
The Citizens Theatre is looking to appoint a dynamic and experienced Head of
Development to:
 Lead the Company's £16.5 million capital campaign to successful completion by 2019;
 Implement, monitor and evaluate the Development Strategy for revenue fundraising
and for the current capital campaign;
 Contribute to realising the vision of the Company as a member of the Senior
Management Team.
We would like to appoint as soon as possible and have set the following timescale for
 Deadline for Applications: 10am Monday 20 April 2015
 First Interview Date: Wednesday 6 May 2015
Application will be via an application form, CV and covering letter identifying the relevant
skills and experiences that the candidate would bring to the role with reference to the Job
Description and Person Specification.
Potential applicants are welcome to discuss the post further with Judith Kilvington,
Executive Director; we would ask that you make contact by email in the first instance by
contacting Judith at [email protected].
Information included in this recruitment pack includes:
 Job Description and Person Specification
 Background information on the Citizens Theatre
 Background information on the Development Team
Overview of Terms
Title: Head of Development
Salary: £36,000 - £40,000 p.a. dependent on experience
Holidays: 25 working days p.a. plus statutory public holidays
Hours: 39 hours per week on average. However the salary reflects the fact that the
candidate may have to work additional hours and on the occasional bank/public holidays.
Probationary Period: Six months
Notice Period: Four weeks during the probationary period, thereafter three months.
Pension Scheme: The post holder will be an eligible jobholder for auto enrolment. After a
period of three months from start date, Citizens Theatre offers an employer’s contribution
of 3%. Employer and employee contributions will increase in line with the Pension
Regulator's Guidelines for auto enrolment compliance.
Reports to: Executive Director (Line Manager) and Artistic Director
Responsible for: Development Manager, Trusts and Foundations Manager, Development
Main Purpose:
 Lead and implement a successful fundraising strategy reflecting Citizens Theatre's
objectives, generating ongoing sustainable income to support all aspects of the work;
 Implement, monitor and evaluate the capital project campaign;
 Lead on the creation and communication of new fundraising initiatives to a diverse
range of external and internal stakeholders;
 Lead and manage all members of the Development Team;
 Take a proactive and dynamic role as part of the Senior Management Team.
 Lead a long term, sustainable fundraising strategy in line with the Company's objectives;
 Maximise opportunities for any potential new areas of support for Citizens Theatre in
order to broaden the income streams and donor base;
 Implement, monitor and evaluate the fundraising strategy for the capital campaign;
 Develop and maintain a broad and effective range of relationships with the Corporate
sector, Trusts and Foundations, individual donors and any agencies to develop and
expand sources of investment in the Citizens Theatre;
 Contribute to the ongoing strategic development and future plans of the Company;
 Represent and be an ambassador for the Citizens Theatre generally and its capital
campaign in particular;
 Lead the Development Team and work effectively with the Board and the Executive
Team in the implementation of the Development strategy and linked campaigns.
Key responsibilities:
Leadership and Management
 Develop and nurture excellent relationships with donors, supporters and prospects to
maximise long term support;
 Prepare fundraising proposals to a high professional level including monitoring and
evaluation reports;
 Oversee the management of all Development events, working closely with the
Development Team, General Manager, Head of Marketing and Communications, Head
of Production and Box Office Manager;
 Ensure effective mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating development activity;
 Provide clear leadership and direction to the Development Team;
 Lead and manage the Development Team, ensuring systems are set up and adhered to
and that all work is of a consistently high quality;
 Ensure all the necessary policies, procedures and systems for successful fundraising are
in place and kept regularly up to date;
 Work with the Associate Director (Citizens Learning) and the Producer (Citizens
Learning) to secure funding for future Learning projects;
 As a member of the Senior Management Team represent the Company at all times and
show leadership within the entire organisation;
 Stay abreast of significant developments in related fields and ensure this knowledge is
disseminated as appropriate;
 Ensure that staff have the necessary support and skills to perform their jobs, paying due
regard to Health and Safety and compliance with the Company’s policies and procedures
including Equal Opportunities.
