News letter - Dekorra Lutheran Church


News letter - Dekorra Lutheran Church
Dekorra Lutheran Church
N3099 Smith Road, Poynette, WI 53955 - Ph: (608) 635-7200
E-Mail Address: [email protected]
Web Page Address:
Ryan Rouse, Pastor Cell Phone: (608) 566-4365
E-Mail: [email protected]
July 2015 Newsletter
From The Pastor…
A couple of days ago when I was getting ready for work I heard our doorbell ring. After glancing at our
alarm clock, and noticing that it was only about 9’oclock in the morning, I began to wonder who could be
stopping by at that hour. Throwing on a shirt I headed downstairs with our dogs to see who was at the front
door, and to let them out, and I found our front porch empty. As I let the animals outside from our backdoor
I noticed two middle aged ladies approaching my neighbor’s house and when they saw me they asked if I
had a relationship with Jesus and wanted to know if I read the Bible. I must admit that as a Pastor I found
their questioning and interrogation a bit odd and slightly humorous, but it also made me think about
outreach and evangelism.
If like me, you take the time to study the Bible and could answer the ladies questions about Jesus
and scripture with a yes, then perhaps you are aware of how Jesus sent his disciples out two by two to share
the Gospel with others. Although I applaud the two women for stopping by to talk about their faith, and to
ask me about mine, I must be honest and admit that I was kind of put off by their approach. First of all I felt
like they were invading my privacy, and second of all since it was the morning, and I was in the middle of
getting ready for work, I was a bit irritated at the interruption despite the good intentions behind it. I began
to wonder why they had chosen that particular time to go door to door (aren’t most people at work or
getting ready for work), and I began to question the effectiveness of their evangelism technique.
Don’t get me wrong, in this day and age with attendance declining in most mainline denominations,
and with more and more people claiming to have no religious affiliation, I firmly believe we need to do
outreach and share Christ and our faith with others. I do think that perhaps there are other more effective
ways to do this. Maybe instead of going out door to door (two by two) we should all focus on getting to
know our neighbors and find out what their needs might be, without having any type of agenda on our part
that might involve filling up our church pews or becoming more financially viable as a congregation.
Perhaps we need to work on the spiritual health and wellness of the friends and members of Dekorra so that
we can learn to demonstrate that having a relationship with Jesus does actually make a difference in our
daily lives. Maybe we need to discover ways to ignite the curiosity of others so that when they witness the
power of Christ in our lives they can’t help but try it out for themselves.
In the book of Exodus before Moses confronts Pharaoh with the seventh plague, God informs
Moses, “This is why I have let you live: to show you my power, and to make my name resound through all
the earth.” Similarly, I believe that we have all been saved by the grace and the mercy of Jesus so that we
too might demonstrate to our friends, neighbors, communities, country, and world, the power of God’s
unconditional and sacrificial love for his creation. I believe that if we can truly live our lives allowing God
to work through us in how we interact with others, in every kind word, in every caring action, then perhaps
his name will indeed be known all over the earth!
Summer Blessings,
Pastor Ryan
Don’t forget Vacation Bible School will be happening this month! If you have a child in Prek-6 th
grade we hope that you will consider enrolling them. The dates are from July 19 th until July 23rd. Also, if
you would like to help out and be part of our staff for this incredible event please let Pastor Ryan or Monice
Knuteson know as soon as possible.
Council President’s Report….
July 2015
As I write this it is June 23rd and Dottie and I are just back from our trip to
Indianapolis to see the Grand kids. It was a great trip and we got to see a
lot of kid’s baseball games in spite of a lot of rain. This morning I called
Terry to see how we did this last Sunday and it appears that we were not
alone in our travel plans. Attendance at this last Sunday’s service was only
85 and the offering was $1500. YIKES!! We cannot continue to operate at
that level of “giving”! I understand that people take vacations that are well
deserved breaks from the everyday hassles of life and there is a definite
need to refresh and rejuvenate so that we can come back and do better.
