Cold War Trading Cards


Cold War Trading Cards
Cold War Trading Cards
Create a series of ten “trading cards” that provide a well-rounded representation of the Cold War era. You should choose five items from
each of the following columns, for a total of ten items.
(choose 5)
(choose 5)
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Hollywood Blacklist
Harry S. Truman
Korean War
Joseph McCarthy
U-2 Incident
The Rosenbergs
The Space Race
Alger Hiss
Warsaw Pact
Nikita Khrushchev
Potsdam Conference
Joseph Stalin
Berlin Airlift
Mao Zedong
Marshall Plan
General MacArthur
Cuban Missile Crisis
John F. Kennedy
Bay of Pigs
Fidel Castro
Berlin Wall
Lyndon B. Johnson
Assassination of JFK
All cards should be illustrated and in color. Each card should have TWO SIDES.
Side ONE: Title + Illustration
Side TWO: Information regarding the chosen item
For the FIVE PEOPLE cards:
Name (again)
Birth & death date
What do we remember them for?
One interesting fact
For the FIVE OTHER cards:
Relevant dates (when)?
Relevant locations (where)?
Who was involved?
What happened?
What were the consequences of any actions taken?
What was the significance of this event? What happened as a result?
Note + Due Date
Your trading cards will count as a project grade for this unit. In order to receive an ‘A’, you will need to do an excellent job and go ABOVE &
BEYOND the requirements (in other words, you will need to do more than just the bare minimum). In addition, you must turn everything in on
Due Date: ___________________________________________
*If you are not planning to be in class on that day, it is your responsibility to turn your project in EARLY so as to avoid a late grade*
Cold War Trading Cards Rubric
Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Period: ____________________ Date: __________________________________________
Student submitted required number of trading cards (10 total)
Trading cards include all required information (front & back)
Trading cards include accurate + detailed information
Trading cards are illustrated & in color
Trading cards are neat, easy to read & well-done
Student’s time & effort is evident
Rubric was submitted with cards
***Please Note: Students will lose 5 points if they do not submit this rubric with their project – NO late rubrics will be accepted!***
***Please Note: Cards should be placed into an envelope or a plastic baggie with folded rubric! No loose cards will be accepted!***