 Be accountable for implementing the agreed business and financial objectives (KPIs) for
all Development activities;
 Set and maintain income and expenditure budgets in agreement with the Executive
Director and Head of Finance, providing reports as required;
 Comply with the Company's financial, management and monetary procedures;
 Ensure that rigorous systems are in place for tax efficient giving, gift management and
accounting and for the production of clear financial reports.
 Work with the Marketing and Communications Team to maximise the impact of all
development materials and initiatives including the capital public appeal campaign;
 Promote positively and represent at all times the work of the Citizens Theatre both
internally and to key stakeholders, audiences and the wider theatre industry;
 Create all relevant promotional material for Development activity working closely with
the Head of Marketing and Communications.
 Negotiate contracts in relation to operations within the Head of Development's control;
 Oversee contractual arrangements for staff within the Development Department in
liaison with the Executive Director.
 Attend Board Meetings and prepare quarterly reports updating on activity and
performance against target;
 Co-ordinate and manage the work of the Development Sub Committee, be responsible
for its effective functioning and communication between Trustees and the Development
Essential skills and experience
Standard of education:
 A University degree or equivalent.
 Fundraising experience, with a strong track record, including a successful large capital
 At least five years’ experience in fundraising which involves a demonstrable track record
of success;
 Proven creative and entrepreneurial skills in reaching or exceeding targets;
 Proven experience of planning and implementing successful development campaigns
and effective customer relationship management;
 Knowledge of a broad range of development initiatives including Corporate sponsorship,
Corporate schemes, Trusts and Foundations, individual giving, direct mail campaigns and
 An understanding of the Scottish scene in respect of the government and its agencies,
Corporate giving, Trusts and Foundations, and individual giving.
Planning and Organisation:
 Knowledge and proven experience of implementing and reporting upon strategic and
operational development plans;
 An energetic and self motivated approach to work. Proven ability to organise and
prioritise a demanding workload and to work effectively with minimum supervision;
 A willingness to contribute whole-heartedly to the efforts of the team.
Communication and External Relationships:
 Excellent oral, written, presentation and interpersonal skills in dealing with people at all
 Demonstrable experience of developing and maintaining effective relationships with a
wide range of organisations and individuals. Strong networking skills.
Managerial Skills:
 Proven ability to supervise, manage, motivate and develop staff.
Financial Management:
 Excellent numeracy skills. Proven ability to devise strategic development and project
budgets and to manage, monitor and report on income and expenditure effectively;
An understanding and knowledge of tax and legal issues affecting development in the
charities sector.
Computer & Administrative Skills:
 Computer literate with proven working knowledge of relevant IT, data management and
administrative support systems;
 Proven ability to research, analyse and manage development databases.
 The ability and willingness to work flexible hours, including evenings and some
weekends when necessary.
Desirable skills and experience
Experience of working within a not for profit arts or charitable organisation;
Experience of legacy fundraising;
A keen interest in, and understanding of, contemporary culture particularly theatre;
Institute of Fundraising Certificate in Fundraising Practice.
The Citizens Theatre produces and presents at least 15 main stage productions a year, with
further small-scale shows and works in progress in our studio theatre. Our artistic
programme is rooted in classics, conceived for a modern audience in ways that are thrilling,
thought-provoking, accessible and relevant. In addition, we commission and produce new
plays by Scotland's finest writers which explore and celebrate the world we live in today.
Alongside our own repertoire, we present work by some of the most exciting theatre
companies touring the UK and work in partnership with other major producing theatres
including the National Theatre of Scotland, the Royal Lyceum Theatre, Edinburgh, Bristol Old
Vic and Liverpool Everyman.
Since its founding, the Citizens Theatre has been at the forefront of cultural activity in
Glasgow and Scotland. Through many changes of leadership and circumstance the Citizens
Theatre has built a proud reputation of making world-class theatre in and for Scotland.
Every year we serve audiences of over 60,000 and reach a further 6,500 individuals through
our award-winning programme of participatory and education work.
