jo Fields
William Chapman
Lynden Davis
FIRST in memory of Gerry Wilson
Andrew Bartkus
James Baum
Bausch & Lomb Incorporated
Dennis Berkey s
Kathleen Bliss Callow
That’s really awesome. President Obama’s attention to
education and in particular science is really phenomenal.
Congratulations FIRST!
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3 people like this
Although he has earned many
awards in his tenure with the
organization, Delaware-area FIRST
Mentor John Larock says receiving
this year’s Woodie Flowers Award
— in recognition of Mentors who
lead, inspire, and empower
using excellent communication
skills — is a special honor.
While thrilled to receive the
coveted award, Larock is
quick to note his work with FIRST is
about more than just awards. Rather, it’s about
his consummate passion when encouraging students —
and the entire state of Delaware — to embrace FIRST
and the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and
math) disciplines.
Larock, who during his “spare” time is a University
Relations and College Recruiting Manager at DuPont,
has been instrumental in the company’s support of many
FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) teams and the FRC
Philadelphia Regional. As Mentor of FRC Team 365 “Miracle
Workerz” — aka “MOE” — Larock partnered with Salem
Community College (SCC) and FRC Team 316 “LuNaTeCs”
to develop the off-season “Duel on the Delaware” robotics
competition, now in its tenth year.
Another “claim to fame” is Larock’s creation of MOE U
and a corresponding robotics curriculum. The fall training
program helps students earn up to 18 college credits at
SCC while learning engineering and machine shop skills.
In 2003, he also developed MOEmentum, a web-based
weekly guide for rookie FRC teams. In addition, the
prolific Mentor, with the help of team members, designed
a one-day competition to introduce FIRST to students in
Northern Ireland.
On a daily basis, Larock coaches FIRST strategists, scouts,
and Mentors. In addition, Larock has given hundreds of
presentations and demos at schools, community events,
and businesses on behalf of FIRST.
As an enthusiastic advocate for FIRST, Larock is a welldeserved recipient of the Woodie Flowers Award. As one
Mentor said so well, “When the Woodie Flowers Award was
created, it was as if they had John in mind.”
Warren Kingsbury
Supone Manakasettharn
Gerard Muldoon Dennis Ramos
Sam Schreiber
Robin Sykes
United Technologies Corporation (UTC)
Girl Scouts of the USA
Richard Kirkpatrick
Chris & Cecilia Mann
Marian & Brian Murphy Kimberley Raue
Brian & Louise Schwartz
Virginia Szymanowski
MIT/MIT Alumni Association
Pamela Klawitter
Jonathan Mansur
Dimitri Nazarenko Mary Raven & Mark Duckworth
Christina Scott
Fariha Tahir
Kathleen Kolberg
Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza
Leroy Nelson Razoo
Ruby Scott
Kathleen Takeshita
University of Toledo AHEC Program,
Kathleen Vasquez & Janet Pietrykowski in
memory of Drew Proefrock
Robin Koos
Siva Marella
James Neophytou Marjorie Reamer
Scott & Kelly Taschler
Adam Korn
Ronald & Cindy Mariano
Paulette Nessim Kelly Reardon
Seacoast Fencing Club –
Christopher & Robin Pullo
Ross & Jody Korves
Raymond & Pamela Marra
NetScout Systems, Inc. v
Cynthia Reiman
Melinda Seader
Jennifer Reiman
Segway Inc.
Paul and Noa Rensing
Pamela M. Sexton
Sandra A. Kraine
Ellen Krasavage
Gregory Marton
Elliott Masie n
Network for Good
Ceci Neumann s
Cheryl Kuberka
Cristian Mata
Karen Nichols Research in Motion in honor of Dean Kamen
Susan Shanor
Norsam Kumar
Thomas & Catherine Mataloni
William Nottingham Mark H. Shapiro
Alan & Susan Kundrock
Susie Mathieu n
Cindy O’Brien & R. Kelly McElhaney Retail Industry Leaders Association in honor
of Dean Kamen
Joseph & Nancy Kunkel
Floyd Matsumoto
Esay Okutgen W. Frederick Riddle
Dennis Kurk
Jill Maxwell
Seamas O’Scalaidhe
Ariel Rideout
Shire Human Genetic Therapies, Inc.
Robert C. Lace
Azucena Mayberry
David Otten
Gerard Ring
Show Ready Events, LLC
Debra Silberberg
Karl & Cynthia Shepherd
Eric & Mary Sherk
Janet LaFara
Cheryl Mayforth
Hernando & Edilia Ovies
RJG Foundation
David Lam
Jason Mayling
Ray C. Pais
Garth Roark
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Regina Papini
John Roberts
Michael & Avis Silver
James Parker
Marisol Roberts
Amy Smith
Jeffry & Julie Smith
Jason Lee
Judith Lee
Martin McCormick
James McDermott
James R. Utaski n
Teradata Cares
Anonymous Donor
Susan Baxley
Gary Boggs
Dennis Drayer
Richard Pogue
Timothy Rucker
Srikrishna Venigalla
Carol Walter
Michelle Woolfolk
Theta Tau Engineering Fraternity
Gerlad Thompson
Kathleen Thompson
LEGO System A/S
Glenn McDonald
Robert Parkinson n
Michael & Laura Lemancik
David McElroy
Edward & Vivien Parks
Tracy Romano
Kristen Snyder
Daniel & Holly Parr
Carolyn Romero
Lana Soricelli
Partners & Spade in honor of Dean Kamen
Deborah Rose
Allan Sowinski
John & Ann Pate
Nancy Rosenberg
Eileen M. Span
TJX Companies, Inc.
in honor of James H. Mollitor
Beth Lennan
Jessica Lensch-Falk
Nina McElroy
Kenneth & Dana McNeil
Gillian McPhee
Virginia G. Thompson
Thelma Tilton
Time Warner Cable in honor of Dean Kamen
Annelise Tinkcom
National 4-H Council
National Robotics Week
Society for Laboratory Automation
and Screening (SLAS)
Donna Van Ness
Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
Theresa Vargas
Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
Larry & Sandy Wachowski
2011 FIRST
Official Championship Sponsors
Kevin & Patricia Waggoner
Brad Walchak
Kay Wallace
Autodesk, Inc.
Cheryl Walsh
BAE Systems
Ross J. Weintraub
John Wells
Ronald & Angela Wenger
United States Air Force
Tom Wetherald
United Technologies Corporation (UTC)
Derek R. White
FIRST Championship Sponsors
Vincent Wilczynski s
The Boeing Company
Tiffany Williams
The Coca-Cola Company
Paul & Nancy Winch
global glacéau vitaminwater
Laura & Bill Vogel
Marvin Dillard
Matt Winter
National Defense Education Program (NDEP)
Paul Wood
Leroy & Morton Productions, Inc. in honor of
Dean Kamen
Timothy McVey
Merri Patrick
Kathryn A. Rosenburg
Bonnie Spearman
Scott Meardon
Kenneth Paulson
Richard & Julia Ross
Mary Specht
Razilya Todor
Timothy Wood
FIRST Tech Challenge
World Championship Sponsor
Catherine Levesque
Marc Pawliger
Thomas & Mary Rosser
Sara Sprung
Eric Toennies
Wendy Wood
Medical Billing Associates, LLC
Megan Lewis
Steven D. Meed
Victor Penico
Judi Roth
Gregory Stachelczyk
Ralph Tompkins
William Wulf
FIRST Shipping Sponsor
Simone Lewis
Kim Meier
Lisa Perdue
Phillip Roux
Cynthia Stalcup
Toshiba America Electronic Components
Pamela Wunsch
Qingman Li
Daryl Meling
Sara Peterson
Tina Roy
Douglas & Marsha Steffen
Joel & Ann Toupin
Xerox Foundation
Irene Lin
Joseph Merritt & Company
Pheasant Hill Foundation
John & Mary Runnion
Cathleen Stenquist
Nancy Traner
Gang Xu
Mark & Roseann Stevens
Travelers Foundation
Galya Yaneva
Rick Stevens
Angela Tribulato
Erik Young
Ryan Stillwater
Brett Truett
Frederick T. Zendt
Dia Stolnitz
Mucahit Turel
Zoran Zvonar
Linda Stone
Robert n & Linda Tuttle
Richard Strakus
Paul Ulland
Kate Straus
Myron Ullman, III n
Cherrie Fleisher-Strauss & Mike Strauss
James & Carol Unger
Stephen & Laura Linder
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program v
Melissa Phillips
Michael Rusignuolo
The Lindner Family Foundation, Inc.
Mile High United Way
Colleen Pierson
Jack and Frances Sall Charitable Foundation
in honor of Jared Miller, alumnus of
FRC Team 1676
Christopher Linn
A. Kevin & Brenda Miller
Jahala Lostroscio
William Miller
Tammy Pilkington in memory of Mark
Susan Lucci
Diane Mitchell
Ramon Pizano
Elsbieta Lulewicz
Joseph Mollica
Beth Portnoy
Jeannette Lummis
mono in honor of Dean Kamen
Brad Powell
Christine Lux
Monsantogether v
Maryann Prescott
Paul Maeder
Lottie Moran
Donald Protzman
Anna Maenhout
Mitch & Denise Morel
Qualcomm Matching Gift Program v
Cristina Mahon
The Mortenson Family Foundation
Anna T. Radcliffe
Barry Maiten
Lynn Mortensen Kenneth Rajman
Deepak & Judith Malhotra
Paul & Anita Moss Mark Ralston
Anna Sampieri
Sanghi Family Foundation
Josephine Sangiorgi
Lizabeth Sarakin
Dilip Sathe
Yolanda Sato
Terence Sauer
Tyla Sawyer
Eric Schinfeld in honor of Tom Cunniff
Lynn Schloz
America’s Promise Alliance
Paul & Gwyn Sussman
William & Kathleen Sweet
Joshua Sweetkind-Singer
Dirk Sweigart
Swiss Re
UVAS Foundation
Verizon Foundation
Miguel Rodriguez
Mary Jane Lemire
FIRST Scholarship Program 2011
FedEx Corporation
Machine Shop & Satellite Broadcast
FIRST Safety Partner
Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
FIRST Event Sponsor
Google Inc.
FIRST Judges Sponsor
Automation Federation/ISA
Society for Laboratory Automation
and Screening (SLAS)
Connect a Million MindsTM,
an Initiative of Time Warner Cable
FIRST Scholarship Row Sponsors
Maryville University
by FIRSTweets
Yeah my kids looooved this doc! They’ll
def be in robotics—and I’ll financially support a team too #dontfailme #fb 21 May
Soledad O’Brien
is all about
educational opportunities.
In 2011, all FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) team
members were eligible for over 930 scholarship
opportunities, valued at more than $14.8 million.
FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) students were eligible
for nearly $9.7 million of these scholarship funds.
The majority of FIRST scholarships are provided
by colleges or universities for enrollment at their
campuses. The rest are provided by corporations
and professional associations and are awarded
for use at any school. Listed in this 2011 report
(page 22) are 148 FIRST Scholarship Providers,
22 of which are new this year.
Some FIRST scholarships are awarded for special
majors such as engineering, math, science,
computer science, or technology. Others can
be used for any course of study. The values
of scholarships vary from full tuition to under
$1,000. Most are renewable annually if the student
maintains an acceptable academic average.
Missouri University of Science
and Technology
Florida A&M University/Boeing
Pace University
University of Maryland/BAE Systems
FLL National Team Sponsors
Alberta Ingenuity Fund
Florida Institute of Technology
Penn State/BAE Systems
University of Massachusetts Amherst/PTC
GE Foundation
Alberta Teachers’ Association
Memorial University, Faculty of
Engineering and Applied Science
China and Hong Kong
Semia Limited
University of Missouri
Fluid Power Educational Foundation
Pennsylvania College of Technology
University of Massachusetts Lowell
GE Healthcare
Alberta Youth Robotics Society
Verafin Software Inc.
Association of Professional Engineers,
Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta
Nova Scotia
Fundación Global AC&T
FIRST Robotics Conference Sponsors
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Adelphi University
American Petroleum Institute – Delta
Arizona State University
ASME – ASME Auxiliary
BAE Systems
Baker University
The Boeing Company
Boston University
Bradley University
Bucknell University
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo/BAE Systems
California State University,
Los Angeles/Boeing
Gates Corporation
Phil Clancy Memorial Scholarship
University of Minnesota/PTC
National Defense Education Program (NDEP)
Grand Valley State University
Plymouth State University
University of Missouri
FLL Global Innovation Award Sponsor
Illinois Institute of Technology
Purdue University/BAE Systems
University of Rochester
Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México
University of South Carolina
International Fluid Power Society
Randolph College
University of South Florida
Itasca Community College
Raytheon Company
University of Southern California
ITT Technical Institute
University of Texas Arlington
Johnson & Wales University
Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute/BAE Systems
Kansas State University
Rochester Institute of Technology
Kettering University
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
University of Washington/Boeing
Lake Superior State University
Saint Vincent College
University of Waterloo
Lawrence Technological University
Schoolcraft College
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Lindenwood University
Seattle Pacific University
Marquette University
Semester at Sea/Institute for
Shipboard Education
Maryville University
SME Education Foundation
University of Texas at Austin
University of Toronto
Vermont Technical College
Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia Tech/BAE Systems
Washington State University
Mineral Area College
Wayne State University
Clarkson University
Missouri University of Science and
Southern California Regional Robotics Forum
(SCRRF)/Time Warner Cable
DigiPen Institute of Technology
Drexel University
Eastern Michigan University
Eastern Washington University
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Farmingdale State College
Ferris State University
Nova Scotia Community College
Edmonton Economic Development
Event Pro Planner
Nova Scotia Economic and Rural
Development and Tourism
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
Red Deer College
Research in Motion
Prime FLL
Spectrum Nasco Educational Supplies Ltd.
Tac Mobility
Jalynn Bennett
BAE Systems
Tourism Alberta
The Burgess Family
IBM Corporation
University of Alberta Education
Students Society
FIRST Robotics Canada
National Instruments Corporation
University of Alberta Engineering
Students Society
Waiward Steel Fabricators Ltd.
Spectrum Nasco Educational Supplies Ltd.
Western Achrib
University of Ontario Institute of Technology
University of New Hampshire/BAE Systems
City College of New York, CUNY
DeVry University
City of Edmonton
Washtenaw Community College
DePaul University
Czech Republic
Hofstra University
FLL Host Organizations and
Championship Tournament Sponsors
Society of Women Engineers – Houston Area
Daniel Webster College
Nova Scotia Business, Inc.
University of Nebraska – Lincoln
Milwaukee School of Engineering
Columbia University
Edmonton Catholic Schools
Portland State University
Case Western Reserve University
Colorado Technical University – Denver
National Instruments Corporation
Harvey Mudd College
Metropolitan Community College
Colorado State University
Delta Hotels
University of Missouri – Kansas City
Carnegie Mellon University/Boeing
College of the Atlantic
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Polytechnic Institute of NYU
Society of Petroleum Engineers –
Delta Section
College of Southern Maryland
IBM Corporation
Hampshire College
Capitol College
College for Creative Studies
Acadia University
Association of Science and Engineering
Technology Professionals of Alberta
X PRIZE Foundation
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Clemson University
2011 Founder’s Award Recipient Helps Dreams Become a Reality
Washington University in St. Louis/Boeing
Westwood College
Spring Arbor University
William Paterson University
Molloy College
Stevens Institute of Technology
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Montclair State University
St. Mary’s University
New Jersey Institute of Technology
SUNY Potsdam
New Mexico State University/Boeing
FLL Founding Partner
Sweet Briar College
The LEGO Group
New School
Team San Diego/Time Warner Cable
NHTI Concord’s Community College
FLL Official Suppliers
Temple University
LEGO Systems A/S
Norfolk State University/BAE Systems
Teradata Corporation
3M Company
North Carolina A&T State University
Texas A&M University
North Carolina State University
FLL Global Sponsors
Tulane University
3M Company
Northeastern University
University of Arizona/BAE Systems
Northwestern University
University of Connecticut
National Instruments Corporation
Nuts, Bolts and Thingamajigs, The
Foundation of FMA, Intl.
University of Delaware
Rockwell Automation, Inc.
University of Hartford
University of Hawaii at Mãnoa/BAE Systems
FLL Global Team Sponsors
University of Illinois at Chicago
Caterpillar, Inc.
University of Iowa
Motorola Foundation
University of Kansas
Ohio State University
Olin College of Engineering
Oregon Institute of Technology
Oregon State University
Educación Tecnológica
LEGO Education
Motorola, Inc.
McMaster University
Ontario Power Generation
WestJet Airlines
Fundación Mustakis
British Columbia
National Instruments Corporation
British Columbia Institute of
Technology, Burnaby
Life Sciences BC
Vision Components
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
Council of Canada
Jubilee Center for Excellence in Education
LEGO Foundation
The Santiago Times
Science World at TELUS World of Science
Stichting Techniekpromotie
Starfish Medical, Victoria
Newfoundland and Labrador
Frencken Group
Eastern School District, NL
Universidad Catolica
de la Santisima Concepcion
IBM Corporation
INTRD (Innovation Trade and Rural
Development), Government of
Newfoundland and Labrador
Provincie Noord-Brabant
Universidad de Magallanes
Universidad de Talca
Motorola, Inc.
National Instruments Corporation
Vision Components
FIRST Scandinavia
Helse Nord
JL Foundation
Norwegian Ministry of Education
Norwegian Research Council
Spare Bank Nord
Ministry of Communications and
Information Technology
Faroe Islands
FIRST Scandinavia
Senter Novem
TU Delft
Universiteit Twente
ZOOM Editora Educacional LTDA
Ankit Shah FIRST inspired me to get a move on my education and to
work harder to achieved my goals. Why should you join FIRST? Well…
why not? FIRST teaches you about STEM, and you dont even realize it
because you are having too much fun!
Like Comment Share • 3 hours ago
2 people like this
Since initiating
its involvement
with FIRST in 2001,
The Boeing
Company —
the 2011
FIRST Founder’s Award
recipient — has donated scholarships
and provided employee Volunteers and countless
Mentors to the organization, as well as sponsored
numerous teams (more than 150 FIRST Robotics
Competition teams through grants and Mentors
last season alone).
The Founder’s Award, presented annually for
exceptional service in advancing the ideals
and mission of FIRST, was accepted by Boeing
Senior Vice President of Human Resources and
Administration Rick Stephens, who pledged
continued commitment in helping FIRST reach
its strategic objectives for growth. Boeing is
also a FIRST Strategic Partner and a
Championship Sponsor.
“These young innovators will solve the problems we
don’t know exist yet,” said Stephens, who added
that the partnership with FIRST builds on Boeing’s
ongoing commitment to inspire future engineers
and scientists.
FIRST Founder Dean Kamen applauded the efforts
of Boeing at this year’s Championship, saying it’s
an extraordinary company “that has made dreams
fly and become a reality for thousands of students
who would not otherwise have had an opportunity to
participate in FIRST.”
Helse Nord
National Instruments Corporation
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Twin Lakes McDonald’s
LEGO Systems Inc.
JL Foundation
California – Southern/LEGOLAND
Motorola, Inc.
Bárbara and Ignacio Navarro
Norwegian Ministry of Education
Vision Components
Alaska Space Grant
Rick & Therese Cassar
Northeast Utilities CL&P
Norwegian Research Council
California State University, Fresno
Indio Youth Task Force
Pitney Bowes
ABB México
Motorola, Inc.
Jubilee Center for Excellence in Education
Anchorage School District
LEGOLAND® California
Techtronics Ltd.
ACS México
Spare Bank Nord
National Instruments Corporation
Center for Advanced Research
and Technology Marketplace True Value First State Robotics, Inc.
ATMATA Advanced Automation
Juneau Economic Development Council
Clovis Unified School District
Vision Components
Lower Kuskokwim School District
Retro Bill Productions
National Defense Education Program
Teichert Foundation
Delmarva Power
DENSO International America
Jubilee Center for Excellence in Education
Daaboul Industrial Group
Technion – FIRST Israel
South Africa
Tshwane University of Technology
California – Los Angeles
SMaRT Education Time Warner Cable
Applied Materials
ViaSat, Inc.
Bank Poalim
General Motors México
SAP South Africa
Ministry of Science and Technology – Israel
Grupo Deltron
University of Alaska Fairbanks, College of
Engineering and Mines
Antelope Valley Union
High School District
Elk’s Lodge #307
General Motors Corporation
Wernher Von Braun IEP SRL
AGBU Manoogian-Demirdjian School
Cape Town Science Centre
University of Alaska Anchorage,
School of Engineering
Grupo BAL
City of Modi’in
Instituto Tecnológico
Autónomo de México
Sci-Bono Discovery Centre
University of the Western Cape
South Korea
FESTO (Feeling and Enjoying Science &
Technology Organization)
JL Foundation
Marel Food Systems
Norwegian Ministry of Education
Norwegian Research Council
University of Iceland, School of Engineering
and Natural Sciences
Spare Bank Nord
Planète Sciences
Association Science Ouverte
Motorola, Inc.
National Instruments Corporation
Vision Components
FIRST Scandinavia
Helse Nord
JL Foundation
Norwegian Ministry of Education
Norwegian Research Council
Spare Bank Nord
Lakai Marie
Motorola, Inc.
Sasbadi Sdn Bhd
Helse Nord
National Instruments Corporation
Vision Components
FIRST LEGO League á Íslandi
City of Ra’anana
City of Tamra
City of Tel Aviv
City of Yerucham
Learning Systems
LEGO Education
Jubilee Center for Excellence in Education
Jubilee Center for Excellence in Education
Jubilee Center for Excellence in Education
Cedars Cultural School
Stichting Techniekpromotie
Frencken Group
IBM Corporation
Provincie Nord-Brabant
Senter Novem
TU Delft
Universiteit Twente
Bosch México
Explora, Descubre Y Crea, AC
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios
Superiores de Monterrey –
Campus Toluca
Motorola, Inc.
Grace & Thomas Lieblein
National Instruments Corporation
Oxford School of English, A.C.
