150511 Packet - the Dundas City Website!
150511 Packet - the Dundas City Website!
City of Dundas Administrator/Clerk’s Report City Council Meeting, May 11, 2015 To: Mayor and Council From: John M. McCarthy Date: May 8, 2015 Consent Agenda Interfund Loan: This payment of $398,072.23 from Fund 300, Railway Street South Capital Project Fund to Fund 602, Sanitary Sewer Enterprise Fund will repay much of the $429,731.01 interfund loan from Fund 602 to Fund 300. Fund 300 is funded by assessments paid by College City Beverage for the improvements to Railway Street. CCB elected to prepay the assessments in order to save interest. On May 20, 2015, the remaining amount owed on the 2006C Series Bonds will be prepaid from Fund 602. The prepayment of $287,396.92 including interest and fees should save the City about $12,000 based on current and projected interest rates. Special Action: Due to an error in the county assessor’s office, Rice County levied a tax on the City of Dundas for the communication antennas on the east water tower. The county was already taxing the company leasing antenna space, but apparently overlooked their own information and standard procedure to tax an exempt government. The assessor’s office has agreed to abate and void the improperly levied tax, but the City will have to pay the first half and then will receive a refund. Old Business Engine House Lease: Staff met with the owners of Gear Resources Outfitters, Inc. to discuss the lease. There was general agreement with the outline reviewed by the City Council at the last meeting. The Stais requested a lease rate of $300.00 / month. They also explained any watercraft washing would be done by or under the supervision of DNR trained personal in accordance with DNR required procedures. No chemicals would be used in the rinsing of canoes and kayaks. Resolutions Resolution 2015 –17 Terminating the Fee Relationship with Mainstreet Publishing: At the prior council meeting, the costs of continuing to partner with the publication of the Dundas Messenger and the effectiveness of the communication was discussed. After further review by staff, Resolution 2015 – 17 is recommended for approval. (Motion) New Business Liquor License Renewals: Approve Liquor License Renewals: The following establishments have applied for renewal of their liquor licenses for 2015/2016. All of the applicants have met the requirements for renewal and have been reviewed in accordance with state law. Staff recommends approval of the following license applications: Combination On Sale/Off Sale Intoxicating Liquor and Special Sunday On Sale Licenses. Dawn’s Corner Bar Inc. dba Dawn’s Corn Bar; Lyle and Pauline’s, Inc, dba L&M Bar and Grill. Off Sale Intoxication Liquor License AJE Enterprises, Inc. dba Firehouse Liquor. 1 On-Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor License The Dundas Baseball Association dba Dundas Dukes. Open House for Public Safety/Public Works Building: Staff is recommending Tuesday, June 2 from 4:00 to 6:00 pm to hold an open house at the new Public Safety/Public Works building. Request approval of the date, time and necessary expenses. (Motion) Attorney’s Report Property Purchase for Regional Park: The purchase of the property will close on May 18, 2015. Administrator’s Report Water System Operator: The Minnesota Department of Health has informed public works assistant Greg Malecha he passed the test for his Class D Water System Operator. Ordinance Violations: Information regarding the fence ordinance violation has been turned over to the prosecuting attorney to prepare a citation. A notice has been sent to the same Dundas property owner regarding the keeping of farm animals in a residential district, which is a violation of the Dundas City Code. Sidewalks: The engineer should have the preliminary design and cost estimates completed by the next council meeting. Review of TIF District #3. With the scheduled closing of Tax Increment Financing District #3, staff has been reviewing the status and budgeting to close the project. The administrator will be meeting with representatives of the primary landowner during the week of May 10th to discuss issues regarding the end of the District. Filing of PCARD Ordinance: Rice County would not accept the recording of the Zoning Ordinance for the PCARD as the zoning administrator did not have the ability to affix a seal to the certification. As the ordinance is not a city document, the City Administrator/Clerk does not have the authority to certify. The City Attorney will be obtaining a certified copy of the decision of the Court of Appeals and staff will attempt to record again with a notarized signature. Pearl Street Open House: The Rice Steel 911 Center will be holding an open house to celebrate 15 years of operation as a consolidated dispatch center. Committees and Boards CASH #1 Scoping Meeting: The Scoping Group met on May 6. The consultants from Bolton and Menk reviewed changes in the findings of fact which were suggested at the prior meeting. A Problem Statement was reviewed and some wording changes were discussed. The open house