Vision, mission and values
We believe that quality theatre is for all and our ambition is to transform and enhance lives
through performances and activities that everyone can access. We achieve this by:
 presenting bold and accessible interpretations of classic texts alongside new plays by
and for the people of Glasgow;
 delivering a comprehensive programme of Learning and community participation
initiatives for people of all ages and from all walks of life, especially those from
marginalised communities;
 nurturing the talent and creativity of established and emerging theatre-makers in both
professional and non-professional contexts.
Our work is underpinned by a set of values shared across our organisation.
We believe that live theatre and performance has the power to transform the lives of
everyone who engages with the Citizens. We aspire to excellence in all areas of our work
and make work of the highest quality that is adventurous and risk-taking. We collaborate
with the best theatre-makers and operate as leaders in our field.
We believe in the value and importance of collaboration with like-minded partners in order
to achieve our full potential, to nurture talent more effectively and to offer our audiences
the best experience possible.
We believe in being active at the heart of our community in the Gorbals, with a reach and
outlook that is national and international. We believe that everyone should have the
opportunity to take part in the creative life of the Citizens Theatre, whether by watching a
play or by developing skills and self-confidence in an inclusive environment.
Our ambitions
Under the Executive Team of Artistic Director (Dominic Hill) and Executive Director (Judith
Kilvington) the Citizens Theatre has the ambition to:
 Be the leading building-based producer of innovative and high quality drama in Scotland;
 Produce a year round programme of Learning and participation activities both within
and outside of the building inspired by a strong belief in the transformative power of
such work;
 Nurture, train and support both emerging and established artists and companies;
 Enhance its reputation nationally and internationally through touring and coproductions;
 Undergo a major period of rebuilding and refurbishment in order to create an
organisation in which we can achieve our aims and ambitions well into the future.
What makes the Citizens unique in Scotland is the ambition of the programme both on the
main stage and within the Citizens Learning department, the high quality of the work, and
the expertise of those who deliver it.
Who We Are
The Board brings together individuals drawn from a range of industries and backgrounds.
The Board is hard working and committed to an exciting future for the Citizens Theatre. The
Chair is Professor Adrienne Scullion, who holds the James Arnott Chair in Drama at the
University of Glasgow. The Vice-Chair is April Chamberlain, a freelance consultant and
entrepreneur. The other Board Members are Laurence Fraser, Partner at MacRoberts LLP;
Alex Gaffney, Commercial and Business Development Manager for BBC Scotland; Dominic
Hill, Artistic Director/CEO of the Company; Ryan James, owner of the Two Fat Ladies
Restaurant group; Alex Reedijk, General Director of Scottish Opera; and, Bailie James
Scanlon who is nominated to the Board by Glasgow City Council who are one of our major
funders along with Creative Scotland.
The Board is currently reviewing its membership and plans to recruit new members to
strengthen the skills and experience of the Board.
There are three sub committees which support specific areas of the business:
• The Finance and General Purposes Sub Committee meets approximately four times a
year with the purpose of providing a greater level of scrutiny and support to the financial
management of the company;
• The Capital Sub Committee meets monthly to oversee the progress of the Capital Project
and to advise the Project Team;
• The Development Sub Committee meets monthly and oversees the capital fundraising
campaign as well as the monitoring of annual revenue income.
The Company employs approximately 34 people on a permanent basis, with more
colleagues being appointed on a seasonal basis during production. The Artistic Director and
Executive Director (the Executive Team) lead the Senior Management Team which consists
 Kirstie Cusick, Head of Marketing and Communications (maternity cover)
 Lesley Davidson, General Manager
 Guy Hollands, Associate Director (Citizens Learning)
 Mags Smillie, Head of Finance
 Graham Sutherland, Head of Production.
The Company is one of Creative Scotland’s Foundation Organisations, and was recently
awarded a three year funding agreement with a core grant of £1,111,000 per year from
2015. It has also received core funding of £340,000 per annum for three years from the City
Council through Glasgow Life. In addition we have a successful Development Department
and Learning Department who have contributed 23% of income in 2013-14 from a range of
statutory bodies, trusts and foundations, sponsorship, individual donations and earned
income. In 2013-14 the organisation's turnover was £3,202,137.