Vision Components
Papalote Museo del Niño
Xerox Mexico
Stichting Techniekpromotie
Frencken Group
IBM Corporation
Provincie Nord-Brabant
Senter Novem
Engenho & Obra
Jubilee Center for Excellence in Education
Gold Fields Mining Innovation
University of South Africa
DONGA Science
LEGO Education
Fundación Scientia
Arab Thought Foundation
JL Foundation
Universiteit Twente
Aseer Scientific Club
Norwegian Ministry of Education
Helse Nord
New Zealand
Dar Al Rowad School
Norwegian Research Council
Royal Commission in Jubail
Academic Colleges Group
Royal Commission in Yanbu
Spare Bank Nord
Computer Engineering Ltd.
Heartware Network/Science
Centre Singapore
Economic Development Board, Singapore
National Instruments Corporation (SE Asia)
Science Centre Singapore
Temasek Polytechnic
Ball Corporation
Chaminade College Preparatory
Broadband Video
National Instruments Corporation
Arizona State University,
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Chevron Corporation
on behalf of Tony Young
Colorado School of Mines
K. Kingdom Inc.
General Dynamics C4 Systems
Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles
Gammaco Thailand Co. Ltd.
Goodrich Corporation,
Electronic Systems Center
jcpenney on behalf of Nicholas Pontius
Jubilee Center for Excellence in Education
The Home Depot
Los Angeles Robotics
Tom & Betti Lechtenberg and Family
Los Angeles Unified School District
Creative Children’s Association
Paul’s ACE Hardware Stores
Gary l and
Diane Tooker Family Foundation
First Hand Technology
Arkansas Society of Professional Engineers
Baxter Credit Union
Baxter Healthcare Corporation
Ford Motor Company
Baxter Regional Medical Center
Microsoft Corporation
United States
La Canada Unified School District
Manhattan Beach Unified School District
Mesa Union School District
Anita L. Nelson, M.D.
Pleasant Valley Education Foundation
Pleasant Valley School District
Rockwell Collins, Inc.
Southern California Regional Robotics Forum
Computer Explorers
Daniels Fund
Denver Museum of Nature & Science
Denver Petroleum Club
University of Delaware
W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc.
FRC Team 233 “The Pink Team”
Society of Women Engineers –
Space Coast Chapter
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Newmont Mining Corporation
Mindsports Colorado
Technetronic Solutions, Inc.
Time Warner Cable
Venoco, Inc.
University of Antelope Valley
William S. Hart Union High School District
University of Colorado
Central Connecticut State University,
School of Engineering
and Technology
Mountain Valley Spring Water
BAE Systems
Pepsi Beverages Company
Connecticut Center for
Advanced Technology
The Science and Technology Group, Inc.
Google Inc.
Connecticut Science Center
Town and Country Foods
Dominion Millstone Power Station
Penny File Purpose in life begins and ends with being a FIRST mentor. Especially
when it extends to off-season and into your shop. Wow! I guess I really did do
something with my life. I actually get to make a difference in this crazy world!
Society of Women Engineers
Rockwell Collins, Inc. FRC Team 442 Lee High School and New
Century Technology
Rowan University
Ellison Electric Inc.
Like Comment Share • 20 hours ago
Rohm & Haas Company
FRC Team 801 “Horsepower”
United Launch Alliance
Progressive Software Computing Inc.
Image AV
Mountain Home Public Schools
Hy-Point Farms
FRC Team 386 “Team Voltage”
AUVSI (Association for Unmanned Vehicle
Systems International)
Brandywine Hundred Rotary
IHS, Inc.
Carter’s Jewel Chest
California – Northern
Teradata Corporation
on behalf of Jerry McGlynn
Motorola, Inc.
California Lutheran University
Arizona Center for Afterschool Excellence
Loughborough University
FIRST Scandinavia
TU Delft
FIRST Scandinavia
United Kingdom & Ireland
First Hand Technology
Modern Teaching Aids
Tarabichi Printing & Packaging
Jubilee Center for Excellence in
Saudi Arabia
Talents Center
Idea Factory
MTN Syria
California – Central
University of Idaho, College of Engineering
Qwest Foundation
Team 2425 “Hydra”
NASA Stennis Space Center
Team Duct Tape
Naval Research Laboratory
Xcel Energy Foundation
Team 1902 “Exploding Bacon”
Team Spam
United Launch Alliance
Five Star Audiovisual
Walt Disney World Design & Engineering
Maddock Douglas Inc.
Center for Education Integrating Science,
Mathematics, and Computing
Hewlett-Packard Company
School of Electrical and Computer
Engineering at Georgia Tech
Shell Oil Company
Women in Electrical and
Computer Engineering
Friends of Hawaii Robotics
Hawaiian Electric Industries
Charitable Foundation
Motorola, Inc.
The Pentair Foundation
Sonoscan, Inc.
ITT Communications Systems
K. Engel K-12 Engineering Endowment
Global Financial Aid
Services, Inc.
The Schreier-Edisen Foundation
Global Land Management, LLC
Society of Petroleum Engineers –
Delta Section
Hancock Medical Center
Tulane University
University of New Orleans
Iowa State College of Engineering
Maine School for Science
and Mathematics
Rockwell Collins, Inc.
Loren Zachary
Honolulu Community College –
Construction Academy
Bowling Green Area Convention
and Visitor’s Bureau
Carol Martin Gatton Academy of
Mathematics and Science in Kentucky
Western Kentucky University (WKU):
Harris Corporation
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Raytheon Company
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Michigan – Flint
Dale Brown, VP for Academic Affairs
Carman-Ainsworth Community Schools
Center for Gifted Studies
Delphi Automotive
FIRST in Michigan
Women in Technology/MEDB
College of Education and Behavioral
Department of Physics and Astronomy
General Motors Corporation
Idaho 4-H Endowment
Department of Architectural and
Manufacturing Sciences
Michigan – White Lake
Idaho National Laboratory
Department of Chemistry
Idaho State University,
College of Engineering
Department of Engineering
Tesoro Corporation
University of Hawaii – College of Engineering
FRC Team 1891 “Bullbots”
Idaho State University, College of Technology
Idaho State University,
Electronics Department
Idaho State University, Energy Systems
Technology and Education Center
Mary Kay – Suzie Steiner
The Faculty, Staff and Students of St. Mary’s
Dominican High School
Fairchild Semiconductor
City & County of Honolulu
State of Hawaii Department of Education
Orleans Parish Schools
Mark & Carolyn Guidry
Applied Physics Institute
Robotics Organizing Committee Hawaii
Caterpillar, Inc.
Flint Area Convention and Visitors Bureau
IEEE Mid-Hudson Section
Ohio Educational Outreach Foundation
McCabe Software
International FIRST LEGO League
Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Raytheon Company
Sandia National Laboratories
Teradata Corporation
Rhode Island NSF EPSCoR
Montana State University, College of
New York – Finger Lakes
Mid-Hudson Association of Computing
Machinery (ACM)
Universal Technology Corporation
Rhode Island School of the Future
Canandaigua National Bank & Trust
Wright State University
Roger Williams University
Bausch & Lomb Incorporated
Time Warner Cable
Global Events
New York – New York City
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
Educational Outreach
Tech Collective
Nebraska 4-H Youth Development
Nebraska Space Grant Consortium
Strategic Air & Space Museum
Jacobs Technology –
NASA Stennis Space Center
Carol B. Loeb
M&I Bank
Time Warner Cable
Argonaut Gold
Maryville University
Applied Soil Water Technologies
NASA Stennis Space Center
MasterCard Worldwide
IBM Corporation
North Carolina
M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust
Time Warner Cable
Les Schwab, Carson City
University of Missouri – Kansas City,
School of Computing and Engineering
Partners for Progress of
Greater St. Charles
Space Science for Schools, Inc.
The Saigh Foundation
FIRST in Michigan
General Motors Corporation
Cardinals Care
Cooper Bussmann
Department of Geology and Geography
3M Foundation
Diversified Payment
Department of Mathematics and
Computer Science
Best Buy Children’s Foundation
The Doerr Family
Boston Scientific Corporation
Ogden College of Science
and Engineering
DRS Technologies
Ecolab Foundation
HB Fuller Foundation
Employees Community Fund of
The Boeing Company, St. Louis
Great River Energy
Enterprise Holdings, Inc.
Micron Foundation
API (American Petroleum Institute) –
Delta Chapter
Mountain View High School
Chevron Corporation
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Richard C.D. Fleming & Sarah Smith
M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust Hon. & Mrs. Charles Cusimano II
Medtronic Foundation
University of Idaho, College of Agricultural
& Life Sciences
The Bruce J. Heim Foundation
The Pentair Foundation
ITT Technical Institute
Kentwood Water
Piper Jaffray Foundation
James Mulligan Printing
University of Idaho, College of Education
Lockheed Martin New Orleans
Private Donors
Dr. and Mrs. Ernest G. Jaworski
Lindenwood University
St. Charles Community College
St. John’s Mercy Medical Center –
Division of Robotic Surgery
St. Louis Community College
Saint Louis Science Center
Saint Louis University
The Seeser Family
Shapiro Supply Company
Southeast Missouri State University
Biscotti, Toback & Company PC
National Security Technologies, LLC
Sparks High School
Trader Joe’s
Webster University
Hewlett-Packard Company Matching Gift v
The Home Depot – East Setauket and
New Hampshire
Long Island FLL Planning
Committee Members
BAE Systems
Longwood Central School District
Daniel Webster College
Massapequa Union Free School District
Dartmouth College
Kristen O’Rourke
University of
New Hampshire
Sandata Technologies, Inc.
New Jersey
Sir Speedy – Plainview
Sideboard Computers
County College of Morris
Mount Olive Board of Education
Siemens Diagnostics Products
Jeffrey Stern
Vision Education and Media
Wiley Engineering, P.S.
New York – Mid-Hudson
New Mexico
Air Force Research Laboratory
La Luz Academy
Adva Optical Networks
Central Hudson
IBM Corporation
Sylvan Learning Center
Washington University in St. Louis –
Brookhaven National Laboratory
LEGO Education, Robert Woods
Spoehrer Family Foundation
Palmetto Partners for
Science and Technology
New York State Saint Lawrence –
Parks College of Engineering, Aviation
and Technology
Rockwell Automation, Inc.
James G. & Catherine Berges Donor
Advised Fund at the
University of Notre Dame
South Carolina
Swiss Re
Auto Effects of Smithtown
Gilson Autobody Inc.
Jerry & Peggy Ritter
Oklahoma State University College
of Engineering Architecture and
New York – Long Island
Dennis A. Muilenburg
Kathie Reuter
Polytechnic Institute of NYU
Alken Industries, Inc.
FRC Team 987 “High Rollers”
Mike Hoy, Mobile DJ
DKI Consulting
Connect a Million Minds ,
an Initiative of Time Warner Cable
Monsanto Company
Pepsi Beverages Company
David L. Klein, Jr. Foundation
University of Rochester – Hajim School of
Engineering and Applied Sciences
Xerox Corporation FIRST NV
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
John S. & Natalie P. Alberici
The Chickasaw Nation
Bonneville Power Administration
Missouri – Kansas City
The Pennington Family
Connect a Million MindsTM,
an Initiative of Time Warner Cable
City of Sparks
Coral Academy of Sciences
ABNA Engineering
Time Warner Cable
New York – Potsdam
Missouri University of Science and
Missouri – St. Louis
Con Edison
University of Rochester –
Office of the President
Naval Research Laboratory –
NASA Stennis Space Center
Harris Corporation
University of Rochester –
Office of Enrollment
Mississippi Power Education Foundation
Harry Baker
Lockheed Martin Corporation
The Wolfe Family
Boys and Girls Clubs of the Midlands
Horne Family Charitable
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community
Wehrenberg Theatres
Clarkson University
Gateway University Research Park
Electro Scientific Industries, Inc.
Intel Oregon
Vector Software
Working Planet
Clemson University
South Carolina Department of Education
South Dakota
Adam Thermal Systems
Mr. & Mrs. Truman Phelan
Rotary Club
SDN Communications
Ingersoll Rand
Oregon Nanoscience &
Microtechnology Institute
North Carolina A&T State University College
of Engineering
Oregon University System
South Dakota Space Grant
PH Tech
Subaru of Sioux Falls
North Dakota
Vern Eide Motor Cars
Rockwell Collins, Inc.
Washington Pavilion
Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Inc.
EAPC Architects and Engineers
Vernier Software and Technology
HB Sound & Light, Inc.
Pennsylvania – East
Advanced Engineering & Environmental
Services, Inc.
Laserlith Corporation
Otter Tail Power Company
S&S Promotions
University of North Dakota, Memorial Union
University of North Dakota, School of
Engineering and Mines
Xcel Energy
School District of Philadelphia
University of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania – West
Robomatter, Inc.
Rhode Island
IEEE Providence Section
ASME – Dayton Section
Battelle – Dayton Operations
Lush Group, Inc.
by FIRSTweets
PTC PTC “We’ve got to change America by making science the coolest thing on the planet.”
- @iamwill bit.ly/FIRSTtech @FIRSTweets @massftc 21 Sept
Sioux Falls Ford & Luxury Auto Mall
Oak Ridge Associated Universities
Tennessee Tech University
Texas – Central
3M Company
Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)
Connect a Million MindsTM,
an Initiative of Time Warner Cable
FIRST in Texas
FREEB!RDS World Burrito
Gatti’s Pizza
General Motors Corporation/Chevrolet
Greater Texas Foundation
Intel Corporation
Microsoft Corporation
Flint Hills Resources
Liberal Arts and Science Academy
(LASA) Robotics
Kevin Ross & Sue Adams
University of Alaska Anchorage,
School of Engineering
Methodist Healthcare Ministries
Southwest Airlines
Technology & Education Executive Council
(TEEC) at Skillpoint Alliance
TECO-Westinghouse Motor Company
Tokyo Electron America
Total Facility Solutions
Texas – Houston
Jacobs Engineering Group Inc.
NASA Johnson Space Center
University of Houston, College of Technology
Texas – North
Exxon Mobil Corporation
Greater Texas Foundation
The Hockaday School
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Museum of Nature and Science
Aetna Inc.
Kingswood-Oxford School
MECHA Manufacturing Comm University
Owensboro Community and
Technical College
The Wolfe Family
Central Wyoming BOCES
Charles County Government
Coconino County Board of Supervisors
The Boeing Company
Charles County Technology Council
Petroleum Maintenance Corporation
Carol B. Loeb
College of Southern Maryland
Samas Auto Sales
M&I Bank
Dog Haus
DuPont Center for Collaborative
Research & Education
Snap-On Tools
FRC Team 2486 “The CocoNuts”
DuPont Engineering
Energetics Technology Center
Steaming Tender Restaurant
Maryville University
MasterCard Worldwide
Papa Murpheys
General Dynamics Advanced
Information Systems
Tandem Technologies, LLC
Harriett Coleman
Technical Education Products
Rodeway Inn Flagstaff
Raytheon Network Centric Systems
Warren Bren’s Performance Auto
Rockwell Collins, Inc.
National Defense Education Program
Missouri University
of Science and Technology
Sam’s Club
University of South Florida
Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA)
Rockwell Collins, Inc.
Sinagua Middle School
The Patuxent Partnership
FTC CAD and Collaboration Sponsor
California, Los Angeles
COACH Robotics
PNC Bank
The Dow Chemical Company
TIME Center
Long Beach Town Center Subway
Georgia FIRST
Rockwell Collins, Inc.
Georgia FTC
San Marino High School
Natrona County Recreational Joint Powers
Natrona County School District
Woodworker’s Supply
Jubilee Center for Excellence in Education
FTC Official Program Sponsor
FTC Program Sponsor
General Dynamics Advanced
Information Systems
Montana State University, College of Letters
and Science
Northern New York Robotics Institute
Trini Industries
Time Warner Corporation
Vernier Software and Technology
New York City
Vista Masonic Lodge #215
NSF EPSCoR, Montana State University
RightNow Technologies, Inc.
Northwest Career and Technical Academy
Kathie Reuter
Harry Baker
Jerry & Peggy Ritter
James G. & Catherine Berges
Donor Advised Fund at the
University of Notre Dame
Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Bennington Recreation Department
The Saigh Foundation
Great Brook School
St. Charles Community College
Cardinals Care
Lake Sunapee Bank
Cooper Bussmann
St. John’s Mercy Medical Center –
Division of Robotic Surgery
University of Idaho, College of Education
Diversified Payment
St. Louis Community College
University of Idaho, College of Engineering
The Doerr Family
Saint Louis Science Center
DRS Technologies
Saint Louis University
Semia Limited
California, San Diego
Hill Air Force Base –
Ogden Air Logistics Center
NRB Bearings
Madison High School
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Ball Corporation
Techtronics Education
Broadband Video
Illinois Institute of Technology
Illinois Tech Robotics
Alcoa Foundation
Iowa Math & Science Education
Partnership (IMSEP)
The Netherlands
IHS, Inc.
Parent Teacher Organization of the American
International School of Bucharest
Rockwell Collins, Inc.
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Gormon Tutsch
Mindsports Colorado
Newmont Mining Corporation
University of Iowa College of
Regis University
Technetronic Solutions, Inc.
Domino’s Pizza
United Launch Alliance
Emerging Ventures
Venoco, Inc.
Rockwell Collins, Inc.
Partners for Progress of Greater St. Charles
New York State Saint Lawrence –
Delta Machine Tool
Don Brown
Bertera Chevrolet Pontiac of Palmer
University of Idaho, College of
Agricultural & Life Sciences
United States
Parks College of Engineering,
Aviation and Technology
Southern Polytechnic State University
Prior Lake Optimist Club
Gotta Dance of Palmer
The Seeser Family
Employees Community
Fund of The Boeing
Company, St. Louis
Enterprise Holdings, Inc.
Shapiro Supply Company
Southeast Missouri State University
Society of Women Engineers –
Las Vegas Valley
New Hampshire
A.A.U. Medical Legal Consulting
TrueNorth Networks
Wapack Youth Robotics 4-H Club
New Jersey
New York – Hudson Valley
Spoehrer Family Foundation
Girl Scout Council Heart of Hudson
Sylvan Learning Center
IBM Corporation
Lucio’s Pizzeria and Restaurant
Max Goldstein
Oregon University System
Montana State University,
College of Engineering
Pepsi Beverages Company
Boart Longyear
Denver Petroleum Club
FRC Team 2169 “KING TeC”
Dennis A. Muilenburg
Oregon Museum of Science
and Industry
Kenyon Noble
John S. & Natalie P. Alberici
Google Inc.
Daniels Fund
New York – Northern
Clarkson University Office of
Educational Partnerships
National Instruments Corporation
Mexico City, Mexico
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios
Superiores de Monterrey
Monsanto Company
The Verizon Thinkfinity Grant and its
partnership with Pace University
Intel Corporation
The Home Depot
The Pennington Family
Girly’s Grill
ABNA Engineering
Dream Catchers Furniture
Intel Corporation
Wehrenberg Theatres
Lindenwood University
M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust
Bellarmine Preparatory School of Tacoma
James Mulligan Printing
Palmer Rotary Club
Idaho Space Grant Consortium
Webster University
BAE Systems
DeVry University
College of Integrated Science
and Technology
Dr. and Mrs. Ernest G. Jaworski
DFF Corporation of Agawam
College of Engineering
Dr. Gerald L. Paist, Pathfinder Regional
Babbit Sports Center
College of Education
ITT Technical Institute
California, Northern
Booz Allen Hamilton
IBM Corporation
Northeast Realty
Alberta, Canada
Red Deer College
BAE Systems
Seidenberg School of Computer Science and
Information Systems at
Pace University
Palmer Police Association
Rockwell Collins, Inc.
Pace University Athletics Department
Washington University in St. Louis –
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Time Warner Cable
Xerox Corporation
University of Utah – Technology Venture
PDS Engineering & Construction, Inc.
FTC Tournament Sponsors
Richard C.D. Fleming & Sarah Smith
Lee Tool Company
University of Alaska Fairbanks, College of
Engineering and Mines
Raytheon Company
Halpern Titanium, Inc.
University of Wisconsin –
Milwaukee College of Engineering and
Applied Science
YES! Youth Engaged in Science
Time Warner Cable
Con Edison
Polytechnic Institute of NYU
PH Tech
Tech America
The Cemala Foundation
Penn State Erie –
The Behrend College
Goodwill Foundation
Weatherly Area School District
North Carolina A&T State University
The Weatherly Casting & Machine Co.
Rhode Island
North Carolina
Duke Energy
Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc.
New England Institute of Technology
Rhode Island Manufacturing Extension
Services (RIMES)
Great Oaks Institute of Technology and
Career Development
South Carolina
Northrop Grumman Corporation
American Way Real Estate
The Pentair Foundation
Filter-Fab Corporation
Time Warner Cable
Filter-Mart Corporation
Turner Construction
The James E. Clyburn University
Transportation Center
All American Storage
Imation Corp.
Robo-Tech 101
South Carolina State University
Society of Manufacturing Engineers
South West Oklahoma State University
Bonneville Power Administration
Electro Scientific Industries, Inc.
Upperman High School
Texas – Arlington University of Texas Arlington
College of Engineering
I would not be at a top engineering school if not for FIRST. It, and my team, gave me the encouragement and
skills to pursue a STEM career.
Like Comment Share • 3 hours ago
2 people like this
Texas – Lubbock
Connect a Million MindsTM,
an Initiative of Time Warner Cable
University of Wisconsin –
Milwaukee College of Engineering
and Applied Science
Greater Texas Foundation
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Texas Workforce Commission
Natrona County Recreational
Joint Powers Board
Texas – San Antonio
Natrona County School District
Akimeka, LLC
Alamo Colleges Northwest
Vista College
Connect a Million Minds ,
an Initiative of Time Warner Cable –
Greater Texas Foundation
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Volunteers from Valero
Booz Allen Hamilton
College of Southern Maryland
Consol Energy – CNX Gas
General Dynamics Advanced Information
Systems Lockheed Martin Undersea Systems
Norfolk State University
Northern Virginia Community College
Northrop Grumman Sperry Marine
Rockwell Collins, Inc.
Science Museum of Virginia
Southwest Virginia
Community College
University of Virginia School of
Central Wyoming BOCES
Woodworker’s Supply
FTC Top Team Sponsors
(10 or more teams in 2010)
Sponsors in this section are listed in
descending order starting with the
Sponsor of the highest number
of teams.
Texas Workforce Commission
America’s Health Today
Anderson Career and Technology Center
AT&T Pioneers
Autodesk, Inc.
Autry Technology Center
BAE Systems
BAE Systems, Norfolk Ship Repair
Bechtel Corp.