However “YOUR” church is still here and needs your financial support
every week. One very simple way of making sure that you continue to
support “YOUR” church while you are away is to sign up for “Auto Giving”.
You can elect to give any amount you wish, even less per week then you
are now giving and I guarantee that by the end of the year you will have
given more. Terry has the forms that you would need to fill out and the
withdrawal can come from either checking or savings. This summer
please take the time to enjoy all that God has given us and remember to
give thanks by remembering “YOUR” church.
[email protected]
Bible Study
Wednesday, July 1
1:00 pm Bible Study (Hope)
Tuesday, July 14
1:00 pm Bible Study (Joy)
Thursday, July 16
7:00 pm Bible Study (Faith)
Please Remember in Your
Prayers: Arlene Dalen (sister of
Bev Trygstad); Carla Drake
(sister of Ted Koch); Liz
Schlender (sister of June Fiske);
Sloan Patrick Schutz (great
grandson of June Fiske); Pete
Taylor; Matilyn Parker;
Christopher Hehl; Betty Prucha;
LeRoy Breneman (brother of
June Fiske); Joyce Frahm (sister
of Joanne Johnson); Holli Judd
(daughter of Chuck & Penny
Judd); Kristen Armstrong
granddaughter of Barb & Bruno
Kalan); Ralph Jesse; Christine
Rasmussen; James McGinnity
(son-in-law of Aileen Brager).
Please Pray for Those
Serving our Country in
the Military:
Phillip Kamps, Alex
Kamps (nephews of Kathy
Pederson); Kent Riedel; Deontá
Backovitch; Nicholas Paske
(great-nephew of June Fiske);
Dustin Hoiten (nephew of Ted
Koch); Bill Warren (son of Cheryl
Lytle); Charles Judd (nephew of
Chuck & Penny Judd); Quinten
Case (great-nephew of June Fiske;
James Wampole (nephew of Gene
& Betty Hehl); Moira McCormack,
(granddaughter of Renate Lokotz).
Dekorra Women of the ELCA…
**Please note** New dates and times for the July and August Women’s
(Faith) Bible Study! The new dates and times are July 16th at 7:00pm and
August 20th at 7:00pm at the church.
Summer Picnic August 16 - The Evangelism committee would like to
invite everyone to the annual church picnic on Sunday, August 16 following
the outdoor church service. The Dekorra Men for Christ are supplying the
burgers, brats and hotdogs. There will be sweet corn, too. Please bring a
dish to pass.
Upcoming events
July 11 --- Dekorra Women Quarterly Meeting
Sept 26 – Baraboo Conference Meeting at Dekorra Church
Greeting Cards – We have many new cards, on both sides of the rack in
the fellowship hall. Several boxes are marked for $.50 per card. If you only
need one card, take it from the boxes marked $.50 each and not the boxes
marked $4.50 per box. There is also a large box on the coffee shelf with
cards for $.50 each. This is the same price as the Dollar Store! If you buy a
box of cards at $4.50, that is less than $.38 per card. What a bargain for
beautiful cards!!
Missing Glass Bowl
A very sentimental anniversary gift given many years ago is missing. The
bowl is glass with 3 glass legs. It was left in the kitchen after an OWLS
luncheon. The owner of this bowl wants
it back, so if you have seen it or know where it might be please drop the
bowl off at the Church Office or leave it on the kitchen counter, no
questions asked. Thank You.
NORTHWOODS Inc. is teaming up with the Driftless Area Repertory
Theater to raise funds to support their sheltered workshops which provide
employment opportunities to intellectually and physically disabled people
in our area; and, in so doing, will enable Northwoods, Inc. to become less
dependent on government funding. Together they are starting a new “funraising” dinner theater project at their location in the Northwoods Banquet
Hall two miles south of Portage on Highway 51. (This is one of the local
non-profit organizations that has received support from the Dekorra
Mission Endowment.
present four productions, “Nunsense” in June, “Don’t Hug Me” in
September, “Escanaba in da Moonlight” in November and “Sorry, Wrong
Chimney” in December. There is a poster with more information on the
bulletin board in the hallway by the restrooms. For a great meal and a great
show, reasonably priced, contact them at 608-566-7138. Let’s give them
our support!