is tentatively scheduled for the evening of June 18, 2015. Page 2 CITY OF DUNDAS COUNTY OF RICE STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NUMBER 2015 - 17 A Resolution Terminating the Fee Relationship with Mainstreet Publishing WHEREAS, Mainstreet Publishing through the Dundas Messenger (the “Messenger”), provides the City of Dundas (the “City”) with a method of communicating with citizens and interested parties for a fee; and WHEREAS, the City staff prepares the information pertinent to Dundas for inclusion in the Messenger; and WHEREAS, the increasing amount of paid advertising in the sections of the Messenger, which once was dedicated to communication with the citizens of Dundas has decreased the opportunity to provide timely information; and WHEREAS, over a period of years other means of communication such as the internet, e-mail, direct mail and social media have shown the ability to provide information in a more timely and less expensive manner: and WHEREAS, City staff recommends information can be more effectively and less expensively communicated by using other methods such as the City’s website, a quarterly newsletter; utility billing and e-mail; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Dundas, Minnesota, does hereby terminate the relationship with Mainstreet Publishing of Dennison, Minnesota, effective with the publication of the June issue; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City Administrator will inform Mainstreet Publishing regarding the termination of the relationship. ADOPTED by the City Council of Dundas, Minnesota, on this 11th day of May 2015. CITY OF DUNDAS BY: ATTEST: _________________________ Glenn Switzer, Mayor ________________________________ John M. McCarthy, Administrator/Clerk Resolution 2015-17 ___________Switzer _____________Cruz ____________ Fowler ____________Modory _____________Pribyl Police, Fire and Ambulance Available for Tour Rice & Steele Tour of 911 Center Serving the Citizens of Rice & Steele Counties History of Your 911 Center Volunteer Sign-Up Opportunities PLEASE JOIN US! OPEN HOUSE Everbridge Sign-Up Assistance on Site TO CELEBRATE 15 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE CITIZENS OF RICE AND STEELE COUNTY Stop by for a Tour of Your 911 Center May 13th, 2015 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. RICE STEELE 911 CENTER 204 Pearl Street E. Owatonna, MN. 55060 Dundas Police Department Reports and Calls for Service – April 2015 04.02-Civil matter reported in the 200 block of Morris Street 04.05-Domestic in the 200 block of Railway St. 04.06-Animal complaint reported in the 500 block of Summit Ave. 04.08-Suicide male reported in the 200 block of Mill St. E. Responded to the Nfld Hospital regarding the suicidal male that was brought in Check card fraud reported by a female who resides in St. Cloud 04.09-Assisted the Sheriff’s Department with a warrant arrest 04.10-Driving complaint reported in the area of Hwy 3 and C.R. 1 E. Child welfare check reported in the 400 block of 2nd St. N. Chuoi Bichiok Ruach, 30, cited for Driving after Revocation 04.12-Assisted Northfield P.D. with an alarm in the 700 block of Prairie St. 04.13-No proof of insurance citation issued Richard Kenneth Smith, 47, arrested on an outstanding warrant 04.15-Asssited Nfld P.D. with stopping a vehicle wanted in domestic reported in their city. 04.16-Assisted the Sheriff’s Department with a fight call at Heath Creek Rest Area 04.17-Assisted the Sheriff’s Office with a property damage crash with injuries 3 juveniles were cited for drugs and paraphernalia 04.18-Attempted warrant service in the 100 block of Miller Lane 04.19-Barking dog complaint reported in the 200 block of 3rd St. N. Proof of insurance form issued 04.20-Juvenile runaway reported in the 200 block of Railway St. N. 04.21-Drunkeness reported at the L&M Bar 04.22-Ordinace citation issued for stop sign violation Lavergne Syble Dickerson, 43, cited for Driving after Revocation Suspicious activity reported in the 100 block of 3rd St. S. 04.23-Ordinace violation in the 400 block of Grindstone Lane 04.25-Domestic reported in the 400 block of 2nd St. N. Proof of insurance form issued 04.26-Harassing communications reported in the 300 block of West Ave. Corey John Vanthomme, 34, cited for Driving after Revocation and no Proof of Insurance. 04.29-Assisted the Sheriff’s Office with a warrant attempt in the 500 block of Summit Lane. 04.30-Driving complaint reported in the area of Hwy 3 and C.R. 1 E. Theft reported at Menards Assisted the Northfield P.D. with a driving complaint Welfare check in the 100 block of Miller Lane DUNDAS POLICE DEPARMENT Citations/ Warnings Monthly Report April 2015 OFFENSE ‐ APRIL 2015 CITATION WARNING COMPLAINT NO PROOF OF INSURANCE 4 SPEED 8 DRIVING AFTER REVOCATION 3 UNSAFE PASSING 1 NO SEALBELT 9 TEXT WHILE DRIVING 2 POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA IN A MOTOR VEHCILE 1 POSSESSION OF PARAPHERNALIA 1 EQUIPMENT VIOLATIONS TOTAL FOR MONTH Submitted by: Gordon Mincke Chief of Police 3 7 29 10 0
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