Bend Robotics
Cobb EMC
Cochise Community College
The College Crusade of Rhode Island
Colorado MESA
Community Foundation of Texas
Confederate Welding LLC
Corning Incorporated
Coyote Robotics
Cranbrook Schools
Data Tactics
Dayton Challenger Center
De Haagse Hogeschool
Future Fund
International Coal Group
Lockheed Martin Corporation
NASA Headquarters
Owl Robotics
Rochester Institute of Technology
International Technology Solutions, Inc.
Louisiana State University at Shreveport
Naval Undersea Warfare Center
Pacific Industrial Components Inc.
Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Gateway University Research Park
Lowe’s Companies, Inc.
PACTS Teen Titans
Rockwell Collins, Inc.
GE Volunteers
ITT Technical Institute
Lowe’s of Midland
National Defense Education Program (NDEP)
Parker Christian Home Educators
RY Robotics Explorers, Inc.
GEAR UP North Carolina
James Madison University
Luck Stone Corporation
Neaera Consulting
Paul Perry
SABIS International Charter
Jayesh Hetal, Inc.
Lund’s Hardware
Peterson Surgical Associates
General Motors Canada
Jayesh Hetal Mistry
New Creation Christian Academy
PG Trionic, Inc.
St. Jude Medical, Inc.
Geneva College
New River Robotics Association
PHI Robotics
St. Vrain Valley MESA
Genworth Financial, Inc.
jcpenney Afterschool Fund
Meadow Vista
New York Air Brake
PHM Foundation
Salado Educational Foundation
Georgia Power Company
jcpenney of Mount Vernon
Nichols-Stach Family
Girard Foundation
Phoenixville Community
Education Foundation
Salem Keizer Education Foundation
J-M Distributors
Mecha Makos Engineering & Robotics
Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson
Johnson Research & Development Co., Inc.
North Carolina A&T State University
Pier 51 Marina
North Idaho Discovery Association
The PIT Crew
San Mateo County Office of Education
Regional Occupational Program
San Antonio Robotics
Ben’s Juku Robotics Club
Dehesa Charter School
Girl Scouts of Citrus Council
Juneau Economic Development Council
Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Donald Deimund
Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles
Mentor Graphics Corporation
North Idaho Homeschool
PixelWorks Studios, Inc.
Sandhills Area Robotics Club
Girl Scouts of Nassau County
Metal Heads and Texas Workforce
North Raleigh Robotics
Platt Electric
Say Watt Robotics
Schenectady Rotary Club
Meyer Nursery and Orchards
North Valley Career and Technology Center
Polytechnic Institute of NYU
School Plus at Stony Brook
MG Products
Northrop Grumman Corporation
The Science and Technology Group, Inc.
Mi Casa Resource Center
Northwest Vista College
Polytechnic Institute of NYU for Bedford
Academy High School
Michelin Americas Research & Development
NSWC Crane
Berks Career & Technology Center
Delbarton School
PTC Bethany Neighborhood Parents
Dell Inc.
Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas
Rockwell Collins, Inc.
Fred D. Beyer
Denton Public School Foundation
Girl Scouts of the USA
Kemps, Pritchards, and Pages
M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust
Bishop-Wisecarver Corporation
Devoss Automotive
Girl Scouts of Western Oklahoma
Kent State University Trumbull Campus
The Boeing Company
BluePrint Automation
DigiPen Institute of Technology
Girl Scouts of Western Pennsylvania
Kilfoil Family
Boeing Aerospace
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
North Carolina AT& State University
The Boeing Company
Kinetic Polar Bear Robotics
Girl Scouts of the USA
Booz Allen Hamilton
Edmonds Heights K-12
Goodwill Foundation
King Tec 2169
Middle School FTC
BAE Systems
Boy Scouts of America Troop 170
Electro Scientific Industries, Inc.
Google Inc.
KJA Inc.
Mike’s Home Repair
Goodwill Foundation
Bridge Fusion Systems LLC
Encana Oil & Gas
Great Falls Robotics Club
KS Analytical Systems
Oakton High School Robotics and Rocketry,
Science and Engineering Booster Club
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
PTC Instruments
Lockheed Martin Corporation
BridgeCrane Spec. LLC
Great Minds Robotics
The Kuhn-Coyne Family
Monrovia MASA Boosters
Public Service Company of Oklahoma
National Defense Education Program
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc.
Michael D. Fagan, Attorney
Greenbrier Outfitters
LCF Enterprises
Octagon Robotics
Montclair Fund for Educational Excellence
Ralston Foods
Society of Women Engineers –
DelMar Peninsula Section
Brit Bot
Farmer Machine Co., Inc.
Greenville Technical College
LEARN Science & Math
Moore Fan Company
Office of Superintendent for Public
Instruction (OSPI), State of Washington
Raptor Robotics
SolidWorks Corporation
Motorola Foundation
Ohio Youth Robotics
Raytheon Company
Solon Community State Bank
GE Foundation
Raytheon Company
Weatherly Institute for Robotics
and Engineering
FTC Team Sponsors
100 Black Men of Atlanta, Inc.
21st Century
Virginia Commonwealth University School
of Engineering
Able Hardware
Advancing Robots
Bellarmine Preparatory School of
Advantage Print, Marketing & More
Acton-Boxborough PIP
Intel Corporation
AEP (American Electric
Power Co., Inc.)
Microsoft Corporation
Kevin Ross & Sue Adams
American Society of Naval Engineers
American Heritage
Education Foundation
Micron Technology, Inc.
Nypro Inc.
Oakton High School Academic Boosters
Polytechnic Institute of NYU for Benjamin
Portland Trail Blazers
The Procter & Gamble Company
Mike Brose
Fastenal Company
GSSM Foundation
Learning Fun 101
The Hague University of Applied Sciences
Learning is for Everyone
Motorola, Inc.
OJR Education Foundation
Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems (IDS)
Cabco Engineering Company
FIRST in Texas
Handyman Hardware, Inc.
Leavitt Signs
Mount Airy in Action
Oklahoma State Department of Education
Red Deer College
Cape Henry Collegiate School
FIRST Robotics of Gainesville
Harmony School of Excellence – Austin
Wallace W. Lein
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Casa De La Esperanza
First State Robotics, Inc.
Harmony Science Academy
Lindale Mall
M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust
Optimist Club of Clayton
Center for Advanced Studies in Science,
Math and Technology
Flaming Cup Noodles
Helac Corporation
Linn-Mar Foundation
NAB Automation
Hill AeroSystems Inc.
Little Brownie Baker
Robo-Tech 101
Center for Creative Arts
Hills Bank
Little Lost Robot
NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
Owensboro Community
and Technical College
Central College UBMS
Hudson STEM Alliance
Central Jersey College Prep Charter School
Florida Power & Light
IBM Corporation
Centro Escolar Cedros
Fontys University of Applied Science
I-Build and Texas Workforce Commission
Chassis Engineering
Evan R. Hochstein
Fort Worth Harley-Davidson
about an hour ago
Chatham Robotics Club
Foundry Equipment Company
The Chickasaw Nation – STM Program
Fox Valley Robotics and Batavia Robotics
Imaging World
FRC Team 48 “Delphi E.L.I.T.E.”
Imation Corp.
Clearwater County 4-H
Friends of 401
Intel Corporation
COACH Robotics
Fruitland Community Church
Intermotive, Inc.
It is the hardest fun you’ll ever have :) emphasis on the fun!
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4 people like this
Sci-Port Discovery Center
Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation
(a United Technologies Company)
Silver Line Building Products
Sioux City Community School District
Smoke and Mirrors
Robotic Maniacs
Solon Economist
Trumbull Career and Technical Center
FRC Suppliers
WAGO Corporation
National Instruments Corporation
ITT Technical Institute
Boilermaker Regional
Solon Educational Foundation
Trumbull County Educational Service Center
Crown Suppliers
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Rackspace Hosting
Mentor Graphics Corporation
West Lafayette, IN
Solon Fun Run
Twin Cities Tech Connection
Altium Limited
Microchip Technology Inc.
Solon Math and Science Boosters
Tyco Electronics Corporation
Silver Suppliers
City of San Antonio
AndyMark, Inc.
Anderson Power Products
San Antonio Councilman Reed Williams
Portland Trail Blazers
Autodesk, Inc.
austriamicrosystems AG
Solon PTO
Sons of the American Revolution
Universidad Panamericana High School
ebm-papst Inc.
Southeast Missouri State University
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Southern Folger
University of Maryland, College Park
Southwest Technology Center
University of Missouri – Kansas City, School
of Computing and Engineering
Southwestern Oklahoma State University
United States Department of Energy (DOE)
Southwestern Oklahoma State University,
Technology Department
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Southwestern Oklahoma State University,
Chair of Technology Department
Sparkle Wash Automated Car Wash
University of Texas at Brownsville in
partnership with Texas
Southmost College
Spencer for STEM
VAIN Outreach Program
SPR Robotics Group, Inc.
Square D
Village Home Education Resource Center
Stafford County Economic
Development Authority
Vulcan Spring & Mfg. Co.
University of South Florida Polytechnics
Waco Robotics
Gates Corporation
Microsoft Corporation
National Instruments Corporation
Axis Communications
Batteries Plus New Hampshire
Bishop-Wisecarver Corporation
Cypress Semiconductor Incorporated
Purdue University School
of Mechanical Engineering
Cuyahoga Community College
Delphi Foundation
General Dynamics Advanced Information
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Gilcrest Electric & Supply Company
Maryland Space Business Roundtable
i~edu Global (Innovations for Education)
Northrop Grumman Corporation
T. Rowe Price Foundation
Boston, MA
Martha Holden Jennings Foundation
Bain Capital Children’s Charity, Ltd.
NASA Glenn Research Center
Regional Manufacturers
Institute of Maryland
Boston Museum of Science
Nordson Corporation
Boston Scientific Corporation
Ohio Aerospace Institute
Boston University
Ohio Space Grant Consortium
Brooks Automation, Inc.
Paragon TEC
Denver, CO
Total Facility Solutions
Draper Laboratory
Ball Corporation
Finger Lakes Regional
Google Inc.
The Plain Dealer
Broadband Video
The MathWorks, Inc.
QinetiQ North America, Inc.
Club Workshop
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Colorado School of Mines
Motorola Mobility Foundation
Sierra Lobo, Inc.
Daniels Fund
SMART (Science And Mathematics
Achievement Required For Tomorrow)
Denver Museum of Nature & Science
igus Inc.
Ruland Manufacturing Co., Inc.
Craig and Barbara Barrett Foundation
Innovation First International
Snap Action Inc.
Chandler Unified School District
Intel Corporation
Total Electronics LLC
Forklift Solutions, Inc.
LEGO Education North America
Triangle Manufacturing Company
Garcia’s Restaurant
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Vestmoore Warehousing Services
Intel Corporation
TTI, Inc.
Bronze Suppliers
Gold Suppliers
Cross the Road Electronics, LLC
Diamond Technologies Inc.
Teen Technology
Westford Youth Robotics 4-H Club
Electrotek Corporation
Josh s and Judy Weston Foundation
Clippard Instrument Laboratory, Inc.
eStop Robotics LLC
Tenaris Prudential
Whitman Farms
CTL Corp.
Honeywell Sensing & Control
Teradyne, Inc.
Wilbraham-Hampden Academic Trust Inc.
Delphi Corporation
HPE Automation
Terra Tech Engineering
Williams Energy
Texas High School Project Fund of the
Communities Foundation of Texas
Williston Northampton
Festo Corporation
FRC Event Sponsors
Williston Robotics
Fluke Corporation
Alamo Regional
Texas Oklahoma Robotics Initiative
Wilmington Christian Academy
Texas Workforce Commission
Windhaven Academy
TH Rogers Lumber
Windward School Alumni Association
Thermal Metal Treating, Inc.
Think Robot, LLC
Parker Hannifin Corporation,
Fluid System Connectors Division
Richard Thompson, Attorney
FRC Kickoff Sponsors
Linda Frascarella
Peter Bower
BaneBots, LLC
TriQuint Semiconductor
Elizabeth Corley
Power Wheels by Fisher Price
Western BOCES
TKL Products Corp.
Purdue University School of
Electrical and Computer Science
CollabNet, Inc.
Eagle Alliance
BAE Systems
Chandler, AZ
Cleveland Indians
Cleveland State University
Haydon Kerk Motion Solutions, Inc.
Constellation Energy Group, Inc.
One Source Equipment Rentals, LLC
Purdue University Office of the Provost
Bimba Manufacturing Company
Analog Devices Inc.
Cleveland Foundation
Manchester, NH
Diamond Suppliers
West Salem Machinery
Community College of Baltimore County
Indiana Space Grant Consortium
University of Texas Health Science
Center San Antonio
Tannenbaum-Sternberger Foundation
Cleveland Clinic Foundation
BAE Systems/Granite State Regional
Graham & Elizabeth Weston
Weatherly Institute for Robotics and
Capitol College
Duke Energy Foundation
Time Warner Cable
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Symantec Corporation
The Jack Bradshaw Jr. Family
Xerox Corporation
Wind River
Weatherford Rotary Club
Booz Allen Hamilton
Delphi Foundation
Texas Workforce Commission
Freelin-Wade Company
Swerve Robotics
Battelle Memorial Institute
Tripwire, Inc.
Texas Instruments Incorporated
Weatherford Foundation Grant
BAE Systems
Cook Medical
Texas Public Radio
University of Texas San Antonio –
College of Engineering
Steve’s Pizza
Baltimore, MD
ASRC Aerospace Corporation
Enable Training and Consulting, Inc.
Caterpillar, Inc.
Society of Women Engineers
Rockwell Automation, Inc.
State Farm Insurance
Chesapeake Regional
Texas Institute for Educational Robotics
Dove Electronics Components, Inc.
Walker Welding
ZIN Technologies
Cleveland, OH
AndyMark, Inc.
Les Schwab
TechSage Solutions
Stanislas College SCR
Time Warner Cable
San Antonio Councilwoman Elisa Chan
Textron Systems
Buckeye Regional
Arizona Regional
ITT Technical Institute – Tempe
Medtronic Foundation
Bayou Regional
Westwego, LA
Raytheon Company
Anonymous Donor
ASME – New Orleans
Snowbear Frozen Custard
Crescent Bank & Trust
Total Electronics LLC
Phil Hardin Foundation
Boston Regional
The Bruce J. Heim Foundation
IEEE New Orleans Section
Intralox, LLC
ITT Technical Institute – St. Rose
NASA Stennis Space Center
Microchip Employees United Way Donations
National Defense Education Program
(NDEP)/Naval Research Lab
Microchip Technology Inc.
Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding
Old Chicago Restaurant
Orleans Parish Schools
ON Semiconductor, Inc.
Pailet, Meunier and LeBlanc, LLP
Joseph Piacentine
Steve n & Maria Sanghi
PIPE (Petroleum Industry
Promoting Education)
Science Foundation Arizona
Tulane University
Philips Color Kinetics
UBS Financial Services Inc.
University of New Orleans
The Procter & Gamble Company/Gillette
University of Advancing Technology
Ware Foundation
San Antonio, TX
US Airways
Russell Robbs
Access Quality Therapy Services
Wells Fargo
SolidWorks Corporation
Akimeka, LLC
Wishes In Stitches
BioMed SA
Autodesk Oregon Regional
FIRST in Texas
Portland, OR
Philips Color Kinetics
Greater Texas Foundation
Autodesk, Inc.
The Robot MarketPlace
Bonneville Power Administration
Terminal Supply Company
J.M. Waller Associates
Tyco Electronics
Lockheed Martin Corporation
FLIR Systems, Inc.
US Digital
Insitu, Inc.
Livingston Lancer Robotics #3415 Thank you FIRST FTC for an
amazing “Get Over It” season! The Lancers had a fantastic experience
competing in the World Championship! See you all next year!
Like Comment Share • May 2 at 1:04am
2 people like this
Sylvan/Laureate Foundation
TIME Center
Colorado Regional
Denver Petroleum Club
Eva Edelblut
University of Denver School of Engineering
and Computer Science
Venoco, Inc.
Dallas Regional sponsored by jcpenney
Dallas, TX
DeVry University
FIRST in Texas
J. Paul Grayson Foundation
Greater Texas Foundation
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Raytheon Company
Siemens Corporation
Rochester, NY
Bausch & Lomb Incorporated
Democrat & Chronicle
Eastman Kodak Company
Gleason Works
Harris Corporation, RF Communications
Monroe County
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics (a Johnson &
Johnson Company)
IHS, Inc.
Rochester Business Journal
Rochester Institute of Technology
ITT Technical Institute
Time Warner Cable
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Xerox Corporation
Mindsports Colorado
Ronald Zarrella n
Newmont Mining Corporation
Florida Regional
Technetronic Solutions, Inc.
Orlando, FL
United Launch Alliance
Bradley Investments, LLC
CRI Advantage
DeVry University – Central Florida
Jalynn Bennett
Electronic Arts
Bruce Power
Israel Regional
Florida High Tech Corridor Council
Discovery Channel
Tel Aviv, Israel
Harris Corporation
Enbridge Gas Distribution
Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control
American Friends of the
Jewish University in Moscow
NASA Kennedy Space Center
Imperial Oil Foundation
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Johnson & Johnson
QinetiQ North America, Inc.
Yves Landry Foundation
RINI Technologies
Manulife Financial
Siemens Power
McMaster University
United Space Alliance
City of Mississauga
Walt Disney Company
Sheridan College
Wells Fargo
Greater Kansas City Regional
TD Bank
Kansas City, MO
University of Toronto
Bayer Healthcare LLC
University of Waterloo
Black & Veatch Building a World of
Difference Foundation
Youth Science Canada
Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company
Mississauga, ON, Canada
Butler Manufacturing Company Foundation
Bell Canada
Devry University – Kansas City
Jalynn Bennett
Dow Kokam, LLC
Bruce Power
DST Systems, Inc.
Discovery Channel
Garmin International, Inc.
Enbridge Gas Distribution
General Motors Fairfax Assembly Plant
Honeywell Federal Manufacturing &
Technologies (FM&T)
Imperial Oil Foundation
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
KC STEM Alliance
Maple Woods Community College
MasterCard International
Metropolitan Community College
Midwest CAD
Sprint Foundation on behalf of Elly
Greater Toronto West Regional
Johnson & Johnson
Yves Landry Foundation
Manulife Financial
McMaster University
City of Mississauga
Sheridan College
TD Bank
Time Warner Cable
University of Toronto
University of Kansas Center
for Research, Inc.
University of Waterloo
Youth Science Canada
University of Missouri – Kansas City, School
of Computing and Engineering
Hawaii Regional sponsored by BAE Systems
Greater Toronto East Regional
BAE Systems
Mississauga, ON, Canada
Bell Canada
Honolulu, HI
Friends of Hawaii Robotics
Automatic Data Processing, Inc.
Bank Leumi
Bialkin Family Foundation
Bovin Family Foundation
John J. Cali
Jeremiah Callaghan
James Cannavino
Check Point
CMS Endowment Foundation
Cravath, Swaine & Moore, LLP
DEKA Foundation
James Dimon
Irwin Dorros
Sunny Days Charitable
Henry and Marilyn Taub
Toyota Motor Engineering &
Manufacturing North America
Traverse City FIRST Robotics District
Tides Foundation
City of Tel Aviv
Michigan FIRST Robotics District
Competition State Championship
United Jewish Communities
of Metrowest New Jersey
Griffin Beverage Company
MCM Electric
Ronald N. Raskin
Washtenaw Community College
Newton’s Road
Michael Rosengarden
Ann Arbor FIRST Robotics District
T&C Schwartz Family Foundation
Sound Environments
Ann Arbor, MI
TC Controls
Michael & Roberta Seedman Family
Josh s and Judy Weston Fund
NASA Johnson
Space Center
Josh Weston s
Lake Superior Regional
Duluth, MN
Archer Racing Accessories
Minnesota Power Foundation
Tom & Jane Propst
Williams Foundation Fund at the Tulsa
Community Foundation
Los Angeles Regional
Ann Arbor Public Schools
Long Beach, CA
Disney Worldwide Services, Inc.
Skyline High School
Ceci Neumann s
Newman’s Own Foundation
Marne Obernauer
Morris Offit
Perella Weinberg Partners
Claudio and Penny Pincus Foundation
Joseph Robert
Daniel & Joanna Rose Fund
Edward Rust
The Ryan Family Foundation
Neal Shapiro
Kurt R. Soderlund
Don Monaco
Las Vegas, NV
Joseph Carleone
Charlie Palmer Group
Dominic Marrocco
National Security Technologies, LLC
Jill & Stephen P. Petty
Raytheon Company
Time Warner Cable
Walt Disney Imagineering
Michigan FIRST Sponsors
The Chrysler Foundation
Traverse Bay Area ISD Career Tech Center
Traverse City Area Public Schools
Traverse City Economics Club
Las Vegas Regional
Thomas McInerney
The Drexler Family Foundation
Rockwell Automation, Inc.
The Weiss Foundation
Goldman Sonnenfeldt Foundation
Marcus Foundation, Inc.
Donald Bowers in honor of Judy and Josh
Gerald Oppenheimer Family Foundation
Robert Levenson
Thomas Dowling
Museum of Science and Industry
Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and
Chippewa Indians
Victor & Patrica Ganzi
Earle Kazis
Bloomberg LP
Eastern Michigan University
Google Inc.
International Matex Tank Terminals
James DeMare
Motorola Solutions Foundation
BAE Systems
P&H MinePro Services
David & Janice House
ADP Foundation
Harlan Waksal
University of Michigan,
Student Affairs Office
John Hennessy
Cone Drive
Mark Dehnert
LS Research, LLC
Fifth Third Bank
Eaton Corporation
Eugene and Emily Grant Family Foundation
Big Boy
Datapipe, Inc.
Trenton, NJ
Ypsilanti, MI
Northland Foundation
Alfred Goldstein
American Waste
New Jersey Regional
Link Tools
James R. Utaski n
Mitzi and Warren Eisenberg Family
Traverse City, MI
Illinois Institute of Technology
Widing Custom Homes
Wolverine Power Cooperative
Detroit FIRST Robotics District Competition
Detroit, MI
Kettering University FIRST Robotics
District Competition
Flint, MI
Kettering University
Livonia FIRST Robotics
District Competition
Midwest Regional
Tronox, Rich Stater
Brighthouse Cable
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
DTE Energy
City of Livonia
Ford Motor Company Fund
Livonia Chamber of Commerce
General Cable
NYX Inc.
