Knowledge Zone Vocational Training Center


Knowledge Zone Vocational Training Center
Myanmar in Transition
Considered by many to be one of the most
oppressive and abusive regimes in the world, the
military junta that ruled Myanmar with an iron-fist
is responsible for the displacement of millions of
people from their homes. In spite of the promising
news and general positive trend towards the
changes currently taking place in this war-torn
country, its people have yet to truly experience
peace and stability. While this resource rich
country is recognised for its economic potential, it
is questionable when the poor in Myanmar can
benefit from the growth and development. Even
though the country is fast transforming, the
trickledown effect of growth and development is
slow and minimal in many parts of the country.
Beyond Myanmar’s soil, more than 140,000
refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs)
still live in temporary refugee camps. About two
million others have migrated to Thailand for work;
many unregistered and undocumented. Although
the migrants can earn many times more in
Thailand than in Myanmar, jobs available are
mostly limited to dangerous and exploitative
positions, including factory and plantation work,
domestic servants and maintenance positions as
well as basic construction day laborers.
Knowledge Zone
Vocational Training Centres:
Provide relevant classes that will help its
students to find safer and better quality
work instead of the dangerous and exploitative positions usually obtained.
Knowledge Zone operates two training
centres in the following locations:
 KZVTC – Mae Sot, Thailand:
Initiated in 2008, this vocational training centre promotes better education
and job opportunities for Myanmar
migrant workers and refugees in this
border town in Thailand.
 KZB – Bago, Myanmar:
In late 2012, Knowledge Zone expanded
into Myanmar and established its
second centre in Bago, providing youth
and young adults inside Myanmar with
the needed life skills to find safer,
better and even well-paid jobs.
Why Knowledge Zone?
Burmese people who are living inside the country
as well as those who have migrated to Thailand are
often hampered by their life circumstances in
accessing education and better job options. Hence,
Knowledge Zone bridges this gap by providing
short term courses to youth and young adults from
Myanmar to supplement their knowledge and skills
and to improve their future employability. Courses
offered include communication and language skills
as well as practical computer knowledge.
Contact us:
Child’s Dream Foundation
238/3 Wualai Road, T. Haiya, A. Muang
Chiang Mai 50100, Thailand
Classes to upgrade computer skills are in very high
demand in both Knowledge Zone centres.
[email protected]
Tel +66 (0)53 201 811
Fax +66 (0)53 201 812
How we work
In order to cater to the time schedules of our beneficiaries, who may be working or be at school,
classes at KZVTC and KZB are typically held during the early morning or evening hours on weekdays
and during weekends. On average, 8 to 10 courses are offered in any month and run for three
months, approx. 30 to 40 students attend per class. Each calendar year, the centres run four terms.
Students who are deemed able to pay are asked to contribute a nominal course fee to increase the
long-term sustainability of the centres and decrease their dependency on external funding. For a
three month course, students at KZVTC pay approximately USD 6 and students at KZB pay
approximately USD 5. These tuition fees contribute to around 50% of the current budget.
Knowledge Zone organises all classes and recruits the students and staff. Each centre is managed by
a management committee that is headed by a principal. Together with us, an annual budget is
agreed upon. Activities of both centres are closely monitored through the submission of monthly
narrative reports, budget expenditure reports and activity photos. Our project managers visit both
centres frequently and urgent issues are resolved by phone.
Who goes to Knowledge Zone
KZVTC – Mae Sot, Thailand
KZVTC – Mae Sot, Thailand
The main beneficiaries of this centre are migrant laborers,
refugees, monks and even local Thai police officers. 90% of
the beneficiaries are connected to the migrant school network
as teachers and administrators as well as students of migrant
schools also attend classes. KZVTC is thereby making a direct
contribution to the education system of this vulnerable group
by upgrading both teachers' and students' skills, enabling
them to be more qualified as well as more satisfied in their
employment. Courses provided include English, Thai, Burmese
and Chinese language, basic computer skills using MS Office,
graphic design, use of Photoshop and basic website
KZB – Bago, Myanmar
Located inside Myanmar, the beneficiaries are mostly
students and teachers from schools in Bago, government
officers, youth from the community and also some monks and
nuns. Courses offered at KZB include English language,
computer classes as well as sewing and fashion design.
Enrolments usually peak during summer time as students on
school breaks attend additional courses, upgrading their
English language skills.
KZB – Bago, Myanmar
Knowledge Zone’s classes serve as a
focus point for a variety of people from
Myanmar to meet and interact; this is
especially so at KZVTC where individuals
from the local Thai community also
attend classes.
Budget & Reporting
The annual budget includes regular operating costs such as salaries, school equipment, stationery
and other office related costs for the two centres. The total annual budget of USD 60,000 includes
our programme monitoring and overhead costs. Unlike most of our other programmes, Knowledge
Zone compliments its budget from Child's Dream with the income generated from tuition fees,
increasing its long-term sustainability. Reporting will be provided on a semester basis.
Contact us:
Child’s Dream Foundation
238/3 Wualai Road, T. Haiya, A. Muang
Chiang Mai 50100, Thailand
[email protected]
Tel +66 (0)53 201 811
Fax +66 (0)53 201 812