Here - Crystal River Ranch


Here - Crystal River Ranch
Crystal River Ranch News
62201 Meadow Way E, Greenwater, WA 98022
Board Meeting Minutes for April 18th, 2015
Steve Lewis called the meeting to order at 4:05pm.
Members present: Robert Copeland, Paul Cooke, Steve Lewis, Jody Prusi, Diane Thompson,
Karl Goeres, Brian Miller, Cindy Hieggelke, Teresa Steel and caretaker Jim McKinley. Members
Absent: None. Also present: Wendy Scholl, Jim Harte and Tom Thompson.
Minutes from the March 21st, 2015 meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer’s Report (Teresa Steel)
Checking Account
Money Market
6 Month Water CD
Water Reserve CD
Capital Reserve CD
March Expenses
209 out of 240 lots have paid their 2015 Assessments.
Caretaker’s Report (Jim McKinley)
Security – No issues since the last Board meeting.
Maintenance – Jim fixed the light in the CRR community center.
Mail Boxes – Please review with Jim prior to buying / installing a locking mail box. Replacement
cannot be larger than a regular sized mail box. The Board is researching various options and
will provide recommendation in May / June.
Water System – All working well, no new leaks.
Abandoned Vehicles – Jim contacted Pierce County about abandoned vehicles located on a
property in foreclosure process that have not moved for several years. Pierce County advised
they will review the property and provide feedback to Jim on action, if any.
Commission Reports
Water & Facilities (Karl Goeres)
Jim McKinley and Bill Steel have completed an extensive search for information pertinent to the
Small Water Management Plan. They will have several internal reviews of the plan prior to
submitting to the Board for review / approval.
Architectural Control (Brian Miller)
One ACC permit was requested and approved to remove a tree that was at risk of falling on a
structure. Property owners who will be removing trees that are at risk of blow-down (after the
Hancock timber harvest) are requested to submit for an ACC permit.
Shoreline Stabilization Project (Wendy Scholl)
Lawrence Dominquez, Sr. Aquatic Ecologist submitted a technical report providing vane site
monitoring reference points and undisturbed left and right bank survey data:
Box Gardens (Frank Nemeth via Diane Thompson)
All except three of the previous years’ box garden owners have stated their interest in using the
box gardens again this year. Frank is waiting on response from final three.
Old Business
Bike Terrain Course – The Board is waiting for a plan to be submitted for review / approval.
Board discussion and approval will include an assessment of liability assumed by CRR, and to
ensure planned course within 200’ shoreline buffer will comply with state regulations.
Timber Harvest – Hancock is estimating at least another month before submitting their forest
practice harvest application to Dept of Natural Resources (DNR). A group of CRR Rd property
owners sent a letter early April to Hancock and DNR regarding high water table and wind throw
hazard tree concerns regarding clear-cutting adjacent to their properties. Sean Greif, Hancock
Forester informed Wendy 4/16 via phone that a geotechnical / hydrology expert assessed the
FS 74 area of concern. The assessed results he said positively support Hancock clear-cutting
the corridor section between FS 75 and FS74. Hancock is in process of getting another
geotechnical expert for a 2nd opinion. Wendy has requested Hancock provide copies of the
technical reports.
Recreational Shooting – Road FS 70 Quarry Shooting Pit is a Hazard Toxic Site: The
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends total body protection if involved in any
activity when heavy metal lead exceeds 2,000+ parts per million (ppm). FS 70 shooting pit soil
is 3,020 ppm heavy metal lead. This has been formally reported to Dept of Ecology. April 4th
Forest Service personnel and volunteers did a terrific clean-up of surface debris filling a huge 30
yard dumpster (22 'long x 8' wide x 6' high). A few locals participated. Wendy Scholl has offered
to lead and organize a future clean-up effort at the FS 7013 shooting location. There is positive
planning and support from the Forest Service regional Portland office. Allocated forest service
resources are now planned to provide education / communication articles distributed to shooting
groups, post increased signage and accomplish saturated enforcement during a few high use
dates this year. Regarding political support, the following are portions of an email to Wendy
Scholl from Chris Hurst, 31st District Representative: "I met with James Hubbard, Deputy Chief
of the US Forest Service and we discussed the lack of progress on enacting enforcement
processes out here in our area and I am pleased that he is very interested in helping. I also told
him that I will be talking with Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell on the inaction we have
been experiencing, as well as the lack of consistency, and concern about the lead
contamination issues. The absence of action is a travesty, to say the least. We not only need
critical steps to be taken, but a measure of accountability for why this has taken so long."
Additional email content here:
New Business - None
Three CRR Board positions are open and will be voted on at the May 16th Board meeting.
Active community participation is appreciated. Interest form:
Saturday May 16th 12:00 PM is the annual CRR potluck BBQ at the CRR community center.
Board meeting will start at 2:00 PM. All lot owners please come, enjoy the fun and bring a food
Side dish
Meeting was adjourned at 5:15 pm.