General Motors Corporation
Schoolcraft College
Baker Hughes Incorporated
BP Corporation North America, Inc.
Exxon Mobil Corporation
GE Power Systems
Greater Texas Foundation
Jacobs Technology, Inc.
KBR, Inc.
Linn Energy, LLC
Julie Graves Moy
Google Inc.
Hewlett-Packard Company
Madison Electric
McNaughton-McKay Electric Company
Chicago, IL
Livonia, MI
Niles FIRST Robotics District Competition
State Group
Superior Electric Great Lakes Company
The Pentair Foundation
Howard E. Silverman
Ross & Jody Silverman
Anthony H. & Karen Sobel
David A. & Rachel G. Sternberg
Eydie L. Sternberg
University of Illinois at
Chicago College of Engineering
Jay N. Whipple, Jr.
Minnesota 10,000 Lakes Regional
Minneapolis, MN
3M Company
BAE Systems
Boston Scientific Corporation
Niles, MI
Neil Clemmons
Niles High School
Casey Cowell
Niles Police Auxiliary
Christopher B. Galvin Family Charitable Trust
S. Christopher Gladwin
Google Inc.
by FIRSTweets
Goldman Sonnenfeldt Foundation
Johnson & Johnson
National Philanthropy Trust –
Jennifer Chalsty
Arlene Goldman
Goldman Sachs and Friends
Google Inc.
Hearst Foundation
Todd Hohman
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Joseph Long
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Thomas E. McInerney
Newman’s Own Foundation
New York Stock Exchange
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation
Seamas O’Scalaidhe
Seamas O’Scalaidhe
Thomas Patrick
Perella Weinberg Partners
Perella Weinberg Partners The Ryan Family Foundation
Plum Beach Foundation
Walter V. & Judith L. Shipley
Family Foundation
Polytechnic Institute of NYU
Cherrie Fleisher-Strauss & Mike Strauss
Augusta Sanfilippo
Neil Swartz
Gary Schermerhorn
James R. Utaski n
Steven & Patricia Scoppelite
New York City Regional Peter Selman
New York, NY
Squeri Consulting Inc.
Peter & Julie Richards
Peter Antico
Cherrie Fleisher-Strauss
& Mike Strauss
Robert Berry
Time Warner Cable
Bloomberg LP
Two Sigma Investments, LLC
Minneapolis, MN
Andrew Brandman
Josh s & Judy Weston
3M Company
Jeremiah Callaghan
John Whitehead
BAE Systems
Jane Chwick
North Carolina Regional
Boston Scientific Corporation
Tami & Larry Cohen
Raleigh, NC
Consolidated Edison Company
of New York, Inc.
Joseph M. Bryan Foundation
Cravath, Swaine & Moore, LLP
Credit Suisse
Credit Suisse
Gateway University Research Park
Baxter International Inc.
Ronald Cizzon
Arlene Goldman
Michael Stewart
University of Minnesota College
of Science and Engineering
Caterpillar, Inc.
Credit Suisse Foundation
Michael Dubno s Don Duet
Roger Anerella
The Pentair Foundation
Christine F. & Randall Battat
The Boeing Company
Cravath, Swaine & Moore, LLP
Alliance Bernstein
Circle of Service Foundation
Rockwell Automation, Inc.
West Michigan FIRST Robotics
District Competition
Grand Valley State University
Chrysler Group, LLC
Beaumont Hospital
Allendale, MI
Houston, TX
Troy, MI
Athens High School
Wayne State University
Lone Star Regional
Troy FIRST Robotics District Competition
OCA Ventures
Minnesota North Star Regional
The Pentair Foundation
University of Minnesota College
of Science and Engineering
Cisco Systems, Inc.
will.i.am will.i.am @iamwill i am so proud right now. I feel alive and inspired by these kids. we really need programs
like FIRST in all schools in america…
Google Inc.
Whitten Newman Foundation
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Drexel University
Richard C.D. Fleming & Sarah Smith
IBM Corporation
Oden-Hall PR
Lowcountry Manufacturers Council
Robert Lamaute
OGE Energy Corporation Foundation, Inc.
McNair Law Firm
Environmental Tectonics Corporation
ITT Technical Institute
MacCord Mason
Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission
James Mulligan Printing
Thomas & Trish Miller
Oklahoma Center for the
Advancement of Science
City of North Charleston
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Dr. and Mrs. Ernest G. Jaworski
Palmetto Net
Motorola Mobility Foundation
Lindenwood University
North Carolina A&T State University
North Carolina State University
Research Triangle Park
Sigma Xi
Time Warner Cable
Northeast Utilities
FIRST Connecticut Regional
Hartford, CT
Oklahoma City Convention
and Visitors Bureau
Oklahoma Department of Career and
Technology Education
Mark Schemel
PECO Energy-Exelon Corporation
Piasecki Foundation
Carol B. Loeb
M&I Bank
Maryville University
Oklahoma State University
Oklahoma State University
College of Engineering
Pittsburgh Regional
MasterCard Worldwide
South Carolina Manufacturers Association
Pittsburgh, PA
Douglas McElvein
State Department of Education, Office of
Career and Technical Education
Fastenal Company
The Oklahoman
Temple University
Missouri University of
Science and Technology
Time Warner
Google Community Grants Fund of Tides
Verizon Wireless
Google Inc.
Dennis A. Muilenburg
Seagate Technology, LLC
Peachtree Regional
The Heinz Endowments
Duluth, GA
University of Oklahoma
College of Engineering
Parks College of Engineering,
Aviation and Technology
Ensign-Bickford Corporation
University of Tulsa
AutoTrader.com, Inc.
General Dynamics Electric Boat
W & W Steel
Thomas R. Burkot
Aetna Inc.
Oral Roberts University College of Science
and Engineering
Burns & McDonnell
Comcast Business Services – NorthCentral
University of Pittsburgh’s Swanson School
of Engineering’s Swanson Center for
Product Innovation
Sacramento Regional
Davis, CA
Ward Petroleum Corporation
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Konica Minolta Business Solutions USA
Robert White
DeVry University – Georgia
Northeast Utilities
Williams Foundation
Brin Wojcicki Foundation
Pfizer Inc.
Georgia Energy and Industrial Construction
Platt Electric Supply
Stanley Black & Decker
Palmetto Regional
Georgia Power Foundation, Inc.
United Technologies Corporation (UTC)
North Charleston, SC
Georgia Tech CESMIC
XL Color
BAE Systems
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Oklahoma Regional
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Oklahoma City, OK
Management Decisions, Inc.
Charleston Defense Contractors Association
Mercer University College of Engineering
Chesapeake Energy Corporation
The Citadel
The Chickasaw Nation
NCR Foundation
Mickey L. Clagg
Southern Polytechnic State University
James G. & Catherine Berges Donor
Advised Fund at the University of
Notre Dame
Continental Resources
Fluor Corporation Foundation
Teradata Corporation
Cardinals Care
Dell Foundation
Google Inc.
Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.
Mary Concannon
Robert E. Howard II
Home Telecom
Sue Vaughn
Cooper Bussmann
Hubbell Lighting
Verizon Foundation on behalf of Greg Welsch
Diversified Payment
Ideas Manufacturing Inc.
Women in Technology Foundation
The Doerr Family
Inasmuch Foundation
Innovative Global Systems
Philadelphia Regional
DRS Technologies
Jayzee Foundation
The InterTech Group
Philadelphia, PA
Kirkpatrick Foundation
ISHPI Information Technologies, Inc.
Boeing Charitable Trust
Mercedes-Benz of Oklahoma City
ITT Educational Services
Donald Bowers in honor of Carol Kauffman
Employees Community Fund of
The Boeing Company,
St. Louis
MSC Industrial Supply
Motorola, Inc.
Dow Chemical Foundation
University of California Davis
St. Louis Regional
St. Louis, MO
Monsanto Company
St. John’s Mercy Medical Center –
Division of Robotic Surgery
CVD Equipment Corporation
Seattle Olympic Regional
Utah Regional
DeVry College of New York
Seattle, WA
Salt Lake City, UT
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
St. Louis Community College
John T. Buchman
ITT Technical Institute
NASA Langley Research Center
Saint Louis Science Center
Farmingdale State College
L-3 Communications
Saint Louis University
Festo Corporation
Center for Advanced Manufacturing Puget
Sound (CAMPS)
Micron Foundation
The Netherlands American
Community Trust, Inc.
The Seeser Family
HKM Associates
Northrop Grumman Corporation
F5 Networks
Platt Electric Supply
Raytheon Company
Google Inc.
Rocky Mountain Power
Richmond Joint Engineers’ Council
ITT Technical Institute
University of Utah
State of Utah
Robins Foundation
Virginia Regional
Richmond, VA
MultiCare Health System
Science Museum of Virginia
Platt Electric Supply
Anton Paar
Showbest Fixture Corp.
BAE Systems
Sonic Tools, L.P.
Brogan Thomsen
BluePrint Automation
Sweet Briar College
Silicon Valley Regional
Boehringer Ingelheim
San Jose, CA
Booz Allen Hamilton
Virginia Commonwealth University
School of Engineering
Shapiro Supply Company
Hofstra University
Ingermann Smith
Society of American Military Engineers
Southeast Missouri State University
Spoehrer Family Foundation
Sylvan Learning Center
Long Island Fiber Exchange
Long Island Forum for Technology
Motorola Solutions Foundation
MSG Varsity
Municipal Testing
Washington University in St. Louis –
Nassau Educators
Federal Credit Union
Webster University
North Atlantic Industries
Wehrenberg Theatres
Northrop Grumman Corporation
The Wolfe Family
School Construction
Consultants, Inc.
Partners for Progress of
Greater St. Charles
Workforce Investment Board
of Southeast Missouri
The Pennington Family
San Diego Regional
Pepsi Beverages Company
San Diego, CA
Kathie Reuter
BAE Systems
Jerry & Peggy Ritter
Karen Braun
Rockwell Automation, Inc.
California Space Grant Foundation
The Saigh Foundation
Motorola Mobility Foundation
St. Charles Community College
National Defense Education Program
Microsoft Corporation
M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust
BAE Systems, Land & Armaments
South Oaks Hospital
Brin Wojcicki Foundation
College Funding Group
Stony Brook University
Brooks Automation, Inc.
Crenshaw-Singleton Properties
Vaughn College of Aeronautics & Technology
Google Inc.
DataNet Systems Corp.
Microsoft Corporation
Seattle, WA
Platt Electric Supply
Dominion Digital
John T. Buchman
Motorola Mobility Foundation
Dominion Foundation
Center for Advanced Manufacturing
Puget Sound (CAMPS)
Smoky Mountain Regional
DuPont Spruance Plant
Seattle Cascade Regional
Knoxville, TN
ABNA Engineering
Qualcomm Incorporated
DENSO Manufacturing Tennessee, Inc.
John S. & Natalie P. Alberici
F5 Networks
Google Inc.
Teradata Corporation
Kendall Electric Inc.
ITT Technical Institute
Knoxville Chamber of Commerce
Knoxville News Sentinel
Microsoft Corporation
M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust
Oak Ridge National Laboratories
MultiCare Health System
Platt Electric Supply
Tennessee Valley Authority
University of Tennessee Knoxville,
Departments of MABE and EECS
Harry Baker
Enterprise Holdings, Inc.
Time Warner Cable
ViaSat, Inc.
SBPLI Long Island Regional
Hempstead, NY
BAE Systems
Broadview Networks
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Brogan Thomsen
ECPI College of Technology
General Dynamics
Genworth Foundation
Virginia Council on Advanced
Technology Skills (VCATS)
Washington DC Regional
Washington, DC
BAE Systems
Bechtel Group Foundation
Booz Allen Hamilton
Cassandra Courtney
DataNet Systems Corp.
DeVry University
District of Columbia Public Schools
IKON Office Solutions
General Dynamics Advanced
Information Systems
Jackson Foundation
Brian Hitchens
Jewett Machine
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Lockheed Martin Undersea Systems
Lockheed Martin Undersea Systems
Micron Technology, Inc.
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
National Defense Education Program (NDEP)
Karen Hiremath
FIRST has given me opportunities that I never would have been exposed to otherwise, such as a summer internship
with the United States Navy working on projects that will end up on real aircraft carriers! I already know I want to be
involved with FIRST for the rest of my life!!!
The Netherlands American Community
Trust, Inc.
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO)
Raytheon Company
Oshkosh Truck Corp.
P&H Mining Equipment
Booz Allen Hamilton
3M Company
The Plexus Corporation
Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Vergo Productions
Waterloo Regional
Waterloo, ON, Canada
Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Bruce Power
Douglas Ruggles
Conestoga College
Randall & Cynthia Simatic
Discovery Channel
S.W. Girard Corporation
Indiana Department of
Workforce Development
Google Inc.
Time Warner Cable
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
Waukesha County Technical College
FRC Strategic Rookie Team Grantors
Northern Digital Inc.
Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Google Inc.
Jeff Bezos
Caterpillar, Inc.
WPI Regional
John Abele n /Argosy Foundation
Research in Motion
Worcester, MA
Bill Ackman/Pershing Square
TD Bank
Nicholas Galotti, WPI ‘05
Dean Kamen n
The MathWorks, Inc.
Gordon Lankton s
University of Waterloo
Motorola Mobility Foundation
Josh Weston s
Waterloo Engineering
Polar Beverages
Ronald Zarrella n
Waterloo Region Record
SolidWorks Corporation
Youth Science Canada
A Frame Awards, Inc.
A Simple Catering Company
A-1 Manufacturing
A&A Manufacturing
A&C Metals
A&J Machining
A&M Industrial Supply
A&M Machine
A&M Precision Measuring Services, Inc.
Dr. Mary Aaland
Aalderink Electric Co.
AAR Aircraft Services
Ackerman Brothers
AFCEA Education Foundation
Albany Schools Foundation
Ackman Family Foundation
Altium Limited
Anderson High School
Robotics Booster Club
Arizona Western College
AFCEA Hawaii
ACM Auto Body and Paint
AFCEA International
Anderson Power Products
Arkwin Industries
AFCEA San Diego
Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs
Alumne Manufacturing Inc.
Andrew Copeland Architect PA
Action Trackchair
AFE Industries, Inc.
Alcatel-Lucent Foundation
AndyMark, Inc.
Armo Tool
Active Manufacturing Corp.
Afex Graphics
Alcoa Foundation
The Alumni Association of
The Bronx High School of Science
Andy’s Hardware
Armstrong Subway, Inc.
After School Matters
Alcoa Inc.
AM General
Angelina Community College
ARO Technologies
Adaptive Aerospace Group
Afton Chemical
Alderman Chevrolet and Toyota
Ambient Air
Animoto Productions
Arrow Trailways
ADC Foundation
AG New England
Alexander & Associates
Aruba Networks
ADC Telecommunication
Agawam Lions Club
Algiers Charter Schools Association
Ameren Missouri
Anixter Canada
Agawam Robotics
Education Association Inc.
Alio Designs
American Acrylics USA LLC
Annuzzi Concrete Services
Alion Science and Technology Corporation
American Association of Blacks in Energy
Marie Annuzzi
AGCO Corporation
All FAB Precision Sheetmetal, Inc.
American Compounding Specialties
Anonymous Donors
ASECO Integrated Systems
AGCO Corporation, Jackson Operations
All Glass and Plastics
American Eagle Outfitters
Anschutz Family Foundation
Ashland Fabrication
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
All Season Building Supply
American Nuclear Society
Anson County 4-H
All Weld Fabrication and Manufacturing
American Panel
Anytime Sign Solutions
Aharon Yosef
Allen and Associates, Inc.
American Proficiency Institute
Anytime Welding
Allergan Foundation
American Society of Naval Engineers
Apex Machine Company
Alleyray Productions
American Tank and Fabricating Co.
Apex Powder Coating
AIAA (American Institute of
Aeronautics and Astronautics)
Alliance Bernstein
American Transmission Company
Apotex Inc.
Allied Fence Company
American Welding Society
Apple Appliance Repair Inc.
Allison Transmission
Applied Companies
ASME – International Petroleum Technology
All-Star Vending
Applied Control Engineering, Inc.
ASME – Northwest Houston Sub-section
Amgen Foundation
Applied Industrial Technologies
Applied Physics Lab Credit Union
Adom Ajans Press
ADP Dealer Services
Arkema Inc.
Ashland Forge
Aastrom Biosciences
Adroit Construction Company
ADS Systems, LLC
ABB Robotics
Advance Turning & Manufacturing Inc.
Advanced Compliance Solutions
Daniel Abbott
Advanced Component Technology
Advanced Composites Group
FRC Team Sponsors
Abbott Diabetes Care
(a Division of Abbot Laboratories)
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Abbott Fund
Wisconsin Regional
FRC Top Team Sponsors
#64 Gila Monsters
Advanced Energy Conversion
Abbott Vascular
AimPoint Technologies
Milwaukee, WI
(20 or more teams in 2011)
Advanced Industrial Supply
3M Foundation
Sponsors in this section are listed in
descending order starting with the Sponsor
of the highest number of teams.
Advanced Manufacturing Techniques Inc.
Air Force Association (AFA) –
Robert Goddard Chapter
Advanced Polymer Coatings Ltd.
Air Quality Sciences
Amit Israel
Advanced Technology Services
Airborn Flightware
Alma True Value Hardware
Amplifier Research
Applied Systems Intelligence
Advanced Thermal Systems
Aircom Manufacturing
Aloha Gourmet Products
Applied Welding Technology
Astro Engineering & Manufacturing
Advanced Welding
Amtech Systems
Arab Optimist Club
Astronautics Corporation of America
AEP (American Electric Power Co., Inc.)
Airline Hydraulics
Alpine Lumber
Anacortes Noon Kiwanis Club
ARC Specialties
AEP – Appalachian Power
AISIN World Corp. of America
Alro Steel
Anacortes Rotary Club
AEP – Elkhart, IN
Ajac Electric
Alstom Power, Inc.
AEP – Ohio
Akimeka, LLC
Alt Family
Analog Devices Inc.
Argus Consulting
Al Xander Company, Inc.
Alta Design and Manufacturing Inc.
Analytical Mechanics Associates
Arial Foundation
Alabama Power Company
Alan Shintani, Inc.
Altasmim Letchnon Handasa
Anderson and Montgomery
Consulting Engineers
Badger Meter
Don & Vicki Clutterbuck
Diversified Control Systems
Jeffrey & Elizabeth Fox
Karl & Beth Fritchen
GE Healthcare
Steve Girard
James & Jennifer Hausch
Infinity Automation
Ladish Co. Foundation
Nicholas Luther
Marquette University
Milwaukee Admirals
Oshkosh Corporation
Milwaukee Area Technical College
George & Julie Mosher
MSI General Corporation
Patrick Neph
Northern Trust Bank
BAE Systems
The Boeing Company
Lockheed Martin Corporation
GE Volunteers Twin Cities
ITT Technical Institute
General Motors Corporation
Platt Electric Supply
Texas High School Project Fund of the
Communities Foundation of Texas
Raytheon Company
Autodesk, Inc.
National Defense Education Program (NDEP)
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Qualcomm Incorporated
Time Warner Cable
100 Black Men of Atlanta, Inc.
1st Bank Oklahoma
2 Dye 4 Anodizing
21st Century Fund
ABC Equipment Rental
ABCO Automation
Abington Education Improvement
Advanced Data Research Florida, Inc.
The 21st Century Gateway Academy:
Nepperhan Community Center
Able Key & Hardware
221 Robotic Systems
ABMB Engineering
The 3 ARS Institute
Abrasive Waterjet of Indiana
3 Dimensional Services
Accudyne Systems, Inc.
303 RAMP
3M Alexandria
3M Company
Accuray, Inc.
3M Dyneon
AEP – Southwestern Electric Power
3M Foundation
AeroDyn Wind Tunnel
ACE Auto
3M Wonewok
Ace Clearwater Enterprises
Aerojet (a GenCorp Inc. company)
Ace Communications Group
Ace Hardware Corporation
4S Capital Development Inc.
Aerospace Corporation
Ace Hardware of San Leandro
5 Star Embroidery
Aetna Life & Casualty Company
Ace Metals
AFAR Communications Inc.
James C. Acheson Foundation
ACI Services
AFCEA (Armed Forces Communications &
Electronics Association)
A Dog’s Purpose
The ABLE Trust
Ashley Lions Club
ASI Technologies
Asia Society
Arizona Science Foundation
Arizona State University
Rena Jo Clark Coffman
51 minutes ago
I can’t imagine not mentoring FIRST! It gets in your heart and soul and won’t let
you go. We are doing amazing things through FIRST!!! Come join us in the fun!!! :)
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1 people like this
B&A Motorsports
Bassett Furniture, Inc.
Berkshire Power
Brainerd Lakes Area Businesses
Butler County Rural Electric
Carcannon Corp.
Central Texas STEM Foundation
B&B Tool
Battelle Memorial Institute
Bertelkamp Automation, Inc
Bluff Plastics
Brawley School Hardware
Senator Tom Butler
Cardiomind, Inc.
Cerner Corporation
AT&T 89th Construction Engineering
B&Z Steel Equipment Co. Inc.
Batteries Plus
Bertie County 4-H
BMG Metals, Inc.
Breco Flex
Butterworth Industries
Career Technical Education Foundation, Inc.
CG Schmidt Construction
AT&T Pioneers
Bauer Soft Water
Best Buy
Bobby Tees
I.J. and Hilda M. Breeden Foundation
Buyukcekmece Municipality
CGI Federal
ATK (Alliant Techsystems Inc.)
Dr. Charles & Jeanne Bacon
Baumann Tool & Die
Beth-El Zikhron Yaaqov
Boca Bearing Company
Brevard Public Schools
B.W. Clark, Inc.
Career & Employment Options (CEO)
ATK Aerospace Systems
Bacon Family Foundation
Bausch & Lomb Incorporated
Bevill State Community College
Boeing Black Employees Association
Brick City Cat Hospital
Byrne Foundation
Caretech Solutions
Challenger Learning Center
Atlanta Gas Light
Bad Boys From Bay Shore LTD
Baxter Healthcare Corporation
Bezos Family Foundation
The Boeing Company
Bridgerland Applied Technology College
C&D Zodiac
Carfaro Railing, Inc.
Chaminade College Preparatory
Atlantic Exhibits
BAE Systems
Baxter International Inc.
