Prof. Dr. Dan Smyer Yu Nestling with Gods: Mandalizing Mountains
Prof. Dr. Dan Smyer Yu Nestling with Gods: Mandalizing Mountains
Budování vědeckého týmu a zapojování do mezinárodních sítí v oblasti čínských studií reg. č. CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0152 Filozofická fakulta MU a projekt CHINET srdečně zve na přednášku Prof. Dr. Dan Smyer Yu Center for Trans-Himalayan Studies, Yunnan Minzu University Nestling with Gods: Mandalizing Mountains and Place-Making in Amdo (Qinghai) středa 1. dubna 2015, 14:10 – 15:45, učebna B2.24 (Arne Nováka 1, FF MU, Brno) This paper, based on the author’s ethnographic work, pertains to a case of Buddhist practice being place-grounded and ecologically engaged in the daily routines of Tibetans in the Amdo region. It inquiries into how Buddhism is not merely a work of human spirituality but is, in the author’s terms, “inter-sentient communication,” “shared hierarchy,” and “inter-rootedness,” whose materiality is shown in Buddhists’ mandalizing their dwelling places in close proximity to the religiously significant but highly humanized mountain range known as “Nine Deity Mountains” (སྲིད་པ་ ཆགས་པའྲི་ལྷ་དགུ). Through detailing a unique place-gods-human relationship at a village in Amdo, this paper examines how individual Buddhist routines, which involve interacting with mountain deities, bear pragmatic significance for the preservation of the village inhabitants’ collective memory, the ecological wellbeing of their living environment, and their personal flourishing. On the theoretical front, this paper wishes to articulate an argument that Buddhism in this ethnographic case as a lived religion is both embodied and implaced in human consciousness and in the lifeworld of the local residents. Přednášky jsou přístupny všem zájemcům (nejen) z řad studentů i pedagogů! Tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.