Vacation Bible School 2015
Everest, Conquering Challenges with God’s
Mighty Power
kids overcome obstacles with God's awesome power. Anchor kids in rock-solid Bible truths that will guide them
through life's challenges.
At Everest vacation Bible school, kids experience God's Word in surprising and unforgettable ways! Each day,
leaders reinforce one simple Bible truth—which makes it easy for kids to remember and apply to real life! On
Day 1, we will learn how God has the power to provide, and learn about the bible story where God provided for
Elijah. Each day kids will meet a new “Bible Buddy”, like Klymer, the snow leopard and
Vacation Bible School
July 19-23, 2015
5:30 – 8:00 p.m.
All children 4 years of age through those going into 6th grade are welcome!
Registration fee is $10.00 per child (no more than $20.00 per family).
Scholarships are available. Contact Monice for more information (566-5900).
Registration Form – One (1) Child Per Grade
Child’s Name ____________________________________________________
Date of Birth _______________ Place of Birth ________________________
Grade (going into) _____
Your church name _______________________ Have you been baptized? ___ Yes ___ No
Parent(s) Name _________________________________________ Home Phone ____________________
Home & Mailing Address _________________________________________________________________
City ____________________________ State __________ Zip Code _____________
Parent(s) Work Place & City _______________________________ Business Phone __________________
Emergency Person to call if unable to contact parents (please list relationship) _______________________
________________________ Please list any allergies: ________________
Phone ___________________
Please check all days your child will attend Vacation Bible School:
___ Sunday
___ Monday
___ Wednesday
___ Thursday
Lodi Summer School Lunch Program
Dekorra will be joining other area churches again this year with the school lunch program for students
in summer school at the Lodi High School. Our week to prepare and serve lunches is
July 6 – July 9. A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board for those who are able to help out. The proceeds
from the Easter Breakfast ($522.00) will go to the lunch program and Thrivent is also donating $250.
The total amount to be donated to this program is $722.00.
*Please note that in the May newsletter it was stated that half of the proceeds from the Easter Breakfast
would go to the lunch program and half to the new roof. The Council voted to donate the entire amount
to the lunch program.
Poynette Area Family Fun Festival July 25 - The Poynette Festival Committee is challenging
area congregations to participate in a “Holy Rollers Bed Race”. Dekorra Lutheran Church will
be participating in the bed race. Prizes will be awarded for the winner, best decorated, best
name (of the bed) and more! The festival will also have a kiddie and youth parade, bouncy house,
concessions, human foosball game, car show, bake and plant sale, and much more! Watch for further
Canoe Trip - Youth and families are encouraged to participate in a canoe day-trip to Ontario,
Wisconsin on August 2. This event is being held in conjunction with the men's group. Children
entering 7th grade and older may participate individually, or any age when accompanied by
Parent/guardian. Cost is $15 per person, which covers canoe rental and lunch. If cost is a
burden, sponsorship is available. Please mark it on your calendar and watch for the sign-up
sheet at church.
Blood Drive at Dekorra – Save the Date!
Monday, July 27th, we are having a blood drive. Donation hours are 1:00 – 6:00 pm. We need
volunteers to help set up (12:30) and take down (after 6:00 pm). Volunteers are also needed to
make baked goods and snacks for the donors.
For an appointment call RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or If you have
any questions about donating be sure to call the Red Cross at the number above.
The next Blood Drive at Dekorra will be on Monday, December 7th.
New Worship Assistant Gowns – The old Worship Assistant gowns were getting worn out and
needed to be replaced. Thanks to an anonymous Dekorra Church member for the gift that
made this purchase possible. God Bless!
Auto Giving
Enjoy the convenience of recurring donations through Auto Giving! No need to worry about
forgetting your envelope at home or while on vacation, you can choose between weekly,
monthly, the day of the month for the funds to come to the church. Call the church office at
635-7200 for more information.