Jeff Bezos
Boeing International Corporation – Israel
Bridgestone Firestone
C&S Steel, LLC
Chaos System, Inc.
Atlantic Hyundai
BAE Systems, Ft. Walton Beach, FL
Bay Shore Systems
BH Electronics
Bombardier Aéronautique
Briggs & Stratton
C.A. Lindell
Carinos Italian Grill
The Charitable Foundation
Atlas Box & Crating Company
BAE Systems, Israel
B.B.M. Structural Engineers
Big Ball Marathon
Bombardier Inc.
Cableform, Inc.
Chatham Rotary Club
Atlas Metal and Iron Corp.
BAE Systems, Land & Armaments
BBN Technologies
Big Country’s BBQ
Dennis Bonner
Brin Wojcicki Foundation
CACI Corporate Business Development
Carnegie Lumber
Check Point
Citizens of Pocatello
Atlee Robotics Boosters
BAE Systems, Norfolk Ship Repair
Bike Tech
Bristol-Myers Squibb
CADCIM Technologies
Carroll Technology Council
Check-Mate Industries, Inc.
Citizens State Bank
Atmos Energy
BAE Systems, San Diego Ship Repair
BD Biosciences
Bill Crispin Chevrolet
Booker T. Washington Foundation for
Academic Excellence
British Petroleum
Caddo Electric
Case Western Reserve University
Chelsea Comfort Inn and Conference Center
BAE Systems, Security & Survivability
BE Aerospace
Bill Davis, Inc.
Boots & Coots
City Tech
Atomic Object
Broadbent & Associates
Cadillac Quality Vending
Casper College
Chelsea Education Foundation
Baehr Foundation
Billy Goat Industries
Booz Allen Hamilton
Civil Air Patrol
Bronx Aerospace High School
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Cass County Elks Lodge #2791
Chelsea Tool
Bahcesehir University
Beach Ball Foundation
Bionostics Quality Solutions
Clark Nexsen
ATW: Advanced Technology and Testing
Brooklyn Tech Alumni Foundation, Inc.
California Imaging Institute
Cassini D&D Manufacturing
Cherokee Nation
Baker College
Bear State Plumbing
Bio-Rad Laboratories
Clarkson University
August Capital
Brown University
California Institute of Technology
Castle & Cooke, Inc. Dole Plantation
Cherry House
The Bakken Museum
Bearing, Belt, Chain (Purvis Industries)
Birmingham Education Foundation
BorgWarner Morse TEC
Clarkston Dermatology
Aurora Flight Sciences Corporation
BRT Solutions
California State University, Northridge
Castle CNC Precision Machining
Chesapeake Lawns
Balance Product Development
Beatty International
Bishop’s Orchards
BorgWarner Turbo Systems
Clarksville Ruritans
austriamicrosystems AG
Bruce Power
Caterpillar, Inc.
Chesapeake Spice Company LLC
Balboa International Market
Beaufort County School District
Bishop-Wisecarver Corporation
BORIDE Engineered Abrasives
Classic Turning
Autodesk, Inc.
BTD Manufacturing
Callidus Technologies
Baldwin Foundation for Education
Beaumont Iron & Metal
Bittware, Inc.
BTR Capital Group
Camfil Farr
CCI Systems
Chevron Oil
CLC Robotics
Automated Systems, Inc.
Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp.
Bechtel Corp.
B-K Lighting
Borough of Manhattan
Community College
CLC Riverside University High School
Autodie Inc.
Buca di Beppo
Campbell’s Soup
CEC Controls Company
Chevron USA Inc.
Cleveland Cliffs
Ball State University
Bechtel Marine Propulsion Corporation
BK Signs
Buckley Powder
Cedarwood Technical Service
Cleveland County 4-H Foundation
Automation Electronics
The Balloon Detail
Bechtel Plant Machinery, Inc.
Bucyrus International Inc.
Canaan Partners
Chick-fil-A, Dave Lyle
Cleveland TechWorks
Automation Solutions of America
Ballston Spa Education Foundation
Beckman Coulter Foundation
Buffalo Wild Wings, Inc.
Canadian Host
Celgard, LLC
Chinese Club of San Marino
Automation Technology, Inc.
Ballston Spa National Bank
Beckman Coulter, Inc.
Black & Veatch
Buhl Foundation
Canadian Standards Association
Cellcom Israel Ltd.
Chino’s Auto Service
Climax Molybdenum
Baltimore Area Alliance (BAA)
Pat Beckman
Black Cypress, Inc.
Buhler Prince
Canal Rubber
Celtic Forklift
Chivvis Enterprises, Inc.
Clint Precision Manufacturing
AUVSI (Association for Unmanned Vehicle
Systems International)
Baltimore City Public School System
Bedford Insurance Group
Blackhawk Technical College
Bullfrogs Bar and Grill
Canam Steel Corporation
Brian Chock
Clinton Aluminum
Bedford Schools Foundation
Center for Advanced Studies
Chrome Identity Group
Clippard Instrument Laboratory, Inc.
Begley Family
Blackstone Valley Vocational Regional
School District
Burbank Tournament of Roses Association
Auxier & Associates
Baltimore Polytechnic Institute
Alumni Association
Canon Virginia Inc.
Center for Applied Mechatronics
Chrysler Education Foundation
Avanti Engineering
Bangor Metals
Blank Sheet, Inc.
Clone Digital Print & Copy
Beisner-Eason Grant
Boulder Valley Credit Union
Bank Hapoalim
BLAST Foundation
CloseBend Inc.
Beitzel Corporation
Chrysler LLC
Avicenna Technology, Inc.
Bank of America
Blessed Ministries
CapEx Outsource
Churchill Corp.
Bank Star of the Leadbelt
Geoff Bloom – Intelesys Corp.
Capital Bending
Bloomberg LP
Capital Fabrication
Bellevue High School PTSA
Bloomberg Media
Cincinnati State Technical
and Community College
Belleville Kiwanis
Boyes Construction
Burlington Knights of Columbus
Center High School PTA
Bell Helicopter
Bowles Fluidics
Burlington Education Foundation
Center Grove Education Foundation
Club Workshop
Bell Canada
Bova’s Hardware
Burgess Norton
Center for Minority Achievement in Science
and Technology
The Chrysler Foundation
Avaya, Inc.
Bound Brook Moose Lodge #988
Burgess & Co.
Burns & McDonnell
Capital One Bank
Centocor Ortho Biotech
Cincinnati Test Systems
Bellevue Schools Foundation
Blubstein Metal Works
BP America
Burns, Brooks & McNeil
Capitol College
Central Electric Training Facility
Circor Aerospace, Inc.
Benart-Abrahamzon Family
Blue Cross Blue Shield
BP Industries
Burns Controls
Capitol Region Education Council
Central Lakes College
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Bend Research
Blue Print Automation
Brackenridge Foundation
Butier Engineering
Bea Cappel
Central Powder Coating
Citizens of Melrose
Blue Ridge Community College
Brackett Aircraft
Avis Rent A Car System, LLC
Avitan Electronics LTD
AVL North America
Barnes and Noble
Barrick Ruby Hills Mine
Barth Electronics, Inc.
Bartlesville Rotary Club
Bartlett Foundation
Bosch Rexroth
Boston Scientific Corporation
Boston University
Boulder City Chamber of Commerce
Boulder City Rotary
Boulder Dam Credit Union
AXA Advisors LLC
Barton Malow Company
Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Blue Ridge Technologies
Bradford Company
Axiom Construction
Barzilai Nissan Technologies Ltd.
Bentley World Packaging
Blue Ridge Tool, Inc.
Brady Corporation
Axiom New Product Development
Berea-Brook Park VFW Post #6676
Blue Valley Educational Foundation
Brahma Foundation
Aztec Tooling, Inc.
Bashiri Work Tools
Berger Manufacturing, Inc.
BlueChip Machine & Fabrication
Brainard Rivet Company
CNC Software
CNC Woodcraft
CNJ Glass
COACH Robotics
Coast 2 Coast Cable
Sarah Hirst I have been a FLL coach for 4 yrs at a low income school where I teach that has a very diverse population, of
which about half are ELL students. Offering a FLL after school program has changed the lives of some of my students and
provided them with positive opportunities they would have never experienced otherwise.
Like Comment Share • 9 hours ago
CW Iron Inc.
Coast Crane Company
Connecticut Center for Advanced
Cox & Company, Inc.
Cobb EMC
Connecticut Light and Power Company
Cozen O’Connor
Cobham Defense Electronics
Connecticut Technology Council
Cypress Computer
Systems Inc.
Coca-Cola Hawaii
CPFilms, Inc.
Coconino County Board of Supervisors
Consumers Energy
Code Red Robotics
Coast Aluminum and Architectural, Inc.
Design Visionaries
Duke Energy Foundation
Eastman Kodak Company
El Camino Machine and Welding
Designcraft, Inc.
Dominion Millstone Power Station
Duncan Public Schools Foundation
Eat Right Mealplans
Elbit Systems
DesignIt Prototyping
Dominion Nuclear Connecticut Inc.
Dundee Wealth
Eldora Mountain Resort
Cypress Semiconductor
Dominion Virginia Power
Dunwoody College of Technology
Eaton Computer
Eldorado Energy
DesOrmeaux Insurance
Donnelly College
Eaton Corporation
CPS Energy
Continental Fabricators
D. Louis Weir Law Firm
Despatch Industries
Doon Manufacturing
ebm-papst Inc.
CR Meyer
Continental Paving
Detroit Science Center
Door Systems
EBO Group
Electronic Learning Center
Cody Gates Ventures
Dorchester County Council
DuPont Delisle
Continental Realty
DeVry University
Electronic Support Systems
Coffer Contracting
Craig Technologies
D5Robotics: School District Five
of Lexington and Richland
DuPont Center for Collaborative Research &
Electro-Optics Technology
Coffey Machining Services
Dos Coyotes
DuPont Fayetteville Works
Contra Costa County Regional Occupation
E-Lite Tool
COGCO, Wireline Inc.
Creative Affair Universal Music Publishing
D&E Machining Inc.
Dorvo Maquinas
DuPont Engineering
Continental Technologies
DeVry University – Crystal City
Dallas Airmotive, Inc.
DOTM Alumni
DuPont Spruance Plant
Creative Foam
DFW Industrial Metals and Recycling
Ecolab Inc.
Elixir Industries
Control Air
Dalton Enterprises
Dott-Communications, LLC
Duquesne Light
Credit Suisse
Diallo, Cromer, Toussaint, Posey & Polk, PLLC
Dr. Andrew and Judith Economos Foundation
The Ellis School
Control Products Corporation
Dana Corporation
DEC Metals
Double ‘D’ Drafting
Durr Systems Inc.
Credit Suisse First Boston
Ken & Terry Dickie
ECPI College of Technology
Control Service Company, Inc.
Dana Holding Corporation
Decals Plus
Douglas Industrial
The Durst Organization
Cricket Communications
Dickinson Education Foundation
ED Products
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Control Technology & Solutions
Daniel Webster College
Decisive Analytics Corporation
The Dow Chemical Company
Criterium-Turner Engineers
DigiPen Institute of Technology
EMC Corporation
Daniels Foundation
Defense Acquisitions Agency
Dow Corning
Dynamic Network Services
Digital Pre-press International
Converge Robotics
Danny Beck Chevrolet
Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Dow Water Solutions
Crow Corp.
Digital Video Communications Inc.
Eden Hall Foundation
DEFIND Training Group, Inc.
Emek Hefer Municipality
Adolf Coors Foundation
DEI and Associates
Dimensional Innovations
Draney Family
Crown Point Community Foundation
Danny’s Auto Body
and Wrecker Service LLC
Dr. Anil Dhar Medicine Professional Corp.
Crown Holdings, Inc.
Dimensional Communications
Edge Space Systems
Cope Plastics
Dan’s Robotic Team
Del Monte Foods
Draper Laboratory
EAC Product Development Solutions
Dimplex Thermal Solutions
Edgewater Automation
Emerson Motor Company
Copeland-Gibson Products Corp.
Danville Public Schools Gifted Resources
Ed-K Machine
Emerson Motor Technologies
CopperBend Pharmacy
Dart Foundation
Discount Investment Corporation
DreamWorks Animation SKG
Eagle Aerospace
Delaware Valley Industrial Resource
Dream Team Consortium
EADS North America
Dini Group
Edmond Electric
Dell Engineering Services
Disher Design
Drexel University
Eagle Alliance
Edmonds Community College
Employees Community Fund
of The Boeing Company
Disney VoluntEARS
Dreyer Insurance Agency
Eagle Fluid Power Systems
Education Collaborative
Employees of Microchip Technology
Drilling Technological Innovations LLC
Eagle Technologies
Driscoll, Inc.
Education Foundation Inc.
of Caldwell County
EMS Technologies
Eagleview Community Foundation
D.R.M. Stakor and Associates
Earle M. Jorgensen Company
Educational Employees Credit Union
Enbridge Energy
DRN Machine
East End Cardiology
EduSerc, Inc.
Encana Oil & Gas
DRS C3 Systems, LLC
East Harlem Tutorial Program
Edward Jones
DRS Technologies
East Meadow Chamber of Commerce
EFC Systems Inc.
DST Systems, Inc.
East Meadow Kiwanis
EFD Inc.
Enerpro, Inc.
DTE Energy
Eastern Educational Foundation
Engage Integrated Systems Technology
DTE Energy Foundation
Eastern Regional Business Forms
EhPro Custom Fabrication
DTE Energy Monroe Power Plant
Eastern Regional High School
Board of Education
Engel & Engel, P.A.
Einstein Brothers Bagels
Eastern Sales & Engineering Company
Engine Monitor
Eisai Inc.
Eastern Shore Community College
Engineered Automation Systems, Inc.
Eastern Shore Defense Alliance
Engineered Building Systems
EJ Ajax & Sons Inc.
Eastern Shore Robotics
Engineered Machined Products Inc.
EJDesign Firm
Eastlake Educational Foundation
Engineered Sales
El Camino College
Engineering Aluminum Fabricators
Cole Printing
Cole Screenprinting
Cole’s Machine Inc.
Collbran Job Corps Grand Mesa
University of Hawaii, College of Engineering
Wayne & Jaymie Collette
Colorado Consortium for Earth and Space
Science Education
Dean Scherman
Memorial Fund
Deauville Apartments
Colorado State University
Corbin Steel
Columbia University
Cordis Corporation
(a Johnson & Johnson Company)
Crystal View Corp.
DASI Solutions
Dell Inc.
Dassault Falcon Jet Corp.
Delphi Corporation
Data Tactics
Delphi Foundation
Delphi Thermal
Cornerstone Manufacturing
CSULA Engineering and Technology
Datacard Group
District of Columbia Army National Guard
Army Aviation Forces Command
Delta Gases
Diteba Research Laboratories Inc.
Corning Incorporated
Dave White Chevrolet
Delta Machining Inc.
Coronado High School
David Price Metal Services
Delta Technologies
Diversified Global Enterprises
Corry Contract Inc.
Cuhadaroglu Aluminyum & Holding
DaVinci Robotics
Diversified Systems, Inc.
Community Foundation of Texas
Corry Industrial Roundtable
Culver City Industrial Hardware
Davis Applied Technology College
DEMCO Electric Company
Diversified Tooling Group
Complete Rehab
Corry Lumber Co.
Cummins Inc.
Joey Davis
Dennis Corporation
Divine Imaging, Inc.
Computer Concepts
Corry Manufacturing Company
Cummins Rocky Mountain
Mary C. Davis
Denny’s Autobody
DLB Paving
Computer Cut
Corry Rubber Corporation
Laura Moore Cunningham Foundation
Davison Tool & Engineering, L.L.C.
Computers for Youth
Corson Fabricating, LLC
Curtis Industries
Dawson Parents Council
Department of Defense
DLP Electric, Lodi
Con Edison
Cost Engineering of Hawaii, Inc.
Custom Creations
Day Tool and Manufacturing Incorporated
Department of Defense Education Activity
Doan’s Printing
Concept Systems, Inc.
Counter Culture
Custom Electronics
Day Tool Co.
Department of Education
Dobbs Tire and Auto Centers
Lonnie & Brenda Conell
County of San Luis Obispo
Custom Finishers
Department of Labor
Dogus Kalıp
Conexus Indiana
Countywide Metal Fab & Finish
Cuyahoga Community College
DCM Erectors Inc.
Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians
Covarrubias y Silva
Connect a Million MindsTM, an Initiative of
Time Warner Cable
Covell Transport
Cuyahoga County Workforce Development
DePuy Companies (a Johnson & Johnson
Dole Food Company of Hawaii
Covenant Community Church
CV Robotics
Communities Foundation of Texas
Community Choice Credit Union
Community College of Baltimore County
Community Foundation of North Central
Core Element GNOSI
Corman Construction
D.E. Shaw & Co.
Derek Blakely Wealth Management
Design First
Design Massif
DISTek Integration, Inc.
Dublin Robotics Boosters
Dublin School
DuBois Consultants, Inc.
The Duck Company
by FIRSTweets
Duke Energy
Eastlake Optimist Club
Enable Training and Consulting, Inc.
NorthTxKids North Texas Kids Junior FIRST LEGO League after school program teaches kids about teamwork. ow.ly/1fFx04 15 Nov
Enhanced Performance Management
Exotic Cutting Tools
Festo Corporation
Folsom Anesthesia Medical Group
Frigid North
Enprotec/Hibbs & Todd, Inc.
Exploration Geophysics
Fond du Lac Morning Rotary Club
Frogtown Books, Inc.
Ensign-Bickford Aerospace & Defense
Exploration Works
Fond du Lac Rotary Club
Mark Frohnmayer Foundation Fund
Expon Exhibits
Field Robotics Center, Carnegie Mellon
Front Street Capital
Express Integrated Technologies
Fifth Third Bank
Ford Canada
The Fryhover Family
Express One
Fike Corporation
Ford Foundation
FUHS Foundation
Expressway Self Storage
Fikret Yuksel Foundation
Frank & Linda Ford
Jim Fullen, State Farm Insurance
Martha San Filippo Foundation
Ford Motor Company
The Fundraising Directory
ExtraTech Corporation
Ford Motor Company of Canada, Ltd.
Fung Associates, Inc.
Extrude-A-Trim Aluminum Warehouse
Finger Lakes Tram
Ford Motor Company Kansas City Assembly
The Future is Mine
The Finishing Touch
Exxon Mobil Corporation
Carly and Frank Fiorina Family Fund
F5 Networks
Fire Brick Engineering
Forest Lumber
Form Tech Industries
James Fair
FireLink, LLC
The Fairbrothers
First Contact Software Consultants
Fairchild Semiconductor
FIRST in Michigan
Lannie Foster (Field Deputy), Office of
Marguerite LaMotte
Ernst & Young
Fairfield-Suisun Rotary
FIRST in Texas
The Foundation for Engineering Education
Families of Team 2102
First Preferred Mortgage
Foundation for Public Schools
Families of Team 2164
FIRST Robotics Quebec
Family Auto Care
First Solar
Foundation of Monroe County Community
Famous Dave’s BBQ
First State Robotics, Inc.
Esterline Advanced Input Systems
Fanta Israel
First Weber Group
Esterline Corporation
Farid Bokay
Fischer Tool & Die
Esterline Defense Technologies
Farmer Machine Co., Inc.
Fisher Space Pen
eStop Robotics LLC
Entergy Grand Gulf
Enterprise International
Entertainment Liquidators of Canada
Enviro Systems Inc.
Environmental Systems, Inc.
Environmental Tectonics Corporation
Envision Radio Corporation
EOG Resources
EPIC Technologies, LLC
Fuzzy’s Taco Shop
FY Eye Optical
G&D Integrated
G&L Precision Corp.
G&L Tool
G&R Electrical Construction, Inc.
GAK Enterprises
Gallagher-Kaiser Corporation
Gamewood Data Systems
General Motors Foundation
Goodhue County Co-op Electric
Great Plains Technology Center Foundation
General Motors
General Assembly Engineering
Great West Engineering
GBS Hardware
Goodrich Aerostructures
Greater Cleveland Partnership
General Motors Global Product Operations
Gigunda Group
Goodrich-Ithaco Space Systems
Greater Nashua FIRST Robotics, Inc.
General Motors Grand Rapids
Cindy Gilbert
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company
Greater Salina Community Foundation
GE Aviation Systems
General Motors Grand Rapids Metal Center
Gilbert Spray Coat
Greater Sydney High Schools
GE Oil & Gas
General Motors Israel
Gilford Rotary Club
Google Community Grants Fund of Tides
GE Volunteers
General Motors Lansing
Grand River Assembly
Gill Industries
Google Inc.
The Brian Green Foundation
Gillam & Associates
Gopher Resource
Green Car Auto
Gilmore Consulting LLC
Zoe & Steven Green
Gilpin County Board of County
Gorman’s Gallery
Leotta Gordon Foundation
Greensboro Teen Grant Making Foundation
Giltak Technonogies Ltd.
GovConnection, Inc.
Girard Foundation
Government Connections
Greenville Technical College
Girls of Innovation
Government Services IPT
Greg’s Cinema Custom Entertainment
GIT General Imaging Technology
GR Investment Group Ltd.
Griffin Land
Group Alpha Solutions
Gladhill Brothers
GrafTech Corporation
Group Stahl
Gladhill Tractors
Gragg Roofing and Construction LLC
Growth Industries Enterprises
Glendale Community College
Graham Foundation
Global Group Services Inc.
Grainger Inc.
GE Volunteers of Aviation Systems
GE Volunteers of GE Healthcare
GE Volunteers Twin Cities
Gelfand Family Foundation
General Motors Milford Proving Ground
GenCorp Foundation
General Motors Orion Assembly Center
Gene Tools
General Motors Powertrain Group
General Automation
General Motors Powertrain North
General Bearing Service
General Motors Ramos Arizpe
General Devices
General Motors Real Estate & Facilities
General Dynamics
General Motors Research & Development
General Motors Research &
Develoment Operations
General Dynamics Information Technology
Global Re-Source Funding
Yvette & Larry Gralla
General Mills
General Motors Research & Develoment
Engineering Operations
Granby Education Foundation
General Moly
General Motors Romulus Engine Plant
GM Nameplate
Grand Allegan Chevrolet
General Motors Arlington Assembly
General Motors St. Catharines Powertrain
GMP Plating
Grand Traverse Manufacturers’ Golf Outing
Grupo Corazón Tecnológico y
Científico de Chile
General Motors Battery Assembly
General Motors Silao
Grand Traverse Radiologists, PC
G-S Machine Shop
General Motors Brazil
Genesis Automation
Godwin Pumps
GSD Group, Inc.
