News 20150326 - Princes Hill SC - Wiki


News 20150326 - Princes Hill SC - Wiki
Volume 5
Phone: 9389 0600
World Wide Web
26th March 2015
Fax: 9387 0108
Email: [email protected]
At the PHSC School Council meeting of 23rd March a new school council and officers were installed. My
tenure as school councillor and School Council President over the last four years ended also. I would like to
thank all fellow councillors who have served over this time and have provided intelligent and focused input
and work over this period. A few highlights in no specific order of importance come to mind.
The completion of a Master Plan for the college camp and Mirrimbah and consequent upgrade of
the facility which ensures Mirrimbah as a key resource and facility for the college’s future.
The solid and continued improvement in academic results across all years and particularly in the
VCE/VCAL senior years. This is the result of many strands of work across the college and its
curriculum and is of critical importance It remains the continued work and focus of all teachers and
support staff.
The installation of a new College Principal in Trevor Smith who has quickly and decisively taken up
the challenges of running our college. I would also like to acknowledge the leadership and friendship
of John Stone who served the College as Principal over most of my time on Council.
Over my period on Council I have been a proud and consistent advocate for public education. As parents
who send our children to PHSC where they are receiving an excellent education. In doing so we are all
supporting of public education. I would encourage you to continually actively advocate for public education
within your families, workplaces and communities.
Thank you again and I wish the new School Council and the college all the best in the coming years.
Paul Devereux.
Congratulations to Margaret Fry who has this week been provisionally appointed as full time ongoing
Assistant Principal. Margaret brings a wealth of experience and a record of achievement as Leading
Teacher and Acting Assistant Principal at Princes Hill. We are privileged to have the benefit of Margaret’s
expertise, insight and industry in our school community.
Our new School Council has met for the first time and we welcome the following office bearers and
Mark Wilkinson President
Baia Tsakouridou Vice President
Robert Trsan Treasurer
Brian Pender Minute taker
Catie Maher
Sue Finch
Sam Cunningham
Jon Phillips
Marcellene D’Menzie
Dani Crew
Margaret Fry
Imogen Fowler Steen
Rob Chambers
Trevor Smith
(Co-opted Community Member)
(Co-opted Community Member)
(Student member)
(Student member)
(Principal, Executive Officer)
Council welcomes involvement in its subcommittees that meet approximately once a month.
The subcommittees are:
Education Margaret Fry [email protected]
Building and Grounds Brian Pender [email protected]
Finance Trevor Smith [email protected]
Fundraising, Events & Community Connection Trevor Smith [email protected]
If you are interested in participating in a subcommittee please contact the person indicated.
Trevor Smith
College Principal
We have been advised that there are some cases of head lice within the school.
Advice from the Department of Health Victoria relating to finding and treating head lice can be found in
the PDF or the internet link below.
treating headlice.pdf
Brian Pender
College Assistant Principal
School Tours for Grade 6 students wanting to attend Princes Hill Secondary College in 2016 continue every
Wednesday and Thursday, and Wednesday and Thursday of the first 2 weeks in term 2. Tours will begin at
9:00am, so if attending, please arrive by 8:50am.
As these tours can fill up, it is important to book through the General Office on (03) 9389 0600.
Please note that these tours are for grade 6 students and their guardians only. If you want to visit the
school but your child is not in grade 6, an Info Night will be scheduled to occur on April 29th.
2 Gold medals at National Championships!
Last week, year 8 student Tim Dodd competed at the Australian Junior Athletics Championships.
In the U15 400m, Tim ran 51.84sec, winning the gold medal. He also won gold in the U15 High Jump, where
he jumped a PB of 1.81m.
Congratulations to Tim on this outstanding achievement.
Princes Hill Debating teams are in full swing for the 2015 interschool Competition. Year 11’s Ella Smith,
Sarah Becarri and Ben Gerster had a forfeit by the opposing team but still gave their speeches to the
adjudicator and had someone to one feedback on the topic, “ That women should pay less tax” arguing the
affirmative side. Ella Smith received best speaker so well done.
We have three teams competing in D grade, team 1 having a bye this round. Team 2, Joe and Sam
Ronfeldt, Joseph Rowan and were supported by Jasmine De Palma and Spencer Durham, did so well but
were just pipped at the post by Strathmore Secondary on the topic “ that magazines should ban photo
editing” and argued on the affirmative side. Team 3 Tomi Randall, Charlie Gill and Clem Lazzaro won their
first debate on the same topic on the negative side. Charlie Gill received best speaker award.
Well done to all for a fabulous start to the competition. It is always a pleasure to work with students who
are keen on sharing, collaborating and arguing about their views on the world. Parents and friends are
always welcome to watch, please email me for details. The junior competition for years 7 and 8 will begin
in June so look out for details then.
