Announcements - Cuningham Memorial


Announcements - Cuningham Memorial
Rev Dr David Murphy
Cuningham Memorial
Presbyterian Church
Associate Minister
Rev David McGaughey
To Our Corporate
Worship Services Today,
May you know the reality of God’s
presence as you worship with us.
We would like to extend a very warm welcome to you.
If you are a visitor we hope you enjoy your time with us and that you will return again soon.
If you are new to the congregation we encourage you to make yourself known to any of our
stewards or one of our ministerial team. Should you require any details about the
congregation please do not hesitate to ask or to make use of the information cards, which
are available in the vestibule areas of the Church.
The Shorter Catechism.
Question 95:
To whom is baptism to be administered?
Answer: Baptism is not to be administered to any that are out of the
visible church, till they profess their faith in Christ, and obedience to
him; but the infants of such as are members of the visible church, are to
be baptized.
1) So those who received his word were baptized,
(Acts 2:41a)
2) And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the
name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the
gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is for you and for your children and for all
who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself.”
(Acts 2:38,39)
Services Today 10th May 2015
Sunday School at 10.30am in the Church Hall
Prayer Meetings: 10.45am & 5.30pm in Cuningham Room 2
11.30am: Rev David McGaughey
6.00pm: Rev Dr David Murphy
Children’s Church: In the Cuningham Suite.
10 May: R. Evans, E. Stevenson, S. Campbell
17 May: C. Anderson, E. Stevenson, S. Campbell
Creche: in the Creche Room, Cuningham Suite.
10 May: E. Henry, S. Harkin, A. Harbinson
17 May: E. Henry, S. Harkin, S. Hutchinson
Foyer Duties: In the Cuningham Suite. (Morning & Evening)
10 May: G. Reaney
17 May: E. Hook
Flower Arrangements:
10 May: Mrs J. Cathcart
17 May: Mrs Hazel McMillan
Squirrels: 6.30-7.30pm in the Church Hall. Boys aged 4-6 are welcome.
Beavers: 6.30-7.30pm in the Church Hall. Boys aged 6-8 are welcome.
Guides: 7.30-9.00pm in the Church Hall. Girls aged 10-14 are welcome.
Holiday Bible Club Planning Meeting: 8.00pm in the Cuningham Suite.
Bowls: at 8.00pm in the Church Hall.
Prayer Meeting: from 6.45am to 7.30am in the Church Hall.
Brownies: 6.30pm-7.55pm in the Church Hall. Girls aged 7-10 welcome.
Midweek Service: 8.00pm in the Cuningham Room. You are warmly invited to
join with us for our time of praise, bible study and prayer.
Rev Dr David Murphy will be continuing his series on 1John. All welcome.
Parents & Toddlers: 10.00am – 12 Noon in the Church Hall.
Rainbows: 6.30pm-7.30pm in the Church Hall. Girls aged 4-7 welcome.
Cubs: 6.30pm-8.00pm in the Church Hall. Boys aged 7½ to 11 welcome.
Encounter: at 8.00pm in the Church Hall Coffee Bar. Everyone 18+ welcome.
Scouts: 8.15pm-10.00pm in the Church Hall. Boys aged 10½+ welcome.
More Events & Information
Christian Aid Week
Christian Aid Week runs from 10th to 16th May but please note that there will
be no door to door collections this year. If you would like to support the work
of Christian Aid there are envelopes available in the pews today and we ask
that these are returned no later than Sunday 24th May. Thank You.
Polar Explorers Holiday Bible Club – 20th to 24th July 2015
A planning meeting will be held this Monday, 11th May, at 8pm in the
Cuningham Suite to prepare for this summer’s morning bible club. If you are
interested in helping please come along to this meeting. If you require more
information please contact Gillian Finnegan.
Ruling Elders Fellowship
The next meeting of the Ruling Elders Fellowship will be held this Monday,
11th May, at 8.00pm.