General Motors Canada
Genik Incorporated
Grand Traverse Regional Community
Genisys Credit Union
Scott H. Goishi, DDS
Grandview Community of Christ
Golden Graphics, Ltd.
Grandview Education Foundation
Gentle Giant Moving Company
Golden Spice Catering
Genworth Financial, Inc.
Goldman Sachs
Grandview Heights Marble Cliff Education
Geokon, Inc.
Goldstar Machine & Tool
George Butler Associates
Georgia Power Company
Abraham Goldstein and Lillie Goldstein
Foundation, Inc.
Georgia Tech Research Institute
Gone Tropo, LLC
Georgia Tech RoboJackets
Gonzaga University Engineering Dept.
Good Plastics
The Gerber Foundation
Gerber Technology, Inc.
Dr. Eileen Goodes
Four Corners Bistro
Gardner Springs
Four County Community Foundation
Garland Charity Classic
Fox Foot and Ankle Center
Garland Nut & Screw
Farmers Insurance
Fox Valley Workforce
Development Board, Inc.
Garland-Sturges & Quirk
Fleet Ready Corp.
Ethicon (a Johnson & Johnson Company)
Farmers Union Insurance
Flemington Car & Truck Country
FPL Energy
Farmland Foods, Inc.
Frank Design
European Auto Parts
Flight Safety
Franklin Electric Co., Inc.
ev3 Inc.
Farrington Alumni and Community
FLIR Systems, Inc.
General Motors Canada Engineering &
Product Planning
Fraternal Order of Eagles #4299
Even Kissar
Fast Signs
Florida Atlantic University
General Motors Corporation
Frazier Aviation
Evergreen Paper Company
Fastenal Company
Fred Needel, Inc.
Everist Materials
Fausey & Associates, CPA, PC
Florida Institute For Human &
Machine Cognition
Fayette County Chamber of Commerce
Florida Turbine Technologies
Flow International Corporation
EWU Engineering Department
Fluid Power Society
ExaTorq Tuning and Performance
Federal Aviation Administration
Fluke Corporation
Federal Mogul
Excel Engineering
FedEx Ground
FMC Technologies
Exchange Club of Oakland County
Fehr Graham & Associates
FN Manufacturing
Exelon Corp.
Feldkamp Enterprises, Inc.
Exelon Corp. Byron Generating Station
FNS Network
Ferndale Education Foundation
Ferndale High School
Freelance Robotics
Freeport-McMoRan Mining
Freescale, Inc.
Fremont Area Community Foundation
Friends of 1923
Friends of Hawaii Robotics
General Dynamics Advanced Information
Gardner Denver
Garmin International, Inc.
General Motors Manufacturing
General Motors Manufacturing Assembly
& Automation Center
Geeks and Nerds (GAN)
Founders Insurance Group, Inc.
Garmin Industries
General Motors MAAC
Greater Texas Foundation
General Motors Controls,
Conveyors, Robotics &
Welding Group (CCRW)
General Motors de México, S.
de R.L. de C.V
General Motors Detroit
Hamtramck Assembly
General Motors Engineering
Structural Development Laboratories
General Motors Flint Truck Assembly
Goodfellow Corp.
Granger Construction
Graphic Systems
Graphics & Sign Co.
Great Lakes Eye Consultants,
Peter D. Fedor, M.D.
Great Lakes Manufacturing, Inc.
Great Lakes Stainless
Great Minds in STEM
Great Plains Manufacturing
Grundmann Consulting
Grupo Andrade
GT Pies
Guardian Industries
Guerra Development Corp.
Gulfspan Industrial
Todd and Mari Gutschow
Family Foundation
Guyette Communication
Guyson Corporation
H & H Group, Inc.
H I Solutions
H. Rocker Electric
H&W Foods
Haas Automation
Haberman Foundation
Friends of Middletown Robotics
Friends of Northwest Classen
Friends of Sidney High School
monysmartstdnts Brian Hostick Just saw #dontfailme on CNN. Can say from experience FIRST students GET IT! Science and tech
are the future and the NOW! Well done! 15 May
Hackney Ace Hardware
Hadley Design
Hatch Mott MacDonald
hhgregg Inc.
HHS Robotics Booster Club
Hickey Family
Hopewell Valley Education Foundation
Horizon Milling
Hoselton Foundation
Icon Health & Fitness
Intelligent Automation Inc.
ITC: Integrated Testing and Control
Interactive Intelligence
James Madison University
Education Outreach
Johns Hopkins Pathology
Innovance, Inc.
Idaho State University GK12
Innovation Consulting Partners
ITI Technical College
Janicki Industries
Interlake Mecalux
Itron, Inc.
Janssen Pharmaceutica
Johnson & Johnson Consumer
and Personal Products Worldwide
Intermec Corporation
Jarrett Welding
Johnson & Johnson PRD
ITT Industries
Jasco Products
Johnson & Johnson VISTAKON
ITT Power Solutions
Jay-Cee Sales & Rivet Inc.
Johnson Books & Stuff
ITT Technical Institute
JBT FoodTech
Johnson Controls Foundation
ITT Technical Institute – Arlington, Texas
Johnson Controls, Inc.
ITT Technical Institute – Baton Rouge
JE Dunn Construction
Erika M. Johnson DDS, PLC.
ITT Technical Institute – Tucson Campus
J.E. Rice True Value
Johnson Research & Development Co., Inc.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Johnson & Johnson
Hatton Mens Club
Hicks Orthodontics
Innovation First International
Hallmark Cards
Hawaii Air National Guard
Hot Box Pizza
IDEXX Laboratories
Innovation Works
Halton Learning Foundation
Hawaii Space Grant Consortium
Hida, Okamoto & Associates, Inc.
Innovative Global Technologies
Hamilton Farm Equipment
Hawaii State Federal Credit Union
Higgs Technical Consulting
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
IEC Electronics
Innovative Manufacturing Solutions
Hamilton Sundstrand (a United Technologies
Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau
High Point Solutions
Houldsworth Russo & Company
Innovative Metals
Hawaiian Airlines
High Tech Laser & Engraving
Houston Community College
IEEE Canadian Foundation
Innovative Products
Hawaiian Dredging
Hill Air Force Base
Houston Dynamos
IEEE Coulee Subsection
Innovative Screen Printing
Hawaiian Electric Co, Inc.
Hillman Brass and Copper
Houston Endowment, Inc.
IEEE Foundation
Hawk Institute for Space Sciences
Hillman Fastener
Houston FIRST
IEEE Section of Oral Roberts University
Inola Independent
Inventory Sales Co.
Haworth Inc.
Hill’s Paint & Body
Houston Robotics
Ignash Petroleum, Inc.
Insaco, Inc.
Iowa Fluid Power
ITW Drawform
Jech Technologies
Joint Astronomy Centre
Ilan and Gavish
Insight Technology, Inc.
Iowa Space Grant Consortium
ITW Workholding
Jeff White, CFP and Company
Jo-Kell Inc.
ILC Alumni Association
Ivey Engineering
Jefferson Adult Boosters
Jon Schimpf, PDC LLC
ILD Engineering
Insitu, Inc.
Ivy Tech Community College
Jefferson Lab
Jones Family Foundation
Iron Horse Development
Iwamoto & Associates, LLC
Martha Holden Jennings Foundation
Jones, Lang, LaSalle
IWD Transportation, LLC
Jennings Orthodontics
Jordan Fundamentals
J Bambino
Jerusalem Municipality
Joseph’s Storehouse Bakery
J. Embedded
Jervis B. Webb Company
J&F Machine
Jet Propulsion Lab
JP Fabrication & Repair
J&T Electrical Supply
JetBlue Airways
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
JR Automation Technologies, Inc.
Hamilton Township Education Association
Michael Hammer
Hammerhead Construction
City of Hammond
Jerry & Jean Hammock
Hammond Machine Works
Hampton Roads Technology Council
The Charles Hayden Foundation
Hinckley Research
Howard County Bright Minds Foundation
Howard County Public Schools
Howard Technologies
Illinois Institute of Technology
HDT Engineering Services
Hitachi-powertools – s.Efrati
HR Textron Inc.
Illinois Manufacturing Foundation
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios
Superiores de Monterrey – Campus
HE&M Saw
HiTech Assets, Inc.
Illinois Tech
Instrument Society of America (ISA)
Heads Up Construction
HK Plastics
Hudson Farm Foundation
Imaging for Women, LLC
Heart 4-H
Hobin Construction
Huizenga Group
IMG Photography
InSynergy Engineering
Hearth and Home Technologies
Hod-Assaf Industries Ltd.
Humber River Regional Hospital Foundation
Impact on Education
Integra Foundation
Heat Transfer Systems
Hod-Hasharon Municipality
Hunter College High School Alumnae
Imperial Valley Mesa Program
Integra Telecom
Holiday Market
Hunter College High School PTA
Impulse Internet Services
Harford Community College
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem –
The Rachel and Selim Benin School of
Computer Science and Engineering
Holland Town Center
Hunter Engineering
Integrated Controls, Inc.
Harker Foundation
Hollow Steel
McKinley, Madie & Callan Hunter
IMT York & Bank of York
Holt & Bugbee
Don Hurd & Family
ImTech, Inc.
Holy Trinity School Council
Husaker and Associates
The Home Depot
Handyman Hardware, Inc.
Hankins True Value Hardware
Hanlon Engineering
The Hardwood Store of North Carolina
Dr. Joe Hardy
Harley-Davidson of York
Harmon Steel Inc.
Heinz Corporation
The Heinz Endowments
Helena Pediatric Clinic
Harris & Bruno International
Hendricks Fabrication
Harris Corporation
Mike Hendricks
Delmer & Ruth Harris
Henline Towing, Inc.
Harris Manufacturing
Hennepin Technical College
Harrison Research Labs
The Hennessy Family Foundation
Harro Hoflinger
The Henry Ford
Hartford Public Schools
Hepburn Engineering
Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection &
Insurance Company
Heritage Propane
Hart’s True Value Hardware
Herring Sales, Inc.
Harvest Foundation
Herzing College
Herman Miller Foundation
IntraWest Machine & Fabricating, Inc.
Intuitive Surgical Inc.
Howmet Alcoa
Hancock Pools Services, Inc.
International Paper Corp.
Intralox, LLC
Hitachi Automotive
Hanard Machine
International Coal Group
International Technology Solutions, Inc.
Hamrock Inc.
Hatboro-Horsham Education Foundation
Irvine Automotive Products
Island Automation
Islander Group
Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd.,
Lahav Division
Jackson Medical Mall Foundation
Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd.,
Malat Division
Jackson State University School of
J.F. Ahern Co.
J.J. Jinkleheimer & Co.
Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc.
JLP Enterprises LLC
Jubilee Housing Initiave & Community
Development Corporation
Integrated Medical Supply
Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd.,
Ramta Division
J-M Distributors
Juneau Economic Development Council
Israel Air Force
Irwin & Joan Jacobs
Integrated Systems
JMK Tool
Integrity Production Services
Israel Navy Ship Yard
Jacobs Technology
Junior League of Knoxville
Imtes-Almar Alüminyum
Inalfa Roof Systems
JoAnn Wine & Assoc.
I/N Tek - I/N Kote
Issaquah Schools Foundation
Jacobs Technology ROME Group
JVP Media Labs
Honda Engineering
Hygrade Precast Concrete
Isthmus Engineering & Manufacturing
Jacobs, ESCG
John Deere
Intel Corporation
Honda of America Manufacturing, Inc.
Hyram A. Jones & Sons
Indian Peaks ACE Hardware
John Deere Horicon Works
Intel Israel
ISU College of Engineering
Jaguar Affiliates of Southeast Michigan
Honda of Canada Manufacturing
Hytek Plastics
IT Kauai
John Deere Waterloo Operations
Honda Research & Development
Indiana Department
of Workforce Development
James Madison University
itaas Inc.
John Henry Foster Company
Indio Youth Task Force
Intellectual Property Research
James Madison University College of
Integrated Science and Technology
Honeywell Aerospace
IAF Association
Industrial Electronics
Honeywell FM&T LLC
IAF – Depot 22
Industrial Hobbies
Honeywell Hometown Solutions
IBEW Local 280
Industrial Metal Supply
Honeywell International Inc.
Ibis Tek, LLC
Industrial Specialties
Honeywell KCP
IBM Corporation
InDyne, Inc.
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
ICC Engineering
Harvey Industries
Herzliya Municipality
Harvey Mudd College
Honolulu Community College – Construction
Ice Industries
Hewlett-Packard Company – Vancouver
Haskins Inc.
Honor Credit Union
Ingersoll Rand
Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
Hooker Furniture Corporation
ICO Polymers
Angelo Inglesia
Itasca Community College
Johnny’s Pizza
New Hartford RoboSpartans FTC 4082
August 9 at 11:25 am
We moved into FTC in 2010 after 2 great seasons of FLL. We’re in awe of Jr.FLL’rs who
present at our regional FLL tournament. We’ve made it our mission to encourage new
FTC teams in Central New York as they age out of FLL. Can’t say enough about how
FIRST has transformed our team members – Bob & Lisa Payne, Coaches
J.W. Faircloth & Son
Kfar Yona Municipality
Lamination House
Lewiston Lions and Lionesses
Lowe’s Companies, Inc.
Magna Sealing and Glass Systems
Maspeth Press Inc.
Mecklenberg Electric Cooperative
K&G Tool
Msgt. Gary Kimball
K.R. Saline & Associates, PLC.
LFR, Inc.
Lowe’s of Menlow
MAIN Manufacturing
Mass Bay Engineering
MEDB Ke Alahele Education Fund
G. Michael Kabot, DDS, MS
Kimball Office
Kram Endeavors
Marguerite Poindexter LaMotte, Board of
Education Member, District 1
Lian-Mueller Enterprises
Loyal Business Machines
Maine State Credit Union
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Medco Health Solutions
Kai Media & Marketing
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Lanco Assembly Systems
Liberty Robotics Foundation
LR Cannon Enterprises
Mainstream Engineering
Master Carpet Care
Kratos Defense
Lane Blueprint
Liberty Township
Make Great Things Happen Trust
Master Pneumatic, Inc.
King of the Bosphorus
The Kroger Company
Lange Moving and Storage
Liebherr Mining Equipment
LS Mold & EDM
Mallcraft Construction
MaTech, Inc.
Medical Device Solutions
Kaman Industrial Technologies
KingFisher Systems, Inc.
KTM Services Inc.
Lapeer County Community Foundation
Lifetime Portable Buildings, LLC
LSI Logic
Malon D. Mimms Company
Kansas City Missouri School District
Kingman Powerhouse Kiwanis
KTS Tooling
Lardner Elevator Company
Mr. & Mrs. Ligon
Malone’s CNC Machining
Robert Matteri, MD
Kansas City Power & Light
Kingman Regional Medical Center
Kuka Assembly & Test
Laredo Women’s City Club
The Linde Group
Luck Stone Corporation
Maui Divers of Hawaii
Medtronic Navigation
Dean Karl & Verna Lou Reid
Steve & Deborah Kula
Laron Incorporated
The Linley Group
Ludlum Measurement
City of Manassas Public Schools
Education Foundation, Inc.
Karl Mey’s Collision & Paint Center
Kirk England – State Farm Insurance
Gordon Kuwada
Larsen Design
Linn-Mar Foundation
Tom Ludorf
Manhattan College
Maui Economic and Development Board
Kastle Grinding
Kirtland Community College
Sherrard Kuzz LLP
The Laryat Company
Lio Lapa’au, LLC
Lufkin Industries
Manhattan College School of Engineering
Maui Electric Co., Ltd.
Meggitt Training Systems US
Metapurple Ltd.
L D, Inc.
Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope
Lufkin Rotary Club
Manik and Smith
Meijer, Inc.
Metcraft Industries, Inc.
L-3 Communications
LASA Robotics Association
Lund Engineering
Manitowoc Crane
Herman & LaDonna Meinders
Meteksan Sistem
May Technology & Manufacturing Inc.
Kathman Electric Co, Inc.
Kathy’s Music
Lion Brothers Corporation
Litchfield Bancorp
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
L-3 Communications Integrated Systems
Richard Lasbury, DDS
Litchfield Education Foundation
Luray Copy Service
Mantz Automation
Melfred Borzall
Kaydon Bearings
Kiwanis Club
L-3 Communications Narda Microwave
Laserflex South
Livernois Vehicle Development
Lusk Metals and Plastics
Manual Arts High School NEMO
Mayo Clinic
Mellen Company
Metro Sports Association
Kaz Inc.
Kiwanis Club of Cheshire
L6 Technologies, Inc.
Lloyd Farms
Lutron Electronics, Inc.
Manufacturing Sciences
MB&R Engineering
Memorial Robotics Booster Club
Metro Tech Aviation Career Campus
KBR, Inc.
Kiwanis Club of Cleveland
La Crescent Community Foundation
Latino Business Connection
Lloyd Industries
Lux Manufacturing
Mapek Makine Sanayi Ltd. S,ti.
McAllister Technical Services
Menashe and Sons
Metropolitan Community College
Kiwanis Club of Danville
La Crescent Rotary Club
Law Office of Mark Dent
LMI Aerospace, Inc.
Luzadder Inc.
Maple Leaf Sciences, LLC
McCasland Foundation
Mendon Foundation
KC Machine
Kiwanis Club of Fabulous Fond du Lac
Laadt and Freiser
Lawai Cannery
LMI Aerospace, Inc./D3 Technologies
Maple Valley Rotary
McConnell, Montalvo & Assoc. Inc.
Mentor Corporation
Metropolitan Transportation Authority,
New York City
Kiwanis Club of Ramona
Labconco Corporation
Lawrence Technological University
Local Supporters
Marathon Oil Corporation
McConnell’s Fine Ice Cream and Yogurt
Mentor Graphics Corporation
The Lock Box
Dr. Lyons
Kary McCord
Mentor Search
Lockheed Martin Corporation
McCormick Family Foundation
Marathon Petroleum Co., LP
Mercado Latino
Lockheed Martin Global Training & Logistics
M. Welding Creations
and Industrial Finishing
Marathon Oil Corporation,
Michigan Refining Division
John McDermott Family
Merced Philanthropic
Lockheed Martin Human Space Services
M3 Engineering
Marcus Corporation
MCE International, Inc.
Mercedes-Benz of Oklahoma City
Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control
Mac Tools
Mariani’s Inn & Restaurant
The McGraw-Hill Companies
Merchants Bank
Lockheed Martin Space Systems
MAC Valves
Marine Group Boat Works
McHale Creative
Logan County Commission
MacArthur Associated Consultants, LLC
Mariner Mart Corporation
McInerny Foundation
Mercury Computer Systems Inc.
Logan Olive Garden
Machinists Inc.
Marionville Library
McKesson Corp.
Mercury Marine
Macquarie University
Marketplace True Value
MCL Holding Ltd.
Meriden Board of Education
Lone Star College – North Harris
Mactrek Consultants
Marquette University
MCL Machine – Tools
Meridian Services
Long Electric
Macy’s Foundation
Marquette University College of Engineering
McLaren Health Care
Meridian Title Corporation
Loral Space Systems
Mad Science of Clemson
Marriotts Ridge High School Boosters
Representative Jeff McLaughlin
Merovan Office Center
LORD Corporation
Madison Children’s Museum
Marshall E. Campbell Co.
McMahon Foundation
Mesa Yapi
Los Altos Robotics
Maersk Line Limited
Martin’s Metal
MCNC De Anza College
Los Altos Rotary
Martinsville City Schools
MDA Information Systems
Metal Casting Technology
Los Angeles City Councilman
Bernard C. Parks
Marvin Lewis and Associates, Inc.
MDM Architects
Metal Flow
Magma Engineering Company
Marvin Windows
MDR Precision
Les Schwab Tire Centers
Magna Automotive Seating
Mary Washington Health Care
The Metal Store
Los Angeles County Regional Occupation
ME Engineering
Maryland Space Consortium
Metal Supermarkets
Leslie Zola Science Scholarship
Magna Mirrors
Mead Johnson Nutritionals
Los Angeles Trade Technical College
Sue Mason
The Lesyna Families
Mechanical Inc.
Loucon Metals
LeVic Plastics
Lower Merion School District
Lewis Marine Supply of Greenport
Dr. Richard & Ann Lowery
Kiwanis Club of Riegelsville
The Label Printers
La-Z-Boy Inc.
Kearney Commercial Bank
Kiwanis International
LCF Amps
Kearney Lions Club
Klein Tools
Laboratory for Atmospheric
and Space Physics
Kearney Optimist Club
Klimisch, Inc.
Labsphere, Inc.
Kearney Rotary Club
KMT Robotic Solutions
Ladish Co.
Kearney Trust Company
Lafayette Auto Supply
Timothy A. and Amy B. Leach
Charitable Fund
Knights of Columbus
Laird Plastics
Lear Corporation
The Keenan Foundation
Knights of Columbus Council #7612
Lake Bank
Learning Train LLC
Keihin Michigan Manufacturing
Knights of Columbus Council #7561
Lake Country Women’s Club
Ledo’s Pizza
Kellogg Inc.
Knights of Pythias
Lake Country Woodworkers
Marie LeDoux Foundation
Kelly Aviation Center (a subsidiary of
Lockheed Martin Corporation)
Knorr Brake Corporation
Lake Eustis Community Foundation
Lee Manufacturing
Kodiak Roofing
Lake Michigan College
Lee’s Summit Hy-Vee
Kenneth Koga
Lake Professional Engineering Services
Legacy Village Fund
KOH Institute
Lake Region Medical
Leis Machine Shop
Kohler Company
Lake Superior State University
Leisure Concepts Incorporated
Lake Surgical Association
Leon County Schools
Kokoleka Chocolate
Lake Zurich Bear Boosters
Komax Group
Lakeshore Arts Alliance
Leonard Gelfand Center for Service Learning
and Outreach
Koop & Burr Insurance
Lakota Robotics Boosters
Kemps, LLC
Kendall Electric Inc.
Kennedy Associates
Kenton Elks Lodge 157
Kissick Family Foundation
Meggitt Polymer Solutions
Kentucky Engineering Foundation
Kepco Inc.