Bianca Carr
The Maths Faculty would be most grateful to hear from parents who would be happy to assist students
from Years 7 to 9 with maths.
If you are able to volunteer your time please contact Elle Borgese [email protected]\
Maths students from Year 7 to 10 who enjoy problem solving activities are encouraged to enter the Maths
Challenge. This is an Australia-wide extension activity run by the Australian Mathematics Trust. The
Challenge runs for three weeks from Monday 27th April until Friday 15th May. The Challenge has an entry
fee of $22.00 which must be paid before Friday 27th March (last day of term one).
For more information please follow the link:
Middle school downhill ski / snowboard camp
There is significant interest in the downhill ski/snowboarding camp for 2015. To secure a position on the
camp students will need to pay a non-refundable deposit by the Friday 17th April 2015. There are 32
positions available.
The camp will be the week starting Monday the 27th of July to Friday the 31st of July 2015. We will be
staying at Alkira Lodge . This is a self-catering arrangement so students will be
involved in food preparation and cooking. The camp is designed for any level of skier/ boarder.
The cost of the camp is $795 (based on 32 students)
All food, transport, accommodation, ski hire, lift tickets, 2-hour lesson and lunch for each day (Day 2, 3 and
4) are included in this cost.
Travel to and from Mt Buller will be by coach leaving Princes Hill Secondary College at 9.00 am on Monday
the 27th of July and return on Friday 31st July.
Pay at the main officePlease ensure the payment envelope clearly states payment for Middle school downhill ski camp.
Annette Steinfort
Organising Teacher
[email protected]
The library was delighted to host the author of ‘Runner’, Robert Newton, on Tuesday 17th March. His audience of Year 8 students were captivated
by his stories Squizzy Taylor, Richmond in 1919, and the inspiration behind his wonderful works of historical fiction. He shared with us his passion
for writing, and gave tips for writing a novel and developing characters.
On Tuesday 17th March, Robert Newton came to speak to us about his novel Runner. He also talked a bit
about his life. He was a very good speaker. He explained the interesting and funny story of how he first
became an author, and eventually became a very successful one. He works for the metropolitan fire
brigade and he has for many years. He told some stories about his work life, some were quite tragic. He
told us about some of his new ideas. Robert helped us to see Runner from his perspective, which was very
interesting. He told us about some good writing techniques such as never over-researching. I think most of
my classmates would agree that it was great to hear from the author of Runner. Most of us enjoyed his
book whilst studying it this term.
Timothy Dodd 8C
Bendigo Senior Secondary College has launched a free app for young people and students looking for work.
MYJOB features templates for cover letters, resumes, tips on preparing for interviews, information on how
to get a tax file number, advice on becoming work ready and a jobs board.
The school won $10,000 in prize money at the Victorian Education Excellence Awards in 2011 in the
Outstanding Education Support Team category and decided to create an app that would benefit students.
The app is the result of hard work and enthusiasm from school staff and local app designers.
‘We wanted to create an app that would empower students to take charge of their career and job search,’
designer Dave Hanson said.
MYJOB is available from the iTunes App store and Google Play. The app aims make the transition from
school to work easier and give students the knowledge and confidence to achieve their goals.
Congratulations to PHSC student Noah Ellis (Year 12, 2014) on being selected to show his Media production
at the 2015 Top Designs exhibition.
Noah's work is a hand drawn, etched and printed graphic novel titled 'Red Star, Black Cross', which "is
based on an extract from the memoirs of Anna Timofeeva-Egorova. it details one of the experiences she
has as the first woman to fly an IL-2 Sturmovik into action during World War II on the Eastern Front."
Top Designs showcases the work Victoria's best design students.
It is held at the Melbourne Museum and runs from 22 March - 16 July 2015.
- Rahne Widarsito
Mr Camilleri and Ms Ethell have decided, in response to student requests, to run a lunchtime discussion
group on topics of philosophical interest, on Tuesday lunchtimes, beginning Term 2, in Room 318 if
possible. They will be open to any interested student.
We will take alternate weeks and are open to suggestions as to topics to be discussed.\
Hear from returned students, find out more about discounts and scholarships available and have your
questions answered
Wednesday, 25th March - 7.30pm
Radisson on Flagstaff Gardens
380 William Street
Visit or call 1300 135 331 for more information
Term 1 & 2 2015
Thursday 26th March Classes until lunchtime.
Parent Teacher interviews 2-7.00pm
Friday 27th March Last Day of Term 1
Monday 13th April Term 2 commences
Wednesday 15th April State Swimming
Monday 20th-Wednesday 22nd April Music Camp
EAL Camp
Thursday 23rd April Senior Sports Day
Year 12 Theatre Studies and Drama Excursion to MTC
Tuesday 28th April Music Camp Concert
Friday 1st April Generations in Jazz Camp
A full calendar can be found on the School Website.
To contact a teacher the email address is: [email protected]