+ CLASS - XI/ZOOLOGY HUMAN NUTRITION Prof.Dr. R.S. Dhote Class : XI TOPIC : SUMMARY OF HUMAN NUTRITION DIGESTION OF FOOD IN ORAL CAVITY : Starch Ptyalin → α - Dextrin + Isomaltose + Maltose. DIGESTION IN STOMACH : pepsin Pepsinogen (proenzyme) Prorennin HCl → Rennin (proenzyme) Casein Rennin → Paracasein (Milk protein) Paracasein + Ca → Calcium paracaseinate (curd) Calcium paracaseinate peptones - Starch - B . Proteins Pepsin → peptones DIGESTION IN SMALL INTESTINE : Digestion of Carbohydrates : Maltase Pepsin - Dextrinase ααHCl → → → → Action of Pancreatic juice : Pancreatic amylase converts starch in to maltose, isomaltose and dextrin panreatic S . C . Maltose + Isomaltose + α - Dextrins Action of intestinal juice - Intestinal juice contains maltase, isomaltase, sucrase, lactase and Dextrinase which act as follows : Glucose + Glucose Maltose -amylase D . . - Isomaltose Isomaltase → Glucose + Glusose Sucrase Sucrose → Glucose + Fructose (i) - Lactose Lactase → Glucose + Galactose Glucose α - Dextrins Digestion of Proteins : Action of pancreatic juice : Pancreatic juice contains proenzymes trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen, elastase and procarboxypeptidase. se Trypsinogen Enterokina → Trypsin (proenzyme) Chymotrypsinogen Trypsin → Chymotrypsins (proenzyme) Procarboxypeptidase Trypsin → Carboxypeptidase (proenzyme) Peptones Trypsin → Large peptides D Dr. Dhote-Shirsat’s Biology Classes, Latur 1 Office : (02382) 242430 + CLASS - XI/ZOOLOGY HUMAN NUTRITION Elastin Elastase → Large peptides in Peptones Chymotryps → Large peptides (ii) - - Large peptides Carboxypep tidases → Dipeptides + Amino acids Action of intestinal juice : Peptides Aminopepti dases → Dipeptides + Amino acids Dipeptidas es Dipeptides → Amino acids Digestion of Fats : Bile salts namely sodium glycocholate and sodium taurocholate reduce the surface tension of large fat droplets and break them into small ones. The process is ‘Emulsification’. The small droplets present large surface area to Lipase Triglycerides Bile salts → emulsified Triglycerides Pancreatic juice - It contains pancreatic lipase, which is the principal fat - digesting enzyme. It hydrolyses fats in 3 stages. In the first stage (I), lipase separates one fatty acid molecule, changing the emulsified triglyceride into a diglyceride. In the second stage (II), the diglyceride is broken down into another fatty acid molecule and a monoglyceride. In the third stage (III), the monoglyceride is hydrolysed to another fatty acid molecule and a glycerol molecules. Triglyceride Pancreatic Lipase Diglyceride + Fatty Acid..............I Pancreatic Lipase S . Monoglyceride + Fatty Acid .........II Pancreatic Lipase D . B . C . . Glycerol + Fatty Acid................III Schematic representation of digestion of triglycerides I) DIGESTION OF NUCLEIC ACIDS : Pancreatic juice - It contains two enzymes : DNAase and RNAase, which act as follows; DNA DNase → Deoxyribonucleotides II) D RNA RNase → Ribonucleotides Intestinal juice - It contains enzymes ; nucleotidases and nucleosidases which act as under Nucleotides (Deoxyribonucleotides Nucleosides ses Nucleotida → Nucleosides + Inorganic phosphate or Ribonucleotides) (Deoxyribonucleosides or Ribonucleosides) ses Nucleosida → Nitrogenous bases + Pentose sugar (Deoxyribonucleosides or Ribonucleosides) Dr. Dhote-Shirsat’s Biology Classes, Latur (Purines/Pyrimidines) (Deoxyribose/Ribose) 2 Office : (02382) 242430