Kootanei Electric
Lam Research
Key Bank
Korvis Automation
Lamar Advertising Company
Key Foundation
Lamar Alumni Association
Kettering University
Key Technologies Inc.
Lamberville Do It Best Hardware
LCF Enterprises
Le Boulanger Bakery
by FIRSTweets
Mexican Brothers Market
Fred Meyer
Meziere Enterprises
MG Chemicals
MGS Machine
Miami University
Michigan Aerospace
Michigan Engineering Zone (MEZ)
Michigan Institute of Technology Inc.
Michigan Technological University
Microchip Technology Inc.
MicroDaq.com Ltd.
Microline Technology Corporation
Micron Foundation
Micron Products, Inc.
Micron Technology, Inc.
Microsoft Corporation
The Microsoft Store
MidAmerica Industrial Park
Princess Sweaty FLL Coach Heather @firstlegoleague #smartmove 1st year coach, didn’t know what I was getting myself or the
team into, best move I ever made Now coach 2 teams.
Mid-Atlantic Institute for Space Sciences
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Motion Industries
MIDCON Data Services, LLC
Motorola Foundation
NAPA Starts Auto Parts
Middlesex County College
Mitchell Academy of Science and
Motorola, Inc.
Midgley-Huber and Carrier Corporation
Senator Hinton Mitchem
Motor-Services Hugo Stamp, Inc.
MidMichigan Medical Center
Mitee-Bite Products Co.
NASA Ames Research
Mid-Michigan Robotics Alliance
Mount Dora Community Trust
Mivtach Shamir
Mountain Toppers
Midstate Security
MJ Murray Photography
Mid-States Aluminum
Midway Chevrolet of Plainwell
The New York Yankees
Northeastern University
ODL, Inc.
Pacific Aerospace and Electronics
Newell Rubbermaid
Northern Arizona University
Councilman James Oddo
Ontario Power Generation
Pacific Coast Metal
Northern Credit Union
OEM Controls
Optimal Controls
Pacific Gas & Electric
Nexteer Automotive
Northern Illinois Service
Office of Naval Research
Optimist Club of Coronado
Pacific Jobbers Warehouse
Nick’s Pizzeria
Northern Michigan University
Office of New York City Councilman Koo
Optimist Club of Oakville
Pacific Machine
Northrock Industries, Inc.
Office of Senator Gil Cedillo
Optimist Club of Sacramento
Pacific Precision
NASA Glenn Research Center
Nike, Inc.
Northrop Grumman Corporation
MP Robotics Boosters
Niles Precision
The Modern Fan Company
Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO)
Orbital Sciences
Nitro Manufacturing
Northrop Grumman Newport News
Oral Roberts University College of Science
and Engineering
NASA Glenn Research Center
External Programs
Office of Superintendent for Public
Instruction (OSPI), State of Washington
Roberta Abrams Paer
Ohio Power Tool
Orbital Technologies
Noble Solutions
Northrop Grumman Ship Systems
Midway Machine Technologies
Modern Industries
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Ohio Space Grant Consortium
Orcutt Fused Glass
Northrop Grumman Space Technology
Midwest Welding Supply
Modern Metalcraft
NASA Headquarters
PAL of New Orleans
Ohio State University
Oregon Community Foundation
MSI General Corporation
Nobull Graphix
Northrop Grumman Technical Services
Midwestern Anodizing
Moes Southwest
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Palfinger Inc.
Ohio STEM Learning Network
The Oregon Community Fund
MSS Engineering
Nonin Medical
Northwest Vista College
Mike Savoi Chevrolet
Mohave Community College
NASA Johnson Space Center
Panasonic Energy Corporation
Oils of Aloha
O’Reilly Auto Parts
M-State College
Norampac Incorporated
Northwestern Michigan College
Mike’s Home Repair
Mollohan Foundation
NASA Kennedy Space Center
Pantalone-Bissinger Family
Okanogan FFA Alumni
M-State Wadena
The Nordam Group
Northwood American Legion
Milbank Manufacturing Co.
Monarch Instrument
NASA Langley Research Center
Panther Robotics Booster Club
Oklahoma Christian University
Orotex Corporation
Mt. Wheeler Power
Northwood Equity Elevator
Miles Construction
Monarch Pizza
NASA Launch Services Program
City of Paola
Oklahoma City Community Foundation
Ort Israel
Nordson Corporation
Northwood Men’s Club
Mililani High School
Science Learning Center
Monroe College
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Papa Johns
Monsanto Company
NASA Robotics Alliance Project
Norwich Glass
Oklahoma City Life Member Pioneer Club
Nordson Corporation Foundation
PAR Systems, Inc.
Milken Family Foundation
Monster Accessories
NASA Stennis Space Center
Norwich Pharmaceuticals
MTC Service
Chris Nordyke
MillenniTEK LLC
Monster Mini Golf
NASA Wallops Flight Facility
Mueller Construction
Norfolk State University
Oklahoma Educators Credit Union
Ortho-Janssen-McNeil Pharmaceuticals,
Inc. (a Johnson & Johnson Company)
Paradise Rebar
Miller Bearings and Motion Systems
Montclair Fund for Educational Excellence
Norwich University David Crawford School
of Engineering
Oklahoma Education Enhancement
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics (a Johnson &
Johnson Company)
Mullen Motors
Nostalgia Motors
Oklahoma National Guard
Oryx Systems
Paragon Films, Inc.
Miller Environmental
Montclair Society of Engineers
Nash Construction
Multi Source
Novo Nordisk
Oklahoma State Department of Education
Osceola Foundation for Education
Paragon TEC
Miller Painting, Incorporated
Montecito Bank and Trust
Noxsel-Waddell Foundation
Oklahoma State University
Osfia High School
Paratherm Corporation
Miller Place PTO
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Nathan Hale Foundation
Oklahoma State University College of
Oshkosh Community Media Services
Moog Aircraft Group
NRG Engineering
Miller Powder Coating
Municipality of
Parent Association of The Bronx High School
of Science
Oklahoma State University Institute of
Old Point National Bank
Ole Miss (University of Mississippi)
Olive Garden Italian Restaurant
Otis Elevator (a United Technologies
Oliver Connecting Rods
OTP Industrial Solutions
Parker Group
Jim & Judy Oliver
Otsego County Community Foundation
Parker Hannifin Corporation
Olson Plastics
Mike Ott
Olympus America Inc.
OU College of Engineering
Parker Hannifin Corporation,
Fluid Control Division
OUR Credit Union
Our Proud Grandmas
On Mei Inc.
Outback Manufacturing Inc.
ON Semiconductor, Inc.
Oxnard Precision Fabrication
One Point Inc.
Pace Analytical
Millwood Industries
Ann & Donovan Moore
Munster Booster Club
Millworks Custom Manufacturing
Daniel Moore
Jim Muntz
Milwaukee School of Engineering
Moore Tire and Lube
M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust
MIM Software Inc.
Walter P. Moore
Murray Architects
Moraine Park Technical College
Murray Services
Mine Lifeline, LLC
Morehouse Engineering
Representative Tom Murt
Mineral Area College
Morgan State University
Mingo Career and Technical Center
NASA Dryden Flight Research
National Academy Foundation
National Armiture
National Association of Manufacturers
National Auto Sales
National Defense Education Program
NAVAIR North Island
Naval Air Systems Command
Naval Post Graduate School
Naval Research Laboratory
Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA)
Naval Undersea Warfare Center
Navy Surface Combat Systems Center (SCSC)
NBT Bank
NCK Software
Neal Feay Company
Neff Engineering
Neff Press
Neighbors Empowering Youth
Nerac, Inc.
Netzer Metalcraft
The Neurosciences Institute
Che Nevarez
New Hampshire Ball Bearing
Musk Foundation
National Defense Education Program
Morgan Welding
Musk Foundation SpaceX
National Girls Collaborative
New Hampshire Technical Institute
Minnesota Power
MorganStanley SmithBarney LLC Financial
Mustang Engineering
National Grid
New Jersey Education Association
Minnesota Precision
Manufacturing Association
Morningstar Dental
Mustang Metal
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Morris Education Foundation
Mutant Robots
New Orleans Automation Company
Minnesota Wire and Cable
Morris Machine
Muza Metal Products
National Highway Traffic Safety
Nacel Open Door
Minnick Web Services
Mortenson Construction
NAEA Energy Massachusetts, LLC
Minta Wood
Mosaic Co.
Nagamine Okawa Engineers, Inc.
Minuteman Press of Vallejo
George Mosher
Nakamura Oyama & Assoc. Inc.
Mississippi Power Company
Most Valuable Majors
Charles Nakoa III
MIT Club of South Texas
Nanakuli PTSA
National Instruments Corporation
National Job Corps
National Science Foundation
National Space Camp
National Technical Systems
Natural Wireless
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
New Orleans Public Schools
New Scale Technologies
New World Associates
New York City College of Technology
New York City Transit
New York Container Terminal
Norgren, Inc.
Nortek Controls
North American Machine Works
North Atlanta High School Foundation
North Atlantic Industries
North Carolina A&T State University
North Dakota Department of Career and
Technical Education
NRP Jones
North Dakota Space Grant Consortium
North East Finishing Company, Inc.
NuMark Credit Union
North Fork Sanitation
NuStep, Inc.
North Fork Welding and Steel Supply, Inc.
North Idaho Discovery Association
Nypro Inc.
North Kohala Community Resource Center
O&G Industries
North Shore Federal Credit Union
North Shore Hanapa’a Club
Oakland Schools Technical Center Southeast
North Shore Oil and Propane
North Star Technical
Oceaneering Space Systems
Northeast Metal Craft LLC
Oceanit & Basil Scott
Northeast Utilities
Octagon Robotics
OctoberBest Regional High-Tech Show
by FIRSTweets
Oshkosh Corporation
PACE Parents Association
Louis and Helen Padnos Foundation
Paradise Park
Parents of Bellarmine Robotics
Parents of QCHS Robotics
Park Foundation
Park Place
Parker Intellectual Property Law Firm, PLC
Parker Pneutronics
Mayor Parrish
Partco, Inc.
Pasco Scientific
The PAST Foundation
Themickeyd Ron McDonald Wow! The Jr.FLL in Seattle is huge this year #jrFLL #Lego #FLL yfrog.com/kjeuazxcj 12 Nov
Patoka Valley Vocational Co-op
Pershing Square Foundation
Qualcomm Incorporated
Raytheon Network Centric Systems
Ride & Show Engineering
Rotary Club de Santiago
St. Jude Medical, Inc.
Petersen & Associates
Plas-Tech Coatings, Inc.
Pratt & Whitney (a United Technologies
Proud Grandparents
Patrick Henry Community College
Providge Consulting
Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems
Ridgeview Internal Medicine
Rotary Club of Agincourt
Saint Louis Science Center
Patrick Metals
Pewaukee High School Booster Club
Plasti-Paint, Inc.
Pratt & Whitney Eagle SVC
Qualis Corporation
Province of Ontario
RBC Foundation
Right Way Plumbing
Rotary Club of Albany
St. Mildred’s Lightbourn Parent Association
Patriots Technology Training Center
PFG Optics
Platform Nation
Pratt & Whitney East Hartford
Quality Fasteners & Supply Company
PRP Inc.
RBRC, Call-2-Recycle
Ringfeder Corporation
Rotary Club of Greater Albany
St. Paul Machine & Design, Inc.
The Patuxent Partnership
Pfizer Inc.
Platt Electric Supply
Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne
RCB Bank
City of Rishon Lezion
Rotary Club of Lapeer
St. Tammany Parish School Board
Dr. Richard Paustian
PHD, Inc.
Queen City Sausage
R.D. Tool & Manufacturing
Riverhead Building Supply Corp.
Rotary Club of Lebanon Oregon
Salamander Technologies
Paxton Oil
Philanthropic Ventures Foundation
Plex Systems, Inc.
Pre-Cast Installation Specialists
Queen Creek Library
PTC Instruments
Recticel North America Inc.
Riverview Community Bank
Rotary Club of Peachtree City
Salem County Community College
Payroll 1
Phillips Welding
Plexible Design Inc.
Precision Graphic Systems
Queens College, CUNY
The PTR Group
Red Alert Robotics Parent Organization
RM Systems Integrators
Rotary International
Salernos Restaurant
Paz Oil
PHM Community
Plexus Corporation
Precision Machine
Queen’s University
Red Jacket Rotary
Rotary Sault North
Sall Family Foundation
PC Brokers
Phoenix Contact
Plymouth Rotary
Precision Performance Technology
Quest Federal Credit Union
Red Oak Instruments
Roadrunner Transportation Services
Roush Honda
Salt River Project
Phoenix Engineering
Plymouth State University
Precision Tool & Die
Public Education Foundation
of Marion County
Robert Bosch LLC
Rowan University College of Engineering
Phoenix Ink
PMD Automation
Public Service Company of Oklahoma
Refurbished Equipment Marketplace
PDS Plastics
Precision Tool Technologies Inc.
Quirk Chevrolet
Robert Bosch, S. de R.L. de C.V.
Royal Canadian Legion
Publishers Printing
Region One ESC GEAR UP
Peak Plastics
Prefeitura de Gravatai
Quogue Market
Robert Peccia and Associates
Royal Metals
Sam’s Quality Furniture
Picatinny Arsenal
Puget Sound Energy
Regional Digestive Specialists
Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard
Premier Mortgage Group
Roberts Tool Co.
RPG Industries
Samson Oil and Gas
Picayune Eye Clinic
PNC Bank
Puget Sound Naval Shipyard
Rehbein Enterprises
Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard and
Intermediate Maintenance Facility
Premier Technology
R&D Leverage
Roberts Wesleyan College
R.S. Phillips Steel
Al Samuel
Pneumatic and Hydraulic Company, LLC
Pulvers Glass
Reid Family Foundation
Dave & Linda Pickett
Premier Tool & Die
R&D Precision
Pearson Chrysler Jeep Dodge
Robin Finzel Accounting
RTE Technologies, Inc.
San Antonio College
PneumaTrek, Inc.
Pump Station One
Reliable Automation
Pie Forensic Consultants
Premier Tooling Systems
R&D Tool and Engineering
Pearson Packaging Systems
Robinson Fin Machines, Inc.
Rudolph Medical Associates
San Antonio TAME
Purdue FIRST Programs
Reliance Media Works
Piedmont Metal Fabricators Inc.
Prevention Network
R&E Racing
Point Loma Credit Union
Purvis Industries, Ltd.
Relume Technologies Inc.
Pillar Innovations
Price Engineering
Racey Engineering PLLC
Russ’ True Value
Pointe Blank Solutions
Pythagorean Development Inc.
Robotec Technologies (Intelitek)
Pink Tool Belts
Pride Manufacturing
San Diego College,
Career & Technical Education
Peconic Bay Medical Center
Renaissance Man
Robotics Organizing Committee Hawaii
Russells Technical Products Inc.
San Diego County Fair
Qcept Technologies
Ralph R. Willis Career & Technical Center
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
RobotShop Inc.
Art Ryan
San Diego County Sheriff’s Department
San Dieguito High School Academy
Associated Student Body
Brent Pederson
Don Pinkard
Polaris Industries
Priefert Industries
Pedron’s Storage Co.
Pinnacle Career Institute
Polymer Group, Inc.
Primum Group Technologies, Inc.
Peer Consortium at JTCC
Pinnacle Consultant Group Inc.
Prince Georges County, MD
QEP Energy
Polytechnic University of P.R.
QinetiQ North America, Inc.
Pioneer Hi-Bred International
Pom Wonderful
Prior Lake Optimist Club
QinetiQ PSI
Pender Brothers
Pioneer Metal Finishing
Poole & Associates
Pro Specialties Group, Inc.
Peninsula Education Foundation
Pioneer Technology Center
ProAct Marketing Group Inc.
Peninsular Cylinder Co.
Piramal Glass
The Port Authority
of New York and New Jersey
Penn Engineering
Pitney Bowes
Port Plastics
The Procter & Gamble Company
Pennichuck Water
Pittsburgh Tissue Engineering Initiative
Port Royal Landing Marina
Production Tool Supply
Pittsford PTSA
Port Washington Educational Foundation
Professional Engineers of Ontario North Bay
Pixels and Verbs, LLC
Progress Energy
Portland Community College
Progress Software
Pizza Sam
Portland Engineering Inc.
Project Lead the Way
Pizza Transit
Portland Trail Blazers
Project Solutions LLC
PJ Wallbank Springs, Inc.
John and Margaret Post Foundation
Promation Engineering Ltd.
PL Annuzzi, Inc.
Potters, Inc.
Plan Z Development Studios
City of Poway
Promotional Concepts
Planet Fitness of Daytona
Powell Industries
ProportionAir Corporation
Planet Fitness of Florida
Powell-Watson Toyota of Laredo
Planet Mechanical Corp.
Power Workers’ Union
Plano Molding Company
Plante Family
Pennsylvania Society of Professional
Engineers, Philadelphia Chapter
The Pentair Foundation
Pentair, Inc.
Pentair Water
The People of Newaygo County
Pepsi Beverages Company
Perceptive Software
Performance Software
Perkins Coie
Pershing Square
ProBuild Building Materials
The Ralphs Family
Request Foods
Roche Carolina
Jane Ryan
Ramat-Hasharon Municipality
Research in Motion
Rock County Robotics Club
Senator Greg & Betty Ryberg
Randy’s Towing
Research Triangle Park
Rocket Fuel, Inc.
Ryerson Steel
San Ramon Realtors
Marketing Association
Ranken Technical College
Reseda Women’s Club
Rockwell Automation, Inc.
S1ngle Source
Sandvik Inc.
Resolution Copper Company
Rockwell Collins, Inc.
S&C Electric
Steve Sanghi n
Rashi Foundation
Retlif Testing Laboratories
Rocky Mountain Electric Motors
S&S Philpott LLC
Santa Barbara County ROP
Ratcliffe Foundation
RF Micro Devices
Rogue Engineering
Santa Clara University
Rathco Safety and Supply
Rohnert Park-Cotati Rotary
Sachem Robotics Team 263 Booster Club
Rattunde Corporation
Rhino Caffe
Rolla Alumni of Beta Sigma Psi
SAE Northwest Section
Santa Ynez Band of
Chumash Indians Foundation
Rauenhorst Farms
Santee Cooper
RAUK Enterprises
RHT Enterprises
RoMan Manufacturing
SAIC – Ft. Benning
Sanyo Machine America Corp.
Rhythm Engineering
Roncelli Plastics
Faith Sarfarazi MD
Rice University
Rorke Data
St. Francois County Extension Council
Sargento Foods
James Richardson
Rosemount Emerson
Saint Cloud State University
SASOL North America
Richland College
Rosendale Technologies
St. John Properties Inc.
Saucier Mechanical Services Inc.
Richmond Consulting Group
Ross Hankins Insurance
St. Joseph Kiwanis Club
Richmond Rotary
Kevin Ross & Sue Adams
St. Joseph Lions Club
S.C. Munch
Richner Air Conditioning
Rochelle Ross
St. Joseph Public Schools Foundation
Scanlan Management, LLC
Richner Family
Rossbacher Insurance Service
St. Jude Medical Foundation
Scarborough Toyota
Rawson’s Department Store
Raymond Foundation
Raymore-Peculiar High School
Raytheon Company
Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems
britneyspears Britney Spears Check out this robotics program my dear friend @iamwill is working on: iamFIRST.com
He’s putting the WE back in YES WE CAN :) –Brit 12 Aug
Schaeffler Group
Shape Corp
Skagi Ford Subaru
Sonic Tools, L.P.
TI Automotive
Skillman Foundation
Sonny’s Enterprises, The Car Wash Factory
Stuyvesant High School Alumni Association
The Technological Intelligence Unit Defence
Forces Israel Army
Texas A&M University San Antonio
Stafford County Economic
Development Authority
Schefers Roofing Company
Texas Direct Auto
TIARA Yachts
Schilling Robotics
Sharp Labs of America
Skyview Memorial
Sony Corporation
Stalford Seed Farms
Technology Garden
Terry Schilling
Sharpshooter Spectrum Venture
SL Montevideo Technology, Inc.
Sony Electronics Inc.
Regina & Chris Stall
Suburban Bolt and Supply Co.
TechShop RDU
Texas High School Project Fund of the
Communities Foundation of Texas
Schless Engineering
Shawnee Cycle
SlipNOT Metal Safety Flooring
South Carolina Department of Education
Standard Tool & Manufacturing
Suffolk Education Foundation
Tacoma Firefighters Local #31
Texas Institute for Educational Robotics
Tigard High School Parent Support
Shawnee Mission Education Foundation
SMART Consortium
South Central Michigan Works
Stanek Window Corporation
David Suggs
Tacoma Metal
Texas Instruments Incorporated
Tiger Enterprises
South Jersey Robotics, Inc.
Stanley Black & Decker
Tait & Associates
Tecla Company, Inc.
Texas Paint and Body
Time Warner Cable
South49 Solutions
Stanley Works
Takara Family
Tecolote Research, Inc.
Texas Tech University
Time, Inc.
Southeastern Louisiana University
Talleres Lucas
Ted’s Bakery
Texas Workforce Commission
Tinker AFB
Southern Folger
Tampa Brass and Aluminum
Teichert Foundation
Textron Corporation
Tinker OC-ALC
Southfield Machining Inc.
Tancredi’s Auto & Truck
Tejon Ranch
Textron Marine & Land Systems
Titan Inc.
Southold PBA
The Stardust Foundation
Tarmac Industries
Tel Aviv Municipality
Textron Systems
T.J.’s RV Storage
Southwest Fasteners
StarKist Co.
Telemessaging USA
Thales Group
Southwest Research Institute
STARS for a Better Tomorrow, Inc.
Task Force Tips
Telford Technologies
Theorem, Inc.
TKL Products Corp.
Southwestern Bell (a Division of AT&T)
State Council for Higher Education in
TEM Inc.
Thermo King
Toledo Carolina Inc.
TAT Technologies
Temp Control Mechanical Services
Thermo King West
City of Tolleson
TATA Built Technology
Temple University
Theta Tau
Tolunay-Wong Engineers
TC Sales
Tonnard Manufacturing Corp.