Capital Redevelopment Project - building a theatre for the 21st century
The Citizens Theatre, which has remained in continuous use since it was built in 1878,
houses an impressive auditorium with many original features, as well as Scotland's oldest
and most complete surviving stage machinery and 19th century paint frames, which are still
in use today.
But the building is in poor physical condition. In 2011, a survey by Glasgow City Council
identified £4 million of urgent repairs due to structural deterioration of external walls,
significant rain water penetration, areas of rot infestation, inadequate heating, lighting and
electrical services and flooding in the basement. This, coupled with poor physical access
front and back of house, means that our artistic output, ambitions and opportunities are
becoming more and more restricted.
The redevelopment project will safeguard this iconic theatre and create a more efficient,
sustainable Citizens Theatre for future generations to enjoy. In particular it will:
 Conserve the historic auditorium and stage machinery, reconfigure rehearsal spaces,
and build new production and administration facilities in order to improve flexibility,
comfort and access, participants and staff;
 Create a new studio theatre and dedicated learning and community spaces which will
allow us to increase the number and diversity of people able to participate in activities
within the building;
 Develop a new foyer, box office, cafe, bar and other social areas which will enhance the
theatre-going experience and offer greater opportunities for income generation through
conferences and events, room hire and catering.
The £16.5 million project will be the first ever comprehensive, integrated redevelopment of
our Grade B listed building. Building work will begin in autumn 2016 and is scheduled to be
completed by early 2019. We will stay open throughout this time, continuing to deliver main
stage productions, learning and community projects. A full design team has been appointed
led by architects, Bennetts Associates, and RIBA Stage 3 is due to be completed by July
Team Structure
The Head of Development is responsible for three members of staff:
 Development Manager, who is responsible for events, major donors and supports
corporate fundraising for the capital campaign;
 Trusts and Foundations Manager, who is responsible for securing trust and foundation
income for revenue programmes;
 Development Assistant, who is responsible for data management, general
administration including the Friends' and Corporate Citizens programme, and research.
The post is supported by the Executive Director and the Artistic Director, who, in particular,
work closely with the Head of Development on the capital appeal.
Capital Campaign
The first phase of the fundraising campaign has resulted in securing pledges of £11.5 million
from the following sources:
 Glasgow City Council - £4 million
 Heritage Lottery Fund - £4.9 million (Round 2 application due August 2015)
 Creative Scotland - £1.5 million (Round 2 application due July 2015)
 Historic Scotland - £500,000
 Robertson Trust - £500,000
 Hugh Fraser Foundation - £100,000
Round 2 applications to Heritage Lottery Fund and Creative Scotland are being led by the
Executive Director with specialist consultant advice.
The Head of Development will lead the fundraising strategy for the project in collaboration
with the Board and the Executive Team. They will be responsible for securing the remaining
£5 million from:
 Statutory Sources (£3 million)
 Trusts and Foundations/Corporate Giving (£1.25 million)
 Major Donors/Alumni/Individuals/Events (£750,000)
Revenue Fundraising
The Company has a strong track record of revenue funding including:
 £100,000 p.a. from the Paul Hamlyn Foundation from 2013-18 to support a ticket
subsidy enabling marginalised communities to attend productions;
 £151,000 from the Scottish Government in 2015-16 to tackle issues of sectarianism in
primary schools in Renfrewshire (£199,000 - 2014-15; £203,000 - 2013-14);
 Approximately £75,000 per year from trusts to support outreach and training projects.
There is considerable scope to build on this with a wide range of exciting and innovative
programmes from the Artistic and Learning teams including:
 Innovative programme in prisons and residencies in women's centres;
Large scale productions in partnership with the Gorbals community;
Actor and Director internships, training and apprenticeships;
A range of programmes for young people and adults with learning disabilities;
Programmes to tackle sectarianism in schools.