- CS DAV Public School
- CS DAV Public School
C S DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL, MOTIHARI HOME ASSIGNMENT (SUMMER VACATION – 2015-16) Instruction – Write the answers of the following questions in a separate Note Book meant for Home Assignment. oxZ&3 ¼laxhr½ iz01- ik¡p ok| ;a= dkfp= cuk,A iz02- nksgoklsctusokys ok| ;a= dkukefy[ksaA iz03- nkspeM+sls e<+s gq, ok| ;a=k dkukefy[ksaA ART & Craft CLASS :- III 1. What is definition of primary colour? name them. 2. What is definition of secondary colour? name them. 3. Draw a picture of Peacock and give shade with colour . SUBJECT: English Std-III Name: F.M.Roll No.- ____________ Sec.- Q-1 Learn Noun. Q-2 Learn replacing words. Q-3 Learn question answer of the chapter-Dolphin. SUBJECT: Physical Education Name: Std-III Roll No.- ____________ Q-1 Prepare field of “cricket” and write measurement of the field Q-2 Write any five “Cricket stadium” name in India. Q-3 Write the name of four exercises. Q-4 Write three yogasan name. F.M.Sec.- SUBJECT: G.K. Std-III Name: F.M.- Roll No.- ____________ Sec.- Q-1 How do you prevent yourself from earthquake? Q-2 Write page no-2 in your note book. Q-3 Learn page no-1 to 4. SUB:- MATHS Q1. Write and learn table of 12 to 15. Q2. Write number names of the following : (a) 7628 (b) 5720 (c) 5005 Q3. Find the sum of the following : (a) Greatest 4-digit and smallest 3-digit number (b) Greatest 3-digit and greatest 2-digit number Q4. Arrange in column and add : (a) 3456 and 2423 (b) 1002 and 3467 SUB:- E.V.S & SCIENCE (c) 4567 and 2321 CLASS:-3 1. Draw or paste five types of leaves. 2. Write the name & functions of our sense organs. 3. Write the name of different types of plants with example. SUBJECT: S.st. Name: Q-1 Draw a family tree. Q-2 Define a family. Q-3 Where our needs are fullfield? Std-III Roll No.- ____________ F.M.Sec.- Computer (i) Draw printer. (ii) Write different between headphone & speaker. (iii) Write different type of keyboard.