Superior Cutting
Tenaris Algoma Tubes
Tool Guys
Superior Industries
Tennant Foundation
Think Link Discovery Center
Supervisor Covington
TD Bank
Tennessee Valley Authority
Thirty Meter Telescope
Toronto District School Board
Support Enterprises
Team 1644, RoboSkunks
Tensley Consulting, Inc.
Thomas Nelson Community College
Torrey Pines High School Foundation
SurModics, Inc.
Team 233
Teradata Corporation
Thompson-Gordon Group
Total Plastics
Sussex Ace Hardware
Team Ford FIRST
Terminal Supply Company
Thompsons Hardware Store
Team Industries
Terra Tech Engineering
Thomson Reuters
Town & Country Group
TEC Equipment, Inc.
Terry Schmid Sand and Gravel
Swingen Construction
Tech Manufacturing
Terry’s Machine
Three Six One
Townsend Harris High School Alumni
Switchboard Apparatus, Inc.
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Tevfik Fikretliler Birligi
Technique Inc.
Texas A&M University Corpus Christi,
Mechanical Engineering & Engineering
Schneider Electric Company
Schnur Family
School Construction Consultants, Inc.
School District of Oconee County
School of Engineering and Sciences
Schroeder Torsion Bars
Schuler-Haas Electrical Corporation
Christine Schulze Foundation
Les Schwab
Schwalbach ACE Hardware #3896
The Schwan Food Company
Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories
Shell Oil Company
Sheridan College
Sheridan Construction
Shiftlett Transport Services
James and Amy Shimberg Charitable Trust
Shirt Shack
Gen. Robert M. Shoemaker
Show Me Controls
Showbest Fixture Corp.
Showcase Technology
Lita Shyp
Smart Design
SMaRT Education
Smith & Nephew, Inc.
Smith Foundation
Smith Francklin Designs
Richard & Susan Smith Family Foundation
Smith’s Disposal
Southwestern Oklahoma State University,
Technology Department
Smurfit Stone Container Corp.
Space Adventures
State Farm – Ron Hubbard
Space and Naval Warfare Systems
State of Oklahoma
Space Coast Steel
Steel Fab, Inc.
Smoky Hill Construction
State Farm Insurance
Sullivan Mahoney LLC
The Sultans of Türkiye
Summit Global Services, LLC
Summit Research Labs
Sun Chemical Corporation
Sun Hydraulics Corporation
Sun Nuclear Corporation
Sunrise Rotary
Sunset International
Sunshine Minting, Inc.
Sunsource Hydraulic Service and Repair
Suntec Services
The Science and Technology Group, Inc.
Si Se Puede
Snap-On Tools
Science Foundation Arizona
Siemens Corporation
Siemens Corporation, Mobility Division
Sneeringer, Redgrave, Monohan, Provost
Title Agency
Scope Metals Group
Siemens Industry, Inc.
Snoozys Coins
Space Dynamics Laboratory
Steiner Technologies
The Siemon Company
Sobolsoft, LLC
Space Systems/Loral
Stellar Solutions
Sierra College
Society of American Military Engineers
SpaceClaim Corporation
STEM Academy
Society of American Military Engineers
Tulsa Post
Sterling Tool, Inc.
Special Products and Manufacturing
Stewart Engineering and Sales Co.
Society of Hispanic Engineers and Science
Students (SHESS)
Special Technical Services
Stillwater Outlaws
Society of Professional Engineering
Employees in Aerospace
Specialty Metal and Supply
Stitch in Time
Stone County 4-H
Society of Women Engineers
Speedline Technologies
Stony Brook University
Society of Women Engineers – Sacramento
Valley Section
Spokane Regional Chamber of Commerce
S.T.O.P. of New Jersey
Laurie Sponza
Society of Women Engineers – UW Madison
Sportsmans Storage
Stoody Industrial
and Welding Supplies Inc.
Sofinnova Ventures
Springfield Technical Community College
Storage Master Self Storage
Mo Elhelw
Storm Robotics Team Parent Support Club
about an hour ago
Softek Solutions Inc.
Square 1 Systems Design
Software Process Technologies
Square D
Stress Engineering Services
Solano County Office of Education
Stress-Free Property Solutions
Solar Turbines (a Caterpillar Company)
SRI International
Solidus Technical Solutions
Structures Inc.
SolidWorks Corporation
Solutions for Automation
Staff Electric
Stryker Consulting, Inc.
Somerset Community College
Stryker Orthopedics
Scott Electric
Shell International Technology, Inc.
Sierra Lobo, Inc.
Sierra Radio Systems
Sea Box Inc.
Sigmon Racing
Seacom, Inc.
Sign Depot
SEAD Architecture
Signature Consulting Solutions
Seagate Technology, LLC
Signs Now
SeaWorld Busch Gardens
Sebo’s Do-It-Center
Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation (a United
Technologies Company)
Security Service Federal Credit Union
Segway of Ontario
Silicon Valley
Seherr-Thoss Foundation
Silicon Valley Bank
Sims Metal Management
SES Inc.
Sims Steel
Seward Screw
Singularity Clark LP
Sewell Infiniti, Audi, Cadillac
Sirius Computer Systems
Shaklee Independent Distributors
Gary & Gerri Joachims
Sisters of St. Joseph
Shamong Manufacturing Company, Inc.
SJ Electro
SJ Automation
Steel and Ranch
Swift Atlanta Inc.
Symantec Corporation
Symphony Service Corporation
Thyssenkrupp Copper and Brass Sales
FIRST introduced me to something that I liked to do, I was good at, could make a
living doing, and a new crowd to become friends with. FIRST inspired me to work hard
and never give up. The FIRST program has given me lots of great experiences and
memories I’ll hold onto forever.
Like Comment Share
3 people like this
Townsend Harris High School Parent
Teacher Association
Towson University
Marcia Brady Tucker Foundation
Towsontowne Rotary
Tulane University
The Toy Shop
Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing
North America
Toyota Technical Center
Trade Construction
Tram Tool
Transformix Engineering
Traverse Bay Area Intermediate School
Travis USD
Trec Industries
Trees Atlanta
Trex Enterprises Corporation
Triangle Manufacturing Company
Tri-County Technical College
Trident Refit Facility Kings Bay
Trident Technical College
Trimberger Family Foundation
Trimfoot Co.
Trinity Group Architects
Trinity Products
Trio Hardware
Triple H Auto & Welding Service Inc.
Tri-State Generation and Transmission
Association, Inc.
Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.
Turner Funeral Homes
Turning Point CNC Inc.
Turning Technologies
TUV Rheinland
Twin Cities Tech Connection
Tyco Electronics Corporation
Tyco Electronics Foundation
UA Tech Park
UAW Local 14
UH School of Engineeing
UMI – Israel
Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
UNI College of Natural Sciences
UNI STEM Education
Unison Industries
UNITE with Virgil Brackins
United Builders
United Electric Controls
United Health
United Healthcare
Tri-Tec Manufacturing
United Illuminating
Triton College
United Launch Alliance
Tropical Smoothie Cafe
United Phosphorus Inc.
Troy Foundation for Educational Excellence
United Rentals
TRS Solutions
United Roofing
Truck Driving Academy, Inc.
United Space Alliance
Tru-Cut Machine
United States Air Force Academy
Tru-Cut Technology
United States Air Force Academy Research
True Fabrication and Machine, Inc.
Tulsa Area Manufacturers Association
True Value
United States Army
United States Army Corps of Engineers
United States Army Engineer Research &
Development Center
TSI Global Companies
United States Army IEWTD
TTI, Inc.
Wamac Inc.
Warehouse Market, Inc.
West Windsor-Plainsboro
Education Foundation Inc.
Windfall Software
Vic Canever Chevrolet
VICO Manufacturing Inc.
Warren Central 4-H Robotics
Westbrook Systems
Dr. Eleanor Winston & Victoria Pearson
Vic’s Signs and Engraving
Warren S. Unemori Engineering
Westerman Foundation
Witco Inc.
UTK College of Engineering
Western Colorado Community Foundation
Wittenstein, Inc.
Utley & Associates
Viking Plastics Inc.
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit
Western Digital Corporation
Wizard of Az
University of Texas at Austin Robotics and
Automation Society
UWUA Local 223
Village Concepts
Washington State Robotics Grant
Western Digital Foundation
W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc.
Village Hardware
Washtenaw Community College
Western Farmers Electric Cooperative
University of Texas at Brownsville in
partnership with Texas Southmost
W.M. Keck Observatory
Valero Energy Corporation
Vintage Tech Recyclers
Waste Connections
Western Geophysical
Wolf Coach
Valin Corporation – Automation Controls
Viper Northwest
Waste Gas Steel Fabrication
Western Michigan University
Wolf Paving
University of Texas at Tyler, Ingenuity Center
Valley Industrial Partnership
Virginia Blower Co.
WAT Associates
Western New England College
Wolverine Knight Foundation
United States Forest Service
University of Texas Dallas – ECS
Valley Precision Products
Virginia FIRST
Waterford CTE
Western Placer Education Foundation
Women in Technology
Yerucham Foundation
United States Naval Academy
University of Texas Dallas – SOM
Van House Construction
Virginia Tech School of Education
Waterjet Tech
Westhampton Glass and Metal
Women in Technology – Atlanta
United States Navy
University of Tulsa
Vance Enterprise
Waterjet West Inc.
Westhampton True Value Hardware
Women in Technology Foundation
YETI, Inc.
United States Navy SPAWAR Pacific
Vanderbend Manufacturing
Randy Wood
YMCA of the Coastal Bend
Virtucom Inc.
Waterloo Region Catholic Schools
United States Patent and Trademark Office
University of Utah Department of Physics
and Astronomy
VIRSE (Virginia Initiative for Robotics in
STEM Education)
Westlake Ace Hardware
University of Virginia
Waukesha Electric Systems
Yogi’s Beach Bar and Restaurant
United Technologies Corporation (UTC)
Josh s & Judy Weston
The Woodlands College
Park High School PTA
United Technologies Research Center
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Wayland Public Schools Foundation
Whirlpool Corporation
Woodside High School Foundation
University of Wisconsin – Platteville
Young Brothers
The White House Restaurant
Woodward Governor
University of Wisconsin – Rock County
VoiceNet Technologies
W.D. Distributing
Young Engineers Support Program
Unity Surgical Center
Woodward HRT
Unlimited Construction
Weaver Investment
Young Family Foundation
Universal Machining Services
White’s Bridge Tooling
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
U.P. Machine & Engineering
Volo Business Group
Weber Electric
Young Trucks of Canton
Universidad TecMilenio Campus Toluca
Aneta Whitetail
World Class Prototypes
Upper Freehold Regional School District
Board of Education
Vulcan Spring & Mfg. Co.
WebGuy Communications
Youngstown Business Incubator
Université de Sherbrooke
Whitewater Valley REMC
World Metal Finishing
Wedlake Fabricating, Inc.
City of Youngstown Fire Department
Waganer Digital Video
Horace & Laura Whitman
World Technical Services, Inc.
Weidmann Electric
Youngstown State University
Wagstaff Inc.
Wiesbaden Community Spouses Club
World’s Fare Donuts
Waialua Federal Credit Union
Weld Tech
Wilco Machine and Fab
Worldwide Equipment
Youth Technology Academy of Cuyahoga
Community College
Waialua High School Foundation
Wellen Manufacturing
Woven Metal Products
Ypsilanti Public Schools Foundation
Waialua Lions Club
Wells Fargo
Wildwood Studios
W.R. Grace & Co.
Yuk Yuk and Joes
Wainewright Consulting
Mark J. Wilhelm Family Foundation
Wrabacon, Inc.
Yukien Technologies, Inc.
Wakefield Corp.
Wentworth Institute of Technology
William Wright & Associates, Inc.
WRB Enterprises
The Wallace Foundation
West Covina Unified School District
Williams and Fudge
Zephyr Engineering
Waller’s Trucking
West Islip Robotics Booster Club, Inc.
Williams Corporation
WSU 4-H Cowlitz County
Jerry & Marge Zima
West Machine Works, Inc.
Williams Energy
Dr. & Mrs. Clyde Wu
Walt Disney Company
West Texas Rock Resources
Williams Engineering
Drs. David & Bernadine Wu
Zivtech LLC
Vermont Technical College
Walt Disney Imagineering
Gregg Williams Foundation
Zonta Club of Honolulu
Verrando Engineering Co. Inc.
Walt Disney World
West Virginia Department of
Adult Technical Programs
Xerox Canada
Walt Disney World Resorts
West Virginia Department of Career and
Technical Education
Williams, Pitts and Beard
Williams Tooling & Manufacturing
Xerox Corporation
Vertec Tool, Inc.
Walt Disney World Ride and Show
West Virginia High Tech Consortium
Willis Optomechanical LLC
Yale University
West Virginia University
Willow Garage
Yankee Gas
VEX Robotics
Willow Glen Foundation
Yates Industries
VFW Post 27
Wilson Supply
Yazaki North America, Inc.
United States Army Natick Research,
Development and Engineering Center
University of North Dakota Space Grant
UTC Power
(a United Technologies Company)
United States Army Night Vision and
Electronic Sensors Directorate
University of South Carolina
University of South Carolina, College of
United States Army Research Laboratory
United States Army TARDEC
United States Army Operational Test
Command (OTC)
United States Department of Agriculture
United States Department of Energy Legacy
University of California at San Diego
University of Colorado
University of Dayton
University of Detroit Mercy
University of Florida College of Engineering
University of Hartford
University of Hawaii – College of Engineering
University of Hawaii – KCC
University of Hawaii – Melvin Matsunaga
University of Michigan
University of Minnesota – Duluth
University of Missouri – Columbia
University of Missouri – St. Louis, College of
University of Texas at Austin
Upper Moreland Education Foundation
Upstream Works
URS Electronics
Urschel Laboratories Incorporated
US Bank
US Digital
US Engineering
US Tool Group
US Venture Partners
USA Screen Printing
USC Viterbi School of Engineering
USU Charter Credit Union
University of Missouri – St. Louis, Office of
Precollegiate Programs
UT Electronic Controls
University of Montana College of Technology
James R. Utaski n
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
UTC Carrier (a United Technologies
University of New Hampshire
University of New Hampshire Space Grant
University of North Dakota
Utah State University
UTC Fire and Security
(a United Technologies Company)
Vandergriff Chevrolet
Vane Brothers
Vangy Tool Company
Varian Semiconductor Equipment
The Veale Family
VECA Electric & Communications
Vecna Technologies, Inc.
Vector Machining and Engineering
Ventura College
VER Tech Elevator
Verizon Business
Verizon Foundation
Verizon Foundation
Volunteer Incentive Program
Vessel Statistics
VFW Post 961
VFW Post 4207
ViaSat, Inc.
by FIRSTweets
Winslow Performance
York ENT Associates
FutureFAE Mark H. 7-8 year kids from our Junior @FirstLegoLeague brainstorm just like this! Amazing to watch.
bit.ly/oMLsC8 @FIRSTweets 2 Hours Ago
In our fiscal year 2010-2011, FIRST once
again provided consistently high quality
experiences to the rapidly growing
number of participants engaged in its
progression of programs. Contributions
remained strong again as many
individuals, small businesses, corporations,
Program registration fees Contributions and grants Rental income, net of expenses
Other income Special project, net of expenses of $889,145 in 2011
Net assets released from restrictions Total revenues and other support
futures, and ours.
Total expenses
FIRST. This is a continuing testimony to
how essential the FIRST programs and
Once again, 88 percent of funds spent
this fiscal year were for team services
and and growth of programs; general and
administrative expenses comprised 10
percent; and fundraising costs were only
2 percent, reflecting the FIRST long-time
practice of applying the maximum amount
of funds possible to directly benefit FIRST
teams and their supporters.
$ 14,074,525 15,615,389 158,845 429,425 25,017
11,007,189 $ 14,843,617
41,310,390 34,972,150
29,310,219 3,989,305 1,301,130 110,022 4,677,870 192,786 382,435 23,313,034
39,963,767 32,861,235
fiscal years are summarized on the right.
FIRST received an unqualified opinion for
each of these years from its independent
auditor, Berry Dunn.
Robert M. Tuttle, FIRST Vice Chairman & Treasurer
General Partner
1848 Associates
Dean L. Kamen, FIRST Founder
DEKA Research & Development Corporation
Glenn Britt
Chairman & CEO
Time Warner Cable
Ursula M. Burns
Chairman & CEO
Xerox Corporation
Statements of Financial Position
Castaing & Associates
Cash and cash equivalents Short-term investments Pledges, receivables, and other assets Net property, plant, and equipment $10,937,861 6,559,528 8,183,290 3,579,012 $ 8,616,907
Total assets, end of year 29,259,691 27,385,077
Total liabilities Net assets:
Unrestricted Temporarily restricted for programs Total net assets, end of year
Total liabilities and net assets, end of year
John E. Abele, FIRST Vice Chairman
Founding Chairman, Retired
Boston Scientific Corporation
Operating surplus
François J. Castaing
Liabilities and net assets: The financial results for the last two
Board of Directors
Walter P. Havenstein, FIRST Chairman
Former Chief Executive Officer
Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)
Jon W. Dudas, FIRST Secretary
mission are to thousands of youth, to their
their support and new Sponsors joined
June 30, 2010
Revenues and other support:
FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC)
FIRST LEGO League (FLL) and Junior FIRST LEGO League (Jr.FLL)
FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC)
FIRST Place (FP)
General, administrative and supporting services Operation of building Depreciation and foundations continued or increased
June 30, 2011
4,015,048 2,972,348
14,547,673 10,696,970 13,201,050
25,244,643 24,412,729
$ 29,259,691 $27,385,077
The financial information presented here is condensed and does not include the value of all donated services and materials. Audited financial
statements (AFS) are available on the Web site at www.usfirst.org under “ABOUT US/Annual Report & Financials.” Certain amounts reported for
2010 have been restated. For details, please refer to the accompanying notes which are an integral part of the AFS, at the above Web address.
Gordon J. Homer
Gordon J. Homer Advisory Services
Elliott Masie
The Learning CONSORTIUM at the MASIE Center
Susie Mathieu
Spirit Hockey, LLC
Sheri S. McCoy
Vice Chairman of the Executive Committee
Johnson & Johnson
Robert L. Parkinson, Jr.
Chairman & CEO
Baxter International Inc.
Dennis A. Roberson
Vice Provost, New Initiatives
Illinois Institute of Technology
Steve Sanghi
President, CEO & Chairman of the Board
Microchip Technology, Inc.
Thomas G. Stephens
Vice Chairman, Chief Technology Officer
General Motors Company
Myron E. (Mike) Ullman III
Executive Chairman, Retired
James R. Utaski
Whitestone Capital, LLC
Honorary Directors
Paul A. Allaire
FIRST Chairman: 1995-2000
Chairman & CEO, Retired
Xerox Corporation
J.T. Battenberg III
Chairman & CEO, Retired
Delphi Corporation
L. John Doerr III
Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers
Gary L. Tooker
Chairman of the Board, Retired
Motorola, Inc.
Executive Advisory Board
Dr. Woodie Flowers,
FIRST Executive Advisory Board Chairman
Pappalardo Professor Emeritus of
Mechanical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ray Almgren
Vice President,
Product Marketing for Core Platforms
National Instruments
Joe Astroth, Ph.D.
Educational Consultant
Dr. Dennis Berkey
President & CEO
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Michael J. “Micky” Bly
Executive Director, Global Electrical Systems,
Hybrids, Electric Vehicles and Batteries
General Motors Company
Mark Breadner
Executive Director
FIRST Robotics Canada
Sujeet Chand
Senior Vice President, Advanced Technology
& Chief Technology Officer
Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Connie Crawford, P.E.
Senior Vice President, U.S. Engineering
The Louis Berger Group, Inc.
Michael Dubno
Head of Global Markets and Research
Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Greg Hale
Chief Safety Officer & Vice President,
Worldwide Standards and Auditing
Walt Disney Parks & Resorts
Gordon Lankton
Nypro Inc.
David Lavery
Program Executive for Solar System
Paul Lazarus
White Dwarf Productions
Rey Moré
Senior Vice President, Chief Quality
Officer, Retired
Motorola, Inc.
Dr. William P. Murphy, Jr.
Cordis Corporation
Ceci Neumann
Dr. Roland Schmitt
President Emeritus
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Erik Halleus
President & CEO
EuroScandia Enterprises
Hon. Jeanne Shaheen
United States Senator
New Hampshire
Michael A. Heffron
President & CEO
Josh S. Weston
Honorary Chairman
Automatic Data Processing, Inc.
James E. Heppelmann
President & CEO
Vincent Wilczynski, Ph.D.
Deputy Dean, School of Engineering &
Applied Science
Yale University
Marc Hodosh
Host, Partner & Co-Creator
Kent H. Hughes
Director, Program on America, the Global
Economy, and Wilson Center on the Hill
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen
Owner & Vice Chairman
LEGO Group
Championship photography by Adriana Groisman and Argenis Apolinario. Official White House photo by Pete Souza. Brad Miller photo by Lipofsky.com.
Other images courtesy of FIRST teams, Volunteers, and Sponsors.
FIRST gratefully acknowledges the
contributions of those members whose
service has concluded: Deborah L. Grubbe
and Ronald L. Zarrella (Board of Directors);
Peter Gould (Executive Advisory Board).
Listing current as of March, 2012
“to transform our culture by creating a world where science and technology are celebrated and where young
people dream of becoming science and technology leaders.” Dean Kamen, Founder
Mission... to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders, by engaging them in exciting Mentor-based programs
that build science, engineering, and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including selfconfidence, communication, and leadership.
Impact… FIRST participants are 50 percent more likely to attend college, twice as likely to go on to major in science or
engineering, and three times as likely to major specifically in engineering.
200 Bedford Street n Manchester, NH 0 3101
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w w w . u s f i r s t. o r g
FIRST®, the FIRST® logo, FIRST® Robotics Competition, FRC®, FIRST® Tech Challenge, and FTC® are registered
trademarks, and Coopertition™, Gracious Professionalism™, Sport for the Mind™, LOGO MOTION™, and
GET OVER IT!™ are common law trademarks, of the United States Foundation for Inspiration and Recognition of
Science and Technology (FIRST®). LEGO® and MINDSTORMS® are registered trademarks of The LEGO Group.
FIRST® LEGO® League, Junior FIRST® LEGO® League, FLL®, Jr.FLL®, and Body Forward® are jointly held trademarks
of FIRST and The LEGO Group. ©2012 FIRST. All rights reserved.