Venue……………………….Ballykeel Church
Speaker……………………..Rev Graeme Orr
The Encounter group meets this Friday, 15th May, at 8pm in the Church Hall
Coffee Bar. The focus for this year’s studies is 1 Corinthians and anyone aged
18+ is welcome to come along to study God’s word whilst enjoying some
warm fellowship together.
Summer Outreach – Sign Up Sheets
Sign up sheets have been placed in the Cuningham Suite for the various
Summer Outreach activities. We would ask anyone interested in helping out at
any of these events to put their name on the sheets in order that we can make
plans accordingly.
These events only take place with the help of everyone in the Congregation
and are an important part of our ministry to reach out to the community in the
local area with God's word. We need your help to run these events
successfully and we can never have too many people so please do not think
that there are plenty of others and that you will not be required. You may feel
that your talents will be of no help but we can assure you that even the
smallest amount of help will be appreciated and that a suitable task can be
found to match all ages and physical ability. The pouring of a drink can be just
as important as some heavy manual work and every bit as much appreciated.
We realise and do not expect that everyone will be available for all events or
every day of all events but we would ask that even if you can only give some
time that you consider giving the time you can. A couple of hours on a day can
be of great help in giving someone a helping hand or a break.
Taking part in these events can be rewarding in many ways, from the
knowledge that you are helping in some small way to try to reach out to the
local community and your neighbours with the wonderful message of
salvation, to the Fellowship of working to such a cause with others from your
Church family.
Moderator’s Appeal – Nepal
Below is a letter issued by the Presbyterian Moderator calling for our financial
support in assisting the millions affected by the devastation caused by the
recent earthquake in Nepal.
It is our intention, as a congregation, to support the Presbyterian Church in
this appeal and to enable you to do so we will provide envelopes in the pews
next Sunday (17th May). Using these envelopes will help us to maximise our
collective contribution by allowing us to make use of the Gift Aid Scheme.
(cheques are to be made payable to “Cuningham Memorial Presbyterian Church”)
We encourage all our members to give as generously as possible and we ask
that all donations are returned no later than Sunday, 31st May.
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or
under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Cor 9:7)
Presbyterian Church in Ireland – Moderator launches Special Appeal for Nepal
On Saturday 25 April we awoke to News of the devastating impact of a major
earthquake, 7.8 in magnitude, in Nepal. The magnitude of this disaster is still being
assessed with cities badly damaged, hillside villages decimated, and some rural areas still
completely cut off by avalanches. It is estimated that some eight million people have
been directly impacted by the quake which had its epicentre in Gorkha District,
northwest of Nepal’s capital, Kathmandu. Over the past few days the death-toll has been
mounting, with more than 5,000 people killed, a figure that is likely to rise significantly.
Tens of thousands have been made homeless, and more than one and a half million
people are in need of emergency food aid. A series of strong aftershocks have left many
sleeping out of doors in fear of the collapse of buildings.
Given the scale of this disaster, and following consultation with colleagues, today I am
launching a special Moderator’s Appeal towards the emergency relief effort, and would
take the opportunity to encourage our members to respond in a generous and timely
way, just as you have on many previous occasions… In anticipation of your generous
response we are immediately releasing £60,000 (€83,740) to be distributed to PCI’s
partners, Christian Aid, Tearfund, and the United Mission to Nepal. Each of these
agencies are already actively engaged in deploying emergency response teams on the
ground, working with a range of local partners well placed to ensure that your
contributions are used wisely to provide medical assistance, food, clean water
emergency shelter, and blankets to the most vulnerable. In addition to providing this
emergency response, PCI’s partners are committed to the longer-term challenge of
supporting the Nepali people in rebuilding their lives. Please do continue to pray and
contribute generously that we may play our part in saving lives and restoring hope to the
people of Nepal.
Yours in Christ,
Rt Rev Dr Michael Barry
Next Sunday 17th May 2015
Sunday School at 10.30am in the Church Hall
Prayer Meetings: 10.45am & 5.30pm in Cuningham Room 2
11.30am: Rev Dr David Murphy
6.00pm: Rev David McGaughey